EleventhSundayinOrdinaryTime June12,2016 Bronx, New York HOLY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 8:00 a.m. (Italian), 9:00 a.m. (English) 5:30 p.m. (Albanian), 7:00 p.m. (English) Sunday: 8:00 a.m. (Italian), 9:00 a.m. (Spanish - Auditorium) 9:15 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12 noon (English), 1:15 p.m. (Spanish) 12 noon (Creole - Chapel in Center) Weekdays: 8:00 a.m. (Italian), 9:00 a.m. (English), Thursdays: 7:00 p.m. (Spanish) Eucharistic Adoration: Monday-Friday 9:30-11:00 a.m., Thursday 5:30-7:00 p.m., Saturday 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. & First Friday of the Month 6:00-7:30 p.m. followed by Holy Mass at 7:30 p.m. CONFESSION: Saturdays 3:00- 4:00 p.m. & 6:30-7:00 p.m. ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - JUNE 12, 2016 Our Daily Eucharistic Adoration will be dedicated to the Fortnight for Freedom from June 21st thru July 4th. Please come and pray for religious freedom in our country. June 21 begins the fifth annual Fortnight for Freedom This is a campaign initiated by the Catholic bishops of the United States. This nationwide event consists of fourteen days of prayer, education, and action for religious freedom. It concludes on the Fourth of July. EleventhSundayinOrdinaryTime June12,2016 Monday- June 13, 2016 - St. Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church 8:00 a.m. Emilia DiFlora 9:00 a.m. Pietro Teti Tuesday- June 14, 2016 - Weekday 8:00 a.m. Mariana & Giuseppe Giovannelli 9:00 a.m. Luisa DeBellis Wednesday- June 15, 2016 - Weekday 8:00 a.m. Prec Koleci 9:00 a.m. Almas del Pulgatorio Thursday- June 16, 2016 - Weekday 8:00 a.m. Mark Lekutanaj 9:00 a.m. Laura Rose Mongelli 7:00 p.m. Anne Elizabeth Rositzke Friday- June 17, 2016 - Weekday 8:00 a.m. Gjon Preci 9:00 a.m. George & Margaret Meglio Saturday- June 18, 2016 - Weekday 8:00 a.m. Saverio & Mary Mangano 9:00 a.m. Mary Ferrara 5:30 p.m. Mark Lekutanaj 7:00 p.m. Vito Migliaccio Sunday- June 19, 2016 - Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 a.m. Pashk Haxhari 9:00 a.m. For all Fathers - Living and Deceased 9:15 a.m. All Deceased members of the Holy Name Society 10:30 a.m. John Genco 12:00 p.m. Alejandro Rosario Mendez 12:00 p.m. Creole Mass - Center Chapel 1:15 p.m. Fausto & Grace Martinez TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The LORD forgives David for taking the wife of Uriah, and for having Uriah killed (2 Samuel 12:7-10, 13). Psalm — Lord, forgive the wrong I have done (Psalm 32). Second Reading — If justification comes through the law, then Christ died for nothing (Galatians 2:16, 1921). Gospel — Jesus forgives the woman because of her great love (Luke 7:36 — 8:3 [7:36-50]). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Father’s Day - Sunday, June 19th A Novena of Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all Living & Deceased Fathers, Grandfathers and Godfathers Please use the special Father’s Day envelopes found in the rear of the church to include your Fathers’, Grandfathers’ and Godfathers’ names in the Novena. BLOOD DRIVE NEXT SUNDAY JUNE 19TH Bi-Annual Parish Blood Drive for Hudson Valley Blood Center will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the School Cafeteria. Give the Gift of Life to someone else. Your Pint of Blood WILL make the differ ence to someone who desperately needs it. Please sign up in the church vestibule and bring your picture ID at the time of the Blood Drive. Bring a Friend. Remember, WALK-INS ARE WELCOME! Best Wishes & Blessings to Gezim & Lizabeta Nilaj Married on June 5, 2016 In Memoriam The candle in honor of the Blessed Mother burns this week in memory of Anthony & Mildred Capano We welcome Chris Prela Baptized on June 4, 2016 Rachel Nilaj & Markeljan Lumaj Baptized on June 5, 2016 into the Roman Catholic Church and our Parish community of St. Lucy EleventhSundayinOrdinaryTime June12,2016 Message from Father Pergjini: June 13 is the Feast of Saint Anthony of Padua, one of my favored Saints. In the beginning of my first weeks as Pastor of St. Lucy’s Parish, a faithful parishioner and benefactor, Ms. Margaret Aiello, who passed away four years ago, told me that the Parish use to pray the Novena Prayers in honor of St. Anthony every Tuesday. I was immediately in favor of this beautiful and spiritual suggestion. I personally treasure many beautiful memories of the Tuesday devotion to St. Anthony. Thanks to her suggestion we started the weekly devotion in honor of St. Anthony. We announced it in our Parish Bulletin and within a few short weeks the news spread throughout our community. Saint Anthony, the Saint of Miracles brought many people every Tuesday, making our Tuesday Holy Masses the most crowded Mass of the week. I later became aware that a woman comes from Brooklyn, every Tuesday, taking the subway train at 7 a.m. in order to be present for our 9 a.m. Holy Mass. Marie is her name. A pious and gentle woman of very deep faith. We speak French together, which I look forward to and enjoy very much. At the end of our Novena Prayers we sing the Salve Regina and Marie’s voice adds beauty to the ancient and famous Marian Hymn, which she loves to sing and which she learned from the French Nuns in her homeland of Haiti. After the 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. Holy Masses, we all kneel before the Altar where a lovely picture of Saint Anthony is placed together with a small basket for donations for the poor of our Parish. Together, the Priest and people recite the Novena Prayers. The Prayer is in four languages: English, Italian, Spanish, and Albanian, so those who do not speak English can recite the Novena Prayers in their own language. During the school year, two classes from our parochial school daily attend the 9 a.m. Holy Mass. It is beautiful and very warming to witness our students kneeling and reciting the Novena Prayers to Saint Anthony. Their little voices add so much joy and love to our weekly Tuesday devotions. They now know the power of this popular and miraculous Saint. Toward the middle of that ancient prayer we pause in prayerful silence for a moment to reflect and express our needs and requests to Saint Anthony. I find that moment of silence very powerful and moving. It is a silence that embraces our whole Church. Everyone is looking toward the Altar where Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament is exposed and venerated. At that miraculous moment, everyone is expressing in their heart, mind, and soul, their individual needs, hopes, requests, intentions and desires for themselves, their loved ones and for those who ask to be remembered in their prayers. I am sure our young students also think and pray in their own little way asking Saint Anthony for a miracle or two, and to be faithful Catholics now and in the years ahead. Yes, I thank Jesus for the intercession of Saint Anthony. As I kneel before the Altar, I pray for the good people of our Parish Community, known and unknown to me, and especially those who have asked that I remember them at the Altar. In those moments I think and remember Margaret Aiello who suggested this beautiful devotion. She faithfully attended daily Mass sitting in the front pew. It always took a while for her to come down the main aisle. She walked slowly with her cane from Matthews Avenue, crossing the difficult and busy section of Allerton and Boston Road. She physically suffered walking but never gave up. For her, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was the most important part of her day. Now she rests at Saint Raymond Cemetery. I think and pray for the repose of her soul and the souls of those, known and unknown to me who in many different ways have financially and spiritually helped our Parish grow. Every Sunday, in the Prayer of the Faithful we pray for all our benefactors, living and deceased, and yes, Margaret is one of them. In my heart I think of her and others who humbly and silently still continue to help our Parish family financially and spiritually. Dear Margaret, Pat and all who have helped St. Lucy’s Parish, may you Rest in Eternal Peace. May the good and humble works that you have done here on earth guide your journey to that Heavenly Kingdom. To you our faithful parishioners and benefactors, may Saint Anthony intercede for you and your love ones. Saint Anthony whom the Infant Jesus so much loved and honored grant us what we ask of thee. Amen. CHILD PROTECTIONAnyone who needs to report an alleged incident of sexual abuse of a minor by priest, deacon, religious or lay person serving in the Archdiocese of New York is asked to contact Sr. Eileen Clifford, O.P. at 212-371-1000 x 2949 or Deacon George J. Coppola at 917-861-1762. Both may also be reached via email at victimassistance@archny.org. Information can also be found on the Archdiocesan website, www.archny.org. In keeping with the Archdiocesan policy regarding sexual abuse of minors, this information is provided to ensure that our children remain safe and secure. PROTECCION DE LOS NINOSCulquier persona que necesite reporter algun incidents de abuso de un menor por un sacerdote, diacono, religioso/a, o lacio sirviendo en la Arquidiocesis de Nueva York, se le pide que por favor contacte Hermana Eileen Clifford, O.P. at 212-371-1000 extension 2949 o Deacon George J. Coppola a 917-861-1762. Ambos tambien pueden ser contactados via correo electronico: victimassistance@archny.org. Para mas informacion pueden visitar la pagina en la red del la Arquidiocesis: www.archny.org. De acuerdo con las normas del la Arquidocesis respeto al abuso sexual de menores, esta informacion se provee para asegurar que nuestro ninos permanezcan seguros. MBROJTJA E FËMIJËVEÇdokush që ka nevojë për të raportuar një incident të dyshuar të abuzimit seksual të një të mituri nga prifti, dhjak, fetare ose vë personi që shërbejnë në Kryedioqeza e Nju Jorkut është kërkuar për të kontaktuar Jo Ne Linje Eileen Kliford, OP at 212-371-1000 x 2949 ose Deacon George J. Coppola në 917-861-1762. Të dy mund të arrihet përmes emailit në victimassistance@archny.org. Informacion mund të gjendet edhe në faqen e internetit, www.archny.org Archdiocesane. Në përputhje me politikën e Archdiocesane lidhje me abuzimin seksual të të miturve, ky informacion është dhënë për të siguruar që fëmijët tanë të mbeten të sigurt dhe të sigurtë. EleventhSundayinOrdinaryTime June12,2016 St Lucy’s Religious Education Program Registration Is Now Open WelcomeParentsandGuardians!RegistrationforSt.Lucy’sreligiouseducationprogramisnowopen! Allstudentswhowanttoattendtheprogrammust illoutanapplicationandberegistered. ForthosewhoattendedlastyearyouMUSTREGISTERagainthisyear. Pleasenotethatyouhavetoreregisteryourchildagainregardlessofthepastyearregistration.NEWapplication isMANDATORYforeachyearyourchildattendstheprogram,noexceptions.Studentscannotattendwithoutand applicationforthe2016-2017year.Youmustbringabirthcerti icateandbaptismcerti icateinordertoregister. SUNDAYREGISTRATIONDATE:June26thafterthe9a.m.SpanishMass(Auditorium) WewillbeacceptingapplicationsonTUESDAYSONLY-9a.m.-5p.m.intherectory BeginningTuesday,June28th,untiltheendofAugust Registro De Programa De Educación Religiosa De Santa Lucía BienvenidosPadresyTutores!Lainscripció nparaelprogramadeeducació nreligiosadeSantaLucı́ahacomenzado! Todoslosestudiantesquequieranasistiralprogramadebenllenarunasolicitudyestarregistrado. Paraaquellosqueasistieronelañ opasadodeberegistrardenuevoesteañ o. Tengaencuentaqueustedtienequevolveraregistrarasuhijodenuevo,independientementedelainscripció n ú ltimoañ o.NUEVAaplicació nesOBLIGATORIAparacadaañ osuhijoasistealprograma,nohayexcepciones.Los estudiantesnopuedenasistirsinyaplicació nparael2016-2017añ o.Debellevaruncerti icadodenacimientoy certi icadodebautismoparaelregistro. DOMINGOFECHADEINSCRIPCIÓN:26dejunio,despuésde9a.m.MisaEspañol(Auditorio) EstaremosaceptandosolicitudesenMARTESSOLAMENTE-9a.m.-5p.m.enelrectory Apartirmartes,28dejunio,hastael inaldelmesdeagosto Mensaje del Padre Pergjini: 13 de junio es la fiesta de San Antonio de Padua, uno de mis santos favorecidos. En el principio de mis primeras semanas como Pastor de St. Lucy Parish, un feligrés fiel y benefactor, Sra. Margaret Aiello, quien falleció hace cuatro años, me dijo que el uso parroquia para rezar las oraciones Novena en honor de San Antonio todos los martes. Me quedé inmediatamente a favor de esta hermosa y espiritual sugerencia. Personalmente valoro muchos hermosos recuerdos de la devoción martes a San Antonio. Gracias a su sugerencia que comenzó la devoción semanal en honor de San Antonio. Anunciamos que en nuestro Boletín Parroquial y dentro de unas pocas semanas la noticia se difundió en toda nuestra comunidad. San Antonio, el santo de los milagros trajo muchas personas todos los martes, por lo que nuestros Martes Santas Misas La masa más concurrida de la semana. Más tarde me di cuenta de que una mujer viene de Brooklyn, todos los martes, de tomar el metro a las 7 am con el fin de estar presente para nuestra 9 a.m. Santa Misa. Marie es su nombre. Una mujer piadosa y dulce de fe muy profunda. Hablamos francés juntos, lo que espero y disfruto mucho. Al final de nuestras oraciones Novena cantamos la voz Salve Regina y Marie agrega belleza a la antigua y famosa Marian Himno, que le encanta cantar y que aprendió de las monjas francesas en su país de Haití. Después de las 8 am y las 9 a.m. Santas Misas, todos nos arrodillamos ante el Altar donde se coloca una imagen preciosa de San Antonio, junto con una pequeña cesta para las donaciones para los pobres de nuestra Parroquia. Juntos, el sacerdote y el pueblo recitan las oraciones Novena. La oración es en cuatro idiomas: Inglés, Italiano, Español, y albanés, por lo que aquellos que no hablan Inglés puede recitar la Oración de la Novena en su propio idioma. Durante el año escolar, dos clases de nuestra escuela parroquial a diario acuden a la 9 de la mañana la Santa Misa. Es hermoso y muy calentamiento para presenciar nuestros estudiantes de rodillas y recitar las oraciones Novena a San Antonio. Sus pequeñas voces agregan tanta alegría y amor a nuestras devociones semanales Martes. Ahora saben el poder de este santo popular y milagroso. Hacia la mitad de esa antigua oración hacemos una pausa en silencio orante por un momento para reflexionar y expresar nuestras necesidades y peticiones a San Antonio. Me parece que momento de silencio muy poderosa y conmovedora. Es un silencio que abraza a toda nuestra Iglesia. Todo el mundo está mirando hacia el altar donde Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento está expuesto y venerado. En ese momento milagroso, todo el mundo está expresando en su corazón, mente y alma, a sus necesidades individuales, esperanzas, peticiones, intenciones y deseos para ellos mismos, sus seres queridos y para los que piden ser recordado en sus oraciones. Estoy seguro de que nuestros jóvenes estudiantes también piensan y rezan en su pequeño camino pidiendo San Antonio por un milagro o dos, y para ser fieles católicos, ahora y en los próximos años. Sí, doy gracias a Jesús por la intercesión de San Antonio. Como me arrodillo ante el altar, rezo por la buena gente de nuestra comunidad parroquial, conocido y desconocido para mí, y sobre todo aquellos que han pedido que los recuerdo en el Altar. En esos momentos pienso y recuerdo Margaret Aiello quien sugirió esta hermosa devoción. Ella asistió fielmente la Misa diaria sentado en el primer banco. Siempre tomó un tiempo para que ella venga por el pasillo principal. Caminó lentamente con su bastón de Matthews Avenue, cruzando la sección difícil y lleno de Allerton y Boston Road. Ella sufrió físicamente caminar, pero nunca se rindió. Para ella, el Santo Sacrificio de la Misa era la parte más importante de su día. Ahora descansa en el cementerio de San Ramón. Pienso y rezo por el eterno descanso de su alma y las almas de aquellos, conocido y desconocido para mí, que de muchas maneras diferentes han ayudado económicamente y espiritualmente crecer nuestra Parroquia. Todos los domingos, en la Oración de los Fieles oramos por todos nuestros benefactores, vivos y difuntos, y sí, Margaret es uno de ellos. En mi corazón pienso en ella y otros que con humildad y en silencio aún continúan para ayudar a nuestra familia parroquial económicamente y espiritualmente. Querida Margaret, Pat y todos los que han ayudado a la Parroquia de St. Lucy, puede descansar en paz eterna. Que las obras buenas y humildes que has hecho aquí en la tierra guiar a su viaje a ese Reino Celestial. Para que nuestros feligreses y benefactores fieles, pueden San Antonio interceda para usted y sus seres queridos. San Antonio quien el Niño Jesús tanto amaba y honraba nos conceda lo que pedimos de ti. Amén. EleventhSundayinOrdinaryTime June12,2016 Feast of St. Anthony Holy Mass & Blessing of the Bread will be held at 8 a.m. (Italian), 9 a.m. (English) & 6:30 p.m. (Albanian) this Monday, June 13, 2016 the feast of St. Anthony, with Veneration of the Relic of St. Anthony RITE OF CHRISTIAN ADULTS CLASS for adults who have not received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion, and/or Confirmation. Sessions will be held on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the school beginning the end of September. Please come to the rectory to register along with a copy of birth certificate and or baptismal certificate. The registration fee is $80.00. Daughters of Mary We are recruiting girls for the Daughters of Mary society which will begin again in September. If you are a girl from 6 years to 21 years or older and wish to join, please call 646-823-8577 for more information. Youth Group Fridays Due to an overwhelming response to the recently established group, the youth group will continue throughout the summer months in the Chapel at St. Lucy’s Center on Bronxwood and Waring Avenues from 7-9pm. Bring your friends! A heartfelt thank you to Millie Cornelio for organizing & leading the Illuminated Pro-Life Rosary that we prayed in the Grotto on May 31st. 2016 Pilgrimage Dates - Please register at Rectory Office July 15th: The beautiful Shrine of Our Lady of Litchfield in Litchfield, CT. Holy Mass will be available and celebrated at the outdoor shrine. Leave St. Lucy's 8:30 a.m. and return to parish by 6:30 p.m. Bring your own lunch. Grotto Café and outdoor patio available. Picnic tables available by the brook and in Pilgrim Hall. Cost per person $35. Please register at Rectory Office. September 22nd: The National Centre for Padre Pio Shrine located in Barto, Pennsylvania. Leave St. Lucy’s at 8:30 a.m. and return to parish by 7 p.m. Cost per person $35.00. Lunch on one’s own. Picnic area available. Please register at Rectory Office. October 21st: Sight and Sound Theatre - Samson. He's the original superhero. He can defeat entire armies and slay lions. But there's a catch to his superpower: He must follow the rules. And that's where the trouble begins. As Samson battles the Philistines - and his own personal calling - he soon falls prey to temptation, losing his strength and sight. But has he lost hope? Sit down lunch at Good and Plenty Restaurant prior to the play, all in beautiful Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Cost per person $130.00. Leave St. Lucy's at 8:30 a.m. and return to parish by 9:30 p.m. Please register at Rectory Office. Each of these pilgrimages will be a spiritual experience that will long be remembered. FARENGA BROS. INC. Income Tax Service Inc. Funeral Homes Pat Castaldo Income Tax Preparer Bronx 920 Allerton Avenue (718) 654-0500 Westchester 899 McLean Avenue, Yonkers (914) 237-5800 “We Specialize in Tax Preparation and Retirement Planning” Open Year Round Phone: (718) 822-0570 Fax: (718) 822-2599 874D Morris Park Ave. Bronx, NY 10462 IncomeTaxSvc@gmail.com “Where Tasteful” “Creations Begin” 1707 Bronxdale Avenue Bronx, NY Call Today to book your party! 718.792.8844 www.farengabrosfuneralhome.com Salvatore Farenga Salvatore A. Farenga Nicholas A. 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