July 2015
July 2015
SIERRA NEVADA REGION THE CIRCULAR Official Publication | Sierra Nevada Region | Porsche Club of America July 2015 | SNR-PCA.ORG Your Next Porsche? 2008 C4S “Targa”, All Wheel Drive, 3.8L, a must see!! Black/Natural Leather, Impeccable condition! #7742 2011 Turbo “S” Cabriolet Factory Aero Kit, Carrera White/Carrera Red interior, PCCB’S, PDK, Dynamic Cornering lights, Center Lock Wheels and more #7741 1988 930 Turbo Cabriolet, Extremely clean, Venetian Blue/White Linen Leather/Marine Blue trim, Only 88K miles #7758 S SportHaus is your #1 source of pre-owned Porsche, Mercedes, Ferrari, LLamborghini, Bentley, Audi, BMW, Jaguar, and other exotic motorcars in Nevada. Owners of fine motorcars know SportHaus is THE one-stop source N ffor all their automotive needs S Satisfying discriminating automotive aficionados for almost 30 years. M O T O R C A R S - R E N O 2 | SIERRA NEVADA | Porsche Club of America | July 2015 THE CIRCULAR 2015 Sierra Nevada Region Porsche Club of America TABLE OF CONTENTS Board of Directors July 2015 Edition Steve Kent | Vice-President Craig Kugler | President president@snr-pca.org | 775-771-3256 vice-president@snr-pca.org | 775-324-9800 DEPARTMENTS Carlis Chaussee | Secretary secretary@snr-pca.org | 775-722-1600 04 | President’s Page Karen O’Larey | Membership 04 | New Members membership@snr-pca.org | 775-626-6798 06 | Calendar of Events treasurer@snr-pca.org | 775-856-1765 Debbie Dell | Treasurer 14 | Classifieds Doug Driver | Competition Chair FEATURES Jess Lattin | Tech Chair 07 | 50th Anniversary Celebration Rick Baker | Activities competition@snr-pca.org | 775-352-7568 technical@snr-pca.org | activities@snr-pca.org | 650-307-1012 11 | Upcoming Events Rich Chew | Media Relations & Webmaster webmaster@snr-pca.org | 12 | Volcano Drive & Lunch Karen Vibe | Past-President past-president@snr-pca.org | 775-823-8641 COVER Merlin Simons | Member at Large 50th Anniversary Celebration Top left corner: Chuck & Karen Dell with John & Debbie Hertel at the Drive & Dine lunch. Top right photo: Carol Bratcher, Harry Dell, Carole & Pete Dickinson, OZ Smith at the Meet & Greet. Newsletter Staff Cathy Rossner | Editor editor@snr-pca.org | 775-787-2003 Middle right: Debra Cale, Mayla Kent & Grandma Pat at the Anniversary Banquet. Gramma Pat | Editor at Large Bottom right: Millie Smith, Dan Kabat, John & Jann Bojikes at theBanquet. Randy Bradley | Newsletter Distribution Su Kemper | Editor at Large Bottom left photo: Jan Snickars, Rich O’Larey & Ken Hollman at the Meet & Greet. PO Box 19689, Reno, NV 89511 SNR-PCA.ORG July 2015 | Porsche Club of America | SIERRA NEVADA | 3 PRESIDENT’S PAGE The last month was a fantastic one for our club. Starting with our 50th Anniversary weekend celebration, we put together four events with social, car display, driving and dining activities that exceeded my expectations, and hopefully yours as well. The most gratifying aspect of this celebration was the level of participation by our members. Even with construction delays and detours, unseasonable weather, and crazy traffic, the Meet & Greet at the Nugget was well attended. The weather concerns of Friday afternoon and evening gave way to a beautiful Saturday morning, smiling down on 40 Porsches for our Show & Shine at Porsche of Reno. The Drive & Dine Lunch was a real treat capped off by our drive up and through Virginia City. Finally, the celebration banquet, hosted at the National Automobile Museum, was a fabulous event. Su Kemper has a detailed weekend recap in this edition, which I know you will enjoy. I want to extend my sincere thanks to the sponsors and contributors who supported our Craig Kugler President events and the banquet raffle. I also want to thank our 50th Anniversary committee members who worked long and hard for a year to make this weekend exciting and memorable for our members. The committee included Karen Goody, Paul Giannini, George Queyrel, Ron Lewis, John & Alice Strom, Karen Vibe, Rick Baker and Su Kemper. I especially want to thank George Batcabe, our club’s first president, for his vision for this event and for our club. Our June Saturday breakfast at Lili’s continued to be well attended, with 27 members enjoying the food and friendship of our group. As a reminder, the July breakfast will be held on Saturday, July 11th, due to the 4th of July holiday. A Sunday afternoon drive like no other — our Volcano Drive & Dine — produced a great turnout of 32 members and 17 cars on a backroads journey to tiny Volcano, CA. We had a great drive and a wonderful lunch. Mark Gordine has a nice article on this event. Just a reminder to all members, we offer our newsletter in a full electronic version. Sign up online at our website to get your newsletter electronically. You’ll get it faster and help us save some production and mailing costs as well. Check out our upcoming events on our calendar page or at our website (snr-pca.org). July will be another busy event month. And don’t forget our Zone Concours is coming on Labor Day weekend at San Rafael Park. Online registration will open in early July. I hope to see you at our next event. Until then, be safe! New SNR Members Judy Davis Incline Village, NV 2012 Cayenne Turbo Wendell Phillips Reno, NV 2002 911 Turbo SIERRA NEVADA REGION MEMBERS: 427 4 | SIERRA NEVADA | Porsche Club of America | July 2015 Sierra INVISIBLE SHIELD The Invisible “clear bra” film solution Off 10% With to Card PCA ate 10 r Celeb rs in a e Y ess! Busin Reno/Sparks 775.857.2606 Protect Your Auto Investment Installation & Repairs/Full Detailing www.SierraInvisibleShield.com July 2015 | Porsche Club of America | SIERRA NEVADA | 5 CALENDAR OF EVENTS July 1st; 5:30pm to 7pm Board Meeting Porsche of Reno 11555 S. Virginia Street, Reno July 12th; 10am to Noon Concours Judging School Porsche of Reno 11555 S. Virginia Street, Reno Would you enjoy being a judge at the Zone 7/SNR Concours in September? This event is for you! Contact Steve Kent at skent@skentlaw.com or 775-747-5372 July 16th; 4:30pm to 7pm Summer Wine Social July 11th; 9am to 11am August 1st; 9am to 11am September 12th; 9am to 11am Porsche Saturday Breakfast Lili’s Restaurant, Franktown Corners 2325 Kietzke Lane, Reno Reserved parking south side of Grove Street across from the restaurant. Contact: George Queyrel, 775-852-3881 August 20th; 4:30pm to 7pm Summer Wine Social Details to Follow Whispering Vine 3886 Mayberry Drive, Reno Please RSVP to Steve at skent@skentlaw.com. August 22nd; 8am to 3pm July 25th; 9am to 11am See Page 11 for details Tech Session September 2nd; 5:30pm to 7pm Reno Rennsport 6 Cal Lane, Sparks, NV Joint club event with the BMW Club! The themes will be vehicle assessment (use of diagnostic equipment) and pre-purchase inspections. RSVP to Ron Lewis, rdlewis73@gmail.com. August 5th; 5:30pm to 7pm Board Meeting Porsche of Reno 11555 S. Virginia Street, Reno Minden Auto Museum Drive / Tour / Lunch Board Meeting Porsche of Reno 11555 S. Virginia Street, Reno September 5th and 6th Concours d’Elegance Rancho San Rafael Park, Reno Watch your email for details September 19th and 20th Fall Wine Tour Amador and El Dorado Counties See Page 11 for details 6 | SIERRA NEVADA | Porsche Club of America | July 2015 SNR’S 50th Anniversary Celebration My, my how the years do fly … coming over the hill on a rainy when you’re havin’ fun! Well, day. Burt Propp, an original PCA there you have it — 50 fun-filled charter member from the Golden years wrapped up in one senGate Region, was on hand for the tence. And at least one person festivities, as were Sandy & Tom has been around to witness all of Provasi from the LPR Region and the goings-on over all these years: Paul Czopek, Zone 7 rep and wife George Batcabe, our founding Vanessa (Yosemite Region). president. Saturday morning there was Ragnar Kuehnert in an “early” car at the Auto Museum a laid back Show-n-Shine at Bill Times have changed, Porsches have changed. “WaterPearce Porsche. Organized by Su Kemper cooled? What’s water-cooled??” “An SUV, Paul Giannini, a total of 40 cars were Editor-at-Large you say? It’ll never fly.” Now there are two, displayed, including a nice group of 356s. but they call the smaller one, the newest SNR one, “A larger 911 . …” And who thought we’d ever member Steve see anything as big as the Panamera — slipping that Reimer provided puppy into the garage takes talent! bagels, coffee and Our region of the Porsche Club of America was fruit from Einchartered on June 15th, 1965. We had our big gala stein’s Bagels. Phil weekend on May 15th and16th because that is when Speir of Porsche the region was formally organized at the Trader Dick’s of Reno provided restaurant at the Sparks Nugget. The restaurant is tables, chairs and Vintage and classic cars on gone but we’re still going strong. tents for the funcat the Show & Shine display Our “Meet & Greet” party was held at the Nugtion. get, for old time’s sake. Organized in the early stages Around 11:30pm Craig Kugler led a tour through by Karen Goody, other helpers included John & Pleasant Valley, Washoe Valley and the Franktown Alice Strom and Craig & Mary Lou Kugler. EightyRanches before heading to the Carson City airport for three people attended, including several who braved Continued on page 8 Cindy Christenson, Mary Lima & Betty Hollman at the Meet & Greet Mayla Kent, Karen Goody & Karen Vibe at the Banquet Rich & Karen O’Larey at the Banquet July 2015 | Porsche Club of America | SIERRA NEVADA | 7 50th continued from page 7 A 356 beauty at the Show & Shine Ragnor Kuehnert & Carlis Chaussee at the Show & Shine Dick Bottom, a 356 Registry Member, George Batcabe, Burt Prop & George Queyrel at the Show & Shine lunch at Sassafras. Tour organizer Rick Baker couldn’t make it because his daughter’s lacrosse team was in the state finals so Craig took up the slack. After lunch Craig led a spirited drive up the VC Hillclimb Road (NV341) to Virginia City and all arrived back at the Porsche dealership about 2:30pm. It was amazing for our group to have over 100 people sign up for our big banquet at the National Automobile Museum. Our region has a lot of members, many of whom only belong to receive Panorama magazines, but the region is big, spread out all over hell-and-gone, including 13 of Nevada’s 17 counties. The dinner was held in Gallery 4 of the Auto Museum. In order to get there you have to “walk through time” (literally). Cobblestone streets and different galleries for cars up to 1920, the ‘30s, the ‘40s and so on. Special exhibits also line the street, like the military vehicles that were on display during our event. Upon entering the dining venue, each couple (or single) received a copy of a DVD that John and Alice Strom put together of photos supplied by members. (Some are still available so contact Craig if you need one.) Gallery 4 has a big display of cars: a lot of offroad vehicles, a Bonneville Salt Flats time-trial car and the prize of the Harrah Collection — the 1907 Thomas Flyer, and what beauty she is! As an aside, my husband, Cam Warren, had the honor of photographing this car AT SPEED during the 1986 “Great American Race.” It’s one of the few times it’s been let out of the museum. But I digress. We had a fun-filled evening at the museum, helped along by libations available at the bar. Ron & denise Lewis put together a sensational raffle for everybody and lots and lots of tickets were sold. The big raffle prize of the evening was a fantastic Continued on page 9 Members enjoying their dinner at the Banquet Grandma Pat & Debra Cale & 1966 All Original 911 8 | SIERRA NEVADA | Porsche Club of America | July 2015 50th continued from page 8 Porsche chess set donated by Bob McLaughlin, and the lucky winner was George Mihalko of Reno. Raffle tickets and 50th anniversary t-shirt sales helped support the weekend’s event’s and kept the cost down for members. We had raffle items from Bernardus and Boeger Wineries, Engine Builders Supply, Griot’s Garage, Craig & Mary Lou Kugler, the Charles B. Mitchell Winery, Porsche of Reno, Reno Rennsport, Sport Haus, The Tire Rack, Cam Warren & Su Kemper and Western Industrial Parts Inc. The buffet dinner was catered by Silver Peak Brewery and included grilled salmon, slow roasted prime rib from a carving station, Greek salad, grilled veggies, roasted red potatoes and a calorie-laden chocolate mousse cake for dessert. The tables were decorated with black tablecloths, a red table topper and yel- George Mihalko won the Porsche chess set. New Members April Mussen & Jesse Abshire with Dan & Jackie Aynesworth at the Drive & Dine Lunch George Queyrel & Ron Lewis present George Batcabe a special gift low napkins. Special wooden centerpieces were handmade by George Queyrel and Ron Lewis. They looked terrific and someone at each table was able to take one home if they found the lucky ticket! A great job, George and Ron! The club thanks you for all your hard work! After dinner, the 15 past presidents who were in attendance gathered for a group photo. This event was very well attended and having 15 of our past presidents on hand was spectacular! It was a huge event with big support from the membership even though it turned out to be a rainy weekend. Let’s see? How many years until the next one??? Our past presidents Rich Chew, Paul Giannini and Karen Goody at Show & Shine Debbie & Eric Aust, Don Weaver, Steve & Mayla Kent, and George Mihalko at Sassafras July 2015 | Porsche Club of America | SIERRA NEVADA | 9 Keep your Porsche running great... Preventive maintenance is key! Reno Rennsport is the local expert at providing all the key maintenance needs to keep your Porsche running well year after year. Don’t take our word for it - Google these and see for yourself Cayenne S 2002-2006 cooling pipes The original plastic pipes can crack after years of driving and coolant can leak on the engine and starter stranding you on the roadside. Rennsport has provided many Cayenne owners with a Porsche factory aluminium pipe upgrade kit. Call today for pricing. 911 (996) & Boxter 1997-2005 IMS bearing The IMS bearing has potential to fail and cause severe engine damage. Reno Rennsport is your local expert at replacing the Intermediate Shaft Bearing with the L&N Engineering upgrade. Call today for pricing. 10 | SIERRA NEVADA | Porsche Club of America | July 2015 Save the Date Fall WineTour September 19th & 20th Come with us to visit wineries in Amador and El Dorado counties on September 19th and 20th. Plan to meet at the Mt. Rose McDonalds at 8am with an 8:30am departure. Pack a box lunch that you can enjoy at our first stop. One of the tastings will have a $5 charge per person that can be applied to a purchase. A special dinner will be hosted by Jim & Pam Miller and SingleLeaf Winery at a cost of $25 per person. We will be staying at the Shenandoah Inn in Plymouth. There is a 15-car limit for this event. Call Harry or Debbie Dell to reserve your space and get more details. Checks for dinner are to be made payable to SNR-PCA and mailed to the Dells at 6002 Clear Creek Drive, Reno, NV 89502. MindenAuto Museum Drive / Tour / Lunch • August 22nd - 8am to 3pm Ned Bacon, PCA/SNR member and active racer, has graciously agreed to give us a tour of his vehicle collection. This is not a Porsche collection but very interesting nevertheless. You will enjoy it! Meet in the parking lot of Sunrise Cafe at the intersection of Wedge Parkway and Mt. Rose Highway (SR 431, south side), Reno, at 8am on Saturday, August 22nd. Departuree at outh 8:30am sharp. We will make a brief stop in the parking lot of Target at the south ke end of Carson City at 9:15am to pick up members from Carson City and Lake hree Tahoe and proceed to Minden. The museum tour will take approximately three al will be hours followed by lunch at J.T. Bar & Dining Room in Gardnerville. The meal k french f h served family style and consists of house salad, top sirloin steak, Basque chicken, fries, bread and a non-alcoholic beverage. The cost is $18.25 all inclusive. Return home 2pm–2:30pm. The tour is limited to 35 people. Registration closes Monday, August 17th. Make your check out to SNR-PCA and mail to Ragnar Kuehnert, 1520 King Edward Drive, Reno, NV 89503. For more information, call 775-747-2019 or email rkuehn5112@aol.com. July 2015 | Porsche Club of America | SIERRA NEVADA | 11 Volcano Drive & Lunch On June 7th we planned a drive down to the little mining town of Volcano in the wine region near Placerville in the Eldorado Forest. We had a great turnout with 32 people attending and 17 Porsches. Not having organized or led one of these events in the past was part of the fun, as I wanted to create a fun event for all with a great destination, and the ability for the drivers to use their Porsches for their intended purpose. The group met at the Starbucks on Wedge Parkway in Reno. Mark & Valerie Gordine About 10 cars headed Members-at-Large down to Genoa where we met with the Porsche contingent living in the Minden/Gardnerville area. After going over the route and handing out some maps, we all headed down Foothill Road and on to Hwy 88 to the top of Carson Pass. This is a fun and windy road, as was the section down to Volcano, but unfortunately the pavement is in bad need of repair. We stopped at the trailhead atop Carson Pass and were able to take a good look at all the Porsches and take a few pictures. What a great and diverse group of cars … from a 1968 911L to a couple of brand new Caymans, some Turbos and even a new Macan. Both air-cooled and water-cooled cars were represented. Managing a long line of cars through Carson Pass, Hwy 88 and some tighter single roads was not easy and we quickly fell into two groups. At the front were about six Porsche drivers who wanted to drive at a more spirited pace and we had a fun time doing that for a number of miles over the pass and down toward the Shake Ridge Road cutoff. I had the lovely white GT3 owned by Doug Clark and a 2005 black 996 Turbo owned by new member Wendell Phillips on my tail, and we had some fun coming down the hill. A couple of others were following closely as we enjoyed the sounds of the engines and the great suspensions and handling these cars provide. We slowed at a few places to let the group catch up and everyone made the turnoff and we cruised into Volcano with all accounted for. At Volcano we had our own room at the Union Hotel & Bar, which is a nicely restored restaurant with good California-style fare. All The group at a rest stop near Carson the Porsches lined the entire Pass on a beautiful spring day street and were quite a sight as we took over the whole town. We spent an hour or so having lunch and then it was up to everyone to head back the way they preferred. Many headed back the same way, but Craig Kugler and a few others headed to the wineries nearby to pick Continued on page 13 12 | SIERRA NEVADA | Porsche Club of America | July 2015 Volcano Drive & Lunch continued from page 12 up some of the collections of good wine. We headed back over the Mormon Immigrant Trail, which was a windy return trip but lots of fun. The overall trip was around 250 miles which made for a full day. My goal was to cater to both the faster and slower drivers, and despite having a few people drive a little Doug Clark, Nancy & Paul Giannini, new member Wendell Phillips, Jim & Carole Dolian at lunch faster than they may normally, I think everyone had a good time putting their cars through their paces. Thank you to all who attended and we hope it was a fun outing. Pretty impressive parking lot! July 2015 | Porsche Club of America | SIERRA NEVADA | 13 Classifieds I recently purchased a lot of Porsche 911-930 bras, and two Boxster bras, that I have no use for. I was told there might be one that would fit my car, and there was not. If anyone in your group is interested, please have them contact me. I would hate to see these get tossed, but I have no reason to keep them. There are also hood covers and a few sets of mirror covers. If someone wants the whole lot, I will be happy to make them a smoking deal on everything. Dr. Matthew C. Leone, (775) 784-4681 Dolf VanKesteren 'BDUPSZ5SBJOFE1PSTDIF5FDIOJDJBOT 8F4FSWJDF"MM.BLFT BOE.PEFMT $BSSFSB'PVS$BN 1SPGFTTJPOBM Stop by and say Hi! 4PVUI7JSHJOJB4USFFUr3FOP/FWBEB rXXXCJMMQFBSDFNPUPSTDPN Karen D. Vibe Portfolio Management Director First Vice President – Wealth Management Financial Advisor 5390 Kietzke Lane, #200 Reno, NV 89511 775-823-8641 © 2015 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. CRC897541 05/14 14 | SIERRA NEVADA | Porsche Club of America | July 2015 PRSRT STD US Postage PAID Carson City NV Permit #72
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park. Look for the umbrella to find your fellow club members on the grassy area. Let Steve
Kent know if you plan to attend (skent@skentlaw.com or 324-9800).
the circular - Sierra Nevada Region
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04 | Calendar of Events
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