First Servant Weekly


First Servant Weekly
First Servant Weekly
Dr. Gil McKee, Senior Pastor
April 16, 2015
Volume 14, Issue 15
presented by the Preschool Choirs
Wednesday, April 22
5:45 p.m., Fellowship Hall (during Mid-Week Devotion)
Attention Parents of three, four and five-year-old’s in the
Preschool Choir Ministry: Please bring your child straight to
the Fellowship Hall at 5:45 p.m. on April 22 (instead of their
choir rooms). This will give the children time to get organized
prior to singing. Attire is spring casual.
College Ministry
Graduate Dinner
Saturday, May 2 at 5 p.m.
Please contact Leslee Griggers (
by Tuesday, April 21 to make reservations for this celebration meal. The graduate’s meal is free; meals for additional
family members are $5 each.
Sharing the Gospel with 3 Million People
Digital Television Equipment and Microphones
The recent improvements in television broadcasting, namely
Digital Technology, have greatly increased the coverage area and image quality of our broadcast provider’s
(WVUA) signal. Our current television equipment is approximately ten years old and its lifespan is near its end.
An investment in accompanying digital microphones is also
needed. Funding an upgrade to television and audio
equipment through The 721 Project will afford us the potential to reach more than 3 million homes across the state
with a High Definition signal.
Info Meetings - To find out all the details about The
721 Project, including the projects themselves and the
probable order in which they will be completed, please
attend one of these informational meetings.
THIS Sunday, April 19 - 5:15 p.m., Fellowship Hall
(immediately following Deacons’ Meeting)
Sunday, April 26 - 4:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, April 29 - 5:45 p.m., Fellowship Hall
(Mid-Week Devotion)
Our Offering Goal:
Given to Date:
100% of the funds donated to the Annie Armstrong Offering
provide support for missionaries serving in North America.
To learn more, visit
We will collect donations to this offering through April.
721 Sunday - Sunday, May 3 (Commitment Day)
On this day we will make our pledges to financially support The 721 Project. Remember, this campaign is set up
so that we accumulate the funds for each phase before
beginning work on those projects, incurring no new debt.
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First Servant Weekly
NEW Sunday Night Study
The Shortest Way Home – C. S. Lewis & Mere Christianity
April 12, 19, 26 & May 3
5:30 p.m. in Room MP246 • Leader: Joe Armour
This is an introductory review to Lewis’ classic work on issues
of faith and reason. Viewers will find honest discussion and
helpful insights for the tough questions asked by believers
and skeptics alike. Those who journey to the heart of Lewis’
most famous apologetic work will find that the longest way
round – the hard way of discipleship, of learning to truly
love God and man – is the shortest, and only way home.
High School Senior Recognition
Sunday, May 17 during the 11 a.m. worship service,
with a luncheon immediately following
Please contact Leslee Griggers (
to sign up to participate in the graduate recognition and to
make reservations for the luncheon. We also need a copy
of your student’s formal Senior portrait (tie, drape, etc.) and
a baby picture (1-2 years of age). These pictures may be
sent to Leslee as an email attachment or dropped off in the
Student Ministry office.
Each week we are
publishing a differBaptist Faith
ent section from The
and Message
Baptist Faith and Message, which covers
the basics of what
Baptists believe.
Free copies of The
Baptist Faith and
Message are available in the church office. You can also
find the complete text on the Southern Baptist Convention
Section X: Last Things
God, in His own time and in His own way, will bring the
world to its appropriate end. According to His promise,
Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to
the earth; the dead will be raised; and Christ will judge all
men in righteousness. The unrighteous will be consigned
to Hell, the place of everlasting punishment. The righteous in their resurrected and glorified bodies will receive
their reward and will dwell forever in Heaven with the
In His Grip Men’s Golf Tournament
Thursday, May 21 | Ol’ Colony Golf Complex
Special Guest Speaker: Joe Kines
The information/registration brochure is available at or from the literature
racks around the church. Deadline to register is May 14.
Part-Time Positions Now Available
FBC Tuscaloosa is now receiving applications for enthusiastic
men and women to join our paid Childcare Team!
Qualifications: Love God, love kids, teachable spirit,
hard worker
Schedule: Sundays and Wednesdays, with additional days
as needed for special events and activities
To apply, download the application online ( or
pick up a copy from the Kids Ministry Office in the Children’s Center. If you have questions, please contact Jeremy
Carroll at or call 391-3115.
Fuge Camps
Grades 6-12
July 7-12
Ridgecrest, NC
Students may choose Centrifuge or MFuge (missions).
Cost: $350 (includes day at Six Flags); sign up in the
Student Building; $100 deposit due by April 26.
June 29-July 3
Timber Creek Camp, Pulaski, MS
for kids who will have completed 3rd, 4th or 5th grade
Cost: $310 per camper ($50 deposit reserves spot)
Visit for registration info.
First Servant Weekly
April 12, 2015
Ministry Plan Gifts
Weekly Ministry Budget Need
Surplus for Week
page 3
First Baptist Tuscaloosa
721 Greensboro Ave.
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
Faithful to the Finish$1,415.00
Designated Gifts
Total Gifts
Children’s Center:
2015 Mission/Ministry Plan Summary
Actual Year-to-Date Gifts
Year-to-Date Need
Difference for Year
Giving is an Act of Service
Gifts given in Memory of:
Col. Paul O’Mary
Donna Wood
This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s
people but also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.
Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves,
men will praise God... 2 Corinthians 9:12-13a
Gifts given in Honor of:
John Austin
Billy Rucker
Sunday School
Minister on Call
Enrollment Attendance
Preschool 18684
College 31395
Special Education
In case of an emergency need
during the weekend please call 535-5988.
Recently Hospitalized
(as of 04/14/15)
DCH Regional Med Center: Cindy Barry,
Ann Connell, Baxter Jones (no visitors, please)
VA Hospice: Billy Maxwell
Park Manor Rehab: Jean Smith
10: Patrick Davidson
11: Hannah Lawrence
BBQ Pulled Pork with baked beans,
fried okra, Texas toast, cobbler
OR Baked Chicken with purple-hull
peas, fried okra, rolls, cobbler
OR Salad Bar
Kids’ Meal: Chicken strips, tater tots,
snack cake
Vial Fontenot
Minister of Missions & Ministry
Joe Ziegler
Minister of Music & Worship
Jerry Lake
Minister to Senior Adults
Minister to Women
Wednesdays, 5:45 p.m.
April 15: Legacy Ministry Study (FH)
April 22: Preschool Choirs Program (FH)
April 29: 721 Project Info Meeting (FH)
Reservations are not needed.
Business Administrator
Beth Yates
Mid-Week Devotion
Meal served 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Kris Sullivan
Minister to Adults & Outreach
by Baptism:
Wednesday, April 22
Senior Pastor
Joe Armour
Welcome New Members
Family Night Meal
Gil McKee
Tim Simpson Minister to College
Sermons Available Online
Our Sunday morning sermons can be viewed
online on our website. Sermons are usually available online no later than Tuesday of each week.
Visit to
see the listing of messages. Prefer to listen? Visit
this same webpage to download
MP3 versions of messages.
You may also scan this QR
code to go directly to our
most recent message at
Jody Gambrell Minister to Students
Jeremy Carroll
Minister to Preschool/Children
Carl Wells Associate Pastor Emeritus
If viewing this online, you may
click on the email addresses
above to send a message.
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First Servant Weekly
Sunday, April 19
8:30 a.m. Worship
Chinese Prayer Service
9:30-10:45Library open
Sunday School
Worship | Kids’ Worship
Chinese and Spanish Worship
3:00 p.m. GriefShare
Deacons’ Meeting
Revelation Choir
5:00/5:30 Adult DiscipleLife
721 Project Info Meeting
College Leadership Meeting
3D: Student Discipleship
Bible Skills, Drills, Thrills
Preschool Teamkid
Monday, April 20
Senior Adult Savannah Trip (20-24)
11:30 a.m. Women on Mission study
6:00 p.m. Volleyball for adults
Conference Opportunity
June 15-18
Leadership Training:
Tuesday, April 21
Sunday, April 26 at 4 p.m.
Wednesday, April 22
Volunteer or register your kids at
6:00 p.m. Line Dance Exercise Classes
Women’s Bible Study
EPIC: College Worship
6:30 a.m. Men’s Bible Study
7:00 a.m. Men’s Prayer in the Chapel
Quilters Group
9:00/9:30 Women’s Bible studies
Moms’ Group
1:00 p.m. Sweet Dreams Ministry
Caring Hearts Support Group
3:30-7:30 Library Open
Wednesday Night Meal
Spanish Bible Study
5:45-6:30 Preschool Choirs Program
5:45-7:15 M&M for Kids | ESL Classes
6:00-7:15 Student Ministry
6:00-7:15 Adult DiscipleLife studies
6:00-7:15 Women’s Bible studies
6:45-8:05 Worship Choir/Orchestra
Thursday, April 23
9:30 a.m. ESL classes
6:00 p.m. Missions Dinner
Friday, April 24
Contact Beth Yates (205-345-7554 or if you
are interested in this event:
Children’s Worship Center
Living Proof Live
w/Beth Moore
July 10-11
Bon Secours Wellness Arena
Greenville, SC
$69 plus transportation,
lodging and meals
The flowers are placed in the Sanctuary this Sunday in memory
of Floyd and Evelyn Nevin and John Hollingsworth by
Melanie Hollingsworth and Kevin, Lisa and Parker Hancock.
First Baptist Church
721 Greensboro Avenue | Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401
205.345.7554 | Fax 205.391.3108 |
First Servant Weekly
April 16, 2015
First Servant Weekly (USPS 020629) is published weekly (except the weeks of Christmas and New
Year’s Day) by The First Baptist Church of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 721 Greensboro Ave., Tuscaloosa, AL
35401. Periodicals Postage Paid at Tuscaloosa, AL 35401. Postmaster: Send address changes to
The First Baptist Church of Tuscaloosa, 721 Greensboro Avenue, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401.
6:00 p.m. Chinese Fellowship/Bible Study
Our Worship Service is
broadcast at 11:00 a.m.
every Sunday on WVUA-TV.
Mission Statement: First Baptist Church meets to magnify Jesus Christ and multiply His
Kingdom, to mature believers into effective Christ-followers, and to minister to others in Jesus’ name.