July 28, 2016 - First Baptist


July 28, 2016 - First Baptist
First Servant Weekly
Dr. Gil McKee, Senior Pastor
July 28, 2016
Volume 15 Issue 30
Sunday School
Leadership Meetings
Sunday, August 7 @ 5 p.m.
Adult Sunday School Leaders:
5 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Speaker: Dr. Gil McKee
Meal will be provided. Reservations needed.
Please contact Barbara Smith at 345-7554
or barbara@fbctuscaloosa.org.
Visit www.ttownkids.org/childcare
by August 8 to reserve childcare.
Preschool/Children’s Sunday School:
5 p.m. in the Kids’ Worship Room
Student Ministry Sunday School:
5 p.m. in the Student Building
en•gage /inˈɡāj,enˈɡāj/: participate or become involved in, take part in, join in, interconnect,
August 14
Sunday School
Promotion Day
for Preschool,
Children and
The “Engage” emphasis is a way to encourage each other to become more involved in the
many areas of ministry within the church and to make us more aware of the need to engage
with those in our community who are searching for hope and peace. We must not rest in the
assurance of our salvation when so many of our neighbors need to know Jesus. It is time for us
to engage. (More details coming soon!)
The start of a new
Sunday School year is
the perfect time for all
ages to get involved in
Sunday School for the
first time, or to reconnect
if you have not been
active recently.
This Fall
at First
interconnect | involve | ignite
become involved in, go in for, partake in/of, share in, play a part/role in; have a hand in, be a
party to, enter into
Eight Spheres of Engagement
Areas in which you deepen your connection God, interconnect with fellow church members,
and start engaging others in the Gospel. Where do you need to better “ENGAGE”?
Worship Attendance, Sunday School and Small Groups, Church Membership,
Wednesday Recharge, Commitment to Prayer, Giving, Serving Together, Acts 1:8 Strategy
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First Servant Weekly
Sunday, August 7:
Discover Membership
12:15 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Contact Barbara Smith at 345-7554 or visit
discover.first@fbctuscaloosa.org to sign up for the first
event in the Discover First series. Includes lunch.
For childcare, visit www.ttownkids.org/childcare.
Maternity Home Open House & Blessing
Sunday, August 14, 2:30-4:30 p.m.
29 El Dorado East, Tuscaloosa
Many of you have been instrumental in getting the maternity
home up and running. Lifeline Children’s Ministries would
like to give you an opportunity to come to the home and
prayer walk through each room as you see all the wonderful
improvements that have been made in the past few months.
It will be a come-and-go open house/blessing.
Senior Adventure Ministry
Triple L Monthly Meeting and Lunch
Tuesday, August 2 at 10:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Linda Humber will share about the Sweet Dreams
Pillowcase Ministry.
Day Trip - Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament in Cullman
Tuesday, August 16; Cost: $12, plus lunch
First Baptist has
a new website...
but our web address is the same:
Check it out!
Mobile version also now available.
Wednesday Fall Kickoff - August 17
Recharge each Wednesday with a great evening meal,
and options for everyone including small-group discipleship
studies, prayer times, Mid-Week devotion, age-group
activities (children’s choir, RAs, GAs, Mission Friends, and
Wednesday Night Live for students), choir and orchestra
rehearsal, International Ministry activities, etc.
No Wednesday night activities (including the Family Night
Meal) on August 3 or August 10. Fall Kick-off for all
Wednesday Night activities is on August 17. Information
about Fall small-group studies for adults and details about
activities for children and students available soon. Consider
ways you and your family may become more engaged in
your church through our Wednesday night activities and
groups. Fall is the perfect time to get connected!
August Local Mission Project:
Operation Christmas Child
Do you have ideas about ways we could
increase participation in our annual
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox
Project? Attend the meeting on Monday,
August 1 at 6:30 p.m. in the Chapel to get
involved. We need volunteers to lead and
to provide support in these areas:
• Collection of items to fill the shoeboxes
(both from church members and from
businesses in the community)
• Church-wide packing party: planning
August 1
and set-up
6:30 p.m.
• Publicity and ways to encourage others
to get involved
• Visual displays and project reminders
• Transport of the finished boxes to the local collection site.
Please contact Diane Gaddy at 632-3074 or
dgaddy@fbctuscaloosa.org or Leigh Anne Darnell at
First Servant Weekly
July 24, 2016
Ministry Plan Gifts
Weekly Ministry Budget Need
Difference for Week
page 3
721 Project Gifts
Designated Gifts
Total Gifts
First Baptist Tuscaloosa
721 Greensboro Ave.
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
Children’s Center:
2016 Mission/Ministry Plan Summary
Actual Year-to-Date Gifts
Year-to-Date Need
Difference for Year
Gifts given in Memory of:
Col. Paul O’Mary
Sunday School
Enrollment Attendance
Preschool 18644
Special Education
Recently Hospitalized
(as of 07/26/16)
Hospice of West Alabama: Kelley Lea
DCH Regional Med Center:
Frances Crow (no visitors, please),
Buddy Woodruff
Northport Med Center:
Amber Compton
Aspire Rehab: Vickie Dockery
Congratulations to:
Amber and Dusty Compton in the birth
of a baby girl, Aven Grace Compton,
on Sunday, July 24, 2016.
Giving is an Act of Service
This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s
people but also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.
Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves,
men will praise God... 2 Corinthians 9:12-13a
Minister on Call
In case of an emergency need
during the weekend please call 535-5988.
Sunday Shuttle
Shuttle service is provided
each Sunday 8:00 a.m.
– 12:30 p.m. between
the City of Tuscaloosa
Parking Deck and the
church’s 7th Street/
Fellowship Hall entrance.
There are two shuttle
stops indicated by signs
in the parking deck, both on the first level: at the
elevator (northeast corner of the parking deck)
and near the entrance/exit. Parking ministry
volunteers are also present to assist. Please
allow additional time as the shuttles are busier
immediately before and after service times.
Kris Sullivan
Business Administrator
Vial Fontenot
Minister of Missions & Ministry
Joe Ziegler
Minister of Music & Worship
Jerry Lake
Minister to Senior Adults
Joe Armour
Minister to Adults & Outreach
Beth Yates
Minister to Women
Jody Gambrell Minister to Students
Minister to Preschool/Children
Carl Wells
Associate Pastor Emeritus
Family Night Meal
No Wednesday Night Meal
or other evening activities
August 3 or August 10.
Senior Pastor
Jeremy Carroll
Mid-Week Devotion
Wednesdays, 5:45 p.m. in the Chapel
July 27: South Asia Trip Report
August 3: No Wednesday activities
August 10: No Wednesday activities
August 17: Fall Kick-off
Gil McKee
Visit the page listed above and click “Give Online”.
This will take you to a secure portal where you may
create your own login and password. Click the image
above to go directly to the secure giving portal.
If viewing this online, you may
click on the email addresses
above to send a message.
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Sunday, July 31
8:30 a.m. Worship
Chinese Prayer Service
9:30-10:45Library open
Sunday School
Chinese / Spanish Worship
5:30 p.m. Tuscaloosa Jubilee
Monday, August 1
8:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
Second-Hand Rose Ministry
Adult Volleyball
August Local Mission Project Meeting - Chapel (Shoeboxes)
Tuesday, August 2
10:30 a.m.
2:00 p.m.
Triple L monthly meeting/lunch
High School Bible study
Middle School Boys study
Line Dance Exercise classes
Middle School Girls study
Wednesday, August 3
Men’s Prayer Group
Quilters Group
No meal or other evening activities
Friday, August 5
6:00 p.m.
Chinese Bible Study/Fellowship
First Servant Weekly
We need
men to attend this
inspirational event!
Encourage the
men and teen
boys in your life to
Men’s Bible Study $5
Wednesday, August 10 @ 6:30 a.m.
First Baptist Tuscaloosa Fellowship Hall
attend. Men, invite
your neighbors,
coworkers, friends
and family members
to come with you!
per person
Includes biscuits,
sausage gravy, eggs,
bacon, sausage, grits,
augratin potatoes, fruit,
cinnamon rolls, coffee
Guest Speaker: Rodney Orr
Rodney Orr,
founder of
and co-host of
Tider Insider,
will share his
during our
Fall Kickoff
Weekly Men’s
Bible Study
begins Wednesday, August 17
6:30 a.m., Fellowship Hall
Book cost: $15
Book study:
Disciplines of a Godly Man by Kent Hughes
Family Movie Night
featuring Woodlawn
Friday, August 12 | 6:30 p.m. | Student Building
Free Admission. Popcorn or chips and drink available - $2
Childcare (birth-2nd grade) available by request:
www.ttownkids.org. Deadline: August 8
The flowers are placed in the Sanctuary this Sunday in honor of Pat
Williams by Larry Williams on the 50th anniversary of their first date.
721 Greensboro Avenue | Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401
205.345.7554 | Fax 205.391.3108 | www.firsttuscaloosa.org
First Servant Weekly
July 28, 2016
First Servant Weekly (USPS 020629) is published weekly (except the weeks of Christmas and New
Year’s Day) by The First Baptist Church of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 721 Greensboro Ave., Tuscaloosa, AL
35401. Periodicals Postage Paid at Tuscaloosa, AL 35401. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
The First Baptist Church of Tuscaloosa, 721 Greensboro Avenue, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401.
Our Worship Service is
broadcast at 11:00 a.m.
every Sunday on WVUA-TV.
Mission Statement: First Baptist Church exists to magnify Jesus Christ and multiply His
Kingdom, to mature believers into effective Christ-followers, and to minister to others in Jesus’ name.