October 2015 - Tred Avon Yacht Club


October 2015 - Tred Avon Yacht Club
Volume 69, No. 9
Founded 1931
At the Next Mark
Fri. 2
Sun. 4
Wed. 7
Fri. 9
Sun. 11
Wed. 14
Fri. 16
Sun. 18
Wed. 21
Sat. 24
24 & 25
Wed. 28
Fri.. 30
Wed. 4
Sat. 7
Sun. 8
Wed. 11
Wed. 18
Fri. 20
Sat. 5
Sun. 20
October 2015
Commodore’s Message
Wow, October already! The air is crisp and our season
is winding down.
Ales and Tales - 1730
The NASS and Hammond races were huge successes
Star Fall Wind Up
with 130 entries in the NASS race and 70 entrants in our
PHRF Fall Series Races #1 & #2
Hammond Race. Everyone was delighted with the turn
FOS End of Season Championship and Picnic
out! The sailors had a good sail down the Bay with good
Wednesday Night Dinner - 1800
air on Saturday to be greeted by some heavy rain upon
Beef Stroganoff w/Hand-Cut Egg Noodles $16
their arrival. Fortunately, the rain cleared out in time for
Ales and Tales - 1730
a great party with a hot band. A good time was had by
PHRF Fall Series Races #3 & #4
Wednesday Night Dinner and Presentation - 1800 all! On Sunday, our “A” team race committee headed up
by Chris Koch showed the Navy and the other
Oyster Pot Pie w/Fall Vegetables & Sherry $19
competitors a flawless event, again with a great breeze
New Member/Volunteer Cocktail Party – 1800
that held. Many thanks to Chris and his race committee
(By Invitation Only)
PHRF Round the Buoys Races #5 & #6
aboard Sean Callahan’s boat Classy Lady, Curry Wilford
Fall Cruise (See Page 5 for more info)
and Paul Cox for setting the “X” mark, Gugy Irving on
Wednesday Night Dinner - 1800
station as our check-in boat, and Joe Robillard's boat
Sausage-Pecorino Ravioli w/ Tomato Cream $17
First Light serving as the ideal platform for our ever
PHRF Pumpkin Patch Race
reliable finishing team lead by Susie Firth. Our Club
RC Laser Regatta
should be proud of this gang as they ran a flawless race
Wednesday Night Dinner - 1800
with no protests!
Auntie’s Meat Loaf w/Bourbon-Tomato Relish $15
As I looked back over last month’s Commodore’s
Halloween Ales and Tales - 1800 (Details on pg. 7)
Message I failed to recognize the Chesapeake Bay Yacht
Club and their role in orchestrating the Harleigh awards
presentation. Commodore Doug Firth and his social
chair Ron Flohr with the Club’s manager Richard
Wednesday Night Dinner - 1800
Ehrlich did an exceptional job as always to make this a
Penguin Frostbite
Comet Pumpkin Bowl Regatta
very special occasion for all. Lots of planning goes into
Annual Meeting - 1630
this event so be sure to express your thanks to the CBYC
Wednesday Night Dinner - 1800
members when you see them.
Wednesday Night Dinner - 1800
We had three Shields teams travel to Newport for the
Bay Harvest Dinner - 1800
Shields Nationals, including skippers Rajacich/Alpi,
Dayton/Slaughter and John Shannahan. This is a big
effort to make this trip and I am proud they made the
effort and represented TAYC at the Nationals.
Commodore’s Ball - 1830 (3 Penny Opera)
Hopefully you got down to the Club this fall to watch
Christmas with Santa - 1300
some of our junior sailors on the water Friday nights
among the OARS sailors. This was well received and
thank you to the parents who helped out. What a great
way to extend the season!
TIDE DEADLINE: October 15 for the November Issue
Submit articles to:
KatlinTheTide@tayc.com and CommunicationsChair@tayc.com
Club Manager – Vicky Van Loo
Office: 410-226-5269
Email: manager@tayc.com
TAYC is pleased to host a high school sailing team this fall for the first time. A high school sailing team is
required to be sponsored by a high school and not a yacht club. For this reason, Saints Peter and Paul has made
arrangements to lease our three 420s and a coach boat. In addition, some students have their own boats and
generous members have loaned boats bringing the total to 6 to allow for team racing. Last year, they had to
commute to AYC. Ugh! We thank Stacey Radcliff for organizing this and are excited that member Robin Cooper
is the coach. Hopefully you’ve had a chance to stop by the club to watch them practice. How cool to make this
available at TAYC and we hope this will be a tradition!
Many of you may have heard that Dr. Tom DeMarco had an unfortunate bicycle accident on the Oxford
Road. He was hit by some French tourists. Tom has some serious injuries but will have a good recovery with lots
of rehab so keep him in your thoughts.
Finally, a real success story for one of our members- Suzan Brice underwent a successful Whipple surgery at
Johns Hopkins by Dr. Wolfgang to treat her pancreatic cancer. Many of us have had Suzan in our thoughts and
prayers and this is such welcomed news.
Commodore, Brud LaMotte
Membership News
The following have been approved by the Board of Governors for Resident Membership:
Frank and Karen McKee
Proposer: Nancy Cook
Second Proposer: Marshall Blume
John and Dodi Sutton
Proposer: Jan Greer
Second Proposer: Tony Passarella
Charlie and Pam Andrews
Proposer: Drew Kellogg
Second Proposer: Braden Loveless
Richard and Laura Ward
Proposer: Jane McCarthy
Second Proposer: Tot O’Mara
The following have been approved by the Board of Governors for Non Resident Membership:
Sara and Dickie Finney
Proposer: David Cox
Second Proposer: William Lane
NASS/Hammond Regatta
To view results from the NASS and
Hammond Regatta, go to
Jack Yaissle’s Amadeus in the NASS start
Phil Parish, Gary Robson and Grey Ghost in the NASS Start
Junior Sailing News
Hello TAYC!
It’s been wonderful to see juniors still sailing and joining the adult fleets. With cooler temperatures approaching,
some of the best sailing weather is here!
I’ve learned that Saints Peter and Paul High School now has a sailing team who will be practicing at TAYC this
fall. This is very exciting news and I’d like to thank the Coopers, Leffingwells, Walkers, and all other families
supporting this initiative.
The current standings on the CBYRA High Point Series have circulated. Although there are a few regattas
remaining in the series, congratulations to the following TAYC Sailors on their success this summer!
Optimist (143 boats)
Mark Bourdin: 2nd in Red Fleet (2nd overall ranking)
Philip Ralph: 1st in White Fleet (20th overall ranking)
Andrew Witter: 6 in Red Fleet (14 overall ranking) Willem DeSimone: 3rd in White Fleet (34th overall ranking)
Ryan Stephens: 7th in Red Fleet (26th overall ranking) Will Donald: 6th in White Fleet (60th overall ranking)
Adison Parish: Top Girl (27 boats) and 5th Blue Fleet (23rd overall ranking)
Walter Ralph: 6th in Blue Fleet (31st overall ranking)
Tucker Andrews: 17th in Blue Fleet (82nd overall ranking)
Laser Radial (100 boats)
Noah Kullman: 8th CORUM ranking and 13th overall ranking
Luke DuFour: 24th CORUM ranking and 14th overall ranking
Coleman Walker: 27th CORUM ranking and 18th overall ranking
Review the complete details online at tayc.com/junior-sailing.
Keep sailing and I hope to see you soon!
Scott Williamson
TAYC Jr. Sailing Program
Shields News
Shields Nationals 2015
With much excitement, our Fleet #21 boats, Black Pearl #73, Seagull #180 and Old Paint #71 headed to Newport,
RI for the Shields National Championship, from 9/10 through 9/12. Towing a Shields 8 hours on I-95 & the NJ
Turnpike is not for sissies! Typically someone has some level of trailer / driving problems and the Alpi team (#180)
had some fairly exciting trailer issues, but made it in one piece.
We all got to Newport by Tuesday, launched & rigged our boats in preparation for practice day on Wednesday.
The weather prediction was for fairly heavy winds and a fair amount of rain for most of the regatta. With 24 boats
registered from around the country, we were all looking forward to some great racing.
Wednesday came with moderate breezes in the 10 to 12 range. We did 2 practice starts and a practice race with a
fair amount of current and commercial ship traffic above the Jamestown to Newport Bridge. This was just a warm
up for the weather to come...
Thursday was race day #1 and we started with rain, thunder, fog, no breeze and a 2 hour onshore AP. As we
eventually headed out, we got sideways rain on the hour long sail to the race course despite the light winds. The
forecast was for the breeze to remain light so we only got in one race before it died and we needed to be towed in.
Friday was very challenging as the northerly front came through and it was honkin'! NE 20 to 25 and gusting
over 30! We anticipated a shore side AP, which never came. Just getting off the mooring and heading to the race
course was challenging! Racing above the bridge again, the swell and chop were big and the breeze was much more
than we typically have in the Chesapeake! In fact, we usually don't race Shields at TAYC with breeze and gusts
above 20 to 25 so this was a wakeup call for our fleet boats. We did the best that we could on Pearl, had good starts
and were typically in the top 10 boats at the 1st windward mark but then seemed to slip back in the fleet as the
races continued. Courses were 6 miles, 4 - 1.5 mile legs and there was much time spent bailing on those upwind
beats! The Long Island and Buzzards Bay boats race in these conditions all the time so are much more adept at
driving and trimming their boats in the heavy conditions. Needless to say, we were typically in the back of the fleet
with our best finish a 10th.
On Saturday the conditions were much lighter and the breeze had gone south. The TAYC boats towed out to
the ocean in front of Brenton's Point by our able bodied tender Drifter, which Schuyler Benson was kind enough to
bring north for the week! She was perfect for this task and others were clearly jealous of our setup! As the breeze
built, we were able to get in 2 races in conditions more like what we are used to, but the ocean swell and chop still
made for challenging driving.
All in all, some ocean sailing was a great way to wrap up our Shields 2015 Nationals! Saturday evening was our
awards dinner and provided a nice venue for the great camaraderie for which our Class is known.
Sunday was travel day for everyone in getting our boats and crews back to Oxford. Once again, trailer issues
were part of the landscape but we all were successful in our transits back home.
It was another great experience at the Shields Nationals and many thanks to Ida Lewis Yacht Club and Fleet #9
for hosting this year.
Submitted by Jay Dayton
FOS News
Our season is winding down and summer is coming to a close. Much has been learned since taking the “helm”
for my team and me.
Sunday afternoon races seem popular especially since it gets dark earlier on Mondays. We hope to do more next
Sunday, September 13th, Jan Greer and his courageous crew got all 6 Ideals back in place after the Hammond
start. This feat was done in squall conditions with torrid rain to boot. Hail to Jan and his crew (2 Past Commodores
and his present wife).
The sun came out along with a brisk breeze and 5 Ideals left the dock to race. Philip Logan and guest crew took
1st with 1-1-1-2. Always close behind was Jan Greer (skipper) with Richard Lippincott as crew. These Masters
fought to get to the high side with every tack and placed 2-2-2-3. Always in the mix were Chef Colin sailing SOLO
(after having arrived at the Club at 0430 to serve breakfast to a couple hundred sailors) and Meredith Watters
with houseguests from Arizona. Joining us later were Junior Sailors, Emily and Maddie, age 15 with a Mom
onboard. The 3 girls pulled off a bullet in the last race with cheers from all.
We called it a fab day for racing and headed in just as TOW US was bringing back a cat with a broken mast from
the Hammond Race. The young married couple (we hope they stay that way) had pitch poled and lost their rig out
in the Bay and were returned to TAYC like drowned rats. FOS members quickly rallied around them and pitched in
to help them gather and prepare for their trailer ride back to Annapolis. Hammond Punch was prescribed by Past
Commodore Jay (Dr.) Weaver as a sure-fire cure.
Members, stay tuned to your emails from ideal18tayc@gmail.com, as more excitement is sure to follow.
Lastly, many thanks to Bob Lippincott for all the wonderful instruction, chalk talks and laughs this season. (He
did tell me that teaching adults could be difficult.... I said, yup sometimes like trying to herd cats...)We all will miss
Bob and wish him much success at Fishing Bay.
My best to all, Pat Shehan
FOS Sailors were invited to sail with Doug
Abbott aboard his Cal-40.
FOS Chalk talk!
2015 Penguin Internationals – Bob Lippincott Wins!
The 2015 Penguin Internationals were sailed Aug 22 & 23 during the William H. Myers, Jr. Heritage Regatta.
Fourteen boats were registered with many past Champions racing. Tot O’Mara aboard Scarlett was the PRO. Six
races were raced with one throwout. As of Saturday night, Bill Larson/SSA was winning with 10 points, followed
by Bob Lippincott/TAYC with 11 points, and Jonathan Bartlett/North Sails/AYC with 12 points. Saturday’s
conditions were very shifty with a puffy 8-12 knots of breeze out of the Northeast. Famed local, Sandy
McCallister along with his crew, Liam Edgell, experienced a surprise capsize with Bill Lane narrowly missing
their sunken boat. Family members David and Jeff Cox with Hayden Gibbons-Neff battled each other out in a
competitive series of their own.
Junior sailor Paget Kellogg bravely faced the elements on Saturday with his father, Drew Kellogg, as crew and,
managed to race his penguin both days and all 6 races. He was even beating his Sailing Instructor in one very
important part of the race. Adison Parish came out Sunday to race 2 races with her father, Andrew, and was
awarded the Best and only Female Skipper Award.
David Cox with his crew, Cathy Kramer, took the Grand Master Award (aka oldest dude out there) and
proudly limped up to accept his award.
On Sunday, PRO Tot O’Mara miraculously got in 2 races in 0-5 knots before the Northerly died completely.
Bob Lippincott and crew Lizzie Dennison (TAYC Green Fleet Instructor) had the series won before the
throwout, but with the throwout, Bob miraculously hung onto his lead by 1 point to win the coveted title of
Penguin International Champion.
Congrats to all our sailors, young and young-at-heart, who raced their Penguins at this regatta!
Bob Lippincott and his outstanding crew, Lizzie
Dennison are the 2015 Penguin International Champions
Bob smiling as he is in hot pursuit of Past 2015
Champion, Jonathan Bartlett
Penguin Start on Saturday
Halloween Ales and Tales
Friday, October 30th
Buffet $20
Costumes are encouraged
Join us for a night of
Frightening Fun!
Spooktacular Eats and Treats:
Flat Bread Pizzas, Satays &
Skewers, Sliders, Wraps & Rolls,
and Desserts
Music for Dancing
Reservations are required!
Guess Who!?!?
TAYC Nominating Committee
Announces 2015-2016 Slate
In accordance with Article VII and Article Z
of the TAYC Constitution, the 2015
Nominating Committee proposes the
following candidates for Officers and
Governors to be elected at the Annual
Meeting on November 8, 2015:
Commodore: H.D. Slaughter, III
Vice Commodore: R.J. Cooper
Rear Commodore: Thomas T. Alspach
Secretary: Patricia Shehan
Treasurer: P/C Joseph M. Weaver, Jr.
Immediate P/C: Byron H. LaMotte, Jr.
Board of Governors
Term Expires
James V. Alpi
Ed Cassidy
Allison W. Downes
Gerald G. Friedel
Bruce Wellington
Braden Loveless
Harold making the 2015
Hammond Punch!
Respectfully submitted,
The 2015 Nominating Committee
Schuyler Benson: Chairman
P/C Leonard Dayton
P/C Tot O’Mara
P/C John Devlin
P/C Peter Bailey
District 2 Championships in Annapolis, Sept 12/13, the TAYC Eastern Shore fleet was 4
strong. Aaron Serinis-3rd, Bobby Lippincott-6th, Alan Campbell-7th and Andrew
Aaron Serinis with crew Adam Dolezal
Bob Lippincott and Mike Zuschnitt
Andrew Parish and Patrick Brooks
More pictures from Heritage Regatta/Penguin Internationals
Drew Kellogg, and son Paget
Fox in Socks and Thunder Chicken
Friday Night Opti Sailing
This year, at the suggestion of Hayden Gibbons-Neff, we held Friday Night Optimist racing on three nights
during the late summer. Congratulations to Will Donald for winning the inaugural series. We will aim to do this
again next year. The overall results are as follows:
1st – Will Donald (35 points)
2nd– Hayden Gibbons-Neff (25 points)
3rd – Spencer Parish (16 points)
4th – Hartley Cooper (12 points)
5th – Adison Parish (11 points)
A special thank you to Adison Parish for taking a few of the younger sailors with her on many of the races.
Fun was had by all.
RJ Cooper
TAYC Happenings
TAYC Fall Cruise
Monday, October 19 – Anchor in Dividing Creek off the Wye River
Tuesday, October 20 – Anchor in Lankford Creek off the Chester River
Wednesday, October 21 – Chestertown – Anchor or tie up at the Chestertown Marina
Thursday, October 22 – Anchor in Reed Creek off the Chester River
Friday, October 23 – St. Michaels – Anchor or tie up at the Maritime Museum or one of the Marinas
Saturday, October 24 – Leadenham Creek off Broad Creek
Sunday, October 25 – Home
Please contact Sandy King at 410-822-9141 home, 410-714-4189 cell, or thrumcapped@gmail.com.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Sandy King
Fleet Captain
A Special Presentation at Wednesday Night Dinner
October 14 1800 hrs.
Maybe you saw the recent Tidewater Times article about Ebby duPont’s meticulous restoration of
antique and classic mahogany runabouts.
If you did, and especially if you didn’t, you won’t want to miss Ebby’s presentation at our October 14
WND. With a power point slide show, Ebby will take us through the painstaking process of restoring
nautical masterpieces from decades ago.
Ebby’s most recent restoration will also be at the club for close examination before dinner. So don’t
miss this, or the Oyster Pot Pie with fall vegetables!
Make your reservations soon!
Answer: Guess Who!?!? – Rollin Browne
P.O. BOX 337, OXFORD, MD 21654
Address Service Requested
Founded 1950
Published Monthly
Copy Coordinator: Allison Downes
Byron LaMotte, Jr.
Vice Commodore:
H.D. Slaughter, III
Rear Commodore:
R.J. Cooper
Fleet Captain:
Sandy Wellford-King
Andrew Parish
P/C Joseph Weaver
Fleet Chaplain:
The Rev. Mark S. Nestlehutt
Fleet Surgeon:
John P. Knud-Hansen, MD
Thomas Alspach · Joseph Callahan · James Alpi
Ed Cassidy · Allison Downes · Gerald Friedel
Schuyler Benson - Past Commodore
Club Manager - Vicky Van Loo
Office: 410-226-5269
Fax: 410-226-5057
E-mail: manager@tayc.com
Star Fall
Series #1 & #2
FOS Champ. &
Series #3 & #4
Round the
Buoys Race #5
& #6
Fall Cruise
Fall Cruise
Star Fall WindUp
7 Wednesday
Night Dinner
14 Wednesday
Night Dinner
21 Wednesday
Night Dinner
1800 Sausage-
28 Wednesday
Night Dinner
Oyster Pot Pie
$19 and
Ales and Tales
Beef Stroganoff
Ales and Tales
Cocktail Party
Auntie’s Meat
Loaf $15
Patch Race
Ravioli $17
Ales and Tales