July WJ 2006 Master


July WJ 2006 Master
Lawrence G. Bradley
Louis R. Todisco
Ellen M. Reilly
John Economides
Don Kearney
July 2006
Tel. (617) 846-CPYC
Web site: www.CPYC.ORG
Commodore’s Ball 2006
Commodore Bradley and his wife Sandra organized a lovely and fun event to kick off the summer season, Saturday, June 15th.
The rains abated for the event, the food was delicious, fellowship abounded. Past Commodore Mike Gahan emceed for the evening with his usual wit, and Tim
McHale and the “Knuckleheads” got
everyone up and onto the dance floor.
CPYC past commodores, CPYC Flag
Officers, Commodores from other
yacht clubs sang the ever popular “We
Love Our Commodore” ►
led by Frank Manning, Past
Commodore of the South Boston Yacht
Club, and of the Commodores Club of
Commodore Bradley presented
immediate Past Commodore Jack
Condon with his past commodore’s
flag ▼ and presented the secretary’s
flag to past secretary David Hubbard.
Rev. Corbet Walsh gave his usual humorous and poignant invocation prior to din◄Past Commodore Condon prener.
sented Janet and John Nalen with
the Commodore’s Award for last
year. ▼ Roger Sirois was
presented the Vice Commodore’s
Award from Commodore
Bradley. ▼ The Rear
Commodore’s award recipient,
Ralph Bagley was unable to
attend. Congrtatulations to all.
Tim McHale got
the ball goers onto
the dance floor and
persuaded them to
participate actively
in the evenings
festivities. ►
Memorial Day Celebrations
Held at CPYC
Veterans of Naval Service were honored at CPYC on Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend in a
ceremony which honored their contributions to their country. This memorial service rotates
annually between the town’s yacht clubs. Vice Commodore Lou Todisco ► welcomed the
veterans, following an honor guard salute. ▼ A traditional flowered wreath was tossed into the
water in memory of departed veterans.
CPYC 1st Annual
Summertime Fishing
The Windjammer is admittedly a little late in announcing this, but the
summer still has many weeks ahead to catch the fish of your dreams
from the CPYC docks . The event runs through Labor Day, Sept 4th.
Make your $10.00 entry fee payment to Bob Sheppard or Chris
Berg. The rules include fishing from the docks only; stripers and
Blues only; must have a photo of the fish and one witness ( camera
behind the bar in pilot
house if needed); measured by size. Winner
take all. Cook out/
banquet TBD.
Paul Nichol’s caught
this 36 inch striped bass
off the marina floats.
The proof is in the official measurement show
to the left. Note the witnesses present!
There have been other
big striped bass caught
but it looks as if Paul is
currently leading in the
Summer Fishing Tournament.
Bye Bye Boilers
Now that we do not need heat any longer, the old boilers
were removed the end of June to continue the transition to
gas. Resident expert Paul Leary led his volunteer crew of
Lou Todisco, Larry Floyd, Larry Bradley, Frank
Schwartz (absent from picture) and Ernie Hardy (taking
the picture) in removing the old boilers and cleaning the
room. It was hot, hard, dirty work. The old boilers were in
bad shape, making the decision to transition, a good one.
Dave O'Brien, Jr. did the preparatory electrical work.
Is There a New Hotel on
Yirrell Beach at Point Shirley?
The Answer is No. It was the “Freedom of the Seas”
as she was leaving Boston Harbor.
What would we do without resident photographer Tom McHugh
to capture scenes like this from Cottage Park Yacht Club and to
share them with the Windjammer for the whole membership
to appreciate.
The weather got the better of the first half
of our Star Fleet racing season, but we still
have a few races to go and anything can
happen. Teenage sensation Tomas Hornos
and his dad Luis are currently in the lead,
with reigning Fleet Champs Ken Woods
and Howard Davis right on their heels.
Tomas, representing CPYC, just finished
12th in the Laser Class at the 2006 US
Youth Sailing Championship at Grosse
Point Yacht Club, Michigan.
The Cottage Park and the Boston Harbor
Luis and Tomas Hornos
Photo be Jan Walker
Star Fleet are hosting the First District
Championships July 14-16. We expect to
see 25 of the best Star teams from the
Northeast on the starting line. The Star
Class always enjoys coming back to
CPYC; we're all looking forward to great
racing, and even better camaraderie.
For more information on the Star Fleet and
the First District Champs, please visit
http://www.cpyc.org/star, or contact our
fearless leaders Peter Costa at peter@owlengineering.com and Scott Rosen
at scottarosen@starclass.org.
S. Braverman
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US Coast Guard flyover
The Dancing Boat!
Dancing to the music
It was too windy for the
sailors to
parade for a blessing
The boats were blessed at
the dock. ▼
Some of the cooks.
How many hamburgers
did you cook?
▲ Patriotic salute by the US
Marine Corp
Color Guard
The Invocation was by
Jeremy Smith, rector of the
Methodist Church,
Father Charles Bourke of St.
John’s the Evangelist Church,
and Father E. Corbett Walsh
A Christening and Debut in the Fleet
Under a bright summer sky the latest boat building project of the Honan Family, The William & Anthony, was christened with
much fanfare on Father’s Day. Family and friends gathered at Yerrill Beach for an afternoon celebration highlighted with Rev.
Charles Bourke of Saint John the Evangelist Church blessing the recently built boat while an Irish Piper played the pipes in the
Former Commodore, Mike Gahan presented Richard Honan and his family
with a miniature version of the C.P.Y.C. burgee.
The new boat made it's debut at the Cottage Park Yacht Club on Saturday July 1
at the Blessing of the Fleet.
Highlights of the christening were video taped by
Ron Wayland and shown
on Winthrop's own television station WCAT-TV.
◄Row, Row, Row
your boat
Gently along the
Richie, how much of the champagne was
poured on the boat
or did it end up elsewhere?
Youth Sailing began its summer program with a fashion show, coordinated by Paula Ronan, with the assistance of many, many
youth sailing parents. It takes a lot of assistance to put on an event such as this. The young people and adults wore fashions from
Tablot’s Kids, TJ Maxx and the CPYC store. The show pictures below best describe the event.
On Monday June 26th the program officially started with swim tests and an evening Barbeque. This year there are 62 youth in the
program, with 30 beginners. The Head Instructor is Colleen Lally; Instructors are Gabrielle Vannoni, Matt Aiello and Phil
Ronan; and Junior Instructors are Sam Roberts, Jessica Curley, and Matt Evans. Volunteer assistants for the program are
Hatch Brown and Ernie Hardy.
Commodore Bradley escorts his daughters
down the run way while show
commentator Phyllis McKinnon looks on.
Continued next page
New Entertainment Committee
Up and Running
The entertainment committee has been
revitalized with Taryn Pittman and
Nancy Corbet as co chairpersons of the
committee. Both Taryn and Nancy are
organized individuals who work in management positions and are excited about
the forward direction of the entertainment committee. Drawing on the interests members expressed on the member
survey, the committee now has a robust,
talented and creative core group of
twelve. More members have expressed
interest and more are welcome to join, as
many hands make light work. Nancy and
Taryn are planning on having event captains. Soon you will be getting information and dates on specific activities.
The committee is formulating their plans
for the future. Right now they are working on revitalizing activities for the pilot
house and deck so there will be Saturday
night activities.
There will be Trivia
Nights with Mike Gahan,
a master of trivia, testing
member memories in his
unequaled humorous fashion.
By popular demand,
Karoake is slated to return.
A Martini
Jazz night is in the works.
There has
been interest in having a
wine tasting party. The one
held a few year ago was a
lot of fun.
The committee also
wants to bring live music into the pilot house
some nights but needs to generate funds to
support this, There will be split the pots to
do so.
There are also activities
planned for the function hall
including a $10,000 dinner,
a Halloween Party,
an Adult Christmas party,
the Children’s Christmas
and a New Year’s Eve
The committee is also
looking at new and better
ways of letting the membership know
about upcoming activities. The committee
meets again on July 12th and welcomes
other ideas and new members. CPYC is
going to be a more fun, busier place of
good fellowship.
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Matt Twomey, In the Service of the Military Sealift Command
Recently Stephen Buckley received and forwarded to me as Windjammer
Matt at Work
editor, an email from member Matt Twomey in response to one of Stephen’s
event reminders. Matt emailed that he was sorry that he would be unable to
attend the Commodore’s Ball as he was usually 400 miles off the coast of
Cape Henry, VA., and sent pictures of his activities. As a result I have been in
communication with Matt for this Windjammer article.
Matt has been a member of CPYC since 2000 and participated in the 2000
Tall Ships Boston Class C with the exhibition vessel “Bosun Bird” a 1934, 16
ton S&S design Auxiliary Yawl. He is currently a civilian in the
service of the Military
Sealift Command aboard the USNS JOHN LENTHALL (T-AO 189), a fleet
replenishment oiler. He writes, “I am really having a blast out here, and suspect that I am 6 months into a potentially very satisfying career as a merchant mariner. I do miss my kids, but my wife is self sufficient for now, so I
am enjoying this whole experience. The goal is to operate these vessels
safely and efficiently, and to help the younger people to learn how to work
and protect themselves from all sorts of problems: Fatigue, exposure, social problems, and
career planning.
A fast customer
Most of the civilian
sailors are no better
off educationally than the sailors of 100 years ago, so it can be a strange
mix. But if you like physical work, fast action, fulfilling the navy's operational requirements (that is the exciting part, on the water, as in the photos)
and like working in a
heavy industry enviFlight Replenishment Underway of course...
ronment, then it is a
BLAST. I would
have to say that the
happiest jobs of my
life have been in paThe Approach...Two customers...13.5 kmots
per mills, and out
here, because of the responsibility that you can accept when handling the machinery and the people. Anyway, I'm hoping to get to CPYC in Sept. then
right back out. “ Matt can be emailed at Matthew S.
According to the Military Sealift Command website,
“The mission of Military Sealift Command is to provide ocean transportation of equipment, fuel, supplies and ammunition to sustain U.S. forces worldwide during peacetime and in war for as long as operational requirements dictate. During a war, more
A Quick Get away...
than 95 percent of all equipment and supplies needed to sustain the U.S. Military are
carried by sea. MSC provides the sea transportation component for the United States
Transportation Command. …..
The ships of Military Sealift
Command’s Naval Fleet Auxiliary Force are the lifeline to U.S.
Navy ships at sea. Providing
fuel , food, ammunition, spare
parts and other supplies, Naval
Fleet Auxiliary Force, or NFAF,
ships enable the Navy fleet to
operate at the highest operational
tempo possible. NFAF ships
provide underway replenishment services to U.S. Navy ships worldwide alleviating the
need for them to constantly return to port for supplies. “
Fire Command, Repair Locker #1
The program is composed of ocean tugs, fast combat support ships, fleet replenishment oilers, combat stores ships, ammunition ships, rescue—salvage ships, dry
cargo/ammunition ships and hospital ships.
S. Hardy
Solo Transatlantic Voyage to Port Camargue, France
On Friday June 16th at 11:28 EDT, Alex MeVay departed Cottage Park Yacht Club for a solo voyage across the Atlantic to Port
Camargue on the Mediterranean coast of France in his Mini, Genasun. Alex hopes to reach the French port in 35 days after covering approximately 3,600 nautical miles. Once in Europe he be one of only a few Americans competing in European Mini races
this summer. His goal is to qualify for next years Mimi Transat.
Alex has been an avid sailor growing up on Long Island Sound. After graduating from MIT in 2002 with a Master Degree on
Math and Electrical Engineering, he founded his company
Genasun which makes advanced energy products for sailboats and alternative energy solutions.
After purchasing his Mini, a Pogo 1, Alex spent 8 months
sailing it in the Caribbean and up the Atlantic Coast to
Boston. A Mini is the smallest class of offshore racing sail
boat with an LOA of 21 ft, Beam 9.8 ft, a 36.1 ft mast,
draft of 7 ft, and can carry 1000 square feet of sail area.
Genasun is outfitted with Alex’s company’s solar panels
and energy systems on the crossing.
Alex’s planned route as seen on the left, takes him past the
Islands of the Azores , through the Straits of Gibraltar into
the Mediterranean Ocean, up the east coast of Spain to
As Alex readied to leave
CPYC on June 16th, a
contingency of members
came to wish him a safe
voyage. ◄Vice Commodore Lou Todisco presented Alex with a club
burgee for the voyage.
Mr. and Mrs. MeVay
were also on hand for the
departure. ► Alex’s
mother described the
weeks of preparation and
the quantity of food and water that is stored in Genasun for the voyage. When asked if she was concerned about Alex on the trip
she said he was experienced and a good sailor. She shared that Alex had asked her not to call, that he would stay in touch.
Interested members can follow Alex’s adventure on his website, http://www.genasun.com Alex has been posting his position
along with periodic messages and antidotes such as how to take a shower on Genasun and sighting the island of Corvo in the
On July 2nd, Alex’s day 16 position put him 2,086 miles from Winthrop, over half way to his destination and seemingly on his
time schedule of 35 days. The route traveled so far is pictured below.
CPYC Participates in Newport to
Bermuda Race
CPYC was well represented in the Centennial
Newport to Bermuda Race held in June. Eric Larsen was aboard Family Affair, a Tartan 41 that
finished 12th of 22 ORC contestants in Class 1 of
the St. David’s Lighthouse Division. Steven
Crombie, Jr. raced on Kinship, a Baltic 52 that
finished 13th of 21 ORC in Class 6 of the St.
David’s Division. His father, Steven helped transport the vessel back from Bermuda to Newport.
Reminder to All
AUG 5th-6th
Chairman Denise Economides reports that plans for the
Make a Wish Regatta are well underway. Raffle tickets are
now available. Stephen Buckley will be distributing them
so be sure to get some from him. The more that can be sold
“off campus,” the better the raffle will do. Prizes this year
include 2 American Airline tickets, a painting by resident
artist Joanne Bagley, an unrestricted gift certificate to the
Mount Washington Hotel, and the ever popular Red Sox
tickets. Jennifer Hanna will be handling the youth sailing
parents reception, and raffle tickets for youth sailing. Denise does need more donations for the silent auction.
The mailing and emails with particulars on the Make a
Wish regatta will be in the mail soon. These will include
racing registration for the youth sailing, one design and
chase races forms and meal reservations.
Anyone who would like to make a donation or volunteer to
help with the event can contact Denise through
maw@cpyc.org or at 617-797-8766.
Do come and support this wonderful event.
Please keep the doors and
gates to CPYC locked. This
is for the safety of our
members, children and
Wishes and Rainbows
Wishes for Make-a-Wish and rainbows for the pot of gold. The pot
of gold appears to be on Snake Island in the bottom photograph.
Note the faint, but visible double rainbow in the top picture.
Tom McHugh captured the rainbow below during one of our many
recent storms.
Meet the
New Members
Welcome to Charles Newman, his wife Debbie and
daughter Nichole. The Newman's live in the CPYC
Tomas Hornos is a young star sailor from Swampscott. An
enthusiastic sailor, Tomas has already competed in numerous world sailing events and will represent CPYC at
many ,more.
Denis Fitzpatrick is a Boston Police Officer. He and his
wife Susan live in Winthrop with their children Elizabeth, Brendan, Natalie, and
Michael. The children will be sailing in the Youth Sailing Program.
A commercial painting contractor, Edward Rossi lives in Winthrop with his wife
Colleen. They have two grown sons, Teddy and Ed.
Hugo Mujica and his wife, Bernadette come from Malden. A retired banker, Hugo
owns the 41 ft ketch “Wings”.
CPYC Racing Notes
Photo by
The excessive rain in the past 2 months has definitely effected competitor turn out at the JFK
regatta and the Constitution Cup. Boats were not
able to be readied for the season until late. To the
left is one of the 5 boats that came out for the
JFK Regatta, which was held on a miserable
weather day. It is interesting to note that the turn
out in Marblehead has been down too. The day
after the JFK Regatta , they had a similar turn out
for their racing.
The Constitution Cup had a better turn out and
beautiful weather finally, with several PHRF
entrants, 7 J105’s, and a number of Star’s.
Get your back pack , or cinch bag at the CPYC
store so you can keep all of your sailing gear
together at lessons and regattas. Make a CPYC
fashion statement. Light weight for summer.
Available in several colors. Price $16.00.
The store still has many other items for summer
G. David Hubbard II
Publishes Historical Mapping
Of Winthrop
Book Club News
The Book Club met June 27th for a spirited discussion on their June selection, Fall on Your
Knees by Ann Marie McDonald. The group
found a lot of symbolism through out the book
and agreed that it covered a great number of
dysfunctions that can occur within a family; but
had difficulty in believing them all that did occur
with in just one family setting. In addition the
book touched on many societal inequalities. That
being said the book was written with wonderful
imagery and highlighted interesting historical
The book club has decided to take the summer
off to pursue independent reading and summer
activities. However they will resume the end of
September with the classic and one of the best selling novels of all times,
Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier. This is a book well worth reading for the
first time or revisiting a second time. The Sept date will be announced.
September 2006
August 28th, 2006
Leave news at CPYC for
Sue Hardy or email Windjammer@cpyc.org
Thank you to all of the contributors who have been sending in copy
and pictures. They help to make a better Newsletter.
The Queen Mary 2 sailed into Boston Harbor July 4th in time for the Constitution
turnaround. It will stay through the 4th fire works before departing for Bar Harbor, Maine. It certainly was a majestic sight as it arrived but the skies were too
hazy to get a good photograph.
Congratulations to Dave Hubbard on fulfilling
his 12 year quest to compile a map history of
Winthrop. Through his research, he located 225
maps of which 194 proved to be significant.
This was a volunteer effort sponsored by the
Winthrop Improvement and Historical Association with a partial grant from the Local Culture
Council. Any proceeds from the sale of the
book will go to the WHIA. To purchase a book
for $20.00, contact Dave.
Member’s Restaurant Highlighted
In Boston Herald
The June 30th Boston Herald featured an article by Mat Schaffer on the
Silvertone Bar and Grill at 69 Bromfield Street, Boston which is owned by
CPYC neighbors and members Katy and Josh Childs. The article described
the restaurant as being “popular with young and old, suits and students.” Silvertones serves up “physical “ and “emotional substance” with a warm atmosphere
and good, well priced comfort food. Congratulations to the Child’s on receiving such a great review. Katy has been a tremendous help to the Capital Improvements committee as they develop the plans for the Pilot House Kitchen.
Pilot House
Snack Bar
March 2006 Annual CPYC Snowbird Reunion
at past members Joan and Bob Thaler’s home in Cape Coral, Florida
Picture by Sandy Ciampa
Whist Anyone?
Anyone interested in playing the card game whist on an occasion
or with regularity contact Marty O’Brien at
obrienmw@comcast.net. His desire is to have a card game every
other week or so for bragging rights. Teams to be made up at random of those who
show up. Last time they meet they had four players ate pizza, snacks and played
for about 3 hours.
Three families of geese, each with four goslings have
been frequenting CPYC looking for handouts. Note the
runt of this family in the lower left.
Check out the
times and menu at
the snack bar
Because it is contracted to an
outside business,
chits are not
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Our belated sympathy to Libby and Bob
Dowling on the passing of Libby’s father.
Congratulations to Kim and David Kennedy on the birth of Hayes David. Sue and
Ernie Hardy are the grandparents.
Condolences to the entire Keough family
on the loss of Ed Keough last month.
Our sympathies to Fred Tape and the family on the sudden passing of Doris Tape.
Glad to see Dave Williams recovering so
well from his surgery.
Ronnie Wasson bounced back nicely from
his surprise hospital visit.
We regret to report the sudden passing of
past member Ron Doig last month.
Kudos to all who helped put on a successful Blessing of the Fleet. A lot of people
worked very hard.
We are sad to report the passing of Jim
Frazier, a member of Medford Boat Club,
who has volunteered on the CPYC Race
Committee for years.
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Jul 7
Jul 14
July 14-16
July 21
July 28
Friday Night Dinner
Friday Night Dinner
District 1 Star Regatta
Friday Night Dinner
Friday Night Dinner
Aug 4
Aug 5-6
Aug 11
Aug 18
Friday Night Dinner
Make a Wish Regatta
Friday Night Dinner
Friday Night Dinner
Five Petals Florist Inc.
Mary Lally
Floral Designer
9 Bartlett Road
Winthrop MA 01252
Aug 25
Friday Night Dinner
Sept 4
Wk of
Sept 4
Sept 8
Sept 15
Sept 22
Sept 29
Labor Day -Summer Fishing
Contest Ends
Bowling begins
Friday Night Dinner
Friday Night Dinner
Friday Night Dinner
Friday Night Dinner
Book Club
Oct 13
Oct 30
Friday Night Dinner
Friday Night Dinner
Marina Weekend
$10,000 Dinner
Halloween Party