July 2016 - Cottage Park Yacht Club


July 2016 - Cottage Park Yacht Club
Thomas H. Schlichting
Brian J. Murphy
Peter Towner
Janine M. Stanton
Donald Kearney
July 2016
Tel. (617) 846-CPYC
Web site: www.CPYC.ORG
2016 Commodore’s Ball
▲ It was an elegant blue and
white nautical theme that
graced the ballroom for the
2016 Commodores Ball.
▲ Following the Parade of
Commodores and spouses,
Past Commodore Pyne
lead the traditional
“We Love
Our Commodore —Like **** We Do”
There were lanterns, anchors,
candle, ropes, under a ceiling
of white wispy banners and
lights. The CPYC ship was
very decked out thanks to the
Schlichting’ s vision.
Bo Schlichting places the
picture of the immediate
Past Commodore Marty
O’Brien on the wall of
history. ▼
Enjoying the cocktail party
2016 Commodores
The Receiving Line
L to R. Commodore
Thomas Schlichting and
Vice Commodore Brian
Murphy and Jane,
Rear Commodore
Peter Towner and
2015 Flag Officers Awards
Robert Baum received the Vice
Commodore’s award from Commodore Schlichting for his work on the
dredging committee.
Commodore Schlichting presented
outgoing Commodore Marty
O’Brien’s Commodore’s award to
Past Commodore Jack Condon for
running the Angry Barnacle and
Galley food services.
Surprise Dedication
The corner chair that usually resides at
the very end of the Pilot House Bar
was dedicated to life member Roger
Sirois who often occupies the seat on
late afternoons. Unveiling the chair
and plaque were his grandsons David
O’Brien and Mark O’Brien. The
plaque on the back of the chair reads
“Life Member, Roger Sirois, Member Since 1991. “
Around the Ball
Now Vice Commodore Brian Murphy
presented the Rear Commodore’s
award to Barry Lawton for his work
on the marine facilities committee, as
webmaster, and technical assistance at
the club.
Mom’s Day Reminiscences
Well over 200 mothers,
fathers, and children attended the Mother’s Day
brunch this year and enjoyed delicious food on
this popular CPYC tradition.
Pilot House
Spring and Summer Hours
Begin May 1st 2016
Sunday and Monday
12 Noon to 11 PM
Tues. Wed. & Thurs.
12 Noon to 12 Midnight
Friday & Saturday
12 Noon to 1 AM
The Sullivan's, Reilly's,
From the Entertainment Committee Chair…..
◄ The Hubbard's and
▼ The Beattie’s
▲ The Marks’
boys with
Easterly Hoist Repairs
The underpinnings for the easterly hoist were repaired this
spring. This involved lowering the hoist and replacing the
plates that support it. While down it was refurbished and
Thank you to the
members and their
The Helpers
families who attended our Mother's
Day Brunch (our
biggest ever) and
our Father's Day
BBQ. Both events
required a great
deal of preparation,
coordination and
volunteer work. I
want to thank the following people for all their help in
making these events run smoothly and successfully.
Jeff & Anne Meskell, Pete Towner, Janine Stanton,
Louise Guillotte, Peggy Carr, Holly Schlichting,
Alice Reilly, Ellen Reilly, Pamela Aranov, Millie
Ferrante, Dave Aloise, Paula Smith, John Cataldo
and his amazingly helpful son Jake, Owen Trainor
and last but not least the biggest thanks of all to our
Commodore Tommy Schlichting. You have gone
above and beyond in my opinion with everything from
food shopping, food prep and of course the cooking
Patrice Berk
Precious Memories
from the Father’s Day BBQ
Soooooo Sleepy!
Watching the planes
with Grandpa
Dinghy Floats Arrival and Installation - An Engineering Project to Behold
How did this big flatbed truck ever get to CPYC? The answer
is very early in the morning and very carefully using the extension at the water end of Bartlett Road and the westerly parking
Each float had to be secured with the crane straps before
lifting. Commodore Schlichting was on hand to assist atop
the flatbed with Dave Aloise from the parking lot.
◄ After securing each
float it was lifted and
swung in an easterly arc
skirting the deck and
placed in the water where
Barry Lawton and Dave
Kennedy waited to unhooked each float. ►
Amazingly the truck was
unloaded by about 9:30
AM when it departed.
◄ The floats were moved
first to a staging area by
the easterly work float until
all were in the water. Assembly followed with the
help of Eric Kirton, Dave
Girard, John Cataldo.
Then the floats were
moved just outside the
pilings until the barge arrived. ►
The barge arrived promptly
and the tricky job of lifting
the gangway, removing the
old float, placing the new
float and securing the gangway on it began.
◄ First the gangway had to
be secured and lifted some in
order to remove the pins
holding it to the main pier.
Dave Girard, John Economides and Dave Aloise carefully removed the pin.
The gangway was lowered
onto the old float to rebalance the straps before
moving it to the new floats.
(Continued next page)
Once the gangway was safely on the new floats, the old floats were prepared to be removed. (Above)
◄The old float had
to be negotiated between the pilings,
allowing for the new
floats to be put in
place so that the
gangway could be
It took several attempts to place and
connect the gangway
in the correct position. ►
◄Once the crane
hauled one old float,
it was broken up
and trashed. All the
other old floats
found new homes ,
saving the disposal
The dinghy docks in
place, awaiting finishing touches. ►
As another season begins for
approximately 65 students, there
are exciting changes in our
youth sailing program for Summer 2016
that will offer an abundance of fun while
providing solid sailing fundamentals.
Adventure sailing activities will be incorporated this year to provide new ways for
our children to experience the waterfront.
STEM activities will continue to be integrated into the lesson plans. The instruction levels have been realigned to keep the
age groups closer together while providing appropriate level construction. In
addition the program will be using a wider
range of boats to give participants a
broader experience.
Based on feedback and with a focus on
making the program as beneficial as possible, some changes in schedule have been
Youth Sailing Program Begins
made for the older children.
Beginners classes will run from 8:30
a.m. to 10:15 a.m. with an optional extended day program to 12:30 p.m., of
games and fun activities that follow up
on the lessons.
Registration Night
Intermediate classes will run
from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
This change will allow for
more flexibility around sailing times to
extend the amount of time students have in
boats. There will fun activities when not
Advanced/teen classes will meet from 1
p.m. to 4:00 p.m. for a combination of sailing and other activities based on weather
Following last years enthusiastic response
to Race Clinic, this is being offered again
this year on Mondays from 1 p.m. to 4
p.m. The program is geared to intermediate
racers but is open to any student with a
solid understanding of sailing fundamentals and a desire to improve their racing
skills. Instruction will focus on improving
speed, sail trim, knowledge of rules and
The Toga Time fundraiser, brainchild of Barry Lawton, brought attendees back to their college days. Togas were not required for this
evening but many chose to go Greek for the evening. Most wore white
togas but some chose colors. Centerpieces adorned with overflowing
bowls of grapes paid tribute to Dionysus (Bacchus) the Greek God of
wine and grapes. The evening was a successful fundraiser.
Maritime Memorial Day Service
Adult Sailing Begins
Once again CPYC was selected for the Maritime Memorial Service where past veterans are remembered in a ceremony featuring prayers, a gun salute, and laying a
wreath in the water in their honor. Photos by R. Honan
Our CPYC Adult Sailing program has
just begun. We meet on the dock every
Thursday at 6:00 pm to go out sailing,
learn new skills and enjoy a beautiful
evening sunset. Whether you're a true
beginner or an aspiring cruiser or racer,
every sail is a new experience. For our
first night, we had four boats, six instructors and ten students. Any member
or spouse of a REG member can sign up
for lessons. Applications are available in
the white envelope in the slot behind the
door to the right of the membership
board. Fee is $100.
Industrial Commercial
Journeyman # 10862
Master # 10211
*Fire Sprinklers *Utilities Back Flow Preventers
(Installation, Testing, Repair)
Dan Carney
RoloData Mailing
1218 Bennington Street
Boston, MA 02128
Gas Fitting
Paul W. Marks Co., Inc.
Butter -
Quality Service
Eggs - Cheese - Margarine
Philip W. Marks
8 Commercial St.
Everett, MA 02149
June 25th was a bright, beautiful, perfect for the Annual Blessing of the Fleet at CPYC
Thanks to Past Commodore Mike Gahan all of the flags flew proudly in the breeze.
Photos by Kathleen Trainor
▲ Colors were presented by the Massachusetts State
Police Honor Guard as the CPYC officers and members sang the “Star Spangled Banner”.
◄ Reverend Captain Charles Bourke USN Retired
officiated the Blessing.
Past Commodore Mike Gahan in a reflective moment
just prior to the Ecumenical Mass. ►
◄ The extraordinaire cooks
A sampling of those who attended the Blessing►
A Sampling of Boats Parading to be Blessed
22th Annual CPYC Regatta to Benefit Make-A-Wish August 6th - 7th
Once again our Cottage Park Yacht Club will be hosting Annual CPYC Regatta to Benefit the Massachusetts/Rhode Island Chapter
of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. This will be our 22nd year and we have returned to the 2 day format.
Plans are well under way for the PHRF Chase Race, the One design/Dinghy line and the Youth Sailing lines. The activities for the
weekend include Friday evening and Saturday morning race registration, a Saturday evening Make-A-Wish dinner, (children are
welcome), raffle drawing, limited auction, youth pizza party, and Sunday pier party and awards.
Regatta Management Solutions, www.regattaman.com will be used for Notices of Race, registration, Sailing Instructions, results,
and informational notices.
Be a part of the CPYC tradition. There is great satisfaction in knowing that you were able to help a child have a wish granted, and
in doing that helped them and their family in very difficult times.
Volunteer to help with the land activities, (contact Janine Stanton chairman). The more people that can help, the lighter the work.
Buy raffle tickets. The raffle tickets will be available soon. This year’s 1st prize is $750, 2nd $500, and 3rd $250, and more.
Tickets are $3 each or $10 for a book of 5. The raffle will be drawn on Saturday at the dinner. You need not be present to win. The
raffle is a major part of the money we raise for Make-A-Wish.
Attend the Dinner. This year the dinner, 6PM, and cocktail party, 5-6PM have been moved to an earlier time and will be a buffet.
The committee is working on making the dinner more fun.
Bid on an auction item. Bidding on these items truly helps us raise funds for Make-A-Wish.
Buy a Tee Shirt. Tee-shirts for our 22nd year of the regatta are also available for purchase soon. Short sleeves are $15 and long
sleeves $20. Get yours while they last.
We appreciate your support for this iconic event at our club. Thank you for your consideration.
The First Wednesday Night Rumble Start with Constitution PHRF and Hingham PHRF was delayed due to an inbound
LNG Tanker. (Below) Thirty eight boats participated. Congratulations to Wild Thing and Spirit for winning Class B and
G Divisions.
From the Membership
Meet Our New Members ……
Regular Members
We welcome Sylvia Millie Ferrante who
owns Millie’s Kitchen at Crystal Cove.
She operates our food service has become
a regular member.
From Leominster, Kevin Godin and his
wife, Amy, have recently become owners
of a Dufour 30. Kevin is new to sailing
but looks forward to learning more about
sailing. He is an IT analyst with Partners
William Gault recently moved to Winthrop and had fallen in love with the town.
A real estate agent, Bill owns a powerboat
currently at Crystal Cove. Getting married
soon, he and his bride are looking forward
to both the social and boating aspects of
the club.
Two members, Louise Guillote and Ginny Gaeta have converted from social to
regular membership.
Young Adult Members
Simon Tebbe is no stranger to sailing. He
grew up on the Connecticut shore and
sailed out of Riverside Yacht Club on
Long Island Sound. Simon is a senior at
Northeastern University, and will work as
an engineer after graduation. He owns a
Catalina 30 which he is moving to the
Trial Members
Michael Garabedian and his wife Sarah
live in the North End and have just purchased their first sailboat, a Pearson 33.
Mike works as a softwear engineer and
Sarah for a nonprofit. They enjoy the
view from the club.
Social Members
A member if the Nalen Clan, Steve Nalen
is a mechanical engineer for Keurig Green
Mountain , a Winthrop resident and interested in bowling.
A retired fire lieutenant for the Winthrop
Fire Department, Robert Burditt is the
grandfather of Conor and Marie O’Brien. Robert enjoys playing pool and
spending time with his family.
Lisa Mignosa is a wellness trainer and
tends bar at CPYC part-time. She is interested in working with the entertainment
Already active at CPYC, Shannon
Girard is now a social member. She has
During the Month of May, CPYC
was host to the Tufts, BU and Northeastern sailing teams who practiced
here in preparation for the Collegiate Nationals in California.
After a day of sailing out parking lot
was full of teams debriefing with
their coaches
two children in the youth sailing program
and is interested in helping with the entertainment committee.
Julie Dalton is friendly with the Trainor
family. A Revere resident, she is an office manager and is interested in the Regatta Committee and Make-A-Wish.
Active in many town organizations and
Winthrop resident, Gillian Teixeira has
many friends at CPYC and is interested
in book club and entertainment.
Nick Landers is a familiar face behind
the Pilot House bar as he is a part time
bartender at the club. Son of member
Tom Landers, Nick also works for UPS
and is a DJ at CPXYC.
A teacher in the Winthrop Schools and a
Winthrop resident, Jason Durkee has
many friends who are members of
Revere resident Eugene Borganzi is a
friend of Ginny Gaeta. Gino is an accountant and looks forward to becoming
involved in the club.
Stacy O’Leary is is no stranger to
CPYC. From Cambridge, she is an accountant and the bookkeeper at our club.
She looks forward to the camaraderie that
our club has to offer.
A recent arrival from Ireland, Micheal
McAughey is the brother of social member Orla Twomey. Michael met his fiancée, social member Jen Hazlett in the
Pilothouse a few years ago and the rest is
Specializing in Fiberglass
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Home (781) 272-2685
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E Mail: JMGanno@MIT.Edu
The Social Memberships filled up quickly
for 2016. We currently have a waiting list
for social applicants. In some cases, a
REG membership can make sense for a
person who may have considered SOC
membership. If you are a couple and both
want independent club privileges (so that
a spouse can come on his/her own and
bring his/her own guests), or you intend to
get a boat in the future and want to start
accruing seniority, we recommend a REG
membership. REG members also have
equity in the club, as they can vote and
chair a committee. If you're already a SOC
member and want to upgrade to a REG
membership, contact Pamela Aranov at
aranov@ rcn.com.
Schooner America
To Visit CPYC
Plans are in the works for the replica of
the schooner America to visit CPYC on
Tuesday July 26th. The boat should arrive
around 2:30 PM and be open for member
tours from 3-5 PM. An America’s Cup
lecture is planned from 5-6 PM followed
by a chance for members to sail aboard
America into Boston. The cost for the sail
is Adults $85.00 and Children 12 and under $42.50. Arrangements for return
transportation TBD. Look for email updates.
The schooners visit is somewhat weather
dependent as it has to come in during high
Men’s Bowling Roll Off
Ladies Bowling Roll Off
The Ladies Roll was won by Tuesday with 1076 pins. Going
into the second string, there were 14 pins separating 1st and 3rd
place with Thursday ahead of Tuesday by 1 pin. Bowling very
well in the second string Tuesday took the lead by 41 pins.
They were able to hold on to that lead finishing 40 pins ahead
of Monday, followed by Wednesday and Thursday.
The Wednesday Wild Card team won the men's roll-off with a
total of 1581 pins, with the runner-up team 83 pins behind. It
was close after the first game, but Wednesday Wild Card team
put it away with a 576 in the second game. This put them 104
pins up going into the third string. The winning team pictured
above from left to right were Jonathan Marks, Steven Honan,
John Cataldo, Jack O'Connell, and team captain Warren Kirby.
Individual Achievements for the season were:
High average: Warren Kirby 109
High single: John Goll 140
High triple: Peter Towner 363
Pilot House Upgrades
Recently a new
ice chest was
installed behind
the Pilot House
Bar. This ice
chest provides
additional storage space reducing the need for
the bartenders
having to go
into the walk in
refrigerator as
often and provides good visualization of the contents for both
bartenders and customers.
Thanks go to Men’s
Bowling for the new
swivel bar chairs and
conversion of 3 tables
to high tops. This is a
nice change to the
Pilot House as it enables diners to better
see the view and
makes the room appear more spacious.
Tuesday Winners, left to right, Sue Hardy, Bernadette
O’Grady, Claire Hubbard and Mary Sullivan.
Second Half Achievements
High Average Jane Carideo 93
High Average Linda Constantino 319
High Single Andrea Harney 116
High 3 w/HCP Betty Conley
High 1 w/HCP Helen Adamson
Most Improved—Claire Hubbard +14
Perfect Attendance—Linda Constantino and Judy Allen
Year Achievements
High Average Jane Carideo 93
High Average Ellie Critch 320
High Single Ellie Critch 169
Betsy Gahan and Elaine Sullivan toured the Norwegian
Fjords which are a part of Skjolden. Nice tour boat. No
wonder you are in foul weather gear!
Congratulations to the top Trivia Team of the
season winning every Trivia night.
Maritime Magic Show
Friday July 22 7 PM at CPYC
Resident magician Paul
Gertner is returning to
CPYC with his Maritime
Magic Show which will include some NEW magic as
well as some of the magic
from the prior show. Children
must be 10 or older to attend.
Regular Seats are $25. Premium Seat in 1st row are $30.
CPYC Discount for regular
seats $20. For tickets call 1412-523-3724.
Paul will also be appearing on Penn &
Teller’s TV show, “Fool Us” this sumWinthrop Fireworks
Sunday July 3rd
9:15 PM
Donations may be made
to Town of Winthrop
Fireworks and mailed to 40 Pauline
Street, Winthrop
Book Club
The September 27th selection is Spandau Phoenix by Greg
Iles. A novel beginning with WWII, this book explores the
possibility that Rudolph Hess escaped from Germany and
was never caught leaving a double to be imprisoned in
Spandau. Numerous twists and turns make
for an intriguing read.
The October book will be Bill Bryson’s
book A Walk in the Woods. Described as
the perfect travel book, readers will take a
humorous walk with a neophyte hiker
across the Appalachian Trail.
There is a possibility that book club will be sponsoring a
book launch in the fall. Stay tuned for more information.
Book Club welcomes all. Discussions are free flowing and
enriched by the varied experiences of those in attendance.
Attendees are free to contribute or to listen. For questions, contact Pamela
Aranov at www.aranov@rcn.com
The Ear Hears……
Our condolences to Robert Crotty and family on the passing of Robert’s mother, Joan
Crotty. Joan was a long time Tuesday ladies bowler.
Our sympathy to the Simon Family on the passing of their father and husband Andrew
We also extend our sympathy to Richard Harlow and family on the loss of his father Robert.
Arthur Gray and family are also in our thoughts after the
passing of Art’s mother.
Our condolences to Jim and Lisa Critch and Nancy Peterson on the passing of their mother and another ladies bowler, Eleanor “Ellie” Critch. Ellie just achieved the 20152016 high 3 and high single.
Our sympathy goes out to the whole Reilly family on the
recent passing of their sister Mary.
Congratulations to Jen and Johnathan Marks on the birth
of their daughter, Grace Catherine. Congratulations also to
the proud grandparents Peter and Joanie Marks.
Embroidery &
Shirts, hats, etc., for any affair.
Robert H. Smith
319 Shirley Street, Winthrop, MA 02152
(p) 617.539.3300 (f) 617.539.3883 (to) 866.263.8600
Cottage Park Yacht Club
76 Orlando Avenue
Winthrop, Massachusetts
July 3
July 16
July 22
Winthrop Fireworks
Constitution Cup
Maritime Magic
Aug 6/7
Aug 9/10
Aug 12
Aug 21
Make-A-Wish Regatta
N-10 Midgets
YS Program ends & BBQ
JFK Regatta
The Windjammer
is published bi monthly:
January, March, May,
July, September and
email address
Editor: Sue Hardy
Sept 5
Labor Day
Cardboard Boat Regatta
Ducky Regatta
Sept 6 wk Ladies Bowling begins
Sept 16
Lobster & Steak Dinner
Sept 27
Book Club
YS Awards Dinner
Oct 10
Oct 21
Oct 29
Columbus Day
5 K Dinner
Adult Halloween Party
We are trying to use less paper
Send information to
Nov 18
Nov 22
Nov 24
Mass Bay Awards Dinner
Big Band Dance Music

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