Soundings October 2014 - Eagle Harbour Yacht Club


Soundings October 2014 - Eagle Harbour Yacht Club
5750 Eagle Harbour Road, West Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada, V7W 1P5
Telephone: (604) 921-7636
Fax: 921-7631 office email:
this SOUNDINGS is created by volunteers…
Contributing articles are welcomed on topics of general interest to members
Derwyn Lea… Executive responsible for Soundings
Margaret Campbell… editor
Diane Roberts… design and layout
E X E C U T I V E C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N - 2 0 1 4
604 - 530 -8263 (home)
604 -484 - 4957 (work)
604 - 603 - 9626 (cell)
604 - 926 - 2491 (home)
Vice Commodore
778- 836 - 9309 (cell)
Junior Programs
604 - 525 -1751 (home)
604-921-2265 (home)
Social Director
604-603-2265 (cell)
Fleet Captain
604 - 929- 8740 BRIAN ELLIOTT
604 - 984 - 6620 (home)
Staff Captain
604 - 864 - 8241 (cell)
604 - 266 -1413 (home)
604 - 312 -7858 (cell)
604- 980-2855 (home)
Membership Secretary604- 230-4961 (cell)
778-996-5634 (cell)
604-921-1797 (home)
604-638-7447 (work)
604-921-9810 (home)
Past Commodore
604-312-2440 (cell)
604-998-4162 (work)
604-922-3049 (home)
604 -986 - 2571 (home)
604 - 836 - 4151 (cell)
604- 921-7636 (office)
604-921-7631 (fax)
604-916-8045 (Collen cell)
604 - 983 - 6941 (home)
Executive Secretary
778 - 868 - 1781 (cell)
Collen’s usual days off:
Nancy’s usual days in:
Tues. & Wed.
Mon. – Thur. 9:30 – 2:30
Commodore’s Message
Summer is winding down, and what a beautiful summer
it has been! As I write this report we are having another
(one last?) blast of sunny warm weather, as we often do in
September, but the leaves are starting to turn.
beginning of the best of the boating season. It is a time
when marinas and anchorages, even the most popular,
have far more space available and the cooling temperatures
are more than compensated for by the colours of fall.
While the Club’s Executive meetings slow down over the
summer, the activity around the Club certainly does not.
The usual challenges include keeping parking available
for members, which resulted in several non-member cars
being towed from the lot over the summer. In addition,
you may have noticed a new steel gate at the entrance to
the sidewalk between the parking lot and the Clubhouse.
While this is not intended as a physical impediment, it
does provide a clear signal that the space beyond the gate
is ‘private’ so as to softly discourage trespass (especially at
night). Initial reports on its effectiveness are encouraging.
Fall also indicates that the Club Executive’s term is
nearing its end. Vice Commodore Marg Latham is busy
recruiting candidates for next year’s Executive, so be sure
to let her know if you are interested or merely wish more
information. Kathleen and I have certainly found my
various roles on the Executive to be a wonderful way to get
to know many members and to have a good time, all while
“giving back” to a Club that has given so much to our
family over the years.
Although late September traditionally marks a winding
down of the boating season, in my experience it hails the
Robert McFarlane
Another summer sailing and boating season is winding
down. We have had some amazing weather and it looks
like that weather will extend well into September so get out
to enjoy it while we have it.
With September and Collen’s return later this month,
scheduled work parties will recommence. Every member is
required to participate in two work parties each year before
the end of December, or pay the required fee instead. If
you haven’t met your work party commitment, many are
planned from the end of September to late in December.
See the schedule in the members’ area of the EHYC web
site and contact Nancy to volunteer.
As my term as Vice Commodore winds down, I am
preparing for next year as the EHYC Commodore.
Some long-time members will be stepping down from
the Executive or moving into other roles leaving a few
Executive positions to be filled. Although EHYC is served
well by our superintendent, Collen, and our administrator,
Nancy, many activities are only possible because of
member volunteers. If you are new to the Club or a longer
time member who has not volunteered, participating on
the EHYC Executive is a great way to get involved, help
sustain EHYC, and meet other members.
If you are interested an Executive position or you would
like to learn more about available roles, feel free to
contact me at or any member of
the Executive. I will also be making some phone calls
and speaking with members to find likely candidates so
that we can have a full slate before the Annual Meeting
in December.
Marg Latham
Aqua Libra
Minimum requirement is Three (3) Conductor #14 AWG
The water lines have been inspected and some repairs will
be required.
Common acceptable ratings stamped on cable (hard &
extra hard usage):
Plywood ramps to docks 1A, 5, 6, 7, 8 have been replaced.
The light at the end of the breakwater has been serviced. The
rock anchors securing the breakwater have been inspected.
A hatch has to be replaced to remove the possibility of
having a confined space below the deck.
With the cruising season drawing to an end more vessels
will be connected to the electrical circuits, which are
limited in size. Members are reminded that only good
outdoor-approved electrical cords are to be used and boats
are limited to a maximum of 300 watts.
Household extension cords used in a marina or yacht club
violate the Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1, 2009 and may
not be used in Eagle Harbour.
Please refer to Section G Electrical on page 65 of the 2014
Roster for additional information.
Over the summer we had a number of yacht clubs
make use of our reciprocal privileges and several EHYC
members on the waiting list made use of the space vacated
by members who were out cruising.
With winter storms just around the corner it is
recommended mooring lines and fenders be checked
and replaced if necessary.
Dock Lines
What size dock line?
General guide (use larger size for exposed conditions):
Boat length:
Line diameter:
Boat length:
Up to 27’ (8m) 28-31’ (8-9m)
3/8” (10mm)
7/16” (11mm)
32 – 36’ (9-11m) 37-45’ (11-13m)
5/8” (16mm)
Line diameter: CLUB
1/2” (13mm)
The Club has a roll of 5/8” three strand nylon line available to members at $0.80 / foot.
Retired fire hose is available to use as chaffing gear (no cost).
Dock Lines
Bow Line
Bow Line
After Spring Forward Spring
Forward Spring
After Spring
Stern Line
Stern Line
Spring lines should equal the length of the boat (longer is better)
Lines should be tied within assigned moorrage space
Mooring line and electrical information
ALSO AVAILABLE on the website:
Fairway Dock 1
Pacific Blasting has removed the rock ledge and rock
hampering low water navigation between dock 1 and the
Eagle Tender
Bottom was painted and zincs were replaced.
Glen Blake
The RNSA Single-Handed Race to Nanaimo and the return
race the following day is probably the most well-attended
race of the season by EHYC members.
This year was no exception with six EHYC yachts entered.
However, the previous issue of Soundings was due before
I had received the results, so I’ll bring you up to date
now. The team comprised of race vets Frank Astbury
(Champagne Charlie), David Horton (Grey Goose), and Bruce
Winfield (Nunnehi) took first place, while the team of Dean
Eilertson (American Eagle), Bernie Walker (Pavlova) and Ken
Kufta (Elysium) finished eighth. A significant controversy
surrounded the finish procedures of the race committee for
the first leg of the race. It was something to do with finish
time limits and mark location, I hear. The debate about what
should have/could have happened was quite evident on for awhile, but all seems to be settled for now!
The EHYC Single-Handed Challenge occurred on June
22nd. It was well attended by EHYC standards with eight
yachts competing, including one from BIYC and one from
WVYC. Andre Wojciezek (Reacher) took first place, with
Doug Portefors from WVYC (Brelissa II) taking second, and
Dave Wilson (Merlin) third. The race course was a little
different than past years, modified to include one lap of
Passage Island/Bird Rock followed by another lap of Bird
Rock. Light airs prevailed; however, a good time was had
by all. Many thanks to Collen for his usual burger fest on
the Clubhouse deck following the race, and to Dave Horton
for his auditing support of the race results. Apparently
the Division B racers should have 60 seconds in a minute
instead of the 80 seconds per minute your Fleet Captain
tried to award in his scoring format!
The EHYC Double-Handed Race that was scheduled for
August 24th was postponed to September 13th due to a
conflict with a second Supercruise of the season to Gibsons
that weekend. Despite all efforts to inform EHYC members
of the change in date, only two yachts appeared for the
start – both from BIYC!! Unfortunately light airs were
again the order of the day, although the sun was shining,
and then time limits were met! The race was won by
Wayne Meager and crew on his Petersen 35 (Blackheart),
followed by Martin Wedepohl sailing his Buccaneer 29
(Ecliptic). Martin’s crew for the day was none other than
our EHYC Past Commodore Peter Courtney (circa 1980)!
Your Fleet Captain spent a few memorable years with Peter
and friends racing his Kirby 25 Brass Tacks back in the day.
It was great for Lori and I to revisit old times and catch up
with Peter on the deck after the race!
The VARC races since the last Soundings issue were very
sparsely attended by EHYC members. The English Bay
Scramble was great fun for a while with Grey Erik and
Reacher (sailing under VRC colours) right beside each
other rounding the third mark. Drifter conditions set in
for the run from Passage Island to the Bell Buoy, with
Grey Erik playing the clock heading for the finish line,
and Reacher trying to complete the full course before
the time limit. Reacher chose the better strategy as the
breeze filled in along Spanish Banks, and Grey Erik
wound up with the penalty for failing to round all four
course marks.
The WVYC Wednesday Night Series has concluded for
2014. EHYC was represented regularly by Nunnehi, early
season by Merlin, and sporadically by Grey Erik.
Series 1
Division 2:
Division 3:
Merlin 5th Place
Reacher 2nd Place;
Nunnehi 5th Place; Grey Erik 8th Place
Series 2
Division 2:
Division 3:
Merlin 3rd Place
Reacher 1st Place;
Nunnehi 6th Place;
Grey Erik 9th Place
Series 3
Division 2:
Division 3:
Merlin 3rd Place
Nunnehi 3rd Place;
Grey Erik 7th Place; Reacher 9th Place
Series 4
Division 2:
Division 3:
Merlin 4th Place
Grey Erik 2nd Place;
Nunnehi 3rd Place
Series 5
Division 2:
Division 3:
Merlin 5th Place
Reacher 1st Place;
Nunnehi 4th Place;
Grey Erik 5th Place
Next race for our Club is the EHYC Championship scheduled
for SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19TH. It is held in conjunction
with the final race in the BIYC Devils Tankard Fall series.
Watch the EHYC website for the Notice of Race and Sailing
Instructions. There will be a barbeque on the deck at EHYC
following the race. If anyone at all wants to do the race
committee, please let me know by email – I really would like
to be able to do at least one EHYC Club race this season!!
Good sailing!
Kent Brownlow
Grey Erik
The EHYC Single-Handed Challenge
June 22, 2014
Grey Goose
Dave Horton quizzes the Fleet Captain about the course.
Moonshadow III
The skippers gather for a pre-race meeting.
... but it was a drifter.
WVYC Wednesday Night Sailing
Grey Erik
or two and purchase another two Flying Juniors. We are
very thankful to our sponsor who covers 50% of our capital
Sailing School
The dock that was replaced two years ago is a wonderful
addition although it did require some repair this year due
to being exposed to swells at the end of the breakwater. This
year new flotation was also added to the ramp, making it
more usable and safer.
This summer we had a total of 130 registrations in our Sailing
School program. This was slightly less than last year and,
unfortunately, reflects a general trend of declining numbers
being experienced by all sailing schools. We were blessed
with great conditions for most of our sailing sessions.
Unfortunately, the Sailing School experience was slightly
marred by the e.coli outbreak at Eagle Harbour Beach which
seemed to last all summer with the warm weather. As with
many other local residents, I am very keen to find out the
source of this outbreak (sewage pipe? ship? etc.) so that we
don’t have a similar experience next year. Due to the e.coli
conditions, we had to stop the kids jumping in the water
from the breakwater and we had to move our capsizing drills
well off shore.
We had a great new team this year with the program being
led by Chris Wilson as Head Coach. Chris was supported
by Devon Copeland, Liz Chung, Connor Stanton, Jack
Parr, Olivia Mitchell, James Telford, Jake Lan, and Ciaran
Beveridge. This year was unusual as we had 5 new Cansail
Level 1 coaches but what they lacked in experience they
made up for in enthusiasm. Once again our team of
volunteers did a great job of helping the coaches with the
smooth running of the Sailing School.
We received fantastic feedback on the program again this
year from our survey. Some interesting stats are: 86% of our
students came from the North Shore, 97% thought we offered
a safe and welcoming environment, 90% of our bookings
were through members or word of mouth (thank you
members!), 96% said they would recommend the courses,
and 75% plan to return next year. Most of the comments
received were very positive about the programs and some
suggested we need to market the program more widely as
it’s a well-kept secret.
Through our Gift of Sailing sponsor, we were able to offer
11 sailing scholarships this year. Having grown over the last
few years the program was significantly smaller this year
as Queen Mary Community Services were not able to find
enough kids to fill all the slots we offered.
I would like to thank those members who signed up to take
parents out on their boats for photo day – David Wilson,
Justin Elvin-Jensen, Brian Elliott, Mike Panz, Will GoldsmithJones, Derywn Lea, and Tim Lepard. While this helps raise
funds for the Sailing School, its primary purpose is to allow
parents an opportunity to see firsthand the skills their
children are learning.
This year we added two Flying Juniors (these will replace
our aging Pirates over time) and two Optimists to our fleet.
Fortunately, we didn’t have to invest in any new coach boats
or engines. Next year we will have to replace an engine
We had four students take part in the Commodore’s Cup at
Royal Vancouver Yacht Club this year, which was wonderful
as we have had limited interest in previous years. I would
like to thank the coaches who helped make this happen.
Supervised sailing continued again in September for Junior
Members and there are a few fall regattas still to come – Fall
Dinghies in Victoria and Pumpkin Bowl at WVYC. There has
been limited interest in supervised sailing but we continue
to offer it to Junior Members. We recently had a request for
help from the organizing committee at WVYC, which was
forwarded to the membership. If you are interested please
email me ( or Harry Coleman, the regatta
chair, at WVYC are looking for
shore-side volunteers to help out with registration, etc.,
on the water volunteers to help out on the race courses,
and particularly people with their own boats that would
be willing to act as spectator boats or to ferry volunteers/
lunches out to the courses. The regatta is on the weekend of
October 18/19. It’s a great event, so I hope some of you can
come along and help out.
Upcoming Events
We will be tidying up the breakwater and Junior room during
our work party on 25th October and will bring some dinghies
into the car park so we can pass them on to other clubs. We
have received interest from some clubs to take the three
Pirates that are currently on racks in the parking lot. We will
be getting rid of some more Pirates and Bytes so if you know
of anyone who might be interested, please let me know.
Juniors, please put the date in your diary.
We will also have our Annual Awards Night in November
(date and details to follow). Please let me know if you or your
parents can volunteer to help organize that event.
New Junior Members
I wish to welcome our 10 new Junior Members who have
joined the Club over the summer:
L. Bracken-Furneaux, S. Balfour, J. Nelson, A CampbellStephen, D. Langford, N. Floe, A. Cherniavskii, I. Hallam, J.
Mitton, A. Duguid, C. Duguid, and G. Jones. We hope to see
you at some of the Junior Club events this fall.
Thank You
Since school didn’t go back on time this year, we decided to
offer daily drop-in sailing lessons at EHYC. These were quite
well attended with 23 kids attending over two weeks. Thank
you to James, Olivia, Jake, and Jack who coached
these sessions.
While Nancy does a fantastic job running the office side
of the Sailing School, I am particularly thankful to her for
arranging these drop-in lessons at short notice as it involved
a lot more work than expected.
of a Junior Member or Sailing School participant, but it
doesn’t have to be. Please email me at if
you would like to learn more. Thank you.
Callum Beveridge
I also wish to thank Collen for his continued support and
supervision of the Sailing School activities. It is in a large
part thanks to Collen’s oversight (as well as the coaches) that
we have not had any significant injuries or accidents in our
program over the last few years.
Help Needed!
Lastly, I am looking for someone who would like to get
involved in the Junior Club/Sailing School to assist me in
delivering the program. I want to make this clear - I am not
seeking a replacement! This is just a request for help with
some of the activities we do every year. My involvement with
the Junior Club/Sailing School is very rewarding (I would
say this, wouldn’t I) but honestly it is. If you are interested in
donating a little of your time to help out with some events, I
would very much appreciate it. Ideally it would be a parent
Getting all the levels acquainted is a crowded business.
Some class groups grabbed the chance to sit outside in the sunshine….
… while others made use of Junior Room space to
discuss detailed techniques.
Then into the coach boat, off to the breakwater, launch
the boats, and we’ll be sailing in no time.
EHYC is the fortunate recipient of a generous donation.
A group of Master Gardeners who help to maintain
the Greenway Memorial Garden outside Sir Charles
Tupper Secondary School in Vancouver have been far
too successful. Thanks to their efforts, their grasses
grew and expanded so much this summer (thanks, sun!)
that they had to be dug up (using a small digger, no less,
because they had become so big) and divided. Rather
than compost those for which they had no space, the
Master Gardeners offered them to any MG who could
use them – and Margaret Campbell couldn’t resist.
calling “Ralph’s Cliff,” located behind the main staircase
up to the Clubhouse.
Thanks, Master Gardeners. Keep up that good gardening.
We’ll be happy to make use of the luxuriant results.
EHYC is making excellent use of them. Take a look at
the new plantings on the beach side of the car park,
where we now have a row of tall golden grasses that
stretches all the way to the seaward end, providing a
pleasant screen for beach goers. The new grasses are
still a little wispy, but hopefully will be robust and
gorgeous by next summer.
The low grasses that were formerly in this location have
been transplanted to what our gardeners have taken to
This has been an amazing summer for boating and
generally being out on the water. A natural consequence
has been that we have had fewer social events at the
Clubhouse as everybody has been away. However, we
did have three barbeques. The barbeque in July was an
open mic that was attended by about 40 people. We were
entertained by some enthusiastic musicians some of whom
were our members.
As we look forward to the Fall, remember to include Club
events in your calendar. Particularly important is the
upcoming Commodore’s Dinner, which will be held on
October 25. We also hope to have some interesting speakers
as we resume the Fireside Nights.
Tim Lepard
Pegasus VI
We had another barbeque in August, which was a bringyour-own affair and again was well attended on a balmy
summer evening.
The culmination however was the barbeque that was held
on September 25 to celebrate the end of the boating season.
The Club was lucky enough to have the Panz family, Steve
and his sons Michael and Myles, donate a large amount of
salmon that they had caught recently. Not only did they
catch the fish, but they also filleted them and barbequed
them to perfection. I had warned Steve that there may be a
big turnout especially as the word “free” was mentioned.
We ended by having over 100 people attend. It was a great
evening, which would not have been possible of course
without the Panz crew but also needed the help of the bar
attendants, setup crew, and cleanup crew. Thank you all.
Come and celebrate our Past and Present Commodores
with our special Oktoberfest on October 25th at 6.30pm! German Beers, Wine, Dance and Music • Authentic German Menu
Dress for the occasion - Yacht Club, German or comfortable.
For more details (including menu) click on the link below.
This will take you to the EHYC website, then click on Oktoberfest for the
details, or Oktoberfest Menu.
Come and
celebrate our
and presen
German beers
Authentic Ger