From the Helm Commodore Bob Bohnet
From the Helm Commodore Bob Bohnet
February 2016 From the Helm The sweetheart month of February is here. The busy time of the holidays and New Year is all behind us now. It is time to begin looking forward and preparing for our next wave of events coming this spring. We are beginning to get contacts from other clubs regarding cruise-ins. We have St. Patrick’s Day, Opening Day, the Shipwreck Ball, and many other fun events events on the horizon. February brings us our Valentine's Party, which is scheduled for Friday, February 12. This is going to be a great event. I am sure the Menu and Music details will be very well known through the Scuttlebutt by the time this Wind Word hits your mailbox. Once again I want to thank all of you who volunteered to ring in the New Year - with all of your help the Club looked beautiful. Members and staff worked well as a team to make it all happen. January has again proven to be a slow month. Aside from a couple events and a cruise in, we had a nice Sunday Buffet and a very amazing Crab Feed! Thank you to Daniel, Jerome, Jeanne, and the rest of the staff for their dedication to our Club. I would like to thank Susan Linn, Penny Stell, and Deb Selman for taking lead roles in the Club Commodore Bob Bohnet entertainment plans. Please give out a big thank you to Deb Selman for taking on the Entertainment Coordinator position. Remember, the idea in this position is to coordinate with those members who would like to plan a specific event. We have many events throughout the year and if you are interested in spear heading one of these contact Deb Selman. Also, it would be nice if someone were interested in taking over the Wind Word from Derith Lutz. Derith has done, and continues to do, an amazing job with the Wind Word. But, she has done her time and would be glad to see someone with interest take on this chair position. I am sure she will be willing to give any advice needed in the transition. So, if you are so inspired, let me know. Finally, I would like to give a big thanks to Barbra Brooks and her cast of many for all the work that was done around the Club in January. She is an amazing asset to this club. Seemingly tireless, relentless, hardnosed, and focused. Painting, carpet cleaning, lighting improvements, and water saving landscape changes are just a very few of the things she has taken the lead on. And thank you to all the Club members who volunteered their time to help Barbra out. Our Club would not be without our Volunteers. Thank you! Geneal Manager Office707-746-0739 Office Fax 707 746-1052 Office Hours MonCLOSED Tue-Fri9A-5P Norton Lounge & Bar 707 746-6600 MonCLOSED Tue4-9P Wed & Thur 11:30-9:00P Fri & Sat 11:30-10:00P Sun1-7P Bartender can extend closing hours on a case by case basis Food Service Schedule Lunch Appitizers Wed Night Buffet Dinner Menu Wed-Fri 11:30-2:00P Tue 11:30A-2:00P Wed 11:30A-8:00P Thur-Fri 11:30A-9:00P Sat 5:00-9:00P 6:30-8:00P Thur-Sat 6-8:00P February 2016 General Manager 707-746-0739 Commodore Bob Bohnet 707-334-3802 Vice Commodore Nick Grebe 707-315-6711 Rear Commodore Frank Cavoto Secretary Larry Booth 415-990-9990 Treasurer Don Glidewell 916-599-5284 Director Susan Linn 707-748-4353 Director Don Radigan 707-334-3192 Director Bob Surratt 707-747-6174 Director Ken Oxman 707-745-6159 Staff Commodore Christine Machado 707-631-9015 Fleet Commander Ken Oxman 707-745-6159 Fleet Surgeon Deb Murray Historian Kathleen Treese 707-746-5553 House Chair Barbra Brooks 707-334-4083 E ntertainment Coord. Deb Selman 707-208-4715 Membership Chair Mark Cambell 510-453-4136 Publicity Chair Lorie Campbell 707-477-9960 Audit Committee Mark Campbell 707-748-7783 PICYA Bob DuBois 707-853-6028 PICYA Mark Conners 707-567-5141 PICYA Port Captain Lorie Campbell 707-447-9960 Race Chair Joe Kallios 707-628-2914 Safety & Protocol Paul Brighton 707-746-8852 Ship Store Manager Robyn Boltz 707-707-2594 Sunshine Chair Ross Oxman 707-745-6159 Webmaster Don Radigan 707-334-3192 Social Media Chair Natalie Boltz 707-771-0107 Wind Word Editor Derith Lutz 401-258-7304 Youth Sailing Dir Derith Lutz 401-258-7304 Commodors Log.......................... 1 Club Directory............................. 2 Contributors................................ 2 Opening Day............................... 3 Whats Happening........................ 4 Project Day................................. 4 Children’s Christmas.................... 5 Ringing in the New Year.............. 6 Cruise-in Schedule...................... 6 Help Wanted............................... 7 Joke of the Month........................ 7 Parking Lot Sale........................... 8 Birthdays..................................... 8 CONTRIBUTORS Bob Bohnet Derith Lutz Christina Bara Barbra Brooks Nick Grebe Lorie Campbell O PENI NG DA Y 2016 B Y V I C E C OM M OD OR E N ICK GR EBE Please Mark your calendar for April 23, 2016, This years date for Opening Day On the Strait. Let’s “Splice The Mainbrace” as we celebrate all the hard work we’ve done to keep the Benicia Yacht Club sailing! "Splice the mainbrace" is an order given aboard naval vessels to issue the crew with a drink. Originally an order for one of the most difficult emergency repair jobs aboard a sailing ship, it became a euphemism for authorized celebratory drinking afterward, and then the name of an order to grant the crew an extra ration of rum or grog. On a Man-O-War, the mainbrace was the heaviest of all the rigging and gunners commonly aimed for the mainbrace during naval battles. If the mainbrace was shot away, the ship was un-maneuverable. The mainbrace ran through blocks so it could not be repaired with a short splice or a knot. Splicing in a large run of hemp was strenuous work so the crew involved were rewarded with drink. Eventually the order "Splice the Mainbrace" came to mean that all the crew would receive an extra ration of rum, and the order was issued on special occasions, e.g. after victory in battle, a new monarch, a royal birth or wedding, or an inspection of the fleet. Where the order was for the whole fleet, it would be signaled with flags. The traditional signal in the Royal Navy and the United States Navy is AlphaDelta-2-8. What’s Happening at the BYC? Feb 5 1st Friday Fish Fry Feb.6 Cruise in Feb. 9 Trivia Feb 10 Commodore’s Buffet Feb. 12,13 Cruise in Feb 13 Norton Lounge Music 🎤🎤 🎼🎼 with Small Plates menu Feb 14. Valentine’s Day Brunch Feb 19 Fish Fry Feb. 20. Private Party / Baby Shower Regatta Room Feb 25 Winemakers Dinner Feb 26 Pittsburg Cruise-In Feb 27 PICYA Dinner ? March 4. First Friday Mar 17. St Patrick Celebration Mar. 27. Easter Brunch + Egg Hunt. April 2 & 3 Parking Lot Sale April 7 Beer Can Races April 10. Jazz Brunch 🎤🎤 🎤🎤 April 16,17 BYC Clean up Day April 23 Opening Day on the Strait! Please mark your calendar for these upcoming events and as always Þnd updated information regarding all events on the BYC webpage and on our Facebook page as some of these event times or dates may change. Successful again, IMPROVEMENT TEAM PROJECT DAY January 5-7 and 12-13 by House Chair, Barbra Brooks 58 projects of various size and complexity were completed or at least attacked by - Mark Conners, Lee Ritchey, Rick Mares, Don Radigan, Randy Norman, guest volunteer Bill Jones, Michael Rudy, Sally Radigan, Barbra Brooks. As always the camaraderie is amazing, there is nothing like working side by side for a common goal. IT members receive an invitation to join in for a scheduled project day or two of doing IT. Improvement Team affectionately called IT, for those of you who do not know what this is all about. IT is volunteer members who choose to come and assist on Project Days, or maintain a given project. The following names come to mind, Richard Williams, Ken Vanstory and John Lunn thanks guys for many years of assistance. The improvement team motto is: Whatever it is - IT will do it. This consists of taking care of the physical building and grounds that you know as Benicia Yacht Club. Our members have a wealth of knowledge and it is appreciated when they share that in order to keep BYC progressing in repairs. Each day we move forward in maintaining our club. Thank you seems so trite for all that members do to assist. House Chair totally enjoys working with each and every one of you. Kisses and hugs. FOR YOUR SAFETY - I installed a timer and rope lighting to illuminate the concrete sidewalk - when you enter from the North parking lot. Sharing a thought This is exciting times with GM Mark and the new employees learning about our club. They bring forth new ideas and seem eager to provide us with all we need. Of course we need to realize that they are new and don’t know ‘our’ ways, and they don’t know us. Time will take care of all that. In the meantime we will continue to grow and experience all that BYC can become. Of course that will be easier for all - if I remember not be so intense and continue to keep working on my sense of humor. See you at the club C H IL D RE N ’ S C HRISTM A S AT B YC 2015 CHRISTMAS WITH SANTA: EVEN WITH THE ROUGH WATERS, SANTA AND HIS ELVES MADE THEIR ANNUAL VISIT TO THE CHILDREN OF THE BYC. WHAT A FUN-FILLED DAY FOR THE KIDS: COOKIE DECORATING, GAMES, HAND-MADE TREE ORNAMENTS AND GOODIES TO EAT. ALL THE CHILDREN LISTENED INTENTLY TO THE STORY THAT SANTA WAS READING AND WAITED PATIENTLY FOR THEIR NAMES TO BE CALLED TO GET THEIR PRESENTS! A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO IRMA MCINTOSH FOR COMING BACK AT THE LAST MINUTE AND TAKING OVER THIS EVENT. ALSO A BIG THANK YOU TO IRMA'S ELVES: WAYNE MCINTOSH, TOM AND MICHELLE KONECKI, BOB AND PENNY STELL, GAIL TEMPLE, JACKIE RAMOS, CHERY KING AND THE HIPPEST ELVES OF ALL THE "TEENAGE DANCING ELVES." CHECK THEM OUT ON THE BYC'S FACEBOOK PAGE! RIN GIN G IN T H E NEW Y EA R 2016 STYLE Help Wanted! YS Youth Sailing is planning on helping the Benicia HS Sailing Club students accomplish their goal of learning to sail and then be able to participate in a few Interscholastic Sailing events. We are looking for your help! What we need are a few sailors that would be interested in helping out. The students will need at least two days of practice a month, so if you enjoy sharing your sailing or racing knowledge and could volunteer for a couple days per month please email or call Derith. Joke of the Month If teaching is not your thing, there is always safety on land or on the water. You do not need to be CertiÞed, just able bodied and willing to help. Candidates would assistance the instructor either on the water or on land. The Sailing Fleet is always in need of repair and tweaking, especially when being used by High School students, some of whom are new to sailing. If you like to work on boats, you can help us greatly! This will be a great opportunity for our club and for the students of Benicia who may not have an opportunity to learn to sail otherwise. Sailing is a great sport supporting both individual skills and team sportsmanship. Once learned, the student can decide if racing or recreational sailing is right for them. Sailing helps to build conÞdence, character, and is a skill that can be used for a lifetime. I hope that our Yacht Club can help the local school age children with this goal! Who knows, they or their families may join the club! Our children are our future! Submitted by Bob Bohnet SPELL EUCALYPTUS A sailor returned home one night and came upon a dead body on his lawn. Thinking quickly, he called 911 and reported the incident. “Where is the body,” asked the 911 operator. “It is at the end of Eucalyptus Drive,” the sailor replied. “Could you please spell that for me?” the operator asked. After a long pause, the sailor said: “How about if I drag the body over to Oak Street and you can pick it up there?” BYC PARKING LOT SALE SUNDAY, APRIL 3RD Please start saving items to donate for the sale Or, for you to have a space and sell your own. ALL monies from donated items go to building maintenance. BYC MEMBERS BIRTHDAYS Sam Frazier Kathi Turner Nancy Allison Tom Konecki Steve Sullivan Terri Dale Randy Trommer Paul Burrows Robyn Boltz John McBride Pat Bowers Rex Daysh PJ Winder Steve Stults Sue Ritter Maria Saulsbury Jay Stewart 2/5 2/5 2/7 2/8 2/9 2/9 2/10 2/11 2/13 2/13 2/14 2/15 2/17 2/17 2/18 2/18 2/19 Michael Rudy Loretta Tollie Jeff Shawstad Robert Watkins Steve Gilliland Mark Amaro Barbara Henretty Kristine Hoffman Wendy Peterson Cosima Carnahan Priscilla Minkel Johanna Wright Randi Scott Paul Daysh Richard Harms Chris Bara Paul Brighton 2/20 2/22 2/23 2/25 2/28 3/2 3/2 3/3 3/3 3/5 3/10 3/14 3/14 3/15 3/16 3/17 3/20 Jennifer Mascola Sheri Wilkinson Richard Jackson Bill Bekkedahl David Nicholas Dan Demmon Bob Featherer Ron Tosch Lisa Brenes 3/20 3/20 3/22 3/23 3/23 3/25 3/26 3/27 3/31 Editors Note: Advertising Space is Available In the WindWord Ad Size. Monthly Annual 2”x2”. $20. $220 Bus’s card $25. $275 1/4 page. $45 $495 1/2 page. $85. $935 from Derith Please contact Mike Mathews 745-0610. An apology to any of you whose articles did not make into last months WW. Biography’s for the candidates took up a bit of space in the last edition and we could not get all of the stories in, we have included your articles in this edition. Full Line Dog & Cat There is a lot of work that goes into getting thePet WindStore Word to you. With each edition that I Grooming have done, it has gotten easier, though it is still very time consuming. I am hoping that there is a member out there that would consider coming on board to help with putting out the WW in 2015. I am willing to help you get started! I also encourage having a team to sell advertising to defray the cost of future editions. Inc. w w w . b e n i c i a y a c h t c l u b . c o m With that said, I am concerned that the WW is set to go on line only. It has been a topic of discussion before my taking over for HR as Editor. My concern is for the many members who do not have internet access and those not familiar with the internet itself, that may notKaren search forHubbard the BYC website and the Wind Word. Without the phone tree, our only news update to our Owner/Vice members isPresident the Scuttlebutt, also an 1202 E. Fifth 707 745-5016 internet based informational blast. Benicia, CA 94510 800 331-6702 Fax: 707 It would be much more cost effective to post on line only. Would you go on line and read it? Would you miss getting this 747-2933 in the mail and reading it as a print material? Think about that and let the board know your thoughts about the Wind Word’s future. Because of the low number of readership that we have, membership is just over 200, we are not in competition with other local newspapers and publications as far as advertising goes. I do believe that we could do a better job to gain advertisement with our Kemper Painting low costs and help defray the cost of this paper. If you would like to advertise and would like more information, please feel free to Contractor’s License #769117 contact me or the board about this matter. .... Contact Mike Mathews at 707-745-0610. Residential and Commercial I will be accepting LETTERS TO THE EDITOR about the future of the WW and anything else that you would like to discuss. As I mentioned before, I would love to hear from you. All articles will be considered for print though member and mariner related Phone (707) 745-2087 articles will take priority and preference. Free Estimates Fax (707) 747-9620 Cell (707) 322-0468 Project-by-Project Marketing Solutions Create-Design-Write-Edit-Proofread-Print-Mail-SEO-Web 707.745.3738 • • Vicki & John Garcia A Taste of Life Menchu Andres Owner/Chef Company cell (925)270-8985 Customized Menus, Corporate Events, Private Parties, Wine Pairing Dinners, Weddings, etc! November 2014 January 2013 4 11 November 2014 11 BENICIA YACHT CLUB, INC. P.O. BOX 782 Benicia, California 94510 PRESRT STD US POSTAGE PAID M2 MAIL 94533
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