May 2015 Wind Word - Benicia Yacht Club
May 2015 Wind Word - Benicia Yacht Club
May 2015 COMMODORE’S MESSAGE Christine Machado, Commodore MEMBERSHIP - A Renewed Perspective An accumulating drop in membership over the last few years has put the Club in a challenging position. If, however, we consider the following scenario we might see things as a bit brighter: if you were starting a yacht club with a couple hundred outstanding and dedicated Members already signed up, a youth sailing program with workable sailing assets, a Clubhouse situated in a prime location on the Benicia Marina, hardworking and loyal staff, a Jazz Cup tradition, eight PICYA Club of the Year awards, cruise-outs, Thursday and Friday night racing programs, Tuesday night trivia, monthly Norton Lounge music, First Friday Cocktail Parties, monthly brunches, fullservice food and beverage, you’d be pretty far along and pretty excited about your prospects. The process might even be fun! Simply put, are we a group of people who want to make something amazing happen in our Club? I suspect the answer is yes! If ever there was a time to regroup and focus our collective energies, the time is now. During these tough times it is no surprise that some of you have lost faith as misinformation has run rampant. While understandable, please know everything we do is for the good of the Club and to ensure its future. If you have a question about anything you hear, please just ask. I guarantee there is a thoughtful and reasonable explanation. Make it your goal to be informed. The future we are seeking to secure will, however, need new Members. Without question, Membership is the key to everything we do. From day one, I, along with my Board, have made it a priority to address Membership. A special Membership Committee has been set up on the Board and changes and priorities have been set. In fact, to help facilitate and encourage Members bringing in Members, the Board just approved a new Membership incentive: a $100.00 Club gift card to any Member who brings in a new Member. The Board has also just re-instated a Crew Membership for those sailors who race under the Club’s burgee. For the low price of $245.00, individuals can join the Club from April to October and enjoy all that we have to offer 24/7, not just on Thursday or Friday nights! And lastly, the Board is hosting its first ever “Meet the Board” prospective Member cocktail party on June 20th. These are but a few of our recent efforts and I’d like to thank Secretary Nick Grebe and Director Larry Booth for their ongoing assistance. As Opening Day, our biggest Membership drive, approaches, here’s where you come in, invite your friends to join our family because of what it can mean for them. Notice that none of this is about the hard sell. What works is simply welcoming people to join us. There is so much that is great about our Members, our lifestyle, and our Club –we truly have a lot to offer each other if we could come together in spite of our present, yet transitory challenges. And we have the most to offer new people who want to connect in our boating and waterfront community and become part of our extended family, because the greatest value the Club can offer its Members is each other. Please consider that you are what we have to offer. This is perhaps different than how some of you may have viewed your relationship with the Club in the past, it’s not about what we get in exchange. Even though it’s in our interest to sustain the Club, the way that happens is by sharing our Club and sharing ourselves. And the best part about sharing is, it’s easy. You just show up, see friends, make new ones, help where you want, and, most importantly, be your best, most positive and welcoming self ! The rest will fall into place. 400 E. E. Second 400 SecondStreet Street Box 782 94510 Benicia,P.O. California Benicia, California 94510 G ENERAL G ER C LUB M M ANA ANAGER Karen Garrett Office Office Fax 707 746-0739 707 746-1052 O FFICE H O URSH OURS O FFICE Mon Mon CLOSED CLOSED Tue-Fri 9A-5P N O RT O N LO UN G E & B Mon Tue-Fri N ORTON Sat Sun AR 707 746-6600 4-10P L OUNGE & BAR 707 11:30A-10P 746-6600 11:30A-11P (or whenever the last guest leaves) 1-8P FOO D SERVICE SCH EDULE Lunch Tue-Fri 11:30A-2:00P F OOD S ERVICE S CHEDULE Appetizers/Bar Menu Service Tue 11:30A - 2:00P Wed 11:30A - 8:00P Thur-Fri 11:30A - 9:00P Sat 5:00 - 9:00P Wednesday Night Buffets 6:30-8P Dinner Menu Thur - Sat 6-8:00P ish Heidi & Greg Callagher’s Boat Vela Takes 1st place in the sail boat category at Opening Day on the Bay CLUB DIRECTORY General Manager 707-746-0739 General Manager 707-746-0739 Commodore Christine Machado 707-631-9015 Commodore Christine Machado 707-631-9015 Vice Richard Boltz 707-746-1194 ViceCommodore Commodore Richard Boltz 707-746-1194 Rear BobBohnet Bohnet 707-745-1877 RearCommodore Commodore Bob 707-745-1877 Secretary NickGrebe Grebe 707-315-6711 Secretary Nick 707-315-6711 Treasurer Larry 707-746-8657 Treasurer LarryBennett Bennett 707-746-8657 Director Larry 415-990-9990 Director LarryBooth Booth 415-990-9990 Director Don 707-334-3192 Director DonRadigan Radigan 707-334-3192 Director Lee Ritchey 707-568-1564 Director Lee Ritchey 707-568-1564 Director Ken Oxman 707-745-6159 Director Tom KenKonecki Oxman 707-745-6159 Staff Commodore 760-889-3295 Staff Commodore Tom Konecki 760-889-3295 Fleet Commander Ken Oxman 707-745-6159 Fleet Fleet Commander KenMurray Oxman 707-745-6159 Surgeon Deb FleetHistorian Surgeon Kathleen Deb Murray Treese 707-746-5553 House Chair Barbra Brooks Historian Kathleen Treese 707-334-4083 707-746-5553 Chair Penny Stell Entertainment House Chair Barbra Brooks 707-334-4083 Membership Chair Chair Robyn Boltz 707-704-2594 Entertainment Ginger Penny 707-290-7170 Publicity Chair Lorie Campbell 707-477-9960 Membership Chair Robyn Boltz 707-704-2594 Audit Committee Mark Campbell 707-748-7783 PublicityPICYA Chair Bob Lorie Campbell 707-477-9960 DuBois 707-853-6028 Audit Committee MarkConners Campbell 707-567-5141 707-748-7783 PICYA Mark PICYA BobMares DuBois 707-853-6028 PICYA Rick 707-745-8324 PICYA Lorie MarkCampbell Conners 707-567-5141 Port Captain 707-447-9960 RacePICYA Chair Joe Kallios 707-628-2914 Rick Mares 707-745-8324 Safety & Protocol Brighton Port Captain Paul Lorie Campbell 707-746-8852 707-447-9960 Manager Konecki 707-297-6883 Ship Store Race Chair Michelle Joe Kallios 707-628-2914 Sunshine Chair Ross Oxman 707-745-6159 Safety & Protocol Paul Brighton 707-746-8852 Welcome Committee Linda Hudson 925-708-5881 Ship Store Manager Michelle Konecki 707-297-6883 Webmaster Larry Bennett 707-746-8657 Wind Sunshine Chair Derith Ross Oxman 707-745-6159 Word Editor Lutz 401-258-7304 Welcome LindaLutz Hudson 925-708-5881 YouthCommittee Sailing Dir Derith 401-258-7304 Webmaster Larry Bennett 707-746-8657 Wind Word Editor Derith Lutz 401-258-7304 Youth Sailing Dir Derith Lutz 401-258-7304 2 2 May 2015 December 2014 January 2013 Commodors Log.......................... Commodore’s Log ...................11 Club Directory. ............................ Club Directory .........................22 Contributors ............................22 Contributors................................ Over & the Botom Contest ..........33 Kitchen Bar.............................. Chef’sCould, CornerWould..Did......... ...........................43 Should, Note from editor ......................44 Calendar Dates. ........................... Boat Parade .................55 Jaz Lichted Band...................................... Richard Boltz........................... 5 Chicken Information.................... 5 Harvest Cruise .................. 6 & 7 Emeryvill Cruise Out................ 5-68 Cruise-in Schedule .................. Crusing Calendar. . ....................... Cruise-out Schedule ................68 Opening .............................. Burge Day. Project ...........................78 Racing Ken News............................... Oxman .............................89 Joke of the month........................ Comedy Night .........................99 Uniform of the day...................... 8 Election Results ..................... 10 Birthdays..................................... 9 Youth Sailing............................. 10 CONTRIBUTORS Christine Machado Derith Lutz. CONTRIBUTORS Richard Boltz Daniel Holt Tom Konecki Derith Johanna Wright Susan Lutz Garske Richard Boltz Ken Oxman Bob Bohnet Lorie Campbell Mark Campbell Daniel Holt January 2013 K F r i a o t n d m t h c t h e b h e b y e a c n r May 10, 2015 11:00 A.M to 2:00 P.M. Fresh baked mufÞns and biscuits Ham and egg crepe squares Crème bržlŽe French Toast Casserole, warm strawberry topping Ward 8 2 oz. Rye whiskey 1/2 oz. fresh Lemon juice 1/2 oz. fresh Orange juice 1 tsp. Grenadine Garnish: Cherry (optional) Sunny side up Crab Benedict, hollandaise sauce Egg Florentine Frittata Thyme and Rosemary Roasted Red Potatoes Composed Salad, apple~maple chicken salad, Boston Lettuce Grilled Eggplant and Basil Salad, sweet balsamic dressing Chilled Asparagus, aged parmesan cheese Applewood smoked Bacon Fresh Fruit Lemon Bars and Assorted Cupcakes 1 glass of Champagne or 1 Mimosa $38.50 tax and tip included, reservation required, no ticket sales at the door. Kids $18.50 Shake the rye whiskey, lemon juice, orange juice, and grenadine with ice; then strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a maraschino cherry, if desired. Originally the drink was decorated with a small paper Massachusetts ßag. Should, Could, Would . . . DID! Tuesday Night Trivia: Lorie Campbell and everyone who participates Youth Sailing Thanks: Steve and Dee Gilliland Oven Rafße: Everyone who purchased a ticket (or two or three) BYC Wine and Canvas: Terry Hughes and Susan Garske Emery Cove Cruise Out: Ginger and Steve Penny Ship's Store: Michelle and Tom Konecki Easter Bunny: Anastasia Kellar WindWord: Derith Lutz Thank you to our Members for all that you do. With Gratitude, Your Club OfÞcers and Directors Heidi and Greg Gallagher You have made us proud!!!! Thank you! Heidi and Greg Gallagher took 1st Place Sail Boat in the Opening Day on the Bay Decorated Boat Parade representing Benicia Yacht Club! M AY CA L E N D A R D A T E S May 1st First Friday Cocktail Party May 10th Mother's Day Brunch May 12th Board Meeting May 16th Opening Day May 16th - 17th Encinal YC Cruise In May 20th General Membership Meeting May 22nd - 24th Barbary Coast Cruise In May 22nd - 24th BYC Marin YC Cruise Out Every Monday - Pasta Night Monday Every Tuesday - Team Trivia Every Day - Its 5 o'clock Somewhere Happy Hour(s) - 3 to 5 p.m. BENICIA MIDDLE SCHOOL JAZZ BAND FRIDAY May 29, 2015 6:30PM BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! About 20 Talented BMS Jazz Musicians will play Friday evening during the dinner hour in the Dining Room. Please come early to Þnd a seat, enjoy a fantastic meal and the sounds of these Þne, young local musicians. Come Early! Don’t miss out! A Great Evening at BYC! From the BYC Kitchen: Mary's Chicken Information Step 3 Rating - Animal Centered, Bred for outdoors . All chickens have access to outdoors. . Outdoor areas include ample water and shade . Natural behaviors are enriched with bales of straw (used for pecking) and eucalyptus tree branches (used for playing and hiding). Fed a Organic Vegetarian Diet . NO Genetically ModiÞed Organisms* . NO Synthetic Amino Acids Vegetarian Diet: 65% Non GMO Corn 30% Non GMO Soybean Meal 5% Vitamins and Nutrients * GMO stands for Genetically ModiÞed Organisms: an organism with altered genetic DNA engineered by humans We are the Þrst in the industry to be VeriÞed with Non GMO Project. No Added Water Vegetarian Diet . No Preservatives No Antibiotics Ever Raised Without Added Hormones* *Federal Regulations Prohibit The Use Of Hormones In Chicken Mary's Free-Range Organic Air Chilled Chickens are an additional step up the ladder in humane farming practices; with freedom to move about and a premium diet void of any chemical stimulators. CertiÞed Organic feeds must be CertiÞed by the USDA and everything that goes in them must be certiÞed as well. Mary's Organic Chicken feed does not contain any of the following: .NO Animal By Products .NO Genetically ModiÞed Organisms (GMOs) .NO Antibiotics .NO Pesticide Treated Grains .NO Grains Grown with Chemical Fertilizers .NO Synthetic Amino Acids CRUISE REPORT Off to Emeryville and the Races! Eleven boats cruised to Emeryville on April 11th. The event Þlled weekend started with a cocktail party on the new veranda next to the Harbormaster's OfÞce at Emory Cove Marina. Several land cruisers also enjoyed the appetizers and wine and joined others for meals at various restaurants in the area. If you go to Trader Vic's, we highly recommend the off the menu original style Mai Tai. On Saturday, some cruisers went to the Sailboat Show but most participated in the Second Annual Benicia Yacht Club Day at the Races in the Winner's Circle at nearby Golden Gate Fields. Our numbers swelled to 53 as many land cruisers came to enjoy the event with their fellow members. The staff at Golden Gate Fields had a wonderful bar and delicious buffet set up outside right next to the paddock and weigh station for the jockeys. We had a wonderful view of the goings on and some of the eight races had the starting and Þnish lines right in front of us. If anybody won big, they are keeping it to themselves but all seemed to enjoy the wonderful weather delicious food and unlimited bar. Benicia Yacht Club members were the best dressed group at the racetrack as many ladies and gentlemen were perfectly turned out in gorgeous hats and coordinated outÞts. Special awards and gifts were presented to the following: Barbara French won "Most Beautiful Hat" award for her gorgeous multi layered frothy confection in black and white straw, organza and diamantŽ band; Marcia Wiscarda won the prize for "Most Creative Hat" for her whimsical hat she embellished with horses and phrases like "giddy up;" Evie Norman won for "Best Ensemble" for her over the top coordination of shoes, hat, dress and even gloves and Bill Pangman received special recognition in this category for his dapper outÞt including Panama hat, white linen suit and white shoes. It was great to see everyone wholeheartedly representing the club in such fashionable attire. One of the races honored the Benicia Yacht Club and several members were selected to appear in a photo on the Þeld with the winning horse and jockey. Copies of the photo can be ordered for $10 each from Golden Gate Fields. After the races, a mint julep party with light appetizers on the veranda was hosted by Steve and Ginger Penny. Thank You Lorie Campbell, for supplying all the mint. After juleps, members went on to enjoy dinner at Trader Vic's and the Asian Seafood Restaurant while Steve and Ginger went back to their boat to collapse until morning. The following morning a sumptuous pot luck breakfast offered everyone a chance to fuel up before heading home. Cruising Calendar DON’T MISS THIS FUN EVENT! BYC Opening Day on the Strait RED SKY AT NIGHT A SAILOR’S DELIGHT 10AM ARTS AND CRAFTS BOOTHS May 16, 2015 Mark your calendar! LUNCH IS SERVED 11AM until 2PM Hot Pastrami sandwich on rye, chips -- $8 "The whole pig" pulled pork sandwich, chips --$8 (Slow smoked whole pig over fruit wood) Guinness poached German Bratwurst, spicy mustard, chips--$8 Kids menu Corn dogs, chips-$5 Chicken tenders, chips-$5 11AM BYC EXHIBIT BOOTHS CHILDREN’S GAMES FOOD AND BEVERAGE 12 NOON OPENING CEREMONY ... featuring the DIABLO REGIONAL CONCERT BAND 1PM BLESSING OF THE FLEET and the Decorated Boat Parade Music by DaN DeSHARA 5PM CLOSING CEREMONY Parade Winners & Raffle Drawing 6PM - 8PM DINNER by Chef Daniel 8PM - 11PM DANCING in the Norton Lounge Music by MIXED NUTS Celebrating the Opening Day on the Strait is a Benicia Yacht Club tradition. We open our Club to the public and hope that you will join us for a fun filled day of music, food, games and dancing. Shop the many Arts and Craft Booths on the Marina Green. We hope that you will stay for Dinner in the Yacht Club dining room and finish the night Dancing in the Norton Lounge. Special Membership packages will be available all day. RACING NEWS – CALLING ALL BOAT OWNERS! By Johanna Wright The BYC Beer Can Racers are enjoying spring winds as they battle around the race marks. Look for race results from April in the May edition of the WindWord. The Racers are fortunate to have a standing Race Committee to manage the races. Boats to host the Race Committee are needed as many of the boats racing are too small to host the race committee members. Note: the Race boats and their crew take turns standing down from a race and help the Race Committee. Offering your boat (power or sail) has many beneÞts. The Race Committee takes care of all the race related stuff plus will help with docking, anchoring and clean up. The Race Committee also provides a light dinner to the host vessels crew. Plus, Committee Boat volunteers are guests of the racers at the Racers Awards Banquet. Each Thursday after the race, everyone is welcome to join the racers at the Club's bar for drinks, stories, and race results. If interested, please contact Joe Kallios at 707-628-2914 or email him at CHECK OUT THIS NEW ADVERTISEMENT 1.6 Miles of Magnificent Oceanfront Lighthouse Pointe Estate 1.6 miles of high-elevation oceanfront. Historic lighthouse, panoramic view of Atlantic Ocean and 2 picturesque harbors in Nova Scotia, Canada. For sale by owner. US$4,000,000 or best offer. More photos and details at Email for maps and prospectus JOKE OF THE MONTH By Bob Bohnet One day, while sailing the seven seas, a look-out spotted a pirate ship, and the crew became frantic. Captain Bravo bellowed for his red shirt. The First Mate quickly retrieved the captain's red shirt, and, after donning the shirt, the captain led his crew into battle and defeated the pirates. Later on, the look-out spotted not one, but two pirate ships. The captain again howled for his red shirt and once again vanquished the pirates. That evening, all the men sat around on the deck recounting the day's triumphs, and one of them asked the captain: "Sir, why did you call for your red shirt before each battle?" The captain replied: "If I am wounded in the attack, my crew won't notice my bleeding and will continue to fight, unafraid." All of the men sat in silence and marveled at the courage of their captain. As dawn came the next morning, the look-out spotted not one, not two, but TEN pirate ships approaching. The rank and file all stared at the captain and waited for his usual request. Captain Bravo calmly shouted: "Bring me my brown pants!" Did Someone say that this was the uniform of the day? Susan Linn and Ken Oxman got the memo.... Don Turner Henrietta Ruiz Ann Holland Don Scott Candy Burrows Dorothy Szabo Nichole Russell Michelle Munn Monica Griswold Cheryl Kleinschmidt Sharon Stewart Jeane Corcoran John Dillow Jeanne Ekdahl Julie Thomas Sam Brenes Tara Keefe Robert Ritter Renee Amaro Mark Conners John Driscoll Anita Glidewell Wayne Mc Intosh BYC MEMBERS BIRTHDAYS 05/02 05/03 05/03 05/05 05/05 05/06 05/07 05/07 05/09 05/09 05/10 05/11 05/11 05/12 05/12 05/13 05/13 05/15 05/16 05/16 05/17 05/17 05/17 Jude Potter Sandy Franchini Gerry Mc Kay Michael Barnes Nicole Bearce Gennyfer Santel Frank Remlinger Robert Stell Cindy Tosch Joseph Garske Taryn Shawstad Jacqueline Vullierme Theresa Henreken Carol Turner Joey Leggitt John Potter Brian Spickard Linda Purdy Richard Thome Joyce Ramus Peggy Marshall Tim Rose Ken Hanley 05/17 05/18 05/19 05/20 05/21 05/21 05/22 05/22 05/23 05/24 05/24 05/24 05/25 05/26 05/26 05/27 05/27 05/29 05/30 05/30 05/31 05/31 05/31 Jim Mcdowell Christine Machado Curt Sutter Carolyn Chingo Dena Stults Reginald Saulsbury Judy Stevens Andrew Valles Stephen Camden Randy Ballment Pamela Feldman William Franchini Terry Hughes Robert Bohnet Ella Marie Kallios 06/01 06/01 06/01 06/04 06/05 06/07 06/07 06/09 06/09 06/09 06/10 06/13 06/14 06/15 06/15 Youth Sailing We have begun our preparation for the summer season. The dates for summer camp have been selected and the volunteers are getting re-certiÞed and planning their summer schedules. Opening Day is usually the beginning of our season and we look forward to seeking out young perspective students who visit our booth on that day. We have made some very exciting additions to our ßeet of boats. We have a new (to us) safety boat, a 17’ Boston Whaler with 75hp Mercury engine. A HUGE THANK YOU to Steve Gilliland for taking the time to look at the vessel, then return for a sea trial, pay for the purchase, drive the boat to his house and then on to it’s new home in Benicia. Thanks Steve and Dee! Also I have to Thank my husband, Tim Rose, for all of the work that you’ve done on the boat since we got her back here... We have also purchased a used Vanguard FJ for a great price. It will be used to train the older students in our group and will further the options for instruction. Along with the two 420’s we have a great selection of boats to take our sailors from the introduction to sailing to Intermediate sailing or racing. Summer Sailing Camp dates Half Day Introduction to Sailing June 15 to June 19 Full Day Learn to Sail July 13 to July 17 Full Day Learn to Sail Intermediate Sailing August 3 to August 7 Please go to then to PROGRAMS, then to YOUTH to Þnd all information and registration forms. The last date for the member discount is May 22, 2015, NO EXCEPTIONS! Heidi and Greg Gallagher You have made us proud!!!! Thank you! Heidi and Greg Gallagher took 1st Place Sailing Vessel in the Opening Day on the Bay Decorated Boat Parade representing Benicia Yacht Club! Editors Note: Advertising Space is Available In the WindWord Ad Size. Monthly Annual 2”x2”. $20. $220 Bus’s card $25. $275 1/4 page. $45 $495 1/2 page. $85. $935 from Derith Please contact Mike Mathews 745-0610. An apology to any of you whose articles did not make into last months WW. Biography’s for the candidates took up a bit of space in the last edition and we could not get all of the stories in, we have included your articles in this edition. Full Line Dog & Cat There is a lot of work that goes into getting thePet WindStore Word to you. With each edition that I Grooming have done, it has gotten easier, though it is still very time consuming. I am hoping that there is a member out there that would consider coming on board to help with putting out the WW in 2015. I am willing to help you get started! I also encourage having a team to sell advertising to defray the cost of future editions. Inc. w w w . b e n i c i a y a c h t c l u b . c o m With that said, I am concerned that the WW is set to go on line only. It has been a topic of discussion before my taking over for HR as Editor. My concern is for the many members who do not have internet access and those not familiar with the internet itself, that may notKaren search forHubbard the BYC website and the Wind Word. Without the phone tree, our only news update to our Owner/Vice members isPresident the Scuttlebutt, also an 1202 E. Fifth 707 745-5016 internet based informational blast. Benicia, CA 94510 800 331-6702 Fax: 707 It would be much more cost effective to post on line only. Would you go on line and read it? Would you miss getting this 747-2933 in the mail and reading it as a print material? Think about that and let the board know your thoughts about the Wind Word’s future. Because of the low number of readership that we have, membership is just over 200, we are not in competition with other local newspapers and publications as far as advertising goes. I do believe that we could do a better job to gain advertisement with our Kemper Painting low costs and help defray the cost of this paper. If you would like to advertise and would like more information, please feel free to Contractor’s License #769117 contact me or the board about this matter. .... Contact Mike Mathews at 707-745-0610. Residential and Commercial I will be accepting LETTERS TO THE EDITOR about the future of the WW and anything else that you would like to discuss. As I mentioned before, I would love to hear from you. All articles will be considered for print though member and mariner related Phone (707) 745-2087 articles will take priority and preference. Free Estimates Fax (707) 747-9620 Cell (707) 322-0468 Project-by-Project Marketing Solutions Create-Design-Write-Edit-Proofread-Print-Mail-SEO-Web 707.745.3738 • • Vicki & John Garcia A Taste of Life Menchu Andres Owner/Chef Company cell (925)270-8985 Customized Menus, Corporate Events, Private Parties, Wine Pairing Dinners, Weddings, etc! November 2014 January 2013 4 11 November 2014 11
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