October 2015 Wind Word
October 2015 Wind Word
October 2015 Commodore’s Message Christine Machado Although you wouldn’t know it with this recent heat wave, summer 2015 is now officially a thing of the past. In all, it was an amazing summer for the BYC with lots of firsts as well as other wonderful successes. June saw another fun-filled Lobster Feed headed up by Candy and Paul Burrows and other dedicated BYC volunteers. As they usually do, the Corinthian Yacht Club joined us and had nothing but good things to say. Speaking of cruise-ins, we had 10 consecutive cruise-ins during the course of the summer. That’s right, that’s a cruise in every week for 10 weeks straight! Thank you to Chef Daniel and the entire staff for all their hard work in making sure our guests wanted for nothing. Speaking of happy cruise ins, the BYC received an unexpected shout out in the recent edition of Bay and Delta Yachtsman. Apparently, our friends at Discovery Bay loved the wine maker’s dinner they attended in July at the Club and raved about the menu and, in particular, the duck. June also welcomed our newest Members fresh from Opening Day. Linda Hudson and Deb Selman did a great job organizing and executing another fabulous new Member party. Youth sailing headed by Derith Lutz and Tim Rose had two wonderful sessions, one in June and one in August. Thank you for doing what you do and to all your volunteers including Members Ken VanStory, John Dillow and Fred Gibson. With new sailing assets, the program is headed for all things bigger and better. July was ushered in with fireworks . . . literally. Thanks to the efforts of Sharon and Jim McPherson the BYC proudly marched down First Street in Benicia’s Torchlight Parade. We had boats, cars, Members, and kids. We also introduced a new marketing message “No Boat, No Problem” to let people know you don’t have to have a boat to join. The BYC also hosted a post-parade bash featuring the sounds of Nicki D. We were a victim of our own success, almost tripling our sales from last year, and some of our Members had to pitch in here and there. Thank you again to all those that helped. The BYC also partook in Benicia Main Street’s Waterfront Festival. Volunteers included: Josh Russell, Angela Grigas, Shelly Sutter, Mark Campbell, Patricia Campbell, Susan Garske, Lorie Campbell and Sue Kleinman. Thank you to everyone. The BYC also battled Solano Yacht Club for the coveted Challenge of the Straits trophy and was ultimately victorious in the second half of July in bringing the trophy back to the Club. Congrats to all who participated! August, a typically slow month, turned out to be anything but. Our Summer Cruise started off the month and from the pictures I can safely say a fun and relaxing time was had by all. Thank you to Cheryl and Merle Kleinschmidt for organizing. And while we are on the subject, the BYC cruised out to many fun locations during the course of the summer including Solano Yacht Club, Napa Yacht Club, Sausalito Yacht Club and our very own sand bar. To all respective the Cruise Directors, thank you for coordinating all the berths, dinners and activities. As is tradition, August bore witness to our very own authentic Hawaiian Luau. Members Linda Hudson and Tommy Pruitt helped pass on the tradition of cooking the pig in the ground to Chef Daniel. And while the fun started at oh-mygoodness early on the day of the Luau, many Members were present to help and our new Entertainment Chair Sheri Zada simply out did herself with organizing the event and decorating the Club. We also had a wonderful Luau silent auction headed by Susan Garske to raise monies to kick start a much-needed building reserve fund. The crowning jewel of every summer at the BYC is Jazz Cup. Not only did Grant Harless and his crew on Bay Loon bring the trophy back to the Club, the day, overall, was a huge success. The initial planning by Bob Bohnet, which starts almost immediately after the last cup ends, was picked up and finished by Nick Grebe. Nick did a wonderful job tackling all the challenges of the day and making sure the Club was presented in the best most positive way possible while simultaneously insuring a great time was had by all. Thank you Bob, Nick and all who volunteered to help make the day one of the best Jazz Cups the Club has seen. As you can see, it has been quite a summer! Next up . . . one fabulous fall. 400 E. E. Second 400 SecondStreet Street Box 782 94510 Benicia,P.O. California Benicia, California 94510 G ENERAL G ER C LUB M M ANA ANAGER Karen Garrett Office Office Fax 707 746-0739 707 746-1052 O FFICE H O URSH OURS O FFICE Mon Mon CLOSED CLOSED Tue-Fri 9A-5P N O RT O N LO UN G E & B Mon Tue-Fri N ORTON Sat Sun AR 707 746-6600 4-10P L OUNGE & BAR 707 11:30A-10P 746-6600 11:30A-11P (or whenever the last guest leaves) 1-8P FOO D SERVICE SCH EDULE Lunch Tue-Fri 11:30A-2:00P F OOD S ERVICE S CHEDULE Appetizers/Bar Menu Service Tue 11:30A - 2:00P Wed 11:30A - 8:00P Thur-Fri 11:30A - 9:00P Sat 5:00 - 9:00P Wednesday Night Buffets 6:30-8P Dinner Menu Thur - Sat 6-8:00P ish CLUB DIRECTORY General Manager 707-746-0739 General Manager 707-746-0739 Commodore Christine Machado 707-631-9015 Commodore Christine Machado 707-631-9015 Vice Bob Bohnet 707-745-1877 ViceCommodore Commodore Richard Boltz 707-746-1194 Rear Nick Grebe 707-315-6711 RearCommodore Commodore Bob Bohnet 707-745-1877 Secretary Grebe Secretary Nick 707-315-6711 Treasurer Larry 707-746-8657 Treasurer LarryBennett Bennett 707-746-8657 Director Larry 415-990-9990 Director LarryBooth Booth 415-990-9990 Director Don 707-334-3192 Director DonRadigan Radigan 707-334-3192 Director Lee Ritchey 707-568-1564 Director Lee Ritchey 707-568-1564 Director Ken Oxman 707-745-6159 Director Tom KenKonecki Oxman 707-745-6159 Staff Commodore 760-889-3295 Staff Commodore Tom Konecki 760-889-3295 Fleet Commander Ken Oxman 707-745-6159 Fleet Fleet Commander KenMurray Oxman 707-745-6159 Surgeon Deb FleetHistorian Surgeon Kathleen Deb Murray Treese 707-746-5553 House Chair Barbra Brooks Historian Kathleen Treese 707-334-4083 707-746-5553 Chair Penny Stell Entertainment House Chair Barbra Brooks 707-334-4083 Membership Chair Chair Robyn 707-704-2594 Entertainment Sheri Boltz Zada 661-313-3381 Publicity Chair Lorie Campbell 707-477-9960 Membership Chair Mark Cambell 510-453-4136 Audit Committee Mark Campbell 707-748-7783 PublicityPICYA Chair Bob Lorie Campbell 707-477-9960 DuBois 707-853-6028 Audit Committee MarkConners Campbell 707-567-5141 707-748-7783 PICYA Mark PICYA BobMares DuBois 707-853-6028 PICYA Rick 707-745-8324 PICYA Lorie MarkCampbell Conners 707-567-5141 Port Captain 707-447-9960 RacePICYA Chair Joe Kallios 707-628-2914 Rick Mares 707-745-8324 Safety & Protocol Brighton Port Captain Paul Lorie Campbell 707-746-8852 707-447-9960 Manager Konecki 707-297-6883 Ship Store Race Chair Michelle Joe Kallios 707-628-2914 Sunshine Chair Ross Oxman 707-745-6159 Safety & Protocol Paul Brighton 707-746-8852 Welcome Committee Linda Hudson 925-708-5881 Ship Store Manager Michelle Konecki 707-297-6883 Webmaster Larry Bennett 707-746-8657 Wind Sunshine Chair Derith Ross Oxman 707-745-6159 Word Editor Lutz 401-258-7304 Welcome LindaLutz Hudson 925-708-5881 YouthCommittee Sailing Dir Derith 401-258-7304 Webmaster Wind Word Editor Derith Lutz 401-258-7304 Youth Sailing Dir Derith Lutz 401-258-7304 2 2 October generalmanager@beniciayachtclub.com generalmanager@beniciayachtclub.com cegarske@hotmail.com cegarske@hotmail.com robertbohnet@yahoo.com r3bv@yahoo.com sailorgrebe@gmail.com robertbohnet@yahoo.com sailorgrebe@gmail.com larryabennett@yahoo.com larryabennett@yahoo.com larry_booth@hotmail.com larry_booth@hotmail.com radigan.don@sbcglobal.net radigan.don@sbcglobal.net leeritchey@earthlink.net leeritchey@earthlink.net fleetcommander@beniciayachtclub.com fleetcommander@beniciayachtclub.com tkonecki@hotmail.com tkonecki@hotmail.com fleetcommander@beniciayachtclub.com fleetcommander@beniciayachtclub.com khtreese@yahoo.com bbofbyc@comcast.net khtreese@yahoo.com pjsbarb@comcast.net bbofbyc@comcast.net membership@beniciayachtclub.com sheriz50@gmail.com loriejc1@gmail.com membership@beniciayachtclub.com mkcampbell@yahoo.com loriejc1@gmail.com robertdubois40@comcast.net mkcampbell@yahoo.com connersmark@sbcglobal.net robertdubois40@comcast.net rjmares@comcast.net connersmark@sbcglobal.net loriejc1@gmail.com kallios@aol.com rjmares@comcast.net pbrighton73@yahoo.com loriejc1@gmail.com michellekonecki@hotmail.com kallios@aol.com pbrighton73@yahoo.com ljhudson2@yahoo.com michellekonecki@hotmail.com larryabennett@yahoo.com fotoderith@sbcglobal.net ljhudson2@yahoo.com fotoderith@sbcglobal.net December 2014 January 2013 Commodors Log.......................... Commodore’s Log ...................11 Club Directory. . ........................... Club Directory.........................22 Contributors................................ Contributors ............................22 Cruising Notebook................... 3-53 Over the Botom Contest .......... Joke of theCorner Month........................ Chef’s ...........................53 editor ......................64 BayNote Loonfrom Article.......................... Lichted Boat Parade .................75 Youth Sailing............................... Richard Boltz........................... ...........................85 Whats on Deck. HarvestPage............................ Cruise .................. 6 &97 Canidates Cruise-in Schedule .................. Membership Committee Report. 108 Cruise-out ................ A note from Jr.Schedule Staff Commodre. 118 Burge ........................... Poker Run.Project ................................. 128 Ken Oxman ............................. Cruise-In.................................... 139 Comedy Night ......................... Race Schedule. .......................... 139 Election Results .....................13 10 Birthdays................................... New Deck................................. 14 CONTRIBUTORS Christine Machado Derith Lutz. Ken Oxman Bob Bohnet CONTRIBUTORS Jenn Mascola Johanna Wright Tom Konecki Derith Lutz Sheri Zada Steve Green Richard Boltz Ken Oxman Christine Bara Tom Konecki Lorie Campbell Mark Campbell Lee Ritchey Daniel Holt web@beniciayachtclub.com fotoderith@sbcglobal.net fotoderith@sbcglobal.net January 2013 Cruisers Notebook Our cup runneth over!! We had two cruise outs this year over Labor Day. The traditional cruise out to the Napa Valley Yacht Club (NVYC) and an additional cruise out to Sausalito. The Sausalito cruise out was added because the Napa Valley Yacht Club has a continuing silting-in problem reducing the number of boats this year to eight. Paul and Pat Brighton stepped up to make the Sausalito cruise out happen. Napa Valley Cruise Out Napa Cruise Directors Don and Kathi Turner did another great job of planning the annual event this year. Five of the eight boats departed as scheduled Wednesday around noon. Original plans were to tie up in Napa and have a tri-tip potluck dinner on Jorad Too. Thursday was dinner at Celadon, Friday was dinner at Cole’s Chop House, Sunday brunch at the NVYC club house followed by a private wine tasting by Cellar Collections. Last year the cruise out went on in spite of the historic Napa Earthquake three days earlier. This year most of the planned activities (and then same) went on in spite of an aborted docking at NVYC. The dock was in extremely poor condition, silting-in was significant, the winds were howling making it impossible to safely dock the fleet. The decision was made to return home and discuss a plan forward over a beverage or two. Plan B included most of the original activities-fantastic dinner at Celadon, dinner at Cole’s Chop House, and the private wine tasting at Cellar Collections to help provision the boats for a while. As a bonus we had beverages on the Kleinschmidt’s boat followed by dinner at Lucas’ in Benicia, a spectacular dinner at the Kleinschmidt’s home and cocktails at the Turner’s home in Silverado before going to Celedon for dinner. Wow. What an amazing cruise out!! Ken Oxman Pat Brighton LABOR DAY BYC CRUISE September 2-4 2015 Wednesday started out beautifully as Fantasy, On A Whim, Moon Shadow, Summer Slopes, Prime Time and Terry Ellen left the Marina. We were joined by Delfini from Glen Cove. Strong winds with 40 mph gusts greeted us in San Pablo Bay. Needless to say, it was a bumpy trip down to Schoonmakers. Thank You to Harbor Master Mike and his helpers who welcomed us upon arrival, we were all safely tied up and on land without incident. Liquidity joined us a bit later in the day. The wind was so strong that we had to cancel our Dock party for fear that everything would end up in the water! We all headed up to the Seafood Peddler for a delicious dinner. Thursday morning some of us headed to Fred’s for breakfast, his French Toast is one of a kind. During the day we spent a good amount of time going through the Bay Model. They have added some new Videos since the last time most of us were there, a very interesting excursion for those of you who have not visited. That afternoon we enjoyed more R & R. We had to cancel our dock party again because of the breezy conditions. The group gathered for dinner at Fast Food Francois on Calendonia Street where we were treated to excellent food as well as 50’s music. More to report from the rest of the trip from Jenn Mascola.... LABOR DAY BYC CRUISE September 4-7 2015 by Jenn Mascola Cruisers leaving Sausalito early were rewarded with fog free calm Pacific water. The peaceful bay allowed for occasional starboard glances at the morning sun lit Golden Gate Bridge. Fortunately, the Palace of Fine Arts is listed on the U.S. National Register of Historical Places as it makes a convenient hillside fixed navigation landmark for Mariners. In 2010, restoration work and a seismic retrofit was completed. Therefore, Palace will remain a San Francisco Marina landmark for pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, and mariners for years. The one exception to the blissful crossing was Bert and Paula Arellino. Their morning cruise aboard Summer Slopes was back to Svendsen's Boat Works in Alameda. The bow thruster repair resulted in crossed wires, affecting the starter and a chain of electrical challenges. (Perhaps, they will be 2015's Golden Wrench recipient?) After most vessels settled in at the St. Francis guest docks, Cruisers met at the Grill for an impromptu lunch. A circular table, generous portions, and the wall of windows created the perfect spot for bay crossing stories. Larry and Janet Booth, (Toucan Do it), joined the cruisers after an afternoon windy bay crossing. Their windy Benicia Marina morning departure and windier San Francisco Marina docking, left Janet speaking in higher octaves. Soon, Summer Slopes rejoined the group after a final repair shop sojourn. The late afternoon Blustering Pacific winds did not disappoint. However, most cruisers did manage the 4:00 P.M. walk to The Exploratorium's Wave Organ. After many photo opportunities, the group gravitated towards the Golden Gate Yacht Club's upper deck, for adult beverages. Periodically, conversation broke while individuals were captivated by gorgeous San Francisco Bay views. In time, cruisers meandered indoors for a casual dinner. After the sun settled behind the Golden Gate Bridge pillars, the group walked back to the docks together. Each looking forward to a well deserved night's sleep following an early cruising day. Most cruisers built healthy appetites by walking along the Shoreline to Chrissy Field. The further they walked from full parking lots, the less dense the beach population became. Venturing beyond distances that full ice chests or bassinets could be easily carried to, revealed areas of tranquility. Other adventure seekers ascended the Presidio Hillside perspiration free by riding the PresidiGo Shuttle. Stops included the creative beauty of the Palace of Fine Arts, the solemn gravity in the sea of headstones at San Francisco National Cemetery, the imagination of once boisterous activity at the Main Post, and the original hardships of human survival at the Log Cabin. Rounding the corner to the Golden Gate overlook, cruisers were abruptly mindful of the holiday tourism occurring. The journey under the bridge, down to Chrissy Field, and above the vast Marina Green was challenged by lines of cars, tour & Muni buses, limousines, pedestrian groups, and baby strollers. Regardless of the journey chosen, cruisers convened in the relative sanctuary of the green. The bay theatrics of container ships passing behind wind swept para sailers and wind surfers entertained. On land, a colorful spectacle of kites filled the sky with unique flying art. Cruisers competed against the powerful mid afternoon winds in their private kite flying completion. A couple of our amateurs were successful in recovering from gust filled nosedives. The walk back to the San Francisco Marina was highlighted by observations of blissful dogs, joyfully unhampered by leashes. Later, everyone met up for cocktails in the luxury of the world renowned St. Francis Yacht Club. Built in 1927, (after the San Francisco Yacht Club moved their building to Belvedere), St. Francis has come to be considered the most prestigious yacht club in the western United States. The Benicia Yacht Club was well represented by officers wearing Summer Dress. Upon hearing the dinner bell, elegantly attired cruisers ascended the grand staircase into the upstairs dining room. Fog free majestic 200' views presented the Golden Gate Bridge, Angel Island, Alcatraz, and the East Bay beyond. Diners enjoyed an enchanted evening filled with tantalizing food, well traveled conversation, and the amazing Golden Gate sunset. Kite flying award winners were announced as Larry Booth for first place and Janet Booth for second place. Desert followed the crescendo of blazing colorful high clouds. Even the darkness that followed was animated with shimmering lights from all sides of the San Francisco Bay. Cruisers returned to their boats knowing this was a special night they would remember. by Jenn, Continued On Sunday morning, some cruisers attended Mass at the opulent Mission Dolores Basilica. The experience was both inspirational and educational. Damaged in the 1906 earthquake, the current Basilica was was completed in 1918. The stunning architecture was influenced by the 1915 Panama-California Exposition. The Basilica stands in stark contrast to the original Mission Dolores, Founded June 29, 1776. Surviving the earthquake, Mission Dolores is the oldest original intact Mission in California and the oldest building in San Francisco. These cruisers joined others at the Union Square Cheesecake Factory for Sunday Brunch. With their extensive menu to please all, only Pat Brighton's simple waffle proved elusive. Applause were heard when the waffle made its debut. Always a good sport, Pat reported that the tardy waffle was delicious. Well nourished, the LaborDay sales and numerous shopping opportunities beckoned some cruisers. Meanwhile, others returned to the San Francisco Marina to enjoy the waterfront. With sublime weather, the Golden Gate Promenade drew both tourists and locals alike. Many languages could be heard by tourists peddling rented bicycles while mesmerized by the stunning natural beauty surrounding them. Meanwhile, locals walked vigorously as reading their personal handheld electronics. Their intersections provided entertaining people watching opportunities. After a Sunday dodging the San Francisco crowds, cruisers were ready for the safe refuge offered by Jerry Cook & Nancy Comstock aboard the beautiful Primetime. Relaxing over cocktails and hors d' oeuvres provided a perfect conclusion to both the day and the event. Cruiser's were gifted a rarefied moment to enjoy perfect weather at a world renowned destination in a private setting. Only another glorious Golden Gate sunset view and smooth water San Francisco Bay cruise to home port awaited them. Joke of the Month Submitted by Bob Bohnet The Broke Sailor A broke sailor decides to ask God for help. “Dear Lord,” he prays. “If I don’t get some cash, I am going to lose everything. Please let me win the lottery.” Lottery night comes, but the sailor doesn’t win. He prays even harder, saying: “God, why have you forsaken me? My children are starving. Please just let me win.” Suddenly, there is a blinding ßash of light and then the sailor hears God speak. “Work with me on this,” God says. “Buy a ticket.” B AY L O O N, C O NG R A TULA T IONS! Jazz Cup 2015 by Bay Loon Skipper, Grant Harless. Thanks to my good crew, Bay Loon won the 2015 Jazz Cup and brought the trophy back to Benicia Yacht Club. The winning crew was made up of Dwight on Foredeck, Alex at the Mast, Doug, my brother, had the middle. The Port Trimmer was Bernadette, the Starboard Trimmer was my son Chad, the Tactician and mainsheet trimmer was Conrad, on the Rail was Larry and I was the Driver. The race was delayed three times because a lack of wind. The committee boat was on the left side of the line. We arrived at the pin end of the start line, we did a starboard tack a little early so we ran the line in front of three boats that were too far back to challenge us for barging. We turned up for a good start at the line, at the gun. Fetching a little fat at the top mark on port tack, we ducked the two leaders of our ßeet coming in on starboard who had to tack to port to round the mark. We had just enough room and speed for us to squeeze in for a good mark rounding. Our ßeet competition ducked behind Angle Island, but we held off and went deep, but not too deep toward Berkley, before we turned left toward Point Richmond. We turned toward Point Richmond and put up our spinnaker. Soon after the wind started shifting forward or north. We can carry our spinnaker fairly far forward and were holding our own with boats in our ßeet. Finally the wind had shifted too far forward. We had practiced a stretch and blow spinnaker drop two days before the race. Practice helps, this time it went as smooth as silk as we pulled the spinnaker down underneath the jib. Dwight had a Wind Flow program on his phone, he kept us abreast that the wind was going to drop off to nothing and get confused on the direction up around Point Richmond. There was a time limit we had to sneak through. We kept our eye on the time, wind and kept the boat powered up moving at least 4 knots. We passed through wind hole at point Richmond just barely, then went in shallow against adverse current. Our depth gage read, 0 to .3 under the keel as we passed one boat that had gone aground. At the beginning of the season I calibrated my depth gage to read 0 @ 1' under the keel. This kept us from going aground. Around Point Pinole we put up our spinnaker again. The crew did well on the set. The wind was awful light and I would push the boat up for more speed above 4 kts. My tactician Conrad would have me push the boat down or towards ddw or the bridge as the boat speed would get to 4.5 kts. So our boat speed was between 4.2 to 4.4 We rounded the First Street day mark in a typical way and ran hot and straight to the turning mark. We jibed and dropped our spinnaker smartly and rounded the Þrst mark. By the second mark rounding, all lines were secured correctly for a good up wind Þnish. I will say the crew did a bang up job in executing the maneuvers well. I knew that we had won the division when we Þnished, but we didn’t realize we had won the Jazz Cup until the awards ceremony. Thank You again to my crew and thanks to you all !!!! Sincerely, Grant Harless Bay Loon Racing News By Johanna Wright The end of September brings the end of Summer Beer Can Racing. It has been an exciting season raced in windy conditions with the competitive juices ßowing. For a while we were one of the few boats Look in Novembers’s Wind Word to make it through the wind hole. At rodeo for the season results. pier, tugs moved into a ship, to move it out. Oh, this could block us, but we saw that the ship was still tied up to pier and we passed safely around it. Near Carquinez bridge the sport boats caught up to us and we played a bit as they took us up and through the north side of the span. The Awards Dinner will be held on Friday, November 13 at BYC. tactician wanted me to point the boat on a deeper point of sail. I looked back and saw big piece of metal or ship coming up behind us. There were several sport boats on the south side where the ship was tracking. The ship honked a big long honk and they promptly jibed out of its way. If you have questions about the racing program or are interested in racing, contact Race Chair Joe Kallios at 707-628-2914 or email him at kallios@aol.com. Racers are looking forward to next season with the races beginning on the Þrst Thursday in April 2016. Until then, there are the Winter Frost Bite races to After passing under the Carquinez enjoy. Bridge, half way to Dillon point, Conrad my YOUTH SAILING NEWS by Derith Lutz At the last board meeting a motion was made to create and begin the organization of a non-proÞt foundation sponsored by the Benicia Yacht Club relating to marine and maritime education. It will be formed as a California Corporation and will apply for a Federal Tax Code 501 (c)3 non proÞt recognition. BYCÕs sponsorship of the foundation to use the Benicia Yacht ClubÕs name in the foundation name, BYC facilities and other business relationships attendant thereto. The organizing committee will initially be Tim Rose, Derith Lutz, John Dillow and Ken Vanstory. There will be a copy of the Articles of Incorporation in the Norton Lounge under the YS section of the bulletin board for you to view very soon, The organizing committee will submit a report to the BYC board at the November meeting. The YS staff has been waiting for the paperwork and this Þrst step for a very long time, so with a big sigh of relief, we will move forward with this very important step for creating the ultimate sailing and marine programs for everyone to enjoy. YEAH! The fall is here and we plan to move toward helping the BHS with their sailing club, get our young sailors sailing throughout the year and of course promoting memberships to families. Please join us as a volunteer, it is a lot of fun and very rewarding. Friday Open Sailing We are again opening up the fall season with Open Sailing on Friday afternoons for as long as we have enough daylight to do so. If your child or grandchild can rig and sail his or her vessel, and/or has a red book certiÞcation, they are welcome to join us. There is NO INSTRUCTION during these sessions. There is, however, a certiÞed Sailing Instructor and a safety boat on the water. If you would like to be on the invite list, please send a note to Derith at fotoderith@sbcglobal.net . We will send emails with times and all related information to you. We are hoping to see as many young sailors as we can out there. .... Set to Sail! What’s Next On Deck? A note from Sheri Zada, Event/Entertainment Chair Happy Fall Y’All (A little bit of my Dallas girl showing). This is my favorite season. As we approach the upcoming holidays and make time to get together with friends and family, keep the yacht club in mind for some fun! By the time you get this we will have had our very Þrst Dog DayÕs of Summer event. I want to ÒThank YouÓ for your participation during this family fun event. The donations we collected for helping the misplaced needy pets for our neighbors affected by the Þres to the north of us is greatly appreciated. I have a gracious Òshout outÓ for ÒPupÕs N PurrzÓ and ÒKoda & CoÓ on First Street for putting together some gifts from their shops. Side Note: ÒPupÕs N PurrzÓ is having their annual ÒDogÕs by the Bay RescueÓ on November 7-8 (weather permitting). If your family is thinking about a new critter, please attend and Þnd a Ònew to youÓ fur buddy. ÒKoda & CoÕs Òshop is only 2 months ÒnewÓ and adorable. I highly recommend you visit both and shop local. Please check our Bulletin Boards, Facebook Page and Website for updates or/changes to our events. But here is a quick rundown for the next few months. Watch for updates and ticket sales dates and deadlines. The major events sell-out so purchase your tickets early. ~ For the remainder of 2015 ~ Saturday, October 24th, – “Spook”tacular Halloween Ð 1:00 to 3:00 Costume Parade and Party for BYC KidÕs 0-12 years old***. Friday, October 30th Ð Our Halloween event ~ Boo’s and Booze, (Adults 21 and over only). A cozy fall dinner will be available for purchase downstairs, info will be available on our website and bulletin boards. After dinner the fun moves upstairs for games and music to dance the night away in the Norton Lounge. Come in costumeÉ be creativeÉthere will be PRIZES! Wednesday, November 11th – “Thank You to our Veteran’s” - Annual Spaghetti Supper and Music Saturday, December 12th – ÒA Snowßake WinterÓ childrenÕs event***. Did someone say ÒSanta?Ó Time to be determined. Thursday, December 31st – “BYC’s New Year’s Eve Extravaganza” – Time and theme to be determined. I will also try to implement at least one Friday ÒorÓ Saturday evening per month where we will have music in the evening in the Norton Lounge. Reminder - the second Tuesday evening of every month at 7:15 will be a Volunteer Committee Meeting at BYC in Norton Lounge/KidÕs Room, depending on availability. Please join us as we plan for 2016, itÕs just around the corner. Many creative minds make great things happen. No one was at the Þrst meeting and we need some attendance to make these events happen. Suggested Ideas for future events Ð Fashion Show, Family Board Game Night, PJ night for children, Karaoke, and the list goes onÉ. Let me know what you want, join us on a meeting night. I see a fun future ahead. As always, ÒThank YouÓ for your help and participation in our BYC events. I look forward to seeing you soon. ☺ Sheri ***An adult ÒmemberÓ must be present with their child/family/guest at all times during any childrenÕs event. BOB BOHNET L A RRY B O OT H HI, I'M LARRY BOOTH. I HAVE SERVED AS DIRECTOR FOR THE PAST YEAR AND AM NOW RUNNING FOR THE POSITION OF SECRETARY. I HAVE BEEN A MEMBER OF BYC FOR 18 YEARS AND, BECAUSE I FELT IT WAS TIME TO START GIVING BACK TO THE CLUB, I AGREED LAST YEAR TO SERVE AS DIRECTOR. THE BOARD HAS MET THE FINANCIAL CHALLENGES WE FACED HEAD ON AND A LOT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION AND LEADERSHIP OF COMMODORE CHRISTINE MACHADO. HOWEVER, IN ANY ORGANIZATION, THERE IS ALWAYS MORE TO DO. WITH THAT IN MIND I DECIDED TO RUN FOR SECRETARY AND, IF ELECTED, LOOK FORWARD TO HELPING THE NEXT COMMODORE BUILD ON THE FOUNDATION THAT WE CREATED THIS YEAR. Hello, I am Bob Bohnet, presently the Vice Commodore of our Yacht Club and I am running for Commodore. No, my Board will not be required to wear an ascots. However, we will stay the course and continue to make the best decisions we can for the good of the club, as did all boards before us. We will look for opportunities for continuos improvement. Find ways to feed our reserves so we can make planned repairs to our club. Be supportive of new and creative ideas to foster new membership. And continue the development of our staff that works so hard for us. I have served as a Director, Secretary, Rear Commodore, Vice Commodore, and now looking forward to the opportunity to serve as our clubs Commodore. Last but not least, let's have fun! I appreciate your vote for Commodore. Thanks, Bob Bohnet RIC H A RD BOLT Z LAST YEAR I WAS ELECTED VICE COMMODORE. UNFORTUNATELY, FOR PERSONAL REASONS , I HAD TO RESIGN MY POSITION AND WAS UNABLE TO FINISH THE YEAR. MANY OF THE CLUB’S MEMBERS HAVE ASKED ME TO RUN AGAIN. THIS YEAR I WOULD LIKE TO CONTINUE AS VICE COMMODORE. MY WIFE, JANET AND STEPSONS BEN AND SAM ARE FREQUENT PARTICIPANTS AT THE CLUB SO IF WE HAVEN'T ALREADY MET YOU, OR SAID "HI", PLEASE COME UP TO US AND INTRODUCE YOURSELF. IT'S ALWAYS FUN TO MEET NEW PEOPLE. I ASK FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND YOUR VOTE FOR VICE COMMODORE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. LARRY THANK YOU. RICHARD BOLTZ N IC K G RE BE Hello! I'm Nick Grebe and I'm running for Vice Commodore. I have been actively involved in the Club since joining in 2009, as a Youth Sailing Instructor, racing in Club races on Thursday and Friday nights, serving as a Director, serving as the Board Secretary, and most recently serving as our Rear Commodore. Many of you know that I am passionate about sailing and enthusiastic about our Club. I think we have a great group of people, a wonderful facility, and fun programs. Our recent wildly successful Jazz Cup Regatta shows how great our Club can be when we all work together! I look forward to a chance to continue serving on the Board and would enjoy working with all of our members and staff to continue improving in 2016 and beyond. Thank you. Nick Grebe Notes from the Membership Committee Our Mission: To ensure the continued success of the Benicia Yacht Club through recruiting, maintaining and retention of memberships and reinstatements. This will be achieved by effectively communicating and engaging with new and existing members. Membership is vital to the maintenance of the club and our goal is to ensure the success of the club and its members. The Membership Committee has been redefining responsibilities, standard operating procedures and applying more innovation to memberships and the club. Being proactive and executing on innovation are essential factors for success and a primary area of our focus. Part of this innovation includes: ¥ ¥ ¥ Redesign of the membership web page to be more focused on membership, what the club has to offer and why people want to join. o Allowing prospective members to provide information about why they are interested in joining the BYC. We as a club can help retain members if we first understand why they want to join a yacht club. o To negate any potential reasons that end up in a member resignation. Once we know what people are looking to get out of the club, we can ensure we meet those expectations. o Automation. We want functionality so our members can request the following online for: ¥ Name Tags, Key Cards, Membership name changes, additions, removal ¥ Membership Rosters, Bylaws, House Rules, Applications – downloadable ¥ General and Confidential Membership questions ¥ Suggestions, solutions, or innovation for the Membership Committee to review Posting information and suggestions for the general membership in the Wind Word each month as incentives to keep members informed, included and active. Actively relaying all relevant information to the board to keep them well informed of any issues, summary of why people are joining/resigning, and goals of the Membership Committee. Membership is focusing on re-defining the Membership application process and we will be providing updates. Part of this focus is in creating a membership packet so that any new members walk away with a complete set of information, documents and contacts. We also want to enhance the process to ask why individuals want to join the club and their expectations. This will be important for communication, engagement and following-up with new members. The more we know about expectations, the more we can all work to exceed them. The Membership committee would like to encourage everyone to welcome new members when you see them at the club. It is so important that we make sure to engage all new members, especially on Friday nights, events, etc. Reaching out to new members is key in increasing the retention of our memberships. When members take that first step and introduce themselves, it goes a long way in creating a very good first impression. First impressions may only last a short time, so it is essential that we maintain that impression for the good of the club. You and the club have so much to offer so please take that first step and continue to engage new and existing members as much as possible. More to come from Membership going forward. A note from the Junior Staff Commodores LOG: Two months ago my “log” in this newsletter outlined the role of the Junior Staff Commodore in our club’s process of selecting the BYC Board members for the coming year…from seeking candidates to selecting a Nominating committee to assist in the vetting process. While I was disappointed that my efforts to convince more of you to step up and run for a position (or inquire about the process), I was very pleased with the caliber of the new candidates that did step forward in an effort to contribute to the future of the club. Your Candidates will be: Susan Linn for Director Bob Surratt for Director Don Glidewell for Treasurer Larry Booth for Secretary Frank Cavoto for Rear Commodore Bob Bohnet for Commodore And TWO candidates for the position of Vice Commodore: Richard Blotz, and Nick Grebe I want to take this opportunity to thank the Staff Commodores that accepted positions on my Nominating Committee; the club is very fortunate to have access to such a brain trust, and I truly appreciate their help and guidence: Susan GarskeMerle Kleinschmidt Paul Burrows Tim Rose The committee has just completed the process of interviewing each of the candidates that stepped forward/filed application to run for positions on the board. Those candidates will be formally presented to Commodore Christine Machado (as acting secretary of the board) to create the Docket. The candidates will be invited to speak at a “candidates night” on October 13th, as part of the Wednesday night Dinner. There will be a segment for question/answer so please plan on attending this dinner and taking part. Ballots will be distributed in accordance with our By-laws. A reminder that there is ONE vote per active membership number (which requires that your dues are up to date). The last day to vote is Wednesday October 21st at 7:00 PM during Weddnesday Night Dinner as well. The votes will be tabulated that evening. My final contribution as “Junior” Staff Commodore is to encourage you to vote, and in preparation … give serious consideration to the best interest to the future of the club. Tom Konecki Junior Staff Commodore BENICIA YACHT CLUB ANNUAL POKER RUN OCTOBER 24, 2015 MOTORCYCLES, CONVERTIBLES, SUNROOFS AND WHATEVER THIS YEAR WE PLAN ON GOING TO WINTERS FOR THE 2ND DRAW, THEN TURTLE ROCK FOR 3RD DRAW & LUNCH, 4TH DRAW DESTINATION SOLANO YACHT CLUB. 1ST AND 5TH DRAW AT THE CLUB For information: candygarnett@mac.com 808-283-3633 1 Racing Schedule Tuesday, October 20, 2015 Friday November 13, 2015 Maxine Ingersol Moira Sullivan Bill Souza Jerry Morgan Carol-Ann Dowling Terry Traub Ken Vanstory Greg Gallagher Joan Shepard Barbra Brooks Carolyn Reed Steve Gizzi Melinda James Kimberly Miller Derith Lutz Linda Perz Michele Munn Mark Campbell Race Committee Mtg. 7:00 Awards Dinner BYC MEMBERS BIRTHDAYS 10/1 1 2 3 3 5 7 8 9 9 9 11 13 15 16 16 17 18 Carol Marsh Paula Armellino Sheri Zada Don Glidewell Ralph Aguiar Susan Gibson Deb Murray Tom Rickard Larry Ingraham Debi Hall Jerry Costa Pam Martin Jerry Cook Charlene Avarbock Lee Richey Steve Dale Michael Allen Curt Hoffman 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 11/1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 Dave Traub Nancy Chudnofsky Evelyn Harless Nick Grebe Nancy Comstock 3 4 5 6 7 NEW FRONT DECK As you can see when you enter the club by the front doors, we have a shiny new front deck. This took the help of several people. First, thanks to John Ash for donating the lumber. Next, thanks to the help of the following people who worked very hard for two and a half days to get it finished. All of these people were part of the crew that did the upper back deck last year. Guess it took them a year to forget how tough that one was, because they volunteered again! Ken Oxman Richard Boltz Mark Conner Don Radigan As could be expected for a building of this age, there was a great deal of dry rot and other water damage that had to be patched up before we could put down the new lumber. The Deck Crew A special thanks to Ken Oxman for making two trips to the dump with all of the debris we created. We estimated the amount of lumber needed at 700 lineal feet. When we finished we had about 6 feet of scrap. That is cutting it a little bit close! Lee Ritchey Board member and slaved driver! Editors Note: Advertising Space is Available In the WindWord Ad Size. Monthly Annual 2”x2”. $20. $220 Bus’s card $25. $275 1/4 page. $45 $495 1/2 page. $85. $935 from Derith Please contact Mike Mathews 745-0610. An apology to any of you whose articles did not make into last months WW. Biography’s for the candidates took up a bit of space in the last edition and we could not get all of the stories in, we have included your articles in this edition. Full Line Dog & Cat There is a lot of work that goes into getting thePet WindStore Word to you. With each edition that I Grooming have done, it has gotten easier, though it is still very time consuming. I am hoping that there is a member out there that would consider coming on board to help with putting out the WW in 2015. I am willing to help you get started! I also encourage having a team to sell advertising to defray the cost of future editions. Inc. w w w . b e n i c i a y a c h t c l u b . c o m With that said, I am concerned that the WW is set to go on line only. It has been a topic of discussion before my taking over for HR as Editor. My concern is for the many members who do not have internet access and those not familiar with the internet itself, that may notKaren search forHubbard the BYC website and the Wind Word. Without the phone tree, our only news update to our Owner/Vice members isPresident the Scuttlebutt, also an 1202 E. Fifth 707 745-5016 internet based informational blast. Benicia, CA 94510 800 331-6702 www.feathererpet.com Fax: 707 It would be much more cost effective to post on line only. Would you go on line and read it? Would you miss getting this 747-2933 in the mail and reading it as a print material? Think about that and let the board know your thoughts about the Wind Word’s future. Because of the low number of readership that we have, membership is just over 200, we are not in competition with other local newspapers and publications as far as advertising goes. I do believe that we could do a better job to gain advertisement with our Kemper Painting low costs and help defray the cost of this paper. If you would like to advertise and would like more information, please feel free to Contractor’s License #769117 contact me or the board about this matter. .... Contact Mike Mathews at 707-745-0610. Residential and Commercial I will be accepting LETTERS TO THE EDITOR about the future of the WW and anything else that you would like to discuss. As I mentioned before, I would love to hear from you. All articles will be considered for print though member and mariner related Phone (707) 745-2087 articles will take priority and preference. Free Estimates Fax (707) 747-9620 Cell (707) 322-0468 Project-by-Project Marketing Solutions Create-Design-Write-Edit-Proofread-Print-Mail-SEO-Web 707.745.3738 • info@mktgalacarte.com • www.mktgalacarte.com Vicki & John Garcia A Taste of Life Menchu Andres Owner/Chef Company cell (925)270-8985 www.atasteoflifecatering.com catering@atasteoflifecatering.com Customized Menus, Corporate Events, Private Parties, Wine Pairing Dinners, Weddings, etc! November 2014 January 2013 4 11 November 2014 11 BENICIA YACHT CLUB, INC. P.O. BOX 782 Benicia, California 94510 PRESRT STD US POSTAGE PAID M2 MAIL 94533 Thank Yo u for bring ing the Jazz Cup back to the Benicia Yacht Club! _SF Photo by Slackwater CONGRATULATIONS TO GRANT HARLESS AND THE BAY LOON CREW! JAZZ CUP WINNERS 2015!
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