Commodore`s Log - Benicia Yacht Club
Commodore`s Log - Benicia Yacht Club
May 2013 THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BENICIA YACHT CLUB, PICYA CLUB OF THE YEAR 2000-2003, 2008, 2010-2012 FOUNDED IN 1977 Commodore’s Log And can we really afford to plan to address the next problem with a fundraiser? Richard Bolz has been compiling a list of projects that we will need to address in the coming years. There is quite a bit to do. We’ll keep you posted. By Time Rose We are making progress on our plans for setting up a 501C3 Non-Profit for our Youth Sailing program. We haven’t finalized a name for the entity, and do not want to restrict it to youth or sailing. We want to keep it open in terms of possible scope so as to have broader appeal. It will be focused on education and training around the water. Hello Members, It seems time flies when you are having fun! Hard to believe another month has gone by and Opening Day is upon us as I write this. I was out of town for a few weeks, so time get’s away. Naiad is still in the yard again as I write, but is out of San Rafael, and in Sausalito to have the mast and rigging put back in. They are still promising me I will have it for Opening Day. Hopefully I am not getting up at O’Dark:30 on Saturday the 20th to deliver her back to Benicia. A lot has been going on at the club, not only getting ready for Opening Day, but activities have picked up in general. More boaters around the marina, beer can races have started, cruise ins and cruise outs. It is good to see. It seems that there is something going on at the club every night of the week now. Between Monday “roof fund” fundraisers with food prepared by Jacquie Fracisco, Trivia, committee meetings, Bistro, Racing and just plain old cocktails and dinner, there isn’t a night when it’s quiet. Try to find a quiet corner for a meeting! Last night, there were 25 folks that showed up for planning the Opening Day kite board race. Hopefully, these activities will spur good fortunes. We still need to find a way to increase our membership and / or our revenue. As I have mentioned in the past, we are managing our finances, but we are not getting ahead. And we are not creating a reserve fund. Steve Gilliland is confident we will have raised enough in donations to get the roof completed before the fall rains, but what project will be next? That’s about it for now. Tom Konecki will be giving an Opening Day wrap up next month, but I am sure the event will have gone off tremendously. Weather predictions couldn’t be better. Still looking for someone for Relay for Life! Editor’s Notes - H.R. Autz “You have to come to the club!” Just attend almost any party, dinner or movie and you are going to have fun. Last month our family had a very special Easter at the club. Our grandsons enjoyed the egg hunt and the brunch. We may not have many more egg hunts (they are 8 years old) . But it is great to see everyone having a keepsake time. Irma, Laurie, Menchu and Karen do a fantastic job. For us the club is a better place to stop in, have lunch or dinner than any establishment on First Street. What do you think? 400 E. Second Street P.O. Box 782 Benicia, California 94510 C LUB M ANAGER Karen Garrett O FFICE H OURS Mon N ORTON L OUNGE & BAR CLOSED 707 746-6600 F OOD S ERVICE S CHEDULE Sandbar Party Sunday June 23rd! Once again, we have a low tide, exposing the land in the middle of the Carquinez Strait across from the mothball fleet. Low tide (-1.3 feet) will occur at 8:35 am, so we should have plenty of land surface from about 8:00 am until noon. For those that haven’t experienced this treat, we will anchor a short distance from the sandbar, and you can dinghies ashore. If you don't have one, people will be glad to help. This is a great opportunity to have non-boating guests share this experience by offering to take guests aboard with you. Please bring food to share and, if you wish, bathing suits, chairs, and games such as golf clubs and old balls, fishing poles, or yard games. A sign-up sheet will be posted in Norton Lounge asking for your name, boat name, and if you are willing to take guests, how many. There will also be a sign-up sheet for guests. We will try and accommodate all who are interested. Contact Brook Seymour (707) 747-0282 if you have any questions. This is a unique and memorable experience! ish CLUB DIRECTORY Club Manager Karen Garrett 707-746-0739 Commodore Tim Rose 707-747-1676 Vice Commodore Tom Konecki 207-329-6736 Rear Commodore Jean-Claude Mercier 512-567-6720 Secretary Christine Machado 707-631-9016 Treasurer Candy Garnett 707-297-6046 Director Bob Avarbock 707-747-1736 Director Richard Boltz 707-746-1194 Director Larry Bennett 707-746-8657 Director Ken Oxman 707-745-6159 Staff Commodore Steve Gilliland 925-788-3222 Fleet Commander Ken Oxman 707-745-6159 Fleet Surgeon Deb Murray Historian Kathleen Treese 707-746-5553 House Chair Barbra Brooks 707-334-4083 Entertainment Chair Penny Stell 707-745-9172 Membership Chair Chris Bara 707-745-0610 Membership Secretary Judi Surratt 707-747-6174 Publicity Chair Lorie Campbell 707-477-9960 Audit Committee Mark Campbell 707-748-7783 PICYA Bob DuBois 707-746-1983 PICYA Mark Conners 707-567-5141 PICYA Rick Mares 707-745-8324 Port Captain Anita Glidewell 916-202-9685 Race Chair Joe Kallies 707-628-2914 Safety & Protocol Paul Brighton 707-746-8852 Ship Store Manager Michelle Konecki 707-297-6883 Sunshine Chair Ross Oxman 707-745-6159 Webmaster Larry Bennett 707-746-8657 Wind Word Editor H.R. Autz 707-745-4905 Youth Sailing Dir Derith Lutz 401-258-7304 Volunteer Organizer Gail Temple 707-745-9172 2 2 January 2013 May 2013 Commodore’s Log.....................1 Club Directory............................2 Snad Bar Party............................2 Embrase Social Media ..............3 Cruise Schedule..........................4 BYC Safety...................................4 Cruise-Out...................................5 May Calendar.............................6 May Birthdays............................6 Easter Photo’s.............................7 Youth Sailing Report.................7 Parking Lot Sale.........................8 Improvement Report.................9 Chef’s Corner............................10 Menus........................................10 CONTRIBUTORS Tim Rose Barbra Brooks Tom Konecki Paul Brighton Menchu Andres Laurie Lenhart Derith Lutz Ken Oxman Richard Boltz Larry Bennett Chris Autz Lori Campbell Merle Kleinschmidt May 2013 January 2013 BYC Embraces Social Media and the Web Perhaps you have noticed that the Benicia Yacht Club has been slowly embracing the social networking age of technology. Surely you may have noticed the redesigned website recently launched in late March 2013. If you have not, you should take a look at the presence at BYC has established on the Web, Facebook, Twitter, and Google plus. All of these social networking outlets enhance our capability to communicate with and provide up-to-date information to you, the membership, and promote the club experience the public who might be interested in BYC. Starting at the beginning is a good place to understand how we got here. For years, BYC has had a website where it could post static information that members might find useful to keep up to date on coming events and the public might find useful to understanding what the club has to offer. This “static” approach to the presentation of information was revolutionized in all our lives by the advent of Facebook (FB) and Twitter in 2005 and 2006 to enable us to socially network on a real time basis. Each of these outlets for information allow for short, quick updates of events as they happen and are fed in a data stream to those who subscribe to FB and Twitter, for instance. In late 2010, then Vice Commodore Paul Burrows encouraged me to establish a Facebook presence for the Benicia Yacht Club. Since I had found Facebook filing useful for my personal life and to stop Paul’s incessant pestering, I undertook the challenge. The BYC Facebook page can be found at: pages/Benicia-Yacht-Club/199686700045097. If you look on the BYC Facebook page you will find that we established our presence on Facebook on February 7, 2011. Because of the way the timeline function works in Facebook, if you go there, it actually shows our founding in 1977 as well. Since that initial setup of the Facebook page, I have, along with the help of Marcia Wisgirda and Tom Konecki, been regularly posting updates regarding club activities and happenings on the Facebook page. If you go there you will find several photo albums from BYC events, with faces you will recognize, and a timeline of many memories of activities held at BYC. Gradually it is becoming the BYC scrapbook of family memories. We have tried to regularly post all calendar events as reminders, including menus of upcoming dinner events on the page. At this point you will find it a useful resource to remind you of activities at the club, keep you updated, and provide calendar information about upcoming activities. All you have to do to get access to all of this is to “Like” the Benicia Yacht Club on Facebook and you will get a feed of all BYC updates. Not satisfied with this single foray into social networking, we have also established a Twitter account for BYC. For those of you who don't know Twitter or do not tweet, it is a short message networking tool that allows people to make short statements about observations are happenings. The BYC Twitter account can be found at: For Benicia Yacht Club, it is primarily used to generate promotional interest messages during ongoing BYC events. For instance, messages might be created saying that we are currently blessing the fleet or that the fleet is returning from the blessing or to generate enthusiasm for the dance that occurs that evening. Additionally the fleet commander can use Twitter to generate short messages letting folks know the fun activities being held on a cruise out and how many have attended. For those of you who are experienced in Twitter, the BYC hashtag is #BenicaYacht, which if you put in your tweets, will allow people searching for BYC related postings to find all the active conversations about the club. The point of all this is that we have fully enabled real time updates of BYC events and activities on multiple social networking platforms. To better tie all of this together, in early 2013 the BYC Board took action directing the update of the Benicia Yacht Club website ( This long needed effort gives us a newer look and feel, as well as adding functionality to allow you to pre-order Bistro selections and sign-up for cruise outs. We have a really cool tide widget on the website home page, as well as Benicia current and forecasted weather so you can plan your day at BYC and on the water. The page features the current WindWord, as well as all issues recently published. Additionally you will find a page featuring our club leadership with photos and contact information for all BYC board members. We have also worked to update the areas relating to club rentals and catering to better promote this feature of the BYC and its wonderful location on the Benicia Marina. Thus, you will find all the functionality we had previously and more. We are working to further update the website to take advantage of new features and capability that would enable the purchase of ship store items, pay your dues or other features to streamline communications and interactions with the club management and the BYC board. See our new website banner below. All of the links mentioned above, can be found on the BYC website. Up in the corner of most pages look for the following symbols that will allow you to click and find a Facebook page, our Twitter feed and a newly established Google plus (Google +) account. These communication outlets supplement information you will find in the traditional, reliable forms of the WindWord that comes in the snail mail U.S. mail service, Scuttlebutt emails, and picking up the phone and calling the club or a fellow BYC member. You might not use these social networking tools, but they are finding increasing acceptance among our society and will surely be very important to the a successful future for BYC. So, be sure to tell anyone interested in the BYC where to find us in the social-networking world of things. To recap, the BYC can be found at: The Web: Facebook: Twitter: Google +: One last shout out to all who have helped us get this far. Paul Burrows, who pestered me at the start, Marcia Wisgirda and Tom Konecki, who have helped keep Facebook up to date, Bob Avarbock who helped advise on the new website, Karen Garrett, our club manager who has updated the new calendar on the website and the folks at ATOL who have updated the website calendar with menus for pre-ordering food reservations. There are other contributors of photos and such, and thanks are extended to all. All this is very exciting and ensures the BYC is taking advantage of technology to better its future to enrich the membership experience and to promote the membership experience to the public. This does, however, take time and energy to maintain the constant flow of information. Right now we have a very small team working on this that could use your help. The help might consist of taking or gathering event photos, performing FB updates or just volunteering to tweet once a while. If you're interested in helping, please contact Larry Bennett at or his cell phone – 925/788-1271. May 2013 3 BYC 2013 Cruise-Out Schedule Date 05/03/13 05/18/13 06/21/13 06/21/13 09/20/13 Yacht Club/Nights # Boats San Francisco YC/2Nts. Emeryville YC/2Nts. Sierra Point/2 Nts. Solano YC/2Nts. Dos Rios/1Nt. 12 5 5-6 ? ? BYC Safety Team 2013 Program and Classes The Safety Team provides club members with opportunities for Vessel Safety Checks and Boating Safety Education. Safety Education Classes will be offered concurrently with dinner on the last Wednesday of the month (dinner starts 6:30; meal not required). The classes start at 7:30 and are 45 minutes long. May 29 – Man Overboard Procedures – Bill Kinsey, Jim Minkel and Armand Seguin How to handle, plus techniques (water practice to follow); new electronic tools and software BYC Safety Team 2013 Paul Brighton Armand Seguin Jim Minkel Bill Kinsey 4 BYC Safety Officer - 707.373.1077 May 2013 AHOY SOUTH BEACH Merle & Cheryl Kleinschmidt, Cruise Directors Twenty BYC vessels of many shapes and sizes sailed to South Beach Harbor on April 13 weekend. Seven ships, who wanted a longer weekend, made the journey on Thursday. Merle & Cheryl Kleinschmidt on Shoro K, Don & Kathi Turner on Jorad Too, Jerry Morgan & Patti McKay on Inn Seaclusion, Bill & Sheryl Pangman on Seasons, Don & Anne Burbach on Special Edition, Mike & Jeane Corcoran on No Ka Oi, Ken & Assunsao on Irish Port. We were greeted by Liquidity (Brian & Sandy Spickard) and Karma (Don & Deb Murray) who had been in the harbor all week. Friday the flotilla was completed with the arrival of Ken & Ross Oxman on Go With The Flo, Andy & Jen Mascola on Something Reely Fishy, Brook & Melody Seymour on Getaway, Paul & Pat Brighton on Fantasy, Sam & Nancy Allison on Freyja, Ken & Susan Giusti on Lucky Too, Steve & Dee Gilliland on Pasatiempo, Pat & Kelli Shue on Shue Strings, Steve and Ginger Penny on Windfall, Randy & Melissa Trommer on Cat in the Hatt, Larry Booth & Janet Carr on Toocan Do-it. Unfortunately Delphini (Armand and Cynthia Seguin) had mechanical problems and was not able to make the trip. We celebrated our successful gathering with the traditional dock party followed by dinner at Delancy’s. Brian Stiles and Sue Allen joined us as land cruisers for dinner. Saturday presented itself as another spectacular day. Many cruisers headed to the Farmers Market at the Ferry Building. A few took the Ferry to the boat show in Oakland. Ken & Susan Guisti took the ferry to Sausalito for lunch, biking, walking or just lying in the sun was the order for the day. We did say goodbye to Freyja who headed back to Benicia. The day was continued with another party on the deck of the South Beach Yacht Club. For dinner we were offered and excellent meal at the South Beach Yacht Club catered by Chef John Meidinger of JMCateringCo. The Land cruisers for the evening included Commodore Tim & Derith Rose, Charles & Valdete Cooper, Linda Hudson, Tommy Pruitt, and Michelle Konecki giving us a grand total of 41. After dinner, a hearty group headed to the theatre to see Beach Blanket Babylon. Although the forecast called for a change of weather, Sunday morning proved to be another crisp sunny day. Some vessels departed early, others participated in a potluck breakfast on the dock and departed later. Don & Ann Burbach decided to enjoy another day in the city, Don assisted in the casting off of vessels. It was a balmy cruise to home port. Thank you to all the participants who provided a lot of great food and wonderful conversation. May 2013 5 May Birthday’s 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 DON TURNER DON BURBACH ANN HOLLAND DON SCOTT CANDY GARNETT - BURROWS DOROTHY SZABO MICHELLE MUNN DENNIS LUND MONICA GRISWOLD RICHARD C. TIPTON CHERYL KLEINSCHMIDT SHARON STEWART MARSHA LUDWIG JOHN DILLOW JEANE CORCORAN 6 12 13 15 16 17 19 20 JULIE THOMAS JEANNE EKDAHL SUE ALLEN - STILES IRVING TERANISHI TARA KEEFE - BANSKTER ROBERT RITTER MARK CONNERS JOHN BALDWIN - GORDON RENEE AMARO WAYNE MC INTOSH JUDE POTTER ANITA GLIDEWELL GERALD MC KAY AUGUST COSTA MICHAELBARNES 21 22 24 26 27 29 30 31 NICOLE BEARCE - POTTER ROBERT STELL - NICHOLS TARYN SHAWSTAD JACQUELINE VULLIERME JOSEPHGARSKE JR. JOEY LEGGITT JOHN POTTER BRIAN SPICKARD LINDA PURDY - WILLIAMS CHRIS GATEWOOD - KOPPER TINA HABIB - DEMMON NANCYLUND JOYCE RAMUS PEGGYMARSHALL TIM ROSE - LUTZ KEN HANLEY May 2013 Youth Sailing Report April 2013 This is the most exciting part of the year for youth sailing. We have announced the dates for summer camp, we are getting inquaries about our program almost daily and registration forms are starting to come in. We are looking forward to Opening Day where we showcase our program at our booth and on the water. This year the Younger Childrens (half day) Camp will be June 10 throught June 14, Session I will be held July 15 through July 19 and Session II takes place from August 12 and goes through August 16. This year Session II will be an Intermediate class, students will have to have previous experience and qualified to attend. John Dillow is our Lead Instructor with U.S. Certified Instructors Ken Vanstory, Tim Rose, Nick Grebe and Barbara Fredericks returning this year to teach. We are happy to announce that Thomas Fredericks will be joining us as a Jr. Instructor. He won our Most Accomplished Sailor Award two years ago, has continued his sailing education with us and will now help us to teach other kids through his love of sailing. He will be attending a US Sailing course for certification and will hopefully become one of our Instructors once he is of age. Welcome Thomas! We hope to see all of our members children, grandchildren, friends and neighbors take part in our great program. Please sign up as soon as possible as we fill up and we register on a first to pay basis. See you this summer! May 2013 7 2 Separate Events held in 1 day Huge Success Annual Parking Lot Sale and INDOOR Women’s Resale Clothing By House Chair Barbra Brook What determines success, the profit? That helps, but, what is most important is the personal success of each person who put forth energy and effort geared specifically for that day. I am so pleased to share that all who rented a space at the club was totally happy with the day! Everyone made a profit, but best of all, they expressed the friendliness at the two events. From 7 am till 2 pm, there was a steady flow of shoppers; we shared a mellow atmosphere all day long. Everyone helped each other as needed. The BYC annual (now semi-annual) sale was a great success for us and our community. We had 8 returning non-member participants from previous event, one as far as Clayton; and, all want to be contacted for the next event. Mid-day a man from the Marina showed up with a dock cart full of items for sale; he requested a space, paid, sold most of his items and went home happy! Club members, 12 of them, have realized that this is a great way to 'thin out' items they no longer need. They took advantage of inside and outside sales. Thank you too so many, but first and foremost, Thank You to Irma McIntosh, chief cashier of the parking lot sale; Irma, not being an early bird, event after event shows up right around 7am, and never leaves her post until she totals and hands over the money box. The McIntosh’s have been members from the beginning of the club. At 5:30 am House Chair, Barbra Brooks unlocked the front door of the club, Bob and Rachele Bohnet were Johnny on the spot to assist in getting the large round wood tables placed in the parking spaces. Michael Rudy joined in when he heard me whining. House Chair is going to start a fund raiser for replacement dining tables – light weight ones! By 6 am the parking lot was ablaze with headlights as everyone unloaded their items. Bob Surratt rented a space and said he only had a few items – 2 truck loads and wife’s car full, he filled his space. He had a great day! Returning sellers, such as, Robyn Boltz has it down. She has ‘her’ spot in the lot, knows just how to set it up, and sells, and sells. Same with Steve Gilliland, at the end he smiles his famous smile and says, ‘I can’t believe I just sold all that” John Garcia, another repeater, he has his location and fills it full, over full; I can’t imagine where he got all the stuff, but he sells it! Sam and Kathy Treese and Linda Hudson were newbie’s, but they fell right into step. At 2:30 we were gathering up items to be donated to BENICIA HUMANE SOCITEY. The ‘sellers’ have the option of taking their items home or donating along with the club, most donate something. FYI, BYC has been donating to the BHS for over 15 years. We set a pickup time, and they come and take it all away. Thank you to all that came to assist in taking down the lot. Don Radigan, who helped lug in those heavy tables, agrees with House Chair, new tables needed. HUGE thanks to all the ladies that participated in the Deb Selman’s banana nut bread contest. The ladies provided nut bread to be sold with coffee in the morning. Irma McIntosh was the judge. Chery King was the winner. A sandwich station was set- up for lunch with, made to order black forest ham, honey roasted turkey, or tri tip beef sandwiches, chips and sodas. Hugs to Ann Burbach and Chery King who made about 40 wonderful tasting sandwiches. Thanks to all that had anything to do with the signage - Deb, Jackie, Ralph, Ken, Barbra. Again for this event Featherer Pet Store, allowed a banner to be displayed on their ramp; also, Bob’s Gas & Liquor and 5th street 7 eleven, graciously allowed signage on their property. As has does the Heritage Presbyterian Church. Again so many assisted that I know I will miss someone, so, thanks to all that put forth effort in making this another great Parking Lot Sale. So club members, think about setting items aside and joining in the next sale, the date TBD Late September, early October. ASSET'S Parking lot sale Total Profit RENTAL of SPACES $545.00 Donatated items sold $570.00 $1,115.00 OVERHEAD $150.00 $965.00 INDOORS LADIES RESALE, being a separate event, also had a cashier. Guest member Sue Allen accepted my invitation to spend her day off, assisting BYC. The donated clothing filled 5 large tables and 12 ft of hanging space. Gail Temple relieved Sue in the afternoon; both ladies did fantastic job assisting the shoppers, and keeping everything organized. Ross Oxman single handily unpacked, the 15 or so boxes that Director Ken Oxman and Barbra Brooks delivered from the clubs offsite storage. Ross dedicated the afternoon to organizing, by size, and placing everything ever so neatly, on the tables. The room was full of clothing from other ‘seller’s’ as well. This event was well received and will do well in the future. So ladies think about all those items you have that you no longer wear, consider renting a space at the next event. Big thanks to all the ladies who donated clothing items for the December and April event. The ladies involved with this event believe it will grow and do very well. So all the clothing items left were once again boxed up and placed in storage. Big thanks again to all that helped with this event Sat/Sunday. Deb Selman, Rachele Bohnet, Ginny Glover, Joey Leggitt, Linda Hudson, Ross Oxman, Sue Allen, Gail Temple, Carol Pretzer, Carol Partika, Chery King, Jackie Ramos, Sue Kleiman; I know I am missing someone, sorry! Sale in December $70.00 RENTAL SPACE, 4/7 $110.00 Donated Clothing sold $230.00 total $410.00 Cash donations $300.00 Total $710.00 Ladies we have a good start on our bathroom fund raiser. We need money to replace the floor, (change to ceramic tile) put in granite counter top, new sinks and faucets, and install new partitions’ around the commodes. We will also remodel the wall to accommodate a cabinet for supplies. It will be so nice! Thank you for the cash donators thus far Steve Camden $50, Gayle Temple $50, Assunsao Handley $30, Robin Boltz $20 Rachelle Bohnet $43.25, Patti McKay $40, Barbra Brooks $11.75 (to round off amt) Melody Seymour $55.00. Melody rented a parking lot space, sold her precious books, and then donated the profit to the ladies restroom! She has a new bathroom at home that her husband Brook redid, after he learned how to do it by assisting at the yacht club, when we remolded the men’s room; and installed ceramic tile under the ice machine. See what volunteering can do for you! 8 May 2013 IMPROVEMENT TEAM REPORT By House Chair Barbra Brooks IT project day March 26th was a challenge with 33 items being completed by 16 members. The parking lot looked like a construction site with all the tools and equipment that was needed for the days projects. Mark Conners was on top of the outside restroom building scraping and reapplying new paint to the cupola. The paint that he supplied will look nice for many years. Commodore Tim Rose took on the challenge of rebuilding the air conditioning stockade, the one on the marina side. He thought it was going to be ‘sort of simple job’, but, as it turned out rotten wood made it a little more complicated. This was a 4+ hour job, but it certainly did make a difference. Bob Surratt and Sam Allison teamed up and took on the little task of recovering the deteriorated back kitchen door; of course, it turned out to be a major job, 7 hours worth. It was very impressive to watch this project. They completely rebuilt the outside portion of the door and the finish is with sheet metal, per my request. This is another item we won’t have to worry about for a long time. It looks pretty impressive! Randy Norman did a couple of projects, one was to run some electrical wiring, so now we have rope lighting on the front deck. In the evening the upper front porch will be illuminated when we are open. Peter Oswald is our paint touch up guru; he has been all over the club in the last few project days touching up walls and woodwork inside the building. Michael Rudy takes on the gardening for project days. He seems to prefer to work alone, but, Nancy Allison offered her hands to him. What she didn’t know was he would like her performance, and has decided they are now a team! Speaking of teams, Rachele and Bob Bohnet sure do put forth. I sent out a request for someone to remove all the unwanted foliage that was growing in the front of the club. Next day, I receive a photo text from Bob showing Rachele pulling weeds – it was their anniversary. What a way to celebrate! Sue Kleiman arrives full of energy, for a little bitty lady she certainly can get a lot done, the back deck wall looks nice with her touch up paint. Jr. Staff Commodore Steve Gilliland enjoyed the day taking out his frustrations by demolishing part of the kitchens counter. This was a chore; our fore founders did a great job when they build the counter. This is the first step in removing all of the prep counter, it will be replaced with stainless steel. If you notice the fresh look of the parking lot, Randy Norman painted the red curbs; we added a section as well. Barbra Brooks (me), painted the white stripes and the blue/white handicap area. Staff Commodore Paul Burrows kept himself busy with numerous projects in the stairwell. Bill Cook agreed to take on the project of framing out the large mirror in the downstairs dining room. This was going to be completed by Jerry Morgan who did the other mirror, but, due to his recovering back, he passed the baton. Both mirrors look fabulous. Treasurer Candy Garnett planted some nice succulents in the back deck planters. Bob Bohnet chose to take on the job of locating and digging out the sprinkler heads. Sounds simple, but not the case! He was on his hands and knees for hours. I am not sure he found them all! Rear Commodore JC Mercier helped out pre-project day re-securing some floor tiles in the outside men’s room. He also came up with a clever way of keeping ‘wetness’ off the tiles in key locations, by applying a plastic overlay. Rick Mares worked on the outside ladies bathroom floor, post-project day, his goal was to try and make it more presentable, until we can install ceramic tile. This took chemicals and lots of elbow grease! After our busy morning of projects, Rachele Bohnet, who was vacationing on their beloved motor vessel, took the time to make us a great Caesar Salad and supplied us with wonderful pizzas for our lunch. Thanks so much from the project crew. It may sound grueling, but we really do have a good time, working hand in hand, and the payoff is showing. If you would like to join the Improvement Team please contact Barbra Brooks Be sure to check out all the improvment to the club on your next visit. May2013 9 May 1st May - Bistro Menu Chicken Cordon Blue stuffed with Swiss cheese & ham with mashed potato and veggies Tilapia-Oven Baked Tilapia with a lemon butter sauce served with rice & veggie Spaghetti & Meatballs – Beef meatballs with our homemade marinara sauce June 5th $15.95 $15.95 $14.00 May 8th Fish & Chips- Beer Battered Red Snapper French fries and coleslaw Chicken Saltimbocca- Chicken breast sautéed with marsala gravy topped with prosciutto & mozzarella cheese served with mashed potato & veggies Salmon- Grilled Salmon glazed with teriyaki sauce served with rice & vegetables $12.95 $16.95 $17.95 May 15th Snapper Piccata Fresh Snapper sautéed in a lemon butter and capers sauce resting on a bed of rice, with fresh veggies $16.95 Lamb Shank Red Wine Braised Lamb Shank with a Garlic Lemon Parsley Ramelade, served with Mashed Potatoes and Veggies $17.95 Meat Loaf -with mashed potatoes and veggies $14.95 May 22nd General Membership Meeting all-inclusive Chicken Marsala with marsala wine and mushroom gravy Penne Alfredo with fresh parmesan cheese Mashed potatoes • Fresh veggies Mediterranean Salad with kalamata olives & feta cheese Soup of the day • Rolls & butter • Dessert May 29th $19.50 June Bistro Menus Grilled Salmon-Grilled Salmon topped with a yogurt dill sauce served with rice pilaf and fresh vegetables Chicken Palermo Chicken breast resting on a bed of penne pasta in a cream sauce with fresh spinach and tomatoes served with vegetables Fettuccini Carbonara with Chicken Fettuccini with bacon, chicken breast, egg yolk, peas and scallions in a savory cream sauce $17.95 $15.95 $15.95 June 12th Italian Sausage Cannelloni- Pasta shells stuffed with Italian s ausage topped with our homemade marinara & mozzarella cheese Salmon Fettuccini- Salmon with fettuccini, in a white wine garlic sauce with asparagus, mushrooms and zucchini Meat Loaf with mashed potatoes and veggies June 19th Celebration of our Fathers General Membership Meeting all-inclusive Grilled Tri Tip • Oven Baked Tilapia Red roasted potatoes • Fresh veggies • Caesar Salad Soup of the day • Rolls & butter • Dessert $14.95 $16.95 $14.95 $19.50 June 26th Lamb Shank Red Wine Braised Lamb Shank with a Garlic Lemon Parsley Ramelade, served with Mashed Potatoes and Veggies Snapper Bianca Oven baked Red Snapper with spinach, tomato & cream sauce served rice pilaf and veggies Chicken Piccata with lemon, butter & capers on a bed of angel hair pasta $17.95 $16.95 $16.95 Grilled Salmon-Grilled Salmon topped with a yogurt dill sauce served with rice pilaf and fresh vegetables $17.95 Chicken Palermo Chicken breast resting on a bed of penne pasta in a cream sauce with fresh spinach and tomatoes served with vegetables $15.95 Fettuccini Carbonara with Chicken Fettuccini with bacon, chicken breast, egg yolk, peas and scallions in a savory cream sauce $15.95 Hello Everyone! As another successful month passes by we are heading into May!! April was a lot of fun. We had a great Easter brunch with over 80 guests! Unfortunately, I am writing this before Opening Day however I trust it will go really well as it has in past years. I will write about it in June! Hopefully many of you will have been in attendance anyway. Make your Mothers day reservations early! It’s always well attended club event. Call the office or email us at , Our featured item this year is Prime Rib!!!! Yum...... Since the first quarter of the year is over we will be flipping up the lunch and dinner menus. There should be new menus out already. So, if your reading this and you haven’t seen any new items then your over due, so com’on in for lunch or dinner. May will be a busy month with many events in the downstairs dining room and lots of cruise ins. Make it the month for “you “ to spend more time at your club!! Come join the party!!! Until June....... Best ATOL Catering!! 10 May 2013 Full Line Pet Store Dog & Cat Grooming w w w . b e n i c i a y a c h t c l u b . c o m Inc. Karen Hubbard Owner/Vice President 1202 E. Fifth Benicia, CA 94510 707 745-5016 800 331-6702 Fax: 707 747-2933 First Wednesday is Birthdays for the Month Day Kemper Painting The BYC Board OKed Birthday Cake for the first Wednesday of each month as a day to honor all members that have a birthday in that month.. We had a great year in 2012 celebrating birthdays. Some members invited guests and had a fun evening with 20 or more people for dinner. The May celebration will be on Wednesday May 3rd. Remember to call in reservations 707.746.3970 by Tuesday noon and you will be treated to a free drink. Contractor’s License #769117 Residential and Commercial Free Estimates Phone (707) 745-2087 Fax (707) 747-9620 Cell (707) 322-0468 Project-by-Project Marketing Solutions Create-Design-Write-Edit-Proofread-Print-Mail-SEO-Web 707.745.3738 • • Vicki & John Garcia Advertising Space is Available In the WindWord Ad Size. Monthly Annual 2”x2”. $20. $220 Bus’s card $25. $275 1/4 page. $45 $495 1/2 page. $85. $935 Please contact H.R. Autz or Mike Mathews 745-0610. May 2013 January 2013 A Taste of Life Menchu Andres Owner/Chef Company cell (925)270-8985 Customized Menus, Corporate Events, Private Parties, Wine Pairing Dinners, Weddings, etc! 11 11 MC2 GGolflf PPro, IInc. “HIGH DEFINITION GOLF!” The world’s most amazing indoor virtual golf simulator Practice with the latest in virtual golf technology— play Pebble Beach and more at our simulator studio Buy an hour, get an hour free (Simulation only) with this ad, expires 3/31/1 Special Event Benicia Middle School Jazz Band Appearing at the Club Friday May 31, 2013 Have dinner and enjoy the music Event Sponsored by Frank Shoemaker Book your tee time now! 960 Grant Street, Ste. A, Benicia BENICIA YACHT CLUB, INC. P.O. BOX 782 BENICIA, CALIFORNIA 94510 M2 MAIL 94533 PAID PRESRT STD US POSTAGE
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