Corner Broadwater and Ham Roads Mansfield Qld 4122 Website: Email: Phone: 07 3452 5333 Fax: 07 3452 5300 Subscribe to Online Newsletter! 31 March 2015 From the Principal Dear Parents/Caregivers, Staff and Students Our Partnership Makes a Difference The partnership between home and school is a very important one and also one that is valued at Mansfield State High School. We believe that all members of our school community are partners in the work of ‘making a difference’. The events of this term along with our amazing teachers and of course, the commitment, dedication and energy of all of our students, are evidence that the partnership is working. This strong partnership builds confidence in our students that their learning, planning and preparation for assessment, their commitment to co-curricular activities and their personal life are important. Open Day No.2 Time Management With the school holidays at the end of this week and exam block and assessment nearing completion, I would encourage all families to take a little time to ensure that the support structures for effective time management are in place. Resilient learners know how to prepare for the ‘tough times’ during the term when pressure can build. Our teaching staff has effective, clear, learning mechanisms in place for all of the students in their classes. When your children have misjudged their timeframes and are under pressure, that is the time you need to encourage them to seek help from their teachers so assistance can be given. Music Concert Last week I had the absolute pleasure of attending my first Mansfield State High School Music Concert. Oh, what a night! I cannot find the right words to explain how proud I was of our Music students and their teachers. I had a wonderful night and really enjoyed myself. I cannot wait until the next one! Congratulations and well done to all of you – be proud of your achievements. Scholarships Our students should be keeping their eyes open for scholarship opportunities. We are always very excited when our students become the recipients of such awards. Congratulations to: Elysia Downes (Senior 2014). She is now at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) undertaking a four year degree Bachelor of Design (Honours) (Architectural Studies). Elysia was the recipient of: • a Vice Chancellor's Scholarship (Academic) worth $30,000, and • a Supporting Women's Scholarship worth $20,000. Rosalie Petersen (Senior 2014) was one of 830 OP1-3 applicants for a University of Queensland Excellence Scholarship worth $24,000. She has been named as a recipient. Congratulations to both of these students. They are just two of the Seniors of 2014 to receive scholarships. The message is: If students meet the criteria, they should apply. See the Guidance Officers and Deputy Principal, Ms Clarke, for assistance. Lost Property Awaiting Collection Student lost property has been relocated to between the lower office and the uniform shop. While we have had many happy reunions between lost items and their owners, there are still numerous articles sitting in lost property waiting to be claimed. Some of these are shown in the following pictures. Has anyone seen my owner? Year 8 reports will also include these aspects in addition to a comment for each subject. In conjunction with the upcoming Parent/Teacher/Student nights in weeks 1 and 2 in Term 2, teachers will indicate on this report whether an interview is requested. Thursday 2 April Years 7, 8 and 9 Mid-semester reports issued in SDP Class Thursday 2 April Parent/Teacher/Student evening ONLINE bookings for Years 7, 8 and 9 open at 6pm (process to be advised) Wednesday 22 April Parent/ Teacher/Student evening for Term 2 Week 1 Years 7, 8 and 9 3.30 to 7.30pm by appointment in C Block Thursday 23 April Years 10, 11 and 12 Mid-semester Term 2 Week 1 reports issued in SDP Class Thursday 23 April Parent/Teacher/Student evening Term 2 Week 1 ONLINE bookings for Year 10, 11 and 12 open at 6pm (process to be advised) Wednesday 29 April Parent/Teacher/Student evening for Term 2 Week 2 Years 10, 11 and 12 3.30 to 7pm by appointment in C Block Anything left in lost property at the end of term will be sorted and cleared with some items being donated to charity or the uniform shop. Parents and students are reminded to ensure that all uniforms and other student belongings including drink bottles, lunch boxes and text books are properly labelled. Parent Contact Details A vital aspect of our processes in providing for the welfare of students is that we have accurate and current information regarding parent and caregiver contact. Please ensure that if your details have changed from 2014 to 2015 that you communicate this updated information to us as a matter of urgency. ‘The Arts’ – Melbourne Tour I would like to wish all of our Arts students and teachers who are participating in the Melbourne Tour during the holidays all the best and hope that they have an enjoyable time and a great experience. I hope you have a wonderful break with your family and a well-deserved holiday. Mrs Karen Tanks, Principal Deputy Principals’ News Year 8 to 12 Mid-Semester Reports The end of term one reports for Year 7 and Years 9 to 12 will display the student’s achievement level, effort, behaviour and homework. 2 Parent / Teacher / Student Nights Our Parent/ Teacher/ Student Night interviews will be held in C Block on the dates and at the times listed below. Parents are to make the bookings themselves by logging onto a site. Parents who have no access to a computer may come to our school to use a computer. The process will be explained in detail on the yellow sheet that your student will receive on the same day, as when the student receives his/her mid-semester report. If you have any difficulties, please phone the school, so that we may assist you. It is vital that the timelines are adhered to. The evenings and times for the particular year levels are: Years 7, 8, and 9: Wednesday 22 April 3.30pm until 7.30pm Years 10, 11 and 12: Wednesday 29 April 3.30pm until 7pm Year 7 and Year 9 NAPLAN Tests NAPLAN (National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy) tests are scheduled for the mornings of Tuesday 12 May, Wednesday 13 May and Thursday 14 May. Parents are asked to ensure that students bring the appropriate equipment (to be advised at a later date) and to be well rested. Year 7 and Year 9 students will this week sit practice tests in the Hall. They are as follows: Tuesday 31 March Language Conventions and Writing Wednesday 2 April Reading Thursday 3 April Numeracy Non-calculator and Calculator On Saturday 25 April the Prefects will participate in the Holland Park Sub-branch of the RSL ceremony from 6.50am. The Wind Orchestra will play at a ceremony at the Mt Gravatt Showgrounds at 10am. Lest we forget! For more information, please view: NAPLAN_2015_Parent_information_brochure_web.pdf Mrs Caitlin Anghel, Deputy Principal (Years 10 and 11) Year 7 and 8 Homework Guidelines Homework in Year 7 and 8 should be approximately six hours a week. Students have 18 curriculum lessons a week, therefore students should be completing approximately 20 minutes of homework from each lesson. This homework should consist of daily homework, review of daily work or assignments. Generally, homework should be rote or elaborate rehearsal so the student feels confident about the work. Students should ensure that they write their homework in their Student Handbook at the end of every lesson and that they are clear on what the teacher expects, for example, how many sentences are required for a definition. Homework tasks that are set weekly should be spread across the week and students should avoid doing all homework on one night. When students have an assignment to work on, this should be considered the homework for that subject, but should not interfere with the homework for another subject. If students are unsure about how to complete their homework and can’t work out what to do, don’t spend hours trying to work it out. If they still cannot work it out after seeking help from parents or contacting a friend from their class for help, students should either email their teacher that night or go and see their teacher the next morning. If not doing homework is not a habit, then teachers will understand. If students use ‘not able to understand/do the homework’ as a reason not to do homework on a regular basis, consequences for non-completion of homework will be applied. Homework is necessary as it consolidates the learning and allows the brain to transfer learning from short term memory to long term memory; however it should not be a cause for anxiety or stress at home. If you feel that your student is unduly struggling with homework, please contact the subject teacher and discuss your concerns. Ms Linda Peterson, Deputy Principal (Years 7 and 8) Debating Round One of the Queensland Debating Union debates has finished. The Year 10 team and the Year 12 team won their debates and other teams lost by very few points. Well done to all teams! For participating, they are all winners in our eyes! Topics to be debated are: Year 8 Round 2 That we should ban reality television shows which are focussed on children (eg. Dance Moms, Junior Masterchef, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo). Round 3 That children spend too much time in front of screens. Round 4 Short Preparation Round. Year 9 Round 2 That Australians should be banned from staying and defending their property during natural disasters. Round 3 Short Preparation Round. Round 4 That we should ban public speeches and appearances by anti-vaccination advocates. Year 10 Round 2 Short Preparation Round. Round 3 That we regret media speculation about potential political leadership spills. Round 4 Short Preparation Round. Year 11 Round 2 That Australian law enforcement agencies should never cooperate with or assist foreign nations in criminal investigations which may result in the execution of Australian citizens. Round 3 Short Preparation Round. ANZAC Day 2015 Round 4 Short Preparation Round. On 25 April 2015 we mark the 100th anniversary of the ANZAC landings at Gallipoli. Our ANZAC Day ceremonies at school on Friday 24 April this year will be extra special. Every student will have the opportunity to lay a poppy on the central lawn. On Thursday 23 April Chorale will participate in the ceremony at ANZAC Square in the city. 3 Round 2 That we regret the decision of Triple J to exclude Taylor Swift from the Hottest 100. having the Year 7 students attend this excursion with us this year. Our students were impeccably behaved, asked intelligent and engaging questions and made me very proud to accompany them. Round 3 Short Preparation Round. Live Performances Year 12 Round 4 Short Preparation Round. Ms Barbara Clarke, Deputy Principal (Year 12) Faculty News English ICAS Spelling and Writing Competitions Students have the opportunity to participate in the annual Icas (International Competitions and Assessments for Schools) Writing (all year levels) and Spelling (Year 7 only) Competitions. The costs of these competitions are: • Writing – $18.70 • Spelling - $12.10. Please see Mrs Bladin in G Block for further details including payment information. Somerset Festival of Literature Excursion Our budding writers had a wonderful day at Somerset College listening to authors share their tips and experiences in getting their books published. This excursion is a most worthwhile activity for those who love reading. A highlight for many students was listening to the very entertaining Michael Gerard Bauer share his stories. As many of our students have studied his book Don’t Call Me Ishmael, they were thrilled to meet him. Pictured below are Courtney Fooks and Cassie Beattie with the original “Peg Person” which features on the front cover of the book. All students in Year 7, 9 and 12 had the privilege of watching a live performance by Shake and Stir theatre company this week. These performances enhance the students’ English studies, not only with the content, but also with the actors sharing their craft. It was particularly helpful for Year 12 students to watch a compilation of Macbeth and Hamlet scenes and then listen to the actors share suggestions for approaching their upcoming Sonnet Battle assessment. Year 7 students delighted in watching a play about Year 7s settling into high school and how to cope with various situations while Year 9 students were introduced to Shakespeare’s plays. Mansfield Literary Festival The Mansfield Literary Festival will be held during the week beginning Monday 25 May. During that week and in the months leading up to the Festival, students will be able to participate in a variety of competitions and activities which include writing and reading competitions, culminating in public presentations of winning students’ literary endeavours and awards ceremonies. The prize-winning writers will have their work published in a Festival booklet for which there is a cover design competition. As well, students will be able to dress as their favourite literary character and a prize will be awarded for the best costume. The book trailer competition will allow students to promote their favourite book to the school community. There will be lunchtime viewings of films based on well-known literary works. We hope that as many students as possible will become involved in the Festival which is designed to foster the creativity of our talented students and to promote the quest for excellence in our school. Below are details of the Literary Festival’s competitions and activities. Writing Competition (all year levels) Entries close on Thursday 23 April. A prize will be awarded to a student in each year level for both the short story and poetry sections. Submit entries to Ms Distor ( ). Writing Competition word limits for short stories are: Year 7 500 – 600 words Year 8 500 – 600 words Year 9 600 – 700 words Year 10 700 – 800 words Year 11 800 – 1000 words Students enjoyed purchasing books from the bookstore and having them autographed by the writers. I particularly enjoyed 4 Year 12 800 – 1000 words No length requirements for poetry. HPE 2016 UK Soccer Tour Festival Booklet Cover Design Competition (all year levels) Entries close on Thursday 23 April. Submit entries to Ms Crowther in B Block B09 (Arts staffroom) ( ). The winner will receive a prize and his/her entry will become the cover design of the 2015 Literary Festival booklet. Reading Competition (Years 7 and 8) Students are to keep a tally of books, recording title and date read, using reading sheets from the library. It is an honour system. All genres can be read – try to get a balance. Books must be in English. English class teachers are to keep a tally of books read for each student and for the class. There will be class and individual prizes for each year level. The start date was Thursday 12 February, the day of the Festival launch. The competition closes on Monday 18 May at 3pm. The Co-ordinator is Mrs McKirdy. Literary Character Costume Competition (Years 7-12) Dress as your favourite literary/storybook character. Judging will be during Festival Week at lunchtime – date to be advised. To enter the competition, submit your name to Ms Watts ( ) by Wednesday 20 May. A prize will be awarded for the best entry. Book trailer competition (Years 9-12) Promote your favourite book in a book trailer one minute in length. Submit entries to Ms O’Sullivan in G2 staffroom by Monday 18 May. A prize will be awarded for the winning entry. Activities The week of the festival will include: screenings of films based on well-known literature; readings of winning short stories and poems; judging of the costume competition; and presentations on assemblies. In 2016, Mansfield State High will be looking to conduct a Soccer Tour of the UK during the Easter holidays and the preceding week. This fantastic opportunity will be offered to 2016 Year 10, 11 and 12 male students. (A proposed tour of the USA will be offered to female students in 2017.) We will be organising the tour through Red Lion Tours, which has been conducting school tours for football groups for over a decade. The tour will involve playing games against English schools, training with professional level academy coaches of some of England’s biggest clubs, observing Premier League team training sessions and attending Premier League games. We will also be taking stadium tours of Manchester United, Manchester City, Liverpool, Everton, Tottenham, Arsenal and Chelsea. Additionally, sightseeing tours of Manchester and London will be included. Currently we have a good number of students interested in the trip, but are still welcoming expressions of interest. If you would like more information regarding the trip, please contact Mr Austen – K Block ( ) or Mr Pradella – C Block ( ). Futsal State Titles Huge congratulations to all of the students who represented Mansfield at this year’s State Titles Futsal Tournament. Again, Mansfield performed particularly well with six out of our nine teams qualifying for the finals. Well done to the Under 13 girls’ team which made it all the way through to the semi-finals! This is a fantastic achievement for a group of girls, most of whom had never played futsal before. Congratulations also to the Under 14 and 15 boys who have also qualified for the Champion of Champions tournament later in the year. The Under 13 girls’ team consisted of Emily-Rose Murison, Oceane Rousseau, Madeleine Coombs, Sofia Bentley, Priya Kumar, Lucinda Murr, Molly Snowdon, and Bethany Tripp. Winter Interschool Sport Selection Trials for Winter Interschool Sport will be Week 1 of Term 2: Junior Sport – Thursday 23 April Period 4 and Senior Sport – Friday 24 April Period 4. Students should register their name on K block noticeboards if they wish to trial. Junior Sports Offered: • Boys – Rugby League Year 7, Year 8, Year 9; AFL Year 7 and Yr 8/9; Basketball Year 7 and Year 8/9; Football Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9; • Girls – Volleyball Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9; Netball Year 7A & 7B, Year 8A & 8B and Year 9A & 9B, Basketball Year 7 and Year 8/9; Football Year 7/8/9. Senior Sports Offered: • Boys – Basketball Year 10 and Open; Rugby League Year 10 and Open; AFL Open; Football Year 10 and Open; Ms Carissa Bladin, HOD (English) 5 • Girls – Volleyball Year 10 and Open; Basketball Year 10 and Open; Football Year 10 and Open; Netball Year 10A & 10B and Netball Open A & Open B. Humanities Year 12 Geography Excursion Training will be: Junior Sport – Tuesday mornings; and Senior Sport – Tuesday afternoons. Cost will be $40 for home and away teams and $60 for teams playing at central venues. Fixtures begin on Wednesday 13 May. All students must hand in forms and money to the lower office and log onto to enter their sport. Cross Country School cross country will be on Thursday 2 April during periods 2 and 3. Students who have trained and want to run need to register their intention to run, in K block. Representative Sport Congratulations to Alexander Pavkovich who has been selected to represent Queensland in Tennis at the National Tennis Championships in Tasmania. On Friday 27 February the Year 12 Geography class went on an excursion to Boggo Road Urban Village at Dutton Park and Kelvin Grove Urban Village. The fieldwork involved investigating the changing patterns of urban development and assessing the most appropriate proposal for the vacant site at Boggo Road Urban Village. The students showed exemplary behaviour on the day and produced wonderful field work that is now being used to complete their field reports. Year 8 Geography Excursion By Stacey Weir 8A Well done to the following students who will represent Mt Gravatt District at the Regional trials: • Harrison Reid and Celeste Newsome in Basketball On Monday 16 March, the 8A, 8B, 8C and 8K went on a Geography excursion to the Spit on the Gold Coast, as well as to the headland at North Burleigh. We learned about the forces that create and destroy coastal landforms, especially beaches. We also got to draw field sketches on the go and saw what city councils do to protect sand dunes. The trip was very interesting and educational. [Note: the other Year 8 classes will do this field trip on Thursday 3 September.] • Kayla Mears (left) and Brianna Mears (right) in Netball Simpson Prize Competition Attention Yr 9 & 10 students: This year’s Simpson Prize Competition has been announced. The Simpson Prize offers winners a trip of a lifetime to Gallipoli. Entries consist of a research essay or multimedia project which must be submitted by the end of semester 1. Mr Nick Kalpakidis, Sports Coordinator Mr Craig Healey, HOD (HPE) 6 This year’s question is: “The landing at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915 is often given prominence in accounts of the Gallipoli campaign. What other events or experiences of the campaign would you argue require more attention? Why?” For more information, contact Mr Hackett in A31. Phone: 3452-5363 or email Mr Lachlan Hackett, HOD (Humanities) Information Technology The 2015 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) will commence this year on Tuesday 19 May with the Digital Technologies Competition. Students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 electing to participate in the competition will receive a certificate and an individual student report. These reports are useful in highlighting student strengths and areas for development. Certificates are awarded for each year level as follows: coloured paper that were turned into many metres of colourful garlands. The students and teachers who participated in the activity found it very uplifting to read some of the positive messages from our students. Some students also learned how to make Japanese origami cranes that are symbols of peace for Japan in memory of the horrors of the Hiroshima atomic bomb. Fun Harmony Day dodge ball competitions between the school houses (Hammarskjold, Gandhi, Schweitzer and U Thant) involving the younger students also occurred. They provided an opportunity for our school community to come together in peaceful competition. • High Distinction to the top 1% of entrants • Distinction to the next 10% of entrants • Credit to the next 25% of entrants • Participation to all other participating students. A UNSW medal is awarded to the highest score in each year level in each State. Students are now able to prepare for ICAS and other skills based tests by visiting practiseicasonline . Past test papers are also available on G:\Common\General\ICAS competitions\computer skills past papers. All students interested in participating in the ICAS Digital Technologies competition must return the permission slip attached below to the lower office with $8 payment by Thursday 23 April. For more information, please email Ms Hixon on . Ms Kerri Hixon, HOD (Information Technology) Languages Harmony Day The Prefects, House Captains and TIP Leaders played an important role in bringing students together for all of the activities during the week. Thank you to everyone involved. International Linguistics Olympiad (OZCLO) Harmony Day was celebrated in many ways last week. In SDP students wrote messages of harmony and wellbeing on strips of The first round of the International Linguistics Olympiad was held on 12 March online at school. Mansfield has participated in this event for the past five years and this year registered a record number of teams. Five senior and five junior teams attempted some extremely difficult problems relating to different languages, testing their mental capacity to the limit. Students were given language puzzles to solve using their ability to recognise patterns, logic and knowledge of language structures. 7 We are delighted to announce that one of the junior teams achieved the highest score in Queensland. Horea Pocol, Minna Vuorinen, Brandon Yap and Amira Zainudin will compete in the National online competition on Tuesday 31 March. Only the top three teams have progressed so this is an amazing achievement. We wish them well for the big event and if successful, the next step is the international finals in Bulgaria! Félicitations et bravo! Holiday Reading Students are welcome to borrow to their year level limit for the Easter holidays. We have a huge fiction collection and love to see so many students relaxing and reading. All books would not be due back until the first week of Term 2. Mr Kerin Gordon, HOD (Languages) Music Music Camp 2 When: Friday 15 May – Sunday 17 May. Where: Alex Park Conference Centre, Alex Headlands Ensembles attending: Symphonic Winds, Wind Ensemble, Chamber Winds, Sinfonia, Museaus, String Orchestra, Cantus, Cantrice & Male Chorus. Please read the camp permission form carefully so that you are aware of the details as ensembles will be staggered through this camp and there are two different price structures. Payment due by: Monday March 30 Mrs Marg Over, HOD (Music) Resource Centre Readers’ Cup Competition Congratulations to the following students who have been selected as our Readers’ Cup Team for 2015: • Anisha Mujib (7H) • Joyce Ding (7H) • Nora Pottathuparambil (7J) • Cathy Luong (7D) • Reserve: Anouk Hendriks (7I) • Mentor: Felicia Hill (9J). The students will now be reading and studying five books in preparation for the District competition in June. Ms Jenepher Bowler and Ms Eileen Short, Teacher Librarians Senior Schooling External Senior Exams Year 12 students wishing to apply to sit External Senior Examinations, particularly in the area of languages other than English, need to see Ms Wenzel in F13 to collect information packs. Students who sit for these exams usually have the results credited towards their OP. Students are eligible to sit a maximum of two examinations if they cannot study the subject/ s at school. Students must be able to demonstrate they are receiving an appropriate level of tuition in the examination subject. All examinations occur in October and November. Registration and payment is due by Monday 27 April (Term 2 Week 2). QCS Test Special Provision For those Year 12 students wishing to apply for special provision for the QCS test, a reminder that the closing date for applications is Thursday 21 May. For more information, please go to to access the special provisions handbook or see Ms Wenzel in F13. Year 8 Immunisations Last year’s Readers’ Cup Team which came second in the District 8 On Tuesday 5 May, Brisbane City Council will be offering free Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and Chickenpox vaccinations to all students in Year 8 here at Mansfield State High School. If your child has missed a school vaccination from this year or last year, you can have these vaccination’s caught up at one of Council’s free immunisation clinics. To locate Council’s free immunisation clinics please go to community-safety/council-immunisation-clinics/ childrens-immunisation-clinics If you are really keen to learn more about employers in this field, you can download the Chartered Accountants Employment Guide 2015 App at If you would like to request your child’s immunisation history with Council, please send your request with your child’s full name and date of birth to Finding-a-job/Employment-Guide Ms Peta Wenzel, HOD (Senior Schooling) Finance News Thank you to all parents who have already paid the resource charges. All Year 12 students should have paid their accounts or have entered into a payment arrangement by Tuesday 21 April if they are to attend the Senior Formal on Friday 1 May. On the bottom of each statement is the Bpay Option Which Is The Preferred Option for parents as it goes directly against your student’s account. Direct deposit to our bank account can take up to 48 hours to be matched against your student’s account. Do not hesitate to email or call me on 3452 5310 if you would like to enter into a payment arrangement to spread your subject fees across the year by instalment if this suits your family budget. We do not want to place families under any undue stress with regard to fee payments. Mrs Sandy Ebert, Business Services Manager You could also investigate the cadetship/trainee programs offered by organisations such as: Price Waterhouse Coopers (has a trainee program for which Year 12 students can apply) index.htm Prosperity Advisers Group (traineeship opportunities for Year 12 students) Starting-your-career.aspx Ernst and Young: (you apply for cadetships during your first year of university). Other useful strategies to find cadetships include doing an Internet search for cadetships and traineeships: , , , and regularly reading Career One in the Courier Mail on Saturdays. Factsheets to Help with your Career Exploration Guidance News Mansfield High School is now subscribing to the Options Career Information Bulletin. This fortnightly career bulletin contains information about career opportunities, course information, expos, industry information and a range of other topics including study skills and exam preparation. The bulletin has been emailed to all Year 10, 11 and 12 students. Please encourage your students to open it and share it with you. Parents who would like a copy sent to their own email address, please email Guidance Officer Karen Agnew to request a copy. The information below has been taken from the options bulletin. Accounting/Commerce/IT Cadetships Several organisations offer cadetships or traineeships for Year 12 students interested in accounting, commerce and information technology. Cadetships usually involve work and study, so you can be earning an income and gaining practical experience while you complete your university course. Year 12 students interested in cadetships in 2016 should start looking for them early in the year. A series of helpful career factsheets can be downloaded from the ‘Get the Life You Love’ website at . Some of the factsheets available are: Stepping stones to your future – getting started - one-page resource providing a four-step process for making career decisions Making the big decisions – choosing courses - useful tips on selecting a course of study post-school Five steps for getting your career started – provides similar information to Stepping stones using a different format Maximise your employment prospects while you study! – helpful tips to prepare for employment while you complete your post-secondary study Where do you want to be in five years? – this worksheet takes you through a process to visualise your future. There are many more resources on this site that you might find helpful when exploring your options for the future. For answers to FAQs about cadetships, visit the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand website at High-school/Cadetship-FAQs 9 Love everything about flying? – Check out the Australian Youth Aerospace Forum (AYAF) The Teal Ticket Art Union AYAF is an annual five-day conference for students in Years 11 and 12 who are interested in investigating careers and pathways in the aerospace industry (eg. aerospace engineering, aerospace trades, military aerospace and pilot training). In 2015 the AYAF will be run during the mid-year school holidays from Monday 29 June – Friday 3 July. It will be hosted at The University of Queensland, with day trips to other universities and industry locations. Applications open on the Sunday 29 March, with an early bird cost of $199. Early bird applications close on the Wednesday 29 April. The standard application cost is $249, which will close on the Friday 29 May. This cost includes all meals, accommodation and activities for the week. A subsidy can be organised for students travelling long distances. The full details will be available shortly at . QUT Queensland University of Technology Parent Information Seminars QUT invites current senior students and their parents to these seminars to find out about studying at QUT. The seminars will be held on Wednesday 6 May at the Gardens Point campus and on Wednesday 20 May at the Caboolture campus. More information about these events can be accessed at study/events/parent-information-seminar . Rauchle Service Club The Year 7, 8 and 9 members of the Rauchle Service Club proudly present Easter Eggstravaganza! Correctly guess how many eggs Peter Rabbit has in the jar and you could win them all. The closest guess wins! You can find the students outside the Instrumental Teaching Room near the lower office every morning this week. One guess will cost you 50 cents or you can have three guesses for $1. Good luck! Mrs Karen Agnew/Mrs Kamal Mistry, Guidance Officers Community News P&C Meeting The next P&C meeting will be held on Thursday 23 April at 7pm in F Block – F4/5, next to the Hall. New members are always welcome. Autism Awareness – Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser On Tuesday 28 April, Mansfield High will be holding a sausage sizzle to help raise funds for Autism Queensland. April is Autism Awareness month and every year, Autism Queensland runs the Go Blue for Autism campaign, which encourages people to get involved in this worthy cause and raise some much needed funds for autism education. Approximately one in one hundred people have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and this lifelong neurological disorder is referred to as a spectrum because there are a range of difficulties that people can face. Some people with ASD can lead typical lives, but others struggle with education and employment. The main areas of difficulty for people on the spectrum are social communication, 10 social interaction and restricted and repetitive behaviours and interests. Mansfield has a number of students who identify as ASD and we would like to continue supporting and encouraging them. Please assist our fundraising efforts by allowing your child/children to bring along some change and buy a sausage and a drink on the day. We really appreciate the support. OZCLO LINGUISTICS OLYMPIAD NATIONAL ROUND Wednesday 1 April NAPLAN PRACTICE TEST FOR YEARS 7 & 9 IN HALL AND C BLOCK PER 1-2 RELIGION FOR YEAR 11 & 12 SDP-PER 1 (CHURCH) Mrs Sue Holley, Community Liaison Officer SENIOR MAP ROUND 8 PER 4 Canteen News RARE BLOOK CLUB 3.10-4 PM RESOURCE CENTRE Canteen Roster Thursday 2 April NAPLAN PRACTICE TEST FOR YEARS 7 & 9 IN HALL AND C BLOCK PER 1 PLEASE telephone the canteen directly on 3452 5323 if you are unable to attend on your rostered day. SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY IN PER 2 & 3 (FOR STUDENTS WHO TRAINED) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 30 MARCH 31 MARCH 1 APRIL 2 APRIL 3 APRIL YEAR 12 DANCE PRACTICE PER 4 (HALL) S Mollard HELP A Lin N Amies S Charlton NEEDED Good Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 20 APRIL M Asmussen 21 APRIL 22 APRIL K Oliver L Look J Chai S Benko Thursday Friday 23 APRIL 24 APRIL YEAR 7/2016 MUSIC AUDITIONS YEAR 7, 8, 9 MID-SEMESTER REPORTS ISSUED IN SDP CLASS PARENT / TEACHER / STUDENT EVENING BOOKINGS FOR YEAR 7, 8, 9 OPEN AT 6PM 4 APRIL TO 19 APRIL MID-SEMESTER VACATION S Rapisardi S Edgeworth R Tucker Monday STUDENT COUNCIL MEETING 1.10PM IN F BLOCK Monday 20 April N O’Shea Tuesday Wednesday 28 APRIL 29 APRIL 30 APRIL S Phillips I Jones HELP A Dharmasena NEEDED YEAR 12 DANCE PRACTICE 1.10PM (BRING SHOES) Thursday 27 APRIL Tuesday 21 April Monday 30 March 4-4 Day Tuesday 31 March YEAR 12 EXAM BLOCK (LAST DAY OF EXAMS FOR YEAR 12) YEAR 12 MODERN HISTORY EXCURSION JUNIOR MAP/SD SEMI-FINALS Wednesday 22 April SENIOR MAP/SD SEMI-FINALS QDU DEBATING ROUND 2 – YEAR 10 AND YEAR 12 Mrs Rosalie Buzzoni/Mrs Debbie O’Neill, Canteen Convenors Canteen Telephone: 3452 5323 Calendar of Events CROSS COUNTRY TRAINING 7.20AM YEAR 7, 8, 9 PARENT/TEACHER/ STUDENT EVENING BY APPOINTMENT 3.30-7.30PM Thursday 23 April CROSS COUNTRY TRAINIING 7.20AM YEAR 10, 11, 12 MID-SEMESTER REPORTS ISSUED IN SDP CLASS CROSS COUNTRY TRAINING 7.20AM PARENT/TEACHER/STUDENT EVENING BOOKINGS FOR YEAR 10, 11, 12 OPEN 6PM NEWSLETTER ON WEBSITE CHORALE TO SING AT ANZAC SQUARE 10.30AM-12.00NOON NAPLAN PRACTICE TEST FOR YEARS 7 & 9 IN HALL AND C BLOCK PER 1-2 JUNIOR MAP BLOCK 1 & SD SUMMER ROUND 8 PREFECT MEETING 1.10PM WINTER INTERSCHOOL SPORT TRIALS YEARS 7, 8, 9 PER 4 P&C MEETING 7PM 11 Friday 24 April 8.30AM 100 POPPIES LAID ON CENTRAL LAWN YEAR 11 BIOLOGY EXCURSION TO POINT CARTRIGHT - 7AM-3PM ANZAC DAY ASSEMBLY 8.40AM-9.30AM FOR YEARS 10, 11, 12 YEAR 10 GEOGRAPHY EXCURSION TO GOLD COAST - 8.30AM-3PM ANZAC DAY ASSEMBLY 9.35AM FOR YEARS 7, 8, 9 YEAR 11 DRAMA EXCURSION “BRISBANE” 10AM-3PM WINTER INTERSCHOOL SPORT TRIALS YEARS 10, 11, 12 PER 4 Saturday 25 April ANZAC DAY CEREMONY AT HOLLAND PARK FOR PREFECTS 6.30-8AM ANZAC DAY CEREMONY AT MT GRAVATT SHOWGROUNDS FOR WIND ORCHESTRA 10AM Monday 27 April CROSS COUNTRY TRAINING 7.20AM HOUSE CAPTAINS’ MEETING 1PM YEAR 12 DANCE PRACTICE 1.10PM (BRING SHOES) ROTARY GREAT DEBATE IN EVENING Tuesday 28 April NEWSLETTER ON WEBSITE TIP LEADERS’ MEETING 1PM JUNIOR MAP/SD SUMMER FINALS MUSIC PARENT SUPPORT GROUND MEETING – MUSIC STUDIO – 7PM Wednesday 29 April YEAR 12 DANCE PRACTICE PER 1 SENIOR MAP/SD SUMMER FINALS QDU DEBATING ROUND 2 – YEAR 8 AND SENIOR A RARE BOOK CLUB 3.10-4PM RESOURCE CENTRE YEAR 10, 11, 12 PARENT/TEACHER/ STUDENT EVENING BY APPOINTMENT 3.30-7PM Thursday 30 April OPEN DAY NO.2 FOR YEAR 7 2016 9AM-12NOON (HALL AND TOUR) MANSFIELD PRIMARY STUDENTS AND ALL OTHER CATCHMENT STUDENTS (PLUS OUT OF CATCHMENT STUDENTS WHO WERE NOT AT FIRST OPEN DAY) DISTRICT CROSS COUNTRY FOR SELECTED TEAM – ALL DAY SMITH FAMILY TRANING YEARS 9, 10 12.30-1.30PM (10 STUDENTS) YEAR 12 DANCE PRACTICE 1.10PM (BRING SHOES) Friday 1 May 12 SENIOR FORMAL – ALL STUDENTS AT SCHOOL UNTIL 1.05PM AND BE AT CONVENTION CENTRE BY 6.45PM. COLLECTED FROM VENUE AT 11.35PM YEAR 11 ANCIENT HISTORY EXCURSION TO UQ – FULL DAY