BeauMont news - Beaumont School


BeauMont news - Beaumont School
Beaumont News
Summer 2013
Meet Beaumont’s RoboBot Team
Class of 2013 Graduates
The Beaumont Awards
grandparent day
April 23
Grandparent Day is a very special day for members of the freshman class and their “grands.” Over 150
granddaughters and grandparents gathered for a prayer service, followed by lunch and entertainment from
Beaumont soloists and singers. Students participating in the Academic Scholars program spoke to the
families about the wide variety of opportunities and extra-curricular activities available for every
Beaumont student. A special “thank you” goes to all the Grandparents who attended this special day!
Granddaughters and Grandparents in
the St. Angela Merici Chapel.
2 / Summer 2013
Our Board Members
Board of Directors 2013 – 2014
Mary Jo Paulett Toumert*, Chair
Lisa Andreani
Peter Miller
Gregory Cira
Amy Thompson Mosier*
Sunniva Collins
Thomas Olmstead
Robert Crawford
Gaile Ozanne
Sr. Virginia DeVinne, OSU*
Carol Baird Roddy*
Barbara DiTurno
Sr. Gretchen Rodenfels, OSU*
Sr. Susan Durkin, OSU
Thomas Rudibaugh
Sr. Roberta Goebel, OSU*
James Schade
Robert Horton
Donald Schuele
Maureen Lamb*
Brien Shanahan
John-Michael Langa
Amy Vegh
Rev. John Libens, SJ
Mary Whelan
Kristin Lux
Kimberly Winters
Sr. Linda Martin, OSU
Sr. Maureen McCarthy, OSU*
On the cover
The Beaumonsters work on their robot, Ramses at
Christopher Tool in Solon. From left, Elizabeth Stanitz ’14,
Julie Schiffer ’15, Sarah Myers ’15, Molly Cogan ’15, and
Ana Maria Vargas ’15. Not pictured: Alyssa Muttillo ’15.
5Sister Margaret Ann Kelley ’49 OSU
7Alumna Spotlights
9Beaumont’s RoboBot Team
1 3 The Class of 2013
1 5 The Beaumont Gala & Beaumont Awards
1 9 Class Notes
Dear Alumnae, Parents,
and Friends,
At the conclusion of this school
year, I am very happy to
acknowledge the accomplishments
of our girls in many different
areas. Even a glance through this
publication will illustrate those
accomplishments and show that
the focus of Beaumont and its
mission is on the girls. We truly
endeavor to transform today’s
women for tomorrow’s world.
Sister Gretchen Rodenfels, OSU ’65
with Class of 2013 Graduate
Savannah Ross.
Photo courtesy Woodard Photographic
This centering on the girls is in accord with our Ursuline
inspired mission to educate women for life, leadership and
service. Their successes reinforce and confirm the validity of
that mission.
The many accomplishments you will note in this publication
are a tribute to our students, their teachers, and the parents,
alumnae, and friends who support the Beaumont mission.
While we rejoice in those successes, we also realize that
through their accomplishments our students are constantly
“pushing the envelope” of possibilities. These women,
through their hard work, creativity, and enthusiasm for
learning, are well prepared to lead us into the future.
I am confident that these stories of the successes of our girls
will entertain and delight you. They will also give you a
picture of what is happening “behind the wall”. They will
offer convincing evidence that Beaumont is advancing
excellence inside and outside the classroom.
I thank each one of you for the role you play in this work of
education and transformation!
Published for Alumnae, Parents and Friends of Beaumont School
Sr. Gretchen Rodenfels, OSU ’65 President
Sr. Ann Letitia Kostiha, OSU, Assistant to the President
Barbara DiTurno, Director of Development
Mary Kelley Ebner ’79, Manager of Alumnae Relations
Sister Gretchen Rodenfels, OSU ’65
Veronica Selby, The Beaumont Gala Coordinator
Eileen McCann, Administrative Assistant to the Development Office
Rita Kueber ’77, PR & Marketing Manager, Beaumont News Editor
Academy Graphic Communication, Print Production Summer 2013 / 3
Sr. Lucia Celebrates 60 years!
Sr. Lucia Vasko is celebrating her 60th teaching year. She has been at Beaumont for 27 years, in charge of
the Studio Art program. Previously she taught art for 16 years at her own high school alma mater, Villa
Angela Academy. Born in Cleveland and raised in Willoughby, she entered the Ursuline order right after
high school, in 1950. Sr. Lucia taught primary and middle school for her first few years, but has taught at
the high school level for the majority of her career.
Sr. Lucia attended St. John’s College for a while, but
completed her undergraduate degree in English and Art
at Ursuline College. It took her five summers to earn her
graduate degree from the Rochester Institute. She continued
to take post-graduate classes at a variety of universities, and
has worked in clay, drawing, printmaking and stained glass.
She has taught evenings at Ursuline College, working both
with art teachers and also adults interested in art lessons.
Of her own work, Sr. Lucia says she hasn’t produced much
that’s new recently. “I’ll make something new when I retire.
Whenever that is!”
“I love every form of drawing,” she says. “I could draw all day
if people would let me. I also love to paint, but it’s just not as
handy—you don’t always have a brush nearby. My ultimate
medium is stained glass, but you need a studio for it; you
need a lot of special equipment.”
Sr. Lucia designed and created the stained glass windows
in the Chapel of the Most Holy Trinity at Ursuline. “I felt
like that was the apex of everything I had done,” she says. “I
treasure the windows.”
Sr. Lucia has taught hundreds of students in her time at
Beaumont. Many who become commercial artists or who use
their talent for their work circle back to thank Sr. Lucia for
her lessons. (See Alumnae Spotlight, page 7.) Beaumont can
thank Sr. Lucia for its current Artist-in-Residence, Stanka
Kordic. Stanka was Sr. Lucia’s student at VA, and when
she needed studio space, it was Sr. Lucia’s connection that
brought her to our campus.
She’s back!
Sister Martha Mooney is back at Beaumont, happy to be working as a math
tutor. Sr. Martha is a an alumna of Beaumont, a proud member of the Class of
1958. She has been an Ursuline for 55 years.
Sister Martha taught for 24 years and also worked as an administrator for ten
years at Beaumont; four years as Assistant Principal and six years as Principal.
She also worked at Lake Catholic for two years and VASJ for two years as well.
Welcome back again, Sister Martha – we’re glad you’re home!
4 / Summer 2013
Sister Margaret Ann Kelley ’49 OSU
A Heart filled with Faith
1931 – 2013
Sister Margaret Ann Kelley (formerly Sister Ellen Mary) “loved being an Ursuline, loved family, friends
and loved the challenge of following Angela in every ministry in which she engaged. …She was
dedicated to loving people and standing for justice. During her final illness, one of the ICU nurses said to
her ‘They don’t make women like you anymore.’” So writes Sister Beverly Anne LoGrasso about Sister
Margaret Ann who died January 21, 2013 at the age of 81.
Born in Cleveland, Margaret Ann Kelley
was the fourth child and only daughter
of John and Ellen (Hayes) Kelley. She
entered the Ursuline order immediately
after graduation from Beaumont in
1949, taking her final vows in 1955.
She earned undergraduate and graduate
degrees from the old St. John College.
As an Ursuline, Sister Margaret Ann
was an elementary school teacher at
Holy Cross School (Euclid), St. Mary
(Mentor), St. Jerome (Cleveland) and
St. Ann (Cleveland Heights). In 1966
she became a teacher and assistant
principal at St. Philomena School (East
Cleveland). In three years she became
principal and faced an enormous
challenge. “It became apparent that
the school could no longer survive on
its own,” Sister Susan Bremer, OSU
said in remarks at Sister Margaret
Ann’s funeral. “Margaret Ann worked
tirelessly with Sister Caroline Clines –
and with parents and teachers to effect
a successful merger with nearby Christ
the King School, achieving a win-win
outcome for all.”
Sister Margaret Ann was re-assigned
to St. Ann School as principal, where
she remained until 1982 when she was
named assistant principal at Beaumont.
In her 15-year tenure she went on to
serve as principal and then president.
As president in the early 90’s, with
the school threatened by a calamitous
deficit, she galvanized a group of lay
supporters to stabilize finances and
strengthen enrollment. In recent years
she was a part-time pastoral minister at
the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist
and later at our Lady of Peace Parish in
“Margaret Ann had a way with people,”
Sister Susan said. “She was engaging and
lively and fun, quick to lend a hand,
a bit of advice, or a listening ear. And
ready at a moment’s notice to celebrate!
She had a charisma about her that drew
you in and held you fast. If the twinkle
in her eyes didn’t get you, the dimpled
smile did.
“Margaret Ann had a faithful heart, a
heart for her Ursuline life and vocation,
for Angela Merici, and for the God
who called her into being. She was
a committed community member,
actively engaged in the congregation’s
life and works. …She was a holy woman
who lived a life of prayer, justice and
compassion. … She gave her all in
service and affection. Likewise, she
relished the abundance that was hers,
the people and blessings that enriched
her life, animated her heart and inspired
her being.”
Sister Margaret Ann died from
complications following heart surgery
in November. “As we celebrate at the
table of the Lord, we offer thanks to
a provident God for blessing our lives
through this wonderful woman with
the incredible heart,” Sister Susan said
in the final moments of her funeral
reflection. “We, who knew her as sister,
aunt, colleague and friend, rejoice in her
legacy of love and goodness and in the
never-fading heart-print that is and will
ever be her enduring gift to us.” Summer 2013 / 5
and arts
Steel Magnolias - Spring Drama
Beaumont School’s Drama Department presented Steel
Magnolias by Robert Harling in March. The comedy/drama
explores the powerful relationships between women and the
quiet strength that all women possess. Set in Truvy’s beauty
salon in Chinquapin, Louisiana six women share gossip,
laughter, and tears as time marches on.
Students who presented a Shakespeare monologue in the competition included
(from left): Christina Ciofani ’14, Kimberly Clark ’13, Jenna Haas ’13,
Megan Jones ’15 and Ann Libertin ’14 (winner). Not pictured, Michelle Park ’14.
Anna Libertin went on to compete in the regional Cleveland ESU competition
in February. Congratulations girls, on all your hard work.
National Shakespeare
Beaumont’s production featured the talents of six smart, funny, sensitive young women,
pictured, from left in front: Molly Cogan ’15 (Annelle), Delaney Clark ’14 (Truvy),
Anastasia Fiala ’14 (Clairee), Sam Graf ’13 (Ouiser), Megan Jones ’13 (M’Lynn) and
Caity Cook ’14 (Shelby). A crew of 22 students managed tasks from set construction to
lighting and sound. The crew was led by stage manager Dora Farona ’14 and assistant
stage managers Sam Rufo ’15 and Allie Noe ’16. Steel Magnolias was directed by
Kathryn Bernardo, an English and Fine Arts instructor at Beaumont.
Music – WCLV All-Stars!
WCLV and the Ohio Music Education Association
recognized these Beaumont students for excellence in music.
Each student receives a certificate and is acknowledged in
on-air salutes over WCLV. WCLV All-Stars include: Sarah
Dougherty ’14 – soprano; Kathryn Hankins ’13 – soprano;
Joy Jackson ’14 – violin; Megan Jones ’13 – soprano;
Stephanie Pieczynski ’13 – violin; Marija Rowane ’14 – flute.
Congratulations, Joy Jackson!
Joy Jackson ’14 placed first in the State of Ohio in the
NAACP’s ACT-SO competition in the Classical Instrument
category. ACT-SO is an Academic, Cultural, Technological
and Scientific Olympics designed to stimulate and encourage
achievement among African-American high school students.
ACT-SO includes 26 categories of competition with students
throughout the United States applying. Joy will compete at
the National level in Orlando, Florida in July.
6 / Summer 2013
Beaumont girls rehearse and present a monologue from
the Bard’s plays as part of the National Shakespeare
Competition, presented by the English Speaking Union
(ESU). In January, six girls recited for judges Lois Baron
representing the ESU, Amy Schwabauer ’07, actor, writer
and director, and currently a teaching artist for The
Musical Theatre Project, and Sr. Susan Mary Rathburn,
an Instructor at Ursuline College, former principal of
Beaumont, and former Beaumont Shakespeare coach.
Fine Arts Review
Students work all year
to create pieces that are
showcased in Beaumont’s
annual Fine Arts Review.
This past May, the halls were
turned into a lively museum,
filled with drawings and
multi-media pieces with
seniors’ art clustered in
the foyer. Sculpture was
on display in the Fine Art
Department, with dozens of
handmade vessels. The musical girls of Tri-M and Voices
of Harmony performed in concert in the St. Angela Merici
Chapel. Over 20 girls participated in a live fashion show,
presenting designs they had created and made themselves.
Many visitors, both families and friends came to campus
to review the work of these talented, creative girls.
spot lights
Class of ’65
Dr. Cheryl
After Beaumont where did you
go to school?
I have an undergraduate degree from
Xavier University, a Master’s from the
Cleveland Institute of Art/Case and
I graduated in 2007 with an MSA in
painting from the Pratt Institute in
Brooklyn, NY.
At the
Cutting Edge
of Biomedical
So your medium is painting?
Class of ’98
Artist makes
a big scene in
Natalie Lanese, Class of 1998
is an artist and teacher whose
work has been showcased
in galleries, museums and
universities. Her work will
soon be seen by thousands
of motorists coming into
Cleveland via the new
Innerbelt Bridge.
My work is a collage of painting and
photographic images – mixed-media
on a very large scale. My pieces are up
for the duration of an exhibition, then
torn down and painted over at a gallery
or museum. It’s two-dimensional – flat
on a wall. I use images of different scale
and perspective and play with using
photography so it seems like there’s real
depth of space. It’s interplay of flatness
and depth. Then, I’m also drawn to
advertising of the last 50 years, so that’s
part of the mix; pulling images out of
context and making a new story.
Your colors are very vibrant.
There’s been an evolution of colors
I’ve used. In graduate school I worked
with a very limited palette to see what
I could do with tight parameters, red,
white and black, for example. I grew
out of that, slowly adding to that
palette. About three years ago I started
working with neon, a sort of day-glo
palette that’s bright and jumped off the
wall. My use of color has been the most
intuitive part of my work. There’s not
necessarily a reason to use the colors I
do, it’s more of a mood, a feeling that
works for me.
continued on page 16
Dr. Cheryl Corsaro ’65 serves as the
Scientific Review Officer (SRO) of
CSR’s Genetics of Health & Disease
Study Section (GHD) in the Center
for Scientific Review at the National
institutes of Health (NIH). “A study
section is a grant application review
committee,” she explains. After
receiving her Ph.D. in human genetics
from Johns Hopkins University, Dr.
Corsaro had postdoctoral training
at several institutions including
the University of Toronto and the
California Institute of Technology.
continued on page 18 Summer 2013 / 7
and world culture
Latin Scholars
Sister Irma
In May, Sr. Irma, a Dominican sister
and principal of Santo Domingo
school in El Salvador, came to
visit Beaumont School. Thirteen
Honors Spanish students presented
her with books they had written in
class, as a gift to her school library.
These books help fill the shelves
of the woefully under-populated
library at Santo Domingo school.
The students conducted a special
prayer and dedication service, and
each author had a special photo
taken with Sr. Irma to place inside
her book. The service ended as Sr.
Irma shared pictures of the library
which already contains the books
written by last year’s Honors Spanish
Beaumont Excels
in French!
Congratulations to Frances
Prijatel ’13, who won first place
in the National French Writing
Competition for her essay – in
French – on the inventor Joseph
Niepce, a pioneer in photography.
Jenna Haas ‘13 won 8th place in the
same competition for her essay on
the engineer/architect Gustav Eiffel.
This is the second year in a row
Beaumont has taken first place in
both of the National French Writing
Competitions. Grace Gamble ’13
won the Essay Competition and
Frances Prijatel won the Creative
Writing Competition. These
national competitions are sponsored
by the American Association of
Teachers of French.
8 / Summer 2013
Beaumont students earned exceptional
scores in the 2013 National Latin Exam.
Sophomore Christina Kerner earned a perfect
score in Level II, the second perfect score in
Beaumont’s history. Senior Johanna Tomsick
earned a gold medal in Prose Level IV, her
third gold medal in three years.
Of the 29 Beaumont students taking the test,
88% ranked nationally, with 100% of the
seniors ranking nationally. Overall, 85% of the
Latin teacher Claudia Heilman with Christina Kerner ’15
Beaumont students were above the national
average. Nine students performed at the gold level, and ten performed at the silver level.
The National Latin Exam, sponsored by the American Classical League and the National
Junior Classical League, includes questions on grammar, comprehension, mythology,
derivatives, literature, Roman life, history, geography, oral Latin, and Latin in use in the
modern world. The test is administered in over thirty countries.
Hola desde España y un saludo desde Portugal!
Hello from Spain and Greetings from Portugal!
Thirty girls along
with teachers
Alice Pamies,
Barb Sosnowski,
and John-Michael
Langa from the
World Language
traveled to Spain
and Portugal
over Easter
break. Their
itinerary was jampacked with site
seeing, lectures
and learning
From Cleveland,
our group flew to Madrid, traveled
by train to Seville where they saw the
religious processions (pasos) taking
place during Holy Week, then on to
Portugal. A day trip to Morocco was
included – we’re still trying to figure
out who won the camel race!
Beaumont’s RoboBot Team
Sparks fly and metal on metal clashes when these competitors battle in the ring at the National
Robotics League 2013 Competition. The event, held in Indianapolis, Indiana in May, saw 48 teams
from 25 high schools and colleges from seven states compete. It was Beaumont that took third
place in the National competition! Created by the National Tooling and Machining Association
(NTMA), the NRL is designed to help introduce a new generation of students to the advanced
skills and technology of today’s manufacturing. Beaumont was the only school from NE Ohio to
compete this year.
Beaumont School’s team, The Beaumonsters, and their
battling ’bot, named Ramses, made it to the semi-finals in
the two-day competition. The team includes Molly Cogan
’15, Alyssa Muttillo ’15, Sarah Myers ’15, Julie Schiffer
’15, Elizabeth Stanitz ’14 and Ana Maria Vargas ’15. The
Beaumonsters lost in the semi-finals to the team that
would ultimately take first place. The Polar Robotics team
of North High School (North St. Paul, MN) came in first
and the N.E.R.D. team of Eastern Westmoreland CTC
(Latrobe, PA) came in second.
Since November the Beaumont team has worked on
Saturday mornings with their sponsor, Christopher
Tool of Solon, Ohio. Led by Science Department Chair
Gretchen Santo, the students designed, drew and helped
manufacture Ramses, a polycarbonate frame on four
wheels with an 18-spike titanium spinner.
This is the first year the Beaumont team went to the
national competition, and only the second year a team from
Beaumont has competed at all. Last year in the preliminary
regional competition, the Beaumonsters came in second,
behind West Geauga High School. This year, the Beaumont
team battled through six levels, then beat their rival, West
G, to take first place. The Beaumonsters also won first place
for having the “coolest robot” in the competition.
The robots built by the high school teams are not only judged
on their performance in the competition. A manufacturing
professional also evaluates each robot’s design, drawings, and
materials, its weaponry and the team’s strategy. Additionally,
the team must divide responsibility for various aspects of
running the robot, from repair to driving. AWT, The Alliance
for Working Together is the organizer of the competition.
AWT is a consortium of NE Ohio-area manufacturers
working with Lakeland to promote their industry as a viable
career option. The competition is now in its third year.
(From left) Elizabeth, Julie, Alyssa, Sarah, Ana Maria. Not pictured: Molly.
Since their involvement with the RoboBot competitions,
the Beaumont team and their efforts have been the topic of
articles in Cleveland Magazine, The Plain Dealer and Crain’s
Cleveland Business.
The Beaumontsters are currently making plans to organize
a second team and to compete and win the national
championship next year!
Want to see the Beaumont RoboBot team
in action?
You can! See video of the Beaumonsters and their bot
Ramses at these websites:
National Robotics League
national_competitions.php Plain Dealer
The News Herald
news/nh6855637.txt WINTER 2013 / 9
Indoor Track
The Bluestreaks went to State Indoor Track Meet, held
at the University of Akron in March. Beaumont came
in 9th overall in the OATCC Division I.
The Softball Team ended a great season with a record
of 17-7. Their season ended in late May, in the District
Semi-Final game with a loss to Notre Dame-Cathedral
Latin 3-0. Congratulations to the team and coaches
Nick Iarussi, John Russo, Frank Bova and Violet
Cashman on a great season.
Track & Field – State
The Track & Field team ran past the competition and made it
to the State Finals this year! Congratulations to the relay team
of Jenna Baechle, Mia Cannata, Zosia Zippert and Brianna
Johnson who placed 4th and 7th in the 2013 Division I State
Track Meet. The 4x200 took 4th with a PR time of 1:40.74
The 4x100 took 7th with a time of 48.08. Beaumont School
is proud of Brianna, Zoe, Mia and Jenna, as they have
represented Beaumont with class and integrity on Ohio’s
biggest stage of High School Athletics.
At the regional meet in Oberlin, Brianna Johnson finished 1st
and currently holds 1st place in the State in the 55m dash!
Jenna Baechle and Mia Cannata placed 6th and 8th respectively
in the 55m dash. Rachel Graf and Jessica Fox finished 4th and
6th place respectively in the 1600m run. Rachel McDonald,
Courtney Penland, Dawn Fann, and Diara Washington placed
2nd in the 4X400. Maia Huggins placed 7th in the Weighted
Shot Putt Throw. Mia Cannata and Courtney Tyree finished 5th
and 8th respectively in the Long Jump.
The Bluestreaks also traveled to Dayton, Ohio in May to
compete in the prestigious Mitchell Waggoner Roosevelt
Memorial Track Meet. The girls brought home the runner-up
trophy. 19 girls brought home over 40 medals and trophies in
17 out of 20 events they entered, in a total team effort!
Earlier in the year, the Beaumont Track & Field Team won
the title at the North Coast League Meet. The team scored
in every event they competed in, and set meet records in
four events. Senior Brianna Johnson earned the MVP Award
and Coach Jim Emery earned the Coach of the Year award.
Congratulations on a terrific season!
10 / Summer 2013
The Lacrosse Team finished up the season with a win
against Andrews Osborne in May. The Varsity Team
finished with a record of 5-12 for the season. The JV
team finished with a record of 4-6. The Lacrosse team
is coached by Brien Shanahan, Karin Murray and Sean
The 2013 Basketball Team, led by Coach Alicia
Giannell and Coach TiffanyTyree finished their season
in February with a defeat to Saint Vincent-Saint Mary
at the Sectional Tournament. The basketball team is a
young team with a lot of heart. Great job, Bluestreaks!
Swimming & Diving
The Beaumont Swimming and Diving Team’s
season record was 7-3. Many members of the team
advanced to the Division II District Finals, where
they placed 15th. Mary Reagan’13 advanced to
the State Tournament. She represented Beaumont
at the Division II State competition on February
21, and finished 18th out of 24 competitors in the
500 Yard Freestyle. The top 16 places advanced to
the finals. Coaching the team are Tania Younkin
and Margaret Eppright. Congratulations to the
team and to Mary on a wonderful and successful
Beaumont Swimming Career!
Four-year Varsity
team swimmers
(from left)
Krissy Colo,
Maria DiTurno,
and Mary Reagan.
Project Showcase
As part of the Academic Scholars program,
juniors and seniors must work with a mentor
or an independent study project approved by
the Scholars program director. This spring was
the inaugural presentation of these projects
in an open house-style forum held in the
Lennon House. Over two dozen students along
with some of their mentors were on hand
to demonstrate their projects and results to
students, faculty, family and friends.
Projects reflected an incredible diversity of
interests from the sciences, including computer
gaming, solar panel research, and water pollution
prevention. Medical projects included analyzing
knee stress, measuring blood sugar and learning
physical therapy training techniques. Other
topics included a service project for the homeless,
a writing project with a Plain Dealer columnist
and marketing and special event planning.
Part Science Fair, part small-group presentations,
and all a great learning experience, the first
Project Showcase was a success!
Project REAL
Take a group of 100 lively, curious high school seniors, ask
them to find an experience that coincides with their future
career goals and interests, and what do you have? Project
REAL (Realistic Education through Alternative Learning).
While Project REAL has been around Beaumont for several
decades, the seniors never fail to find inspiration and
new discoveries in their two-week adventure beyond the
classroom walls. This year students investigated culinary
work at bakeries and entrepreneurship with owners of yoga
studios and boutiques. Many delved into the rewarding
careers of law, teaching, nursing and physical therapy, while
others pushed the perimeters and explored biomedical
research, computer gaming and propulsion systems.
The seniors returned in late May to share their experiences
with their classmates and reflect on the skills and
knowledge they want to pursue. Many expressed a deeper
understanding of how Beaumont has helped to prepare
them for the next phase of their lives. Very special thanks to
the organizations and individuals who hosted students from
the Class of 2013 for their Project REAL.
Beaumont girls
were all over the
city – and beyond –
for Project REAL.
(Top) Johanna
Tomsick at the
Cleveland Museum
of Natural History,
(left) Gillian
Davies at the
Greater Cleveland
Aquarium, Emma
Vaughn (at right)
at The Cleveland
Are you an alumna who would like to host a Beaumont student
for Project REAL or be a mentor for an Academic Scholar’s
project? Contact Mary Kelley Ebner ’79 in the Alumnae office
at or 216.325.7326. Summer 2013 / 11
District 5 – State Science Day
Mathematics – Anna Grushetsky, 1st Place
Biochemistry – Megan Jones, 2nd Place
Botany – Elizabeth Stanitz, 3rd Place
Of the 23 students who competed in Akron at District 5 State Science Day,
18 students’ scores qualified for State Science Day at Ohio State University on
May 11th.
Emily Boes, Yennmay Chia, Molly Cogan, Francesca Fabe, Grace Gamble,
Rachel Graf, Anna Grushetsky, Megan Jones, Christina Kerner, Laura O’Meara,
Michelle Park, Julia Parker, Alena Prcela, Marija Rowane, Sarah Salamone, Julie
Schiffer, Klaudia Sirk and Elizabeth Stanitz
ENGINEERING FAIR - March 4 - 7, 2013
Only 12 students may enter. All 12 Beaumont competitors received awards.
Anna Grushetsky ’13
Christina Kerner ’15
Second Place – Silver Medal
Yennmay Chia ’14
Erika Klek ’14
Anna Libertin ’14
Julia Parker ’14
Third Place – Bronze Medal
Emily Boes ’14
Grace Gamble ’13
Megan Jones ’13
Marija Rowane ’14
Elizabeth Stanitz ’14
Ana Maria Vargas ’15
82 professional associations and organizations also presented awards.
Beaumont students received 16 awards.
BEST Medicine
BEST Medicine is an engineering fair devoted exclusively to students interested
in exploring biomedical engineering, presented by the Austen BioInnovation
institute in Akron, Ohio. These Beaumont students received recognition at the
awards ceremony on March 9th.
Sensors/Imaging – Megan Jones ’13
Health/Medicine – Francesca Fabe ’16
Health/Medicine – Grace Gamble ’13
Health/Medicine – Erika Klek ’14
Sensors/Imaging – Marija Rowane ’14
Simulation Award
Julia Parker ’14
State Science Day
Ohio State
May 11 2013
Superior (Top Category)
Molly Cogan ’15
Francesca Fabe ’16
Megan Jones ’13
Christina Kerner
Erika Klek ’14
Julia Parker ’14
Marija Rowane ’14
Sarah Salomone ’15
Julie Schiffer ’15
Emily Boes ’14
Yennmay K Chia ’14
Rachel Graf ’15
Anna E Grushetsky ’13
Laura A O’Meara ’16
Michelle Park ’14
Alena Prcela ’16
Klaudia Sirk ’16
Elizabeth Stanitz ’14
The Cleveland Clinic –
eXpressions Art and
Language Program
The Cleveland Clinic sponsors
eXpressions, a showcase of regional high
school students exploring the intersection
of research and creativity. Winners
received a certificate and had their artwork
or literary work displayed for a limited
time at the Cleveland Museum of Art.
Blue Ribbon
Lylah Wolff ’13
Red Ribbon
Laura Carr ’13
Kimberly Clark ’13
Elizabeth Corrado ’16
Johanna Tomsick ’13
Honorable Mention
Erin O’Brien ’13
12 / Summer 2013
All 100 members of the Class of 2013 graduated on June 2, 2013, at Gesu Church in
a lovely ceremony highlighted by inspiring speeches and moving songs. Each graduate
held the traditional red roses, plus an extra blossom – a white rose – to remember
their deceased classmate, Emily Lippert.
Of the Class of 2013, 26 seniors received the President’s Award for Academic
Excellence and 38 received the State of Ohio Honors diploma. The Class has been
accepted to over 40 colleges and universities nationally and internationally, and 83%
of the class have been offered scholarships and awards in excess of $9 million.
Video of the graduating class singing The Beatles’ “In My Life,” as well as photos
of the graduation ceremony are available on the Beaumont School website.
Congratulations, graduates!
The Class of 2013 will be attending
these colleges and universities:
American University
Ashland University
Auburn University
Baldwin Wallace University
Boston College
Bowling Green State University
Capital University
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland State University
Columbus State Community College
Cuyahoga Community College
Duquesne University
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Grove City College
John Carroll University
Kent State University
Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Maryland
Malone University
Marquette University
Mercyhurst University
Miami University, Oxford
Muskingum University
Ohio University
Ohio Wesleyan University
Saint Louis University
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Spelman College
Syracuse University
The College of Wooster
The Ohio State University
The University of Akron
Towson University
University of Cincinnati
University of Dayton
University of New Haven
University of Notre Dame
University of St. Andrews, Scotland
University of Toledo
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Ursuline College
Wittenberg University
Xavier University
Yale University Summer 2013 / 13
Class of 2013 Impresses
with Annual Fund Gift
Gerry Barrett Carroll ’58, Pat Carroll, Marsha Corlett Sarakaitis ’58, Joe Sarakaitis catch up
at the Royal Poinciana Country Club in Naples, Florida on March 17th
Development on the Road
Beaumont Development staff
members Sister Gretchen
Rodenfels ’65, Barbara DiTurno
and Mary Kelley Ebner ’79 were
out and about earlier this year,
with trips to Naples, Florida
Columbus and Washington, DC
to meet with alumnae. In Florida,
alumnae of Beaumont and
Ursuline College all met at the
Royal Poinciana Country Club in
Naples for an elegant brunch. In
Washington, Beaumont Alumnae
enjoyed a wonderful gathering at
the home of Peggy Tighe ’84. In
Columbus, Beaumont “girls” met
at the home of Miechelle Luna
Javitch ’89 for an evening of
conversation and catching up.
Are you outside the Cleveland
area? Would you like to host an
event for classmates and other
alumnae? Please let us know!
Call Mary Kelley Ebner at
Washington DC area alumnae met at
Peggy Tighe’s house this spring.
Beaumont Alumnae in Columbus, Ohio
at Miechelle Luna Javitch’s home.
Beaumont’s Class of 2013 made a visit to the
Lennon House during their senior class retreat in
May. The girls heard a compelling talk from Kayla
Murphy Cousineau ’01, who talked about how
important giving to the Annual Fund Campaign
is to support Beaumont students of the future.
Sitting in the Murphy Board Room, which was the
Chapel for the Beaumont alumnae from 1942-1965,
the 100 members of the Class of 2013 pledged
over $5,500 to the Annual Fund & Emily Lippert
Scholarship Fund. Way to go – you make us proud!
Donations to the Annual Fund Campaign can be
made by visiting the Beaumont School website today
at and select Giving to
Beaumont on the home page to support the Annual
Fund today. For further information, contact Barb
DiTurno at 216.325.7327. Donations can also be sent
to: Beaumont School, Attention: Development Office,
3301 North Park Boulevard, Cleveland Heights, Ohio
44118. Help us continue the Beaumont tradition of
educating women for life, leadership and service with
your donations. We are counting on your support!
Pavers/The Beaumont Courtyard
Orders for pavers in the Beaumont Courtyard are still being accepted. These personalized, engraved pavers are perfect for
commemorating your class, your family or your favorite Beaumont grad. Pavers come in small, medium and large. Order now
for placement in the courtyard in Fall 2013. Go online to to Beaumont/Courtyard Pavers. Or call
the Development office at 216.321.6265 to receive an order form.
14 / Summer 2013
The Inaugural Beaumont Gala
After many years Beaumont’s annual fundraiser, dubbed
“The Mad Hatter” retired after 21 years, in favor of a new
name, “The Beaumont Gala.” Over 300 supporters gathered
at the InterContinental Hotel for the Inaugural Gala that
included cocktails and conversation, silent and live auctions,
dinner and dancing.
The event was chaired by Denise Barone (Celina ’14) and
Stephanie DeLuca ’84 (Isabelle ’16). Their hard work and the
dedication of their committee made the event very special. A
dozen Beaumont students were on hand, working as charming
ambassadors. While guests nibbled hors d’oeuvres and made
bids on the silent auctions items, they also bid on bottles in
the Wine Pull, which sold out in a matter of minutes.
After a wonderful dinner prepared by the InterContinental
chefs, Beaumont alumnae were invited to stand and sing the
alma mater, but in typical Beaumont-girl style, the alumnae
rushed to the dance floor, instead, to sing all together, front and
center. The live auction followed, expertly conducted by Bob
Hale. The prizes, ranging from tickets to the Masters, a week at
Salt Lake City condo, a new kitchen and additional items sold
quickly after a few friendly bidding wars. After the auctions,
guests stayed to dance the night away to the big band sounds
from Sophisticated Swing and emcees Rick and Sharona.
Before the festivities, guests gathered for a Liturgy celebrated
by Father Donald Oleksiak. After Mass, Board chair Mary
Jo Toumert ‘75 and president Sister Gretchen Rodenfels ’65
presented three very special couples with the school’s highest
honor, The Beaumont Award recognizes those who have
demonstrated service, philanthropy and/or leadership to the
Beaumont community.
Recipients of The Beaumont Award at the Gala included
Joseph and Louise Gambatese, Richard and Robbin Garcia
and Dana and Christine Churchill Rose ’77. Joe and Louise
have five children, and their four daughters are all graduates
of Beaumont. Joe is past Board Chairman as well. Rich and
Beaumont Gala Chairs
Denise Barone (left) and
Stephanie DeLuca ’84.
(From left) President Sr. Gretchen Rodenfels, OSU ’65
with Beaumont Award recipients for 2013, Joseph and
Louise Gambatese, Dana and Christine Churchill Rose
’77, and Richard and Robbin Garcia.
The Beaumont alumnae gather on the dance floor to sing the alma mater.
Robbin Garcia are parents of two Beaumont alumnae. Robbin
served on the Beaumont board for nine years and the school’s
Garcia Music Studio is named for Rich’s grandmother. Dana
and Chris Churchill Rose’s daughter is a Beaumont graduate
and the couple has volunteered extensively. Dana, a past
board member, was instrumental in Beaumont’s purchase of
the former convent, now The Lennon House. The work and
dedication these families have given to Beaumont is sincerely
appreciated by the entire community.
The Beaumont Gala raised $100,000, including $20,000
for the Tuition Scholarship Fund. A big round of applause
to all the sponsors at the Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze
levels as well as all the contributors who provided items for
the auctions. Next year the Beaumont Gala will take place
April 5, 2014. Why not plan to attend and have a wonderful
evening with Beaumont family and friends! Summer 2013 / 15
Natalie Lanese continued from page 7
Where have people seen your work?
I’ve been in shows in Brooklyn, the Boston area, Portland,
Maine, and Toledo. I was just at the Hedge Gallery on
Cleveland’s west side. Currently I’m living in Toledo. I was
living in New York, but I moved in August to take a job
as Assistant Professor of Art and Gallery Director at Siena
Heights University in Adrian, Michigan.
Tell us about the Innerbelt Bridge project.
A few years ago there was a call for artists in the Plain Dealer.
My dad saw it and told me. Normally I can’t do public art
projects, my work can’t survive outdoors. Public art is usually
done by sculptors or painters, not mixed-media artists. But
they’re going to digitally reproduce my original work, and
mount that. That’s what really caught my eye. So I applied
and I was chosen. I’m one of three artists. Our work will
be on three different sites on the bridge, three different
underpasses. Two are in Tremont, and mine is on the east side
at Ontario/Broadway, across the street from Progressive Field.
What does it look like?
It’s a landscape of Cleveland, but one from personal
experience. It’s not a typical skyline; it’s something that a
native Clevelander would appreciate. So I have the Free
Stamp on there, characters from the movie Major League,
along with my patterned background.
So it’s finished, and you’re working on something
Yes. That project is done and it’s been photographed. It will
be mounted when the bridge is finished in a few years. When
I was in New York, I was an admissions counselor for Pratt,
and traveled a lot. With my teaching position comes more
flexibility. I can spend my summer in my studio. I haven’t had
this amount of time to devote to my work in many years.
What do you remember about taking art at
I recall loving art as a kid even in grade school. I applied
immediately to be in the art program at Beaumont. All four
years of that program were important and I learned so much,
even going back to Sr. Lucia’s drawing class, which was the
first year of the program. Then in junior year, somehow it
worked out that for Portraiture and Figure Drawing, there
were only two of us in the class. I practiced so closely with Sr.
Lucia, it was almost like private instruction. Stanka (Kordic)
also worked with my class on oil painting techniques, and I’ve
been in touch with her.
16 / Summer 2013
I still think about my first class regularly. I apply it to my
work. I see how to use it in my teaching. I pass along the
knowledge to my students as well. Working with Sr. Lucia was
the standout experience of the program.
So, Beaumont was a good experience for you?
Beaumont was one of the best experiences of my life. It’s
something I go back to all the time. I ran cross country there,
and that experience made me love running, so I’ll do that for
as long as I can. I was just back for Career Day, and talking
with the students, I saw myself and my friends sitting there.
It’s exciting to be in my shoes now – to see all the things
I’ve been able to accomplish. The experience of thriving in a
single sex environment is how I gained confidence – maybe
I wouldn’t have done that if I had gone to another school, or
a co-ed school. My Beaumont experience is something I will
always carry with me!
Saint Angela Merici Society Luncheon
Once a year, Beaumont hosts a very special event, the Saint Angela Merici Luncheon,
which honors those alumnae who graduated 50, 55, 60, and 65 years ago. This year,
women from the classes of 1948, 1953, 1958 and 1963 gathered at Beaumont’s Spiritual
Life Center to enjoy lunch and conversation with friends old and new.
The Beaumont Ambassadors were on hand to welcome the former students to the
luncheon. After a brief prayer service in the chapel, Sister Gretchen Rodenfels ’65
welcomed the ladies back to campus. There was a little time for a few photos before lunch,
followed by coffee and dessert. After the meal, senior Johanna Tomsick gave a presentation
on being a Beaumont girl today. Mary Grimaldi, College Counselor, followed up with an
outline of recent student accomplishments and scholarships earned by the Class of 2013.
Class of 1948
Afterwards, the Voices of Harmony performed several songs for the two dozen alumnae who enjoyed the Saint Angela Merici
luncheon immensely. The staff and students always enjoy celebrating the distinguished history of the school and its graduates,
while continuing to inform and update the community about Beaumont’s exciting future.
Class of 1953
Class of 1958
Class of 1963
Legacy Girls
Beaumont boasts about a dozen
“legacy” girls in every class, and
during Sophomore year we get
a chance to celebrate our Legacy
families with a casual gathering of
moms, sometimes grandmothers,
and students. This year, the Class of
2015 played host for the event that
included a Continental breakfast
and conversation in the Lennon
House. President of Beaumont, Sister
Gretchen Rodenfels ’65 welcomed all current and former students, and then everyone received a tour of the house,
formerly a residence for the Ursuline community. For some older alumnae, those graduating before 1964, the Painter
Mansion housed the school and some alumnae were able to see their former classrooms and library.
Always a highlight of the tour is the Alumnae Archives, a collection of senior portraits from all the graduating classes.
If you would like to see the archives and the Lennon House, call the Beaumont School Development Office at
216.321.6265 for a tour. Summer 2013 / 17
Dr. Cheryl Corsaro continued from page 7
She has worked for the NIH since
1984 starting in the Grants Associate
Program, then worked as the SRO in
the Special Review Section, then as the
SRO of the Genome Study Section,
and now the SRO for the SHD Study
Section. In addition she was the
SRO for the Ethical, Legal and Social
Implications of Human Genetics Study
“I never thought I’d be doing this work
with the NIH,” she says. “When I was
younger, I really enjoyed math. I even
took a summer school math class at
Case Western between junior and senior
year at Beaumont. Math was my major
in college, and I took basic biology and
chemistry courses as part of that major.
But I was surprised when I found myself
disillusioned with my math major.
Fortunately, I had good interaction
with the science teachers in college; it
was very much one-on-one because the
school was small. I switched from math
to biology, and then a class in genetics
with a charismatic faculty member got
me interested in doing graduate work in
that area.”
While doing postdoctoral work in
California, Cheryl came to realize she
didn’t want to spend her career in a
research lab, and took a course from
UCLA Extension, a career exploration
seminar. To complete a homework
assignment, she called a grad school
friend who was working at NIH to
find out what her job entailed, and she
became intrigued at the possibilities.
The casual conversation turned into
a question for Cheryl. “I remember
asking her ‘how do I apply for a job like
yours?’” she recalls.
She accepted a management internship
with NIH in 1984 that allowed
her to rotate through various NIH
18 / Summer 2013
departments, one month at a time. The
internship turned into a permanent
position. “I saw how I could use my
education in an alternate way,” she says.
Currently Cheryl manages the peer
review of grant applications to NIH.
“Medical schools, colleges, universities
and some small businesses apply to have
their biomedical research supported by
government funds,” she explains. “My
job entails managing peer review in the
area of human genetics. I put together
review committees of expert scientists
to evaluate the scientific merit of the
disorders that run in families but are not
inherited in a straightforward way.”
NIH is the leading supporter of
biomedical research in the world
by funding competitive grants and
contracts. “But there’s only enough
money to fund about one in every six
applications,” she explains.* The NIH
is made up of 24 funding institutes and
centers all pursuing their own research
agenda from cancer to mental health,
and the institutes/centers have funds
appropriated from Congress to support
the research. The applications are vetted
by people like Cheryl, Ph.Ds. for the
most part, who convene meetings of 20
to 35 peer scientists to advise the NIH
on the merit of the grant applications,
so NIH can fund the most promising
“We may not have realized it when we
received our training, but Beaumont
offered an excellent background in
both the sciences and liberal arts area.
I remember in college my professor
was impressed with the novels we had
already read, particularly in English
Literature. We had a broad base because
of the rigor of a Beaumont education,”
she says. “I was also very fortunate in
grad school to have a mentor interested
in doing whatever she could to help me
advance in the field.
“With my science background, I go
through grant applications in the area of
human genetics to decide what expertise
is needed to review them. My review
committee reviews applications that
involve studying the genetic basis of a
variety of diseases, such as neurological,
autoimmune, psychiatric and
cardiovascular diseases among others,”
she adds. “Hypertension, diabetes,
Parkinson’s Alzheimer’s, Schizophrenia,
OCD, these are called complex
Cheryl enjoys a challenge even in her
spare time. She finds great satisfaction
in volunteering at a local aquatic center,
teaching disabled children to swim. “It’s
very challenging, but rewarding,” she
says. “Teaching a child with autism or
Down’s syndrome is a problem I enjoy
She credits her successful career to both
a dedication to education, but also to
serendipity. She is a big believer in the
role of mentors as well.
“By deciding to work in the field of
science, plus the serendipitous factor,
of talking with my grad school friend
at the NIH when looking for an
alternate career path, I had no idea I
would be where I am today. I think
it’s important for women in both high
school and college to start planning an
academic route but to be open to new
opportunities that reveal themselves as
you go along.”
We at Beaumont could not agree more!
Pat Lynch Richards writes: “I discovered a black
and white snapshot of Diane Dilger Heinz,
Dianne Golubski Toronski and Mary Louise
Gude on the front cover of the 2012-2013
Annual Fund brochure. Can anyone identify
when and where on campus it was taken?”
Rosemary Burke Rowan hung up her downhill
skis for cross country ones and runs three miles
daily. “Madame Executive” has not yet retired
and runs a successful prison concessions business
with son Frank Jr. Anne Pavlish Dini flew in
from San Francisco for the Cleveland
International Film Festival in April. Judy
Patterson Nieser and Pat Lynch Richards
joined her for movies and lunch. Anne and Jack
continue to travel and will tour Albania in May.
Sue Philbin Walsh and Jim celebrated their
50th anniversary on a Panama Canal cruise in
late Spring. Taking advantage of retired lawyer
Jim’s new career in the travel industry, they took
a Baltic Sea cruise last September. Kathryn
Zahoney Livingston made 2 personal
appearances in early May to promote her book
about Lilly Pulitzer. Mary Kay Gallagher
Maxson planned the events which included a
champagne reception at the Lilly Store at Legacy
Village and a book signing at the Eaton Square
Barnes & Noble. Dianne Toronski visited with
Kathy at the Lilly Store and Sue Schutt Grohol,
Carole Margareth Marciano and Marianne
Rocco Walton greeted her at Barnes & Noble.
Barbara Schuele Schubert and John received
honorary doctorates for their unwavering
dedication to John Carroll University and its
Jesuit mission at the JCU commencement on
May 19th. The Schuberts’ long commitment to
education, service and the arts is extraordinary.
Peg Synk Madigan and Pat Lynch Richards
recently caught up on classmate news. Gretchen
Pentrack Smith and Farrell Smith found that
love is lovelier the second time around and
remarried. Peg and John have moved back to
Hudson from Aurora. Mary Ann Papes
Semancik came from CA to celebrate brother
Lou’s 25th anniversary as a priest in late May.
Unfortunately, her family commitments kept us
from planning a 56th mini reunion. Alice
Mathews legacy granddaughter, Anna
Grushetsky ’13, received 1st place in math at
the Western Reserve District 5 Science Day and
qualified for State Science Day at OSU. It
brought pride and joy to Alice who struggles
with Alzheimer’s. Peace: Sr Mary Louise Gude,
CSC, passed away January 9, 2013 in South
Bend, IN. Shelia Smith Davanaugh passed
away March 21, 2013 in Lake County, OH.
Mary Pat Forrestal Boyce’s daughter Brigid
Kemmerer is a published author. Brigid has three
books for teens published by Kensington Press,
called The Elemental Series. The three books are
Storm, Spark and the third is Spirit. The
Elemental Series is about five brothers and one
tough heroine, with plenty of romance &
non-stop action. Mary’s son Patrick is a
practicing Registered Nurse in Annapolis, MD.
Bobby Goebel was featured in the most recent
Ursuline Sisters’ newsletter announcing
milestone jubilees. Bobby is celebrating her 50th
year anniversary. A celebration mass is scheduled
for 2:00PM, Sunday, August 4, 2013 in the
Chapel of the Most Holy Trinity. Continued joy
in your vibrant ministry! The Cleveland
Botanical Garden 2012 Volunteer Award of the
Year went to Sherry Hammer Schmidt. She is a
prospective member of the Western Reserve
Herb Society. To become a full-fledged member,
she still needs to attend a few more meetings,
and work a few more hours in the herb garden at
Cleveland Botanical Gardens. Lois Kelly
Ashley’s son Brian, and his wife, Julia, who live
in Vermont, will have their first child in
November. This will be her and Tom’s first
grandchild. They are very excited! It has been a
wonderful month for Carol Senda Damaso and
husband Don. Son Mike was married to Ame on
Long Island May 18 at Oheka Castle, with lots
of family and friends and nearly perfect weather.
Carol loves serving as the Library Director for
the Scottsdale (AZ) Public Library, a progressive
5-branch library system. Any classmates visiting
Scottsdale must call Carol! Kathy Machol
Zimmerman ’62, her husband Bob, and Jo Ann
Machol Shire ’64 took a two week driving trip
through Ireland in May. They had done some
research, met cousins in Glenbeigh, County
Kerry, and were able to visit the farm and
homestead where their grandmother, Hannah
O’Connor, grew up. Marcia Beljan Catalano’s
days are filled with keeping her house looking
just right for that potential buyer and renovating
her new home, In between she has been traveling
my way to Nashville to visit with her grandsons,
ages 1 and 3. Mary Mato Sidman and her
husband Bob sold their house in Powell OH and
are awaiting completion of their new condo in
Upper Arlington. They are getting ready for
Christa’s wedding in August. They also travel to
Madison, WI to visit daughter Alicia, her
husband Janko and grandkids Oliver and Fritz.
Mary continues to visit Cleveland on Tuesday to
visit her mom who turned 98 in February and is
doing well at Little Sisters of the Poor. Mary
Blanche Sawhill Kendel had a nice day at
Beaumont’s Grandparent Day with
granddaughter Annaliese Hribar ’16. Annaliese
participated in gymnastics and crew, both new
sports at Beaumont, this past school year. Carole
Schneider Weddle’s husband, Danny, died last
August, and she misses him very much. This
summer Carol and her daughter Andrea are
going to Hawaii for 2 weeks. Mary Catherine
Reilly Doyle welcomed Raegan Murphy Doyle
on June 2, their first grandchild. Judith Sheehan
Welcomed a third granddaughter, Vivian
Florence Mullin has joined Judith’s family- she is
the 13th grandchild (3 granddaughters to 10
grandsons). Family get-togethers are exhilarating!
Elizabeth Ranney Thomas has been a member
of the Assistance League of Salt Lake City for the
past 20 years. The organization works with over
5,000 K-8 children and partners with over 18
social service agencies for women and children.
They work with Head Start children and
entertain at nursing homes, and assist with crafts
for various holidays with homeless families.
Great work, Elizabeth! Carole Frode Kealy was
honored by the Gesu Women’s Guild with their
President’s Award at the Spring Benefit at held at
The Country Club. Dorothy Janusko Valerian
received the Distinguished Alumnae Award from
Beaumont School this past December.
Kati Callahan Crawford sent the following
updates. If I had won the lottery you all would
have been on that 4 day cruise that 10 of us took
in May! The laughing group consisted of: Barb
Baca Quebec, Kati Callahan Crawford,
DeeDee DeFino Gaul, Regina Fana Ryan, Pat
Gilmore Kearney, Gerry Jarzembowski
Hadley, Regina Meyers Petsche, Mary Ann
Miller Koke, Mary Jo Rini, Mary Ann (now
only Mary) Redmond O’Malley, plus Sis Brown
Bush (whose school no longer exists) and Barb
DeMarco from Chicago (not a Beaumont grad).
You were all with us in spirit as we spent one
afternoon doing Parapette Review and having
great memories wondering about whereabouts…
hopefully we can gather info on missing
classmates. Mary Ann Koke, our “tour director”
posted our graduation pics on the cabin doors….
since she didn’t have one for DD Gaul she
substituted a nun’s picture….consequently the
people on our floor asked “are you sisters having
fun”….which raised another howl. It has literally
been 50 years since some of us have been
together….but we meshed like it was old home
week! To quote Jane Andrews “you can take the
girl out of Beaumont…but you can’t take
Beaumont out of the girl.” We missed all of Summer 2013 / 19
you….so PLEASE put the next adventure on
your bucket list! Sister Ritamary Welsh
(Dorothy) has left SDG Advisors, a company she
founded with her business partner, Stacey Picard.
She has taken a position in the development
office of the Ursuline Sisters as their Major Gifts
Officer. She will be working with donors to help
them understand the mission and ministry of the
Ursulines and to increase their support of the
sisters. In October 2012 Kathy Gyarmathy
Eckhart’s one and only darling daughter got
married. Kathy and Steve had a spectacular
month in Scottsdale, AZ last January, renting a
condo through the Internet sight unseen that
turned out perfect for them! Jane Andrews
Walker married a John Carroll graduate, Ralph
Walker in 1965. They have been living in
Maryland outside of Baltimore. They have five
children and five grandchildren. Jane is a social
worker and still works as the Executive Director
of an advocacy organization for children. Several
years ago, Jane contacted Beaumont to locate
Carol Cerny, our history teacher and debate
coach. Carol had married and, to my surprise,
was living in Baltimore. They had a great lunch
together which brought back many memories.
Carol is very involved in volunteering and
supporting the Baltimore Symphony. Jane
traveled to Milwaukee and contacted Marianne
Walsh Brady. They have exchanged Christmas
cards since graduation. It had been more than 40
years since they had seen each other. They met
for lunch at the Milwaukee Art Museum and
both had our Beaumont yearbooks in hand. Jane
believes that Beaumont was a significant
influence in her life and the values and path that
she followed. Kathy Liederbach Reese and her
husband Jack have left Geauga County and their
beautiful log home and moved to a walking
community in an Ohio City townhouse! Kathy
says, “We are now 5 minutes’ walk or less to the
West Side Market, Great Lakes Brewery,
Lutheran Hospital (our doctor’s offices,
pharmacy), and so much more.” Suzanne
Hughes Rydel is working full time, and really
enjoying it. She has 6 grandchildren and is
expecting #7 in September. Although, she is a
widow now, she has “significant other,” Dan.
Marcianne Miller now lives in Asheville NC
and can’t make the reunion.
Cathy Kundtz Jouve writes from her home in
Tours, France that she and her husband will once
again be spending the summer on their boat
traveling from place to place in their part of the
world. Last year they took the canals of the
Mediterranean for sunny skies and warm
weather. Cathy, we hope to see you at our 50th
20 / Summer 2013
in 2015. Some classmates made their annual trip
in June to Chautauqua where relaxation and
laughter are always the order of the day. This year
the group included Cheryl Corsaro, Carolyn
Hafele Kondrat, Renie O’Malley Salupo,
Kathy Boland, Betsy DeFino Wilson, Robin
Harvey and Kathy Gang Rini. Let us know
what’s new with you.
Regina Breig Kupecky with her brother James
Breig, husband of Mary Stiver Breig, wrote a
mystery. It is in the cozy genre, with characters
and place as important as plot. No gore, suitable
for adults and teens. The heroine is a social
worker in Ohio and the theme is adoption. The
Mystery of the Multiple Mothers: A Cub County
Caper is available at
Teri Ianni’s niece Ribi Ianni ’12 just finished
her first year at Notre Dame with an impressive
4.0. Her son Specialist Samuel Driscoll just
graduated from basic army training from Fort
Benning, Georgia 198th Infantry Brigade and
has elected to go to Airborne training school
then RASP (Ranger Assessment Selection
Annie Tamburro D’Alessandro completed the
Cleveland Rite Aid Half Marathon this past
May, finishing in the top third of her age group.
In April, Donna Schuele received the 2013
Lecturer of the Year award at UC Irvine, where
she teaches in the Criminology, Law & Society
Department. Daphne Fulmore Evans lives in
San Antonio with her husband, Frank (both
John Carroll University grads), and children,
Cheyenne Elyse, 15 and Frank IV, 8. Sharon
Latkovich Valente and Daphne had a minireunion when Sharon visited San Antonio.
Sharon recently accepted the position of
Associate Provost for Educational Effectiveness at
Marymount California University in Rancho
Palos Verdes, CA. She will carry the title of full
professor. Sharon is very excited to reconnect
with Beaumont alumnae in the area, like Donna
Schuele. Rosemary Hammer Lancos has
promised to stop on her trips home from Japan,
and Mary Fox Stewart is planning a trip in
September. Rosemary Hammer Lancos writes:
“We are living in the heart of bustling Tokyo-and the first thing we did was familiarize
ourselves with the metro… it’s the only way to
get around. …we’re both taking Japanese lessons
and hope to communicate better, although
everyone smiles and tries to accommodate us.
Luckily we live in Roppongi, a very international
part of the city, so we never quite feel completely
disconnected. With daily discoveries, a visit to
Tokyo Disneyland, and a sizable earthquake, it’s
been quite a start to our two-to-three year stay.”
Meg Scully Ceska sent the following updates.
The class of 1997 is amazing! I’ve been thrilled to
hear about so many of the adventures and
accomplishments of my classmates. Liz Kahn
Summers and her husband Jim welcomed baby
James on April 21, 2012. They are enjoying life
in Raleigh, NC. Kate Grendell Beyer earned her
M.S. in Aerospace Engineering from the
University of Cincinnati in August. She has been
working for an aircraft engine manufacturer for
6 years. She also has a 6 year-old son and a 4
year-old daughter. Sarah Bellamy writes music,
gets paid to hang out with dogs, and is moving
to Arizona in September. She is working towards
veterinary school. Anne Coburn has a ridiculous
dog, long cat, nerdy husband, and one half a
baby – she is due in October. Currently, she
makes movies, writes things for cash, and lives at
the northern tip of Manhattan. Terre Kraus
Krenisky has three little boys- Gabe 6, Camden
4, and Kellan, 10 months. She and her family are
moving to Brecksville in July to be closer to
family, particularly her sister Kim Kraus Epley.
Anne Gaglioti lives in Iowa City with her
husband and 9 month-old baby boy. She is
doctoring and getting to yoga when she can.
Katie Veselsky Wynbrandy lives in Los Angeles
with her husband, a Cleveland native. She has
two dogs and works in market research. Mary
Ann Betsch and her husband Terry adopted the
most adorable baby boy (Jote) from Ethiopia last
year and are living in NYC. She is leaving PWC
after 12 years for a 2-year fellowship at the Fed
in DC. Christiana Updegraff lives in Los
Angeles with her husband and has been married
since 2011. She obtained her MFA in
Metalsmithing and works as a fine artist in LA.
Seema Jokhio Amir also lives in Los Angeles,
works part-time as a pharmacist, and has two
little girls, ages 3 and 9-months with her hubby
of 6 years. Angel Smith lives in the Charlotte,
NC area with her husband of 6 years, Tyree and
their dog Peppermint. She graduated from OSU
and works as a Technology Auditor. Meg Dunne
Perry lives in Bucks County, PA with her
husband of 9 years. She has 4 children- Connor
7, Kevin 4 1/2, and twins Lauren and Julia, 2.
Meg works in Admissions for a private boarding
school and adores her job. Liz Roberts Toghill
has been married for 7 years this August and has
two sweet little girls- Emma 5 ½, and Lucy, 3.
Liz currently lives in Columbus, OH, and after
teaching middle school for several years, decided
to work as a stay-at-home mom. Kate Cingel
Pisano was married in October, 2011 and
welcomed a sweet baby girl, Giuliana, into the
world in June, 2012. She works as an assistant
nurse manager on an oncology unit at
Greenwich Hospital, and she and her husband
recently bought their first home. Jennifer
Duncan lives in the Chicago area and earned a
doctorate in Clinical Psychology in 2008. She
works as a Health Psychologist in the Dept. of
Preventive Medicine at Northwestern University,
but will be moving back to Cleveland this fall to
work in the Bariatric Surgery Dept. at Summa
Health Systems. Molly Castillo-Keefe moved to
Nicaragua in 2004 to be with her partner Lola
and her now 21 year-old son Gabriel, who is
studying International Relations and Diplomacy
in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Molly and Lola’s
daughter Sarah Rose (aka Sadie) was born in
June, 2011 Molly works in non-profit
management and resource development, and is
currently the Resource Mobilization Director for
Save the Children Nicaragua. Shivonne Suttles
is a recently Board Certified Family Medicine
Physician in Indianapolis. She has no pets, is
dating seriously, and is impressed by all of the
Class of 97’s accomplishments. Christine
Natemeyer Walanka graduated from Loyola
University - Chicago, fell in love with the city
first, her husband second, and 16 years later, is
still living on the north side of the city close to
Wrigley Field. She and husband Marc are
expecting their first child - a boy- on July 4th!
Betsy Harding Cisek married her college
sweetheart, Major Jeff Cisek, and has been
happily moving and living at the beck and call of
the United States Marine Corps for the past 10
years. She currently lives in Georgia, works as a
stay-at-home mom, and recently completed her
first full marathon with her husband. She has
two children, Bobby 5, and Jane 3. Alicia
Hernandez has been living in Baltimore for the
past 5 years, working as a nurse. She recently
graduated with a Masters of Public Health and is
getting married on June 22nd. Congrats! Judy
Williams Fortuna has been married to husband,
Nick, since June of 2009. She welcomed her son,
Ben, in 2010. She currently resides in Fairview
Park, and works as a 5th grade Reading/
Language Arts and Social Studies teacher in the
Westpark area of Cleveland. Shayna Wade lives
in the DC area and works as a high school
teacher. She earned a BS, MBA, and is working
on a MEd. She is a proud parent of a cute,
spoiled beagle named Kayoubi. Lucy Kirchner
has been working as a graphic designer in San
Francisco for the past 6 years. She is currently
challenging herself with 6 am bootcamp, taking
drum lessons, camping a lot, volunteer-designing
a student lit journal, and planning a month-long
trip to Europe. Julemarese Myles has been living
outside of Atlanta for the past 10 years, dabbled
in wedding photography, and now has an event
decor business. She is also a mom to 5 little
ones- ages 10, 8, twin 5 year-olds, and a 2
year-old, in addition to 1 Rottie, 1 cat, and 1
ferret. She is a busy woman! Susan Dernyar
Perry ended up in Boston, MA and will be
celebrating 10 years of marriage next month. She
got an M.Ed and then taught for art, then
middle/high school to kids on the autism
spectrum. Susan is currently a graphic designer
for the same school system. Suzanne Joherl
Smith still lives in the Cleveland area with her
husband of 9 years and two children - Ella 5, and
Joel 1. She works in Business Development for a
local software company in the higher education
market. Amy Oldenburg Glaser lives in NY
with her husband Josh and two childrenWilliam 4, and Emma 2. She has been working
for the same firm for the past 13 years - her
group invests in emerging markets, which has
allowed Amy to travel to great places, like China,
India, Korea, Turkey and soon Poland and
Hungary. She recently joined the board of She encourages teachers to
check out their amazing, free curriculum.
Sharon Rachel completed a Master’s degree in
Women’s Studies and Public Health last year and
became a certified sexuality educator. She has
lived in Atlanta for the past 10 years. Sharon
works at a medical school doing public health
program management. She enjoys traveling with
her partner Jay and completed her first half
marathon last November. Stephanie Marie
Kemler is currently a graduate student working
toward a Master’s in Education and Social
Studies certification. She married in 2003 and
lives with her husband in Philadelphia. When
not studying, Stephanie enjoys camping with her
husband, cooking and swimming laps at the
gym. Angelene Strauchon lives in the Cleveland
area and has two amazing daughters- Makenzie
14, and Maia 8. She recently became a partner in
a yoga studio in Hinckley - teaching is her
passion, and works for a mortgage bank, too.
Elizabeth Walton lived in Washington, DC,
Chicago, and Cleveland after college, but finally
took the plunge and moved to California last
summer. She works in community wellness for a
hospital system. Many, many thanks to all who
shared updates! I’m currently living in Chagrin
Falls with my amazing, little kid, Chloe, 17
months and working a bit as a nurse practitioner
at Cleveland Clinic. Looking forward to hearing
from the rest of the class. Cheers!
Colleen Barrett will be the Principal at St.
Francis Xavier School in Wilmette, Illinois
beginning this fall. Lauren Federico is marrying
Sean Murphy June 22 at Beaumont! Vanessa
Duraj is in the wedding party. Colleen Kalman
Kenney and husband Jeff welcomed Declan
John Kenney on May 27. Annie Fejes got
engaged to Norm Meckling in Paris this May
and they are planning a 2014 wedding.
Christina Pamies and husband Andrew Smith
welcomed daughter Zelie on March 2.
Kristen Barrett Jamieson and husband Pat
welcomed Eileen Grace Jamieson on March 9.
Valerie Malcom Kern designs floral packaging
for potted plants, bouquet and fresh cut flowers
at A-ROO Company LLC in Strongsville for the
past 4 years. Her designs can be seen in Heinen’s,
Home Depot, Petitti’s, Lowe’s, Costco and many
other businesses. Toni DiLillo is currently a 2nd
grade teacher at Roxoboro Elementary in
Cleveland Heights. She recently got engaged to
Steve Jerome and they will be married October
26. Lauren Brown Woertz married Erick
Woertz, Jr on May 4th and they are planning on
spending 3 weeks in Europe this summer. They
currently live in Phoenix, AZ. Lauren works for
Child Protective Services and Erick is a web
developer. Michelle Bryce Schenker and her
husband Mike welcomed a baby boy, Maximilian
(Max) Michael Schenker. They are a family of
four with 2 year old McKenzie Grace. Michelle’s
business, b. lux boutique, celebrated its 3 year
anniversary. Julia Zettl graduated in December
2012 from Cleveland State University with her Summer 2013 / 21
MBA (concentration in Management and Labor
Relations). She currently works for Lincoln
Financial Advisors. She and Benedictine graduate
Cameron Dedrick ‘99 purchased their first home
in Medina in April.
Alice Koelsch added a new addition to her
family. A son, Steffon became a big brother when
sister Calypso Marie Mosley was born on
February 13.
While always missing the beautiful place we call
Beaumont, the Class of 2009 has been able to
cope quite well! Bridget Barrett is busy preparing
for her upcoming nuptials to David Vendetti on
July 27th and Carrie Killeen is gearing up for her
wedding on July 18th, 2014 to Colin Blumenthal.
A different kind of commitment, Kristin Piteo is
busy launching her own photography business, K.
Piteo Photography. If any other weddings are in
the works, give Kristin a call! You may not be able
to reach Shannon Hubman in January 2014 as
she jumps the pond to Florence, Italy to begin a
theatre internship with Palazzi Florence
Association for International Education. Eileen
Dise has taken her famous dance moves to NYC
and is looking for any other Bluestreaks in the
area to break it down with. Meredith Muir has
taken her dreams of being in the background of
CNN to Washington, D.C. Meanwhile,
Beaumontsters are reuniting all over the country
for post-grad life, especially in Columbus where
Susan Coffey, Carrie Killeen and Lauren Enty
will all be enrolled with OSU Graduate Programs.
In Memoriam
We commend to your prayers the following alumnae and relatives who have died:
Beaumont Alums:
Martha Ritchie Blenner ’47
Marian Braverman Gaab ’47
Louise O’Neill Alexander ’48
Josephine Binns Stein ’48
Johanna Gardner ’49
Sister Margaret Ann Kelley, OSU ’49
Ann Moir Jackson ’50
Margaret Moorhead O’Brien ’50
Joan Garmone Wallbrown ’50
Lloyd Frier St. Antoine ’52
Katherine Ewald Martin ’53
Janet Walters Biernacki ’55
Sheila Smith Davanaugh ’57
Susan Strump Townley ’58
Ann Heitz Zagata ’67
Virginia Slavkovsky Lyndall ’69
Lisa Riccio Mills ’74
Sallie Motsch Brady ’83
Pamela White Johnson ’83
Danielle Fink ’83
Karen Leach ’94
Melissa Tummino ’00
Husband of:
Joan Moriarty Lauer ’47
Suzanne Baird Fitzgerald ’56
Joan Durbin Bonham ’58
Judie Grace ’59
Christine Redig Ruddock ’66
Sister of:
Queenie O’Neill Healey ’51
Patricia Moir Chevako ’52
Mary Ann Ewald Van Auken ’54
Barbara Heitz Miller ’64
Katherine Vary Frost ’65
Brother of:
Joan Vanderbilt Savoy Williams ’48
Jill Van Auken Akins ’78
Mother of:
Carol Geck Machael ’61
Marilyn Geck Guenther ’64
Joanne Zlatoper Lannie ’65
Cathy Geck Fukunaga ’70
Michael Byrne Schwark ’75
Katherine Blenner Creslein ’78
Molly Lynch Hopkins ’78
Janet Blenner Smith ’80
Halle Johnson ’11
Father of:
Marti Geraci Spoth ’66
Catherine Cunneen Moore ’68
Susan Lauer ’71
Kathy Lauer D’Amato ’76
June Sedlak Mooney ’76
Elaine Fleck ’78
Mary Hambor Garofoli ’78
Mary Jean Lauer ’78
Susan Fleck ’79
Dewey Sonnhalter Dragmen ’80
Janet Nowogrocki Burkhardt ’83
Terri Sonnhalter Krafcik ’83
Mary Ellen Fleck Kleinman ’84
Cathleen Fleck ’86
Miechelle Luna Javitch ’89
Mary Anne Luna Von Dohlen ’92
Melissa Luna Skowronski ’93
Mary Anne Luna Delos Reyes ’96
Grandfather of:
Nicki Garofoli Abate ’03
Ronni Garofoli ’06
Mel Lauer ’06
Auggie Garofoli ’08
Maggie Spoth ’08
Danielle D’Amato ’09
Kristen Dragmen ’09
Lauren Sonnhalter ’10
Grandmother of:
Megan Hubman Scherson ’86
Brigid Hubman Fishman ’91
Mary Durkalski ’07
Leslie Cancelliere ’12
Son of:
Marcia Mercurio Kaschalk ’49
Daughter of:
Hallie Deegan Lundon ’89
Granddaughter of:
Marcia Carmosino Deegan ’58
Save the Date! • 16th Annual Beaumont Golf Classic
Chaired by Maureen Lamb ’73
In support of the Beaumont Scholarship Fund
Monday, September 9, 2013
1:00 pm Shotgun Start
$200 per golfer – Sponsorship Levels Available
To sign up, go to
The Country Club
Pepper Pike, Ohio
More information available! Contact Mary Kelley Ebner
at or at 216.325.7326.
22 / Summer 2013
March 23
egg hunt
Whether it was the crafts, games and breakfast inside or the hunt for
colorful eggs outside, kids of all ages had a great time at the annual
Easter Egg Hunt. Special thanks to the Beaumont students who
helped organize everything from face-painting and the bean-bag toss,
to those who helped with the eggs, and the Easter Bunny appearance
as well. Nearly 200 people had a wonderful morning of family fun,
sponsored by the Beaumont Alumnae Association.
Captions to come Summer 2013 / 23
Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage
Cleveland, Ohio
Permit No. 4433
3301 North Park Boulevard
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Celebrate Summer –
All Alumnae Party
Thursday, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
First Day of Classes
Opening School Mass
Friday, 9:30 am
16th Annual Beaumont Golf
The Country Club
Monday, 1:00 pm
New Event!
Fabulous 50’s Luncheon
Mass for Deceased Alumnae
Sunday, 10:00 am
Sip & Shop
Thursday, 5:00 – 9:00 pm
Open House
Sunday, 12:00 – 2:00 pm
Fathers’ Club Cadillac Luau
Breakfast with Santa
Saturday, 9:00 – 11:00 am
Scholarship Entrance Exam
Friday, 4:00 – 6:30 pm
Open House
Wednesday, 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Christmas Concert
Tuesday, 7:00 pm
Scholarship Entrance Exam
Saturday, 9:00 – 11:30 am
11/15 – 17
Fall Play
Friday, Saturday 7:30 pm
Sunday, 1:00 pm
Alumnae Christmas Party
7:00 – 10:00 pm
Scholarship Entrance Exam
Friday, 4:00 – 6:30 pm
Scholarship Entrance Exam
Saturday, 9:00 – 11:30 am
Follow us!
Facebook: Beaumont School
Twitter: @BeaumontSchool1
Scholarship Entrance Exam
Saturday, 9:00 – 11:30 am
Christmas Concert
Friday, 7:00 pm