january 2016 - UGM-TC
january 2016 - UGM-TC
YOU GAVE ARTHUR A DESTINATION AND DIRECTION JANUARY 2016 MAKE YOUR NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS GOD-CENTERED YOU LED LAUREN TO A “TREASURE” IN FORT WORTH 1321 E. Lancaster Avenue Fort Worth, TX 76102 (817) 339–2553 | ugm–tc.org A local united Christian organization and ministry dedicated to providing love, hope, respect, and a new beginning to homeless people. BOARD OF DIRECTORS listed with church affiliations DON SHISLER President/CEO Chairman W. David White MAKE 2016 A YEAR OF HOPE! Vice Chairman Charles Allen Dear Friend, Christ Chapel Bible Church Country Side Bible Church Treasurer Ron Clinkscale First Presbyterian Church Secretary Columbia J. Reid St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church Bill E. Bailey Christ Chapel Bible Church James O. Branch St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Rickey J. Brantley St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Debby Brown Christ Chapel Bible Church Carl R. Brumley McKinney Memorial Bible Church Larry Chilton Christ Chapel Bible Church Fred Closuit Christ Chapel Bible Church Robert Cotham Christ Chapel Bible Church Larry D. Eason First United Methodist Church Mary Jane Edwards Christ Redeemer Anglican Church Gene Gray McKinney Memorial Bible Church Pat Hawkins McKinney Memorial Bible Church Robert J. Keffler Christ Chapel Bible Church Otis Lemley Without Walls Church John Mitchell Watermark Community Church Terry Montesi Christ Chapel Bible Church Peter Philpott St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Sharolyn Richardson We’re only a week into 2016 and I anticipate great things ahead for the men, women and children at Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County. And much of that is being built on foundations you helped to lay with your support in 2015. Through your gifts and prayers in this new year, hundreds of hurting and homeless people have the opportunity to make a new start. Many will grasp that opportunity by enrolling in our programs to rebuild their relationships and their lives, much like Arthur in our cover story. You’ll also meet Lauren, who will be one of the first to move into our Scott Walker Women and Families Service Building in a few months. This has been an ongoing project that will reach fruition soon, providing peace, safety and stability to some of the most vulnerable members of our community. If you haven’t made your New Year’s resolution yet, I hope you’ll follow the advice of Chaplain Stanley on page 7 to center your resolve on God and glorify Him through service to others, starting with a gift to provide hot meals, safe shelter and the love of Jesus Christ. I look forward to another year of ministry with you as we make 2016 a year of hope! In Christ, McKinney Memorial Bible Church J.D. Stotts White’s Chapel Methodist Church Allison Wagner Christ Chapel Bible Church Mitch Wynne Christ Chapel Bible Church President/CEO President/CEO Don Shisler Ascension & Saint Mark Episcopal Church Chaplain Rev. Stanley Maneikis St. Alban’s Episcopal Church “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” – Psalm 51:10-11 NKJV When family wouldn't provide a home, Arthur found that – and more – at UGM-TC! “THIS IS THE BEST PLACE TO BE!” YOU SAVED ARTHUR FROM A LIFE ON THE STREETS Arthur thought he could rely on his family when he was released from prison, but his sister refused to let him stay in their home. That may have been the best thing to happen to Arthur, because his parole officer suggested he come to UGM-TC instead. “I never knew about the Mission,” says Arthur. “I’d never been to a homeless shelter before.” But the thought of being on the street was “scary...really scary.” When Arthur came to UGM-TC, he had some advantages many of our guests and residents don’t have. Although he occasionally used drugs, he says, “I really didn’t have too much problem with addiction. I'm just one of those guys that have been getting in trouble most of my life.” Also, Arthur used his time in prison wisely, earning his GED and an Associate’s degree. “When I got out this time, I knew not to get into trouble,” Arthur says. “No more drugs. They’re not worth my time. I have a little money saved up now, I'm not using drugs and I know what I'm going to do in the future.” Arthur’s immediate plans are to get a car and a place of his own. By the grace of God, Arthur won’t be going it alone. His damaged relations with his family are healing, and he talks with them on a regular basis. “They see that I’m changing,” he says. Arthur knows that he owes his brighter future to UGM-TC, to caring people like you who support the Mission, and to God. “If there wasn’t a God, I wouldn’t be here at the Mission,” he says. “I’d be out on the streets with nothing. For people like me who have never been homeless and have reached a place where they’ve got no place to go, this is the best place to be!” THANKS TO YOUR GIFTS AND PRAYERS, ARTHUR CAN SEE GREAT THINGS AHEAD IN THE NEW YEAR! NEW YEAR, NEW FACILITY! With the New Year comes the greatly anticipated opening of the Scott Walker Women and Families Service Building. The building is a result of the many contributions and gifts from hundreds of generous friends like you who wanted to help create a safe haven for the growing number of homeless women and families in our community. I HAD NO IDEA THAT THE SCOTT WALKER WOMEN AND FAMILIES SERVICE BUILDING... ■■ Will be one of the only shelters in the country to allow intact homeless families to stay together. ■■ Will have a salon where residents can receive haircuts in a professional environment. ■■ Will be equipped with an industrial-sized pantry, including two large walk-in freezers, so we’ll be able to receive more food donations and feed more residents and guests. ■■ Will provide an emergency shelter for women guests seeking a safe haven for the night. TAKE A PEEK AT OUR NEW PROGRAMS UGM-TC offers programs and classes that help residents maximize their potential and develop skills to become independent, productive members of our community. Here are a few of the programs and classes that we’ll begin to offer or continue offering this year: ■■ Reading Program in partnership with the Fort Worth Public Library that helps our school-aged children develop their reading skills every week. ■■ ■■ Nia dance classes for women, a sensory-based movement practice that draws from martial arts and empowers people by connecting the body, mind, emotions and spirit. Housing specialists with the Directions Home Program will begin weekly meetings with residents to help them find housing of their own. ■■ Yoga classes for men taught by Urban Yoga Instructor. Mark your calendar for FEBRUARY LUNCHEON WITH AMY GRANT our February Luncheon on Tuesday, February 23. Hear Grammy award-winning artist Amy Grant share her testimony. The event will be held at the Round Up Inn at Will Rogers Memorial Center at 11:30 a.m. Please call 817-338-8406 for tickets and sponsorships. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES SHARE YOUR TIME & TALENTS THIS YEAR! IT’S IN THE BAG! n Prepare and provide sack lunches for the residents and guests as an alternative way to offer meals. HELP US WARM THE SHELTER n Providing winter clothing items like coats, hats, scarves, gloves, socks and shoes. We can also use other winter-related items such as blankets. For more information on these and other volunteer opportunities, please contact the Volunteer Office at 817-338-8402 or lkinney@ugm-tc.org. KEEP IN TOUCH Far more is going on at Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County than we could ever fit in a newsletter! Here are some simple ways to see how you make a difference every day and be the first to hear about big news and special events: “Like” us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter (@ugmtarrantco) Follow us on YouTube Include your email address on the enclosed response form to receive Mission news and opportunities via email CHAPLAIN STANLEY MANEIKIS We should and must recognize the need to grow spiritually. A movement from “Me-ology” to “Theology” is spiritual progress. “Meology” has its best expression in what we know as “selfies.” Selfies require a cell phone turned to camera and a hand-held contraption that holds the cell phone in a prominent position to capture me or us, standing in front of a singularly impressive background. Me-ology is all about me, myself and I. REVISIT YOUR NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS The-ology is about knowing and honoring God. Consider Psalm 37:5-6: “Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noon day.” What stands in the way of achieving our purposes in life? The difficulties we endure cannot be solved by simple resolutions about our physical appearance: lifting weights, exercising more often or dropping clothes a size or two...or by making more sales calls or getting along better at home or at the office. Granted, improved health, finances and relationships are important, but they cannot address the difficulties we face in life. Resolution #1. Therefore be it resolved: “This year is going to be more about God than about me, my wants, my needs, my pleasures.” Resolution #2. Therefore be it resolved: I will find the strength that Jesus Christ gives through faith, to face what comes my way, good, bad or indifferent. Finally, this new year, we need to be more loving, more forgiving, more helpful, more of everything of good report, all with a servant’s heart. This is the only remedy against the spiritual warfare loose around us: “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:2 Jesus’ command to us: “This is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:12 Resolution #3. Therefore be it resolved: “To know and share the God of Love with others, even in difficult, stressful circumstances. Paul in eternity shares the secret of facing difficulties in life with his testimony about being full and being hungry not affecting his faith in the life, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus his Lord: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 May God bless you abundantly this year! ALPHA UPDATE PRAYER REQUESTS Alpha is a Bible-based course offered on Thursday evenings that gives our residents the opportunity to explore the meaning of life through Christ in a relaxed, friendly setting. PLEASE JOIN US IN PRAYER . . . n n The “Jesus Lifestyle” Course begins in early January. This course of Bible Study examines Matthew chapters 5, 6 and 7 with the teaching of Nicky Gumbel and resident small group discussion. Training for this new team also will be in early January. The “Questions of Life” Course concluded with a celebration on November 19, during which five men, two women and two children were baptized. 286 residents participated in the course, with eight persons awarded Exemplary Certificates (15 Sessions) and 22 awarded Perfect Attendance (14 Sessions). n That our God of peace will inspire nations and people to find harmony and banish discord. n That the residents and staff of UGM-TC continue the year with an “Attitude of Gratitude” for the many blessings bestowed by God. n That the friends, volunteers, prayer partners and supporters of UGM-TC know how much they are appreciated. Lauren took a stand for what's right and wound up on the streets – homeless and scared! “GOD HAS BLESSED ME!” THANK YOU FOR GIVING LAUREN SECURITY AND HOPE There are many causes of homelessness, ranging from job loss to addiction. But in Lauren’s case, it was concern for her former daughter-in-law. “She was selling drugs out of the house,” Lauren explains. “Instead of turning her in to the police, I turned her in to my pastor...but then she forcibly turned me out into the street. It was horrifying.” Lauren looks forward to being one of the first residents of the new Scott Walker Women and Families Service Building. Beyond that, she anticipates getting her own apartment and cooking for herself again. Through her ordeal, Lauren has learned one important lesson:“You should never think your life is secure. Things can change in the blink of an eye. But God does things in miraculous ways and this is one of His treasures, here in Fort Worth!” But your gifts to UGM-TC gave Lauren a safe place to live. “I know that God has me here for a purpose. I’m so very thankful to the Mission for all that they’ve done for me,” she says. “It’s been a remarkable journey because God has blessed me with so many friendships. This place helped lead me to my church that I go to all the time now and I’m very happy.” YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT PROVIDES SO MUCH FOR SO MANY. YOU HELP CHANGE LIVES AT UGM-TC! As she goes about her day, Lauren shares that happiness with others at the Mission. “I try to bring a smile to people who haven’t necessarily had that in their lives.” 1321 E. LANCASTER | FORT WORTH, TX 76102 | 817-339-2553 | WWW.UGM-TC.ORG