where southern hospitality begins
where southern hospitality begins
Sikeston Regional Chamber Sikeston Regional Chamber Newsletter "WHERE SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY BEGINS" VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 Scott Matthews, Four Corners Development cuts the ribbon on Phase XX of Southridge and Winglake Estates along with members of his staff and the Sikeston Regional Chamber. Both expansions provide residential and single family building lots for property development. Contact Four Corners at 573-471-1960 for information. what's Inside member Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 SRC hellos & goodbyes news new members flash Spotlight: Page 2 128 N. New Madrid Sikeston, MO 63801 573-471-2498 Volume 5 | Issue 1 2015-2016 Board of Directors sikestonregionalchamber President: CHAMBERMEMBERSPOTLIGHT Larry Eby, Vast Broadband MeganPriday,ReStartRehabilitation Executive Board: 1st Vice President: Mackenzie Scherer, Shelter Insurance 2nd Vice President Lisa Heuring, Missouri Delta Medical Center Secretary/Treasurer: Zach Fayette, First State Bank & Trust At Large: Terry Williams, Southern Bank Past President: Justin Taylor, Edward Jones Investments Other Voting Members: Brooke Buchanan, Personal Expressions Glen Cantrell, SEMO Electric Cooperative Laura Collins, Willow & Co. Taylor Deere, Manpower Mechelle Farmer, Ferguson Medical Group Don Hart, Hart Electric & Men of Falkoff’s Megan Priday, OTR/L, CLT, CHT just recently passed her Certified Hand Therapist national board examination. This grueling exam has a national pass rate of 56% since 2006, and Megan was successful on her first attempt! Megan passed her exam after going through an intensive hand training program in conjunction with Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA. The program is a combination of onsite weekends and online learning and consists of cadaver anatomy, orthotic fabrication skills, advanced examination techniques and extensive review of the most recent literature relative to the upper quarter. A Certified Hand Therapist (CHT) is someone who has successfully passed a comprehensive test of advanced clinical skills and theory in upper extremity rehabilitation. There are only 10 CHT’s that practice south of St. Louis, and only three practicing in the immediate Sikeston area. ReStart is proud to employ 2 of those CHT’s for the needs of the community! Jacob Priday, Monsanto Matt Tanner, First State Community Bank INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING REP - EMPTY Ex-Officio: Mark Baker, New Madrid Co. Commissioner Jon Douglass, City of Sikeston Ed Dust, Sikeston Economic Development Darren Chapman, Mayor of Miner Jamie Burger, Scott Co. Commissioner Rick Lovall, Ministerial Alliance Steve Borgsmiller, Southeast Sikeston Travis Deere, Sikeston Jaycees Michelle Reynolds, Three Rivers College Tom Williams, Sikeston Public Schools Pictured above: Megan Priday performs hand therapy on patient. 128 N. New Madrid Sikeston, MO 63801 573-471-2498 SRCAnnouncement The Sikeston Regional Chamber is pleased to announce Garth Fuchs has accepted the position as Assistant Director with the organization. Garth is a Sikeston native that has since re-located back to the area from Nashville, TN. She brings with her a wealth of retail and business experience. A graduate of the University of Mississippi with a degree in Marketing, Garth's energy and enthusiasm for Sikeston can be felt in all that she puts her mind to do. She has extensive knowledge in sales and customer/client relationships. “I am excited to be back home! I am grateful for being in a role that allows me the opportunity to use my skills, experience, and resources to support hundreds of business members in and around Sikeston.” Fuchs continued, “I love my home and want to make a positive contribution in my community.” To contact Garth directly, please email her at: assistantdir@sikeston.net; call 471-2498 or stop by our new office location, 128 N. New Madrid. Welcome Aboard Garth! SRCHONORSOUTGOINGBOARDMEMBERS The SRC outgoing board President Justin Taylor, presents a recognition plaque to Ben Alcorn of ESI.comm for his dedication and support as a member of the SRC Board of Directors. (Pictured top left-Ben Alcorn and Justin Taylor) The SRC staff and Board of Directors would also like to recognize Beth Johnson, of Mitchell Insurance for her outstanding leadership, dedication, and support as a member of the SRC Board of Directors. Alcorn and Johnson terms ended December 31, 2015. SRC appreciates their service to the organization and Sikeston regional business community. (Beth Johnson, Mitchell Insurance) 128 N. New Madrid Sikeston, MO 63801 573-471-2498 newsflash Has your business received an important achievement, made renovations, or hired new additions to your team? If so, let us know so we can share the exciting news with other Chamber members. Submit your news Flash items here. MISSISSIPPI RIVER RADIO • Mississippi River Radio is pleased to announce Darla Gale Matlock as Regional Accounts Manager overseeing the Sikeston regional market. Darla has been with River Radio a number of years in various capacities and was excited for the new challenge. Mississippi River Radio has established broadcast studio operations at the Sikeston Outlet Stores, 100 Outlet Dr. To speak with Darla and welcome her to the Sikeston area, call 573-450-0448. UNITED WAY RECIEVES DONATION • Sikeston/Bootheel Area United Way received a generous donation from the Monsanto Fund earlier this month. The Monsanto Fund is a foundation focused on empowering farmers and furthering sustainable agriculture initiatives for their customers and the communities they operate within. Sikeston/Bootheel Area United Way serves most of Southeast Missouri and provides funding to 14 area agencies thanks in part to generous contributions and partnerships like the Monsanto Fund. For more information about either entity, please visit monsantofund.org or Sikeston/Bootheel Area United Way, 573-471-0310. CONCORDIA LUTHERAN CHURCH •Concordia Lutheran School will kick off National Lutheran Schools Week with an Open House on Sunday, January 24, 2016. Everyone who is interested in Christian Preschool or Kindergarten is invited to attend. Enter the school, located at 836 Park Avenue, through the North Ranney Street entrance. For more information, please call Concordia Lutheran Church, 471-5842, or Brenda Moore, 471-5592; by email: concordialutheranchurch@gmail.com. Class size is limited but there are various attendance options for 4/5 year olds. Open enrollment is through May 31. Register your child by April 15 to receive the "Early Bird" discount. 128 N. New Madrid Sikeston, MO 63801 573-471-2498 SCISSORSANDSHOVELS The Sikeston Regional Chamber is happy to help you make your ribbon cutting, grand opening, or ground breaking a memorable and successful event. Contact the SRC for scheduling at: (573) 471-2498 or send us an email to: chamber@sikeston.net. Missouri Delta Medical Center E.R. Renovation Groundbreaking 1008 N. Main St. Sikeston, MO 63801 (573) 471-1600 visionsikestonleadership The Sikeston Regional Chamber is currently taking applications for the 2016 Vision Sikeston Program. The purpose of this program is to educate, motivate, and better prepare both existing and up-and-coming leaders in the community. Vision Sikeston introduces class members to various opporutunities, realities, and challenges in our community. Additionally, the program creates a network of leaders devoted to understanding and improving the quality of life in our community. Those individuals who have a genuine interest in leadership and desire to learn about area industry are encouraged to apply. Key areas of industry are covered in 6 one-day sessons including: education, health care, agriculture, city government, and business/economic development. Please visit our website for more information and to apply. **Pleasenotethereislimitedavailablity,sosubmityourapplication today! 128 N. New Madrid Sikeston, MO 63801 573-471-2498 upcomingjanuaryevents If you have an event you would like to promote, you may visit our website at www.sikeston.net, click “Member Calendar Form” under the “Chamber tab” located on the right hand corner. Submit information about your event, and we will review all requests before posting them to our website. friday, january 1: Chamber & City offices Closed for New Years Day thursday, january 14: Ribbon Cutting & Open House @ Century 21 monday, january 4: City Council Meeting friday, january 15: Friday AM Coffee Mixer @ Cricket Wireless friday, january 8: Sikeston Depot Downtown Gallery Walk monday, january 18: Chamber & City offices closed for MLK Jr. Day friday, january 29: saturday, january 9: Sikeston Depot Regional Art Show Reception monday, january 25: Special City Council Meeting saturday, january 30 tuesday, january 26: Tourism Advisory Board Meeting thursday, january 28: SRC Membership Luncheon, Farmers Recognition *The Compost Site, located on Compress Road, will be open 8AM – 12PM on Saturday, January 9th. For specific information on the Compost Site, please contact the City of Sikeston @ 471-2512 or City Parks & Recreation @ 475-3725. 128 N. New Madrid Sikeston, MO 63801 573-471-2498 newmembers Bootheel Babies & Families/Bootheel Health Network Improvement 406 Highway 61 573-748-7232 New Madrid, MO 63869 www.bootheelbabies.org Morgan Strebler – Mentalist & Entertainer www.morganstrebler.com To book: 702-300-4522 We are pleased and proud to have you as members! 128 N. New Madrid Sikeston, MO 63801 573-471-2498
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