T C E N N O C tition pe m o C h throug CONNEC T to Lea dership C T C E N N O AT # L B P 6 1 C L N Table of CONTENTS Message from the President ................................... 2 Preparing for PBL Competitive Events ������������������� 3 NLC Recognition ...................................................... 4 Chapter Recognition ............................................... 5 Region Roundup ...................................................... 6 Running for PBL Office ............................................ 8 Calendar of Events MARCH 1 Action Awareness ends Receipt Deadlines: • National dues deadline to receive spring publications • National Awards Program Committee Application • CMAP Awards 22–26 NBEA Convention—Las Vegas, NV #NLC16PBL ............................................................... 9 National Fundraisers ............................................. 10 APRIL 1 Receipt Deadlines: • Membership Madness and Membership Mania • Membership Achievement Award • 100 Percent Class Participation • Outstanding Chapter • Distinguished Business Leader Scholarship • Chapter/State Membership Recognition Awards • Big 10 Awards Membership deadline • National Bylaws Amendment 15 PBL national dues deadline eligibility date for PBL voting delegates and competitive events 20 Webinar: CONNECT in Atlanta at #NLC16PBL 30 Professional Division Membership Awards dues deadline PBL Partners ........................................................... 11 Chapter News ......................................................... 13 FutureBusinessLeaders PBL_National April/May March for Babies: Check with your local March of Dimes Office for specific dates Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda fbla_pbl National Board of Directors Karen Heslep, Chair PBL Adviser Arkansas State University-Mountain Home Southern Region Lisa Weeks, Chair-elect FBLA-PBL State Adviser Alabama State Department of Education Southern Region Elizabeth A. Garofalo FBLA Adviser Canastota High School Eastern Region Julie Jensen FBLA Adviser Aurora High School Mountain Plains Region Lee C. Marcoux National Staff Piera Palazzolo Dale Carnegie Training Business & Industry Representative Deborah Parman PBL Adviser Colorado Mesa University Mountain Plains Region Elena R. Daly Executive Assistant to the President Kelly Wilkerson Becky Grant, CMP Programs Coordinator FBLA Adviser Warren Township High School North Central Region FBLA-PBL Division Presidents Colin Murphy Customer Service Associate Karthik Krishnan MEMBERSHIP Troy D. White Director, Marketing & Membership FBLA National President Georgia PBL National President Maryland Stacee Y. McIff Professional Division National President Massachusetts Stacy M. Nahas KPMG LLP Business & Industry Representative Shea Padilla FBLA-PBL State Chair Arizona Department of Education Western Region Blake Reynolds Ex-Officio Members Ted L. Harshbarger, Past Chair PBL Adviser Peru State College Mountain Plains Region Jean M. Buckley FBLA-PBL President and CEO 2015–16 PBL National Officer Team Karthik Krishnan PBL National President Maryland Travis London Dana McAllister PBL Eastern Region Vice President New Jersey Kennedy Reynolds PBL National Secretary Kentucky PBL Mountain Plains Region Vice President Oklahoma Peter Choi Kimberly Clark PBL National Treasurer Georgia PBL North Central Region Vice President Missouri Elizabeth Alvarez Candace Grace PBL National Parliamentarian Florida Mary Ait Staff Accountant José Espinel FBLA State Director Connecticut State Department of Education Eastern Region PBL Adviser Snow College Western Region ADMINISTRATION Jean M. Buckley President and CEO PBL Southern Region Vice President Georgia Lisa Smothers Membership Director Tom Payne, CPA Director, PBL College/University Relations Ashley Witherspoon Customer Service/Database Associate CONFERENCE Richard Bowen Conference Director Robert Smothers Conference Manager EDUCATION Kelly Scholl Education Director OPEN Education Associate COMMUNICATIONS Laura Morgan Communications Manager FBLA-PBL 1912 Association Drive Reston, VA 20191-1591 P 703.860.3334 F 866.500.5610 Mikayla Khramov PBL Western Region Vice President Arizona PBL Business Leader Winter 2016 Volume 26, Issue 2 (ISSN 0279-9685). Published three times per year (fall, winter, and spring) by Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc. Editorial and advertising sales offices at FBLA-PBL, 1912 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1591 703.860.3334. POSTMASTER: Materials may be reprinted with prior permission of the editor. Editorial submissions are encouraged and should be addressed to the editor. All FBLA-PBL publications use the Chicago Manual of Style. Publisher: Jean M. Buckley Editor: Laura Morgan Greetings, PBL members! Where has the time gone? With the fall semester behind us, we start to look to the spring semester and the big push for membership recruitment. Competitive event season will be here before you know it, so take the time now to choose your competitive event. Whether you’re competing in an individual, team, or chapter event, make sure you prepare so that you can join us on stage during the Awards of Excellence Program at the National Leadership Conference (NLC) in Atlanta, Georgia in June. Take full advantage of the competitive event resources on our redesigned or even the student materials available from the MarketPlace. Wherever you look, there are endless opportunities for you to learn more about your event or the association as a whole. During the start of the new semester, take some time to tell your members, advisers, and administrators how thankful you are to have them in your life. Throughout the semester, my team and I are always available to assist you. CONNECT with us to get the most out of your membership experience. From my team to yours, we wish you the best of luck on your new semester. Yours Truly, Karthik Krishnan 2015–16 National President 2 PBL Business Leader 2015–16 PBL National Officers Message from the President CONNECT through Competition Preparing for PBL Competitive Events by PBL National Secretary Travis London It’s competitive event season! With 55+ PBL competitive events offered, there are numerous opportunities for you to secure a chance to compete at the NLC this summer in Atlanta. This opportunity will not be given to you easily. Achieving success takes time and dedication. To succeed in your competitive event, you must spend plenty of time studying and apply your knowledge to your event. Decide if you want to compete in an individual, team, or chapter event. Events offer the possibility to work alone or with some of your friends. If you work better alone, choose an individual event such as an objective test or a speaking event. If you work better with a team or get nervous when you’re alone, compete with your friends in a team or chapter event. STUDY! Remember all of those materials you collected? Use them! It’s crucial that you adequately prepare for your event in order to do well. Rome wasn’t built in a day, so take plenty of time to study. Prepare. When you’re at the conference, it doesn’t mean that you’re finished studying. This is the most crucial time to be studying because the Choose your event. information will still be fresh on your mind. Make From Accounting I to Website Design, PBL offers 55+ academic competitive events. Find a topic that sure you take every chance at the conference to study. you’re passionate about, like your major, because it’s easier to dedicate your time to something WIN! you’re already interested in. After putting in all your hard work, it’s time for Know the rules. you to win. You’ve done Once you’ve decided which event to compete in, so much to prepare check out the PBL Competitive Events Guidelines already and all your work and Rating Sheets at under PBL > will finally pay off. When Competitive Events. To do well in an event, it’s you walk across the stage important to know how it will be judged. to accept your trophy, make sure you’re smiling from ear to ear because you deserve it! Find study materials. Whether you purchase the DVDs or the guide from the FBLA-PBL MarketPlace, or you find practice questions online, or you use your class textbooks, make sure you find the right kind of material to help you prepare. I hope to see you on the stage at #NLC16PBL in Atlanta! Winter 2016 3 NLC Recognition Want to earn ribbons to wear at #NLC16PBL in Atlanta? Check out these national programs. ter Outstanding Chap r_pbl outstandingchapte Action go.fbla Awarene it r e M f o d r pter Awa ha C info l r a o f e r S e s d i l Go adv e t a t s r u tact yo Con Non-Stop N ovember go.fb neighbo eps /sweeps_ Connect Ten r pbl st year 10 from la y b ip h s r e b m e m r te crease chap In PBL Business Leader stop_pbl ghbor rg/good 4 Super Swe Good Ne i go.fbla.o s ction_ s pbl .org/a Chapters completing Super Sweeps, Non-Stop November, and Action Awareness will receive the Chapter Challenge award at the NLC in Atlanta. SUPER SWEEPS NON-STOP NOVEMBER Appalachian State University California State University–Fullerton Cayuga Community College Central Carolina Community College Central Christian College of Kansas Chadron State College Chipola College Columbus Technical College East Central Community College Emporia State University George Mason University Midland University Moultrie Area Technical College–Tifton Campus Northeast Community College Northern Arizona University Oklahoma Panhandle State University Oklahoma State University–Stillwater Oklahoma State University–Tulsa Palm Beach State College Peru State College Pfeiffer University Rutgers University–New Brunswick Saint Charles Community College Southeast Missouri State University Stanly Community College Truman State University Tulsa Community College–Metro Campus University of Missouri–Columbia University of Tennessee–Knoxville University of Virginia–Charlottesville Valencia College–East Campus West Georgia Technical College–Douglas Campus Winthrop University Central Carolina Community College Central Georgia Tech–Milledgeville Chadron State College Florida International University George Mason University Midland University Northeast Community College Northern Arizona University Oklahoma Panhandle State University Oklahoma State University–Tulsa Peru State College Rutgers University–New Brunswick Southeast Missouri State University Truman State University Tulsa Community College–Metro Campus University of Missouri–Columbia University of Tennessee–Knoxville University Of Texas at Dallas University of Virginia–Charlottesville West Georgia Technical College–Douglas Campus Chapter Recognition Congratulations to these chapters who completed Super Sweeps and Non‑Stop November! ACTION AWARENESS YOUR CHAPTER HERE! More info at Winter 2016 5 Region Roundup WESTERN REGION Western Region Vice President Mikayla Khramov ARIZONA CALIFORNIA HAWAII UTAH WASHINGTON MOUNTAIN PLAINS REGION Mountain Plains Region Vice President Kennedy Reynolds The fall semester was a great start to the school year, with many exciting events and conferences that occurred throughout the region and the country! Each state in the Mountain Plains Region was hard at work with recruiting, fundraising, and community service! With Nebraska hosting one of the National Fall Leadership Conferences, members and advisers were able to CONNECT with others throughout the region. I had the opportunity to attend the Central Christian College of Kansas March of Dimes event where students, faculty, and guests gathered to raise awareness of premature birth while raising money for the March of Dimes. There are many things coming up during the spring semester. With State Leadership Conferences just around the corner it is never too early to begin preparing for your competitive events. Please do not hesitate to CONNECT with me. I look forward to seeing what each state will accomplish throughout the remainder of this school year. 6 PBL Business Leader EASTERN REGION Eastern Region Vice President Dana McAllister MAINE MARYLAND NEW JERSEY NEW YORK PENNSYLVANIA PUERTO RICO RHODE ISLAND NORTH CENTRAL REGION North Central Region Vice President Kimberly Clark I am excited to share that Illinois, Missouri, and Wisconsin PBL have been up to excellent things this year! Illinois recently held their Winter Seminar Series and are planning their 51st SLC. Missouri’s state officer planning session was complete with hard work, finalizing workshop presenters, and even a snowball fight! Wisconsin has increased membership and cannot wait to serve as judges for the FBLA-Middle Level State Conference. I wish you luck with your spring semester of classes and hope your PBL chapters experience great success. Check out the resources to help maximize your chapter experience. Please reach out to another officer or me if you need any assistance. I hope to see you at the NLC in Atlanta! SOUTHERN REGION Southern Region Vice President Candace Grace The Southern Region has been busy CONNECTing to help build our association. The FBLA-PBL crest displays three powerful words— Service, Education, and Progress. In our region, chapters are finding creative ways to put each of these into action. For example, chapters from South Carolina and Georgia have been providing service in their communities by hosting hurricane relief supply and food drives. North Carolina and Mississippi have experienced tremendous membership growth by showing potential members the educational and professional development benefits to being a part of our association while pursuing their degree. Virginia is doing an excellent job of maintaining a strong connection between FBLA and their PBL chapters, which will help us progress in membership in the future. The president’s tour is underway in Louisiana as the state president creates excitement and interest by visiting chapters throughout the state. I am proud to say, many more things are happening in the southern region, and this is just the beginning of a great year! Winter 2016 7 CONNECT to Leadership Running for PBL Office by PBL Mountain Plains Region Vice President Kennedy Reynolds Serving as a state or national officer is one of the most rewarding things that you can do as a PBL member. The thrill and excitement of giving your speech in front of hundreds or thousands of members and advisers is an indescribable and surreal experience. The fast-paced environment of being at your campaign booth is one of the best feelings in the world—getting to answer questions about your ideas to better the organization and being able to explain your ideas to your fellow members. With a few tips and suggestions, the campaign experience can be amplified. Be sure to start your application and campaign preparations early. For national office, applications are due by 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on May 15. Note that the national campaign guidelines have been updated this year, so be sure to read the National Officer Candidate Guide so you are prepared to submit your application to get your campaign started. Check with your state adviser for your state’s application deadline and guidelines. National campaign materials should be prepared early. The earlier that you have the drafts submitted, the earlier they will be approved, allowing more time to rehearse your speech and get items ordered. Drafts of all campaign items must be submitted online with your application by May 15, so start working on them soon! For PBL, the national campaign budget limit is $1,000. If done right, this is a lot more than you will need. I suggest talking to the officer currently in the position that you plan to run for to get a better idea of how many of each item is needed. I found that it was best to get as many items donated as possible to save money on campaign expenses. Review the campaign guidelines about donations and how to include this in your campaign financial statement. Practicing for the Q&A session and the candidate interview is essential. Have friends, professors, or advisers ask you questions that relate to your FBLA-PBL experience or your campaign platform and goals. Ask members from your local and state chapters to help at your campaign booth. It will engage these members and make campaigning more fun for you. Be sure to eat while campaigning, sometimes you get so caught up in the excitement that you forget to eat! Campaigning is one of the best experiences that a member can have, and I highly recommend that everyone does it at least once. Find information on applying for national PBL office at If you have questions about running for national office, contact a current national officer or email I hope to see many of you campaigning in Atlanta! 8 PBL Business Leader T C E N N O C ? L B P 6 1 AT #NLC COMPETITIVE EVENTS With more than 55 individual, team, or chapter competitive events, the NLC is a great opportunity to compete in a fun environment against the best of the best from across the nation. In addition to a trophy and bragging rights, you could win cash awards from our generous sponsors! And you don’t have to be a state winner to compete at the NLC—our Open Events program allows all members to take tests without preregistration or prequalification. INSTITUTE FOR LEADERS (IFL) Make the most of your trip to the NLC by attending the Institute for Leaders (IFL). Held prior to the NLC on June 23–24, the IFL is a great way to kick your leadership skills up a notch and prepare for the coming year. CAMPAIGNS AND ELECTIONS Competition doesn’t end in the testing room; the race is on for national office! Rally support for and elect the next group of national leaders. Visit the NLC page of to find out how you can be one of the 2016–17 national officers. Photo: ©2015, Gene Phillips, Courtesy of ACVB & O T Y D A E R U O Y E R A WORKSHOPS AND EXHIBITS Led by professional speakers, national and state officers, and motivating business leaders, NLC workshops cover a variety of topics to help you CONNECT! Visit exhibitors offering information on fundraising, universities, vendors, and more. And don’t forget to purchase your PBL logo gear at the MarketPlace. ONLINE REGISTRATION Advisers can preregister students online until May 20 to take advantage of early bird savings. HOUSING Book your reservation at one of the official 2016 NLC hotels. Visit to find your state’s assigned hotel and for more information. MORE INFORMATION Get up-to-date information about the NLC as details are posted to Look for the NLC Guide coming in March. Winter 2016 9 National Fundraisers Association Motor Club Marketing (AMCM) offers a roadside assistance program that earns profit now and on renewals. Email, call 605.254.8876, or visit Better World Collective provides a brand new and easy-to-use online auction platform called Auction360. Visit for more information. Country Meats features fresh smoked snack sticks that everyone loves! Sell for $1 and receive 45% profit! For FREE SAMPLES call 800.277.8989 or visit Krispy Kreme Fundraising offers doughnuts, BOGO cards, certificates, and coffee to help your chapter raise some dough! Visit, email, or call 800.4KRISPY. Ozark Delight Lollipops are only available for fundraising. They do not sell to stores or other retail markets. Call 800.334.8991 or visit Popcorn Palace offers premium popcorn in lots of flavors guaranteed to be fresh and delectable. Keep 50% profit upfront. To get your free information kit, call 800.873.2686 or visit Schermer Pecans offers a delicious and healthy fundraising product. Call 800.841.3403, email, or visit School Spirit Coffee provides personalized packaging for their coffee fundraiser. Call 800.570.1443, email, or visit Tom-Wat Fundraising features multiple fundraisers from catalog sales to cookie dough and much more. Call 800.243.9250, email, or visit 10 PBL Business Leader 2015 Fall Stock Market Game (SMG) Winners LIFE University (LIFE) offers 12 undergraduate and four graduate programs rooted in innovation and purpose, along with the world’s largest single-campus chiropractic college. LIFE is breaking boundaries in multiple disciplines across the health and wellness spectrum by impacting and inspiring future leaders to become life-changing revolutionaries. Our small classrooms and unique educational environments allow students to receive oneon-one mentorship from industry thought leaders. As an international institution, LIFE is committed to advancing the vital health revolution through education, social and clinical research, and serving as a think tank for global conversations enhancing the human experience. Your shopping supports FBLA-PBL. 1st Place: Midland University—Rita Bristol, adviser 2nd Place: Midland University—Rita Bristol, adviser 3rd Place: Midland University—Rita Bristol, adviser The Spring 2016 Stock Market Game began January 25. Registration is available through the Advisers Area at Receive a discount on over 93,000 items at Office Depot and OfficeMax locations or online. Receive 28% off emergency roadside service. Look for purchase links at FBLA-PBL is proud to offer its members an opportunity to save on supplies with the Office Depot/OfficeMax member benefit program available to members and their families. FBLA‑PBL members have access to over 96,000 products available online or in stores to help you to stay organized and efficient year-round. Items include ink, toner, office supplies, technology, and much more—and shipping is made convenient with a free next-day ship option available on purchases of $50 or more. officediscounts. org/fbla One free certification test for FBLA, PBL, and PD members. Access codes are in the Adviser Area at Unlimited mileage and up to 20% off! 800.GO.ALAMO Contract ID# 7000461 FBLA-PBL members receive 10% off Princeton Review’s online courses for the SAT, ACT, and GMAT. For more information, call 800.273.8439 PBL Partners MEMBER BENEFITS Free ride for new users (up to $20) on uberX, UberBLACK, or UberSUV (excludes uberT). Code: FBLAPBL Save hundreds on your car insurance with special FBLA‑PBL savings. 800.368.2734 Save on in-store purchases with the FBLA-PBL discount. More information coming soon at Save 20% with your FBLA-PBL card. ID# 5492731 Save up to 15% when you shop via the FBLA-PBL website. Use Company Code EP10687. Look for the link at 800.473.4732 Great Hotel Discount Programs for Members Major hotel chains offer reduced rates—up to 15% off—don’t miss out! Hyatt Hotels 10% off at participating Hyatt properties 877.393.8034 Group Code: CR51684 Wyndham Hotel Group Visit and save 10%. Up to 15% off their best available rates 877.670.7088 ID# 8000001640 Winter 2016 11 PBL Partners FBLA-PBL is excited to partner with Uber to provide new Uber users a free ride (up to $20). How does it work? Using Uber’s free iPhone/Android/ Blackberry 7 app, you can request a pickup, and a car driven by a professional driver will show up in minutes. Your credit card is billed directly for your trip and there’s no need to tip, so you won’t need to carry cash. You can even see the car coming toward you on a map! Follow these simple steps to get $20 off your ride: 1. Download the free Uber iPhone/Android/ Blackberry 7 app (or sign up at FBLAPBL) 2. Enter your information in the Uber app and use promo code FBLAPBL when you sign up. 3. Request a ride 5–15 minutes before you need one. $20 will be applied toward your first ride on uberX, UberBLACK, or UberSUV (excluding uberT). If you’ve ever wanted to be an entrepreneur, it’s time to break the mold. Step out of the classroom and into the world. Praxis is an intensive one-year program for entrepreneurial young people who want to learn how to live and think like entrepreneurs. Get real-world experience working with dynamic businesses and the best of personal and professional coaching—all at once. We pair you with entrepreneurs across the country where you get paid to work 30 hours a week while working directly with your own personal and professional coach who will help you to push yourself and achieve your goals. Praxis is an accelerator for the startup of you. Break the mold. Find out what makes you come alive and do it. One year could change your life. Visit apply to apply, or contact us at info@ New from Amazon—when members shop using our link ( amazon), AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda National Headquarters. In addition, Amazon will continue to support our organization as they have in the past. Please use and share this link when shopping online. The link may also be accessed from the discount page at fbla‑ 12 PBL Business Leader Chapter News TEXAS Texarkana College PBL gives back to the community. For the last 15 years, they have participated in a coat drive and Toys for Tots, a Marine Corps Reserve program. Boxes are set up around campus for the coats that are collected and delivered to a local cleaner. They are responsible for cleaning and giving them to the agencies that will distribute them to the needy. On campus, toys are collected for the local Marine Corps Reserve. Several boxes were placed around campus to collect the toys from students and employees. FLORIDA Hillsborough Community College PBL students went to Bellamy Elementary School in Tampa to teach first graders through games and fun activities about financial literacy. They taught the children about business and money, and utilized flashcards to highlight key terms that the children were learning. Children completed a worksheet that allowed them to create their own business, with the name of the business, its main product sold, and product cost. There were many pizza parlors, ice cream shops, and action figure stores. They were taught about entrepreneurship and how one day, with hard work and if they believe in themselves, they could create their own businesses. They were encouraged to continue doing well in school, work toward their high school diploma, and attend college when they grow up. ARKANSAS Arkansas State University began the fall semester with the annual Penny Wars competition, encouraging students to donate money to the professor they would most like to see dress up for Halloween. The event was a success, raising over $800! The donations were shared with a portion going to the winner’s choice of charity, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, and the majority going to help the animals at the North East Arkansas Humane Society. The chapter also participated in the campuswide canned food drive. A total of 4,700 pounds of food was collected within two weeks, beating last year’s total by 100 pounds! The chapter wrapped up the fall semester with a bake sale for Make-A-Wish, raising almost $200. Submit your chapter news and photos at Winter 2016 13 Chapter News 14 PBL Business Leader
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are due by 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on May 15. Note that the national campaign guidelines have been
updated this year, so be sure to read the National Officer Candidate Guide so you are prepared to