(818) 886-8600 - St. Mel Parish
(818) 886-8600 - St. Mel Parish
Sunday, August 4, 2013 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Seeking Fellowship in Faith, Solidarity in Service, Excellence in Education This Week’s Mass Schedule Fr. David Whorton Pastor Fr. Vivian Ben Lima Associate Fr. Tom Thank you for your Priestly Ministry at St. Mel St. Mel Parish 20870 Ventura Boulevard Woodland Hills, CA 91364 Tel (818) 340-6020 Fax (818) 340-0261 Farewell Mass for Father Tom. Sunday, August 4 at the 11:00 AM Mass Monday—Friday 8:15 a.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. and Vigil 5 p.m. Visit our website at www.stmelparish.org Sunday 7:15, 9:00, 11:00 a.m. and 5 p.m. Parish Staff Pastor Fr. David Whorton, ext. 1014 Associate Fr. Vivian Ben Lima, ext. 1016 Director of Administration Rosemary McLarty, ext. 1019 Pastoral Care/Faith Formation Sr. Marie Paul Grech, SND ext. 1018 Elementary School Principal Mary Beth Lutz, 340-1924 Preschool Director Claudia Powell, 340-3180 Religious Education Coordinator Pat Andre, ext. 1022 Confirmation Coordinator Ella Sciarra, ext. 1015 Director of Music Ministry Francesco Alleruzzo, ext. 1028 Webmaster Joann Barros, ext. 1026 Secretary/Bookkeeper Arlene Connors, ext. 1012 Parish Center phone (818) 340-6020 Fax (818) 340-0261 Parish Patron St. Mel, nephew of St. Patrick, Bishop of Ardagh; died 489. Feast day February 6 Parish Center Hours Monday—Thursday 8:00 a.m.—8:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m.—7:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 9:00 a.m.—7:00 p.m. Parish Service Pastoral Council/Kerry Edwards 100 acrescrapper@charter.net Finance Council/James Hallissy Justice & Peace Council/Stephen Gruenfelder School Council/Jim Hudson 674-1110 621-5799 269-0858 340-6020 Liturgical Ministries Altar Servers/Kerry Edwards 100 acrescrapper@charter.net Altar Society/Catherine Ghaffari (Linens) Church Environment/Natalie Coultrip bncoultrip@sbcglobal.net Eucharistic Ministers/Kerry Edwards100 acrescrapper@charter.net Greeters for Sunday Liturgies/Margherita Aufmuth Lectors/Cindy Pardi Liturgy Committee/Kerry Edwards 100 acrescrapper@charter.net MultiMedia Ministry/Stephen Gruenfelder Music Ministry/Francesco Alleruzzo falleruzzo@stmel.org Sacristans/Kerry Edwards 100 acrescrapper@charter.net Ushers/Bob Aufmuth 674-1110 222-1303 346-6257 674-1110 269-0858 340-6020, x1028 674-1110 222-1303 Personal Growth/Spritual Development/Sacraments for Adults RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) & Adult Confirmation/ Sr. Marie Paul Grech, SND smpgrech@stmel.org Book Club/Tom Mackel Men’s Club/John O’Sullivan Partners in Prayer/Susie Screbant Rosary Ministry & Eucharist Adoration Coordinator/Mitos Bitong Theresians/Margie Treichler Women at the Well/Lynn Findling Saturday Women’s Circle/Rose Zeolla 340-6020, x1018 (805) 432-7707 710-9030 348-8386 710-9888 888-5824 348-4756 881-4732 Children and Youth Baptism Preparation/Pat Andre pandre@stmel.org Confirmation/Ella Sciarra esciarra@stmel.org Ministry of Moms Sharing Monica Matthews/Patty Glasgow RCIY (Rite of Christian Initiation of Youth)/Pat Andre pandre@stmel.org Religious Education PreK-8/Pat Andre pandre@stmel.org Sunday Preschool/Pat Andre pandre@stmel.org Vacation Bible School (VBS)/Pat Andre pandre@stmel.org Caring Ministries Ministry to the Sick & Homebound/Sr. Marie Paul Grech, SND smpgrech@stmel.org Motion Picture Hospital/Barbara Hurt Older Adult Services and Intervention (OASIS)/Adele Funari/Sunny McMullen Bereavement Ministry/Funeral Planning/Ella Sciarra esciarra@stmel.org 340-2570 340-6020, x1022 340-6020, x1015 992-5208/ 851-9113 340-6020, x1022 340-6020, x1022 340-6020, x1022 340-6020, x1022 340-6020, x1018 340-7057 992-5176/ 347-5434 340-6020, x1015 Outreach The Brown Bag Bunch/Nancy Gruenfelder The Hot Lunch Brunch/Nancy Gruenfelder Detention Ministry/Robert Gerrity JustFaith/Anselm & Pia Varni St. Vincent de Paul/Kent Gairdner 703-6522 703-6522 888-1066 346-8874 884-2291 Eve of First Friday 4:00—5:00 p.m. Respect Life Activities Pregnancy Counseling Center Angels Way Maternity Home/Betty Breneman 895-2500 346-2229 To Become a Registered Parishioner at St. Mel call (818) 340-6020, ext. 1012 or register online via our website: Hospitality/Social Adult Club/Betty Lewis Coffee & Donuts/Monica Matthews Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner/Frank & Martha Hules 343-8507 992-5208 222-6107 Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:45—4:45 p.m. www.stmelparish.org Archdiocesan Service Worldwide Marriage Encounter/Russ & Jeanine Walker Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women/Mati Goodman Safeguarding the Children/Amber MacMiller (805) 648-4244 591-3035 489-5038 A Word from Sr. Marie Paul, SND “A poverty-stricken elderly woman in Europe complained that her wealthy son in America was cruel and ungrateful. “Does he never send you any money?” a friend asked. “Never a penny,” she replied. “He sends me pictures quite often, but I do not need pictures, I need money.” The friend said, “Do you have any of these pictures?” “Oh, yes, I have them all, here in the old Bible.” When she pulled them out, her friend gasped. The “pictures” were fresh, crisp fifty-and hundred-dollar bills, a huge and generous gift at the turn of the nineteenth century. In order to enjoy our blessings, we first have to realize what we have. We might be sulking in squalor while we are surrounded by abundance. Are you missing any blessings in your life? Have you misplaced values to rob you of the abundance God has given you? Lord, open my eyes to see the gifts you have given me. Amen. (from Simple Truths) Coming in September: “Monday Morning Moms” Growing out of a morning RCIA program, MMM will provide an opportunity for our school moms to learn more about the Catholic faith, share their faith experiences, and grow in their understanding of what their children are and will be learning during their time at St. Mel Preschool and Elementary School. Join us after drop off beginning Sept. 9 A Prayer for Vocations Loving and Generous God, it is You who call us by name and ask us to follow You. Help us to grow in the Love and Service of our Church as we experience it today. Give us the energy and courage of Your Spirit to shape its future Grant us faith-filled leaders who will embrace Christ's Mission of love and justice. Bless the Church of Los Angeles by raising up dedicated and generous leaders from our families and friends who will serve Your people as Sisters, Priests, Brothers, Deacons and Lay Ministers. Inspire us to know You better and open our hearts to hear Your call. We ask this through our Lord. Stewardship Corner Our life does not consist of possessions. It consists of the love of Christ and our relationships with others. Please take a few moments to prayerfully consider your offertory gift to God in thanksgiving for the many blessings you have received this week. Electronic Giving at St. Mel Parish Did you know that St. Mel Parish is now providing Online Giving - a convenient and safe way to make a one-time or recurring donation. Online Giving offers you the opportunity to give the way you want, whenever you want. It costs you nothing and provides many advantages to you and the church. Benefits for You ♦ No check writing or ATM stops before church ♦ Safe, secure and confidential ♦ Schedule recurring or one-time donations ♦ Change a gift or account any time you like ♦ Earn rewards through your credit card Benefits for St. Mel ♦ Parish giving is consistent, whether you are at Mass or away for the weekend We ask that you consider using this service - especially during the summer months while you are on vacation. For questions call Rosemary McLarty at (818) 340-6020 x1019. St. Mel Multimedia Volunteer Openings! “Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are not willing to move your feet.” The Multimedia Ministry partners with the Music Ministry to provide a visual and musical blend to enhance our liturgical experience. This teamwork helps parishioners clap their hands and move their feet as they express prayerful Catholic devotion. Is it all smoke and mirrors? Who are these people behind the scenes? What is going on with the Multimedia Ministry behind that “screen”? We are the people behind the camera and in the control room pushing buttons and sliding toggles and adjusting sound and light levels. If the event requires capturing a moment on film, we are there! If there are animals to be blessed, new Catholics to be baptized, liturgical events to chronicle, or a newly ordained priest to celebrate, we are there! We are the dedicated parishioners who guide the digital helm to safe waters, and then return day after day, month after month, and year after year to repeat the process with new vigor and new technology. Do you have film, video or still photography experience, computer and PowerPoint knowledge…or no experience at all and would like to lend a hand to this amazing and talented group, give us a call…we will train and put you to work! Please call Stephen Gruenfelder at (818) 703-6522 or (818) 269-0858 to become a team member. Thanks for your support. Our Mission Statement We the Eucharistic Community of St. Mel Parish are committed to: ♦ Develop a deeper understanding of the Gospel message of Jesus through prayer, reflection and education ♦ Recognize and call forth the gifts of each parishioner ♦ Affirm the dignity of all persons by responding to their spiritual and material needs ♦ Celebrate our life together in worship as a faith community. Virtus Training Dates “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of my brethren, you did it to me.” Mat.25:40 Take Action Even During Legislative Recess California's lawmakers have left town for the month of July and will return in early August. Despite the muchappreciated quiet in the halls of the Capitol, your email and messages are still needed on a couple of bills. Staffers are still at work and can record your views on: ♦ ♦ AB 154 (Atkins, D-San Diego) will re-classify first trimester aspiration abortions as non-surgical and legalize non-physicians (nurse practitioners, nurse midwives and physician assistants) to perform the procedure and AB 980 (Pan, D-Sacramento), which will ease building standards for abortion clinics. This bill would endanger women’s health and reduce the quality of health care. Take action SB 131 (Beall, D-San Jose), The lawmakers are selectively targeting the Catholic Church by pushing a bill that would lift the statute of limitations for one year on cases of sexual abuse of minors, in Catholic institutions, while it exempts all public institutions, including the public schools, where 92% of the children in California attend. In 2008, California lawmakers unanimously passed a bill that treats public schools and private schools as equals in the application of the law on the sexual abuse of minors, but now the Legislators are trying to change the law by targeting only the Catholic and private schools and not the public schools. This is unjust that the Legislature specifically targets Catholic institutions and not the public. If the legislature truly wants to protect children, then it must protect all children everywhere. Take action. Visit www.cacatholic.org for more information. Visit us on line: justiceandpeace.stmelparish.org. Bags in the Baskets…Power in the Pews! How to Make This Happen Take a grocery bag and fill it with the food items listed. Return the bag of food to the basket at any Mass. Result: YOU are helping others who are hungry. Virtus Training Class —Sunday, August 25th, 2:00-5:00 p.m., Room 200 Parish Center. Current class includes new content that addresses internet and social sites safety. Recertification Class—Wednesday, September 4th, 8:30 a.m.—10:00 a.m. Room 200 Parish Center. To find additional classes and register online visit www.virtusonline.org. For more details visit the website: Virtus Training and Information. To RSVP for these classes please contact Amber MacMiller via email at:macmiller5@att.net. 2013 Los Angeles Catholic Prayer Breakfast Our Lady of the Angels Tuesday, September 17th 6:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Rosary, Mass, Breakfast & Speaker Matthew Kelly, Dynamic Catholic Institute $35.00/each in advance, $45/at the door Tables of 10: $300.00/each Reservations via Check or Credit Card (800) 838-1356 www.lacatholicpb.org Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop Saturday, September 21, 9:00 a.m.—2:30 p.m. Holy Spirit Retreat Center For more information (818) 783-4515 www.hsrcenter.com Archbishop Gomez is asking all Catholics to contact their Assembly members and Senators and urge them to vote “No” on Senate Bill 131. Simply tell your elected officials to vote “No” because this legislation fails to protect all victims of childhood sexual abuse, discriminates against Catholic schools and other private employers, and puts the social services and educational work of the Church at risk. The Bishops of the California Catholic Conference believe it is urgent for all Catholics to act now. To contact your Elected Officials, visit our webpage: www.LAFaithfulCitizen.org. Background on SB-131: 1. Senate Bill 131, now before the California Legislature, would suspend for one year a deadline (called a “statute of limitations”) to give childhood sexual abuse victims the chance to sue their abusers’ employers for damages resulting from their abuse. 2. SB-131 is not good legislation because it does not protect all children. In fact, the bill only allows lawsuits to be filed by children who were abused in religious and other private schools and organizations such as the YMCA or Little League. Children who were abused by public school teachers or other public employees are specifically not protected by SB 131. That means this legislation offers no protection for the 92 percent of California’s children who attend public schools or for children in foster care or in other public settings. 3.SB-131 unfairly targets only Catholic-run and other private institutions because it only allows lawsuits against private schools and organizations and specifically exempts public schools and other public institutions. The sexual abuse of children is a social reality. It is not limited to private institutions. Any legislation that seeks to deal with this grave problem should be applied to protect victims in all institutions in society — public and private— equally. 4. SB-131 does nothing to increase penalties against the actual abusers of children. The bill allows for monetary damages to be imposed on private employers. But it does not impose any civil or criminal penalties on the perpetrator. Did You Know? Helpful tips to help children and the elderly bear the heat Did you know that elderly people (65 years and older), infants and children and people with chronic medical conditions are more prone to heat stress. Keep in mind that airconditioning is the number one protective factor against heat-related illness and death. During conditions of extreme heat, spend time in locations with air-conditioning such as shopping malls, public libraries, or public health sponsored heat-relief shelters in your area. Get informed. Listen to local news and weather channels or contact your local public health department during extreme heat conditions for health and safety updates. Drink cool, nonalcoholic beverages and increase your fluid intake, regardless of your activity level. For more information visit: http:// emergency.cdc.gov/disasters/extremeheat/heat_guide.asp. The Book and Video Club Parish Center, Room 200, 7:00 p.m. On Wednesday August 21, we will be discussing : The Complete Idiot's Guide to Understanding Catholicism (The Complete Idiot's Guides), by Mary Faulkner and Robert O'Gorman. The Complete Idiot's Guide To Catholicism explores the world's largest religious denomination and introduces you to the Catholic practice. It offers you a new approach to learning Catholicism, covering the rituals and symbols of the religion, such as Mass, the Seven Sacraments, and the holy days and their meaning. The authors tell you how Catholicism has spread throughout the world, its roots, and how it has grown and changed over the course of this century. For further information contact Tom Mackel (805) 432-7707. St. Mel Bridge Club Dust off your old, but not forgotten, bridge skills and join the fun! The Bridge Club begins its next fun year in early September. The players meet the second Saturday of each month in sub groups of eight at host members’ homes. Skill levels range from “novice” to “better”. Don’t be shy. Join the fun! You’re invited whether single or a couple. Ed Roche is developing the schedule for the 13/14 season and must know who is interested in joining. Contact him NOW at 346-8051 or Gina Hayden at 884-0711. Grief Recovery Weekend for Widowed, Separated and Divorced Individuals—September 13-15 A “Beginning Experience” weekend will be held at the Holy Spirit Retreat Center in Encino for those who have experienced the loss of a spouse through death or divorce/separation. This program helps a person move from the darkness of grief into the light of a new beginning with renewed hope. Beginning Experience is recognized by the Office of Family Life for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. For info/registration, contact : Brenda Mikhail (818) 352-5265 or Patti Rizzo (661) 714-0998 or Peg Setti (818) 767- 1007 or Maria Rojas (310) 3650186 (bilingual Spanish). The Beginning Experience website is www.beginningexperience.org and email is bela2011-30@hotmail.com. Worldwide Marriage Encounter A WWME Weekend will help you enjoy life with a new closeness to each other and God. Come join us for a weekend which gives you the time and tools to revitalize romance, deepen communication, and nourish the spirituality in your marriage. The next WWME weekends are September 20-22 in Chatsworth and November 15-17 in Ventura. Apply on line at www.twocanlove.org or call Jeanine and Russ Walker: 805-648-4244. Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 4 Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart. — Psalm 90:12 Saturday, August 3 5:00 Jack Cragin Sunday, August 4 7:15 John Battista 9:00 Joe Gurule 11:00 Mass for the People 5:00 Nena de Jaen Monday, August 5 8:15 Vinnie Quigley Tuesday, August 6 8:15 Frances Cram Wednesday, August 7 8:15 Al Granzow Thursday, August 8 8:15 John Kennedy Friday, August 9 8:15 Fernando Ibanez Saturday, August 10 8:00 Mary Lou Crilley Today’s Readings First Reading — Vanity of vanities! All things are vanity! (Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21-23). Psalm — If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. (Psalm 90). Second Reading — You too will appear with Christ your life in glory. (Colossians 3:1-5, 9-11). Gospel — For though one may be rich, one’s life does not consist of possessions. (Luke 12:13-21). Readings for the Week Monday: Tuesday: Prayer for the Priests Wednesday: 8/1 Rev. Michael Stechmann, OAR 8/2 Rev. Thomas Peacha 8/3 Rev. Albert Bahhuth 8/4 Rev. Kevin Kester 8/5 Rev. Xavier D’Souza 8/6 Rev. Hernan Canete, OAR 8/7 Rev. Samuel Ward 8/8 Rev. Guillermo Garcia Vargas, CS 8/9 Rev. Paul Griesgraber 8/10 Rev. Msgr. Padraic Loftus Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Pray for Our Beloved Deceased In your Masses and prayers during the week please remember the repose of the souls of our deceased parishioners including John Gaudino. Bereavement Support at St. Mel The St. Mel Bereavement Support Group meets every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the elementary school faculty lounge. All are welcome. Email: bereavement@stmel.org or call Sister Marie Paul at (818) 340-6030, ext. 1018, email, smpgrech@stmel.org. Nm 11:4b-15; Ps 81:12-17; Mt 14:13-21 Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9; 2 Pt 1:16-19; Lk 9:28b-36 Nm 13:1-2, 25 — 14:1, 26-29a, 34-35; Ps 106:6-7ab, 13-14, 21-23; Mt 15:21-28 Nm 20:1-13; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Mt 16:13-23 Dt 4:32-40; Ps 77:12-16, 21; Mt 16:24-28 2 Cor 9:6-10; Ps 112:1-2, 5-9; Jn 12:24-26 Wis 18:6-9; Ps 33:1, 12, 18-22; Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 [1-2, 8-12]; Lk 12:32-48 [35-40] Saints and Special Observances Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major The Transfiguration of the Lord St. Sixtus II and Companions; St. Cajetan St. Dominic; Eid al-Fitr (Islamic observance of the end of Ramadan) begins St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross St. Lawrence Time to register for 2013-2014 Religious Education! Registration forms for children, ages 2-14 for the 2013-2014 Religious Education Classes are available in the Parish Center or online at stmelparish.org. Please fill out the forms COMPLETELY, one for each child being registered. If you registered last year, we still require that you complete a new form for this year. Two-year old children must be two by September 1. Parents of new applicants for grades 1 through 8 must provide a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate with this registration form unless your child was baptized at St. Mel. The copy of the baptismal certificate must be provided prior to the first day of class. ANNUAL FEES ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1 CHILD $75.00, 2 CHILDREN $125.00, 3 CHILDREN $150.00. NEW 2014 First Communion fee per child gr. 2-5, $50.00. If the cost of providing religious education for your child is an issue for your family in these difficult economic times, please call Pat Andre at (818) 340-6020, ext. 1022 to arrange an individual payment plan. CLASS SCHEDULES BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 28TH AND 29TH GRADES 1-5: Saturday morning: 9:00-10:30 a.m.; GRADES 1, 2 Sunday, 9:00-10:00 a.m. Mass; 10:00-11:00 a.m. instruction (other Sunday classes available depending upon teacher volunteers) GRADES 6/7/8: Sunday evenings, twice monthly: (following 5:00 p.m. Mass), At 6:15 p.m. -- 7:30 p.m. RCIY Sunday evenings, twice monthly: (during the 5:00 p.m. Mass). This class is for adolescents in grades 6-8 who have not received the sacraments of Baptism and/or First Holy Communion) PRESCHOOL (2, 3, 4, and 5 yr. old): Sunday morning: 9:00-10:00 a.m. during the 9:00 a.m. Mass Teen Confirmation Information Confirmation Registration is going on now! Calling all 9th, 10th and 11th graders: Confirmation preparation is a 2 year process, conducted at the parish, with the celebration of the sacrament during the Easter season of the second year. For registration forms: Pick up forms in the Parish Center OR Call or e-mail and request that the forms are e-mailed to you OR Call or e-mail and request that the forms are mailed to you OR Download forms from the website: www.stmelparish.org The calendar for the year is available on the parish website. All who have completed Year 1 need to register again for the 2nd year. In order for us to process all paperwork for the upcoming year, prepare the classes, assign small groups and recruit and train enough facilitators, the deadline for registration is September 15. The registration fee is $225 each year. That includes all classes and retreats. Please mail or deliver the forms and a check to the St. Mel Parish Center, Attention: Confirmation. With the growing number of teens enrolling in our program, we are looking for energetic adults and teens, who have been confirmed and practice their faith, to help facilitate small groups. If you feel called to share your gifts, please feel free to contact us for more information. If you have any questions, please contact the Confirmation Coordinator, Ella Sciarra, (818) 340-6020 X 1015 esciarra@stmel.org. Save the Dates to conclude the YEAR OF FAITH: September 16 October 19 November 9 Sr. Gretchen Hailer---Aging with Grace Mrs. Anne Hansen--Women's Retreat Fr. Jim Clarke--Men's Retreat What is RCIA? The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is the means by which adults can become full, active, participating members of the Catholic Church. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic faith? Are you an adult baptized Catholic who would like to continue your sacramental preparation (Eucharist and/or Confirmation)? Are you a baptized Christian who is feeling drawn to the Catholic tradition? Are you a seeker? A person who has not grown up in a specific faith tradition but would like to develop a relationship with a faith community? Do you know someone who is interested in knowing more about the Catholic faith? If you answered YES to any of these questions, RCIA may be for you! Please call or email Sister Marie Paul for more information at (818) 340-6020 ext. 1018 or smpgrech@stmel.org. 0H47041 AUTO • HOME LIFE • BUSINESS Bus: 818.284.6061 Cell: 818.203.6565 TOM KAGEFF tkageff@farmersagent.com INSURANCE AGENCY 23901 Calabasas Road Suite 2092 Husband • Father • Parishioner Since 2005 (Across from the Commons) FRANKLINS HARDWARE 818-347-6800 21936 VENTURA AT TOPANGA PARISHIONER SINCE 1957 Decks/Balconies Fence-Wood/Vinyl Masonry/Brick Roofing Insulation Gutters Shamrock Plumbing Service Sewer Cleaning & Repair Specialists 24 Hr. Emergency Service Woodland Hills 348-1878 Lic# 803105 422724 800.303.MIKE mikesroofing.com Century West BMW 4245 Lankershim Blvd North Hollywood, CA 91602 For a hassle free buying experience call A SYMBOL OF TRUST Joseph P. Sciarra, D.D.S. Parishioner Gates, Kingsley & Gates Praiswater Mortuary 224-2970 Dentistry For Children 22554 Ventura Bl., Ste. 102 Woodland Hills, CA 91364 6909 Canoga Blvd. Canoga Park, CA 91303 818-348-3354 FD 1066 Brandon White Client Advisor (818) 515-8726 New and Certified Pre Owned BMW’s Local Parishioner Affordable Nurse Assistant classes are now available at the (818) 909-7494 Annenberg School Trenchless Sewer Experts Complete Plumbing Services Visa LIC #606148 MC of Nursing. MICHELANGELO Call 818-757-4431 HAIR HOUSE or go to www.asn.edu AWARD WINNING STYLISTS SPECIALIZING IN HAIR CUTS AND COLOR CORRECTION WE ALSO OFFER THESE SERVICES: EXTENSIONS • FOOT AND SPA SERVICES Financial aid for those who qualify. LAW OFFICES OF MARK G. CUNNINGHAM, APC Brazilian Blowout Treatments NOW FEATURING: (818) 340-0200 WWW.MICHELANGELOHAIRHOUSE.COM RANDY SCHLEE PLUMBING Repair • Remodel • Repipe Serving the West Valley For Over 20 Years! (Parishioner) 20300 Ventura Blvd., Ste 300, Woodland Hills 818-999-9205 • mcunningham@mgclawyer.com 19710 Ventura Blvd. • Woodland Hills, CA 91364 Wills & Trusts • “Don’t let your loved ones struggle when you’re gone” Parishioner Joanie Louis License # 01362422 (818) 876-3138 agentjoanielouis@aol.com www.JoanieLouis.com “It’s Not Just Your House, It’s Your Home” Mention This Ad for 10% St. Mel Parent Alumni & Parishioner Louisville Alumni Crespi, Chaminade Parent Alumni DISCOUNT! Parishioner Lic. #522357 (818) 340-2628 BASTIAN & PERROTT OSWALD MORTUARY Cremations Advance Planning Se habla español 519934 St Mel Church (B) Ed Perrott - FDR-1955 18728 Parthenia St., Northridge (818) 886-8600 FD# 1198 Jim’s Fallbrook Market Meat-Groceries-Produce Ice-Keg Beer FRESH FISH COUNTER 5947 Fallbrook 347-5525 www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 CRAWFORD MORTUARY DANNY’S PAINTING Interior/Exterior • Drywall • Stucco • Drywall Repair Free Estimates Call Danny (818) 269-3710 or (818) 883-2508 8717 TAMPA AVE., NORTHRIDGE FD – Affordable Funerals #1228 (818) 349-9701 Fred Stahl Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Agent, Lic. # OF33531 Parishioner Lic #615476 Bonded & Insured 16 Year Parishioner WE ALSO SPEAK TAGALOG 18740 Oxnard Street, Suite 314, Tarzana, CA 91356-5959 Bus 818-705-5846 Fax 818-342-7614 Cell 818-618-3697 fred.stahl.mtxd@statefarm.com The greatest compliment you can give is a referral Local Parishioner KATHERINE STARK DRE License# 00947256 • International President’s Elite Top 2% • Call Katherine for a Free Market Evaluation! A Professional, Reliable and Excellent Provider for your Home Care Needs • Private Duty • Certified Nursing Assistants • Nursing Companions • Live-In Caregivers • Live-Out Caregivers • Sitters Call Frank (818) 554-1072 Email: VSHC91@yahoo.com www.VitalSupportHomeCare.com 21757 Devonshire Street Suite 4 Chatsworth, CA 91311 www.active-copy.com HAIR & NAILS STATIONS FOR RENT Tel: 818-998-2561 Fax: 818-998-2329 Community Speech & Hearing Center Parishioner • Speech Pathology • Audiology • Counseling • Hearing Instrument Services Nada Kommel Administrator License #197602422 CLARENDON ASSISTED LIVING 18740 Ventura Blvd., Suite 100 Tarzana, CA 91356 SANDI GILBERT, M.A./CCC.A (818) 774-0224 FAX (818) 774-1935 Senior Audiologist Hearing Instrument Dispenser 818.469.0800 RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITY FOR THE ELDERLY Phone: 818.716.5904 Fax: 818.348.8390 Cell: 818.481.2530 FANTASTIC PLUMBING LIC. 638291 (818) 999-5818 Fax. (818) 704-5262 WATER MAIN, GAS LINE, DRAIN, SEWER PIPE REPLACED COPPER REPIPE - DRAIN CLEANING 24 Hr EMERGENCY REPAIR www.Homes2Estates.com 818.887.7516 www.KidzCity.us 20841 VENTURA BLVD, WOODLAND HILLS Founders Family Parishioner & Alumni (Target Mall Desoto & Ventura Blvd.) Unique Indoor Play Center 2yrs-12yrs Drop Off & Go or Stay & Chat Wii, Xbox, Computer Games, Ping Pong, Air Hockey Birthday Parties • Open Play After School Programs • Tutoring MARY KAY Kourosh Zarrinnia DMD, MS, PC Orthodontist Former Chairman, Department of Orthodontics Temple University, Pennsylvania Lic. #547940 Home Construction - Remodeling - Commercial Improvements (818) 223-3228 Chuck Myall Jerry Kremicki Local Parishioners It’s time to pamper your skin. You and your friends can experience a free facial demonstration. You’ll love our products! Ask for Nanette 818-642-2284 or go to www.marykay.com/nabad WHY IS IT TEL: 818-225-0530 FAX: 818-225-1197 A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. 22600 Ventura Blvd., Suite 202 Woodland Hills, CA 91364 Member (next to Sprouts) (818) 888-2577 ACTIVE COPY SUPPORT (818) 590-8847 Mobile Off. 21807 VENTURA BLVD. WOODLAND HILLS LITIGATION COPY ❘ SCANNING/IMAGING ❘ PRINTING • Access MLS at www.KatherineStark.com 22744 Clarendon Street Woodland Hills, CA 91367 Email: info@clarendonliving.com www.clarendonliving.com NEW CLIENT SPECIAL MEN’S HAIRCUT: $20 WOMEN’S H/C & BLOW DRY: $35 COLOR & H/C & BLOW DRY: $65 HIGHLIGHT & H/C & BLOW DRY: $85 BRAZILIAN BLOWOUT: $125 & UP WE DO FACIAL THREADING & EYELASHES EXTENSIONS drzarrinnia.com COMPLIMENTARY ORTHODONTIC EVALUATION FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS UPON FIRST VISIT! WHY IS IT? ADRIANA GRACIA HAIR STYLIST & BARBER SERVICE Lic. #671960 Water Damage Repair • Acoustic Ceiling Spray Painting Acoustic Ceiling Removal • Drywall, Plaster, Stucco Repair Wallpaper Removal • Crown Moldings • Base Boards • Door Casing, Etc. 25 Years Experience • FREE ESTIMATES • Small Jobs Welcome Full Service Hair Stylist Haircuts & Hairstyling for Men, Women & Children (818) 421-6402 Parishioner Parishioner Discount for first visit 818.830.0133 519934 St Mel Church (A) 818.899.9135 www.jspaluch.com Excellence since 1960 7654 Tampa Ave. • Reseda, CA 91335 818-888-7654 • www.pabbodyshop.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 A 1,000 “thank ya kindly’s” to all of our adult and teen volunteers who helped to make our 2013 Sonwest Roundup Vacation Bible School such a “rip-roaring, Success!” We couldn’t have done it without all of you who care so much about our parish children. Thank you for giving of yourselves and your time. You truly make A BIG difference! Mrs. Pat Andre ADULT VOLUNTEERS Joan Quandt, VBS Director Jackie Andrade Rick Andre Jennifer Antin Elizabeth Ayala Jennifer Bader Megan Birthistle Sharla Bridgett Andrea Cogbill Lynn Conde Jennifer Conmy Sandra Cowles Lourdes Curley Michele Davison Kat Derrig-Palumbo Kim Dillard Virginia Dooley Lauren Antin Samantha Bader Christian Camacho Claire Consola Katherine Consola Tessa Costello-Ritchie Cami Dunne Kelsi Dunne Kinsey Dunne Louis Gonzales Nadia Gonzales Lisa Feliciano Patti Glasgow Alecia Grimes Heather Jimenez Gary Kaluza Amy Kearin Cheryl Koffman Susan Kozman Tracy Labat Tanita Leets Lindsay Lieber Stephanie Malcolm Omar Martinica & Lynn Osher Diana McGrane Jennifer Murkey Susie Penney TEEN VOLUNTEERS Nikki Kearin Ray Kearin Ben Lake Hanna Lerner Connor Marking Nick McDonald Sean Mooney Jonathan Ngai Nicole Norman Lauren Nwajei Jackson Nye Brooke Perez Jenni Porter David Quandt Eva Rankin Stelio & Carla Savante Mary Szegedy Tracy Taylor Phyllis Thoene Katy Vega Eric & Krissy Welch Bob Woodlock Selena Wray Anehita Okojie Austin Porter Dillon Porter Naveed Poursadeghi Paige Ruedy Alexandra Salisbury Brianna Tanusi Tracy Tanusi Megan Travis Lana Zimmerman Yvonne Zimmerman
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