ZZZWUDYHOFRXULHUFD 'HFHPEHU $'9(57,6(0(17 1218PAGE01_02_05_07_09_13_17.indd 1 12/15/2014 11:30:24 AM All-inclusive holidays To paradise and beyond Powdery golden sand, comfortable rooms, a location near the mall and excellent value make the Grand Paradise Playa Dorada in Puerto Plata a sure bet for families, friends and couples this winter. An array of activities awaits guests of all ages, along with 3 dinners at both à la carte restaurants. Children under 13 stay and eat for free, while newlyweds dreaming of a romantic, post-wedding celebration get a complimentary honeymoon package! Book your Sun vacation 1218PAGE01_02_05_07_09_11_13_17.indd 2 nolitours.com 12/15/2014 3:04:43 PM Transat readies for Europe battle in 2015 feisty Transat kicked off its 2015 EuroA pean season to the trade last week declaring “We’re ready!” for the battle with Air Canada (and increasingly WestJet as it makes its initial transatlantic forays) for the hearts and wallets of Canadian consumers and the business of the travel trade. At a special VIP trade lunch in a gallery in Toronto’s Distillery District, Transat VP of National Accounts & Commerical Denise Heffron said, “I get a lot of questions about the competition – no names – but let me say, we are ready!” Alluding to the tsunami that currently is Air Canada and Air Canada rouge, she said, “We knew what was coming,” pointing to the refurbishment of Transat planes a couple of years back and reorganization of 18 air space Transat divisions and 10 delta page sales teams this fall. 18 fams One manifestation of the new strategy 21 classifieds is production of a single Transat Holidays English national brochure that folds many previously separate divisions, including Transat Discoveries, into one simple guide. Following are highlights of the 2015 Europe program: Celebrating Transat’s Europe launch for 2015 last week are the company’s Nicole Bursey, Dan Prior and Denise Heffron. CABOSt unning VANCOUVER DEPARTURES ALL INCLUSIVE ROYAL SOLARIS LOS CABOS ++++ Los JAN 19 & 26 DELUXE ROOM FOR FULL SELECTION OF HOTELS VISIT WWW.SUNWING.CA $ 865 + $375 Taxes LIVE IT TO BELIEVE IT The Airline Ticket Centre a DECEMBER 18, 2014 1218NEWZ.indd 3 SM company TRAVEL COURIER 3 12/15/2014 2:58:32 PM • Direct flights from Canada to 27 destinations in Europe; • New destination Budapest, with direct flights from Toronto and Montreal; • Increased flight capacity and frequency to numerous European cities including Barcelona, Athens and Lisbon; • Travel options for all types of vacationers: packages, tours, cruises and a vast array of à la carte options; • Best-selling off-the-beaten-path tours from Transat Discoveries in faraway destinations such as India, Thailand, Peru and Ecuador; • Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa and Turkey; • And, early-booking promotions. Hefron also revealed a “secret” – not yet unveiled in full publicly: coming connector fares from Vancouver, Quebec City and Halifax to feed into Transat’s European flights. She also noted that Transat is committed to better utilizing its Paris and London hubs for connections and is introducing flights from St. John’s to London Gatwick. As for new destination Budapest, it HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Please note that Travel Courier will not publish on Dec. 25. However, we will be back with a new issue on Thursday, Jan. 1. Please check TravelPress.com for news during our break. Happy holidays everyone! joins this year’s new entry, Prague, as Transat continues to look for opportunities to open up Eastern European, according to Transat Tours Canada commerical director Nicole Bursey, with Heff ron noting that Transat’s goal is to add at least two new destinations a year across its roster in coming years. Bursey reminded Transat’s top travel agents and chain chiefs that the company is big on groups and cruising and offers winter holidays in Europe. She also asked for agents’ help in 2015 in boosting awareness of Transat’s coach tours, explaining, “We don’t have our name on the side of every bus, [so] we don’t have big brand awareness. We need [your] help to get the awareness out.” — Michael Baginski PORTER DOING THE CHARLESTON Porter Airlines is introducing seasonal service between Charleston, S.C., and Toronto. From Feb. 14 to May 2, 2015, Porter will operate one weekly round-trip flight, with introductory one-way fares beginning at $238, including all fees and taxes. Flights are now available for booking. Porter touts Charleston for its “superior golf courses, pristine beaches along the Atlantic Ocean, and a historic downtown full of charm and southern hospitality.” “Charleston is a truly southern destination that offers FOUNDER W.H. Baxter 1919-2004 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Edith Baxter ebaxter@baxter.net PRESIDENT David McClung dmcclung@baxter.net T he “smoke on the water” resulting from the Dec. 4, 1971, burning of the Montreux Casino in Montreux, Switzerland, has long cleared from Lake Geneva, but the fire’s musical legacy lives on. The fire, which broke out during a Frank Zappa concert, was immortalized in the Deep Purple song Smoke on the Water, and Francois Michel of Switzerland’s Leman region says there’s a silver lining in every tragedy. “We all regret the casino burned. But it was an enormous promotion [for Montreux],” he says, adding, callers to his office who are left on hold will hear the tune. Deep Purple was in Montreux to record an album and band members actually witnessed the fire. Michel says Montreux and Deep Purple’s classic song are forever linked. “Everyone knows that famous riff.” EXECUTIVE V.P. OPERATIONS Wendy McClung wmcclung@baxter.net Vol. 49 No. 49 www.travelcourier.ca EXECUTIVE EDITOR Bob Mowat bobmowat@baxter.net EDITOR/PUBLISHER Michael Baginski baginski@baxter.net ASSISTANT EDITOR Greg D. Coates gcoates@baxter.net QUEBEC EDITOR Mike Dunbar mdunbar@total.net WESTERN EDITOR Ted Davis teddavis@baxter.net 604-685-2588 FAX: 604-734-9743 STAFF WRITER Ian Stalker istalker@baxter.net; SALES & MARKETING DIRECTOR INT’L. MARKETING SALES MANAGER ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE AUDIENCE/PROD. DEVELOPMENT MGR. CLASSIFIEDS PRODUCTION ART DIRECTOR PRODUCTION MANAGER ADV. MATERIAL COORDINATOR CIRCULATION Earl Lince elince@baxter.net Rodney Tugwell rtugwell@baxter.net Mitchell McClung mmcclung@baxter.net Emily McClung emcclung@baxter.net Tabatha Fernandez-Bradley tfbradley@baxter.net Johnny Koo johnkoo@baxter.net Wayne Labourn wlabourn@baxter.net Sharron Taylor staylor@baxter.net Dee Ristic dristic@baxter.net REGIONAL SALES REPRESENTATIVES WESTERN CANADA Terry Ohman ohman@baxter.net 604-657-2100 ALBERTA Greg Ohman greg.ohman@baxter.net 403-804-3497 QUEBEC AND ATLANTIC CANADA Rodney Tugwell rtugwell@baxter.net 416-968-7252 FAX: 416-968-7569 USA Earl Lince elince@baxter.net 416-968-7252 FAX: 416-968-7569 FLORIDA - SOUTH Dino Torres t_dino@bellsouth.net 305-775-8734 FAX: 305-477-6607 FLORIDA - NORTH Gillian Harper GHTourismSolutions@gmail.com 954-933-2786 HAWAII Laurie Doerschlen MdLinks@aol.com 808-737-4621 FAX: 808-737-2695 MEXICO Paloma Martinez pmartinez@towmar.net 52 55 2122-3900 FAX: 52 55 5395-4985 CENTRAL & SOUTH AMERICA Lillian Martinez twtrm@earthlink.net 305-476-1130 SPAIN Luis Andrade landrade@luisandrade.com 34-91-4416266 FAX: 34-91-4416549 TRAVEL COURIER is published weekly by Baxter Travel Media at 310 Dupont St., Toronto, Ont., Canada M5R 1V9 Tel.: 416-968-7252, Fax: 416-968-2377/416-968-7569. Single price per copy $2.00 (plus applicable taxes) Subscription Rates: Canada - $60 per year(plus applicable taxes). HST #R120906425): Foreign - $110 US per year. ISSN 1182-9699 Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement No. 40063078. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Circulation Department, 310 Dupont Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5R 1V9 e-mail: circ@baxter.net PRINTED IN CANADA Copyright 2014. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage. 4 TRAVEL COURIER 1218NEWZ.indd 4 DECEMBER 18, 2014 12/15/2014 2:58:13 PM 1218PAGE01_02_05_07_09_13_17.indd 5 12/15/2014 1:19:31 PM some of the world’s best hospitality,” said Robert Deluce, president and CEO of Porter Airlines. “It is a welcome complement to our growing network that I know passengers will embrace.” Porter Escapes packages will be available at www.porterescapes.com in early 2015. GOWAY INTRODUCES FAMILY VACATIONS Downunder-specialist Goway has introduced six vacations specifically tailored for families. Each has been carefully put together using family-friendly, twobedroom apartmentstyle, accommodation with kitchen and laundry facilities, interesting day 6 TRAVEL COURIER 1218NEWZ.indd 6 Germany is synonymous with Christmas, and the German National Tourist Office is synonymous with Christmas in Canada, having hosted – along with partners such as Lufthansa – a holiday event for the media for close to 40 years. Shown here at this year’s event at the Consul General’s residence, are (l-r) LH’s Chris Wendland; Carina Schumacher, GNTO; German Consul General Walter Stechel; Antje Splettstoesser, GNTO; and Ted Kalaboukis, Wines of Germany. tours and some unique experiences. Some ideas include the popular Aussie Sampler which visits the Australia Zoo, made famous by the late Steve Irwin, Australia’s Crocodile Hunter. The Aussie Adventure includes accommodation for 10 nights in Brisbane, Surfers Paradise, Sydney and Cairns, a Dolphin Adventure day tour, Crocodile Express tour to the Australia Zoo, Outer Barrier Reef cruise, Kuranda all-inclusive tour, Sydney city sights tour, and a Blue Mountains day tour. All children booked on Goway’s Family Programs receive the Goway “Kids Backpack” (aimed at children 11 and under) to keep them busy on the international flight, which includes Backpack, Activity Book/Travel Journal, colouring pencils, disposable camera, selection of stickers, and more. ▶www.Goway.com MERIT PARTNERS WITH TIC INSURANCE Merit Travel Group has partnered with TIC Travel Insurance Coordinators (TIC) to be its new provider of travel insurance solutions. The new suite of travel insurance options from TIC will be available beginning Feb. 1, 2015, through a fiveyear exclusive agreement. It will offer a combination of existing and customized solutions, with a focus on flexible coverage, service, an easy claims process and affordable coverage, which includes special student and group rates. “Merit needed a travel insurance provider who could work with us to develop customized solutions for our broad range of customer groups,” said Michael Merrithew, CEO of Merit Travel Group. “With TIC-Allianz we have found this kind of partner...” ▶www.merit.ca DECEMBER 18, 2014 12/15/2014 2:57:52 PM Experience the Difference™ LIVE IT TO BELIEVE IT ACAPULCO A breathtaking city that makes every moment count 365 Days of Sunshine, Guaranteed. TORONTO DEPARTURES . ONE WEEK FLIGHT + HOTEL COPACABANA BEACH HOTEL ACAPULCO ++++ +"/'&# )05&-300. ALL FLIGHTS OFFER AWARDWINNING SUNWING AIRLINES' CHAMPAGNE SERVICE $ 435 ALL INCLUSIVE RITZ ACAPULCO +++PLUS +"/'&# 0$&"/7*&8 $ + 392 Taxes 300. $ ALL INCLUSIVE 635 +$392 Taxes For all guests at no extra cost: ,H'3&&DIFDLFECBHHBHFt#PO7PZBHFHMBTTPGDIBNQBHOFt$IPJDFPG )PU'SFTI#JTUSP.FBMTXJUIXJOFt4PGUESJOLTt)PUUPXFMTFSWJDFt-FBUIFS TFBUJOHt'JSTUSVONPWJFTt)FBETFUTt,JETCBDLQBDLTXJUIHBNFTUPZT PARK ROYAL ACAPULCO ++++ +"/'&# )05&-300. $ 785 +$392 Taxes UPGRADE to Elite Plus Service bookable online for only $40 each way!: "MMGFBUVSFTPG$IBNQBHOF4FSWJDF1-64&YUSBMFHSPPNTFBUTt"EWBODF TFBU TFMFDUJPO t LH FYUSB DIFDLFE CBHHBHF t 1SJPSJUZ DIFDLJO BOE CPBSEJOHt1SJPSJUZCBHHBHFIBOEMJOH Toronto departures. All prices are gross per person based on double occupancy for 7 nights on all inclusive vacations (unless otherwise specified) and were available at the time of printing. Seats at the above prices are limited and subject to change without prior notice. Applicable to new bookings only. Not combinable with any other offers. Transportation taxes & related fees shown must be pre-paid. In-flight services vary by flight time and destination. Flights are with Sunwing Airlines or Travel Services. For full terms and conditions, please refer to the Sunwing Vacations 2014/15 brochure. 27 Fasken Drive Toronto Ontario M9W 1K6 Ont Reg #2476582 | 12182014 1218PAGE01_02_05_07_09_13_17.indd 7 12/15/2014 11:30:03 AM WESTJET, DELTA WestJet has launched a reciprocal frequent-flyer agreement with Delta Air Lines, a codeshare partner with WestJet since 2012. The agreement allows WestJet Rewards members to earn WestJet dollars on flights marketed and operated by Delta Air Lines, with access to Delta’s extensive global network of more than 300 destinations on six continents. In addition to the new accrual agreement, WestJet now also offers WestJet Rewards members the ability to use WestJet dollars on all codeshare flights marketed by WestJet and operated by Delta. ▶www.westjet.com/ rewards PORTER AIRLINES Porter Airlines is helping the Toronto 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games reach new heights as the “Official Canadian Airline” and a signature supporter of the Toronto 2015 Torch Relays. The airline will transport the flame during the Pan Am torch relay to communities across Ontario and beyond, helping to build Passengers at Munich Airport can again visit the Winter Market at the Munich Airport Center (MAC) through Dec. 28. In addition to a larger ice skating and curling rink and live entertainment on stage, this year’s market has an ice slide. enthusiasm and support for the Games, as well as providing general flight transportation needs. ▶www.flyporter.com AIR TRANSAT Air Transat will begin offering direct flights from Toronto to Havana, Cuba, starting Dec. 22 and operating March 30, 2015. Travellers wishing to stay in the Cuban capital, known for its architecture, will be able to choose one of several packages offered by Transat Holidays and Nolitours. Available hotels include the Iberostar Parque Central and the Tryp Habana Libre, a new addition to Transat’s offering. For those wanting to explore further, Havana can also be a point of departure for discovering other parts of the island, or to embark, directly from the airport, on a seven-night Cuba Cruise. ▶www.transatholidays.com 8 TRAVEL COURIER 1218AIR_SPACE.indd 8 ROUGE Air Canada rouge has launched Canada’s only non-stop service between Toronto and Honolulu, Hawaii. The seasonal service operates twice weekly on a Boeing 767-300 aircraft with 280 seats offering three choices of seating comfort. Customers on the inaugural flight were treated to a ribbon-cutting ceremony before departing, gift bags and a host of onboard treats and celebratory activities. ▶www.flyrouge.com AIR CANADA Air Canada will launch non-stop service between Toronto and Dubai beginning Nov. 3, 2015. The new route will extend the airline’s international network farther into the Middle East at a time of increased travel between North America and the region. Tickets are on sale now for the three-timesweekly service. ▶www.aircanada.ca DECEMBER 18, 2014 12/15/2014 2:51:33 PM the undisputed leader in all-inclusive excellence ® Sandals Grande St. Lucian Spa & Beach Resort More quality inclusions than any other resorts on the planet It’s more than incredible choices and exceptional quality. It’s the unprecedented combination of both that elevates Sandals Resorts to its unique position as the World’s ® Best, providing your clients with everything they’d expect and far more than they ever dreamed of. In everything we do, from our signature pools to our unforgettable level of ser vice, the name Sandals has become iconic for quality and luxur y. Sandals Includes What Others Don’t ® The Luxury Included Vacation ® More Land & Water Sports (even waterskiing) • Unlimited Scuba Diving for Certified Divers • Unlimited Rounds of Golf* • Complimentary Instruction & Equipment • Unlimited Gourmet Discovery Dining with up to 16 Restaurants per Resort • Exclusive Dine-Around Program • Up to 9 Bars per Resort • Unlimited Premium Brand Liquors • Exclusive Robert Mondavi Twin Oaks wines • Stay at One, Play at ▲ Any Sandals • Free Wedding • Unique Love Nest Dream Suites • English Guild-Trained Butlers & Concierges for Top-Tier Suites • Poolside & Beachside Valet • Free Basic Wi-Fi • Long Distance Phone Calls† for Club Sandals Guests • Caribbean’s Best Beaches • Private Offshore Island Adventures • Tipping, Transfers & Government Taxes • And More • Always Included & Always Unlimited Call 1-800-SANDALS or visit sandals.com ▲ Amenities vary by resort. *Green fees may be additional at Sandals Emerald Bay. In Jamaica and Saint Lucia, caddies are mandatory, but not included. For more details and restrictions, go to www.sandals.com/free-wedding. †Conditions apply. Sandals is a registered trademark. Unique Vacations, Inc. is the affiliate of the worldwide representative of Sandals Resorts. ® 1218PAGE01_02_05_07_09_13_17.indd 9 12/15/2014 11:29:42 AM ‘Mix & Mingle’ shows off new Delta Toronto Baxter Travel Media, Delta Hotels and Air Canada teamed up last week to host a “Holiday Mix & Mingle” for travel industry personnel and show off Delta’s new downtown Toronto, flagship property, which just opened a few weeks ago. Guests attending the event were treated to hotel tours and had a chance to win prizes. Located at 75 Lower Simcoe St. – connected to Union Station and the convention centre via the PATH – the Delta Toronto boasts 567 rooms on 46 floors. It is the first purpose-built hotel (there are no residences) built in downtown Toronto in 25 years. Facilities at the four-star hotel include an indoor pool, health and wellness centre, bar/lounge and restaurant, and 17,000 square feet of meeting space. 1 2 1) Shakir Farsakh, Vice Consul for Commercial Affairs, Consulate General of the United States of America; Ruth Williamson, US Department of Commerce. 2) Brian Bobroff, Flight Centre; Jamie Fox, Air Canada; Yury Manukhov, Canadian Gateway 3 3) Baxter Travel Media president David McClung with Jennifer Worden, director, sales and marketing, for the Delta Toronto 4 4) Globus family of brands’ Stéphanie Bishop and Patrice Geske 5) American Express’ Alfred Payne and Dean Rogers 5 6) Trudy Schroefl, Uniglobe, and Majorie Calvin, Flight Centre 7) Lisa Potter and Elke Hinson, Merit Travel 8) Dan Fassette and Dawn Bradley, Loyalty One Travel Services 7 10 TRAVEL COURIER 1218PIXPAGE_pg10.indd 10 8 DECEMBER 18, 2014 12/15/2014 11:55:53 AM Wishing You Happy Holidays and a Successful 2015! 0DQXOLIHDQGWKH%ORFN'HVLJQDUHWUDGHPDUNVRI7KH0DQXIDFWXUHUV/LIH,QVXUDQFH&RPSDQ\DQGDUHXVHGE\LWDQGE\LWVDIÀOLDWHVXQGHUOLFHQVH 1218PAGE01_02_05_07_09_11_13_17.indd 11 12/15/2014 2:10:17 PM 12 OLD MONTREAL During the Merry Montreal event, Guidatour is offering its popular Christmas-themed walking tour of the old city. Participants can discover Old Montréal in a new light on Dec. 20 or 27. Led by a professional guide, participants will wander through the historic streets, from Victoria Square to Bonsecours Market, discovering the secrets of Christmases past. Participants will also experience this special time of year through the Santa Claus exhibit at Montréal’s World Trade Center, as well as by admiring the decorations of Old Montréal shops, museums and hotel lobbies. The tours are offered on Saturdays Dec. 6, 13, 20 or 27, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in English and 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in French (rates are $17 p.p., taxes included/$12.50 for children 13 and under). ▶www.guidatour.qc.ca KEMPINSKI Kempinski flagship resort Marsa Malaz Kempinski, The Pearl – Doha, will welcome its first guests to the Qatar property on Dec. 1. Marsa Malaz Kempinski will be the European luxury hotel company’s second hotel opening in Qatar and seventh in the Gulf, with two more hotels in the Middle East scheduled to open in the coming year. Guests can now book their stay at the new waterfront destination via www.kempinski.com. The city-resort is located on its own secluded island at the iconic The Pearl-Qatar and is the first ultra-luxury hotel in one of Doha’s most sought-after locations. It offers 281 rooms and suites, as well as meeting and conference facilities, including a Grand Ballroom. Other amenities include an exclusive beach located in a private bay, along with outdoor swimming pools, water sports facilities, the Spa by Clarins, a tennis court and yacht jetties. ▶www.kempinski.com TRAVEL COURIER 1218ONTOUR_CHECKIN.indd 12 ‘ULTIMATE CHRISTMAS’ Designed for those who want the “ultimate present,” this Christmas, the “world’s most expensive Christmas holiday” is a nine-day adventure for a family. Britain’s Travel Club Elite has teamed up with Cloudberry for a Christmas holiday to see some of the best Lapland has ROYAL HIDEAWAY Those staying at Occidental Hotels & Resorts’ Playa del Carmen-area upscale Royal Hideaway can expect to be on a first-name basis with resort staff. Susan Webb of VoX, which represents Occidental in Canada, told a Toronto gathering that staff is expected to know the guests’ names within 24 hours of arrival. “It’s a very high level of service.” As well, at 3 p.m. management will serve those on the beach drinks and “spritz you if you need it... The management gets involved. They’re not behind the scenes.” Guests wanting a drink while on the beach only need to “plant a flag in the sand,” Webb continued. Guests who want to “drink champagne all day can drink champagne to offer for just $200,000. Highlights include travel by a luxury private jet, authentic husky sled transfers, hotels in the treetops, a hotel built with ice, glass igloos to sleep under the stars and maybe see the Northern Lights, and “your very own private dinner with Santa.” The price is based on a family of four and includes meals, flights (via a Cessna Citation XLS private jet) and some extra-special transfers. The adventure begins on Dec. 16 and returns Dec. 24. ▶www.travelclubelite.com/providers/ the-worlds-most-expensivechristmas-holiday.asp all day,” she added. ▶www.occidentalhotels.com THE DEAN, DUBLIN The Dean hotel has has given one of Dublin’s most fashionable Georgian addresses a range of sleep, eat, drink, work, and play features. They include single “mod pod” rooms with fully stocked mini fridges, “punk beds” to double up in, fully wheelchair accessible “superooms,” suites, a penthouse, a rooftop bar, and a glass-house restaurant with 360degree views of Dublin. The fourstar boutique hotel is one of the new breed of edgy hotels springing up in Dublin, where the emphasis is on style, fun and modern living. Laid-back sofas, walls of new Irish artworks, smart TVs and Netflix, Marshall amps, and the Tower Records music chain’s ultimate vinyl collection are part of the mix. ▶www.thedean.ie DECEMBER 18, 2014 12/15/2014 11:33:34 AM Picture-perfect Puerto Plata Available only from Transat Holidays, the stunning Cofresi Palm Beach & Spa Resort boasts a seaside location in Puerto Plata, near Ocean World. In addition to the well-appointed rooms, children’s facilities and 24-hour snacks and drinks, guests can choose from minimum 7 specialty restaurants for dinner. As a bonus, Transat Holidays clients enjoy exclusive perks like welcome gifts, a dedicated room location, included golf, a 20% spa discount, a BBQ night, and concierge service. Visit transatholidays.com VIP Beach 1218PAGE01_02_05_07_09_13_17.indd 13 Junior suite 12/15/2014 11:29:03 AM Discover America TOURISM OFFICIALS SAY ‘CHOOSE CHICAGO!’ Choose Chicago – Canada recently held two industry events in Montreal and Toronto – featuring nine tourism partners – to showcase all that’s new in the Windy City, which counts Canada as its top international market. The city, which is often compared to Toronto, has 22 diverse ethnic neighbourhoods and is well known for its cultural offerings, shopping (including The Magnificent Mile and Chicago Premium Outlets), cuisine (Chicago boasts 24 Michelin-rated restaurants) and sports (think the Chicago Bulls, Chicago Blackhawks and two major league baseball teams to name but a few). Dubbed the birthplace of blues and improve, it also offers visitors 56 museums and more than 200 theatres. New Chicago attractions include TILT! At 360 CHICAGO (formerly the John Hancock Observatory), Destination Solar System at the Adler Planetarium, and Vodou: Sacred Powers of Haiti at The Field Museum. ▶www.ChooseChicago.com VAIL SET FOR ALPINE CHAMPIONSHIPS It was all things Vail recently during an industry reception in Toronto as tourism officials updated travel personnel on all things new, including the upcoming 2015 FIS Alpine World Ski Championships to be held in Vail/ Beaver Creek Feb. 2-15. Held every two years and second only to the Olympics, the competition will feature 700 athletes from 70 nations. This is only the fourth time the championships have been held in North America, and the first time since 1999. Other big news for Vail Resorts Inc. was the recent acquisition of Park City Mountain Resort in Utah, located next to Canyons Ski Resort, purchased last year by Vail Resorts. ▶www.vailresorts.com 14 TRAVEL COURIER 1218PAGE14-15.indd 14 Pictured at a recent Toronto luncheon event promoting all things Chicago are (l-r) Meg Hellmuth of the Park Hyatt Chicago, April Beauchamp of Choose Chicago Canada, Aimee Willetts of The Field Museum, and Kristi Schuda, tourism sales manager of Choose Chicago, Chicago. NEW TERRAIN ALLOWS SKIERS TO MAKE TRACKS Angel Fire Resort, a northern New Mexico family-vacation destination, will be expanding its terrain for skiers and boarders and offering new special winter discounts. The Railyard, a new terrain park, will open this winter off the side of the popular green trail Headin’ Home and feature boxes, rails and jumps geared towards those new to skiing and boarding. The resort is also moving the nighttime terrain park Night Rider to Exhibition. This new location is on the front side of the mountain, which will allow the park to take advantage of the best snow on the mountain. Night Rider will be open both day and night and will offer the best lighted terrain for those who wish to stay after dark. ▶www.angelfireresort.com PARKS THE FOCUS OF UTAH CAMPAIGN A marketing campaign has seen Utah’s iconic National Parks of Canyonlands, Arches, Capitol Reef, Bryce Canyon, and Zion become the focal point of Visit Utah’s tourism marketing strategy, luring Canadian visitors to explore Utah’s “Mighty 5” national parks. Keen to see Canadians expand beyond traditional cities in the US, Visit Utah is showcasing unique itineraries through The Mighty 5 national parks with options for couples, and families to enjoy the great outdoors. Itineraries developed by the Utah Office of Tourism include hoodoos and rock formations, river rafting, mule riding, hiking, and star gazing. ▶www.VisitUtah.com GATOR AID AVAILABLE FOR LOUISIANA VISITORS Megan Ryburn is inviting people to get up close and personal with some toothy local sorts. Ryburn, tourism sales manager for the New Orleans-area River Parishes Tourist Commission – which bills itself as New Orleans Plantation Country DECEMBER 18, 2014 12/15/2014 12:13:35 PM – says tourism offerings in her area include swamp tours that may have people exploring waterways by canoe, kayak or airboat, spotting wildlife that can include birds, turtles and alligators, with the latter common in the area. In fact, visitors can hold young, small alligators handed to them by guides, posing for pictures with the reptiles before the smallish carnivores are released. Ryburn says holding an alligator does give tourists bragging rights. “I guess they do it to say that they’ve done it,” she suggests. ▶www.VisitNOPC.com ONE WORLD OBSERVATORY TAKING GROUP RESERVATIONS One World Trade Center, America’s tallest building, has opened its doors for business, and its One World Observatory is accepting group reservations in advance of its grand opening in spring 2015. Expect Cajun Pride Swamp Tours is among companies that give people close-up looks at alligators. breathtaking panoramic views of NYC, New York Harbor and the Statue of Liberty from about 1,250 feet above street level. Travel professionals can book groups of 20 or more now (individual tickets won’t be available until early 2015). ▶www.nycgo DECEMBER 18, 2014 1218PAGE14-15.indd 15 TRAVEL COURIER 15 12/15/2014 12:13:37 PM Mexico / Latin America AIR CANADA GOES YEAR-ROUND TO RIO Air Canada has inaugurated new non-stop service between Toronto Pearson and Rio de Janeiro – Galeão International Airport. The year-round flight to Brazil’s “Marvelous City” complements the airline’s existing daily non-stop service to Sao Paulo and further drive Air Canada’s international expansion strategy. Threetimes-weekly service is being operated with a Boeing 767-300ER aircraft with 24 International Business Class and 187 Economy seats. The flights will also be timed to offer convenient onward connections from RIOgaleão – Aeroporto Internacional Tom Jobim on Air Canada’s interline partners. ▶www.aircanada.com WHAT’S COOKING AT THE ROYAL HIDEAWAY? The chef at the upscale Royal Hideaway resort in the Playa del Carmen area is promising that dining in resort restaurants won’t amount to a case of same old, same old. Eugenio Villafana told a Toronto reception that he believes “our guests are unique, so we serve unique dishes.” Villafana said the resort receives fresh produce daily, and “I can say 95% of our foods are homemade.” Virtually all the resort’s food is from organic sources, he continued. “I’m a chef that cares about the food, cares about the ingredients… The Royal Hideaway is about a great culinary experience.” The adults-only resort falls under the Occidental Hotels & Resorts umbrella and is part of its Luxury Collection. ▶www.occidentalhotels.com The Grand Hotel is now open in Punta del Este, Uruguay. Hato. No other carrier provides this direct route from Quebec City to Rio Hato, located a short distance from Panama’s resort area of Playa Blanca. The resort area of Playa Blanca in Panama faces the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Panama. Located approximately two hours from Panama City, Playa Blanca offers a mild sunny climate, tranquil beaches, and ecotourism adventures. Exclusive to Signature Vacations, the new beachfront Riu Playa Blanca features five-star amenities. A one-week vacation package to the Riu Playa Blanca Resort from Quebec City starts from $1,495 p.p., including taxes, based on double occupancy, and departing March 6. ▶signaturevacations.com SIGNATURE LINKING PANAMA, QUEBEC CITY Signature Vacations has launched exclusive flight service from Quebec City to Panama’s newest airport, Rio 16 TRAVEL COURIER 1218PAGE16.indd 16 URUGUAYAN RESORT AREA GAINS 120-ROOM RESORT Situated in front of the ocean, the upscale 120-room Grand Hotel in Punta del Este, Uruguay, is the newest addition to the chic region, known as the Riviera of South America. The property, 10 blocks from downtown, is set to officially open Jan. 4. The Grand Hotel has an all-glass triangular shape, evocative of an ocean liner heading out to sea. Most guest rooms have ocean views. In addition to oceanfront, oceanview and gardenview rooms, the hotel also offers two separate two-bedroom suites – a grand suite and a presidential suite. Amenities include a semi-Olympicsized heated outdoor swimming pool, a heated indoor swimming pool, a spa, Roman baths, a beauty salon, free WiFi, babysitting, hotel transfers, beachfront services, and concierge service. Guests can dine in the Lighthouse Restaurant, while The Grand Lobby Bar, open 24 hours a day, offers cocktails and light meals. ▶www.puntagrand.com 2014 A VINTAGE YEAR FOR PUERTO VALLARTA Puerto Vallarta is set to record 2014 as one of the best years yet for its travel and tourism industry, with ever-growing numbers of travellers, new hotels and an increase in the overall number of hotel rooms, more flights, as well as additional cruise ship arrivals. According to Mexico’s Ministry of Tourism, Puerto Vallarta registered an average 64.2% occupancy rate in the first nine months of 2014, a 6% increase over the same period last year. ▶www.visitpuertovallarta.com DECEMBER 18, 2014 12/15/2014 12:14:36 PM 1218PAGE01_02_05_07_09_13_17.indd 17 12/15/2014 1:19:50 PM 18 KENYA Jan. 10 – June 30 The Safari Partners is offering travel professionals and their companions the opportunity to experience luxury Kenya safaris at special travel agent educational prices from Jan. 10 to June 30, 2015. Agents can choose from one of four options for a safari or safari and beach combination including six-day Luxury Kenya Flying Safari for US$795; nineday Luxury Kenya Flying Safari & Diani Beach for US$1,095; nineday Luxury Kenya Flying Safari & Lamu Island for US$1,095; and nine-day Luxury Kenya Flying Safari & Zanzibar for US$1,095. Agents will be accommodated in the wildlife-rich Mara-Naboisho Conservancy at Encounter Mara Safari Camp, winner of the 2012, 2013 and 2014 World Travel Award for Kenya’s Leading Tented Camp. While there, they will experience twice-daily open vehicle game drives, bush walks accompanied by Masai guides and the opportunity to visit a local Masai village. Agents may choose any date for departure between Jan. 10 and June 30, subject to availability and are allowed one companion at the same discounted rate. Extra nights and extensions are available, if required. Agents must be in possession of professional travel agent ID. Rates are land only, including domestic flights, and conditions apply. More information can be obtained by e-mailing safaris@ thesafaripartners.com. The Safari Partners offers 13% commission on all tours to agents and offers African travel experiences from affordable to luxury to Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Mozam- MARITIMES COASTAL WONDERS April 27 - May 5 Collette is hosting a nine-day Maritimes Coastal Wonders fam from April 27 to May 5. The price is $899 twin rate; $1,299 companion rate, $1,399 single rate. Highlights include, Halifax, Peggy’s Cove, Cape Breton Island, Cabot Trail, Prince Edward Island, Anne of Green Gables, Hopewell Rocks, and the Fundy Trail. Most meals are included. Fams are free for those booking 15 or more passengers on the same air-inclusive tour of equal or higher value within 12 months of the trip’s return, or $100,000 in revenue. ▶www.gocollette.com/agentfam TRAFALGAR Travel Talks Through February For the fifth consecutive year, Trafalgar is inviting agents and their clients to discover why Trafalgar is “the Real Deal offering real choice, real flexibility and real ease” at Travel Talks. Through February 2015, Trafalgar executives and travel directors will take guests on a journey going in-depth about the expansive product and 2015’s must-see European destinations. Attendees can also enjoy complimentary refreshments, exclusive prizes and booking incentives. Sponsored by Visit Britain, clients who attend a Travel Talks will automatically be entered to win a trip for two to Britain on Trafalgar’s 10-day Real Britain trip, complete with land and round-trip airfare to Britain. From cityscapes and scenic lakes, the trip goes from London to York, Edinburgh, Liverpool and Cardiff for a taste of British culture and craftsmanship. Agents also have the opportunity to win a trip for two on Trafalgar’s eight-day Irish Highlights trip. For every booking made from an attendee who attends a Travel Talks, the agent’s name will be entered into a draw to win the trip. The prize will be drawn in late February. For a list of all the Travel Talks dates and cities, visit: ▶https://www.trafalgar.com/can/ offers/travel-talks TRAVEL COURIER 1218FAMS_CALENDAR.indd 18 bique, Seychelles, Mauritous, and Madagascar. One per cent of all sales of safaris are designated for water, health and education projects in Africa. DECEMBER 18, 2014 12/15/2014 2:57:21 PM Asia Pacific TAIWAN TOUTS DINING OPTIONS The Taiwan Tourism Bureau has turned to some heavy hitters to get the word out about dining in Taiwan. The bureau brought chef Stuart Cameron, who oversees seven Toronto restaurants, and two American chefs to Taiwan to experience the cuisine, which Cameron gives the thumbs-up to. Cameron told a Toronto audience he and his colleagues “ate lots of great food” and Taiwanese food is a “big mix-match,” shaped by many cultures. Taiwan tourism authorities say Taiwanese food is very different from Chinese cuisine. Cameron also said Taiwan “has lots of good places” for visitors to see and praised it for its cleanliness and ease of travel. Meanwhile, Thomas Chang of the Taiwan Tourism Bureau’s New York office said Taiwan’s food is among “highlights” of a Taiwan vacation. Canadian visitations to Taiwan have risen 20% this year, he added. ▶www.taiwan.net.tw CHINAPAC FOUNDER SOARES STEPPING DOWN After 29 years as a leading tour operator from Canada to Asia, Jenny Soares, founder and president of Chinapac International in Vancouver has decided to retire. When Soares started her journey with Chinapac in 1985, she was a pioneer, partnering with China before it became a trend in the rest of the world. Chinapac has since generated an image within the travel industry for being Thomas Chang of the Taiwan Tourism Bureau joined Lisa Lau (c) of Tai Pan Tours and Diane Molzan of Goway at the Taste Taiwan event in Toronto, which promoted dining opportunities in Taiwan. Shanghai tour ($698 + $498 tax) that also takes in visits to the nearby historic cities of Hangzhou, Wuxi and Suzhou. Vancouver departures are on Feb. 17, 2015, March 11 and 16, and April 13, 19 and 29 – economy class flights, hotels, tours and some meals are included. Shanghai also anchors a program that spends the majority of its time on the open sea. It combines a six-day Amazing Shanghai tour with a 17-night transpacific cruise on board the Celebrity Millennium. The cruise departs from Shanghai and makes visits to Jeju Island, Kobe, Mt. Fuji, Tokyo, Petropavlovsk, and ends in Vancouver. The departure is April 19, 2015 and rates start from $1,968 p.p. (plus tax) for an inside cabin, double occupancy. ▶www.marcopolotours.com trustworthy, and weathering storms such as SARS, 9/11 and other industrydamaging events while continuing to provide solid customer service. Chinapac’s new owners and management team will be led by Lucy Dong, general manager, and Tina Dong, marketing manager. The existing team remains unchanged, and Soares is being retained on a consulting basis. ▶www.chinapac.ca SHANGHAI FEATURED ON MARCO POLO TOURS Vancouver’s Marco Polo Tours has a selection of ways to experience some of the great cities of Asia, and many of them include Shanghai as a central attraction. The vibrant city stands on its own on an eight-day Amazing ENCHANTING THAILAND BANGKOK • CHIANG RAI • CHIANG MAI • PHUKET N 11 DAYS N17 MEALS N 4+HOTELS N GUARANTEED DEPARTURE JANUARY 24, FEBRUARY 21 & MARCH 14 FROM $ 2759 * LAND ONLY [YHUZH[KPZJV]LYPLZJVT *Price shown is per person, based on double occupancy for departure on January 24, February 21 & March 14, 2015 including the $210 rebate (book before December 20, 2014 of $150 and the Cash Discount VM7YPJLKVLZUV[PUJS\KL[H_LZHUKMLLZHUKPZZ\IQLJ[[VH]HPSHIPSP[`H[[OL[PTLVMTHRPUNUL^PUKP]PK\HSIVVRPUNZ7YPJLPUJS\KLZ!KVTLZ[PJÅPNO[Z[YHUZMLYZHJJVTTVKH[PVUZPNO[ZLLPUNHUKZLSLJ[ meals as noted in the tour itinerary. For complete description visit transatdiscoveries.com. Transat Discoveries is a division of Transat Tours Canada Inc., and is registered as a travel wholesaler 65 ^P[OVѝJLZSVJH[LKH[ ;OL>LZ[4HSS:\P[L,[VIPJVRL654 *2 DECEMBER 18, 2014 1218PLA_ASIAPACIFIC.indd 19 TRAVEL COURIER 19 12/15/2014 1:20:34 PM PANORAMA OPENS NEW DISCOVERY ZONE, LIFT Panorama Mountain Resort has announced that its new Discovery Quad chairlift and Discovery Zone are now operating. The Discovery Quad, together with three smaller lifts, deliver enhanced experiences to new skiers and snowboarders in a safe area all their own, called the Discovery Zone and learning centre. Situated only steps from the base, Panorama is offering a special lift ticket just for the Discovery Zone. Or the new Discovery Kids Program includes a Discovery Zone lift ticket, full day lesson and lunch for $129/day. ▶www.panoramaresort.com CYPRESS GETS MORE SNOW MAKING, WIDER TRAILS Cypress Mountain, just a short drive from downtown Vancouver in the North Shore Mountains, was the official venue for freestyle skiing and snowboarding events during the 2010 Olympic Winter Games. This year, it has expanded its snowmaking operations on the Easy Rider trail to improve the quality for ski lessons. Also, the Collins, Panorama and 3 Bears trails have been widened. Cypress is the most technically challenging of Vancouver’s mountains, with a vertical rise of 612 metres. It has 53 runs (including 19 expert trails), six chair lifts, plus freestyle terrain parks. ▶www.cypressmountain.com DELICIOUS MEMORIES MADE ON YVR FOODIE TOURS Food-lovers can give the gift of delicious memories with gift certificates by Vancouver Foodie Tours for any of their programs. These include the 20 TRAVEL COURIER 1218PAGE20.indd 20 Key travel agency partners recently attended a function held jointly by the Korea Tourism Organization and Korean Air at the Sandman Signature Hotel and Resort in Richmond. Three agents in attendance were (l-r) Winny Sung, flight specialist at Adventures Abroad in Richmond; Ivy Daillet, operations consultant for Adventures Abroad; and Bonnie Ngal, supervisor at Jade Tours in Vancouver. Granville Island Market Tour (available year-round), Guilty Pleasures Gourmet Tour (available year-round) and the World’s Best Food Truck Tour (available April-November). On the Granville Island Market tour, for instance, guests enjoy a cornucopia of fine foods from independent farmers and food artisans. These range from Gulf Island chowder and cheeses to locally made charcuterie, donuts and coffees and chai. ▶www.foodietours.ca AURORA SHOW SHINES DOWN ON CHURCHILL The year 2015 is expected to be near the peak of a long-term cycle of solar flare activity, resulting in the maximum aurora displays, says Nat Hab in Churchill, Manitoba. Nat Hab offers guests access to Aurora Domes, made of clear Plexiglass and positioned in complete darkness outside of town. There, they can get a warm, unimpeded circular view of the night sky. Churchill is located directly beneath a layer of energy-charged particles, creating a heavy concentration of auroral activity. One stay option is the Northern Lights & Arctic Cultures program, a small-group trip for six or eight days, January through March, priced from $4,795 p.p., double occupancy. ▶www.nathab.com SAN DIEGO CONNECTS TO TIF BY NEW BORDER EXPRESS Opening in 2015, the Cross Border Xpress (CBX) will connect the Tijuana International Airport (TIJ) directly to a new facility in San Diego via a secure pedestrian bridge border crossing for ticketed airline passengers. The CBX will meet US/international security standards and will offer bilingual services, parking, food/beverage and retail services. TIJ has flights to over 30 destinations in Mexico and the CBX will make the connection to San Diego more convenient. The CBX will have the capacity to serve over two million passengers per year. DECEMBER 18, 2014 12/15/2014 2:15:36 PM G ADVENTURES Through Dec. 24, all agents and clients visiting G Adventures’ web site can enter a draw to win a spot on one of the operator’s new rail trips in India, simply by submitting their details on the site. ▶www.gadventures.com ENCORE CRUISES Encore Cruises is celebrating the holiday season with a special gift to travel agents: earn $50 bonus commission on bookings made during the month of December. Valid on all new individual bookings and group reservations (with names and deposits) made between Dec. 1 and Dec. 31, on sailings of six nights or longer, this special offer applies to any cruise line for travel anytime. ▶www.encorecruises.com SUNWING, MSC CRUISES One lucky agent will set sail with Sunwing Vacations and MSC Cruises on a Caribbean cruise for two aboard the MSC Divina. Deadline to enter is Dec. 19. The prize package includes round-trip airfare from Sunwing, airport transfers, seven nights cruise accommodation, and Caribbean itinerary in a Balcony Fantastica stateroom. For your chance to win, answer the following question, What is the name of the beverage package that can be purchased on board the MSC Divina through Sunwing Vacations? at: ▶http://promo.baxter.net/contest/ sunwing.asp ST. PETE/CLEARWATER Travel Courier and Visit St. Pete/ Clearwater are teaming up to give one lucky travel agent the chance to win a one-week holiday for two including round-trip airfare to Tampa International Airport from a Canadian WestJet gateway, sevennight stay at the Sheraton Sand Key on Clearwater Beach, tickets to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, a cruise with Tropic Boat Tours, and $100 dining certificate at the Palm Pavillion Beachside Grill. To enter, go to: ▶http://promo.baxter.net/contest/ visitstpeteclearwater.asp www.travelbestjobs.com CLASSIFIEDS To place your classified ad, Call Tabatha Fernandez-Bradley 416-968-7252, ext. 415; e-mail: classifieds@baxter.net CAREERS • PROFESSIONAL SERVICES • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES • REAL ESTATE Celebrating our one-year anniversary! EXPLORE OUR WEB SITE! Travelindustrypersonnel.com AND FIND OUT HOW WE CAN HELP YOU We are celebrating over 25 years of recruiting for the travel industry throughout Canada. Our service is free to candidates. We maintain strict confidentiality for both candidates and clients. Or contact us: Tel: 905-542-2989 or 1-800-717-4917 E-mail: careers@travelindustrypersonnel.com Member of All the news you need! All the time! www.travelpress.com DECEMBER 18, 2014 1218PAGE21-24.indd 21 TRAVEL COURIER 21 12/15/2014 2:12:46 PM www.travelbestjobs.com CLASSIFIEDS To place your classified ad, Call Tabatha Fernandez-Bradley 416-968-7252, ext. 415; e-mail: classifieds@baxter.net CAREERS • PROFESSIONAL SERVICES • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES • REAL ESTATE SellOffVacations.com is looking for Travel Counsellors in all locations across Canada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e would like to thank all who apply, however only those who meet the qualification will be contacted. SellOffVacations.com is an equal opportunity employer. Find your visit travelbest jobs.com You want to grow your business from where it is today. So do we. CPBC CP C PPBC PB BC B #2 #279 #27 # 2790 TICO# ICO CO O#50016384 O#5 6 638 63 OPC#70 7 2 70 2971 971 You take your business seriously and need the coaching, support and systems to grow. We help. Apply and learn more about becoming an Independent Travel Agent at flightcentreassociates.com or call 1 866 474 3140 22 TRAVEL COURIER 1218PAGE21-24.indd 22 DECEMBER 18, 2014 12/15/2014 2:12:47 PM 1218PAGE21-24.indd 23 12/15/2014 2:12:48 PM TRAVELTEX.COM > THINGS TO DO > TEXAS GOLF GO ON TOUR EXPLORE IT AND OTHER HITS © 2014 Office of the Governor, Economic Development and Tourism. 1218PAGE21-24.indd 24 12/15/2014 2:12:48 PM PersonnelGuide.ca EASIER. FASTER. BETTER. With an easier-to-use design, faster search tools, and better overall results, try out the new PersonnelGuide.ca for complete access to Canada's travel industry. Personnel Guide To Canada’s Travel Industry Baxter Travel Media • 310 Dupont St., Toronto, ON M5R 1V9
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