Baryon impact on the halo mass funcVon
Baryon impact on the halo mass funcVon
Baryon impact on the halo mass func=on Fi?ng formulae and implica=ons for cluster cosmology Sebas=an Bocquet LMU Munich Alex Saro, Klaus Dolag, Joe Mohr arXiv: 1502.07357 WWW. see e.g., Hirschmann et al. 2014, McDonald et al. 2014, Saro et al. 2014 .ORG Dolag in prep. 2 dN/dM [h3 Mpc 3 ] Halo extrac=on using SUBFIND 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8 10 9 uhr 1012 SnowCluster 2015 hr 1013 1014 M200, mean /M Sebas=an Bocquet – LMU Munich physics mr 1015 z=0 z = 0.13 z = 0.3 z = 0.5 z = 0.8 z = 1.2 z=2 Hydro DMonly 1016 3 the cluster catalogues extracted from our simulations. a priori clear that one can simp tion correctly 3.1 The halo mass function approach r function that is valid for M 200 3.1 The halo mass function (2013) provid tion correc ETHOD andmass cosmology dependent behm pends on The comoving number density of haloes of M is 3.1 The halo mass function (2013) pro The comoving number density of haloes of mass M is very different redshift evolution For on now oretical background on the halo mass function 1 pends 1 dn ⇢mass ¯m d ln comoving haloes M is Tinker et al. (2008) provid dn density ⇢of ¯mpresent d=lnf ( of proach: Assu ttingThe form we willnumber adopt. We also the ) , (1) For no = f( ) , (1) dM M dM 1 different , and one uses dMdn fits when M⇢¯m dM theproach: mass func mean orm the multi-dimensional analysing d ln As = f ( ) , (1) vertzfrom critical to the mean dens Baryons and the halo mass f eswith extracted from our simulations. the mean matter density ⇢¯m (at redshift = redshift 0), and with the mean matter density ⇢ ¯ = 0), and mz(at dM M dM mass fu Comoving number dZensity of hZalos of mass M d epends o n: approach relies on the implici dM with the mean matter density ⇢ ¯ (at redshift z = 0), and 1 m 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 • variance of ⌘the m aWer density fi(k, eld tion(kR)k correctly the beha P⌘(k, z)Ŵ In (M, (kR)k (2)dk,captures this z)dk, work we allow departures from P Ŵ (M, z) (2) Z 2 imulations used in thisz) work. The num2⇡ 1 2 sDMonly function 2⇡ 2 2 a dependence correction to parametrizing a2(2013) possibleprovide redshift as runs, and M 200m P (k, z) Ŵ (M, z). ⌘ (kR)k dk, (2) 2 which is the variance of the2⇡ matter density field P (k, z) smoothed 1 matter + z: pends onP (k, (z). mean which is the variance of the density field z) smoothed ber density of haloes of mass M is M N (z = 0) lewith • Halo, min This mass fun mean m aWer d ensity the is Fourier transform Ŵmatter of thedensity real-space top-hat window A For now, we focus on z 50 which the variance of the field P (k, z) smoothed A(z)top-hat = A0 (1window + z) (M with ) the Fourier transform 1/3 Ŵ of the real-space 1 function function of radius = (3M/4⇡ ⇢¯mof ) the . The function fproach: ( ) iswindow comdnwith the ⇢¯m dR lntransform This mass Assuming mass that the mas 1/3 top-hat Fourier Ŵ real-space a z = f ( ) , (1) function of radius R = (3M/4⇡ ⇢ ¯ ) . The function f ( ) is com7 11 a(z) = a0 (1 + z) The cru 6.2parametrized ⇥ 10 M 835 monly as = (3M/4⇡ ⇢¯ )1/3 . Themfunction mass dM dM the mass function in M can 500cfunct function of radius R f ( ) is comm 8 13 • ⇥Fi?ng fparametrized unc=on b monly asparameters) z 1.1 10 1049 ⇣(8 ⌘fit M500c /M 200c b(z) = b ⇣ ⌘ The 0 (1 + z) a monly parametrized as 10 14 r density ¯10 z = 0), and c m (at redshift dn dn otherczassumi 2.2 ⇥⇢ 8824 ⇣ ⇣ ⌘ ⌘ f ( ) = A + 1 exp (3) Z M500c /M2 a⇣ 2 b⇣ ⌘ c(z) = c0 (1 += z) c ⌘ a dM500cWhite dM 1997) 200m 1 ( )= (3) 2f 2 A + 1 exp + 1 c exp other assu 2 f ( ) = A (3) P (k, z)Ŵ (kR)k ) ⌘ • 2 Simultaneously dk,all pbarameters (2) subscript fit for ata from 72008). 2using 0 ddenotes atThere reds ⇢¯ with2⇡ four parameters A, a, b, c bthat needwhere to be the calibrated (e.g. Jenk- the values White 199 = f ( ) is , az , bz ,aczand arebadditional fit parameters where Aazpproach redshi[s i n B ayesian l ikelihood ⌦ (which m ins et al. 2001). Here, A sets the overall normalization, are M5 with four parameters a,smoothed b, c to that need to be(e.g. calibrated (e.g. 2008). Jenk- The inthe thisfour analysis is highlighted incA, parameters A, a,Pb,(k, that need be calibrated Jenkesed ofwith matter density field z) authorspower assume theand cutoff scale c to ing be constant un prescripti (Cash s ta=s=cs, e mcee c ode) theins slope and normalization of the low-mass law, c sets ⌦ (which ntified through a parallel FoF algoins2001). etthe al.Here, 2001). sets the normalization, bmarehave etŴ al. A Here, setstop-hat theAoverall normalization, and bTinker are aetand Thisamass function should nsform of real-space window tion of overall self-similarity (e.g. al. 2008; Wat 0 < z prescri < thethe scale of a high-mass exponential The function f ( ) has SnowCluster 2links 015 Sebas=an Bcutoff. ocquet – LMU Munich physics 4 2, 1 ing 0.16. The FoF over dark mat1/3 slope normalization of the power mass law, power and c sets the⇢¯and slope the low-mass law,in and c sets . function M200m = (3M/4⇡ . and The normalization function f ( low-mass ) isofcomm) The fi?ng func=on function that lensing is valid for M might miss some redshift 200m , as mass function Mof cangravitational be expressed as shear 500c dispersionsinand weak profiles. It one is not andsimply cosmology behavior. Remember, for example, the a priori clear that one can use thedependent same form of the fitting dnforvery dMdifferent dn that is valid 200m redshift evolutions of ⇢ ¯m (z) and ⇢crit (z). function M 200m , as one might miss some redshift = f mass M is Tinker al. (2008) provide the mass dM dM 500c 200m dM 500c etRemember, and cosmology dependent behavior. for example, the function for a range of different of mean , and one uses mean (z) = crit /⌦m (z) to con1 very different redshift evolutions ⇢¯m1(z) and ⇢500c crit (z). ⇢ ¯ M d ln m , (1) from the critical mean density as a(5) function of redshift. Their f ((2008) ) vert ⇥tofunction . a range Tinker = et al. provide mass for of M Mapproach dM M • HMF a pproximately u niversal f or F oF ( b ≈ 0 .2) or Δfunc- ≈ 200 500c 500c on the200m relies implicit different mean , and one uses mean (z) = crit /⌦m (z)assumption to con- that the fitting mean ft z = 0), and correctly for every mean . Watson et al. from critical density acaptures functionthe ofbehavior Their s massvert should the sameasuniversal properties the • function Tinker et tohave amean l. tion 2 008: (2013) provide a correction their func178m mass function that deapproach relies on the implicit assumption that thetofitting 2 . s2 (kR)k function in M 200m or f(σ,z) pends for don ifferent values of Δmean (et200-‐3200) dk,– Fit f(2) mean tion correctly captures the behavior for (z). every mean . Watson al. The crucial, evolving part is now captured in 500c the, and factor we For now, we focus on Interpolate to Δ (2013)– provide a correction to500 theircrit 178m mass function that de-choose the following ap/MPpends .onThese masses proach: can beAssuming converted onefunction to thedn/dM200m is universal, 00c 200m field (k, z) smoothed that from the mass mean (z). assump=on that f(σ,z) is universal for every Δ – Implicit mean l-space top-hat window the mass function M500c can Frenk be expressed r assuming cluster density profile ( Navarro, & as Foranow, we focus on 500c , and we choose the following aphe ( Assuming ) aisa comtefunction 1997) mass-concentration relation (e.g. et al. • fand Our pproach: proach: that the mass function isdM universal, 200m dnDuffy dn dn/dM 200m =as the mass in M500c can be expressed 8). Therefore, the conversion depends on mass, redshift, and – function Propagate universal proper=es Δ200 dM dMin dMmean 500c 200m 500c to Δ500crit ⇣ c is ⌘ involved in the overdensity conversion). The follow- 1 (which ⇢¯m d ln M500c dn p (3) = dn dM200m = f ( ) ⇥ . (5) 2 prescription is adM good fit dM at the few percent level in the dM range M M dM 500c 500c 200m 500c 200m 500c 16 1 0.1 < ⌦m < 0.5: z < 2, 1013 < M ⇥ 10 , and 500c /M < 2 ⇢ ¯ Mm d ln m function 500c Assume NFW p rofile a nd D uffy ass-‐concentra=on rela=on as the be calibrated– (e.g. Jenk- = This mass should have universal properties f( ) ⇥ . the same(5) ormalization, a and M b are 500c dMin 500c . 200m massMfunction M200mM 500c ⌘ ↵ have +The ln same M500c .evolving (6) ss power law, andfunction c sets should part is as now This mass thecrucial, universal properties the captured in the factor M 200m . The function f ( ) has mass function in M200m .M500c /M200m . These masses can be converted from one to the are evolving func=ons of isΩnow al (Jenkins The et– al.α,β 2001), otherpart assuming a captured cluster density m, z crucial, in theprofile factor (e.g. Navarro, Frenk & on redshift White 1997) a mass-concentration relation (e.g. Duffy et al. – Characteris=c change oconverted f few percent M500cand /Mcosmolcan beand from one to the 200m . These masses 2008). Therefore, the conversion depends other assuming a cluster density profile (e.g. Navarro, Frenk & on mass, redshift, and fromWhite universality by a mass-concentration ⌦m (which is involved the overdensity 1997) and relationin(e.g. Duffy et al.conversion). The followence as2008). a power SnowCluster 2law 015 of Sebas=an – Lfit MU at Munich physics 5 ing prescription isBaocquet the few percent level in the range Therefore, the conversion depends ongood mass, redshift, and Universality 13 16 Mass definition: M200, mean 2 Mass definition: M500, crit z=2 Hydro DMonly Watson et al. 1 0.5 2 z = 1.2 1 0.5 2 z = 0.8 dN/dM/Tinker 1 0.5 2 z = 0.5 1 0.5 2 z = 0.3 1 0.5 2 z = 0.13 1 0.5 2 z=0 1 0.5 1011 SnowCluster 2015 1012 16 1013 1014 1015 1011 1012 1013 1014 Sebas=an Bocquet – LMU Munich physics M500, crit /M M200, mean /M 1015 1016 6 Cosmological impact 1015 Hydro DMonly Tinker+08 input ⌦m SPT-SZ Planck eROSITA 0.850 0.825 8 M500c (M ) Simulated Planck-‐like survey 1014 0.800 0.775 0.4 0.6 z 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.3 0.2 • High-‐mass sample • Baryonic impact is negligible • Systema=c difference with Tinker et al. (2008) • Our mass func=on resolves a large por=on of the tension between clusters and CMB anisotropies SnowCluster 2015 8 (⌦m /0.27) 0.0 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 0.30 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.750 0.775 0.800 0.825 0.850 0.82 ⌦m Sebas=an Bocquet – LMU Munich physics 8 0.84 0.86 0.88 8 (⌦m /0.27) 0.3 7 Cosmological impact Planck Collaboration: Cosmology from SZ cluster counts ⌦m Simulated Planck-‐like survey Hydro DMonly Tinker+08 input 0.850 8 0.825 0.800 0.775 8 (⌦m /0.27) • High-‐mass sample Fig. 7: Comparison of constraints from the CMB to those from • Baryonic mpact negligible the cluster counts in ithe (⌦m , i8s )-plane. The green, blue and violet contours give the cluster constraints (two-dimensional • Systema=c ifference with and CMB lenslikelihood) at 1 and 2 d for the WtG, CCCP, ing massTinker calibrations, et arespectively, l. (2008) as listed in Table 2. These constraints are obtained from the MMF3 catalogue with the • Our mdata ass setfunc=on resolves from a large SZ+BAO+BBN and ↵ free. Constraints the Planck TT, TE, EE+lowP likelihood (hereafter, Planck primary por=on CMB of the tension between CMB) are shown as the dashed contours enclosing 1 and 2 conclusters and CMB anisotropies fidence regions (Planck Collaboration XIII 2015), while the grey 0.3 Planck 2015 XXIV 0.88 0.86 Fig. 8:0.84Comparison of cluster and primary CMB constraints in the base ⇤CDM model expressed in terms of the mass bias, 0.82 1 b. The solid black curve shows the distribution of values re0.30 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.750 0.775 0.800 0.825 0.850 0.84 0.86 0.88 quired to reconcile the counts and primary0.82CMB in ⇤CDM; it 0.3 ⌦ m 8 is found as the posterior on the 1 b from8 (⌦ am joint analysis of /0.27) the Planck cluster counts and primary CMB when leaving the mass bias free. The coloured dashed curves show the three prior distributions on the mass bias listed in Tab. 2. shaded region also include BAO. The red contours give results sion with the primary CMB, and then consider one-parameter from a joint analysis of the cluster counts, primary CMB and extensions the base ⇤CDM model, varying the curvature, the SnowCluster 2015 Sebas=an Bocquet – LMU Munich pto hysics 8 the Planck lensing power spectrum (Planck Collaboration XV Thomson optical depth to reionization, the dark energy equation- Cosmological impact 1015 Hydro DMonly Tinker+08 input ⌦m SPT-SZ Planck eROSITA 0.81 8 M500c (M ) Simulated eROSITA-‐like survey 1014 0.80 0.79 0.4 0.6 z 0.8 1.0 1.2 • Low-‐mass sample • Baryonic impact is visible • Neglec=ng baryonic effects leads to underes=mate ΔΩm = -‐ 0.01 • This is the expected level of uncertain=es from eROSITA (Pillepich et al. 2012) SnowCluster 2015 0.78 1.4 0.3 0.2 8 (⌦m /0.27) 0.0 0.810 0.795 0.780 0.765 0.248 0.256 0.264 0.272 0.78 ⌦m Sebas=an Bocquet – LMU Munich physics 0.79 0.80 8 0.81 0.765 0.780 0.795 0.810 8 (⌦m /0.27) 0.3 9 Summary • Magne*cum hydro sims: up to (896 Mpc/h)3 • Baryonic effects on the mass func=on will be important for surveys like eROSITA: expect ΔΩm = -‐ 0.01 • There are systema=c differences between different mass func=on fits that shi[ cosmological results • The corresponding level of systema=c uncertainty is roughly comparable to current constraints • Using our mass func=on instead of Tinker et al. (2008) would resolve a large por=on of the difference between Planck clusters and CMB (for our simplified analysis) SnowCluster 2015 Sebas=an Bocquet – LMU Munich physics 10