19th Annual Charlie Bowen Memorial Golf


19th Annual Charlie Bowen Memorial Golf
19th Annual
Charlie Bowen Memorial
Golf Tournament
Big Brothers Big Sisters
of NWGA Mountains
August 28, 2014
Dear Friend,
We are pleased to announce the upcoming 19th Annual Charlie Bowen Memorial Golf Tournament on Monday, October 27, 2014 at
Nob North Golf Course. All proceeds will benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwest Georgia Mountains.
The golf tournament is named for former educator, Charles Bowen. Mr. Bowen came to Dalton in the early 1940’s and served as
principal at Fort Hill School. He was then Principal of Dalton High School for 22 years and Superintendent of Dalton Public Schools
for six years. Mr. Bowen had a long history of serving the children of our community. He served on the board of Big Brothers Big
Sisters from early 1970 until his death this past March. He was truly a pioneer in this community and we feel fortunate to have had
him serve on our board and honored to have our tournament named for him. He was passionate about the future of the children of
our community and felt strongly about our programs and the impact they have on the lives of children.
In 2013, Big Brothers Big Sisters served over 450 matches through our community and site based programs in Dalton, Murray, Gordon, and Whitfield. Big Brothers Big Sisters carefully matches at-risk youths with caring, adult role models. Research proves that
children enrolled in Big Brothers Big Sisters programs are more likely to improve in school and in their relationships with
family and friends, and less likely to skip school or use illegal drugs or alcohol.
Big Brothers Big Sisters knows that children that avoid interactions with the juvenile justice system – and violence, drugs, and alcohol
are more likely to succeed and make their communities stronger and more vibrant. That's why our professional staff members,
supporters, families, and advocates support, encourage and champion the relationships between Bigs and Littles. Bigs help teach
their Littles right from wrong and help them make good decisions.
When comparing those children matched with a mentor to those waiting to be served by Big Brothers Big Sisters, the researchers
found that:
Littles were 46 percent less likely to initiate drug use.
Littles were 27 percent less likely to initiate alcohol use.
Littles were almost one-third less likely to hit someone.
Your support will help us reach out to more children by providing healthy relationships through volunteer adult friendships, professionally supervising these friendships, and offering additional education and support services in our area. Enclosed is a schedule of
benefits designed to give your company generous exposure. We hope you will sign on as a sponsor to this worthy cause and come
out and join us for a fun day on the green!
We’ll be in contact with you soon!
Best regards,
David Pennington IV
Golf Committee Chair
Start Something.
19th Annual Charlie Bowen Memorial Golf Tournament
Benefiting Big Brothers Big Sisters of NWGA Mountains
Sponsorship Form
_____$5000 Tournament Title Sponsor
Title recognition on all mailings, brochures, and other tournament documents
Media coverage
Sponsor signage prominently placed during tournament
Sixteen players entered in tournament
_____$2000 Sponsor
Recognition on all mailings, brochures, and other tournament documents
Name listed in media coverage
Sponsor signage prominently placed during tournament
Eight players entered in tournament
_____$1000 Sponsor
Recognition on all mailings, brochures, and other tournament documents
Name listed in media coverage
Sponsor signage prominently placed during tournament
Four players entered in tournament
_____$500 Sponsor
Recognition on all mailings, brochures, and other tournament documents
Name listed in media coverage
Sign located on course during tournament
Two players entered in tournament
_____$400 Team Entry
Foursome entry fees
_____$150 Tee Sponsor
Sign located on course during tournament
_____$125 Single Player Entry
_____I am unable to participate, but would like to donate:________________________
Sponsor Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Contact Name:________________________________________________________________________________
We accept:
Please charge my credit card. Circle one: Amex
Name on Card:______________________________________Card Number:______________________________________
Exp Date:_____________________CCV:_______________________Billing Zip Code:_______________________________
Send your commitment to: Fax 706-226-9170 or sbhalyak@gmail.com
BBBS Golf, P.O. Box 417, Dalton, GA 30722 Questions? Call Staci Halyak at 706-278-0702
19th Annual
Charlie Bowen
Memorial Golf Classic
Registration begins 11:30 a.m.
Shotgun Start 1:00 p.m.
Lunch Provided
Entrance Fee-$125/player
Big Brothers Big Sisters
of NWGA Mountains
Monday, October 27, 2014
Four Person Select Shot
Hole-in-one contests on par 3s
1st-3rd place in both divisions
Closest-to-pin contest on par 3s
Please list team members
Sign Me Up!
Names and handicaps
Mail payment to:
PO Box 417
Dalton, GA 30722
We accept:
Total Enclosed
Email Address