Kharupetia, PS : Dalgaon, Dist.


Kharupetia, PS : Dalgaon, Dist.
At Kharupetia Town ( Ward No-2, Near A.S.T.C Bus Stand ) , PO - Kharupetia,
PS : Dalgaon, Dist. - Darrang, Assam 784115, India
Email :
Introduction :
Ours is a registered organization with the objectives of integrated social / community
welfare and located in Remote Rural Areas of District Darrang of Assam. The name itself
explaining its location at At Kharupetia Town ( Ward No-2, Near A.S.T.C Bus Stand ) ,
PO - Kharupetia, PS : Dalgaon, Dist. - Darrang, Assam 784115. Ours is a Non-Political,
Non-Communal, Non-Gender biased and Non-Profit making Voluntary Organisation
and been functioning with the ideology of Deshbandhu Chitaranjan Das, Netaji Subhas
Chandra Bose, Raja Rammohan Roy, Iswarchandra Vidyasagar, and Mahtma Gandhi. It
is from the initiations - campaigning for the distressed, depressed and dalits irrespective
of caste, creed and colour since its evolution in the year 2004. Our main sprits are
sharing love and concern for the under privileged and downtrodden who represents
some energetic and enthusiastic youth (Male & Female) by the inspiration of the above.
Thus We have been receiving supports from local elders who assembled and arranged a
meeting with the villagers then founded the Society. From the very begining our objects
are all round development of the rural backward community with an emphasis for basic
education, preventive health care, sound and healthy environmental, sustainable socio
economic status of the rural masses with the teachings of our beloved Swami
Legal Status :
Suhana Foundation has been registered by the Govt. of Assam under Societies
Registration Act XXI of 1860 vide its registration No. RS/DAR/247/F/104 dated 24.10.05
Goal :
Gender equity, equal justice, basic health care, elementary education for all eligible, food
security and human rights.
Target Group :
Dalit distressed and deserted segment of this society and specially the wretched women,
children and aged belonging to poor socio economic status.
Objectives :
Women empowerment through their Organisation, Micro-Credit Promotion, SelfEmployment Skills and convergence of services by the community institutions.
Capacity building of women members of this community institutions, to made
brilliant uses of their self-generated savings, access credit linkages and build best
maintenance mechanisms of the build-up community institutions.
Regular training / orientation of members for their skill up gradation.
Provide vocational skills for creating alternative self-employment avenues.
Achieve legal literacy, grasp knowledge of rights to combat injustices.
Undertake gender sensitive initiatives that address sexuality transmitted diseases.
HIV/AIDS and sexual and reproductive health issues.
To prevent and elimination violence against women.
Enable to combat trafficking in the pretext of marriage and employment.
Elimination all forms of discrimination against the girl child/women.
Elimination of Illiteracy from under-privileged caste’s women & children.
Activities in briefs :
1. Education Sector :
Creche Services for the children of working Mothers.
Non-Formal Education Centre for left-out and migrating children in the jobs of
different Handicrafts including Bamboo Crafts, Weaving, Embroidary, etc.
Adult Education through Small Library to get exposures of education, national
history, literatures- novels, poems, etc.
Scholarship/Book Grants / School Dress/Reading Materials, free Tution/Coachings.
Teacher’s / Instructors Training.
2. Economic & Women Development :
Community Institution Building.
Capacity Building of members–through training of leaders, members & exposures.
Field Worker’s Training and exposures.
Sustainable agriculture, Horticulture, Agro-Fishery, Farmer’s Club and Insurance.
Self-Employment/Vocational Skill Training in various trades as per their choices &
employment potentiality–e,g different handicraft promotion, design development
including embroidary, wood crafts(carpentary), motor mechanics, 2/3 wheeler
mechanics, corkpith items making, soft toys, tailoring & knitting, computer, etc.
3. Health Sector :
Mother & Child Health Care.
Reproductive & Child Health Care.
Adolescent Health Care and Peer Educator Promotion.
Charitable Dispensary- Ayurved, Homeo, Yoga and Naturapathy.
Health Worker’s / Dai Training.
Mobile Health Care in Remote Rural and Inaccessible Parts of the Districts.
Disability Care, sensitization for behavioural changes towards disabled.
HIV/AIDS and STDs Prevention care education.
Awareness Generation on ensured Pulse Polio Coverage.
Environmental awareness to prevent/protect/educate community to combat
Global Warming, Climatic Changes and other consequences.
Educate community for plantations, abstaining from de-forestations and encourage
in plants protections and care.
4. Cultural & Youth Development :
Youth Leadership Building Programmes.
Exposures & Excursions.
Social & Cultural Programmes with Folk Dances, Songs and Drama.
Birthday Celebrations of Patriots.
Special Day observations – World Environment day, World Youth Day, World
Women’s Day, World Traffic days, etc.
Games and Sports.
Library Establistment.
Team of Performers :
Full Timer : 3 Nos.
Male : 08 & Female – 17.
Graduate – 08 Nos.
Part Timer : 7 Nos.
Volunteers : 15 Nos.
Higher Secondary : 10 and Madhyamic : 07
Infrastructures Available :
Building with necessary Office Room, Water & Sanitations, Staff Room, Training Hall,
Spaces for running Vocational Trainings, etc.
Area of Operation & Location :
District : Darrang ;
Block(s):Sipjhar, Mangaldoi, Kalaigaon & Dalgaon ; State-Assam.
FOR THE PERIOD : 2010 - 2011
Greetings to you all for our New Financial Year !
Respected Members, Community Representatives, Wel-wishers, Guests & different
incoming dignitories from interior pockets of the communities. Take our hearties regards
for your participation in this auspicious day as well as for your year long contribution,
support for the benefits of the peoples - women, children, adolescent youth, peoples
with disabilities and aged adults.
We have great pleasure to be assembled here to welcome you all and at the sametime
We wish to share our past one years social actions, performances, experiences reports for
you all present here. This Annual Progress Report is for the period 2010-2011.
This exercises is our effort to deseminate informations, sharing experiences and opinion,
and get your recommendation and acknowledgement.
This is very important process of that you are the main architect in extending such
services for the downtrodden, un-served and under served. So We are acknowledging all
these through this reports, information, etc. in presence of you all.
You all are also aware of the fact that Our Organization was been established when at
our project area peoples were in a state of illiteracy, ignoancy, superstitions, hard
poverty, specially status of women, girl children was severe with high level of
descriminations, poor status of education, mal nourished and dependant on the income
of man-counterpart. It was un-imaginable that Women also can earn and can afford the
livelihood needs by their own raised income or resources. They nedd not to leave like a
sub-standard of life style. Rather they can easily access required services for her own
socio-economic stability as well as for her family. That change may be possible through
our following limited efforts :
• Conciousness & Capacity Building among them through awareness, motivation
and active participation.
• Skill and confidence building through trainings, exposures and demonstrations.
• Scope of raising community resources, assets building through Promotion of
Micro-Savings, Micro-Credit, Self-Help Groups /Community Institution Building,
• Information de-semination for necessary convergence actions.
For that movements, We have achieved peoples confidence, generated outstanding
confidence and co-operations and bagged supports in both the manner – physical
presence, psychological and financial support which has given us lots of inspirations,
added courage and confidence in continuing required services for the community.
Though combating community needs is very challenging for we like small grass root
level organization. Inspite of that We are confident that We shall overcome in forth
coming days. Few of community needs are as follows which requires immediate
attentions :
• Reducing the highest level of illiteracy from and among the community specially of
women, girls of Minorities, Scheduled Castes and Other Backward Castes.
Arrangement for poor patients easy mobility to hospital at far off ( almost 25 Kms.
away) specially for poor female patients who sometimes dies on the way ( by
Ricksaw Van) to hospital during delivery for the lack of an “Ambulance”.
Needs more Mother & Child Health Care Programmes, training for local dais to
ensure safe delivery and motherhood.
Undertake Continuous efforts to eliminate superstitions, ignorancy from and among
the mentioned backward communities through the implantation of child literacy,
adult literacy, non-formal education for working children.
Increase support services for the children of working mothers through
establishment of Creche and day care centres.
However, Our Organisation being with the barriers of many hurdles has performed the
following activities like previous year during the year 2009-2010. No major heads are
changed due to funds constraints :
Under Sector Education :
(a) Creche Programme :
To combat the needs of the children for the working mothers, We have been arranging
Blawadi Cum Creche Centres. 4 Such Centre is operational in 4 GPs of Kharupetia under
Darrang District of Assam. During such services, We are confessing with the issues of
malnutrition for bother mother & children in the Rural Assam as well as to give drive in
Child Education Suhana Foundation Samity has extended their hands of co-operation
through the provision of Creche Cum nutrition support activities in the areas for the
poorest of the poor.
It includes Regular Health Check-up, Nutrition care, Free Medicine Support, Elementary
Education, recreational activities-Games & Sports, etc. Such 122 Children are served
through Four Centres.
Children are given Scope of recreations along with regular health Check-up
(b) NonNon-Formal Education (NFE) :
Under NFE, left-out and working or migrating children in the jobs of Weaving,
Embroidary and Handicraft, etc. are brought into our centres.
In this centre, they are made eligible to be literate, along with numeracy skills,
vocational skills are also been imparted to enable them in earning livelihoods costs for
their respective families. Such 48 Children of age group 9-14 yrs are served.
(c) Adult Education :
Young Girls of Community Institutions, Adolescent youths and other illiterates are
brought under this centre to be eligible with reading, writing skills through our trained
Volunteers. At post skills of literacy, necessary Vocational Skills are also been imparted
to be self-employed and self-dependant. Max. beneficiaries under this sector are women
and girls. Such 63 youths are served under this sector. The target groups are majorly
minority women, SCs and other backward castes.
(d) Teacher’s Training :
Involved educators cum teacher cum Instructors are given package training to handle
the above three education promotion activities. 25 Such Youths are been trained to serve
better in respective streams.
Trainees are from and among the Community
(e) Scholarship / Book Grants :
Along with education materials, books, dress materials, Scholarship and Stipends for
poor and meritorious students are been provided to continue their education and thus
We can prevent school drop-out. Last year We have given this services to 69 students.
Sector Economic & Women Development / Empowerment :
(a) Community Institution Building.
Target audiences or poorest of the poor target populations are brought under small and
homogeneious groups where each group are of 15-20 members. Such a way 2375
families are brought under 127 Community Institutions.
(b) Capacity Building :
Responsible, community leaders, members are been made enabled to take lead of their
respective institutions or groups through training and exposures. 258 such members are
been made enabled.
(c) Field Worker’s Training :
32 Such Worker’s including Volunteers and Staff are trained to enable them in handling
our development intiative from grass roots to plan and planning to implementation level.
Necessary exposures are also given to increase their level of communications and
community needs addressing powers.
(d) SelfSelf-Employment Skills Promotion :
Neverthless to mention that the un-employment among younger generations,
among the target populations are the main issues of concerns which leads
individual and community into frustrations. Even they became involve with
many un-civic consequences like gambling, drug addictions, etc.
To combat this situations, being with the need felt by the communities We
involved, We have undertaken following fields of trades through which We
have tried to generate Self-Employment and avenues of generating income to
combat poverty. The trades are as follows :
Wood, Cane & Bamboo Crafts.
Embroidary Work,
Cork-Pith items making,
Soft Toys making,
Tailoring & Knitting,
Computer Operation Skills, etc.
Skill Training & Production Centres
Thus 135 youths are been brought under the Self-employment including 48 girls and
rests are boys. NABARD has extended necessary support for that.
Sector Health :
Under this Sector following sub-heads of activities are been undertaken to address the
needs of our target audiences :
(a) Mother & Child Health Care.
Community Institutions members, non-group members from our target areas are
covered under MCH Care which includes Clinics organizations, awareness generations
and health check-up camps. Besides, male nutritions, diarrhoea and anemia combating
skills are given to take care of mother and child health.
We also run booster activities to generate Awareness Generation on ensured Pulse Polio
Coverage through Govt. Initiatives.
Homeo Clinics
Community Level Health Awareness Camp
(b) Reproductive & Child Health Care
Population bursting for population growth by leaps and bounds is a major concerns
through out India and its consequences affecting the mass. To combat the situations,
what We generally deed is creation of awareness of the eligible mothers, adolescent boys
and girls to take care of their health, facilitate their thoughts in this concern to reduce
the populations by birth spacing, encourage to use both temporary and permanent
sterilization methodology, etc. To carry-out this messages to community, necessary peer
educators are been created and they are continuing this missions with the community.
Such 26 peer educators are working in different villages to spread the messages for
adolescent yout’s awareness.
(d) Charitable DispensaryDispensary- Homeo, Yoga,
Yoga, Aurvedic and Naturapathy :
Majority of our populations can’t access the required health care services for the reason
of poverty as well as for the lack of necessary costs recovery of their medical needs.
For this, We are conducting awareness camps to educate the mass., make aware of many
rurally available herbs which can compensate the medical needs of combating common
ailments. Under this heads 678 beneficiaries are benefitted this year.
(e) Health Worker’s / Dai Training :
The services which are been offered to the community through the staff, volunteers are
enabled or skilled through necessary package trainings.
An important community workers are rural dais. They are also been trained under
experienced doctors to combat needs of trained dais so that no mothers are delivered
under any un-trained dais and leaves possibility of maternal deaths.
(f) Mobile Health Care :
To combat the needs of the peoples leaving in remote and in-accessible areas, We send
Cycle Van Ambulance Cum Mobile Health Care Services in those areas. 15 Villages are
given such services where there is no such medical services.
(g) Disability Care :
Disability care is an essential activity which needs more attention. As for this no
comprehensive cares are available in any Govt. Hospitals. Besides We offer awareness
programmes for Community sensitization along with sensitization of parents for
behavioural changes towards disabled as well as for their rehabilitations.
This year We have organized a Camp to identify disability type and recommended to
District Authority for the provision of Certificates. We have thus send 179 disabled to
Local Govt. Hospital for necessary services.
(h) HIV/AIDS and STDs Prevention care education
education :
Under this head, for our fund constraints, We run only awareness generations of the
community. As it’s a very dreadful diseases and growing very fast for increasing number
of HIV/AIDS carriers in our areas around National Highways.
In our areas, migrated embroidary and Handicraft Woker enzed in Mumbai, Delhi,
Gujrat are the possible caries of HIV/AIDS viruses. So We are cautiously generating
awareness on its prevention knowledge among them.
(i) Environmental Awareness :
Nature and Environment are now in a situation of agonial stages for the whole
humanity. As environment are heavily affected by our human society. This needs
immediate attention to Prevent/Protect / Educate Community so that We can little bit
combat the Global Warming, Climatic Changes and other consequences.
Education for Community in undertaking more and more Plantations, abstaining peoples
from de-forestations and encourage them more in plants protections and care.
Sector Cultural & Youth Development :
(a) Youth Leadership Building Programmes :
As stated earlier that youth are the back bone of our Nation. So healthy, educated, cultured
and well knowledged generation will make our nation strong. With this view, our
organization has been involving youth in various socio-economic activities. Youth
leadership skill is similar objects oriented activities.
Neheru Yuba Kendra of Assam extends necessary cooperations in this concern. 35 youths
are been send on various training programmes.
(b) Exposures & Excursions :
Beside leadership, they are given exposures through tour and travels, excursions and mission
based rallies. Trained above 35 Youths are also send to Training & exposures to get
knowledge on various Small Enterprise Business, its marketing and sustainability.
Exposure with Agri-Farmer’s and Tailoring.
SHGs Visits
Meeting of SHGs
(c) Social & Cultural Programmes with Folk Dances, Songs and Drama :
Youth are also been encouraged to take participation in various cultural programmes.
Through this theme based Socio-Cultural programmes, We send various messages to
communities which are based on Social, Environmental and many other legal aspects.
The means of such cultural programmes are Folk Dances, Songs, Street Corner Play and
Dramas by our experienced Ametaur Artists.
(d) Birthday Celebrations of Patriots, Poets Like Nazrul, Rabindranath Tagore &
Others Personalities of Assam :
Under this theme, We celebrate Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose,
Deshbandhu Chitta Ranjan Das, Lakshminath Bezbaruah, Navakanta Baruah, Anuradha
Sharma Pujari, etc. along with Great Patriots of Assam beside Rabindra & Nazrul’s
birthdays celebrated to established the National Integration.
(e) Special Day observations–World Environment day, World Youth Day, World Women’s
Day, World Traffic days, etc.
(f) Games and Sports :
Youth’s mental promotion through Games and Sports, Football, Cricket Tournaments,
Badmintan, Volley Ball etc. Indoor Games like Caram and Table Tenis are also been played
by the youth Volunteers.
Along with the above, Women & Girls Recreational activities been encouraged for their
better participation, confidence building.
(g) Library Establistment :
As mentioned earlier, We have been running a library where adult, school students,
children text books, knowledge books services are extended. We are looking ahead for
the support of Raja Rammohan Memorial Library Foundations to make it a strong.
Library is been enreached with various type of books for development in local languages
so that illiterate and literate both can understand. For illiterate Flip Charts, Posters and
Other Drawings are kept at Library.
Place : Kharupetia, Darrang, Assam.
Date : 08.09.11
Abdus Sabur