Noah`s Ark Newsletter - Trinity Lutheran Church


Noah`s Ark Newsletter - Trinity Lutheran Church
Noah’s Ark Newsletter
Trinity Lutheran Church
Our 32nd year
September/October 2012
“Two by Two the animals”...we
know the Noah’s Ark story
The children of Noah’s Ark have heard the NA story from the
Children’s Bible, the “Spark” Bible, and from several really great
Noah’s Ark story books. Plus we’ve sung NA songs, moved rainbow
ribbons to “Make that 2", put sticker animals on the “ark”, and talked
about our favorite animals. Some M-W-F children even played the
“what’s missing” game, to discover what NA story part was missing.
It’s been a wonderful way to share the story of our preschool’s name.
Ask them to tell you all about it!
That’s it! You’re an important part of the “Noah’s Ark” story...we’ll
celebrate all year!! WELCOME...we’re blessed to know you!
Noah's Ark Fall Harvest Spaghetti
Supper... October 23rd 4-7 PM
for the "ark"
this month:
Our first FUN FAMILY evening of the year is just
around the corner. Please save the DATE, and join us.
Envelopes with specific info & tickets will go home
soon, along with a special flyer on our SILENT
AUCTION fun. Please read through the materials
carefully, returning ticket monies/and or unused tickets
in the same envelope by Oct 19 th . A tithe from this
fund-raiser will go to the Literacy Volunteers of
America, whose program addresses special reading opportunities for children &
child care during parent participation.
The SILENT AUCTION addition to our supper began two years ago, and
continues as a celebration of our 32 nd year of operation. This year's themes are:
"Family Fun Night", "Book Nook", "Treat Yourself", and "Keep It Local". Look
for boxes/signs on a cart by the children's cubbies to place the item you bring
in...I'll have them labeled. Be creative coming up with an item idea to share.
W e'll also be serving a great spaghetti supper that evening, while children's
activities go on around the Trinity Room. We hope you'll be there!!
Many of you signed up to help the evening of our Parent Teacher Orientation
Night. Look for the specific times/sign-ups outside the classroom door to check
your time slot. If you still want to join in the fun, please add your name to the
lists/times. W e need lots of volunteers to make the event successful!!
Sponsors to date include: Indianhead Foods, Boxx Sanitation, Texas Roadhouse,
and the Coffee Grounds. If you'd like to be included, e-mail or call Ms "C".
Successful drop offs
Washing hands before
school...and taking a
bathroom break
Putting snacks in mailboxes
Sitting on our own special
Finding our snacks at snack
Hanging up
Making choices in the room
Placing "People sticks" in the
Getting projects onto the wet
paint cart
Walking in a line with
Traveling to and from the
Listening to special Bible
Singing & dancing together
WOW...we've done a lot!!! Ask
us about it!
Our 32nd year
September/October 2012
"Beaver Creek Nature Center",
our first field trip of the year
October 9 & 10
Beaver Creek Nature Center is located on
County Road K north of Fall Creek, about 10-15
miles from NA. We'll provide all volunteer
drivers with maps. We also try to "caravan" together on our trip
there. Please ask any questions you might have, and make sure we
have your cell phone number, just in case.
MINT GREEN field trip permission forms will be in children’s
mailboxes one week before our trip. Please sign your child's
name, your name, and date it before you return it to your child's
home base teacher. Cost for the trip is $5.00/child. Parents’ charge
is $4.00. Send in a labeled envelope to your child’s home base
teacher. (Most of our field trips are free or minimal cost.)
Parent Volunteer sign-ups with the RAINBOWs are up on the
classroom bulletin boards. It'd be fun to have you join us!! Go
ahead...SIGN UP!! (We also need volunteers for snacks and mini
water bottles!)
NO SCHOOL on Monday,
October 15
All Eau Claire Public Schools are
closed for conferences that
day...Noah's Ark will also be closed!
FYI...on field trips,
when you are not driving, please
bring your child’s carseat in, so that
you can place it directly in the
volunteer parents’ car for
wear your
Noah’s Ark tie
dye T-shirts
which you will
receive the first
week of
October. It’s fun to look like a
“rainbow” Noah’s Ark family!
(We go on field trips in Oct, Nov,
Mar, Ap, May. Other months are too
In the kiosk outside the
preschool office you can
October 6th ...10 am
Main office hallway classrooms
Join Mrs. Lien for tie dye fun on October 6 at 10am . Bring your
own t-shirts, socks, etc. to create with beautiful dye, which we will
provide. There is no cost for this event, however we are asking
you to bring a shirt or other items to also tie-dye for our Mission
Jamaica project. (Any new items need to be washed!) Come ready
to design & have fun!
Tuition envelopes...tuition is due
on the first of the month.
Bible envelopes to help defray cost
of Bibles
Noah’s Ark info
Devo booklets
Fun kid info
Interesting articles
Piper Gunderson
Audrey Pulvermacher
on the birth
of your new
baby sister
on the birth
of your new
baby sister
Etta Belle
Our 32nd year
September/October 2012
Fall Outside Play...
Please remember:
1. Wear SAFE shoes! Sand gets in
sandals...and the children don't like that.
2. Teachers say "Come right now...and we'll
come out again"...and the children come running
to line up. They are doing SUPER!!
3. We go out on days when the weather cooperates. Please send jackets
for the crisp, cool days.
4. Please meet us's a safety issue. Children don't know who to
listen to when you wait outside, and they may run to you in front of
traffic. Thanks for understanding!
Schultz Family Farm Field
The children of Noah’s Ark will be traveling down
Hwy 93 to Eleva on Thursday & Friday, October
25th & 26th . Please be on time, as the field trip is
about 25 minutes away. Cost of the trip is $1.50...
and includes a tour, a pumpkin, a color book, a fun
maze, a petting zoo, and much more. We’ll have a
snack at the farm. Please wear appropriate, etc.
Sign-ups will go up next week for volunteer drivers, snacks, and mini
water bottles. Join us...maps will be provided!
Music & Fingerplay fun in
THESE children LOVE to sing and
dance. We've been reviewing some
OLD songs, and singing a few new
ones. Here's our list for the TUNE
1. "God Made the Earth"
2. "The Hippo Song"
3. "The B-I-B-L-E"
4. "Doo Wa Ditty"
5. "Make That 2"
6. "The Rainbow Song"
7. "What a Spark"
8. "The More We Get Together"
THEY ARE AMAZING singers and
Bibles for Kids
Noah’s Ark Book Corner
We read to your children all the time. Reading and enjoying good
literature is one of the BEST gifts you can give children. They learn
good listening skills, use their imagination, remember details, express
their emotions, and have special time with you! Please read to your
children often!!
From the Noah’s Ark Library this month:
“Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar”
by V Garofoli
“Llama Llama Mad at Mama” by A Dewdney
“Noah’s Crew Came 2 x 2”by M MacDonald
“The Peace Book” by Todd Parr
“The Daddy Book” by Todd Parr
“The Itsy Bitsy Spider” by I Trapani
“Marley Goes to School” by John Grogan
“Friends of a Feather” by A Cohn
“Animals and Me ABC” by C Horn
“Ned’s Rainbow” by M Walsh
“Pinkalicious” by V & E Kann
During the first week of school,
Bibles were given to Noah’s Ark
three year olds, and new Noah’s Ark
children. We use our Bibles every
day in school, and we’ve heard from
children that they read them at home,
too. At Trinity, it is our goal to place
Bibles in the hands of children, so
they can know God’s love through
the Word.
If you’d like to help defray the cost
of Bibles, envelopes are available on
the tops of the children’s
mailboxes...cost is $11.00/Bible.
Our 32nd year
September/October 2012
Openings at Noah’s Ark
We’ve had several birthdays since school began! What fun to see
parents with their children, celebrating birthdays. WE LOVE your
Celebrate with ALL these wonderful children on their special days:
Millie Cayley...4 on the 2nd
Mya Thompson...5 on the 7th
Lucy Willems...4 on the 8th
Davis Tornehl...4 on the 12th
Avery Bredl...5 on the 16th
Grady Peters...4 on the 21st
Reagan Muchow...5 on the 22nd
Lydia Palmier...5 on the 25th
Wyatt Pladsen...4 on the 1st
Asher Mangrum...4 on the 5th
Emily Wiltgen...5 on the 5th
Noah Garcia...5 on the 12th
Chase Schultz...4 on the 15th
Cole Nelson...5 on the 16th
Anabel Yakes....4 on the 19th
Kenny Swanstrom...4 on the 24th
Eva Martin...5 on the 27th
The Noah’s Ark Prayer Corner
Please pray for:
-ALL our NEW Noah’s Ark babies
-All the families of Noah’s Ark
-Sophie, our T-Th pm friend, who is moving
-Emily W & Noah T and their families who are grieving the death of a
-our September & October birthday children
-wonderful teacher & student relationships
-Peacemaker friendships at NA
-beautiful FALL days to enjoy
-Daggan & Wesley, T-Th pm friends soon to
join us
-ALL the people of the world
-thanksgiving and praise to God
W hen I went on summer vacation in late
May, Noah’s Ark classes were FULL,
just like last year...and then summer with
changes happens??!? W e’ve lost some
students to moves out of the area, 4K
placements, and a variety of other
unpredictable situations. SO...please
keep Noah’s Ark’s name out there. We
have two M-W -F am opening & one in
the M-W -F PM. W e will also have a TTh pm spot at the end of October,
because our friend Sophie is moving.
PASS the word! W e’re having LOTS of
Noah’s Ark
Please make sure you give me all the
paperwork for the Noah’s Ark files.
Your checklists included:
T white enrollment form
T immunization print-out from
doctor, or green form
T updated white doctor’s
physical...some of you are having
them done this fall. Please get the
new one to me ASAP.
T beige health history form...signed
by parent
I’ll be reviewing the info you’ve given
m e again before October 1 st to make
sure everything is in order...and I”ll put
the paperwork in your child’s mailbox
for you to return ASAP! The licensing
agent can come any day now!
Noah’s Ark
*Kelsey (a CVTC student teacher
on Tues/Wed AM each week) &
*Kelsey (UWLax grad on Thurs/Fri
AM each week volunteering before
grad school program begins). We
are blessed by their love for
children & their participation
at Noah’s Ark. Hugs to them!!
Check out their pics on the
main bulletin board.
Our 32nd year
September/October 2012
Great websites to visit:
! - all about parenting, child discipline,
tips (see sample on back page) - special info on autism & early
intervention - for fun art ideas at home - for EC area info on childcare
What fun to have such info at our fingertips!!
Mission Opportunities at
Noah’s Ark
Current FALL projects at
Noah’s Ark include:
Costume Parties
at Noah’s Ark
On Tuesday & Wednesday, October 30
& 31, the children will celebrate with a
fun costume party. Children can come
dressed in comfortable costumes that are
non-scary to others. Teachers will also
be in costume.
We invite any parents who want to dress
up at drop off or pick join in the
fun at drop off! There will also be a photo
opportunity at the beginning of the day in the classroom for parents.
At special parties, we love to eat fancy long as they are
peanut free. Be looking for the Costume Party sign-up, if you’d
like to share a special treat or fancy napkins for the day. We’ll
serve water to drink, because Noah’s Ark has “the best water ever!”
Fall Harvest Spaghetti Supper ticket
sales will provide a tithe to
LVA...LIteracy Volunteers of
Tie Dye Saturday...extra t-shirts
brought by families participating
will be given to Mission Jamaica
families in 2013 Mission trip
Feed My People food pantry at
TLC...non-perishable food items are
always welcome.
Friday afternoon EMAILS...
Are you getting them? If not, contact Ms
“C” so I have your e-mail address
Looking WAY ahead:
Advent W orkshop, Sunday after
Thanksgiving, November 25 th 2 PM.
Advent activities for all ages...ALL are
i Angel Breakfast, Saturday, December
8 th 8:30 -10 AM
A special breakfast for a
preschooler/Kindergartener and guest,
complete with activities, and an
ANGEL visit!
More info soon on these fast-approaching
special events!
Piper Anderson
Hailey Birkholz
on the birth
of your new
baby sister
on the birth
of your new
baby brother
Our 32nd year
September/October 2012
Special thanks to friends for
these gifts at the end of last
school year & the beginning of
Here’s what some of the Noah’s Ark
children have been saying:
“Is it snack time yet?”
“I want my mom!” “She’ll be back at 11:30!” “Ok!”
“I want my grandma!”
“You can have this when I’m done!”
“I have 23 invisible kitty friends!”
“Write C3PO on this paper.”
“I can open this myself”
“I just peed in my pants!”
“It’s clean up time!” “I don’t want to clean up!”
Rainbow WATER tasting comments:
“It tastes like purple!”
“I taste strawberries!”
“I like green!”
“No thanks!”
“I’m just tasting a bit!”
“What does the green taste”
“They all taste the same to me!”
“They all taste like water!”
Hmmmm...interesting! (Tasting the water was a great procedure
for teaching the children how to take “just a small amount...a
taste” when they pour! They are pouring their own water in the
M-W-F classes! GREAT JOB!!) T-Th children are working
towards that goal in the spring.)
As you can tell the children talk, and talk, and talk. We’ll share
more in the months to come! It’s a blessing for us as teachers to be
a part of their fun conversation!
Eva Martin
ºHailey & Hannah Brenden...musical
instruments for the Noah’s Ark & GLS
ºDavis Tornehl...A special book “If
You Find A Rock” in honor of his 4th
Birthday and bubbles for his friends
ºLucy Day...2 Justin Roberts CD’s in
honor of Lucy’s love of singing fun
Bible story songs
ºIsabelle Vue...$$ for the Noah’s Ark
Piggy & “The Very Busy Spider” in
honor of her spring birthday
ºEva Roeger...$$ for the NA Piggy
because she wanted to
ºBlake Franzwa...$$ for the NA Piggy
& MatchBox cars in honor of his spring
ºMya Thompson...pinewood shavings
for “Echo’s Cage” in honor of her 5th BD
ºEmarie Burnett...peace stickers, a
Peace wreathe for our room, & a Peace
bucket in honor of her peacemaking
ºCaden Klay...$$ for the NA Piggy in
honor of his May birthday
º...thank you!!! AND LOTS
of HUGS!
Emily Wiltgen
on the birth
of your new
baby brother
on the birth
of your new
baby brother
Our 32nd year
September/October 2012
Our 32nd year
Trinity Christian
“Noah’s Ark”
Trinity Lutheran Church
1314 E Lexington Blvd
Eau Claire W I 54701
Jeanne Cooper
Ginny Lien
Marlee Knickerbocker
Jill Kasmarek
W e’re on the web, too
Our website always includes the
latest newsletter and calendars.
September/October 2012
The Logic won’t happen without the LOVE!
(From the August, 2012 e-mail)
How do we help our kids develop the type of cause-effect logic that leads to good decisionmaking? Is it by showing them how tough we are, or is it by showing them how much we love
them as they experience the tough consequences of
their poor decisions?
-Our anger allows kids to blame us for the consequences of their poor decisions.
-Our loving empathy forces them to blame themselves for these consequences.
If we’re forgetting our sincere empathy, it will increase the odds that they’ll lack the logical,
common sense reasoning required to stay safe in today’s complex world. Some reminders:
Lock in empathy FIRST.
Before describing consequences, do your best to establish a sincere love connection with
your child. Whenever appropriate, pair your words, like “This is so sad”, with caring eye
contact & touch.
Delay the consequences when you’re too angry to be empathetic
People who use Love and Logic aren’t always sweet and sappy. Sometimes they put
some steel in their voices and say, “I’m too angry right now to make a good decision
about what you’ve done. We’ll talk about it when I’m calm.”
When it’s over, it’s over.
There are few things more damaging to any relationship than taking out the trash, and
then throwing it back inside through an open window! When kids experience
consequences we must resist the urge to rub salt in the wounds by lecturing after the fact.
Use as few words as possible.
The most effective people use very few words when things are going wrong.
About Noah’s Ark...
Noah’s Ark is a mission of Trinity Lutheran Church,
an extension of Children’s M inistry, and licensed by the state of W isconsin
Our purpose is to:
SHARE the Good News of Jesus Christ
ENGAGE children in activities to discover how wonderfully God has made them
ENCOURAGE children in Christian attitudes of respect, kindness, service, hope,
forgiveness, peace and love
CONSIDER what a great place church is to be
HELP children learn what it means to be a disciple