November Newsletter


November Newsletter
November 2015
Mark Your
Holy Trinity
Lutheran Church
Marietta, Georgia
From the pen of Pastor Grunke . . .
Do this! Read 1 Kings 18:20-39. Then ask, how many more times have you
felt like the prophets of Baal rather than a believer in the God of Israel? When
the sacrifice made to Baal would not ignite and be consumed by fire, Elijah
mocked the prophets of Baal saying, “You’ll have to shout louder!” Perhaps
your God is in deep thought, or relieving himself. Or, maybe he is on a trip,
or asleep and needs to be awakened!
Wouldn’t it be nice if when we called upon the Lord in prayer He would answer as quickly as He did for Elijah. As soon as Elijah called upon God to
October 31/November 1 consume the sacrifice he had prepared it went up in flames. Proving once
All Saints Services
and for all that God, not Baal, was the one and only true God.
November 14
November 22
So what do we do when our prayers are not answered quickly, or maybe not
at all. Like the prophets of Baal, we wonder if God is day dreaming, on vacation, or asleep. Many times in life our faith will be challenged as we wonder if
God is listening or not. When we read stories in the Bible about prayers being
answered as soon as they are prayed we wonder what is so special about
November 28/29
I do not have an answer to the often-times appearance that God is on vacation. But I will suggest this, when we pray for this or that, to also pray for the
faith of Elijah who had no doubt that the God of Israel was God indeed.
HT Music Café
November 21
Angel Tree Giving Starts
Christ the King Services
Advent 1 Services
So lets keep praying, keep believing, and be patient!
Worship Schedule:
Saturday Worship
5:30 PM
Sunday Worship
8:30 & 11:00 AM
9:15 AM
Sunday School
for all ages
9:45 AM
Wishing all a very
Happy Thanksgiving!
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church: MONTHLY UPDATE
A Message from our Church Council President:
I want to take this time to thank the congregation for our congregational meeting. Although
our budget passing was not unanimous, we had an open dialogue and were respectful of
each other.
One question that was brought up during that meeting was how we could vote on a budget
that was over twice of our current pledges for 2016. I have a contribution report for 2015
that shows that our offerings were broken down as follows: Pledges – 55%, Non pledges/
loose offerings – 45%. We expect that to continue in 2016.
Even though 2015 is winding down, our programs are still going strong. Please remember
to stay current with your offerings through the holidays. I hope that your holidays are filled
with family, friends, and good food.
As of September 30, 2015 the budgeted amount is : $855,943.00
Total giving total is:
The year-to-date deficit is: $ - 137,622.00
Thank you for the continued support of the ministries of Holy Trinity through your giving.
Worship Attendance through October 24-25
9/26 - 9/27
10/3 - 10/4
10/10 - 10/11
10/17 - 10/18
10/24 - 10/25
“ Fall Back ” for Daylight Savings Time
Remember to set your clocks back
1 hour before you go to bed on
Saturday night, October 31!
Fair Trade for the Holidays
As we head into the Christmas Season, please support the Fair Trade initiatives with Holy Trinity.
Throughout the year we sell fair trade coffee and chocolate. Then during the Christmas Season, we will
expand to include gifts and household items. Our mission this year is to support 5 families. If we buy
$1,000 worth of gifts, coffee, and chocolate, we have supported 1 family for an entire year. This allows
them to send their children to school, have clean and usable water and breaks the cycle of poverty.
Through your excellent support this year we have been recognized for our efforts with the red cherry
challenge. So Thank You and Thank You. This really helped the farmers keep their farms!
Angel Tree | Cobb County Foster Care
This year we will participate in the Cobb County Angel Tree program for
our 20th year of assisting Cobb county residents! When the tree goes up on
Saturday, November 21st, please take a moment to check out the ornaments
to view the gifts that are needed to help make Christmas special for Cobb
County children in foster care. The unwrapped gifts (gift bags are fine) must
be returned to the church by Sunday, December 6th for delivery to the Cobb
County Department of Family and Children Services. Thank you for 20 years of support for this program!
The Young at Hearts… Finishing up 2015 with FUN!
Be sure to plan on attending our final two events of 2015:
Monday, November 09, 2015
10:00 A.M. Cost: $6.00
Listen to the Guys and Dolls perform a patriotic tribute in honor of Veteran’s Day in our fellowship hall,
then get into Chick-Fil-A sandwiches, chips, cole slaw and dessert.
Monday, December 14, 2015
10:00 A.M. Cost: $8.00
Join us in the Upper Room for our Christmas gathering. Musician, Sharon Scott, will serenade us with
Christmas songs and we can join in on the chorus. Enjoy a festive catered turkey dinner and a variety
of desserts.
November Youth News
Holy Trinity was blessed to confirm in Christ eleven
youth on Sunday, October 25. We welcome these
amazing young men and women into greater
participation in the mission of our congregation
and the ministry of the whole church.
Congratulations confirmands!
In November, the youth are selling wreaths in
Fellowship Hall after services as a fundraiser to
help our youth be able to attend Lutheran youth
camps next summer. The live wreaths are very
reasonably priced and beautiful. Wreaths will be
delivered to church and available for pick up the
first week of December. Order yours this weekend.
You won’t be disappointed!
On November 7th, all youth grades 6th-12th are
invited to join in on a trip to Camp Glisson in Dahlonega, GA where we will do a fun Challenge Course
and hike around the fabulous waterfall that is
located on camp property. For more information
or to RSVP please contact Becky Pappalardo at . Happy Fall y’all.
Hannah Jones
Rachel Kalliomaa
Christian Lodde
Carson Lundhagen
Matthew Pappalardo
Katryna Jade Wood
Julia Jones
Joseph Leidell
Annika Lundhagen
Kirk Lundhagen
Brooke Stephan
Saturday Worship Update
HT Music Café is November 14. “Through the Decades” is the theme for this fun (and tasty) event.
The Café opens after the 5:30 PM Saturday Service. Chas and the band are busy rehearsing
some of the great songs from each of the decades, starting with the 50’s (Poodle Skirts
optional). If you still have a favorite article of clothing (bell bottoms, leisure suits, etc.,
from your decade, and it still fits), be sure to wear it to the Café and be prepared for lots of
“I remember those.”
The Ministry Station will be available through November 7/8. Stop by and sign up to
attend, or email to rsvp. All you great dessert cooks, we need your help.
Sign up at the Ministry Station and let us know what gourmet goodie you can provide. Don’t forget,
we do have folks with dietary restrictions, so if you have a great recipe suitable for folks that must
eat sugar-free and nut-free foods, be sure to label it so folks know it is something safe for them to eat.
Join us every Saturday night at 5:30PM for a casual, come-as-you-are service, featuring great praise
music and a meaningful message shared by one of our pastors. Reach Up, Reach Out, and Reach In!
SCRIP Program for November
As of November 1, ONLY 7 shopping weekends 'til
Christmas. Time to get organized and make out your
shopping list for everyone on your Santa list.
Stressed out yet? The solution is here! Visit the Scrip ministry
Scrip Order/Delivery Schedule
Station on the dates listed below. Order gift/retail cards for
Delivery Date
everyone, annnnnd done!
November 7/8
November 14/15
Who doesn't like receiving gift cards so they can pick out
November 14/15
November 21/22
what they REALLY want (maybe skip the tie and perfume)
November 21/22
December 5/6
and surprise them with a gift card. Great idea for teachers,
(No delivery on Nov. 28/29-Scrip closed)
mail delivery person, hairdresser - you get the idea.
November 28/29
December 5/6
December 5/6
December 12/13
December 12/13
December 19/20 (Delivery only)
Holy Trinity’s
Stephen Ministry
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in
the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another.
Hebrews 10:25a
Stephen Ministers provide one-to-one
Christian care to the bereaved, hospitalized, terminally ill, separated, divorced, unemployed, relocated, and others facing a crisis or life challenge.
The Envelope of the Month
for November is:
“World Hunger”
Your Thanksgiving donations support ELCA
programs to help eliminate hunger
all around the world.
If you feel the need
for this kind of care,
call Sally McTish at
This envelope is dated Oct. 31/Nov. 1, but can
be used anytime during the month of November.
Sunday Worship In November
November 15
November 1
Pentecost 25
ELW Setting 2 with music at the offertory by K. Lee Scott.
All Saints
Schubert Mass with Jonathan Wright, violin,
joining the choirs with anthems by John Bell,
Henry Gerike, and Daniel Kallman.
November 8
November 22
Christ the King
ELW Setting 1 with music
for choirs by Wayne Wold.
November 29
Pentecost 24
ELW Setting 9 with the offertory anthem
arranged by David Rasbach.
Advent 1
Schubert Mass with the offertory anthem arranged by
Robert Hobby.
Narrative Lectionary - As We Head into Advent
Year 2 in the Narrative Lectionary’s four-year cycle is the Year of Mark and the theme
we will follow is God at the Center. The Advent and Christmas story takes us from the
Reform of Josiah, to Exile, to the Return and the birth of Jesus and coming of John the
Baptist. As we approach the season of Advent, here are the series :
Series 2 - Free at Last! Free at Last! 10/11-11/8
Series 3 - A God Who Changes Yet Remains the Same 11/15-11/22
Series 4 - Advent & Christmas, The Way of Peace 11/29-12/27
Georgia Boy Choir Concert Set for December 6
The Georgia Boy Choir celebrates the Advent and Christmas Season with a
joyful and reverent Festival of Lessons and Carols here at Holy Trinity on
Sunday, December 6 at 3:00 PM.
Established in 2009, the Georgia Boy Choir has quickly gained a reputation as
one of the finest Choirs of its kind. Known for the transcendent beauty of their
singing and powerful, nuanced musical interpretation, the Choir has garnered an
impressive international fan base through its many performances in more than
170 countries all around the world. Operating on a five-tier music education system, the Choir serves more than 100 boys and young men from all around the
metropolitan Atlanta region. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear them in Holy Trinity’s sanctuary.
Memorials and Gifts to Holy Trinity
Gifts in Memory of Dave Lyjak to Holy Trinity’s Music Ministry were received from:
Scott & Annette Ranger
Roger Amidon
Rich & Carol Fiorenza
Bob & Martha Manly
Gifts in Memory of George McCoy to Holy Trinity was received from:
Sunday, November 1 - All Saints
Saturday /Sunday, - November 28 / November 29 - Advent 1
Tuesday, December 1 - Christ Child Shower
Saturday, December 5 - Breakfast with Santa
Saturday, December 12 - Christmas Pageant & Christmas Party
Children & Family Ministry Update
Happy Holidays and a very special Merry Christmas to you! We are in the midst of Christmas in Children’s
Ministry and you will be able to tell that if you visit our hallway! Christmas is everywhere! We always jump
ahead in Nov. to the Christmas lessons because of the school holidays. If we didn’t do that we would
never get to cover the wonderful story of Jesus’ birth and the amazing good news! I hope your heart is
ready and eager this year for the Christmas season to arrive. It’s such an amazing time of year! The
carols, the bright lights, there is joy in the air and it rubs off on almost everyone you meet. Get a head start
on your Christmas Spirit and jump into your Christmas celebration with us this month!! It’s so much fun to
be a little ahead and able to enjoy it all along the way.
Here are the topics are for our Children’s lessons in UpStreet (Children’s Sunday School) for November
and December, culminating with a Birthday Party for Jesus.
Our Life app is Compassion.
Nov. 1, God loved us first. How do you love others?
Nov. 8, God saw our greatest need. Whose need do you see?
Nov. 22, God gave us the greatest gift. What will you give?
Dec. 6, God gave us the greatest news. Who will you tell?
Dec. 13, Birthday Party for Jesus!
It’s a wonderful way to get your kids thinking about the real meaning of their favorite holiday! (The music
this month will all be Christmas music and they will learn some new Christmas Carols and holiday songs,
as well.)
Christmas Pageant sign ups are about to come to an end, if your child wants to
participate but isn’t signed up you only have until Sunday, Nov. 8th to sign up.
Sign up sheets are in the Fellowship Hall and the Children’s hallway. Practice
times are listed as far in advance as possible, but please list your email so we will be
able to give you more information as the date draws closer. There will be room for
every child that wants to be part of this special service.
“Breakfast with Santa” is Saturday, Dec. 5 from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. in the Upper
Room. It will be a magical morning with a little bit of Christmas everywhere you look!
We will have pancakes and sausage with juice or coffee. There is a $5. charge per
person (4 years and older). The children will be able to make a craft, talk with Santa,
(providing a wonderful photo op for parents and grandparents) and hear the Christmas
story in a child-friendly setting plus have all the pancakes they can eat. Come join the fun!
Children’s Ministry wish list:
1. Help us get the word out! 4 flat screen tv’s or monitors ( around 30” diagonal, used is fine) to loop
announcements in our hallways would allow us to spread the word about upcoming events more
2. Help us spread the magic. We’d like to borrow some Christmas decor and toys to add to what we have
for Breakfast with Santa. We will begin decorating Dec. 3. It can be picked up following the event on Saturday, December 5 or Sunday, December 6 following the services.
3. Help is needed to decorate the Upper Room for Breakfast with Santa, Dec. 3rd and 4th from 10:00
a.m.- 4:00 p.m. each day. If you can help in the evening please call the office and I’ll put a schedule together for the evening of the 3rd. (770-971-4600)
4. We also need help resetting the Upper Room following this event. This only takes about 30 minutes with
plenty of help.
2015 Women of the ELCA
Redeeming Waters
SE Synod Theme:
Bible Verse, 1 Peter 3:21a
HT’s Women of the ELCA Planning Meeting - You’re Welcome to Share Ideas for 2016!
Maybe you’ve seen something done at another church, or perhaps one of your friends has told you about an
interesting and worthwhile activity she has done with other women. If you have any thoughts on special
events or programs for the women of Holy Trinity feel free to join in on the annual planning meeting scheduled for Saturday, November 7 at 9:00 AM in the Upper Room. If you can’t make the meeting please contact
a board member to share your ideas. Thank you!
Holy Trinity’s Turn to Serve at Georgia Tech’s Lutheran Campus Ministry
Tuesday, November 10, 5:00 PM
Dinner, as well as beverages and paper goods are provided at Grace House on the Georgia Tech campus
for 40-50 college-age students from Emory, Georgia State Agnes Scott and Georgia Tech. If anyone is
interested in joining the Women of the ELCA organization’s effort, please contact a board member.
The Christ Child Shower, presenting “The Littlest Angel”,
Tuesday, December 1, 6:30PM
In addition to the program, The Littlest Angel, this year’s women’s Christmas event will benefit MUST
Ministry’s youngest ones as we collect much-needed size 4 and 5 diapers. The annual silent auction will
also benefit MUST Ministries. Please join us, and bring a friend! More info and sign up at the Ministry
Station, Nov. 7/8 through Nov. 21/22.
[PLEASE NOTE New instructions for silent auction donations: The deadline to drop off your donations is
Sunday, Nov. 29. In order to prepare for auction set-up, donations after Sunday cannot be accepted.]
Time to Bake & Buy... The Annual Cookie/Candy Sale!
December 5 & 6 - After All Services
The event we wait for every year: the ANNUAL COOKIE/CANDY SALE
December 5th and 6th after each service. All baked cookies should be
delivered to the church by Saturday, December 5th at 10:00 a.m.
If you bake anything with nuts, please include a note saying “with nuts”
for those with allergies or sensitivities.
Women of the ELCA Circles . . . Meet Every Month
Women of Holy Trinity are invited to visit and join our circles and to attend our activities and events
will meet next on Tuesday, Novem- STUDY will meet next on November
ber 17, at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship 18 at 10:00 AM in room EB 7-8.
Hall. For more information please Betty Morgans will lead the Bible
call Annette Rhadans, 770-424- study. Contact Marna Iverson for info
at 770-917-0823.
RAINBOW QUILTERS will meet on Tuesday, November 10th at 9AM and Monday, November 23rd at 7PM,
in Room 7-8 of the Education building. Please contact Jan Pomplun for more information at 404-422-5635.
next on Monday, November 9 at 7:00
PM in the church library. For more
info, please call Joy Schill, 770-9775326.
next on Wednesday, November 18 at
7:00 PM in room EB 7/8. Contact Jan
Pomplun for more information at
THE W-ELCA BOARD will meet next on Tuesday, November 3rd at 7:00pm in Room 6.
Please contact Judy Blackwell, President, (770-971-9079),
or Jan Pomplun, Vice-president, (404-422-5635), for information.
Holy Trinity's 12th Mission Trip to Lighthouse Family Retreat
Do you want to serve families living through childhood cancer down at the beach to provide them with a
week where they can rest, reconnect as a family, experience joy and find hope in God? This will be Holy
Trinity's 12th year to serve together as a group on a Lighthouse Family Retreat. If you are interested in
joining us next summer, contact Julie today! In order for us to serve on the same week, we need to get
our information into the Lighthouse office no later than November 2nd! Contact Julie Fesefeldt by email, or phone @ 678-469-9874 for all the details!
Lunch Bunch in November will be held on Thursday, November 12th,at the home of
Cullene Harper. We will be meeting at 11:30 and will begin with sharing with one
another the thankfulness that we hold in our hearts at this time in our lives...followed
by lunch, chatter, dessert, and laughter. Please plan to join us that day, as we want
to get to know you...and we want to hear you laugh. Call Cullene (770-421-0555) by
Tuesday, November don't need to bring anything … just a spirit of thankfulness and fun...appetite too...
Blessings in a Backpack BREAKFAST FOOD DRIVE
Holy Trinity is currently helping feed almost 250 children at several local schools
over the weekends. These children rely on free breakfast and lunch at school
during the week, but might not have enough or any food on weekends. We are
partnering with St. Vincent de Paul food pantry to provide a better variety and quantity of food. However, we
have been running low on breakfast items. So far, we have collected 160 breakfast bars, 108 packets of
instant oatmeal and 14 cereals. Thank you! But we can use a lot more donations. We will be collecting until
Sunday, November 8, so please drop off any of the items above at the Ministry. You can contact Mirna Lee
at 770.456.5748 if you have any questions. Thank you very much for your support of this program.
2015 Advent Conspiracy
We again plan to present this well-received program throughout the Advent season. This year
your donations will go to another Water Project, but this time it will be here in the United States.
The name of the organization is Dig Deep, a non-profit which commits 100% of public donations to water access. Your donations will support Dig Deep’s water project for over 370 Navajo
Indians in the state of New Mexico. Watch for more details to come.
Adult and Family Ministry
Awesome opportunities for all adults! There are several groups meeting each Sunday from 9:45-10:45
a.m. We have a brand new group for parents raising young children. Life stages are such amazing sources
of friendship and this group offers you that opportunity each week. There is open discussion about whatever is on your mind. There is also a video to jump start discussion in case no one feels particularly talkative. We’ll have a light snack and coffee and water, but the thing you will enjoy most is meeting some new
friends at church. Join us each week in room 7 in the Education Building. We’ll be looking for you!
Our other groups continue to meet in their respective locations. The Narrative Lectionary, The Wired Word,
Our Knitting and Crocheting group as well as the discussion group meeting in the Teacher’s lounge in the
Children’s hallway are all up and running, but these are all set up so that you can attend any group any
week and feel right at home. Come join the fun and fellowship!
“Thank You’s” to Holy Trinity
THANK YOU to the Holy Trinity Congregation and Staff for your fantastic support of the Hot Lips Hustle 5K! Our annual charity event, kindly held here at the church, allowed us to raise enough money to fund 25 more life-saving surgeries for children through The Smile Train. To all those who participated, donated, and helped spread the word of
our event, you have made an enormous impact! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Mrs. Gerda McCoy and family thank the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church family for all the prayers, visits, and comforting words and actions in the past few months. Everyone has been gracious with their compassion, time, donations,
and fellowship.
The McCoy family extends our heartfelt appreciation to all that provided us with nourishment for our body and minds
in this difficult time. We especially appreciate all for remembering and participating in George’s memorial. George
treasured and honored your camaraderie, friendship and love.
In George’s final instructions and closure with his family he talked about each and every one of his friends and acquaintances. In his words, “While I know that this will be a sad time, please don’t be too sad as I have had a very
interesting and satisfying life. I have known many fine people both in the military and in civilian life. May God continue to bless each of you.” In God’s Peace,
Gerda McCoy and Family
Dear friends in Christ,
Even though it is Fall, to some of our residents it feels more like Spring. We are forever grateful for you because of
what you have done that allows a growth that is everlasting. Enjoy the fall season knowing that your gift of $651.00
is just beginning to blossom. Thank you!
The Extension, Marietta
Thank you to our
2015 Oktoberfest Sponsors
Addison Elementary Ebenezer Rd
Aspens Steaks Shallowford Rd
Atlanta Dance Roswell Rd
Boy Scout Troop 479
Bulldog Movers Marietta
Canterbury Press Interstate North Pkwy
Carrabba’s Barrett Parkway
Cazadores Sandy Plains Rd
Chateau Elan Resorts
Cheeseburger Bobby’s Barrett Parkway
Chick Fil A Sandy Plains Rd
Chris Anderson
Clear Channel Outdoor Smyrna
Dave & Margaret Anderson
David Douglas Jewelers Sandy Plains Rd
Dr Sander Dorfzaun Canton Rd
East Cobber Magazine
Fast Signs Barrett Parkway
Findlay Rowe Florist & Gifts Woodstock
Finn Comfort/ Kanner Corp
Foot Solutions East Cobb Sandy Plains Rd
Forster Puffe
Havoline Oil Change Sandy Plains Rd
Horsetown Marietta Shallowford Rd
Ivy Lane Sandy Plains Rd
Kelly Green Nursery Shallowford Rd
Marietta Fish Market Canton Rd
Marietta Funeral Home Piedmont Rd
Marietta Seed & Feed Church Street
Martha Lovich
Mellow Mushroom Shallowford Rd
Monumental Media
Mountasia Barrett Parkway
MUST Ministries of Cobb County
nexAir Cobb Parkway
NAPA Auto Parts Sandy Plains Rd
One Hour Sign Canton Rd
Patak European Meats Austell
Provino’s Ristorante Barrett Parkway
Pugmire Lincoln Cobb Parkway
Sandy Plains Baptist Church
Spa Dreams Sandy Plains Rd
Sprayberry Dental Sandy Plains Rd
Texas Roadhouse Barrett Parkway
The Dive Shop Sandy Plains Rd
The German Consulate of Atlanta
The German School of Atlanta
Thrivent Financial Marietta
Tiger Rock Martial Arts Roswell Rd
Walgreens Sandy Plains & Piedmont
Williams Sonoma
Zaxby’s Sandy Plains
November 2
2013 - Geoffrey & Nicole Clott
November 4
1978 - Mary Frances & Alfred Green
1995 - Mike Cicero & Chris Susskind
20 years
1967 - Al & Pat Nordin
November 5
1977 - Brian & Debi Moore
November 7
1981 - Nick & Diane DePeder
1981 - Chuck & Karin Storla
November 8
1969 - Russ & Dixie Eisenhardt
November 15
1997 - Brenda & Larry Murphy
November 19
2006 - Steve & Christine Weisbarth
November 20
1965 - Rich & Carol Fiorenza
50 years
1999 - Ben & Erika Hink
1993 - Dewey & Maria Staggs
November 24
1973 - Mike & Darlene Clott
1984 - Robin & Joe Ernstes
November 25
1995 - Michael & Christine Poarch
20 years
November 26
1958 - Hans & JoAnn Schwantje
November 27
2010 - Marv & Cindy Adams
5 years
1971 - Jerry & Jeane Sykora
1993 - Ron & Shirley Thompson
November 28
2003 - Dan & Donna Formato
November 29
1958 - Ken & Nancy Vonderohe
Member Milestones
November 1
Kim Schmidt
Barrett Wheeler
November 9
Armando Mendez
Bill Slade
November 2
Jeffrey Miller
Linda Moll
Rebecca Schwartz
November 10
Irene Ballou
Joe Crenshaw
Janet Muller
Maria Ragsdale
November 3
Leann Mikkelson
Courtney Schwartz
November 4
Patricia Fors
Anita Hanley
Becky Hoffman
Liz Krueger
Sara Lionberger
November 6
Samantha Bayer
Donna Doran
Sharrie Eaton
Leigh Lyjak
Ruth Miller
November 7
Lynn Eaton
John Higgins
Deltah Stith
November 8
Aaron Jones
Martha Lovich
November 11
Jason Carlbom
Paulette Gebhardt
Penny Holloman
Kim Schneider
Scott Seeke
November 12
David Johnson
George Navarrete
Jeff Schutte
November 13
Jerry Gravitt
Alex Lind
Marcia Olson
Janet Stratton
Mary Stuetzer
Warren Wright
November 14
Carolyn Jenkins
November 15
Troy Berkland
Marlen French
November Birthdays
November 16
Christine Fischer
Nancy Gawryszewski
Sharon Kane
Brandy Murphy
Kathy Nelson
November 17
James Elling
Richard Fiorenza
Nancy Fischer
Betty Gravitt
Allison McGraw
Elizabeth Paonessa
November 18
Ila Briggs
Macie Post
Jason Roberts
Robert Schoenecker
November 20
Tim Culbreth
Marla Diederich
Sara Manly-Grainger
Vivian Hanson
John Wiley
November 21
David Anderson
November 22
Ray Blount
Gabriel Garcia
Allan Lee
A Birthday Prayer:
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit I begin another year. I want to live each
day in the clear knowledge that it is Your day. Keep
me active in service to You and my fellowman during this coming year. Show me Your love and
mercy in Christ as You have done in the past. Give
me opportunities to share Christ’s love and mercy
with others, and give me the strength and the will to
do so. Let my birthday be the reminder of how
much I am in debt to You for Your constant care,
concern, and love. Help me to live this year of grace
as Your child, O Lord. Amen.
Source: Lutheran Book of Prayer
November 23
Cheri John
Sharlane Rosenberger
November 24
Jane Hoffman
Lisa Jorden
Alice Martin
Kevin Schwartz
November 25
Mark Ritter
November 26
Mike Lind
Scott Schaffrick
November 27
Mike Garrett
Zachary Stouffer
November 28
Maria Staggs
November 29
Lauren Bearden
Michael Beck
Marla Ellis
Crystal Hoffman
Marcia Watson
November 30
Amanda AsprinoThompson
Carl Jorden
Brittany Marshall
Mark Mathews
Kathy Phillips
Holy Trinity Staff
The Rev. Ronald C. Grunke,
Senior Pastor - ext. 106
Chas Childers,
Saturday Praise Service Leader - ext. 140
Gaye Markham, Director,
Children, Adult & Family Ministry - ext. 104
Becky Pappalardo,
The Rev. Beth Birkholz,
Associate Pastor - ext. 107
Margaret Hulsey,
Church Administrator - ext. 105
Administrator for Confirmation & Youth – ext. 103
Anne H. Murphy,
Director, Music Ministry - ext. 114
Timothy A. Young,
Assoc. Director, Music Ministry; Organist - ext.113
Nicole Winkler,
Office Manager - ext. 101
Juanita Jones,
Bookkeeper - ext. 102
2015 Council Officers & Leaders
Council Officers
President: Sabra Black
Phone: 770-975-1173
Financial Secretary: Doris Beatty
Phone: 770-971-2510
Vice President: Connor Kuba
Phone: 678-787-8835
Debbie Benson
Phone: 678-585-0194
Secretary: Amanda Harris
Phone: 678-522-2513
E-mail: blakeandamandaharrisfamily
Darlene Clott
Phone: 770-924-9003
Council & Committee Leaders
Adult & Family Ministry Committees
Chair Rick Nemeck
Phone: 770-517-2078
Personnel Committee
Chair Bill Van Buskirk
Phone: 770-794-9394
Stewardship Committee
Chair David Fricke
Phone: 678-795-0019
Children & Family Ministry and
Chair Jeff Ragsdale
Phone: 678-581-0053
Property Management Committee
Chair Tim Culbreth
Phone: 770-977-2747
Sunday Worship Committee
Chair tba
Communication - Church Council
Social Ministry Committee
Chair Mirna Lee
Phone: 770-456-5748
Youth and Family Ministry Committee
Chair Karen Stephan
Phone: 678-525-7857
Saturday Worship Committee
Chair Vickie Crean
Phone: 770-974-6873
Youth Representatives
Amanda Asprino-Thompson
Phone: 770-579-1682
Evangelism/Participation Committee
Chair Richard Radke
Phone: 770-642-6439
Financial Management Committee
Chair Bill Hetherington
Phone: 770-565-5863
Carter Crenshaw
Phone: 678-560-8704
Non-Profit Org
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SE Synod
The Trumpet ▪ NOVEMBER 2015