June 2016 Newsletter - Trinity United Methodist Church


June 2016 Newsletter - Trinity United Methodist Church
(865) 588-5763 or 5764 (Church Office)
Fax: 865-588-0103 (Church Office)
(865) 588-6833 (Trinity Child Development Center)
Email: contact@knoxtrinity.org
Webpage: www.knoxtrinity
May 31, 2016
Non Profit Organization
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Knoxville, TN 37950
Permit #203
e k #surfsup
VBS is just around the corner, the Surf Shack staff would like to show the
kids that attend the importance of giving back to their community. We
would like to set a good example that they can follow but we need your
help. This year our three mission projects will be KARM, Children’s
Hospital, and local assisted living communities. We will need travel size
toiletries for KARM, Stuffed animals for Children’s Hospital, as well as
adult coloring books and colored pencils for the assisted living facilities.
You can bring these items and leave them in the Gathering area on June 5
and 12 or anytime during the week of Bible School.
The Surf Shack Staff would also like to announce the addition of an Adult
Bible Study this year. Teresa Gross will be leading this study. This study is
open to any adult whether you have a child in VBS or not.
Rev. Don Thomas
John Greer served churches throughout the Holston Conference
for over forty years of ministry. At his retirement he is credited with
saying he made everyone happy at each church he served. He said, “Some
were happy when I came, some were happy while I was there, and the rest
were happy when I left.” I can identify with Rev. Greer.
Trinity has represented for me a strategic and fulfilling ministry. I
have been happy and blessed to serve you for ten years, but I have
responded to the call of Christ to go to a new place, and in that precious
name to love others as I have loved you. Bishop Taylor and the District
Superintendents have responded.
Soon I will be your former pastor. Our relationship will shift. You
will have a new, awesome senior pastor, Rhonda Hobbs. I will have a
new congregation, First Farragut United Methodist Church, and you and I
together will settle into our new relationship as lifelong friends. My last
Sundays to preach are June 5 and 12. I continue pastoral duties until June
30, then July 1 marks the official ending and new beginning for Rev.
Hobbs. I am already thinking of the verse of “Blest Be the Tie that
When we asunder part,
It gives us inward pain;
But we shall still be joined in heart,
And hope to meet again.
There will be a tomorrow to be shared, even if it is beyond this
life. In closing I think of the words of John Woolman, an 18th Century
Quaker, who lived in Mount Holly, NJ, and preached up and down the
Eastern Seaboard. He spoke these words of friendship to a Quaker family
in North Carolina who had provided hospitality to him on one of his
preaching missions: “If thee and thine ever come to see me and mine, as
me and mine have come to see thee and thine. I hope me and mine can
make thee and thine as welcome as thee and thine have made me and
You are in my heart.
Needs your help!
We want to turn Trinity into a beach so the kids will feel they are
at the beach in landlocked Knoxville. The following is a list of items we
need donated or given to VBS. Please bring these items in AFTER
SPRING SPLASH. They may be brought to the church office FROM
MAY 16 – JUNE 5. Any items you want back after VBS please mark
clearly on the back of the item. We appreciate all the help we can get.
Beach Toys
Beach Towels
Surf boards
Pool noodles
Beach balls
Beach umbrellas
Boogie boards
Beach chairs
Sea shells
VBS for Grown-ups!
To everyone who will be helping to make our 2016 “Surf Shack”
Vacation Bible School a success for the children of our church and
community – THANK YOU for supporting this important ministry!
Adults who are not directly involved in VBS or only have
responsibilities during a portion of the time are invited to attend a
discussion group for the grown-ups. Using the book, “Streams of Living
Water,” as a guide, Teresa Gross will introduce and facilitate
conversations about what author Richard J. Foster calls the “great
traditions” of the Christian faith and some of the people who have
personified them. You may discover aspects of your own spiritual
“personality” and how we respond as unique individuals and as a church
to the call of Jesus. No advance preparation needed - come and relax by
“Streams of Living Water” during Vacation Bible School time, June
Food Ministry
Jean Fraley
Food Ministry….you say Food Ministry? What is the Food Ministry at
Trinity United Methodist Church? It may take a few words to explain, but the
following is the best definition I know.
A few years ago Trinity participated in a program called “Angel Food”
based in Georgia. We had many people involved in the Angel Food program
here at Trinity. There were those that purchased food for themselves every
month, and we also had Wesley House folks that needed food due to age, health,
and family situations, as well. At that time we started the donation program
where Trinity folks gave money each month in order to have food for the Wesley
House seniors and others at Trinity who fell on hard times as the result of job
situations. As these situations took care of themselves, that person(s) name was
dropped from the list, but another would soon take its place.
We were very much into the Angel Food program and were very
disappointed when that program went under. Thankfully, the employees saw the
need for this food ministry. Some of the employees joined together and soon had
a program called “One Harvest” up and running.
We are now in the new program through Bookwalter United Methodist
Church. We still receive donations from members (and others) for the recipients
of the food boxes. Each month, an order is placed for anywhere from 25 – 30
food boxes. For what is called a Family Box the cost is $35.50 (tax exempt).
Those receiving a food box go to Bookwalter on the third Saturday of each
month for pick-up.
I want to share with you a note I just received last week from someone
who has been a recipient for a while (as a result of Don Thomas sharing the
need). I asked the person if I could share her note as long as there is not a name
with it.
“Mrs. Jean – My job is going well and I would like you to give the box
to someone else next month. I am going to start paying for mine. Thank you.
This food has helped tremendously. There were months where the box from
Trinity and Cokesbury Manna House were my only food.”
CALL WHEN AND WHERE THERE IS A NEED. There are other types of
food ministries at Trinity. WHEN YOU MAKE A DONATION, PLEASE
Main Street
Anywhere, USA 12345
Trinity United Methodist Church
Meet Rev. Rhonda Hobbs
It has been said that it is not that people don’t like
change, rather it is transitions that make us fearful. Like
the trapeze artist who lets go of the security of the swing,
but hasn’t grabbed the one coming to her, transitions are
midair feats of faith, when we trust God in the midst of the
unknown. Allow me help with some of the “unknowns” in
Trinity UMC’s pastoral transition. My name is Rhonda
Kay Hobbs and at Annual Conference I am projected to be
appointed as your new senior pastor. I am looking forward
to getting to know you, hearing about your passion for God’s Kingdom, and in
being in ministry with you.
A little bit about me, I have a passion for preaching! I love following
Jesus’ example of storytelling, as a way of teaching and opening up the
Scriptures to new light and understanding. My personal mission statement is “To
live a life that walks in close relationship to God and to inspire others to do the
I was born in Knoxville, lived in St. Louis, Missouri during my early
childhood, and returned to the area and graduated from Powell High School. My
dad and stepmom, Troy and Hollie still live in Powell. I have one daughter,
Angie who is married to Matthew Davis, they live in Halls and have two sons
Austin and Andrew, both in college. My sister, Sandra lives in West Knoxville.
So, after being gone for 14 years, this is coming back home for me. Of course, I
can’t leave out that I live with a spoiled rotten Shih Tsu named Hobo who is 16
years old. For fun and therapy I crochet and am a novice quilter, but an expert at
buying fabric.
I am a lifelong learner, and am working towards certification as a
leadership and life coach as part of my ministry. I earned my Masters of Divinity
from Candler School of Theology, Emory University in Atlanta and a Bachelor
of Science in Business-Marketing from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
I have served as an Associate Pastor at Burks UMC and pastor of Fairview
UMC in Chattanooga, Floyd UMC in Floyd, VA and currently serve at Glen
Alpine UMC in Kingsport. Prior to answering God’s call to be a pastor, I
worked in sales and marketing positions with Bush Brothers Company and Kraft
General Foods.
I am excited about serving with you at Trinity UMC, my first Sunday
will be July 3rd, I am praying for you, Trinity, and the Thomas family during
our transition.
God bless and keep you!
Food Ministry
Rev. Brenda Dowell
“God Be With You”
Excerpt from Acts 20:17-38
"'And now I commend you to God. . .' When he had finished speaking,
he knelt down with them all and prayed. There was much weeping
among them all; they embraced Paul and kissed him, grieving
especially because of what he had said, that they would not see him..."
Continuing Prayers
Joanne Stansberry, Kenny Higgins,
Rowena Walker, Joe Lentz,
George Seal (father of Scarlet Walker), Delt Sharp, Gary Sharp
Prayers for those with
recent surgeries and health needs:
Paul’s goodbye to the Ephesians is one to remember. He reflects
on what they did together, he tells them what they mean to him, he
commends them to God. After all, the word "goodbye" is a contraction of
"God be with ye." Saying it is a reminder that even when we're apart,
God is with us both. Those joys and experiences we share are a piece of
what makes up the beauty in our family of God.
Lynn Thomas, Paul Boyer, Marge Fleck, Tom Gillespie
Joe Mischlich, David Watkins, Jack Woods, Nancy Beasley,
Janice Sabo, Gary Simmons, Jack Shaw
Trinity United Methodist Church would like Rev. Don Thomas to
know how much we love and care for him and his family. Thank you for
all you have done for Trinity in your many years of service to this church
community. Thank you for all the care and support you have given me.
We, as a church, will always treasure these things in our hearts.
Lola Corrier, Mary Dixon, Mary Heimbaugh,
Nancy Wallace, Sue Woods,
George Deaton (father of Julius Deaton.)
Change and goodbyes are a part of life that brings many emotions.
God guides us on this journey and sometimes that leads to different paths.
But no matter what path we travel, beautiful memories of those we care
about travel with us, reminding us of the
gifts and blessings God brings into our
Don, bless you on your new
adventure and know Trinity is praying
for you and that God is holding you in
God’s hands.
Rev. Brenda
Continuing Care
In the Military
Mathew Chesney,
Tim George,
Wayne Houser,
James Raxter,
Ryan Witzak,
Bennie Satterfield.
The Raxter family requests your prayers
for safety and sound mind as their
son James was deployed on May 8.
No mailing address is available at this time.
Deedra Glenn
Wayne Houser
Tammy Judd
Charlie Stevens
Issac Neil
Amy Newby
Loanna Woods
Ginger Mayfield
Colleen Hauser
Liz Seaman
Alexander Brown
Kristen Edds
Carolina Jones
Beverly Dunham
James N. Raxter
Ashley Bell
Libby Price
Kevin Bailey
Deborah Welch
Caitlin Hodge
Mary Dixon
June Nickle
Jackson Wright
Amy Jones
Belle Simms
Mary Satterfield
Suzy Ooten
Randy Walker
Polly McNutt
Rita Raymond
Layne Jennings
Debbie Bunch
Pam Cunningham
Ashley Houser
Memorials & Honorariums
In memory of Max Beasley
Sheryl’s Notes
Chancel Choir Schedule
June 5
Both Services
June 12
Both Services
June 19
Praise Team –Both Services
June 26
Both Services
July 3
Both Services
We will start our break earlier this year and return back earlier.
June first will be the last Wednesday Night Rehearsal until July 20. Enjoy
your break.!
Peace and Joy,
given by Joe and Charlene Mischlich
In memory of Max Beasley
given by Liz Seaman
In memory of Jean Neil
given by Charlene Mischlich
Sympathy is expressed to the Beasley family
in the passing of Max Beasley
In memory of Jean Neil
given by Liz Seaman
In honor of Don Thomas
given by Betty Eason
Sympathy is expressed to the Neil and Raxter families
in the passing of Jean Neil
New Wednesday Night Adult
Classes in the Fall
We have some new and exciting things in store for the Adults on Wednesday nights
starting in the fall. We will be offering a variety of classes and you get to help decide.
There are sign up sheets in the foyer with the different classes we may consider offering.
Please sign up for as many classes that you may be interested in taking. The ones with
the most interest are the classes we will consider offering in the Fall.
Creative Coloring to ease the soul - This class uses adult coloring to reflect on life and
to ease the soul. This is a new type of tool for adults to find means to wind down look at
his or her life.
Art and meditation classes - This class combines an element of self-reflection and an
element of Art to help us find some time with God and time to look inward. It also
includes charcoal drawing as an aid in this process of self-reflecting. You don’t need to
be able to draw to attend this class.
Bridge/card class - This class begins with a devotion and the rest of class is spent in
fellowship with on another as everyone plays bridge or other card games. It is a time of
fun with our church family.
Exercise and Stretching class - This class is for you physical well-being. It involves
proper stretching techniques and exercise to get the body moving and in shape. A
devotion will be given during this class.
Scrap-booking - This class has a devotion at the beginning of the class and they all get
together and fellowship as they scrapbook and share their lives with one another.
Men's basketball - This is a time to play half court basketball with others giving
yourself a good workout. This class has a devotion before or after play.
A Nature club - plan hikes and other outdoor activities - This club begins with a
devotion and the members get together to talk about their outdoor experiences where
they have made connections with God and then they plan group hikes or other outdoor
Bible study - This is a Bible Study group that meets to explore where God is leading
them in life. There may be a video element to this class if the leader chooses to use one.
Prayer group - This group gets together to prayer for the church, one other, ministries,
friends, family, etc.
Yakety Yak life group - This class talks about life and how the week has gone and
where life is taking each member. Spiritual talks and testimonies are shared too
Poker for missions - This group meets and plays poker to gain funds for missions. Any
funds raised with be designated to one of the ministries of Trinity. There will be a
devotion at the beginning of this class.
Dream class - a way to listen to God - This class engages in Dream studies in the Bible
and it engages in your own dreams and what they are trying to tell you. What can God
tell us in our dreams? Find out.
A Parenting talk group - This group has a devotion before the class and then they talk
about parenting. By sharing with one another, the members learn and feel support from
the group.
Jam session - This group will get together and let the music flow as they talk about God
and play instruments. So break out the instruments and have some fun.
Rev Brenda
Summer Camps are almost
here. There are several youth and
children who will be going. Thanks
to all those who have helped or will
help send youth and kids to camp.
You don’t know how much it means
to them.
Senior High Assembly
Jennifer Bezark and Oliva Baker
will be going June 27—July 1.
Camp Wesley Woods
Alyse Razo-Wyrick, Aysia Davis, Ciara Hughley,
Cansas Dowell, Nia Vincil, Cody Engle, Logan Cook,
Justin Cook, and Jaxon Cole
will be going July 17-22
Armoni Wilds, Shanae Wyrick, and Leyann Wyrick
will be going July 20-22
Please write them or send them an email to let them
know you are thinking of them.
Camp Wesley Woods
“Camper’s name”
329 Wesley Woods Road
Townsend, TN 37882
Or email them at:
camp@campwesleywoods. com
Rev. Brenda Dowell
Vacation Bible School is June 13-16. If any
youth would like to help during this week, please
contact Rev. Brenda Dowell, Sheryl Howard, or Pam
Cunningham. It is going to be a fun time and we could
use the help at our beach VBS. Don’t miss it!
Thank You!
I would like thank everyone for their concerns, prayers, cards and
flowers during my recent surgery and recovery.
Donna Patschke
Attention: We need your help! Our church is in need of a
Wednesday night, Children’s Team Kid teacher. Jeri Dodd and Karen
Hosack will be the assisting in this class but we need a leader/teacher. If
two people would like to step up to teacher that would work as well. One
could teach from September to the first week in December and the other
could teach from January until Holy Week. Please let me know if you are
interested. Our children are important to our church, show them how you
care about them by stepping up and helping them learn of God’s love on
Wednesday nights.
Rev Brenda
Calling all
Crossfire Youth:
The Youth will
go to Sir Gooneys to ride
go-carts, play golf, or to
play paintball on June 10,
Friday at 6:30 p.m. The
cost is $15, if you decide
to do paintball it is $20. (You must sign a wavier to do paintball). Let’s
see you skills at driving, golfing, and paintball. Don’t miss it.
Calling all Crossfire Youth:
We will have a pool party at
Rev Don Thomas’ house on June
26. After the Bridge Worship
service, we will head out for a fun
day of swimming. Pizza will be
provided for lunch. Come make a
splash with us.
The Corrier family would like to thank the congregation for the
prayers, calls, visits, and cards we received during my recent illness and
family loss. They helped more than we can say.
I want to thank our pastors Don and Brenda. Like most of this
flock, I call on them when one of life’s difficulties comes along and I
sometimes forget they live in the same mortal world and face the same
difficulties in their lives which they lay aside to help me with mine. I will
trust God to put a little more shine on their crowns to repay them for this
and all they do to try and lead this unruly flock we call Trinity.
Ralph Corrier
Young in Heart
Bob & Liz Seaman
Our June meeting will be our regular picnic at Ash Park.
Remember we've always had a breeze so hopefully it will be
comfortable. Bring a chair and be ready for a wonderful time of
We had a great meeting this month learning how important East
Tennessee was in WW2. Without many of the companies in this area it's
hard to see how we could have been successful!
In July and August we will give our kitchen crew a rest and go out
to eat. If there is a special place you'd like to go let us know.
June 2016
6:30 am Early Birds
6:30 pm Pray for Trinity
6:30 pm Handbells
7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal
8:30 pm Praise Team
Family Promise Week May 29-June 5
8:45 am Cornerstone
9:45 am Sunday School
10:00 am Youth Class
11:00 am Bridge Service
4:00 pm Finance Meeting
6:00 pm Band of Brothers
7:00 pm Cubs
6:00 pm Joyful Gathering
6:00 pm AA Meeting
7:00 pm Sons of Thunder
7:00 pm Scouts
7:00 pm Young Adults
6:30 am Early Birds
6:30 pm Pray for Trinity
9:00 am Crafters
10:00 am Esther Circle
6:30 pm Girl Scouts
6:30 pm Youth Trip to Sir
3rd Sunday After Pentecost
Family Promise Week
8:45 am Cornerstone
9:45 am Sunday School
10:00 am Youth Class
11:00 am Bridge Service
6:00 pm Band of Brothers
7:00 pm Cubs
4thSunday After Pentecost
Father’s Day
8:45 am Cornerstone
9:45 am Sunday School
10:00 am Youth Class
5th Sunday After Pentecost
6:30 am Early Birds
6:30 pm Pray for Trinity
10:45 am Young in Heart
8:00 am UMM Breakfast
4:30 pm Emmaus
Surf Shack VBS June 13-16 Nightly! Supper 5:30 pm Program 6:20 pm
5:00 pm TCDC Board
6:00 pm Band of Brothers
7:00 pm Cubs
9:00 am Geezers
6:00 pm Joyful Gathering
6:00 pm AA Meeting
6:45 pm Bells Angels
7:00 pm Sons of Thunder
7:00 pm Scouts
7:00 pm Young Adults
6:30 am Early Birds
6:30 pm Pray for Trinity
9:00 am Crafters
6:00 pm Holston Homes
6:30 pm Girl Scouts
Newsletter Deadline
8:45 am Cornerstone
9:45 am Sunday School
10:00 am Youth Class
11:00 am Bridge Service
12:00 pm Youth Pool
6:00 pm Joyful Gathering
6:00 pm AA Meeting
6:30 pm Ruth Circle
7:00 pm Abigail Circle
7:00 pm Sons of Thunder
7:00 pm Scouts
7:00 pm Young Adults
6:00 pm Band of Brothers
7:00 pm Cubs
6:00 pm Joyful Gathering
6:00 pm AA Meeting
6:45 pm Bells Angels
7:00 pm Sons of Thunder
7:00 pm Scouts
7:00 pm Young Adults
6:30 am Early Birds
6:30 pm Pray for Trinity
6th Sunday After Pentecost