Tidings – Jan 17, 2012 - Trinity United Methodist Church


Tidings – Jan 17, 2012 - Trinity United Methodist Church
January 17, 2012 • Vol. 46 No. 3
2012 guide to ministry
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where will you serve in 2012? As you read through the various ministries at Trinity,
you will find many ways to become involved in the life of the church. Additionally, you will
see “Connection Points” which are ways that you can serve others as part of the body of
Christ. Each Connection Point corresponds to a listing on the 2012 Time and Talent card
located in the center of the magazine. If you already serve in one or more
of these areas, we ask that you still submit a Time and Talent card so our
record remains current. You may also submit your Time and Talent card
online at www.trinitybirmingham.com.
Great Day of Service 3
Discovery Weekend
Small Group Studies 5
Wednesday Supper
Calendar of Events
connect sunday: 02.05.12 On Sunday, February 5, you will have
the opportunity to turn in your Time and Talent card during a special
moment in our worship services. Children will also have an opportunity to participate. Cards for kids will be located in the pew racks.
Make plans to join us in worship on Sunday, February 5!
questions? Contact Karen Smith at 879-1737 or email her at
Spring 2012 Kickoff Event • Thursday evening, February 9 at 6 PM
Guest Speaker: Richard Simmons, III
Trinity Men will hold their Spring Kickoff
Event on Thursday evening, February 9
at 6 PM in the Fellowship Hall. All men
are invited to join the men’s ministry for a
catered dinner and to hear guest speaker,
Richard Simmons, III. Simmons is an
author and founder of the Center for
Executive Leadership, a nonprofit ministry
focusing on evangelism and discipleship
for men. His book, True Measure of a Man,
is available in bookstores and online.
About Richard Simmons III...
For tickets and more info, please contact
Rev. Drew Holland at 879-1737 or
Much of his time was spent volunteering for a
youth organization called Young Life, a ministry for teenagers. Through this experience with
A native of Birmingham, he received his B.A.
from the University of the South (Sewanee) in
Economics in 1976. Soon after, he moved to
Atlanta for a year of graduate school at Georgia
State, where he studied Risk Management and
Insurance. Simmons began his 25 year career
back in Birmingham with Hilb, Rogal, and
Hamilton, a property and casualty insurance
business. The first 15 years of his new career
were spent in sales and then he became the
CEO for the next 10 years before retiring.
Young Life, Simmons realized his gift of teaching and communicating his faith to men. He
began several men’s Bible studies and developed
an Investigative Bible Study for men who were
inquisitive about the Christian faith.
In December of 2000 Simmons founded the
Center for Executive Leadership, a nonprofit
ministry focusing on evangelism and discipleship for men. When he’s not spending time with
his wife and three children, you will find Richard teaching, counseling, writing, or speaking
to men’s groups across the country.
8:45 & 11:00 AM • Sanctuary
The 8:45 AM worship service is broadcast via
15-minute delay from 9-10 AM Sundays
on WAPI-1070 AM and 100.5 FM.
Dr. Andrew Wolfe
Sermon Series: Three Simple Questions
“Who Are We?”
8:45 AM - Sanctuary Choir,
Seeds of Faith
11:00 AM - Praise Alliance,
Seeds of Faith
Bobby Scales, 746-4547
Dr. Dave Barnhart
1,236 • Worship Attendance
881 • Sunday School Attendance
Seven years ago, we decided that it was time to build at Trinity. There had been no
new additions or renovations in more than 30 years. Our space for children’s, youth
and music ministry was inadequate. The building was looking very tried and worn.
It was evident that the lack of adequate facilities was hampering our ministry in a
significant way.
In 2006, we moved into our new and renewed facilities, which included a new
student ministry center, new space for preschool, renovated space for elementary
children, a new choir suite, a new parlor, new restrooms off the sanctuary, renovated
fellowship hall – and an overall facelift for the entire building. The results were
dramatic. Our Weekday Children’s Program increased by 40% in the first year. Our
children’s enrollment for Sunday School has increased by 68% in the past five years.
Our student ministry has grown from about 50 active students to almost 400 now.
Our music ministry now includes more than 450 people. This simply would not have
happened had we not undertaken this expansion when we did. Our theme for this
expansion was “Touching Tomorrow Today.” That has truly happened at Trinity.
The total cost of this program was almost $10 million. As of the end of last year,
we have paid off all but $900,000 of this amount, a remarkable accomplishment
in itself! Now it is time to finish what we started – to “Say Amen” to this debt. The
Finance Committee has set a goal of retiring this remaining debt in 2012, by asking
each of us to make a one time gift and/or a one year commitment for this purpose.
This will free us for future ministry opportunities and insure that our growth can
The word “amen” comes from a Hebrew word which means to strengthen or confirm. When we say “amen,” it is a way of affirming, joining our voices to a word or
action. I invite you to join in affirming the future by completing what we began six
years ago.
February 12 is the date we have set as “SAY AMEN SUNDAY.”
On that Sunday, we will have an opportunity to make gifts and/or commitments to
Say Amen to our debt.
information for guests & new members
Welcome to Trinity United Methodist Church!
Our mission is to Gather people to Christ, Grow people in
Christ, Go to serve Christ in the world and Glorify Christ.
Sunday Worship Opportunities:
• 8:45 & 11:00 AM – Traditional services in the sanctuary,
offering same sermon and a variety of music.
•11:15 AM – CONTACT – a relaxed, informal, service in
Wesley Hall featuring praise music from the CONTACT
Band, children are encouraged to attend.
•10:00 AM – Sunday School – Ages 2 years and up.
• Nursery is provided during all services.
Interested in Membership?
Please join us the first Sunday of every month in the large
parlor for “Coffee with the Pastor.” This is a time to meet
the pastoral staff, ask questions and learn more about the
core values and mission of Trinity.
We also encourage you to attend “Membership 101,” a
basic orientation prior to joining Trinity. It is offered on the
second Sunday of each month. Contact Rev. Drew
Holland at dholland@trinitybirmingham.com or call
879-1737 with any questions.
Andrew Wolfe – Senior Minister
Suzanne Pruitt – Minister of Christian Formation
Dave Barnhart – Minister of Outreach
Drew Holland – Minister of Evangelism, Young Adults
David Thompson – Minister of Students
Mack Chapman –Minister of Administration
Bobby Scales – Minister of Pastoral Care & Visitation
•Church Office: 205-879-1737
•Fax: 868-9714
•Care Line: 868-9709
•Child Development Center: 879-1749
Trinity’s Great Day of Service
On Saturday morning, January 14, Trinity members gathered to provide hands-on help for the
community programs we support. Trinity folks of all ages worked both inside and outside
of the church walls to make this a special day of serving others.
SORTINIG COATS AND SWEATERS from our recent Coat Drive
BUILDING BUNK BEDS at the Urban Rush Center
RAKING & CLEANING at the West End Community Garden
MAKING HEALTH KITS for local shelters and services
OTHER PROJECTS included making cards for shut-ins, cutting and sewing bibs, scarves and hats for shut-ins, framing walls for a Habitat House,
and painting at the Firehouse Shelter.
THANK YOU to those who organized projects and to those who served!
SANDWICH MAKING for the homeless and needy
DISCOVERY WEEKEND for middle school students will be February 24-26. Register your student now. Forms available in
the Haven and online. Questions? Contact Robert Sturdivant at 879-1737 or rsturdivant@trinitybirmingham.com.
Handymen are available to provide assistance to Trinity members with minor repair needs, change light bulbs, yard work,
etc. Please call the church office at 879-1737 if you need
assistance, and describe your need. The office will pass along
the information and a Handyman will contact you.
Hannah’s Friends
Are you hurting because you want a baby or have lost one?
Are you a friend or a loved one of someone who struggles with faith as she longs for a
child? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, we invite you to join us. Hannah’s
Friends is a group of women who struggle with issues of infertility just as Hannah did in
the Bible. Our small group shares fellowship, prayer and Bible study as we try to discern
the unique path that God has for each of us. Join us on the 4th Monday evening of each
month at 5:30 PM in the Small Parlor. For more info, please contact
Amanda Hall at acollins24@hotmail.com.
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Have you registered for a
Winter/Spring 2012 Small Group Study?
A list of studies are to the right. For more details and to register,
log on to www.trinitybirmingham.com/adults/ssgroups
Hurry! Classes begin the week of January 22.
Registration Deadline: January 18
Questions? Contact Suzanne Pruitt at 879-1737 or
spruitt@trinitybirmingham.com. You may also contact Beth Ryan
at bryan@trinitybirmingham.com.
Winter/Spring 2012 Small Group Studies:
Wesley for Armchair Theologians
WEDNESDAY PM - 6-week study. The book by William J. Abraham is an
engaging an challenging account of John Wesley’s theology in a deceptively
light-hearted style. The book covers Wesley’s thoughts on creation, original
sin, works, justification, regeneration and sanctification. Each session is 1 hour.
Wednesdays 6 PM. Cost: $12. Begins Jan. 25.
Mere Christianity
WEDNESDAY PM & THURSDAY AM - Do you ever find yourself at a loss for
words in making a basic defense of your faith? Lewis leads you in a way that
causes you to be a thinking Christian. Each session is 1.5 hours. This class is a
12-week study. Wednesdays 6 PM, Thursdays 9:15 AM. Cost: $12. Begins Jan.
25 & 26.
Staying In Love
SUNDAY PM & WEDNESDAY PM - A 4-week course for couples about how
falling in love is easy, but staying there - that is something else entirely. Is it
possible for two people to fall in low and actually stay there? Stanley says it is
absolutely possible if you treat love like a verb instead of a noun. Each session
is 1 hour. Sundays 6 PM, Wednesdays 6 PM. Cost: $9. Begins Jan. 22 & 25.
Max Lucado’s John 3:16
7-week class, you will be taking a word-by-word study of the passage Lucado
calls the “Hope Diamond” of scripture (a twenty-six word parade of hope: beginning with God, ending with life, and urging us to do the same). The heart of the
problem is the heart of the human, and God’s treatment is prescribed in John
3:16. Each session is 1.5 hours. Sundays 10 AM, Sundays 6 PM, Wednesdays
6 PM, Thursdays 9:15 AM. Cost: $14. Begins Jan. 22, 25 & 26.
ge Built to Last”
Participants of “Marria
small group study Fall 20
Parenting Your Elementary and Middle School Child
a great way to feel connected
Small groups have always been a part of my adult life, no matter
what city I lived in or church I attended. The small groups at
Trinity are no exception! Since moving here a few years ago, I
joined the Thursday morning ladies Bible study class and have
been warmly welcomed into the group. I have grown to love
these ladies and they are a big part of my life. Being a part of a
small group is important when you belong to a large church. It’s
a great way to feel connected and get to know people that you
ordinarily would not come in contact with. Most importantly, it’s
a great way to explore and grow in your personal walk with God.
I am thankful for being a part of the body of Christ through the
small groups at Trinity.
connie mccallum
Flower Guild Workshop
Join us on January 21
Now is a great time to join the flower guild.
We will be having our annual arrangement workshop
on Saturday, January 21, 2012 from 9 AM - 12:30 PM.
Anyone interested in arranging flowers for the altar,
working on special holiday events, serving as helpers
for arrangers or taking down arrangements is welcome to come to the workshop. Please make
reservation by contacting Mayre Parr at
mfparr@bellsouth.net or 822-3527.
WEDNESDAY PM - This 4-week study will be a dialogue led class where
parents will have input on issues they want to discuss. Each week, there will be
a general session followed by breakout sessions with one group focusing on issues parents and children in elementary school face and one for middle school.
Each session is 1 hour. Wednesdays 6 PM, leaders Donna Johnson (6th grade
teacher) and Theresa McKibben (elementary teacher). Begins February 29.
Beth Moore’s James…Mercy Triumphs
WEDNESDAY PM & THURSDAY AM - This 8-week study examines the man
and the book and concepts such as joy, hardship, faith, reversal of fortunes for
the rich and poor, wisdom, etc. The study introduces Moore’s new five-tiered
study approach with increasing levels of commitment from which participants
can choose how deep they would like to go. Each session is 2 hours. Wednesdays 6 PM and Thursdays 9:15 AM. Cost: $15. Begins Jan. 25 & 26.
Creating a Spending Plan & Eliminating Debt
WEDNESDAY PM - This 4-week class will dedicate two weeks to each topic. In
less than two hours, you’ll be ready to start and continue a personalized plan for
your finances, and in two hours, you will create a plan to attack your debt and be
free from the cycle of debt dependence. Each session is 1 hour. Wednesdays
6 PM. Cost: $20 per person or couple. Begins Jan. 25.
Bible Basics
WEDNESDAY PM - This 6-week course is built around the book Get Acquainted
with Your Bible by Ball-Kilbourne and will include two pastor-led talks. Each session is 1.5 hours. Wednesdays 6 PM. Cost: $8. Begins Jan. 25.
WEDNESDAY PM - Trinity uses Gallup’s StrengthsFinder tool to help members identify their God-given strengths. Research shows that when people are
allowed to do the things they do best, they are more engaged and fulfilled.
The Strengths class helps you get to know your own strengths and identify the
strengths of those around you. Whether you want to better understand your
relationships at home or at the office, find fulfillment at work, or find the right ministry to Connect to at Trinity, you are sure to enjoy this course. This is a 6 week
course, childcare available, book costs $14. Register online or contact Karen
Smith at 879-1737 for more details. Begins Jan. 25.
Wednesday Supper
Serving 4:45 - 6:15 PM
in the Fellowship Hall.
Leave the cooking to us! Come eat
and fellowship with your church
family. Let us know you are coming...make reservations and find
weekly menus online:
Menu January 18:
ADULTS: Chicken fingers, mashed potatoes
with gravy, peas and carrots, roll, cookie
Salad bar/ 34 items & Soup bar/ 2 soups
KIDS: Same as adults
Menu January 25:
ADULTS: Spaghetti with meat sauce,
green beans, garlic bread, cookie
Salad bar/ 34 items & Soup bar/ 2 soups
KIDS: Pizza, fruit, cookie, milk
$6/person • $3 /child (9 and under)
$5 Salad Bar
$20 Family Max. (immediate family only)
pacesetters news
JANUARY 24 • Pacesetters Lunch, 12:00 NOON
Program: Jerry Desmond, Director Birmingham Historical Center. This
will be an entertaining and informative presentation on Birmingham
FEBRUARY 28 • Pacesetters Lunch, 12:00 NOON
Program: Jerry Ryan of Three on A String. Save the date for this funfilled musical lunch event.
MARCH 11 • “The Pablo Cruise Incident”
Kyle Bass will present “The Pablo Cruise Incident” at the Virginia Samford Theatre. Cast includes Marietta Lunceford and Kyle Bass (Trinity
members) and Scott Stewart (a Dill Picker). Don’t miss this laugh-aminute musical. Tickets are $20 for the 2:30 PM matinee.
MARCH 14 • Day Trip to the Antiquities Center
We will take a deluxe motor coach to the Explorations in Antiquity
Center in LaGrange, GA. We will see exact, full-scale replicas of ancient
life settings from Biblical times and enjoy a “scripture meal.” For more
details, contact Amy Lewis at 879-1737.
Meals on Wheels Volunteers are Needed
If you are interested in serving the local Meals on Wheels
program, help is needed delivering meals each fourth Thursday of the month. To volunteer or for more information, call
Judy Keenum at 942-4614.
Grade Lock-In!
Element Stude
nt Ministry’s an
nual 6th grade
lock-in was held
this past weeke
nd. Friends
enjoyed a nigh
t of fun, games
and fellowship
at the church.
highlighted events this week
Sunday - January 22
8:45 AM Traditional Worship - SANC
10:00 AM Sunday School
11:00 AM Traditional Worship - SANC
11:15 AM CONTACT Worship - WHALL
4:00 PM Sr. Adult Bible Study - SP
4:15 PM Youth Handbells - Rm. 225
5:00 PM Cross & Flame Youth Choir - MS
6:00 PM ELEMENT - Haven
6:15 PM Adult Handbells - Rm. 225
Monday - January 23
8:00 AM Senior Adult Activities - Various
8:30 AM Mouat Chapel Open for Prayer
5:30 PM Hannah’s Friends - SP
Tuesday - January 24
6:30 AM Youth Prayer Breakfast - Haven
8:00 AM Senior Adult Activities - Various
8:00 AM Sr. Exercise Class - GYM
8:30 AM Mouat Chapel Open for Prayer
10:00 AM Trinity Singers - MS
11:00 AM Mama & Me - Nursery
11:00 AM Soup & Salad - SDR
12:00 PM Pacesetters Lunch - FHALL
3:00 PM Element Cafe - Haven
Wednesday - January 25
8:00 AM Senior Adult Activities - Various
Craft Room–143
Fireside Room–145
Conference Room–220
Fellowship Hall
8:30 AM Mouat Chapel Open for Prayer
4:45 PM Wednesday Supper - FHALL
5:15 PM Children’s Handbells - Rm. 225
6:00 PM Children’s Choirs - Various
6:00 PM Adult Studies - Various
6:45 PM Sanctuary Choir Practice - MS
Thursday - January 26
8:00 AM Senior Adult Activities - Various
8:00 AM Sr. Exercise Class - GYM
8:30 AM Mouat Chapel Open for Prayer
9:15 AM Adult Studies - various
3:00 PM Element Cafe - Haven
Friday - January 27
8:00 AM Sr. Exercise Class - GYM
8:30 AM Mouat Chapel Open for Prayer
Not at Trinity
Large Parlor
Small Parlor–105
Youth Auditorium
Mouat Chapel
Music Suite–132
Wesley Hall
Small Dining Room
Family Life Center
take note
Nursery Volunteers • January 22
Laura Eanes, Lauren Latham, Mandy Olson
Help is needed in the nursery on Sundays. If you can spare an
hour to help care for our children, please contact Kim Skelton at
879-1737 or email nurseryvolunteers@trinitybirmingham.com.
Wednesday, January 18
Do you like to read, share, discuss, even question?
Ruth Truett will lead the group in discussing the novel
“The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.”
Join us at 6 PM in the Small Parlor on January 18.
in the hospital
Ron Denson
in memoriam
We extend our love and sympathy:
• to Ashley and James Gustin on the death of his
grandmother, Betty Jo Adcock Gustin, on January 7.
She was also the great-grandmother of Edie Lane
• to Kim Yarboro and family and Kyle Bass and
family on the death of their aunt, Virginia Hill, on
January 7.
• to Nell Moore and family on the death of her
sister, Gloria Hodo, on January 4.
• to Billie and Doug Lindsey on the birth of their
granddaughter, Charlotte Emmaline Lindsey, on
January 2. Proud parents are Burk and Caroline
• to John David and Mallory Gardner on the birth
of their daughter, Josie Jill Gardner, on January 9.
Proud grandparents are Donna and Dick Gardner.
Proud aunts and uncles are Will & Mary Gardner
and Jamie and Lindsey Gardner.
• to Brian and Amy Mezzell on the birth of their
daughter, Cora Ruth Mezzell, on January 11. Proud
grandparents are Joan and Marshall Mezzell and
proud aunt is Ann Mezzell.
• to James and Deana Callison on the baptism of
their son, James Dennis Callison, on January 15.
• to Brooke Dover on the baptism of her son, Tyler
Williams, on January 15.
• to Erin Edwards and Blake McGarrah on their
wedding on January 14.
treasurer’s report
As of January 15, 2012
Given Month to Date:
Avg. Needs to Date:
Beyond Ourselves Gifts this Month: Beyond Ourselves Gifts to Date:
Christmas Gift of Joy Given to date:
Note from Treasurer: Questions about church
finances, income or expense? If you wonder how
funds are received or expensed, the financial books of
Trinity are open to any member, contact Ann Neptune
at 879-1737 or aneptune@trinitybirmingham.com.
Tidings Trinity United Methodist
Church (USPS 0641-120) is published weekly, except Christmas week,
by Trinity United Methodist Church,
1400 Oxmoor Road, Birmingham
(Homewood), AL 35209-3998. Periodicals postage paid at Birmingham, AL.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Tidings, Trinity United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 19069, Birmingham, AL 35219-9069.
SUNDAYS at Trinity: Worship 8:45, 11:00 & 11:15 AM • Sunday School 10:00 AM • Youth Activities 6:00 PM
Serving Greater Birmingham from Homewood • Our Mission: To Gather…To Grow…To Go…To Glorify
1400 Oxmoor Road, Homewood, AL 35209 • 205.879.1737 • Careline: 205.868.9709
Interested in joining Trinity? Join us...
Chilton and Leigh Powell
1784 Shades View Lane, Birmingham, AL 35216
The Powells joined Trinity by transfer from another United Methodist Church and by vows from
another Christian denomination. Chilton is an
accountant for Alabama Power. Leigh is a RN for
Cardiology P. C.
Caroline Hare
1945 Mayfair Park Drive #201 Homewood, 35209
Caroline joined Trinity by transfer from another
United Methodist Church. She is Trinity’s new
High School Youth Director.
Drew and Katie Sarrels
315 Kingston Circle, Birmingham, AL 35211
The Sarrels joined Trinity by transfer from another
United Methodist Church and by vows from another Christian denomination. Drew is an internal
medicine resident at UAB.
Coffee with the Pastors
Sunday, February 5
This is a casual time for guests to meet the pastoral
staff. During this hour, you will learn about the mission statement of the
church as well as Trinity’s core values. This is also an excellent time to
ask general questions and learn more about the church family.
CWP is held the first Sunday of the month at 10 AM in the Parlor.
Please do not block the TUMC dumpsters or areas that are marked as
NO Parking zones. Also, please note that the small parking lot is
reserved for Handicapped, elderly and families with small children
on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings.