the voice - Trinity United Church Elmira


the voice - Trinity United Church Elmira
WINTER 2014-2015
Christmas Worship
November 30
Advent 1 10:30 a.m.
December 7
Advent 2 10:30 a.m.
December 14
Advent 3 10:30 a.m.
December 21
December 24 Christmas EveWorship
6:00 p.m. Worship Band & Communion
8:00 p.m. Choir & Communion
Advent 4 10:30 a.m
WINTER 2014-2015
Dear Friends,
As we enter into the season of Advent, we remember and prepare
to celebrate the wonderful gift God gives to us of God’s-self, in
Jesus. Through Jesus we have been invited to know the One who
is Holy Mystery and Wholly Love.
Just as we believe that Jesus comes to us as God incarnate, in
human form, as fully human as God can ever be; so we also believe
that the church incarnates Jesus to the world. As Trinity United
Church,Elmira, we do the things that Jesus did. We love, live and
learn by Christ’s teachings. This is our mission and our purpose.
On Sunday mornings this fall we have been learning the Christian
skills of how to pray and how to use the Bible. Through the four
weeks of Advent (Nov. 30-Dec. 24) we will be learning how to be
generous; a key skill for us to practice all year, but especially as we
prepare for Christmas. In order to learn by doing, Trinity will be
providing you with two ways to be generous.
First as in past years, the Christmas “Tree of Angels” will be set up
in the entranceway. You are invited to take one or more angels
from the tree. Each angel has written on it the gender and age of a
young person. This information is only a guideline, but use it to
purchase a gift to give. All the gifts are to be brought to the church
unwrapped by Sunday December 14, and will be given to
Woolwich Community Services for their Christmas Goodwill
Second, in addition to being generous in order to help the wider
community, I also want to challenge you to be generous and help
your church. In the narthex on Sunday mornings and by the
church office during the week, from November 30-December 24
we will have a display called “Gifts of Gratitude”.
There will be 141 envelopes on display and each envelope will be
labelled with an amount from $1 to $141 on it. I am encouraging
you to take one, two or more envelopes that you and your family
would be able to fill as a gift of thanks to God for our church. First
come, first served. If we fill all the envelopes, and continue to
make our regular donations, this will provide an additional
$10,011 to help us continue to share worship, fellowship and
outreach in Elmira and beyond.
From the Desk of
Reverend Dave
How has being a part of Trinity United Church, Elmira made a
difference in your life?
WINTER 2014-2015
After all, Trinity United Church, Elmira is a place where both young and old learn and grow in faith.
Sunday worship is a time to share in giving God thanks and praise while seeking God’s will; through
song, silence, word and prayer. We touch people’s lives in our community through our Community
Can Dine dinners, our support of the Food Bank, and across the country and around the world
through our donations to the Mission and Service of the United Church of Canada. Our building
offers a place for people to participate in community activities that support them in healthy living,
learning and fun.
Your donations make all this possible. Please come and choose your envelopes as a thanks to God
who has brought each of us to this very special church.
Advent Blessings,
Our newly amalgamated Trinity Elmira UCW (formerly Lois Wilson and Mary Martha) is off
to a happy start this fall. Our regular meetings on the 3rd Thursday afternoon of the month
have been attended by about 25 ladies. We are continuing with our usual activities. We are
visiting the shut-ins – and if you know of anyone who would appreciate a visit from our
team, please let Doris Sheppard 669 5029 or Diane Farrow 669 5098 know. The Sympathy
and Service team are available for funeral luncheons.
Some of our members do special knitting or quilting which is donated to hospitals or other
organizations. We will have a booth at the bazaar.
The newly formed “Cooking in the Kitchen” group have been quite busy this fall making pies,
cookies, muffins, chili etc. for various occasions. Right now we are busy preparing for the
chili lunch for the Nov. 16 bazaar. This group is ready and willing to cater small meals for
groups at the church. The purpose of this group is to provide a service to the church and to
have a nice social coffee hour at 10:30 – so come out to as much of it as you like. This group
gets together on the 2nd and 4th Thursday morning of the month, you come as early as you
can after 9:00 and stay as long as you can, or just drop in for coffee at 10:30. On November
27 we plan to make APPLE CRISP and will need lots of help with that. Watch the bulletin for
All ladies are invited to attend our CHRISTMAS DINNER DECEMBER 9 at noon. Again,
watch the bulletin .
We are still hoping someone will come up with an idea for entertainment at the “Girls’Night
Out” in May. Please contact Lyn Schwindt if you have an idea for it or if you would like to
co-ordinate the event. --- Lyn Schwindt
WINTER 2014-2015
From Trinity Trustees
Hello Trinitarians?!!
Trustees are responsible for
investments that are for the use and
benefit of Trinity congregation. This
activity is restricted and governed by
Trinity Church Council.
As some of you are aware, we are committed to getting
to know one another this year.!
We would like to encourage Trinity
congregation to consider donations
to the following categories:
Capital Fund - i.e. buildings, land,
major repairs
Outreach – i.e. Missions, community
Child/Youth – camp fee assistance,
Christian development, programs
Non-Designated – any monies
required for the use and benefit of
Trinity congregation i.e. audio visual
equipment, musical instruments,
**Donations that are received with
specific instructions from the donor,
can ONLY be disbursed based on
these instructions i.e. interest only
from donation can be used for
Capital Fund
The above investments have been
and continue to be an integral part in
the future of Trinity’s ministry.
Please consider investing in Trinity.
Kristen Moore, Sandra Pember, Brad
Fisher, Cheryl Fisher
So hi! I'm Erin Miles. I grew up in St. Marys, worked all
over Ontario and Alberta after graduating from UW and
settled with my partner Lloyd in Elmira to raise our 2
girls, Zoe 4 & Anna 2. I spent 20 years (before
parenting) working primarily in the camping and
hospitality industries - where I learned that you have to
be able to think on your feet and that client satisfaction
brings return customers.!
You might ask, why Trinity? Why fellowship? Well - I
met Dave & Deb through their oldest 2 boys who
worked with me at Camp Ganadaoweh. I like them and
was looking for a home church, so I thought I'd give
Trinity a try. When we came, folks were welcoming to
the girls & I so we stayed. Missing my "crazy" camp
life, led me to start wondering how I could be more
involved in the church community and since I like
people & like to talk (a lot!), fellowship seemed like a
good fit.!
Getting back to learning about each other! For those of
you who have been at Trinity for a while, you will have
name tags in the slots of the rolling mailbox at the back
of the narthex. Please wear these.each week as not all
of us have perfect name recall! Anyone who is new can grab a tag and fill it in (basket of blanks will be on
the same rolling board) . We will provide an extra
space for those tags to be stored.!
Now you all have a 2 part challenge! This month, I want
each of you to introduce yourself to someone you don't
know very well. You can call them on the phone or talk
to them over your fence! That is the first part, now for
the 2nd part - you have to introduce that person you
just met, to someone you already know and share
something you learned about them. Hey - did you know
that we have a number of people living in
Winterbourne? Do you know each other? Can you find
out before Christmas who you all are?!
I can't wait for us to get to know each other.!
Erin Miles
WINTER 2014-2015
Trinity Council, under the guidance and leadership of our Minister Rev. Dave
meets monthly and acts as a clearing house for the various committees and organizations. It is a
privilege to chair this group of talented and dedicated people through their various committees
who have been empowered to make decisions for the greater good of the Congregation.
Your Council strives to follow our mission which is to love, learn, and live by Christ’s teachings and
the future of Trinity is vibrant and exciting for our church.
Each month the council members are led by Rev. Dave in “Vision Time” Some of the Visioning we
have been guided to look at and review:
- Reviewed Mission Statement : to love learn and live by Christ’s teachings (be a Jesus centered
- Reviewed our vision: To encourage and engage the congregation to carry out its own (mission).
- What model do we use to fulfill our mission & vision? Currently maintain existing model while
the congregation is going through discussion about the future and possible changes.
- How do we (council as a whole or individual committees) take on the following brainstorming
- IDEAS from Council Members:
i. Join small groups – this helps in getting to know others
ii. ii. Job shadow, experienced with inexperienced
iii. Have very open lines of communication
iv. Acknowledging that 2-3 people working on a project can still be successful
v. Ask questions – what do people want to do
vi. Run a service or committee
vii. Regular reports/updates from council to the congregation
viii. Determine interests of congregation to determine their ministry
ix. Tell them our stories of how serving is enriching us & invite them to try it
x. Find out members strengths & look for area of best fit for them
xi. Setting the example ourselves
xii. Ask specific individuals to attend (whatever) or lead (whatever)
xiii. Reduce projects for less stress
xiv. Communicate clearly: what we are doing, why we are doing it & how we are doing it
xv. Encourage congregation to participate – fun, share, joint activities
xvi. Print our mission & vision on our agenda each meeting
xvii. Making faith fun – activities of interest shared by like minded people in faith
xviii. Give youth opportunity to be on a committee
xix. Consider timing of council meetings to make it easier for others to attend
xx. Keep the congregation informed of our finances (income & expenses)
xxi. Personal invitation to participate
xxii. Create volunteer opportunities
It is hoped that some of these ideas are reflected upon by our congregation and possibly come back
to council with their own ideas on how to fulfill our mission to love, learn and live by Christ’s
teachings. I would welcome your input anytime by email to me or leave a note
with the office attention: Council Chair.
I will be reporting back to the congregation of the Council’s activities and decisions in each issue
One final request we still need Congregation members willing to use their time and talents serving
on a committee of Trinity Council. At present we have opportunities on our Christian Development
and our Stewardship Committee –if you are interested please let me know at, a
note to the office, call me 519-669-9638 or see me on a Sunday morning.
WINTER 2014-2015
Worship Committee
The season of Advent will begin on Nov. 30th. Our traditional advent candle lighting with the
theme of hope, peace, joy and love will start the season. Our worship theme for advent is
generosity and how we express our generosity while living in a Jesus centered community.
The Community Carol service will be held at Gale Presbyterian on Dec. 7th. Our choir will be
participating. Please show your support to the community by coming to this beautiful music
There will be 2 Christmas Eve services at 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Communion will be served at
both services.
We have been receiving very positive feedback about our music director Becky Reesor. We thank
herenergy, enthusiasm and daring us to try new things. This is good.
If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions regarding worship, please feel free to speak to
one of us on the worship committee.
Remember - Jesus is the Reason for the Season
Merry Christmas to all from the
Worship Committee: Jolene Shoemaker, Janet Morlock, Sue Neufeld, Becky Reesor,
Rev Dave and Marion Lambert
Membership Committee
If you are unsure about who does what
Greetings to everyone! Well, we are
events are that you could be involved
partway through our year as new
in, the Membership Committee will be
members on the Membership
hosting a “Get to Know Us” evening in
Committee and though we started with
the next month or so. Watch for dates
trepidation, we are slowly starting to
in the bulletin and online. If you would
get into the swing of things. Thank you
like to come or if you know someone
to everyone who makes people coming
who you think might be interested,
into our church feel welcome and
please let Jack or me know and we will
contact them.!
In September, we presented Hudson
Committee Members: Jack Tabbert,
Christopher Laurin, son of Jane and
Anne Kearsley (And anyone else who
Christopher Laurin, for baptism. We
would like to work with us to organize
wish this beautiful young family well.!
baptisms, confirmations, etc.)
in our church or what some of the
WINTER 2014-2015
There has been so much that has happened since the last time I was able to submit anything to The
Voice that the first time I sat down to write something I came up with a submission that was almost
three full pages. I decided instead to create the TL;DR version (for those who don’t know TL;DR
means “Too Long; Didn’t Read”).
Through the summer some very deep productive conversation has lead to a major change in the
youth program at Trinity. Through them three major items were either confirmed or created for the
youth program.
The Mission: To love, learn, and live by Christ’s teachings OR do the things that Jesus did!
The Vision: create a conveyer belt of discipleship OR (the youth) growing in their personal
relationship with Jesus and actively living out their faith
The Model: A camp/confirmation hybrid style of small dyads and/or triads with a mentor from the
These three things are just the bones of the program, and I wish I could share all of details, but if I try
I will end up close to the original three pages! The best I can do in this is to encourage you to contact
me if you have any questions about the youth program and I am always excited to talk about what we
are doing now, and how we got there. I will answer anyone’s questions about the program regardless
if you have a youth or not! Everybody should be curious about what is happening in all programs in
the church!... But I digress.
The program this year is already off to an amazing start and it makes me really excited to see how
much we can make this program grow. In this first semester there are two dyads and one triad, and
each group has a fantastic mentor. There have been very positive comments that come from both the
small groups and the large group activities. Some of the things I’ve heard the small groups doing are
baking, bowling, and going out for lunch. The large group activities have been a scavenger hunt
challenge, the bigger and better challenge, and we are going to be having a youth lock-in at the end of
November. If you want to see the outcome of these activities you should check out the youth room!
We have a new decoration style from the scavenger hunt challenge, and a new chair from the bigger
and better!
If you haven’t noticed how exited I am about this year, I will say it outright: I AM VERY EXCITED
ABOUT THIS YEAR! The changes that were made are very cool and the outcomes from the activities
have been awesome! I mean, the youth were able to get a new chair and all they started with was a
paper clip. As we head towards December and the end of our first unit I am a little torn. On one hand
WINTER 2014-2015
I want the groups to re-form and continue on, because that means they are connecting to each other
and forming bonds in their groups. On the other hand I want to see groups break up and new groups
form with friends from school, or hockey, making parts of these new groups, because that would
mean the program is growing and the youth feel like it’s a program worth sharing with their friends.
Either way I know that God will make the program what it needs to be and will reach the people it
needs to reach. I also know that I am looking forward to how the rest of this year unfolds because
thus far, it has just gotten better and better.
John Kearsley, Youth Coordinator
Last month, as I was compiling the take home
sheet from our first “Take It Home Sunday”
session on “How to Pray with Children,” I came
across a couple articles that really made me
stop and think. One of those articles, “10
Lessons Children Can Teach Us About God,”
stated: “If you listen to a child pray aloud, you
will hear their conviction; they pray for what is
in their hearts in that moment, and they only
care about the audience that matters...God.”
Another article, “Practical Ways to Encourage
Children to Pray,” stated: “When children pray,
it is not “cute” -- it is powerful!” This line in
particular really made me stop and consider
those words because, I admit, I have been one to
look at my own children and think how sweet they look with their hands folded in front of them, eyes
closed, praying to God. But the articles are right, and I realized something: children can teach adults
a lot about how to pray with our hearts. As adults, we can help to guide children in the direction of
who and what to pray for, to remember to thank God for our blessings, to ask God to help us forgive
those who have hurt us, etc., but we also have a lot to learn from children. For example, sometimes
looking through the eyes of a child gives us an innocent perspective, and teaches us how to pray
openly and honestly.
I found this especially true in our unit on “Learning How to Pray,” where we talked about the Five
Finger Prayer (a prayer in which each finger reminds us of who and what we want to pray for), when
and where we can pray (anytime and anywhere), and we reviewed the Lord's Prayer. Children have
the natural ability to simply pray, and not worry about what others are thinking. This is definitely a
good lesson. The children had a chance to make Prayer Pretzels in the kitchen, and Prayer Journals
during the craft class. They also played lots of games, with two of the favourites being “Popcorn
Prayers” and “M&M Prayers.”
In our second unit, “How to Use the Bible,” the children learned the difference between the Old
Testament and the New Testament, how to find relevant stories, and they learned a song about the 66
Books of the Bible. The children played games and made crafts, and in the kitchen they made Rice
Krispie Squares in the shape of a Bible.
On another note...Christmas will be here before we know it, and that means Trinity's Christmas
Pageant is fast approaching. As we all know, it is a very busy time of year, so as we did last year, we
will hold the pageant after Christmas (but still during the Christmas season). Mark January 4 on your
calendar, but more details will follow as we get closer.
WINTER 2014-2015
We have been called many names these past
few months but we are correctly called the
Trinity Development Committee. Our
members include Peter Kupfer
(chairperson), Karen Ross (secretary), John
Osborne (treasurer), Brad Fisher, Linda
Hastings, Rev. Dave Jagger, Anne Kearsley,
Pat McLean, Sandy Pember, Jessica Rudow,
Jack Tabbert. We meet regularly to think,
discuss, plan, pray about the directions God
is offering us for the future. Assisting us in
our discussions are representatives from
EDGE: Rev. Dr. Scott Boughner (missional
consultant) and Michael Wright (property
consultant). EDGE
is a network for
development in the
United Church of
Canada providing
assistance to identify
a new vision,
mission and tools to
facilitate a
In September, sales
of Vesey flower bulbs raised $427.00 for
Trinity, and a portion of that money will be
available to the TDC. All of the bulbs have
been delivered, including a nice selection of
bulbs which were planted in the church
gardens. (Thank you to the Schwindt
family for planting them.)
October was a busy month for gathering
information. The first session of the
Spiritual Practices Leadership Cohort was
held on October 16, facilitated by Rev. Dr.
Scott Boughner. These sessions will
continue monthly until March 2015. The
Visioning Day on Saturday, October 25 had
15 participants representing a wide variety
of ages and experiences at Trinity. The
Identity Mission Needs Analysis (IMNA)
survey was completed on line during the
month of October.
On November 18, the committee held a
Community Leaders Roundtable Discussion
at Trinity facilitated by Michael Wright.
Representatives from a wide variety of
community groups in Woolwich and the
Region of Waterloo
participated. (Thank
you to the UCW who
provided the light lunch
and snacks.)
Pastor Scott and
Michael will prepare a
report from all of this
information and present
it to us at a
information meeting on
January 11, 2015. This will be an
information meeting only. No decisions
will be made at this meeting.
Keep up to date with the committee’s
activities by checking out the bulletin board
on the mailcart in the narthex at church, or
contacting any of the committee members.
WINTER 2014-2015
The United Church of Canada (UCC)
developed the giving catalogue Gifts with
Vision in response to member requests to
be able to give gifts to relatives, friends,
and loved ones that are in direct support
of the church’s Mission and Service Fund
partners across Canada and around the
world. The UCC provides Mission and
Service (M&S) support to partners all year
long for their ongoing work in Africa, Asia,
Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle
East, and right here in Canada. The Gifts
with Vision catalogue turns gift giving into
an opportunity to do something extra for
our church partners. With Gifts with
Vision, you give a gift to friends or family
to support specific partner activities. With
your gifts, we help create healthy places
to live, promote justice, provide social
services, and enliven worship.!
If you are seeking inspiring new gift ideas
or perhaps would rather not give family
and friends the same old clothes/toys/
chocolates, Gifts with Vision presents a
new way to celebrate special occasions.
Give a gift that can help change people’s
lives! The catalogue can be seen on line
at, or you
can pick up a copy at the church.!
Please note: As a congregation, Trinity
has promised to contribute $30,000 to the
M&S Fund in 2014. Your regular weekly/
monthly offering to M&S will help us reach
that goal.!
Calendar of Events Events on the Calendar are correct as of November 14, 2014. For the most up to date informa>on, check the calendar on the bulle>n board outside the church office or on the church website Upcoming Community Events Sunday, December 7, 2014 -­‐ Community Choir & Carol Sing, 7:00 p.m. at Gale Presbyterian Church, 10 Barnswallow Dr., Elmira. Refreshments to follow. Free-­‐
will offering in support of Woolwich Counselling Centre. !
Sunday, December 14, 2014 -­‐ Community Memorial Service, 7:30 p.m. at Floradale Mennonite Church !
!1 0
WINTER 2014-2015
New Addi(ons to Trinity Library Look for the following books added to the library on the “new addi>ons” top shelf. Soul Survivor by Philip Yancey How 13 unlikely mentors helped his faith survive the church. Philip is a brilliant and graceful writer. Review “Let me…recommend it to anyone interested in a relaxed and conversa4onal account of how an assortment of odd fish were variously caught up in and transformed by the Chris4an Gospel.” —Frederick Buechner, author The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey Philip Yancey reveals the real Jesus beyond the stereotypes, revolu>onizing the reader’s passion for Christ, and offers a new and different perspec>ve on the life of Christ and his work -­‐ his teachings, his miracles, his death and resurrec>on -­‐ and ul>mately, who he was and why he came. Rela>ng the gospel events to the world we live in today. How to Enjoy the Boring Parts of the Bible by Philip Rosenbaum The author uses a lot of humor but is dead serious about gleaning profound insight and understanding from even the most boring parts of the Bible. It helps bring out interes>ng >dbits in parts of Scripture that are otherwise boring and see why those parts are indeed worthwhile. Winter Grief, Summer Grace by James E. Miller James Miller has wri]en this book for those who are in the passage of grief. It has poetry, reflec>on, and color photographs of nature scenes that communicate peace and quiet assurance. The promise is that God walks alongside the stricken. Foods at the Time of the Bible by Miriam Feinberg Vamosh Was the "forbidden fruit" of the garden of Eden really an apple? What is St. Peter's Fish? What was
in the bowl that Jesus dipped into at the Last Supper? Within this book you will find an in-depth and
easy-to-read survey of every aspect of food in the Bible, with illustrations and photographs. You will
learn not only what people ate and drank in Bible days, but how they raised their food, stored it,
traded in it, and prepared it. You will take a look at food through the eyes of Scripture, seeing
symbolic meanings behind many a menu. Best of all, you will find a collection of biblically-inspired,
easy-to-prepare recipes for delicious dishes to share with friends and family.
Curl up in front of the fireplace on a cold evening, and enjoy a good book!
!1 1
WINTER 2014-2015
Not just Sunday morning… Members of Trinity have par>cipated in a number of alterna>ves to Sunday morning worship over the past year, including Re-­‐Unite and Summer House Church. While neither of these programs are currently running, they have had a posi>ve impact for those who have par>cipated. Re-­‐Unite is a mul>-­‐genera>onal worship service held about once moth on a Sunday evening with the Worship Band and Potluck dinner. “I found that Re-­‐unite was a wonderful family event. It had many posi>ve aspects which the kids and I enjoyed. A few highlights for us included: ea>ng together, having everyone worship together in the same room; seeing the kids dance in the aisles and get excited about the crads and par>cipate was so nice. The op>onal “adult discussion” >me ader was very good too. I loved the more contemporary feel to the evening with the upbeat music and instruments. “ Melissa Hallock, Mom of London and Isabelle “The reasons I supported the Re-­‐united services include: I was curious. I love elements of tradi>onal worship but recognize that the “old” way of worship has to “evolve” into something more relevant i today’s world. So I wanted to see what that might look like; I love informal discussion at church; No one does a potluck like “church people”. The food was always amazing; I enjoyed hearing the band and hearing some different songs; I enjoyed being a part of trying something new.” Marianne VanderVliet, Re-­‐Unite Volunteer !
Summer House Church was a new venture begun this spring by congrega>on members interested in con>nuing their connec>on to their church family over the busy extended summer months. We began in May and met every other Thursday un>l the first week of October. Each >me a family volunteered to host the gathering their home, and a few >mes we met at the church. The gathering began with a potluck supper, and followed with fellowship, parer ands service. Ader the meal, a facilitator would read a Bible passage, followed by a discussion: what does this mean and how does it affect our lives now? We would end in a circle prayer. The service por>on of the evening was usually to help clean up together. !
“The Moore family a]end and hosted a few of the Summer House Church mee>ngs. It was a lovely way to build deeper rela>onships with people in our extended church family. Our children were included in the ac>vi>es, and met more people from our congrega>ons in a different seing. Being informal by design, its was oden a surprise as to who would a]end.” Kristen Moore, wife of Chris and Mom of Lucas and Grace. !1 2
9 a m - Choir @ Parlour Trinity
United Church, Elmira
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Worship, B.L.A.ST. @
Trinity United Church,
21 Arthur St N,
Woolwich, ON, Canada
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Take It Home Worship
@ Trinity United
Church, 21 Arthur St
N, Woolwich, ON,
7 p m - Staff Meeting @ Youth
Room Trinity United
Church Elmira
7 p m - Staff Meeting @ Youth
Room Trinity United
Church Elmira
6 p m - Worship, Band,
8 p m - Worship, Choir,
9 a m - Lunch prep @ Kitchen
Fellowship[p Hall Trinity
Elmira Lunch @
2 p m - Church
UCW Christmas
Fellowship Hall Trinity
Elmira Meeting
p m - Trinity
9 a m - Choir @ Parlour Trinity
United Church, Elmira
1 0 a m - Coffee Before Worship
6 : 4 5 p m - Band Practice @
Sanctuary Trinity
United Church Elmira
9 a m - Choir @ Parlour Trinity
United Church, Elmira
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Worship, B.L.A.ST. @
Trinity United Church,
21 Arthur St N,
Woolwich, ON, Canada
9 a m - Choir @ Parlour Trinity
United Church, Elmira
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Worship, B.L.A.ST. @
Trinity United Church,
2 1 :A
u r- SCatch
t N , Up Time
3 r0tahm
Woolwich, ON, Canada
1 p m - Choir @ Parlour Trinity
United Church Elmira
9 a m - Choir @ Parlour Trinity
United Church, Elmira
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Worship, B.L.A.ST. @
Trinity United Church,
2 12 pAm
r S t N@, Parlour Trinity
ON, Canada
Trinity United Church
7 p m - Spiritual Practices @
Youth Room Trinity United
p m - T rElmira
inity Development
Committee @ Parlour
Trinity United Church
6 p m - CCD set up @ Trinity
United Church, Elmira,
Fellowship Hall
9 a m - Cooking group @ Kitchen
8 a m - Breakfast with St Nicholas
@ Fellowship Hall Trinity
Elmira @ Parlour
p m - Choir
Trinity United Church
Dec 2014 (Eastern Time - Toronto)
6 p m - Community Can Dine @
Fellowship Hall
5 p m - Choir
9 a m - Choir @ Parlour Trinity
United Church, Elmira
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Worship, B.L.A.ST.,
Communion @ Trinity
United Church, 21
Arthur St N, Woolwich,
ON, Canada
Lent 1
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Worship, B.L.A.ST. @
Trinity United Church,
21 Arthur St N,
Woolwich, ON, Canada
9 a m - Choir @ Parlour Trinity
United Church, Elmira
1 0 a m - Coffee Before Worship
9 a m - Choir @ Parlour Trinity
United Church, Elmira
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Worship, B.L.A.ST. @
Trinity United Church,
u r- S#t1 NA, n n u a l
0 :A
3 r0tahm
o n g r e g a t ON,
ion M
@ Trinity United
Church, 21 Arthur St
N, Woolwich, ON,
9 a m - Choir @ Parlour Trinity
United Church, Elmira
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Worship,Take It Home
@ Trinity United
1 : 3 0 a m21
- Catch
N, Woolwich, ON,
Trinity United Church
Family Day
7 p m - Trinity Council Meeting
7 p m - Staff Meeting @ Youth
Room Trinity United
Church Elmira
Ash Wenesday
7 p m - Staff Meeting @ Youth
Room Trinity United
Church Elmira
7 p m - Trinity Development
Committee @ Parlour
Trinity United Church
9 a m - Cooking group @ Kitchen
7 p m - Spiritual Practices @
Parlour Trinity United
Church Elmira
2 p m - UCW @ Parlour
6 p m - CCD set up @ Fellowship
Hall Trinity United Church
9 a m - Cooking group @ Kitchen
Feb 2015 (Eastern Time - Toronto)
6 p m - Community Can Dine @
Fellowship Hall Trinity
United Church Elmira
Trinity United Church
9 a m - Choir @ Parlour Trinity
United Church, Elmira
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Worship, B.L.A.ST. @
Trinity United Church,
21 Arthur St N,
Woolwich, ON, Canada
2 p m - UCW @ Parlour
7 p m - Spiritual Practices @
Parlour Trinity United
Church Elmira
Jan 2015 (Eastern Time - Toronto)
9 a m - Cooking group @ Kitchen
7 p m - Trinity Development
Committee @ Parlour
Trinity United Church
6 p m - Community Can Dine @
Fellowship Hall Trinity
United Church Elmira
9 a m - Cooking group @ Kitchen
7 p m - Trinity Council Meeting
7 p m - Staff Meeting @ Youth
Room Trinity United
Church Elmira
6 p m - CCD set up @ Fellowship
Hall Trinity United Church
7 p m - Staff Meeting @ Youth
Room Trinity United
Church Elmira
9 a m - Choir @ Parlour Trinity
United Church, Elmira
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Worship, Pageant @
Trinity United Church,
2 1 :A
u r- SCatch
t N , Up Time
3 r0tahm
Woolwich, ON, Canada
9 a m - Choir @ Parlour Trinity
United Church, Elmira
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Worship, B.L.A.ST. @
Trinity United Church,
2 1 :A
u r- SCongregational
t N,
3 r0tahm
Woolwich, ON,
Trinity United Church,
21 Arthur St N,
Woolwich, ON, Canada
9 a m - Choir @ Parlour Trinity
United Church, Elmira
1 0 a m - Coffee Before Worship
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Worship, B.L.A.ST. @
Trinity United Church,
21 Arthur St N,
Woolwich, ON, Canada
9 a m - Choir @ Parlour Trinity
United Church, Elmira
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Worship, B.L.A.ST. @
Trinity United Church,
21 Arthur St N,
Woolwich, ON, Canada
Sat. Dec. 6th
8:00am to 9:30am
(join us before the Christmas parade)
Trinity United Church
21 Arthur St. N. Elmira
$6.00 person
Children under 5 free
Tickets available:
Trinity office - Mon to Fri 9:30 to 12:00
OR Brad Fisher 519-669-9067
(walk-ins welcome)