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View This Issue
August 2016
Trinity Health to Start Low Dose Lung Cancer
Screening Program
To help detect lung cancer,
Trinity Health is launching a
low-dose lung cancer screening
The program, which will begin
in August, will help identify
high-risk patients with early
stage, treatable lung cancer, said
Scott Lewis, MD, Medical
Director of Trinity Health’s
Radiology department. “This is
an important program because,
to this point in time, medicine
has not had a safe screening
tool to detect lung cancer in
these patients.”
breast, prostate and pancreatic
cancers, the number of deaths
will be about equal to the
annual deaths from lung cancer
alone,” Lewis said. By the time
most patients – about 80
percent – are diagnosed with
lung cancer, it has already
spread or is in a more
advanced stage.
The main symptoms that can
present for lung cancer include
a cough, blood in sputum,
weight loss, and chest pain.
If any of these present, it is
important to see a physician,
Lewis said. “If you wait too
long – and it is, in fact, lung
cancer – it will already be
aneurysm in the
aorta, for example,
Lewis said.
The procedure is
“fairly quick and
easy,” Lewis said. “It’s
the easiest part of
the process.”
The process includes
the patient coming
to the Advanced
Imaging Center,
located at Health
Center – Town &
Country, “get on the
table and take a big
breath in,” Lewis
said. “It takes 15
seconds to do
the scan.”
Lung Cancer Facts
- The chance that a man will develop
lung cancer in his lifetime is about 1 in
14; for a woman, the risk is about 1 in
17. These numbers include both
smokers and non-smokers. For smokers,
the risk is much higher, while for
non-smokers the risk is lower.
- Lung cancer mainly occurs in older
people. About two out of three people
diagnosed with lung cancer are 65 or
older, while less than 2 percent are
younger than 45. The average age at
the time of diagnosis is about 70.
Chest X-rays were used before
- Statistics on survival in people with
for screening, “but they didn’t
lung cancer vary depending on the
pick up cancer early enough to
stage (extent) of the cancer when it is
make a difference in reducing
the death rate. They would find To insure that the screening
The low dose
Source: American Cancer Society
cancers, but it was generally too makes a difference, “we have to screening stays true
late,” Lewis said.
The National
Lung Screening
College of Radiology,”
Trial (NLST),
Lewis said. ”This
which was
promotes patient safety by
funded by the
confirming that the
National Cancer
scanner settings are
Institute (NCI)
showed that by
using low-dose
Another part of the
CAT scans, “it
process is screening
can reduce the
patients beforehand. A
death rate from
provider would speak to
lung cancer
the patient before to
because it finds
discuss the shared medical
the cancers early
decision, which allows the
enough to treat
two to make healthcare
them and make a
decisions together, using
the best clinical evidence
searching diligently for any signs of lung cancer. Through Trinity’s new low-dose lung cancer screening
available, as well as the
The study found program, there will be a safer and easier way to help detect lung cancer in patients.
patient’s values and
a mortality
preferences. For example, if
reduction of 20 percent in lung
make sure we target the
a patient does not wish to
cancer deaths. “That was the
high-risk population,” Lewis
undergo surgery should
first study to show they could
said. That population would fall
something be found, the
save lives from lung cancer
(mSv), Lewis said, noting that a screening would not take place,
under the following criteria:
screening,” Lewis said.
standard chest CT is typically
Lewis said. Also, the patient
• They are between the ages of
2 to 8 mSv, depending upon
According to the American
must not have any comorbid
55 and 77 years; and,
the protocol and patient size.
Cancer Society, lung cancer is
conditions, or health problems
• They have a strong history of The average annual background
the second most common
that would eliminate their
smoking, especially a 30-pack radiation for an individual is
cancer – not counting skin
opportunity to undergo surgery,
year history, in which they
about 3 mSv.
cancer – in both men and
he said.
would smoke one pack a day
women. About one in four
Trinity Health’s Advanced
For more information or if you
for 30 years; and,
cancer deaths are from lung
Imaging Center CT scanner is
feel like you might be a
cancer. They estimate that
• They smoked considerably in now accredited through the
candidate for a screening,
224,390 new cases of lung
the past, but have quit within American College of Radiology.
please contact your primary
cancer will be diagnosed in
the past 15 years.
”This means that the scanner
care provider or Trinity
2016, and 158,080 deaths from As an additional benefit, the
details, protocols and radiation
Health’s Pulmonary clinic at
lung cancer will occur.
screening can reduce the death dose settings have been
reviewed and found to meet
“If you combine the annual
rate “from picking up other
the standards of the American
cancer deaths from colon,
things in the chest,” like an
Out of the
Can Be
Ready for
Back to
Hearts Golf
Money Raised
2 • AUGUST 2016
Psoriasis can be Treated
It can be uncomfortable. And,
boy, can it itch. It’s psoriasis.
Psoriasis is an auto-immune
disease in which the immune
system mistakes a normal skin
cell for a pathogen and sends
out faulty signals that cause an
overproduction of new skin
cells. This is characterized by
the skin getting thickened and
topped with white scales.
“The body is building layers of
skin cells on top of one
another, and that’s when the
skin becomes thickened and
forms the white scales,”
explained Ann Welch, FNP-C,
with Trinity Health’s
Dermatology department.
There are other forms of
• Guttate – This is sometimes
preceded by strep throat.
Guttate psoriasis is usually
characterized as small, red
dots on the skin of arms, legs
and trunk.
• Inverse – This involves
smooth, dry patches that are
red and inflamed, often in
the folds or creases of the
skin, such as in the armpits or
groin, between the buttocks
or under the breasts.
• Pustular – Blister-like spots
filled with fluid, surrounded
by red skin. The blisters often
come and go in cycles. This
form of psoriasis can appear
on specific areas, like the
hands or feet, or on larger
areas of skin.
• Erythrodermic – Insense
inflammation with bright, red
skin that looks ‘burned’ and
sheds or peels. About 10 to
30 percent of people with
psoriasis also get psoriatic
arthritis, which causes pain,
stiffness and swelling in and
around the joints. The hands,
feet, wrists, ankles and lower
back are most often affected
by this type of arthritis.
What Causes It?
According to the National
Psoriasis Foundation,
scientists believe that at least
10 percent of people inherit
one or more of the genes that
could eventually lead to
“However, only two to three
percent of the population
develops the disease,” the
foundation’s website stated.
“Researchers believe that for a
person to develop psoriasis,
that person must have a
combination of the genes that
cause psoriasis and be exposed
to specific external factors
known as ‘triggers.’”
Those triggers could include
stress, injury to skin,
medications, or infection, as
well as possibly allergies, diet,
or weather.
Treatment Options
Multiple patient therapies for
psoriasis are still available
including topical preparations,
systemic preparations and light
therapy, said Jennifer Hunter,
MD, a dermatologist with
Trinity Health. The newest
systemic preparations are a
class of immune modulators
called biologics.
Biologic drugs, or biologics, are
a protein-based drug derived
from living cells cultured in a
laboratory, the National
Psoriasis Association explained
on its website. “The biologics
used to treat psoriatic disease
block the action of a specific
type of immune cell called a T
cell, or block proteins in the
immune system, such as tumor
necrosis factor-alpha
(TNF-alpha), interleukin 17-A,
or interleukins 12 and 23.
These cells and proteins all
play a major role in developing
psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.”
Biologics are usually
administered by injection or
intravenous (IV) infusion,
Hunter said.
Roxanne Vendsel, RN, BSN, with Trinity Health’s dermatology
department, stands next to a light booth which helps treat patients with
The Dermatology department
also has a new light booth,
located in the Dermatology
office at Health Center –
Medical Arts, that uses UVB
rays to help combat psoriasis.
With this new light booth, that
uses narrow band UVB
technology, the wavelengths of
UVB are more compact. “Now,
when we put them in the
booth, their time is shorter
because we have the better
wave of UVB light,” Welch
The light booth, which
Dermatology has had for two
years, uses updated technology
in comparison to the
department’s previous
“It’s safer for our patients, and
the time they are in that is
reduced,” Welch said. Based on
joules, the time is reduced by
at least a quarter to a half of
the original time. “It really is
nice.” The light booth is also
operated through a computer
and the safety mechanisms are
better, “which is really nice,”
Welch said.
In the former light booth,
patients would come in for
30 days, three days a week, for
treatment. “I still do that with
the new UVB light, but trying
to get them under
control faster to shorten the
number of days they will have
to use it,” Welch said.
It is important to remember
that psoriasis cannot be cured,
but treatment can help curb
the symptoms.
If you think you may have
psoriasis, please consult Trinity
Health’s Dermatology
department. Jennifer Hunter,
MD, is based at Trinity Health
South Ridge, Suite 102B, 1500
24th Avenue SW, in Minot, and
can be reached at 857-5760.
Ann Welch, FNP-C, is based at
Health Center – Medical Arts,
400 Burdick Expressway
East, and can be reached at
Trinity Health Makes National ‘Most Wired’ List
for Eighth Time
transformation by harnessing technology,
engaging patients and offering services
For the eighth time in recent years,
Health & Hospitals Network magazine
has named Trinity Health among the
nation’s Most Wired health systems. The
recently released listing is based on
results of the 18th annual HealthCare’s
Most Wired survey. It recognizes Trinity
as one of only two North Dakota-based
hospitals to make the Most Wired list.
“Receiving Most Wired designation for
the eighth time provides further
confirmation that Trinity Health is a
leader in the digital hospital movement,”
said Trinity President and CEO John M.
Kutch. “Our staff is doing tremendous
work to enhance our IT system in ways
that support care and improve service
Trinity Health adopted its electronic record
in 2006 and has continued to enhance its
system. For example, doctors and other
clinicians are using technology to improve
the efficiency of care delivery and create a
new dynamic in patient interactions. In
addition, within the past two years, Trinity
launched the Trinity Health Mobile App
and My Trinity eConnect, an online patient
portal that gives patients secure internet
access to their medical records and other
health information.
“Hospitals are breaking-out of their
traditional four walls and providing care
where and when patients need it,” said
Rick Pollack, president and CEO of the
American Hospital Association. “These
Most Wired hospitals exemplify this
HealthCare’s Most Wired® survey,
conducted between January 15 and
March 15, 2016, is published annually
by Health & Hospitals Networks
(H&HN). The 2016 Most Wired®
survey and benchmarking study is a
leading industry barometer measuring
information technology (IT) use and
adoption among hospitals nationwide.
The survey of 680 participants,
representing an estimated 2,146
hospitals—more than 34 percent of all
hospitals in the U.S.—examines how
organizations are leveraging IT to
improve performance for value-based
health care in the areas of infrastructure,
business and administrative management;
quality and safety; and clinical integration.
Detailed results of the survey and
study can be found in the July issue of
H&HN. For a full list of winners, visit
Marketing Department
Trinity Hospital – St. Joseph’s
407 3rd Street SE
Minot, ND 58701
Toll free in ND: 1-800-247-1316
Visit our website:
Join us on Facebook:
3 • AUGUST 2016
Out of the Darkness
Every 13.7 minutes, someone in
the United States dies by
suicide. One person dies by
suicide every 64 hours in North
Dakota, according to the
American Foundation for
Suicide Prevention, and for
every 100,000 people in North
Dakota, 17.49 will commit
suicide, making North Dakota
the 15th in the nation for its
rate of suicide deaths. (The
national average is 12.93
deaths, per 100,000 people.)
Suicide is the fourth leading
cause of death in the United
States among adults 18 to 65,
and the second leading cause of
death among teens and young
According to the North Dakota
Suicide Prevention Program in
2013, suicide is the ninth
leading cause of death in North
Dakota and the first leading
cause of death for residents
between the ages of 15 and 24.
A study from the Center for
Rural Health – University of
North Dakota School of
Medicine & Health Sciences,
cites several factors related to
suicide. They include:
• Mental illnesses such as
depression, and Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder
At Trinity Health, inpatient and
outpatient services are available
for those suffering from
depression or suicidal ideation.
Services are provided by
psychiatrists, psychologists,
Licensed Independent Clinical
Social Worker, Licensed
Professional Clinical Counselor,
nurse practitioners, and clinical
nurse specialists. Outpatient
services, such as crisis
counseling and individual,
family and group counseling,
are available at Health Center –
Riverside, 1900 8th Avenue SE,
Minot. At Trinity Hospital –
St. Joseph’s, located at 407-3rd
Street SE, Minot, inpatient
services, such as crisis
stabilization, are available.
The American Foundation for
Suicide Prevention provides
opportunities for survivors of
suicide loss to get involved
through a wide variety of
educational, outreach,
awareness, advocacy and
fundraising programs.
The Out of the Darkness Walk,
which will be held at Roosevelt
Park on September 10, helps to
raise funds and awareness for
the American Foundation for
Suicide Prevention. Trinity
Health is a partner.
More than 82 cents of every
dollar raised is used to:
• Barriers to get help
• Alcohol and other drug abuse
• Rural isolation and loneliness
• Educate the public about
mental disorders and suicide
• Fund scientific research
• Mental health treatment
• Promote policies and
legislation that impact suicide
and prevention
• Bullying, harassment, and
• Historical trauma/cultural
“There is no single factor that
could influence one to have
suicidal thoughts,” explained
Heather Sys, RN, BSN, MBA,
director of Behavioral Health
Services at Trinity Health. “All
of the factors that are cited
could influence one to feel this
• Provide programs and
resources for survivors of
suicide loss and people at
risk, and involve them in the
work of the Foundation
• Offer educational programs
for professionals
“When you’re there, you’re
with people who have either
been directly affected by
suicide or they know someone
Common myths and facts
Myth: Most suicides occur with little or no warning.
Fact: Most people communicate warning signs of
how they are feeling. Warning signs may be
direct statements, emotional reactions or
Myth: Talking about suicide with someone may give
them the idea to complete suicide.
Fact: Talking about suicide does not create nor
increase the risk. The best way to identify
those thinking of suicide is to ask them
Myth: Non-fatal attempts are only attention-getting
Fact: For some people suicidal behaviors are serious
invitations to others to help them live. Rather
than punishing or reprimanding someone who
has attempted, offer help and alternative
solutions. All suicidal behaviors should be
taken seriously.
Myth: A suicidal person clearly wants to die.
Fact: Most suicidal people are ambivalent about
their intentions right up to the point of dying.
Very few are absolutely determined to end
their life. Most are open to an intervention,
even a forced one.
Myth: Only a professional can help a suicidal person.
Fact: Long-term care should be provided by a professional. However, it takes everyone knowing
the warning signs and risk factors of suicide
and immediate intervention to help save lives.
Myth: Just because they talk about suicide does not
mean they will go through with it.
Fact: Almost everyone who completes suicide leaves
clues or gives warning that they are thinking of
suicide. All suicide threats should be taken
seriously, no matter how casually said.
Source: North Dakota Suicide Prevention Program, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institute of Mental
Health, and the Marine Corps Community Services.
who has, or they truly want to
help with the cause,” explained
Sys, who has participated in the
walk along with members of
her family, her co-workers, and
friends. “There is so much
emotional support, whether it’s
your first year or your fourth
year participating.”
2016, with registration
beginning at 11 a.m.
The walk will begin
at 12 p.m. For more
information, visit www.
Out of the Darkness will be
held Saturday, September 10,
Visit our website at
Nurturing Program to be Held
Trinity Health, with funding provided by the North Dakota
Parent Education Network and the North Dakota Department
of Human Services, will host a Nurturing Parenting Program
later this year.
The program, which will be held every Tuesday evening from
September 6 to December 20, is open to families with children
under the age of 12. Through this program, families will learn
how to:
• Identify and handle feelings
• Communicate needs
• Be empathetic
• Replace spanking and yelling with more effective discipline
• Take charge of their behavior
• Engage in warm interactions and family fun
• Establish nurturing routines for daily activities such as bed
and mealtimes
• Handle stress and anger
• Gain a sense of personal power and positive self-esteem
• Give and receive healthy touch
Parents will also have an opportunity to interact with other
parents who may face the same challenges.
Karissa Hoff, a licensed social worker with Trinity Health, said
that she was told by a participant from a past class that
“participating in this program made life in my family better.”
The participant added that “I have more resources and tools to
use as a parent, which in turn helps my children.”
The classes will be held from 5:30 to 8 p.m., at Health
Center-Riverside, 1900 8th Avenue SE, in Minot. A light supper
will be provided from 5:30 to 6 p.m., so families should arrive
early enough to allow time to eat. The class will start promptly
at 6 p.m.
The class is free to attend and childcare is provided. To
pre-register, please call Karissa Hoff at 857-3622.
4 • AUGUST 2016
Children’s Eye and Safety Health
Among the items on
your “Getting Your
Child Ready for School”
to-do list should be a
trip to the optometrist.
“The summer is an
excellent time to
schedule all of your
screenings, including
visual exams,” said Jill
OD, an optometrist with
Trinity Health. “The
majority of learning is
really performed
through the vision, so
it’s a critical sense to
evaluate prior to school.”
While schools have
visual screenings
for children, MartinsonRedekopp feels that a
screening with an
optometrist is also
“(The screenings at
school) are very helpful,
Jill Martinson-Redekopp, OD
but they may fail to
detect everything that is
important for good
health and visual
function,” MartinsonRedekopp said, noting
that there are “certain
health conditions or
binocularity function or
eye coordination
problems, which may
affect learning.”
“Children can be
examined at any age, but
we do have some special
Trinity Regional Eyecare – Minot Center is located at
that we use
for children,
Plaza 16, 2815 16th Street Southwest, in Minot. For
appointments, call 852-3937. TRE-Minot Center is open
certain eye
8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
charts and
Trinity Regional Eyecare – Western Dakota is located at
Trinity Community Clinic-Western Dakota, at 1321 West
Dakota Parkway, in Williston. For appointments, call
which are
572-7641. TRE-Western Dakota is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
geared toward
Monday through Thursday, and 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Friday.
children,” she
Trinity Regional Eyecare – Devils Lake is located at 404
“Primarily, we
Highway 2 East, Devils Lake. For appointments, call
do recommend
662-4085. TRE-Devils Lake is open 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
that all
Monday through Friday.
children have
their first eye
the overall health of the the two eyes focus
exam in their preschool
eye, she added. Through together, Martinsonyears (usually ages 3-5).
these examinations,
Redekopp said.
Unless there is a strong
family history of any
“The pediatric
lazy eye, then we would whether they need
population can have any
recommend an exam
disease that are normally
Common eye concerns
associated with adults,
Eye examinations, which
including cataracts or
near sightedness,
last between 30 to 60
glaucoma, but it’s much
minutes, look for
more rare in children,”
anything that affects
astigmatism, muscle
she said.
long-term vision
coordination problems,
development, as well as
or binocularity, the way
Physical Examinations Necessary
particular health issues that may arise – “all the things that kids
can have over time”.
The annual physical – a requirement
for schools and extracurricular
sports – is more often confused with
a quick look over when in fact it is
more thorough.
“You think of the typical evaluation
where the kids line up and see the
doctor for two seconds and go off
and have been cleared for sports,”
explained Melissa Messerly, MD,
a pediatrician with Trinity Health.
“When we do it, we do an entire
Dr. Messerly reminds parents to bring required paperwork at the
time of the appointment. “We have the standard North Dakota
school forms, but we do not have the specialized forms for the
colleges or camps.” she said.
Melissa Messerly, MD
Complete physical examinations – or “physicals” – are offered
year-round, due to the fact that children often need them to
participate in sports and that sports are offered throughout
the year.
“A lot of the younger kids need it for the camps, but it’s not
generally required until junior high, depending on what sport
they are playing,” Messerly said. “I recommend an annual health
evaluation for all my patients.”
The purpose of such an examination is to provide a general
health evaluation, to manage chronic illness, and to address
Parents should also bring shot records. “Be prepared to talk about
your child’s overall health,” and not just health in relation to a
sport, she added. “A big challenge is having a family come in for a
full evaluation who hasn’t been to the doctor in many years.
There may be many different concerns that need to be addressed
and that may require additional appointments,” she said. “I am
strongly in favor of a child and family having an ongoing
relationship with a pediatrician and thus having ongoing
management of their health concerns on an annual basis.”
Dr. Messerly explained that parents should act quickly in
scheduling appointments for these physicals. “Don’t wait until the
last minute. The schedule fills up fast,” she said. “It is best to have
the appointment scheduled well in advance of the need.”
To schedule an appointment for physicals, call 857-5413 or
857-7380. Parents should check with their insurance provider
about their child’s well-care coverage for physicals.
It’s Immunization Time
Immunizations are something
that school children of all ages
must face, whether they are
seven or 17.
Pediatricians at Trinity Health
agree that children should
come in early for exams and
get all of their vaccines. Those
vaccinations, for Kindergarten
students, include: measles,
mumps, rubella, diphtheria,
tetanus, pertussis and polio.
“Any time after the child is
four years old, we can give
them their shots,” Messerly
For students entering the
sixth grade, the following
vaccinations are required:
menactra, for meningococcal
meningitis; tetanus; diphtheria;
and pertussis.
Documentation of having
chicken pox or of receiving
two shots of the varicella
vaccine, a chicken pox vaccine,
is required as well.
After the age of 16 and before
college entry, a second booster
shot for meningococcal
meningitis is required.
“Gardasil, the HPV vaccine
series, is recommended to start
after age 11 and to be
completed by high school
graduation,” said Messerly.
“Vaccines are covered under
insurance or provided by the
state under VFC. The main cost
is the vaccine itself, which is
provided, with a minimal cost
for nursing time and
FluMist, an intranasal flu
vaccine, will not be given
this year.
To schedule an appointment
for vaccinations, or anything
pediatric-related, contact a
Trinity Health pediatrician at
857-5413 or 857-7380.
Trinity’s pediatrics department
is located at Health Center –
Medical Arts, 400 Burdick
Expressway East, in Minot.
Shalini Boggarapu, MD,
Kathryn Burgardt, FNP-C,
Ann Cadwalader, MD, Thomas
Carver, DO, Heather Davis,
MD, Michael Holland, MD,
Frederick Jones, MD, Allison
Lesmann, FNP-C, Steve
Mattson, MD, Melissa Messerly,
MD, Friday Osuala, MD, Diana
Peterson, MD, and Anthony
Udekwe, MD.
Trinity Health’s team of
pediatricians include:
Join us on
Let our staff assist you in selecting a health care provider right
for you. Please feel free to leave a message after hours, and
your call will be returned the next regular business day, or
email us anytime at
5 • AUGUST 2016
Backpacks Without Back Pain
There are some children
who see that school can
be a pain in the neck.
For some, it is literally
a pain – in the back,
that is.
The American
Chiropractic Association
states that an overweight
backpack is a
contributing factor to
back pain in young
It doesn’t matter what
age they are; all
school-aged children can
be affected by this, said
Jessica Edgell, RN, BSN,
MSN, MHA, injury
prevention coordinator
with Trinity Health’s
trauma services
“Everybody’s guilty of
it,” Edgell said, in regards
to carrying backpacks
incorrectly. “The big
thing is to keep the
weight close to your
When the weight isn’t
centered appropriately, it
puts undue stress on the
back and shoulders.
“If you’re not wearing it
right, most are leaning
forward and slumping to
keep their backpack
upright and it’s causing
posture problems,”
Edgell said.
• Pack the heaviest items
(books) against the
back in the pack
Edgell recommends the
following tips when it
comes to backpack
• Have back pain
Choosing a Backpack:
• Child has back pain,
numbness or weakness
in the arms or legs
(talk to your
Signs the pack is too
• Struggle to get the
backpack on and off
• Lean forward to carry
the backpack/poor
• Look for an ergonomic
• Correct size means
never wider or longer
than your child’s torso
and never hanging
more than 4 inches
below the waist
• Padded back and
padded wide shoulder
• Hip and/or Chest belts
to help transfer some
of the weight to the
hips and torso
• Compression straps on
the sides or bottom to
stabilize the contents
• Reflective material
Carrying a Backpack:
The American Chiropractic Association
recommends a backpack
weigh no more than 10
to 15 percent of a child’s
• Make sure your child
uses both straps when
carrying a backpack,
using only one causes
muscle pain and
posture problems
• Do not buy a “roomy”
backpack, the more
space there is to fill,
the more likely your
child will fill it.
Make sure to check with
your child’s school to
see if they have
regulations in place
regarding backpacks.
• Help your child
determine what is
absolutely necessary to
carry. Non-essentials
can be left at home or
• Wear the backpack
close to the back
Community Events
Cynthia Roles, OD, and three staff members from Trinity
Community Clinic – Western Dakota gave free eye exams at
the North Dakota Special Olympics in Fargo, the weekend of
June 11-12. They saw about 74 participants.
On June 14, Eric Rochholz, BS, ATC, ACE-CPT, Trinity Health Exercise Physiology, Personal Trainer,
gave a presentation on Senior Fitness and the Importance of Physical Activity during Healthy Hour at
The View.
Trinity Homes resident Evelyn Dennis was among the many to check out the
classic cars on display at Trinity Homes on June 29.
Participants in the Safe Sitter class on July 12 learn how to diaper a baby. This
was one of the many skills students learned during the 7-hour course. The Safe
Sitter class is offered every summer to teach children ages 11 and older how to be
more confident and responsible babysitters and help them feel more comfortable
when staying home alone. Students learn the basics of babysitting, including how to
handle a crises, keep their charges secure, how to nurture and guide a young child,
CPR, and basic first aid.
Kim Urban-Koppy, a certified prosthesist with KeyCare Medical, speaks to a
guest at Senior Safari, held at the Roosevelt Park Zoo, on June 23.
The Trinity Health Foundation held its Building Hope Golf Tournament on
June 20. A little over $35,000 was raised for the Trinity CancerCare Center.
6 • AUGUST 2016
Trinity Health Auxiliary
Healthy Hearts Club
Hearts Day
September 12, 2016
Brunch Symposium
Golf Scramble
Holiday Inn Riverside
9 a.m.
Vardon Golf Club
Registration: 11 a.m.
Tee-Time: 12 p.m.
$500/team of 4
includes 2 golf carts
Tickets: $15
Sign up today – call Sherry at 857-5221
Go for the Green on the Green!
Shoot a Hole-in-One & Win!
• RT Domestic
• Callaway Irons
Airline Tickets
• Flat Screen TV
for 2
Jordan Schmitt,
Trinity Health Auxiliary
Healthy Hearts Club
Are you looking for an excuse to sneak out to the course
for another round of golf? Here’s one: golfing can actually
improve your heart health and overall wellbeing.
Emad Dodin, MD, Cardiologist
Jerilyn Alexander, RN, Stroke and
STEMI Coordinator
Swing Your
Way to a
Win a chance
to putt for
One of America’s favorite pastimes, golfing is generally not
thought of as an exercise. However, if you regularly engage
in a round of golf, your body-especially your heart- can
benefit in many of the same ways it would with other
According to studies from the American Heart Association,
walking an 18-hole course at a quick pace can be just as
beneficial for your heart as running. A regular round of golf
can reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood
pressure and raised cholesterol.
Spending time outdoors and socializing with others are
great ways to de-stress. Golfing allows you to do both. The
American Heart Association says that while golfing, our
brains release endorphins – natural, mood-enhancing chemicals – which put us in a good mood and help us relax,
therefore, reducing our stress levels. Less stress, of course, is
better for your heart.
Sign up for the Healthy Hearts Golf Scramble, set for
September 12 at the Vardon Golf Club, and take advantage
of the health benefits golfing offers. Proceeds from the
event benefit the Trinity Health Auxiliary Healthy Hearts
Club. More information can be found on the poster.
Trinity Associate Receives Guard Award
Trinity Health associate Chelsie Haaland, MS, CCC-SLP, has received the
"Patriotic Employer" award from the Employer Support of the Guard and
Reserves (ESGR), an office of the U.S. Defense Department.
Based on nominations from Guard and Reserve members, the award is
presented to employers who contribute to national security by demonstrating
support for employee participation in America's Guard and Reserve Force.
Haaland, who manages Trinity's Speech Therapy Department, accepted the
award from Tom Rafferty, an ESGR volunteer, who cited her cooperation and
understanding in the recent mobilization of Courtney Champagne, the speech
department's administrative assistant. Champagne serves as a Sergeant in the
461st Engineer Company, US Army Reserve, which is deploying to
"When I informed (Haaland) and her leadership of my upcoming deployment
and obligations, the resulting challenges within our department were met with
kindness, understanding and a dedicated attitude of support," Champagne
wrote in her nomination.
Rafferty also presented a companion award to Darren Armstrong, Haaland's
supervisor and Director of Trinity's Therapy Services Department.
"This award is quite an honor because a business has to be nominated by
someone serving in the Guard or Reserves," Rafferty said.
Chelsie Haaland, Speech Therapy Manager with Trinity Health,
accepts the Patriotic Employer award from Tom Rafferty, a volunteer
with the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserves office.
Trinity Health’s Speaker’s Bureau
Call our Community Education Department at 857-5099 to check for available dates and topics.
Farm Credit Services Donation Promotes
Patient/Caregiver Safety
Patients and caregivers
at Trinity Health's
Kenmare Community
Hospital are a little safer,
thanks to North
Dakota's leading
provider of agricultural
loans and insurance
Farm Credit Services of
North Dakota recently
awarded $18,000 to
Trinity Health
Foundation to purchase
a patient lift system for
the Kenmare hospital.
Patient lifts promote a
safe environment of care
for patients and
caregivers alike by
preventing awkward
handling of patients
when they are lifted or
"Lifting and transferring
patients are the most
commonly reported
causes of orthopedic
injury among healthcare
workers," said Trinity
Health Vice President
Rhonda Walter.
"These movements
also can have clinical
consequences in terms
of patient safety and
comfort. This lift system
will be used to enhance
patient safety and lower
the risk of employee
injuries, which is the
leading cause of nurses
and other caregivers
leaving the profession
Farm Credit Services
awarded the funds via
the organization's Rural
Community Grant
Fund. The fund was
established by Farm
Credit Services of North
Dakota, Farm Credit
Services of Mandan and
AgriBank to assist in the
implementation and
development of projects
and programs in
communities and rural
areas in western North
Dakota that have been
impacted by mineral
providing a technology
that assists in the safe
handling of patients."
Farm Credit Services
CEO Claude Sem noted
that Trinity Health is the
region's premier
healthcare provider
with a substantial
compliment of
healthcare services.
"They respond to
community needs in
western North Dakota,
including the Bakken
region," Sem said. "We
are proud to provide
grant funds to improve
patient care and
productivity by
Sem noted that the
Rural Community Grant
Fund is currently
accepting applications
for future funding
requests. Interested
parties may apply at
7 • AUGUST 2016
Neurosurgeon Employs Innovative Techniques
Over three-quarters of
Americans will
experience some type of
back or neck pain during
their lifetime, according
to the American
Association of
Neurological Surgery.
In about 90 percent of
these cases, the pain will
improve without
But Trinity Health
neurosurgeon Charles
Wood, MD, says
individuals who do need
surgery would be wise
to follow this advice:
“Always get a second or
even a third opinion,”
Dr. Wood states. “If
your surgeon has the
kind of ego that takes
offense at that, it may
be time to consider
finding another
With more than 30
years of experience
providing surgical care
to people with brain
and spinal disorders,
Dr. Wood has issued
plenty of second and
third opinions. A 1979
graduate of Emory
University School of
Medicine in Atlanta,
Dr. Wood completed his
Neurosurgery residency
and a fellowship in
Clinical Neurotrauma at
the Medical College of
Virginia. He founded
North Georgia
Neurosurgical Associates
in 1985 and practiced
there for two decades.
In 2008 he was
appointed Director of
Neurosciences at
Greenview Regional
Hospital in Kentucky,
where he co-developed
the hospital’s
Neuroscience Center
and co-directed the
Stroke Center. More
recently he has practiced
in Grand Forks and
Glasgow, Kentucky.
It seems counterintuitive, but neurosurgeons
rusty with time and less
functional, often
producing pain.
In many cases we’re
able to intervene.”
a few centimeters.
“The advantages of
minimally-invasive or
‘keyhole’ surgery are
obvious,” Dr. Wood said.
Wood, MD
surgeons to visualize the
anatomy of a patient’s
brain or spine during
surgery and precisely
track the location of
their surgical
instruments in relation
to the anatomy. Using
Stealth Navigation
technologies during
tumor resections and
complex spine surgery,
surgeons can navigate
more precisely, perform
less-invasive procedures,
and can help improve
surgical outcomes.
really don’t
Artificial Disc
operate on
Replacement. Although
back pain
spinal fusion is the gold
standard for problematic
“Usually it’s
disc disease, artificial
when you
discs are gaining
Dr. Charles Wood, neurosurgeon with Trinity Health, performs spinal surgery
have arm
using image-guided technology. Image-guided spinal and brain surgery are
acceptance for their
or leg
among the neurosurgical advances that Dr. Wood stands by.
ability to mimic natural
symptoms in
discs. It’s also an
airworthy option for
Throughout his career,
with neck or back pain,
commercial and military
Dr. Wood has been a
particularly if you’re
smaller and less
pilots, who might run the
champion of
experiencing weakness
disruptive to
risk of being grounded
neurosurgical advances
or trouble walking,” Dr.
after undergoing a fusion
designed to benefit
Wood explains. “The
patients facing
classic patient I see has
Dr. Wood’s office is
pain, numbness or weak- neurological surgery.
back on their feet and
located at Health
ness in the legs that
return to normal life
Center – East, Suite 401,
worsens the farther they Minimally Invasive
more quickly.”
20 Burdick Expressway
Spine Surgery. Using
Image-Guided Brain and West. He can be reached
endoscopes and other
Back pain is usually
Spinal Surgery. A revo- at 857-5877.
specialized tools,
associated with
lutionary advancement
neurosurgeons treat
degeneration of the
combining imaging,
herniated discs and
spine caused by normal
navigation systems and
other spinal conditions
wear and tear that
through incisions of just software that enables
occurs in the joints,
discs and bones of the
spine as we age.
Spine-Healthy Tips Source: American Association of Neurological Surgery
Common causes
are trauma, disc
1. Do crunches and other abdominal-muscle strengthening exercises to
degeneration, herniated
provide more spine stability. Swimming, stationary bicycling and brisk
or ruptured discs,
walking are good aerobic exercises that generally do not put extra stress
compression of the
on your back;
spinal nerves, or spinal
stenosis (narrowing) of
2. Use correct lifting and moving techniques, such as squatting to lift a
the spinal column,
heavy object (don't bend and lift), get help if an object is too heavy or
which puts pressure on
spinal nerves.
3. Maintain correct posture when you're sitting and standing;
“Most commonly it has
4. If you smoke, quit. Smoking is a risk factor for arthrosclerosis (hardening
to do with changes that
of the arteries), which can cause lower back pain and degenerative disc
occur with aging,” Dr.
Wood said, noting that
at least half of his
5. Avoid stressful situations if possible, as this can cause muscle tension;
patients are over 60.
6. Maintain a healthy weight. Extra weight, especially around the
“The discs – the motion
midsection, can put strain on your lower back.
segments or gate hinges
of the spine – become
Building Hope Women’s Golf Tournament
On Monday, June 20, Trinity Health Foundation held its 19th Annual Building Hope Women’s Golf Tournament to support the
CancerCare Center patients. One hundred and forty golfers registered to participate in the event held at the Souris Valley Golf
Course. The tournament had a fantastic finish as two teams tied for first place after completing all 18 holes. Those two teams then
competed in a dramatic putt off to determine this year’s champion. There was even more excitement as one of the golfers made a
hole-in-one during the tournament. Following dinner, catered by Paradiso, the golfers were treated by a keynote address from Connie
Sundby, a member of the Trinity Health Foundation Board and a breast cancer survivor. Sundby’s presentation was entitled Always
Have Hope. Dinner was followed by the awarding of both individual and team prizes for the event, door prizes and the drawing for
the raffle items.
Individual Prizes were awarded for:
Longest Drive – Becky Bertsch
Closest to the Pin – Bonnie Rolle
Longest Putt – Nancy Scofield
The raffle items were won by the following individuals:
1. 4 Bears Stay and Play Packages – Carolyn Bodell
2. Medora Golf Package – Donna Falcon
3. 6 Month Family Membership to the YMCA – Alexia Heisler
Special Recognition
Chipping Contest – Lisa Hyatt
Hole-in-one – Diana Somerville
4. I. Keating Wall Art – Sarah Glasoe
5. Scheels Gift Cards – Jodie Overton
6. Amethyst and Aquamarine Earrings – Jill Allex
7. Webber Gas Grill – Andrea Roedocker
Team Prizes were awarded for:
First Place – Nadine Johnson, Lorelee Clay, Pat Buresh, and
Linda Schaefer
8. NDSU Autographed Football – Pete Ladendorf
Second Place – Michelle Lux, Nancy Lebsock, Gayle Arnson, and
Bonnie Logelin-Meier
10. Minot Police Department Ride Along – Rita Wilhelmi
Third Place – Bonnie Rolle, Molly Hendrickson, Janelle Krueger,
and Alana Knittel
Cart Decorating Contest and prize for finishing in Last Place –
Amber Rice, Katie Ziegler, Lesley Peterson, and Malorie Rupert
9. Radio Flyer Wagon – Chelsey Nichols
The raffle, which replaced the silent auction that had been held
in previous years, helped increase the tournament income by
more than $4,000. The total income generated by the Building
Hope Women’s Golf Tournament was $35,595. All proceeds
from the event will be used to assist CancerCare patients.
8 • AUGUST 2016
Money Raised for
CancerCare Center
Jeanette Dolan, a local teacher who is currently battling cancer, presents a check for
$810, to Carol Mohagen, LSW, with the Trinity CancerCare Center. The Lewis
and Clark School District recently raised the funds in honor of Dolan, who teaches
fifth grade.
The faculty and staff of the Lewis and Clark School District
recently raised $810 for the Trinity CancerCare Center in honor
of Jeanette Dolan, a fifth grade teacher who is currently battling
cancer. “We are thankful that there is such a place as the
CancerCare Center to support those who are battling cancer in
our communities, for people like Jeanette,” said Melissa Lahti,
principal at Berthold Elementary School. “Not only has she
battled breast cancer this year, but she has also been there to
support her mother’s fight against cancer. We are grateful that
everyone there has taken such good care of them.”
Glasses • Contacts • Frames
Plaza 16 • 2815 16th St. SW
Minot, ND • 857-7440
For the latest updates, check online at
August 2016 Mobile Mammogram Schedule Prepared Childbirth Classes
August 2 ..................................Johnson Clinic, Maddock, 438-2555
August 8 ..................Mountrail County Hospital, Stanley, 628-2505
..........................Trinity Community Clinic – New Town, 627-2990
August 9................................St. Luke’s Hospital, Crosby, 965-6349
August 15 ....................Premier HealthCare, Devils Lake, 662-8662
August 22........................Kenmare Community Hospital, 385-4296
August 23 ....................................................Tioga Clinic, 664-3368
National Night Out
Tuesday, August 2, 5:30-8 p.m.
Minot Optimist Community Soccer Park
Trinity Health is once again teaming up with the Minot Police
Department, Target and area businesses and organizations to
promote public safety and recognize those who keep our
community safe. Free games, food, music, face painting, prizes,
inflatables, educational booths, NorthStar Criticair, law enforcement
special equipment displays and MAFB K9 demonstrations.
Want to make a difference? Become a volunteer.
As a Trinity Health volunteer, you are a vital link in the chain of
service and caring. Not only will you have a positive impact on
our patients and/or residents, you will be part of a dedicated team
that is known for delivering the best healthcare available.
For more information, call our Volunteer Services office at
Trinity Hospital at 857-5221 or 857-5959 at Trinity Homes.
To keep up-to-date on upcoming
Trinity events, and more, visit our blog,
#Healthfeed, at
Learn about exercise and breathing techniques, labor/delivery,
newborn care, newborn feedings, etc. Enrollment is limited.
August 30-September 20 and October 11-November 1 (Tuesdays)
7-9 p.m., in the Prepared Childbirth Classroom, Trinity Health
Center – Riverside Education Center, 1900 8th Ave. SE.
September 7-28 and October 26-November16 (Wednesdays)
7-9 p.m. in the Airmen and Family Readiness Center, Minot
Air Force Base. Please call 723-3950 to register.
August 13, August 27, and September 10 (Saturdays)
9 a.m.-4 p.m., in the Prepared Childbirth Classroom, Health
Center – Riverside Education Center, 1900 8th Ave. SE.
Breastfeeding Basics
August 11, September 15, October 13, November 17
Offered by Laureen Klein, RN, BSN. Meets from 7-8 p.m.,
Health Center – Riverside Education Center, 1900 8th
Ave. SE.
These classes are offered free of charge as part of Trinity’s
community benefit mission, but registration is typically
required. For more information, or to register for classes,
call 857-3607.
Family Birth Center Tours
Expectant mothers are invited to attend a formal group
tour/education/Q&A session at Trinity Hospital’s Family
Birth Center. This opportunity allows every expectant mother
to hear and see valuable information in a relaxed
environment. We will also provide information on self-care,
infant safety and what to expect during your delivery.
See or call
857-5380 for a detailed schedule.