InsIde - UAW Region 1D


InsIde - UAW Region 1D
Volume 33 – Issue 4
“A Local Union
with a Heart”
(USPS 110770)
April 2014
this Issue:
Page 2
•President’s Report
Page 3
•Chairman’s Report
Page 4
•Recording Secy’s Report
•UAW’s PRO-Member
Page 5
for GM & Aramark
Bargaining Units
Pages 6-7
•Easter Egg Hunt Photos
Page 8
•Trans Pacific Partnership
Page 9
Volunteers got Ready… Families got Set… and GO is
what over 300 children did last Sunday as they hunted and
played at Local 598’s 2nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Union
City Ball fields. Beautiful weather, lots of kids, games, eggs
filled with candy and toys, balloon creations, hot dogs
PHOTOS BY Debi Kirchner & Robin Stayton Diehl
•Retiree Report and
Coming Attractions
•Classified Ads
and fun! Sparkles the clown and her assistant Rainbow
were a new addition this year. Sparkles and Rainbow
made balloon creations for everyone. As always, we can’t
thank the volunteers enough for their time and help. We
certainly could not do it without You! Thank You!
MAy 18, 2014
Congratulations to all candidates
who were elected by acclamation
The following candidates elected by acclamation...
General Elections
•GM Bargaining Unit
Shop Committee Chairman........Barry Campbell
•Vice President...............Ryan “Peewee” Buchalski
•Recording Secretary........................... Judy Mosier
•Financial Secretary/Treasurer....... Rick Beardslee
•Sergeant-at-Arms....................... James E. Gregory
36th UAW Constitutional Convention Elections
•Alternate Delegate................ Kathy Elsner Woods
•Alternate Delegate........... Craig “Squeeky” Steele
•Alternate Delegate..................... James E. Gregory
•Alternate Delegate...............................Jim Hatfield
See pages 6-7 for more Easter Egg Hunt photos.
GM, Aramark, and Hamtramck Bargaining Units
Committeeperson and Alternate Elections
•GM Bargaining Unit
District 1A Committeeperson................................Gerald Scott II
•GM Bargaining Unit District 1B Alternate....... John Jackson III
•GM Bargaining Unit
District 3A Committeeperson.................................. Chad Fabbro
•GM Bargaining Unit District 3A Alternate.........Michael Kocsis
•GM Bargaining Unit
District 3B Committeeperson...................................Scott Crosby
•GM Bargaining Unit District 3B Alternate............... Rick Hager
•Aramark Bargaining Unit
Second (2nd) Shift Alternate.................................... Linda Losey
•Aramark Bargaining Unit
Third (3rd) Shift Committeeperson............. Anthony Beaugard
•Hamtramck Bargaining Unit Alternate......... Gerald Woelzlein
UAW Local 598 – A Local Union with a Heart
By Ray Gorney
Equal Pay for Equal Work
It is hard to believe it has been
almost three years since I first had
the honor of sitting at this desk as
your President. Time does go by so
fast. At that time, I said we would
do our best to not only increase
and take
care of our
membership, but we would play a role in
Flint’s revitalization in the very
industry that built this city – and
look at US NOW! Three shifts,
maximum Saturdays, a great new
truck, and a long-term $600 million
commitment from GM for our new
paint shop that we now see coming
to fruition. I take pride in where
we are, and where we are headed –
and so should you. It is because of
this membership that we have been
able to get to this point.
Even with all of the positive
things we enjoy today, we have
challenges ahead of us, both in our
April 2014
Union and our communities. As
a Union, in my opinion, our top
priority should be to eliminate
the 2-tier wage structure. This
arrangement totally flies in the face
of the UAW as it is contradictory
to one of our main principles...
“EQUAL pay for EQUAL work.”
Yes, we have had to make big
concessions in tough times, but
those times are over. It was these
sacrifices that helped the auto
companies’ recovery, and we
should be recognized for it. I feel
we need to be ready for long,
tough negotiations.
With the midterm elections
approaching, it is critical that we
get out the vote! We have all been
affected by tax increases and the
lies and assaults on our unions and
the middle class, by republican’s,
the Governor and his big money
supporters. It is their greedy desire
that would bring and keep the
middleclass in what amounts to
economic slavery.
We must support and elect Mark
Schauer for Governor.
As Workers Memorial Day
approaches on April 28th, we
should be reminded to work safe;
not only for ourselves, but look
out for our brothers and sisters. If
you see something questionable,
let someone know. First report
it to a supervisor. If they don’t
respond, call Health and Safety.
Do not just let it go. Better safe
than sorry!
Our 2nd Annual Easter Egg
Hunt was a huge success. We
could not have asked for better
weather. We believe there were
approximately 400 to 450 of our
members including their children
there. It was great for the kids and
the whole family. Our kids are the
number one reason for the Egg
Hunt. The second is to give our
members a chance to meet and talk
to each other, as we may not get
the chance otherwise.
I would also like to thank all
of the people who volunteered
their time, including our standing
committee members, Recording
Secretary Judy Mosier and UAW
Communications Robin StaytonDiehl. It takes a lot of time and
effort to make the Hunt this
successful and they did just
that. Great job! and Thank you
to everyone who helped and
supported this event.
From my family to yours, we
wish everyone a Happy Easter.
April 2014
UAW Local 598 – A Local Union with a Heart
By Barry Campbell
Saturday Schedule adjusted
With no scheduled summer
shutdown, there has been a
request sent in for 50-80 temporary
workers to help with vacation
requests. These workers will be
pulled from the existing DDI pool
of temporary workers already on
file. The additional manpower will
make it easier for people to use
their contractual vacation time this
The demand for our trucks remains high, and with the rail system slowly becoming healthier, it
allows us to finally begin shipping
more of our trucks. Our customers
who have
been waiting
patiently for their ordered trucks
should not have to wait much
longer. Of course, that means we
have again adjusted the Saturday
As of now, we are scheduled
to work: April 26th, May 10th,
May 17th, May 31st (added), June
14th (June 7th is cancelled) and
June 21st (added). The rest of the
schedule remains unchanged – for
now at least.
Our production run rate is
improving as well, and that is
due to the commitment of Local
598s workers, production and
skilled trades, who make sure the
oldest running conveyor in the
corporation produces world-class
trucks each and every day. Thank
you for all that you do.
Last month, I told you about the
plans for re-opening the cafeteria.
We are well on our way to making
it a reality. Scott Bright (Genesee
Vending), our current vending
supplier, will be taking on the
responsibility of the new food
service and will provide quality
food at reasonable prices. The
cafeteria space had been cleaned
and we are waiting for equipment
and fire suppression upgrades. I
will keep you updated.
I don’t know about you, but
it’s very exciting to see all of the
trucks and construction activity
around the new paint shop site.
I am looking forward to June 1st,
when the steel will start going up
and it will start to really look like a
Monday, April 28th is when we
celebrate Workers Memorial Day, a
time to remember those who have
lost their lives on the job and to
make sure that we do everything
we can to have a safe workplace
so that all of our members return
home at the end of their shift.
We are very thankful for our
contractually negotiated Local 598
Health & Safety representatives
who make sure that the laws and
regulations meant to keep us
healthy and safe are in place here
at Flint Truck Assembly.
As always, please keep the
men and women who serve our
country in your thoughts and
G-3293 Van Slyke Road, Flint, MI 48507 • (810) 238-4605
ADAPT Representative
Jerry Regan, Michael Keel
Civil Rights committee
Rosalyn Morse
Quality network representation
Ralph Lupu
Local 598 Benefit Reps.
Fred Wright, Cindy Baxter-Phillips,
Chris Dungerow, Adam Prieur
Ray Gorney............................... President
Ryan Buchalski.................VICE-President
Judy Mosier.......... Recording Secretary
Rick Beardslee........Financial Secretary
James Gregory........... Sergeant-at-Arms
Corey Wilborn................................. GUIDE
Curtis Freeman.............................Trustee
Jim Hatfield..................................TRUSTEE
Becky Haughey............................TRUSTEE
Don Clark............. Retiree chapter chair
Chairman, Shop Committee
Barry Campbell
Shop Committeeman-at-Large
Chris Webb, Eric Welter
Shop Committee (district)
Don Cobb, Scott Crosby,
Tony Mann, Larry Rodgers
District Committeebody / Alternates
Mike Standley
/ Gerald Scott
Don Cobb
/ John Jackson III
Bob Szecsodi
/ Randy Moore
Brent Lough
/ Donnie Perillo
Tony Mann
/ Sean Meachum
Leroy Shinabarger/ Jim Walz
Larry Rodgers
/ Rex Ferguson
Chad Fabbro
/ Michael Kocsis
Scott Crosby
/ Rick Hager
ARAMARK Bargaining Committee
District Committee / Alternate
Frank Yearby
/ Glen Shimmel
Gary Nichols
/ Debra Bruton
Dan Hipkins
/ Anthony Beaugard
Tony Robinson, Mike Dankert, Winston Ruffin
Mike Robinson
Dave Groulx
Work & Family Representative
Bob McKamie, Jayne Atwell, Leonard Neely
598 apprentice coordinator
Rick Van DeWater
598 CAP Chairperson
Jim Hatfield
Education/Publicity Committee
Debi Kirchner, Tajuana Elam,
Traci Wheaton, Jack Whyte, Bill Wineland
To Our Readers: This paper is the voice of our Local and
International Union. This is our only vehicle for bringing to
you, on a regular basis, the views and actions of the leaders
you elected, so you can evaluate them. Through the paper we
explain Union policies and show how your dues are spent.
The paper is also the voice of the members. We welcome
articles from UAW members and stories about members. While
we welcome your contributions, we ask that they be constructive. At no time will the editorial staff tolerate any defamatory
remarks regarding any person or persons. We reserve the right
to reply to those that seem to reflect a misunderstanding of
the Union and its policies and to edit any article for clarity and
length. Opinions reflected in signed articles in the Eye Opener
do not necessarily represent the position or opinions of Local
598. Published monthly by UAW Local 598, G-3293 Van Slyke
Road, Flint, MI 48507. Phone: 238-4605.
Postmaster: All Form 3579’s for the THE EYE OPENER,
are to be forwarded to THE EYE OPENER, UAW Local 598,
G-3293 Van Slyke Rd., Flint, MI 48507. Periodicals Postage
Paid at Flint, Michigan.
Annual Subscription $1.70 For Members Only; Retirees $1.00
UAW Local 598 – A Local Union with a Heart
April 2014
By Judy Mosier
UAW is only as strong
as its members...
plain and simple.
From raising up standards for our members to creating new paths into
the middle class, we've been able to win significant victories through the
years when we've stood strong, and stood together.
As you know, our union is currently facing unprecedented challenges.
The recession, the Koch brothers, fierce anti-union attacks – all of these
forces have contributed to decreasing membership that threatens to erode
our bargaining power. We can't let that happen.
In order to regain our strength at the bargaining table, the UAW has
launched PRO-Member. Please take a moment to check out the website
and find out more.
PRO-Member lays out concrete steps to grow our ranks, replenish our
resources, and enhance our ability to organize. Whether it's improving
systems for membership communications or intensifying local outreach
efforts, we are committed to modernizing our union to make sure we
remain strong in critical upcoming negotiations.
We invite you to take a look and send us your thoughts
at – we're constantly looking for ways
to improve!
In Solidarity, Bob King via
Run like a Wildebeest
10K Run &
5K Run/Walk
(Kids Little Wildebeest Run)
Greg Flint’s Event
This race honors Greg Flint, who has been sorely missed by all who knew
him. Greg was an avid runner and a unique character with a heart of gold.
The 5K race will take you through the county park in Flushing, while the
10K race will include the county park, the Flushing river trail, and various
neighborhoods as well. Little Wildebeest Run (once around the track)
10:00 a.m.
Proceeds from the Wildebeest Race will be distributed between the
following: Flushing High School Track/Cross Country Program; Thomas
Smith Memorial Foundation (free heart screening for middle & high school
students) and other local charities.
PAPER Registration 5K & 10K races with shirt $28.00, without Shirt
$18.00, Little Wildebeest Run $10.00 (includes a cotton T-shirt and medal).
After April 18th, Registrations will be $30.00 w/shirt and $20.00 w/o shirt.
Saturday, April 26, 2014 • 8:30 AM
Safe Jobs...Save Lives
The 598 Easter Hunt was
another awesome time for Local
598 members and our families.
With approximately 300 children
and then counting their parent’s
the numbers almost tripled that
of last year. It was an absolutely
beautiful day and many great
memories were made.
I would like to take a moment to
thank President Ray Gorney, who
not only helped out, but brought
this idea to us a couple years back.
The smiles of our members and
laughter of the children makes
all the work and effort of our
volunteers worthwhile.
The membership’s community
service efforts raised over a quarter
of a million dollars last year. With
the donations raised from the Polar
Plunge that Ray, Barry and Ryan
participated in last February, we are
nearing the twenty thousand dollar
mark for the 2014 calendar year.
You, the members of Local
598, have always stepped up and
donated from your hearts deep
into your pocket books supporting
the communities around us. One
thing this leadership has been
quite concentrated on is taking
care of this membership from
working inside the plant to events
that bring us together as a Union
family outside of the plant.
A Big
You to Robin Stayton-Diehl,
our Community Service and
Women’s committees, along with
several other volunteers who
did an outstanding job at this
Easter outing. I know these two
committees already have other
events for our active members
in the works, one being a Tiger
Baseball Game in September. So be
looking for more information in
future Eye Opener issues and in our
in Plant paper “The Truck News.”
Worker’s Memorial Day is
Monday April 28th. The unions
of the AFLCIO observe
this day to
those who
have suffered
and died on
the job and
to renew our
efforts for
safe workplaces. Any loss of life is
terrible, but even one job-related
death is a tragedy that could or
should have been prevented. We
must always be careful to keep
safety our top priority. “Safe Jobs
…Save Lives.”
Be Safe and God Bless.
In Memoriam
The Officers, Representatives and
Members of Local 598 extend
their deepest sympathy
to the families of our recently
deceased members.
Lillian R. Heyneman (Retired)
Bobby W. Pritchard (Retired)
Jimmie G. Rice II (Active)
James T. Tyler (Retired)
Carl E. Wellisley (Retired)
April 2014
UAW Local 598 – A Local Union with a Heart
for the GM and Aramark Bargaining Units
Committeeperson & Alternate Elections
Third (3rd) Shift Elections
As follows:
GM Bargaining Unit - District 3C
To be Elected: Committeeperson and Alternate Committeeperson
District 3C: Material, Quality, Skilled Trades, and Sequence
Polls open at 10:00 p.m. Monday, May 12, 2014 and will remain open until 8:00 a.m. Tuesday May 13, 2014.
Second (2nd) Shift Elections
As follows: To be Elected:
District 2A:
District 2B:
District 2C:
GM Bargaining Unit Districts 2A, 2B, and 2C.
Committeeperson and Alternate Committeeperson
Body, Trim
Chassis, Final, Paint, Paint Repair, Mechanical Repair, Crib Attend, and DVT
Material, Quality, Skilled Trades, and Sequence
Aramark Bargaining Unit
To be Elected: Committeeperson
Polls open at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 13, 2014 and will remain open until 12:00 a.m. Wednesday, May 14, 2014.
First (1st) Shift Elections
GM Bargaining Unit Districts 1B and 1C Committeepersons
GM Bargaining Unit Districts 1A and 1C Alternate Committeepersons
District 1A: Body, Trim
District 1B: Chassis, Final, Paint, Paint Repair, Mechanical Repair, Crib Attend, and DVT
District 1C: Material, Quality, Skilled Trades, and Sequence
As follows:
Aramark Bargaining Unit
To be Elected: Alternate Committeeperson
Polls open at 6:00 a.m. Wednesday, May 14, 2014 and will remain open until 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 14, 2014.
Note: Only Members in Good Standing will be eligible to vote. You can only vote in the district you are assigned to. Voting will be
by secret ballot. You must have a picture I.D. and provide the last 4 digits of your Social Security number to vote. All active members
may vote in the North Unit Gym Area or at the Local 598 Union Hall. Members on Leaves of Absence may vote at the Local 598
Union Hall, G-3293 Van Slyke Rd., Flint, MI.
Election Committee, Local 598, UAW • Ray Gorney, President Local 598, UAW
April 2014
Once again, it was
another successful outing for
the friends and family of UAW Local
598. The Easter Egg Hunt was a great
success. I wanted to take time to thank
the volunteers and organizers of this event
for making everyone feel welcome. From the
games and the face painting to the balloon art
and all the food there was enough activities to keep
the children busy until the start of the main event.
Considering the record-breaking snow and cold we
had this winter, mother nature provided us with
a perfect spring day. I personally enjoy attending
the events given by our Local because it gives you
time catch up with friends and co-workers that you
might not see every day at work.For pictures and
information on upcoming events, remember
to check the website and
also the Facebook page. If you would
like to volunteer in the future, feel
free to contact the union hall.
Corey Wilborn
A Local Union with a Heart
April 2014
UAW Local 598 – A Local Union with a Heart
Trans Pacific Partnership
Another Travesty Trade Agreement
by Debi Kirchner, Education
Who is a part of the TPP?
The proposed Trans Pacific
Partnership (TPP) has been
referred to as “NAFTA on
steroids,” and we all know how
that trade agreement worked out
for us. Countries in the TPP talks
are the United States, Australia,
Brunei, Chile, Canada, Japan,
Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand,
Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam.
Today, we can only guess the
details of the proposed agreement
because negotiations have been
shrouded in secrecy – at least
from the members of the U.S.
Congress, who are charged with
debating and approving any trade
agreements that we enter into.
While Congress has, for the most
part, been shut out of the details,
600 business leaders and their paid
advisors of U.S. corporations like
Halliburton, Chevron, PHRMA,
and Comcast, both corporations
and investors, are being consulted
and know the details of the
What we do know has been
leaked by those who have seen
parts of it. In fact, one of the
conditions participants must
agree with is that details of the
negotiations should remain secret
until it has been in operation for
four years.
Use of Fast Track Authority
President Obama is set to ask
for “Fast Track Authority” on
approval of the controversial pact,
which means that Congress would
be allowed only an up or down
vote and a vote, must take place
within 90 days of the agreement’s
introduction. No debates, no
amendments, just a vote. It is
ironic that Republicans who are
protesting the “overreaching”
of President Obama in other
areas are willing to bypass
their responsibilities on trade
agreements to allow the “Fast
Track” procedure to go through.
Although Nancy Pelosi and
Harry Reid have vowed not to
allow this procedure to pass,
many Democrats in Congress also
support both the Agreement and
Fast Track Authority.
The UAW opposes the use of
the Fast Track Authority to pass
this agreement and believes that
no agreement should be passed
without addressing currency
manipulation (mostly used by
China and Japan) and strong
penalties for countries who receive
access to our markets while
denying the same access to theirs.
When you look at just the few
details that we have, you can see
the danger in allowing it to pass in
the shadows.
What is in the Agreement
for us?
Even though this is called a
trade agreement, it really has very
little to do with trade, at least
for the United States. Those in
favor of the agreement say that it
would expand U.S. exports, but we
already have agreements with 6 of
the 10 countries involved. Of the
remaining four countries, there is
little the way of opportunity for
new U.S. markets.
Vietnam’s annual income
per person is just $1,374. The
combined population of the 4
countries we do not currently have
a trade agreement with is roughly
the same size as the population of
Pennsylvania. Doesn’t seem like
there would be much opportunity
to increase exports of any
manufacturing items. So what else
is in the agreement?
Corporations will have the
same rights as countries
The areas that concern trade
would provide incentives to
offshore jobs to low-wage
countries and many would impose
limits on current government
policies that we rely on for safe
food, workplace, and environment.
Our policies would have to comply
with TPP rules.
Perhaps the scariest part of this
is that through this agreement
individual foreign firms would
have the same status as sovereign
nations. A tribunal (made up
of corporate representatives)
would be set up to hear any
trade disputes. For example; a
Vietnamese company wants to
export a children’s toy to the U.S.,
but the toy contains unacceptable
(per our regulations) levels of lead.
Under the TTP, that company
could sue the U.S. through the
tribunal process saying that
our high safety standards are
interfering with their ability to
make a profit!
It will then be a race to the
bottom as we are forced to lower
our standards to comply with
profit-hungry corporations.
Other items in the TPP concern
protections for big Pharma to
protect copyrights on expensive
medicine, making it harder for
smaller companies to produce
less expensive generic medicine.
There is also language that would,
in effect, get rid of Made-in-
America provisions in our laws,
and roll back the few Wall Street
reforms we have been able to
enact. Basically this trade policy,
as it is written, would do nothing
to improve the life of average
Americans; only corporations
stand to win.
What can I do?
Contact President Obama (www. and your
Congressional representatives and
let them know we already have
enough unfair trade agreements
and that the TPP should only be
brought to Congress for a vote
after full disclosure and debate.
Without full disclosure and the
protections needed to make U.S.
manufacturing stronger while
strengthening our ability to operate
on an even playing field with other
countries, they should vote “NO.”
Find contact information for
your representatives at www.
How have past trade
deals worked out?
UAW Local 598 – A Local Union with a Heart
Retiree Report
by Don Clark, Retiree Chairperson
We celebrated Local 598’s 75th Anniversary at
our March meeting. We are proud to see that our Local
is still going strong. Regional Director Norwood Jewell,
former Vice-President of the UAW Stan Marshall, and
our Regional Rep. Scott Henry joined us for this celebration. Other guests
included State Representative Charles Smiley, Genesee County Treasurer
Deb Cherry, Judicial candidate Vikki Bayeh Haley and our good friend
Jimmie Wells from Riverfront.
Please make time in your schedule to vote in the upcoming elections.
Retirees can vote for President, Vice-President, Financial Secretary,
Recording Secretary, three Trustees, Guide and Sergeant-at-Arms. They
can also vote for Convention Delegates. The election for Local Union
Officers will begin at 10:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 30th through Thursday
at 10:00 p.m. May 1st. The election for Convention Delegates will be from
10:00 p.m. Sunday, May 4th through 10:00 p.m. Monday, May 5th.
It is very important that retirees vote in these elections. We were a big
part of making this 75th Anniversary possible and need to show that we
still are involved in making our Local strong and viable.
For those signed up for our April excursion, the ball field will be open
at 6:30 a.m. and the busses will leave promptly at 8:00 a.m. Coffee and
doughnuts will be available before the bus leaves.
There are still openings for our Monday, May 12th one-day excursion.
We will be going to the Soaring Eagle Casino and attending a show by
Herman’s Hermits. The bus will be leaving the ball field at 9:00 a.m., the
performance will be at 4:00 p.m. We will be leaving for home immediately
after the show. The cost is $25.00.
There will be no Chapter Meetings scheduled for the month of July and
August. Hopefully, we will have a beautiful summer to make up for our
brutal winter.
TUESDAY, APRIL 22 & WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23 – Spring Excursion
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30th, 10:00 p.m. thru
THURSDAY, MAY 1st, 10:00 p.m.
Local Union Officer Election
SUNDAY, May 4, 10:00 p.m. thru MONDAY, MAY 5, 10:00 p.m.
Convention Delegate Election
THURSDAY, MAY 8th – Chapter Meeting
MONDAY, MAY 12th – Soaring Eagle and Herman’s Hermits Excursion
THURSDAY, JUNE 12th – Chapter Meeting
Local 598 UAW
Circle One: For Sale Wanted Service Free For Rent Trade Thank You
Limited Ad Please: ______________________________________________
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
Send ads to: LOCAL 598, UAW, Editor
G-3293 Van Slyke Rd., Flint, Michigan 48507
Your Name: ________________________________________________
Dept. No.: _________________________________________________
April 2014
Donnie R. Couch
James Hemphill
Nathan M. Herron
Gerald R. Johnson
James D. McNeil
(L-R) President Ray Gorney with Retiree Donny
Couch and Vice-President Ryan Buchalski.
(L-R) Benefits Rep. Cindi
Baxter-Phillips with new retiree
Gerald Johnson.
Stop by the Benefits
Office or Union Hall
to get your picture
taken to appear in
the Eye Opener.
(L-R) District Shop Committee
Rep. Don Cobb congratulates Jim
McNeil on his retirement.
Due to the increased number of want ads/services we are receiving,
ads must be submitted monthly and will be run on a first-come, firstserve basis. We will be limited to ads/services submitted in a Local 598
member’s name only. Thank you for your cooperation.
HOUSE: Northside, 3 bedrooms,
basement, 1-car garage, Armor Guard
windows, for sale or rent/section 8 or
$430. Call: 810-234-3522.
* * * * *
MEMBERSHIP: Camp for free at five
in-network resorts, fishing & swimming
included. Call: 810-336-5303.
* * * * *
HOUSE: Three bedrooms, basement,
1-car garage, for sale or rent, in
Oakley, MI. Call: 989-721-9159.
* * * * *
WATERFRONT LOT: with 2 acres,
200’ on water and 200’ on road. Call:
George Erinjeri at 810-908-8483.
* * * * *
EQUIPMENT: stoves, H2O pumps,
sleeping bags, packs w/covers,
Nalgene bottles, MSR fuel bottles,
Eureka tents, and Thermarest. Call:
* * * * *
12½’ super slider, 30 ft., Nada Guides
value $8,215, papers to prove it.
Sleeper sofa, air cond./ducted, w/
thermo, pantry, queen bed, new 10ply tires, new mattress, new battery,
and new brakes, $7,369. Call: 989472-7874.
* * * * *
RANCH STYLE HOUSE: 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1-car garage,
basement, enclosed porch, patio
deck and borders Max Brandon Park.
Website: 3713masonstreet.wordpress.
com or call: 810-655-4059.
refinished, including parquet floors,
quality work, 25 years’ experience.
Free estimates. Call: 810-813-1442.
* * * * *
SKIN-TIGHT FENCE: residential
chain link fence, over 30 years’
experience, install and repair and
free estimates. Call: 810-845-7211.
* * * * *
EDNA’S CAKES: Name it and I’ll
make it. Call: 810-742-1249.
* * * * *
photography by Lisa Jackson. Outdoor
inspired photos and more. 810-2938948.
Your kind expression of sympathy and
friendship will always remain in our memories. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.
Family of Victor “Butch” Voris
* * * * *
The family of Michael J. Livingston wish
to say thank you for all your support during
these difficult times. Michael was a special
part of our family who will live on forever
in our hearts. He was blessed with so many
great friends. We want to express our heartfelt gratitude and say thank you to each
one of you for making this difficult time a
little easier. He will have a special place in
all our hearts, and through our cherished
memories he will live on forever.
* * * * *
I would like to thank everyone for the
overwhelming support that my family has
received with the loss of my mother. The
kindness has been very much appreciated!
Again, thank you! Fred Wright and Family