Union Spirit UAW Local 2488 Celebrating 25 Years


Union Spirit UAW Local 2488 Celebrating 25 Years
Union Spirit
UAW Local 2488
Mitsubishi & MPW Units
Volume 25, Issue 2
March & April 2014
Twenty five years is
a milestone. To
acknowledge this, I
have combed the
archives and
reprinted some Union
Spirit articles that
span some of this
time. These articles
are peppered
throughout this
edition of the paper.
— Editor
2014 Constitutional Convention Delegate Election Information on Page 10
Page 2
Volume 25, Issue 2
Chairman’s Report
rights. If you know of any members
who lost their recall rights and have
interest in returning as a new hire, have
them contact the UAW office.
Overtime for March will be heavy.
Four of the five Saturdays are confirmed for production, along with a
By: Roger Goodwin
continuation of 10 hour days. Don’t
The company finally recalled the last 2
expect this to continue after March.
of the 12 they wanted when they
The current schedule shows very little
started this recall in December. This
overtime until after the July 4th holibrings the number of recalled members
day. Of course, this is subject to
to a total of 50, resulting in a mere 16
left on the laid off list. The company
has contacted these remaining 16 to
Two important deadlines are fast apgauge their interest in returning. Six
proaching. The Company must anresponded positively, but the company nounce the days required for summer
has yet to inform us what their next
shutdown by the end of March. Also,
step is. Their original plan when con- any associate required to work any
tacting the final 16 was to bring back
days during the shutdown period must
two or three. It’s unknown if that is
be notified by May 1.
still their plan, or if they would like to
Another deadline approaching conexhaust the list.
cerns carryover PTO. Any carryover
The possibility of bringing in new
PTO, in excess of 16 hours, must be
hires increases with the fact of a
used by the end of April or you will be
shrinking number of members with
paid out for it. That payout will be no
recall rights. Language does exist that later than the second pay period in
says the company will consider rehir- May.
ing members who lost their recall
Our current Collective Bargaining
Agreement with Mitsubishi expires in
August of 2015. This may seem like a
long way off, but time manages to slip
by faster and faster these days. No one
can predict what our future holds for
us. Your Bargaining Committee requests that everyone put themselves in
a position to defend their well being,
no matter the situation. A well prepared team is a successful team.
3rd Step – 21
Pre-Arb – 9
Arbitration – 2
Production – 836
Maintenance – 140
Layoff – 16
Supplemental – 48
U.S. Sales:
January —4162
Veterans Committee Super Bowl Raffle Winners
First Prize: 50" LGE Plasma TV -----Vicki Diebel (Washburn)
Second Prize: 42" LGE Plasma TV -----James Davis (Marion, IN)
Third Prize: ZVOX Soundbar Home Theatre-----Greg Stapleton (Carlock)
Fourth Prize: Samsung BD-F5100 Blu-Ray Player-----Bob Rice (Maintenance)
Fifth Prize: $50 Cash-----Linda Randle (Bloomington)
Sixth Prize: $50 Cash-----Jim Stubbs (Maintenance)
Seventh Prize $25 Cash-----Bob Rice (Maintenance)
Eighth Prize $25 Cash-----Linda Seten (Creve Coeur)
Page 3
Volume 25, Issue 2
Page 4
Volume 25, Issue 2
Union Spirit
President’s Report
office at the February membership
Get the kids together for our annual
Children’s Easter Party from 1pm until
3pm on Saturday, April 5th at the Union Center. After a one-year hiatus, the
Rec Committee has put together an
exciting event. Join the Easter Bunny
By: Jerry Harcharik
for an Easter egg hunt, games, balloon
animals, face painting and so much
more. Get the kids and grandkids
This year marks the 25th anniversary of signed up today by contacting Ron or
representation by the United Auto
Johnna in the Union Benefits office.
Workers at our facility. I hope you enLET’S THINK GOLF
joy a look back at some of our history
in this edition of the Union Spirit.
Shake off the winter doldrums and
Sometimes it doesn’t seem like 25
think Spring by assembling your team
years since we assembled in the trainfor our 3rd Annual Gary Nichols Charing building on the south end of the
ity Golf Scramble to be held on Saturplant. The interview process culmiday, June 14th at the Den at Fox Creek
nated with the testing of our artistry in
in Bloomington. Sign-up is underway.
the drawing of a chair. It was certainly
You can pick up a form at the UAW
a WTF moment for me! For some, this
Benefits office, at the Union Center or
job was a stepping stone in our work
download it off the web at
history. For many of us, it was the first
experience at working in a facility of
this size. For some, it was the first
REAL experience in the work world.
In any case, we have had the opportu- The Veteran’s Committee Super Bowl
Party was a huge success once again.
nity to “grow up” together…as indiThe game itself wasn’t very competividuals and as a UNION.
tive but it did not dampen the spirit of
the party-goers. Congratulations to all
the prize winners including Vicki Diebel of Washburn who walked away
Congratulations to our newest elected
with the grand prize of a 50-inch LGE
official here at Local 2488. Aubrey
Plasma TV. A complete list of prize
Norwood was recently elected by the
winners is included in this edition of
1st shift workers of our MPW Unit to
the Union Spirit. Most importantly, all
represent them as 1st Shift Committeemoney raised in this wonderful event
man. Aubrey proudly took the oath of
Page 5
goes right to the veterans who need it
the most.
Your CAP delegates had the great opportunity to attend the National UAW
CAP Conference in Washington DC.
We talked with members of congress
about topics that have a huge impact
on us and working families everywhere. Topics included extending unemployment insurance, strengthening
social security, raising the minimum
wage and our opposition of Japan’s
inclusion in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) as it relates to the automotive trade imbalance which currently
exists. One car is allowed to be imported by Japan for every 130 cars
they export. Without strict guidelines,
we cannot support the President on this
“free trade” agreement. The TPP has
been described as NAFTA on steroids.
We all know how well that worked for
manufacturing in the U.S.
We talked with Congressman Rodney
Davis from the 13th Congressional District who would not support us on any
of our issues. Congressman Bill Enyart
from the 12th Congressional District
supported the UAW across the board
and Congressman Aaron Schock from
the 18th District was too busy to take
time to meet with the UAW. Imagine
I would like to thank Region 4 Director Ron McInroy and International Servicing Rep Rick Doty for meeting with
President Report cont. on page 4
Volume 25, Issue 2
Union Spirit
President Report cont. from page 3
the UAW Local 2488 leadership group
to help explain the half-hour dues increase proposal which will be voted on
at the 36th Constitutional Convention
in June. Additionally, Rick Doty was
in attendance at the February membership meeting to answer questions. If
anyone has a question or an idea,
please let me know. I will relay that
information to Ron and Rick. On a
related issue, nominations for convention delegates will take place at the
March 19th membership meeting.
(Check the official notice in this Union
party that screams for less government
intervention tried to intervene in a
worker’s choice to join the UAW. It is
hard for me to conceive that members
of a political party would try to interfere in the free process of a worker’s
right to organize by threatening to
withhold future financial incentives for
Volkswagen if those workers chose the
UAW. I find it unimaginable that outside parties would invest millions and
millions of dollars in anti-worker campaigns designed to keep workers from
having a say in their workplace and
fighting for a livable wage and benefits. Furthermore, it is inconceivable to
me that workers would succumb to this
intimidation and vote against their own
There are days when I wake up and
wonder why I live in Illinois. The
Then I reevaluate my earlier thought.
weather is so totally unpredictable. The
snow, ice and arctic cold this winter
I live in a state where Governor Quinn
have been brutal.
and the state legislature have worked
to bring jobs to the state of Illinois.
But then I see things happening in
Our governor has always been a great
other places…like Chattanooga, Tenfriend to the UAW and has vowed to
nessee. It’s a place where the political
continue working to bring our facility
more product. In spite of what has happened in Wisconsin, Iowa, Indiana and
Michigan…our state has fought off the
evil attempts by those who don’t want
us to have a voice in the workplace…
and thumbed its nose at freeloader
“Right to Work” for less legislation. I
work at a facility where the workers
(without outside interference) chose to
embrace the United Auto Workers 25
years ago. Through the good years and
the lean years, we have persevered and
have come out the other side a much
better and wiser workforce.
On second thought, I know exactly
why I live in Illinois. This is right
where I belong. I’ll be seeing you on
the shop floor.
Children’s Easter Party
Saturday April 5, 2014
Local 2488 Union Center
Cost is $3.00 per child (12 & under only)
Bring your camera & Easter baskets
Page 6
Volume 25, Issue 2
Page 7
Volume 25, Issue 2
Union Spirit
Benefits Report
questions relating to eligibility for FMLA. We will try and
Please take note that the dates the Worker’s Compensation give you some general answers. The company uses a rolling calendar year when determining eligibility for FMLA.
lawyers are at the hall has changed. Richard Johnson will
be at the Union Hall on the fourth Tuesday of each month What that means is they look at the date the FMLA is being
requested for and whether the member has worked at least
from 10am to 5pm. Chris Mose will be at the Union Hall
1250 hours in the previous one year period. We always
the first Wednesday of each month from 10am to 5pm.
need to keep in mind that time out of the plant for PTO,
These dates are March 5 and 25 and also April 2 and 22
holidays, opting out, leaves of absence, unexcused days,
furloughs and other reasons can leave us short of the 1250
Keeping Beneficiaries Up-to-date
Many times changes in life require us to update our records hours of actual work needed to qualify. We should also
as it relates to beneficiaries with our benefit package. It is keep in mind that the company takes FMLA hours from our
bank of time if we are out of the plant on a paid disability
very important when we have an event take place that we
leave or a worker’s compensation leave. A member qualiidentify the proper beneficiaries for our 401(k), Group
fies for 480 hours of FMLA during a rolling calendar year.
Life Insurance and Voluntary Term Life Insurance.
Unless you have made changes in the past, those who you Those hours can be taken in increments of 1 hour at a time
or up to 8 hours each day.
named many years ago will still be the beneficiaries
MMNA has on file. It makes sense to review records and
Need a doctor?
make sure we put corrected changes in as they happen.
We encourage you to try to stay within the PPO network.
Make sure you do these things on an annual basis.
Staying within the PPO network gives us a much better
Workers’ Compensation Lawyers
benefit. Going outside the network leaves us open to a
We would like to remind members and retirees that if they
much larger out-of –pocket, higher co-pays and possibly no
move to please notify MMNA and the Union of your ad-
benefit at all (office visits, for examples). If you have ques-
dress change. This will help keep you informed and up-to- tions whether a doctor or facility is in the PPO network you
date on issues and make sure that you get important docu- can call Blue Cross/Blue Shield at 1-800-227-6592, go to
ments, such as W-2’s, in a timely manner.
Questions regarding FMLA
Now and then we have members who contact us and ask
their website at www.bcbsil.com or call the UAW Benefits
office at 309-888-8008 for Johnna Jackson or
309-888-8015 for Ron Dixon.
3rd Annual Gary Nichols Charity Golf Scramble
Sign up is now underway—to be held at the Den at Fox Creek in Bloomington on Saturday June 14, 2014
There is an 8:00am shotgun start—the $85 entry fee includes range balls, golf, cart and lunch
Prizes & games include raffles, longest drive, longest putt, closest to the pin, a hole-in-one giveaway plus more
All proceeds will benefit the United Way of McLean County & the UAW Local 2488 Scholarship Fund
Don’t miss out! Tee times will fill up fast. Get your team signed up today. Registration forms are available at
the Union Hall, UAW plant Benefits office or online at www.uaw2488.org. Turn in forms & fee to Ron Dixon.
Page 8
Volume 25, Issue 2
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Volume 25, Issue 2
Union Spirit
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Volume 25, Issue 2
In The Paint by Pat Kennedy
Last issue I was emphasizing the divide between those in power...both business and government and their effects upon the
middle class. We have seen the export of manufacturing at an astonishing rate robbing our nation of the ability to create wealth
for everyone. A recent number I saw was 120,000 facilities closed since 2001. The top few percent have amassed great wealth
as our nation becomes impoverished with debt mounting at an alarming rate. This nation was to have a concerted effort by all
those who are able of body and mind. “Ask not what the country can do for you, but what you can do for your country,” as
JFK spoke so long ago, has gone by the wayside. Recently a friend told me about the McLean County Democrat’s “Honoring
the Roosevelts” dinner. On the back of the program was Franklin D. Roosevelt’s January 11, 1944 State of the Union address
(in part) as printed in the Grand Prairie Union News:
We have accepted, so to speak, a second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and
established for all—regardless of station, race or creed. Among these are:
prosperity can be
The right to a useful and remunerative job (rewarding job) in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and
domination by monopolies at home and abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident and unemployment;
The right to a good education.
All of these rights spell security. And after this war is won we must be prepared to move forward, in the implementation of these rights, to new goals of human happiness and well-being.
America’s own rightful place in the world depends in large part upon how fully these and similar rights have been
carried into for all our citizens.
For unless there is security here at home there cannot be lasting peace in the world.
Obviously this has achieved lukewarm results over the last seventy years. Those claiming to lead us into the “promised land”
have entered into their own promised land and left many out. We’ve had carpetbaggers, snake oil salesmen, and an occasional
elected official that wants to do the right thing, but is shouted and worn down. “The nail that sticks up gets pounded down,” is
an old Japanese saying. But sometimes the nail sticks up because the wood has dried and cracked. “A divided house cannot
stand and the blind shall lead the blind and both shall fall into a ditch.” (paraphrase of Matthew 12:25 and Luke 6:39)
We that remain in the shrinking middle class need to shout from the rooftops and gather in the market square and stem the tide
of want and despair. Active participation, we use phones for everything at all times. Your representatives, senators, governor
and president are but a click away. Get a list, check it twice, find out who has been naughty or nice or will we go blindly into
that goodnight?
Page 11
Volume 25, Issue 2
Union Spirit
Lessons Learned by Tom Shrier, CAP Delegate
Not everyone follows politics, but most
Americans know of the government
shutdown of 2013. A federal budget was
not passed in the fall of 2013 and the US
government came to a grinding halt.
National Parks were closed, federal
monuments were closed, and government employees were told to stay home.
All of this is the indirect result of the
Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare).
As Congress moved from one last minute crisis to the next, a small fraction of
the Republican Party, known as the Tea
Party, dug in their heels and took a
stand. They refused to pass any federal
budget that included funding for
Obamacare. The result of this action was
the government shutdown of 2013.
UnDemocratic. Quite simply majority
rules, Obamacare is the law, like it or
not. It was passed in Congress by a majority vote. To attempt to halt legislation
by simply refusing to pass a budget that
funded a majority passed bill is undemocratic.
UnJust. This stunt the Tea Party conducted not only shut down the government, it hurt America. It hurt the small
shop owners in Washington DC who
depend on government employees for
revenue. It was unfair to anyone trying
to visit a National Park or monument.
And it hurt the American economy as a
So why was the government shutdown
so wrong? Let me list the ways:
UnResponsible. Ironically, the political
party (Republican) who claim to be the
fiscally responsible party cost the US
taxpayers a whopping $24 billion.
UnConstitutional. With the checks and
balances of three branches of government afforded us in the Constitution,
nowhere does it state that one small fraction of one branch has the ability to totally shut down the government. I am
quite sure both Hamilton and Madison,
while writing the “Federalist Papers”,
could have never foreseen the empowerment of this small fraction.
UnAmerican. An argument can be made
that any group that would intentionally
harm the American economy and American citizens can be considered domestic
terrorists. How can elected representatives who take an oath to protect the interest of the US, also intentionally harm
the US economy because they didn’t get
what they wanted?
1773 rebelled against a British tax on
tea. The American colonist rebelled
against a colonial government, which did
not allow voice or vote in taxation policies. The current Tea Party fought within
and against its own government. They
attempted to stop Obamacare by any
means possible, including shutting down
the government, stalling any economic
recovery and costing the US taxpayers
$24 billion. Bringing harm to the American people is not, by any means,
Abraham Lincoln once said the best way
to repeal a bad law is to enforce it
strictly. Like it or not, Obamacare is the
law. Maybe we should give it a try. If it
is as bad as the Republicans claim it will
be, then the American public will call for
its change or removal. But maybe, just
maybe, the American public will come
to enjoy the many benefits associated
with this legislation. But to take over 40
votes in the House to repeal Obamacare
knowing it will never get through the
Senate, is a total waste of taxpayer’s
money. And to refuse to pass a budget
and close down the government should
be considered an act of treason. Maybe
Congress can learn something from this
needless confrontation.
UnPatriotic. The Tea Party borrows
their name from the colonist who in
Congratulations Retirees!
Terry Abernathy
Dale Bender
Stephen Collins
Eddie Dobson
Page 12
Gary Fern
Sally Kinsinger
Margerie Knoblauch
John Lowery
George McCleave
Kevin Schoenwetter
Edwin Woods
Volume 25, Issue 2
‘Letters to the Editor’
In My Opinion
Pat Kennedy, I salute you.
Using reference to the classics and
poetry, no less, you started the new
year of “In the Paint” by painting an
accurate picture of where we are that
might well have been titled “In the
Let’s leave off blaming each
other’s political parties; it just gets in
the way. This pile has been years in
the making and we should have
climbed out years ago. It wasn’t destiny or fate that turned us into
“sheeple”, as Pat Kennedy calls us.
We let it happen, shrugging our
By Rebecca Logue (Plastics)
shoulders and ignoring the stink. Pat
is telling us that the pile keeps getting
deeper and more crowded because the
people who own the greener pasture
on the other side always want a bigger
Like thousands of like-minded
people, I don’t know where to start,
but I do know we are NOT in quicksand. Struggling to get out won’t
make us sink deeper faster! I also
have an idea of what to do when we
get out. I’ve long wondered why our
side can’t take a hint. Dictators of the
past proved it, right wing extremists
practice it and FOX News is among
others who perpetuate it. If you repeat
something loud enough, long enough,
you drown out the opposition. They
are the loudmouth ranters while we
stand by, nearly silent. We need to
climb out of the muck, shed our sheeple’s clothing and reveal the wolves
underneath, howling loud, long and
often. The method isn’t wrong and the
message needs to be right.
I may not know where to start. I
may need a little help, but I would
make a first-rate loudmouth (howler)!
25 years of Union Spirit; Lost in Translation?
It was with great sadness that I
read that home delivery of our paper,
the Union Spirit, is being eliminated to
local dues paying Union members and
their families! Why? Because a digital
format of the Union Spirit is quicker
and cheaper. Of course if you wish to
get one of the few limited hard copies
of the Spirit, they will be available in
the Plant Office. What happened to
service to the membership?
When the local started the digital/
email addition of the Union Spirit, the
intent was to supplement the newspaper, not eliminate it. We added that
option for those who chose to share
their email address, though some chose
not to share, and still others simply
didn’t use email. Solidarity is achieved
Page 13
in part by communication. It is important to reach out to all members, not
just those that are tech savvy. This decision will cause a partial distribution
of the newsletter.
Members have been referred to
the Local’s Facebook page as another
source of information. This is a good
tool to supplement the Local’s communications, but having the Union Spirit
delivered to homes is a much more
accessible way of providing information to members and their families.
A good example of the importance of a print copy/home delivery is
the changes in our healthcare benefits
due to the Affordable Care Act, and
the reminder to have our 19-26 year
old dependents signed up. When a
By Ralph Timan, Fascia Sequencing
member and their family receive a
print copy, they see it and say ‘hey we
need to get that taken care of!’ I can
remember countless times receiving
phone calls from Union members who
were out of the plant and spouses asking about things they read in the Union
The paper has been a significant
part of the local for 25 years. The cost
to print and mail the Union spirit to
homes is not that significant when considering the value of communication.
The next time you see an Executive
Board member, let them know how
you feel about what they decided to do,
because the membership, the highest
authority of the Local Union, sure didn’t have a choice.
Volume 25, Issue 2
Page 14
Volume 25, Issue 2
Enough Is Enough
"You don't know where you’re going, if you don't know
where you've been." I heard this quote often this week, and
it is so true. Dennis Williams reflected on some of the history of the UAW and some of the drastic steps they had to
take in order to be successful. "It's time to fight! He said.
With the membership behind him, the UAW can take on
some of the challenges that we have been facing over the
By Kelli Harrison
sion will be something of the past unless we stand up and
fight to continue these benefits!!
Workers in this country are working more efficient and
making less money while those at the top continue to enjoy
their standard of living. While the working men and
women continue to struggle in this country, this cannot be
acceptable! We need to hold our Representatives accountable for their votes! Take a look at their voting history. If
I attended the women's breakfast. Minority leader Nancy
they are voting with labor 10% of the time you may want to
Pelosi was the key note speaker. Speaker Pelosi is passion- re-think how you vote. Every benefit we have can be taken
ate about our issues, and is willing to work with the Presi- away by the swipe of a pen.
dent. I was touched by listening to Vice President Cindy
What do we need to do as Union members? We need to
Estrada. She talked about pay inequality, cuts in food
activate our base!! Call, walk ,write, organize and contribstamps, eliminating unemployment for millions of Ameriute to V-CAP. It is that important!! We need to keep and
cans and paid time off. "Enough is enough!" These are our
get more Union friendly representatives in government.
children!! As a mother, I can relate to how horrifying that
must be to not be able to feed my children. As an organized The Illinois Governor's race is very important! Labor canautoworker, I have not had to face the struggles as some
not afford to lose Governor Quinn! He has brought funding
women. I have job security, a safe work environment, vaca- along with the President into the state for Chrysler, Ford,
tion pay, health benefits, etc. I am so grateful and I do not and Mitsubishi. The UAW is in constant contact with the
take this for granted. However, Unions are under attack!!
Governor’s office and is always trying to get funding for
The benefits that those before us had struggled to get are
more product. We are looking forward to re-electing him in
starting to become something of the past. A defined pen2014.
Page 15
Volume 25, Issue 2
UAW Local 2488
10226 East 1400 North Road
Permit No. 622
Bloomington, Illinois 61705
Phone: 309/828-2880
Fax: 309/829-2128
E-Mail Contact for the hall:
Retiree Meetings Schedule
Meetings are scheduled on the second
Tuesday of every month and all meetings
will start at 10:00 am.
March 11 Meeting at the hall
April 8 Meeting at the hall
UAW Local 2488 Union Spirit Policy
The opinions expressed in this publication are not
necessarily those of UAW Local 2488 or its Communications Committee. Items submitted to the Editor,
UAW Local 2488 or Communications Committee
become the property of this Local and Committee.
All submissions must be signed and must contain your
group name and a telephone number. We reserve
the right to edit and/or reject any material submitted. Any use of materials appearing in our publication is prohibited, except with the written consent of
the Editor and/or the Local President.
Page 16
U.S. Postage Paid
Bloomington, IL
Please remember to keep the Union informed of
your current address and phone number.
Follow us on: Facebook — UAW Local 2488
Twitter—– @UAWLocal2488
Contact Us
Editor: Linda Hickey
Contact us by postal address or
e-mail us at:
Workers’ Compensation Attorneys
Katz, Friedman, Eagle, Eisenstein, Johnson and Bareck
will be at the Union Center on the following dates to
answer questions about Workers’ Compensation.
March 5 & 25
April 2 & 22
Downstate Injury Hotline: 1-800-444-1525
Volume 25, Issue 2

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