Issue 3 - Vienna High School
Issue 3 - Vienna High School
News Page 3 - English IV writes children’s books; David Yandell National Delegate The Talon Page 4 - Meth Poster winners Page 5 - Sgt. April Clark speaks to FACS classes Page 6 - VHS Golf Page 10 - Spanish Club Page 11 - VHS Band Volume 12, Issue 3 See you at “Meet the Eagles” on Nov. 12th November Vienna High School 2005 VHS students, administrators, and faculty give the “Gift of Life” at the Red Cross blood drive Fifty-six pints of blood were donated at the American Red Cross blood drive sponsored by the VHS HOSA club on November 3, 2005. Students, teachers, and administrators donated blood to make this year’s effort a success, and far surpass the goal of 45 units. According to Ms. Reichert, VHS HOSA sponsor and school nurse, the nation’s blood supply is critically low. “The recent disasters have put a real strain on our blood supply, and donors are needed now more than ever. I appreciate all the brave and generous people of VHS that gave blood to help replenish the nation’s blood supply,” she stated. Those who presented to donate were: Robby Trigg, Adam Brown, Heath Lovelace, Kristen Rogers, Alysha Daly, Nicole Marsh, Daniele Bowles, Tomi Gowin, Elizabeth Stambulski, Kelly Bryant, Erica Farnsworth, Brandon Cox, Billy Salb, Sierra Chapman, Alisa Goines, Josh Watts, Mr. Reichert, Jacob Horn, Steven Lauderdale, Sam Cullison, Brett Snider, Brock Ackmann, Martin Favors, Kyle Conley, Lauren Smith, Heather Moran, Ms. Mize, (continued on p. 13) Page 12 - Pep Club Elects Officers Entertainment Pages 7, 8 & 9 Spotlights Page 13 - Is that even a thing? Page 14 - Brandy’s Upcoming Movie List Rachel Stewart was one of many students that bravely donated blood at the HOSA sponsored American Red Cross Blood Drive. Principal Faye Mize donates blood at the American Red Cross Blood drives on a regular basis. VHS Gets Spooked on Halloween By Julie Farmer The VHS Student Council sponsored the annual costume contest in celebration of Halloween. Ms. Reichert, and Mr. Hight Student Council sponsors, coordinated the event. Students, teachers, and faculty celebrated Halloween by dressing up in creative and elaborate costumes, in hopes of winning prizes. VHS faculty members and staff served as judges, and were overwhelmed by this year’s response to the contest. The judges included Mrs. Reichert, Mr. Hight, Dr. Trover, Mrs. Mize, Josh Stafford, and VHS Student Council members. Mr. Hight, one of the judges for the contest commented, “I am really happy with the turnout this year. It was nice to see the kids come out and get in the Halloween spirit. It’s fun to see them express their creativity in their costumes.” The judges decided on five categories: Scariest, Prettiest, Funniest, Most Original, and Most Extravagant. The winners for each category were: Most Original - James Ellet, dressed as Gamecube; Prettiest Chrissy Lausier, dressed as half angel/half devil; Funniest - Bobby Hoffman, dressed as Elton John; and Most Extravagant was a three way tie. The Most Extravagant awards went to Sarah Bradshaw, dressed as a wood elf, Keesha Mattingly, dressed as a pixie, and Michelle Akins, dressed as a witch. James Ellet, winner of Most Original was excited to win. “I worked pretty hard on my Gamecube costume. It was fun to be able to take something I love so much, The winners in the Most Extravagant category were Michelle Akins as a witch, Sarah Bradshaw as a wood elf, and Keesha Mattingly as a pixie. like Gamecube, and make it into a fashion piece.” Richard Morgan, although not a winner, was dressed as a very convincing Zorro. “My costume was inspired by my love for Mexican theatre. I got my costume at Wal-Mart, which caters to even the most sophisticated taste,” Richard commented. Winner of the funniest category was Bobby Hoffman as “Elton John” More Halloween costumes featured on page 2 The Talon Page 2 November 2005 Mor e Halloween Spooks By Kristin Hunter Edit or ’s Picks: Cor ey Bloodwor t h, Dust in Lammer s, Clint Collions, and Cr eedence Mot t Chr issy Lausier , winner of Pr et t iest James Ellet , winner of Most Or iginal Richar d Mor gan as Zor r o 2005-2006 Talon Staff Whitney Newton ........... Editor-in-Chief Julie Farmer ................ Managing Editor Kristin Hunter .............. Managing Editor Lacey Penrod ...........................Staff Brandy Morgan .........................Staff Teena Harms ...........................Staff Mrs. Joan Clayton ................... Advisor The Vienna High School Talon is a publication of the VHS Desktop Publishing Class. Unless otherwise stated, all articles and writings featured are the work of the students in the class. If you would like your ad to appear in The Talon, contact Joan Clayton at 658-3011. The Talon is on the web at Vienna High School 601 N. 1st Street Vienna, IL 62995 Phone (618)658-3011 Jamie Vinson, Niki Mar sh, & Mr s. McGinnis as Spanish Chef s The Talon November 2005 English IV class writes children’s books Page 3 David Yandell named National Delegate By Julie Farmer Mrs. Guest’s first block senior English class created children’s books as a literature-based assignment. The assignment was for the students to create a children’s book describing one of two pieces of literature they had recently studied. The students could chose to write their children’s book on either Paradise Lost by John Milton or the Book of Genesis chapters 2 and 3. The students were told to recreate the story in a way where children could understand. They were allowed to change the setting of the story so children could relate to the story. Mrs. Guest is the senior English teacher at VHS. “I enjoy the assignment because I think it helps my students understand what they are reading if they break it down in a way where children could understand. I really enjoy reading their stories to see the different ways they interpret them. I love to see my students creativity brought out by fun assignments,” Mrs. Guest stated. The requirements for the children’s books were very specific. The students must include a title page with a title, an illustration, and the author’s name. The books had to have at least seven pages. The students needed illustrations and at least two sentences on each page. The illustrations could be hand drawn or printed from the computer. Mrs. Guest plans to have many more activities like these children’s books in her classes. David Yandell was a Gold Finalist at National FFA convention. Julie Farmer reads her children’s book based on the Book of Genesis chapters 2 and 3 called Holy Halloween. Drive-up Open Monday - Friday 7:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Sat. 7:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. Congratulations to David Yandell who finished with a gold rating at the National FFA Convention. His Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) beef production entrepreneurship won at the state level and was selected for gold rating at the national level. David’s SAE was the best in Illinois, which allowed him to advance. The top honors went to a member from Colorado who kept records on cattle and had many aspects of science incorporated in his SAE. He used an extensive embryo transfer program and used artificial insemination to help his production. David Yandell is also serving this Rick Wiggs Community President (618) 658-8888 FREE CHECKING! year as the Section 25 President for the Illinois Association FFA. Therefore, David was chosen to serve as an official delegate to the 78th National FFA Convention. He helped to decide the future direction of the National FFA Organization. David is a member of the Vienna FFA Chapter and attended the convention October 23rd through 29th. The National FFA Convention was held at the Kentucky Fair and Expo Center, in Louisville, Kentucky. Closely reflecting the operation of the U.S. government, participating in the delegate process gives students the opportunity to experience government in action. The experience began this summer, with the State Presidents’ Conference in Washington D.C. During this event, leadership delegates discussed issues that needed to be addressed at the convention. Nine of those issues were forwarded to the full-delegate body during the 78th National Convention. At the convention, delegates broke into committees, heard testimony on the nine issues, and addressed the whole delegate body with their findings. The next step is to forward recommendations to the National FFA Board of Directors who will address them in January. The Talon Page 4 November 2005 Winners of Methamphetamine poster contest announced A Meth Awareness program is in place at VHS. One component of the program was a poster contest. The winners of this contest received awards which were 1st-$100 Best Buy gift card, 2nd-$50 Wal-Mart gift card, and 3rd-$25 Wal-Mart gift card. There were 42 entries overall. Three of those posters were chosen as winners. Pictured above are the winners: (from left to right) 3rd place - Amanda Pirtle, 2nd place - Julie Farmer, and 1st place - Kalie McGinnis. Kalie McGinnis’s poster will also be advanced to the Regional Contest for a $200 prize. Mrs. Reichert and Mr. Hight are coordinating the Meth Awareness program at VHS. Mrs. Reichert said that she was very pleased with the student’s response to the contest. Tanner Construction John D. Tanner Vienna, IL 658-3145 Edward Jones Investments We also do ICF Basements. For more information visit our website at Collins Car Wash John Kreuter 658-2222 Cagle’s Tire & Wheel Towing & Recovery 658-8017 615 Highway 146 East Bobby Collins, Owner 24-hour Oil Change Towing $15.95 Everything for your tire needs! November 2005 The Talon Page 5 Soldier talks about duties in Iraq to FACS and Child Development Classes Sgt. 2-5 April Clark from the Illinois National Guard talked to Mrs. McGinnis’s Family & Consumer Science and Child Development classes about her duties while stationed in Iraq. She also talked about her separation from her family, as she was separated from her step-son, age 4, as well as her husband. Her husband, Jon Clark, was in Iraq at the same time, and they occasionally got to see each other. Sgt. Clark was in Iraq for one year, and her husband Jon is still there. Sgt. Clark serves as a medic in the military. She showed the students While stationed in Iraq one of the many items soldiers were supplied with was a all the medical supplies that she gas mask. Sgt. 2-5 April Clark, who serves as a medic in the U.S. Military, adjusts carries in her 50 lb. backpack, and the mask to fit Niki Marsh’s face, which is normal procedure when in Iraq. explained what specific supplies are By Teena Harms used for. Many of the VHS students tried on some of her gear. If you would like to write to April, her address while back in the states is: SSG Clark, April, 1404 N. Garfield, Marion, IL 62959. Her husband, Jon’s address is: SSG Clark, George J., C-CO 2123 FA, APO AE 09348. He and his unit would appreciate cards, letters, snacks, and even canned tuna! If you have any addresses of military personnel from our area, especially our recent graduates, please give them to Mrs. McGinnis or Terrah Mullins, FCCLA president, so we can send them Christmas greetings. Family and Consumer Science class welcomed Sgt. April Clark, who talked about her service in Iraq. Pictured above are: ((first row left to right) Shonna Cook, Kenzie Bradshaw, Jamie Vinson, Sgt. 2-5 April Clark, Ashley Anderson, Sierra Saunders, Alisa Page and Mrs. McGinnis. Second row: Michelle Akins, Niki Marsh, Sharrol Norton and Andrea Septer. Third row: Adam Brown and Ryan Mullins. PHONE: (618) 658-3191 FAX: (618) 658-5007 GODDARD’S AUTO BODY INC. 865 Old Rte. 146 Loop Vienna, Illinois 62995 24 HOUR TOWING TIRES AUTO SALES ALIGNMENTS Family owned and operated since 1974 Shawnee Title and Abstract Rick Wiggs 500 E. Vine Street, Vienna, IL (618) 658-9230 Sherri Ross Vienna, IL 658-5555 The Talon Page 6 November 2005 Will “Stick To It” Prevail? The Vienna Eagles Golf program, which now consists of both a girls and boys team, finished their season the first week of October after participating in the IHSA Regional. “Golf is still a young sport to the athletics program, as well as new to the community as a whole,” stated Coach Bremer, who is in her first year overseeing a planned golf program. “To be competitive in IHSA, what is done before August 15 makes the difference.” This past summer clinics were held to teach entry level skills. “I am pleased to see that so many young players came out and we have a bright future if they stick with it,” Coach Bremer added. Sticking with it has been a trouble spot for the Eagles program. Coach Bremer said, “Just being able to play is not what makes a high school golf program successful. You must commit to the team and the expectations of the coach.” The Eagles team ran in to lots of excitement this year. Their only Senior, Cody Goins was touted to do very well in the IHSA Regional, which was to be held at the Gambit. Just one week before the Vienna Invitational and two weeks before the Regional, Cody was playing at Massac and experienced a sharp pain in his chest. After resting, he played the last two holes of the match, where he shot at 38. The next morning he was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with a collapsed lung. “I was so saddened for Cody, and I cannot imagine how frustrated he was. Cody persevered in the hospital over this situation, just as he perservered on the golf course. Cody still has a bright golf future if he chooses that as part of his college experience. His grades are good, and with his golf ability he will certainly be recruited to a college golf program,” stated Coach Bremer. To add to the excitement of the season, another Vienna Eagle player, Brenden Talmadge, was hit in the head with a golf ball during a match with Cobden, Waltonville, and Goreville. Brenden was marking his ball when another player was hitting from a sand bunker. The ball deflected from the lip of the trap and hit Brenden in the head. Brenden was taken to the hospital to check out the injury. “This, again, was unfortunate for Brenden and the team. He was marking his ball as would anyone. This was just a freak accident,” stated Coach Bremer. Coach Bremer expressed that she appreciated the freshman boys who stepped up. “I am very optimistic about the future because I have seen some freshman and sophomores who are showing commitment to the program and a passion for the game. This is key to future success,” she stated. The Varsity Boys team consisted of Travis Crain, Chase Deaton, Josh Ford, Cody Goins, Daniel Kerley, John Obourn, Cory Ross, and Brenden Talmadge. (continued on page 13) Boys Varsity Golf Team pictured (from left to right) front row: Chase Deaton, Daniel Kerley, Cody Goins. Second Row: Travis Crain, Brenden Talmadge, John Obourn, Cory Ross & Josh Ford. (618) 658-9597 6685 U.S. Highway 45 N. Vienna, IL 62995 Professional Quality Graphics, Murals, Lettering & Signage Girls Varsity Golf team pictured (from left to right) Front row: Jessica Pender, Back Row: Kassie Ross, Kristen Hunter, Alisa Goines. Real Rehab & Fitness 658-8144 Physical Therapy Full Fitness Center Water Aerobics Swimming Pool Locally Owned! HARMONAUTOGLASS 811 N. 1st Vienna, IL A Glass Doctor Company 1-866-838-Glass The Talon November 2005 Page 7 Senior Spotlight s Spotlights By Whitney Newton Brock Ackmann Niki Marsh Clayton Spurlock Bree Smith What is you favorite Thanksgiving food? Pretty much whatever is on the table. Who is your hero? Jacob Horn, because he has had so many wrecks and is still alive. Plus he has 9 toes...sorry 9 1/2 What is one thing that not many people know about you? That I DO love my girlfriend... Niki Marsh What is one dream you have that you want to come true? I wish all my little short friends would grow. What is one accomplishment of yours that you are most proud of ? I am proud that it is my Senior year. What is your favorite Thanksgiving food? My favorite Thanksgiving food is candied sweet potatoes. Who is your hero? My hero is my mom, because she is the most remarkable woman I know and I love her very very much. What is one thing not many people know about you? I love my boyfriend Brock more than anything in the world. What is one dream you have that you want to come true? I hope that I have a successful career. What is one accomplishment of yours that you are most proud of ? I have the best boyfriend, the best friends, and the best family! AND... Jamie Vinson is my best friend. What is your favorite Thanksgiving food? I really look forward to dessert, and then its brownies! What is your most memorable moment during Thanksgiving? Playing some hard-core tackle football with the family in my grandma’s yard. Who is your hero? Brock Ackmann!!! He spent his millions buying Jacob a prosthetic toe. What is one thing not many people know about you? One thing that people do not know about me is that I am adopted. What is one dream you have that you want to come true? That if someone gets a low enough score on their ACT, they can park in handicapped parking spots. What is one accomplishment of yours that you are most proud of ? I am proud of myself for not failing my classes in high school YET!!! What is your favorite Thanksgiving food? My favorite Thanksgiving food is pie. I LOVE PIE!!! Who is your hero? My hero is Mrs. Reichert, because she is awesome and half crazy. What is one thing not many people know about you? Nothing, I’m pretty much an open book. What is one dream you have that you want to come true? The dream that I want to come true, is that I will be successful in everything that I do. What is one accomplishment of yours that you are most proud of ? The one accomplishment I am most proud of is that I have been with Garrett for almost a year!!! P.O. Box 35 Vienna, Illinois Free Checking! Don’t Be A Turkey! Free Gifts! Free Money! Register to Vote! Together Works...For You Phone: 658-2961 Robin Harper-Whitehead Johnson County Clerk The Talon November 2005 Page 8 By Whitney Newton Spotlights Tori Webb - Junior Lauren Windings - Freshman Vanessa Botarf - Sophomore What is your favorite Thanksgiving food? I would have to say biscuits and gravy. Turkey is just a little too dry for my taste buds. What is your most memorable moment during Thanksgiving? Going to my great-grandma’s house. While I was there got to see all of my family. Who is your hero? My hero is my brother, Adam, because I couldn’t have made it through grade school and junior high without him. What is one thing not many people know about you? One thing that people do not know about me is that I can be a tomboy. I like hunting, fishing, and skateboarding, just as much as the next guy. What is one dream you have that you want to come true? One dream that I have is that I want to be a dancer on MTV. Anything’s worth a shot!!! What is your favorite Thanksgiving food? My favorite Thanksgiving food is mashed potatoes. I like all of the ways potatoes are fixed. Who is your hero? Tommy Holtzman, because he is my big Mexican teddy bear!!! What is one thing not many people know about you? One thing that no one knows about me is that I have a secret obsession with the movie “Dirty Dancing”. What is one dream you have that you want to come true? One dream that I have that I want to come true is...I want an unlimited supply of chocolate and Mountain Dew. Lawrence & Bean Insurance Agency “Contact us for all your insurance needs” “On the Square” Box 126, Vienna, IL 62995 (618) 658-9121 A Tradition in Service Since 1981 What is your favorite Thanksgiving food? Every year my grandma makes homemade jello and I never ate it when I was younger. So when I got older, she put green food coloring in it and now I crave it all year. What is your most memorable moment during Thanksgiving? We always have Thanksgiving dinner at my aunt’s and they had some exercising equipment in the living room. My cousin fell on it and had to get stitches. Who is your hero? David Hill, because he always makes me smile when he gives me hugs with those cute little arms. What is one thing not many people know about you? I was a cheerleader for two years in grade school. Obviously not a very good one! What is one dream you have that you want to come true? When Cydney Wiggs and me graduate from VHS, we want to be proud Shawnee Saints and have Rickie buy us a trailer. Ahe!! SAM’S Highway 45 North Vienna, IL John Huckelberry Tax Service 315 South 3rd Street Vienna, IL (618)-658-9252 We have Electronic Filing! The Talon November 2005 Page 9 Spotlights By Whitney Newton Dustin Goddard - FFreshma reshma n reshman Derek Trovillion - Sophomo re Sophomore Kyle Willis - J unio Junio uniorr What is your favorite Thanksgiving food? My favorite Thanksgiving food is chicken and dumplings. What is your most memorable moment during Thanksgiving? I had to say the prayer in front of everyone and at the end, everyone started laughing. Who is your hero? My hero is my dad, because he teaches me everything. What is one thing not many people know about you? One thing that no one knows about me is that I have two sisters. What is one dream you have that you want to come true? One dream that I have that I want to come true, is that I want to own a big mansion. What is your favorite Thanksgiving food? It’s gotta be the home made mashed potatoes! What is your most memorable moment during Thanksgiving? When I was little I used to help my grandma fix the table for dinner, and we would watch the parade together. Who is your hero? My hero is Albert Pujols, because of the way he plays the game and how he never takes anything for granted. What is one thing not many people know about you? If I told you then people would know!!! What is one dream you have that you want to come true? The dream that I have that I want to come true is...I want to become a professional baseball player. What is your favorite Thanksgiving food? My favorite food is my grandma’s chicken and dumplings!!! What is your most memorable moment during Thanksgiving? I went duck hunting with my dad and I killed my first duck on opening day of duck season. Who is your hero? My heros are the people who invented hunting, Taco Bell, Pontiac, and Friday night. Cuz that is how I roll son!!! What is one thing not many people know about you? One thing that no one knows about me is that I am smart. What is one dream you have that you want to come true? The one dream that I have is Willy G. and me will have a demo derby car in the compact car division at the Union County Fair. Trovillion Brothers Phone: (618) 658-3761 505 East Vine St. Vienna, IL Do-it-Best Center TAMBRA K. CAIN ATTORNEY AT LAW 102 N. 4th Street P.O. Box 1311 Vienna, IL 62995 Johnson County Farm Bureau 809 N. 1st Street * P.O. Box 335 Vienna, IL 62995 Carol Hall Manager Ph./Fax (618) 658-2127 Email: CALL US for all your animal health product needs! The Talon Page 10 November 2005 VHS Spanish Club has exciting year planned traditions,” Brittni said. The Spanish Club is also planning on performing a play in Spanish. The play will be a well-known fairytale translated into Spanish. The members will perform this play for the students at Vienna Grade School. Mrs. Cochran is the Spanish teacher and Spanish Club sponsor at VHS. “Though it’s early in the year for our club, we really hope to get a lot accomplished. The play is still in it’s first few steps, but I am very hopeful that we will be able to pull it off. I have a lot of faith in my Spanish Club members,” Mrs. Cochran stated. The President of the VHS Spanish Club elected 2005-2006 officers. They are Lauren Smith, Treasurer; Julie Farmer, Spanish Club is Julie President; Jessica Morrisette, Secretary; and Charlie Thompson , Vice President. Farmer. The Vice President is Charlie Thompson, the Secretary is Jessica 1. Which African country has Spanish as an official language? A. Ghana B. Cameroon C. Equatorial Guiena Morrisette, and the Trea2. Which U.S. state has Spanish as an official language? surer is Lauren Smith. A. California B. New Mexico C. Texas “I am really excited to 3. Approximately what percentage of the world’s Spanish-speaking be Vice President.” said population lives in the United States? Junior Charlie Thompson, A. 5 B. 9 C. 14 “We have a lot of great ac4. Which language is most similar to Spanish? tivities planned already. It is A. Portuguese B. Italian C. Catalan going to be a good year for 5. Cual es algo y nada a la vez? the Spanish Club!” A. un pez B. un fantasma C. una almeja Spanish Trivia Quiz 5. un pez 4. Portuguese 3. 9 2. New Mexico 1. Equatorial Guinea ? ANSWERS: The Spanish Club has already started their activities for this year. The club held a T-Shirt Design Contest in late October. The contest was held to select a design for this year’s Spanish Club shirt. The winner of the contest recieved a free shirt. The Spanish Club also gathered after school on October 26th and 27th to make posters for Dia de los Muertos or the “Day of The Dead”. “The Day of the Dead” is a holiday celebrated in most Spanish speaking countries. Most people think it is similiar to Halloween, but if it’s close to any America holiday, it would be Memorial Day. On this holiday, they remember and honor family members who have died. Brittni Throgmorton, a Senior enrolled in Spanish II is enjoying the “Day of the Dead” activities. She said, “Our class is making clay sculptors of objects that represent ‘Day of the Dead’. It is interesting to learn about other cultures’ holidays and This -N- That Flower Shop Tuxedo Rental Plush Animals Also specializing in Zoppini 658-9776 Charm Vienna, Illinois Bracelets The Talon November 2005 Page 11 The VHS Marching Eagles march at various parades in the region The VHS Marching Eagles have marched almost every Saturday since the end of September. They recently marched in Murray State University’s Homecoming Parade and South East Missouri State University’s Homecoming Parade. The Marching Eagles were given free tickets to the Murray and SEMO Homecoming football games for marching in the parade. VHS Senior, Amanda Pirtle, is the drum major for the Marching Eagles. “I love marching at Murray and SEMO. We always have the most fun at these two parades. Everyone really gets into the song and it’s neat to see them dancing and clapping.” The Marching Eagles marched in a Halloween parade on October 29th in Christopher, Illinois. Sophomore Jillian Powell especially enjoyed the Halloween parade. “It was great to see all the bands, because everyone was dressed up in Halloween costumes, and there was an exciting, festive atmosphere,” Jillian stated. The Marching Eagles only have two parades left in this year’s parade season. They are the Veteran’s Day parade in Anna, and the Christmas Parade in Metropolis. The VHS band enjoyed marching at SEMO and Murray State homecoming parades. Along with marching and representing Vienna High School at these parades, they are able to attend the Homecoming games for free. Marching band only has two parades left before their eventful season comes to an end. Jon A. Simmons Auctioneer Call: 995-1533 Vienna, IL Vienna Outdoor Equipment Wetherell Dentistry 805 N. 1st Street Vienna, IL 104 Locust St. Vienna, IL “We Repair All Brands & Models” 658-8361 The Talon Page 12 November 2005 VHS P ep Club g ets pepped up ffor or tthe he Season Pep ge By Whitney Newton The 2005-2006 Pep Club is getting excited for the upcoming basketball season! This year, students are designing Pep Club t-shirts. If you have a T-Shirt design, give it to one of your officers. November 8th through the 11th has been designated as Spirit week. Tuesday is Blue Day, Wednesday is Orange Day, and Thursday is Blue and Orange Day. Meet the Eagles is Saturday, November 12 at 6:00 P.M. There will be a bonfire with hot dogs, chips, and VHS Senior Pep Club officers are Matt Ellet, Shoshannah Richerson, and Kaylah Butler (not pictured) Sophomore Pep Club officers are Derek Trovillion, Kaylyn Meyers, and Bruce West soda. Following the bonfire, you may pick it up Novemthe VHS boys and girls bas- ber 15 from 5:00-7:00 P.M. ketball teams, dancers, and cheerleaders will perform. GO If you ordered VHS apparel from Cindy Metcalf, E A GLE S Junior Pep Club officers are Charlie Thompson, Lacie Endrizzi, and Kyle Willis Freshman Pep Club officers are Allison Bean, Chase Deaton, and Sergio De La Cruz J.W. Reynolds Memorials “The company you’ve heard about all your life” Bailey Funeral Home 705 N. First Street Vienna, IL 62995 (618) 658-2311 Phone: 658-29 11 or 1-800-526-9 180 658-291 1-800-526-91 Brian & Julie Bailey Brent Williams Shoemaker Construction, Inc. General Contractors Ben Adams Randy Spurlock 809 N. 1st Street, P.O. Box 335 Vienna, IL 62995 Office Phone: (618) 658-2881 “Build with Us” 695-3372 Vienna, IL Life-Health-Auto-Home-Farm-Crop-Hail The Talon November 2005 hi hinng? Is tthhat eevven a tthi VHS Golf (continued from page 6) By Julie Farmer The Junior Varsity consisted of Clint Collins, Kelin Field, Trevis McGill, and Caleb New. The first organized girls team since 1999-2000 attended the IHSA Regional which was played at Governor’s Run in Carlyle. The four girls representing Vienna were Alisa Goines, Kristen Hunter; Kassie Ross, and Jessica Pender. The girl’s team will lose two seniors, Kristen Hunter and Alisa Goines, who have helped rebuild the program. By next year they will have a six member team, if all these girls stick to it. The other five members for the girl’s team are Ashton Barger, Allison Bean, Caroline Bremer, Tara Garrett, and Hillary Wright. “I appreciate that both teams played the Massac Patriots stand out program and saw those matches as opportunities to see what premiere programs look like. We can become this, as long as this young group keeps their good attitude and put some work with it,” stated Coach Bremer. Blood Drive Page 13 they’re always boomeranging.” If that isn’t a thing, it should be! “Tales of a Dream” This would be when you are recalling a dream to one of your friends. Example: “I didn’t have time to do my homework be cause I spent the afternoon listening to Bob’s tales of a dream.” The term “Anotherwords” This is not even a thing! The term “upanup” (pro- not to be confused with “In nounced up-an-up) It means other words.” It is used as an adverb to put words more things are going well. Exsimply in a sentence. Ex- ample: “Well, everything ample: “I didn’t study for my seems to be on the upanup.” test today, anotherwords, I’m Similar to the term up and going to fail.” - Is that even up, but short ened into one word. This c o u l d b e a a thing? The term “boomeranging” thing! “Pickle Ball” - A sport - a verb to describe the act of throwing a boomerang. Ex- played by every VHS stuample: “We are going boomer- dent, in which you are given anging with our friends.” OR a pingpong paddle and a ball. - a couple who repeatedly Similar to life-size table tenbreaks up and gets back to- nis, but it’s not tennis and gether. Example: “Well you there’s no table. Don’t let the never know about those two, name fool you -- there is no Over the past few years on the Talon staff, we have noticed things, accepted in our school society, that we find strange. We have compiled a small list of our favorites and given you our personal definition of the word. All we really want to know is, Is that even a thing? pickle involved. The pickle part comes from centuries ago when winners of sports were awarded pickles for their accomplishments. In those days, pickles were very hard to come by, and if you received one, you were obviously a master at your sport. Pickle Ball was one of the most highly acclaimed sports in the late 1800’s. Pickle Ball is definitely a thing! “War-War II” This was a war in history that followed “War War I” The United States fought in the war against Germany. It is often called by history buffs “World War II.” Example: Teacher - “Today we are going to learn about War War II.” War-War II is an infamous thing! So the next time you hear something questionable, ask yourself, “Is that even a thing?” (continued from page 1) Cody Logsdon, Adam Kerley, Ms. Suits, Nathan Elms, Sarah File, Nicole Martin, Rachel Stewart, Amy Parenti, Taylor Ames, Isaiah Cornelius, Bryan Kramp, Amber Flannigan, Morgan Baker, Emily Ketelson, Jessica Penrod, Steven Blackman, Credence Mott, Ms. Widowski, Mr. Ross Hill, Justin Keith, Samantha Grathler, Casey Bloodworth, Cody Short, Ms. McGinnis, Johnny Miller, Lori Hannan, L.Z. Crider, Robbie Aumiller, Jeremy Nelson, Matt Ellet, Wes Scott, Elizabeth Markovic and Teena Harms. Senior Teena Harms donated blood for the first time at this year’s blood drive. She said, “It hurt really bad when the needle went in, but that only lasted a couple of sec- onds. It’s worth the discomfort to know you could be saving someone’s life.” Ms. Reichert said that another blood drive will be held in the Spring here at VHS. The Secret Garden “We Deliver” Telephone- 658-9215 Flowers Balloons For all your Fall needs Monday- Friday 9:00-4:30 Saturday 9:00 - 1:00 The Talon Page 14 November 2005 10 ways you know you are a true eagle: Upcoming Movies “The List” By Lacey Penrod By Brandy Morgan 1. You try to come to school just to be with your Eagle friends. 2. You try to act like an Eagle 24-7. 3. You own at least 15 Eagle shirts. 4. You’re a SUPERFAN! 5. For you Orange and Blue Day is everyday! 6. You live for Spirit Week! 7. You bruise blue and bleed orange. 8. You can’t sleep the night before a ball game. 9. Your dream is to someday be the Eagle mascot. 10.You have the official “Vienna Eagle” tattooed on your forehead. 6. Rent (November 23rd) Based on the Tony Award-winning musical, this is the story of a group of Bohemians living in New York’s east village. As they struggles to survive, they are faced with the threats of poverty, illness, and finding their place in society. Top 5 Reasons to Join By Kristin Hunter 1. To be able to be on a network with just Vienna High School kids, I mean come on who would want to socialize with others? 2. To be as cool as your best friend, or even cooler, because you are ranked higher than her/him. - 5. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (December 9th) This story is based on a book by C.S. Lewis. It follows the adventures of four children who are separated from their parents in England during World War 11. They are sent to live with a man who is hidden from them. Suddenly, they discover a portal to a magical world of talking lions, beasts, and dwarfs...Oh my! 4. King Kong (December 14th) This story is about the discovery of Kong, a 25-foot-gorilla that lives in a jungle with prehistoric animals. He is discovered by a group of filmmakers trying to make a movie near Skull Island. As they search for him, they endanger their lives when they encounter both Kong and his enemies. Finally, he is calmed by a human (Naiomi Watts), but then he is transferred to New York and is humiliated as he is put on display for humans. Soon enough, though, his patience is tested and he starts to fight back. 3. To be able to see what people really think about you -everyone knows that if you aren’t tagged by your best friend you probably aren’t really friends. 3. The Libertine (November 23rd) This story traces the events that occur in the life of John Wilmot during his rein as the Second Earl of Rochester, and the occurrences that lead to his downfall. 4. Since it’s a competition between you and your classmates you want to be on it as much as possible -- skipping one day can really bump you off the map. 2. Marebito (December 9th) In Tokyo, grotesque vampires roam the subway systems in search of...blood! 5. To be ranked number one, and beat Stephanie Yates. Trust me, as of right now no one is close, and everyone is jealous. 1. Aeon Flux (December 2nd) Charlize Theron plays Aeon Flux, an assassin living 400 years in the future. Her latest job requires her to murder a government official after humanity is forced to live together in a perilous city. Harper Ford “Contact us for all your automotive needs” Owner: Bob Harper Telephone: (618)658-7003 Hours: Mon-Fri: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Sat: 8 A.M. to 12 P.M. November 2005 The Talon Page 15 402-04 Court Street P.O. Box 185 Vienna, IL (618)658-2011 Dahncke Pharmacy of Vienna Owner Marc Dahncke 658-3784 “For all Your Pharmaceutical Needs” Page 16 November 2005 The Talon Royal Treats Bli zza rds Soft Serve Sundaes Novelties l a i c e p S t n e 2. $ d r u o f t S er, fries and drink 50 ! rg u b e s e e Ch DQ Something Different Come in and see your friends at DQ!
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