Issue 4 - Vienna High School


Issue 4 - Vienna High School
Volume 12, Issue 4
Vienna High School
January 2006
VHS chooses Homecoming Court
Kelly Bryant
Kayla Butler
Kelly Renee Bryant is the
daughter of Jim and Wendy Bryant
of Tunnel Hill.
She has one older brother, Buck
Bryant, who is 20.
In the past four years at VHS,
Kelly has been a member of the
dance team. She has also been a
member of the Pep Club, Drama
Club, Ecology Club, and Beta Club.
Her hobbies include playing in
the band, dancing, shopping, talking on the internet, and hanging out
with her friends.
After high school Kelly plans on
going to Shawnee Community College then transferring to SIU.
“My most memorable moment
here at VHS is when I danced with
Charlie Thompson, and when I got
captain of the dance team with
Amanda Pirtle.”
When we asked Kelly how she
felt about being chosen to represent
her class this year she said, “I am so
excited about representing my class
on the homecoming court for the first
time. Thanks to everyone! I love
you guys!”
Kelly has chosen Mr. Shumaker
to be her sponsor.
Kayla Sue Butler is the daughter of Kenneth and Sherry Butler of
She has two siblings, Felicia,
who is 19 and Brice, who is 13.
Throughout her years here at
VHS, Kayla has been an active
member of the softball team. She
has also been active in FCA, Pep
Club, Drama Club, Beta Club, and
Spanish Club.
Her hobbies include playing
softball, going to all the basketball
games, and hanging out with all of
her friends.
After high school she plans on
going to a four year university and
majoring in the medical field.
“My most memorable moment
would have to be every homecoming week. All the school spirit is
awesome and the whole week is
very relaxed and everyone gets
along for once!” commented Kayla.
When asked how she felt about
being chosen to represent her class
this year she said, “I was very surprised to be chosen by my class.
It’s a great honor and all the other
candidates are excellent representatives of our class as well.”
Kayla has chosen Mr. Palmer
to be her sponsor.
Brock Ackmann
LZ Crider
Brock Garrett Ackmann is the
son of Mary Wilson.
He has one older sister, Kim
Shoemaker, who is 25.
Throughout Brock’s four years
of high school, he has been an active member of the basketball team.
He has also been active in Pep Club,
JILG, and FFA.
Brock’s hobbies include hunting, riding four-wheelers, and camping.
After he graduates high school,
Brock plans on going to a technical
college, to be an Automotive Mechanic.
“My most memorable moment
here at VHS is when Cody Goins
spilled orange juice in English I and
then he slipped in it and fell into the
filing cabinet,” Brock stated.
Brock said, “I am very honored
and proud to represent my class in
this year’s homecoming.”
Brock has chosen Mr. Harner
to be his sponsor.
LZ Crider is the son of Shannon and Douglass Byrn of Cypress.
LZ has three siblings: Brittani,
18, Jessica, 13, and Elizabeth, 15.
Throughout his years here at
VHS, he has been an active member of the Track team. He has also
been an active member of the Pep
Club, Drama Club, and FCA.
LZ enjoys playing the guitar in
his spare time.
After he graduates high school,
LZ plans on going to college and
hopefully lead a song and worship
“My most memorable moment
here at VHS is when Brandon
Studer was playing basketball for
intramurals,” LZ said.
“Its a privilege to represent the
senior class,” LZ stated when he
was asked how he felt when he was
chosen to be on homecoming court.
LZ has chosen Mrs. Hight to be
his sponsor.
Amanda Pirtle Kendy Dunning
Amanda Christine Pirtle is the
daughter of Jerry and Marjorie Pirtle
of Ozark.
She has one younger brother,
John, who is 15.
In the past four years Amanda
has been an active member, and is
now the captain of the dance team.
She has also been active in Pep
Club, Beta Club, Drama Club, and
Ecology Club.
Her hobbies include dancing,
watching TV, and going shopping.
Amanda’s plan after she graduates high school is to go to college,
most likely SEMO.
“My most memorable moment
here at VHS would be my freshman year in English when Mr. D. Hill
and Mr. Windhorst put the gum
wrapper on their foreheads and then
rubbed their face so it was all red. It
was so funny!”
When Amanda asked how she
felt about being chosen to represent
her senior class, she commented, “I
am very excited about being chosen
and I feel very honored to be chosen by my class. Thanks a lot guys!
I love you all!”
Amanda has chosen Mrs.
Kreuter to be her sponsor.
Garrett Davis
William Garrett Davis is the son
of Brad and Pam Davis of Vienna.
He has one sister, Andria, who
is 20.
Throughout his four years at
VHS, he has been an active member of the basketball and baseball
teams. He has also been an active
member of the Ecology Club.
Garrett’s hobbies include playing basketball, four-wheeler riding,
sleeping, and eating.
After he graduates high school,
Garrett plans on going to college to
play basketball and baseball.
“My most memorable moment
here at VHS is when I was with Bree
for the whole night of prom. It was
the best night of my life,” Garrett
When Garrett was asked how
he felt about being chosen to represent his senior class he stated, “I feel
extremely privileged to represent my
class and I thank everyone who
voted for me, you crazy people.”
Garrett has chosen Mr. Jones as
his sponsor.
Kendy Renee Dunning is the
daughter of Greg and Debbie Dunning of New Burnside.
She has one brother, Michael,
who is 25.
Kendy has been an active member of the basketball team and the
track team. She has also been active in Pep Club and Ecology Club.
Her hobbies include playing basketball, shopping, hanging out with
her friends, and spending time with
Steven Lauderdale.
After Kendy graduates, she
plans attending college at Rockford,
but she is not sure about her major.
She also plans on playing basketball.
“My most memorable moment
at VHS would have to be when Mr.
Hight was eating moldy chocolate
and then tried to act like he didn’t
do it when we actually saw him.”
Kendy said when she was asked
how she felt about being chosen to
represent her class, “I think it is awesome to be chosen. Thanks everyone! I am really honored. Thank
you again.”
Kendy has chosen Ms.
Widowski to be her sponsor.
Matt Ellet
Charles Matthew Ellet is the son
of Wes and Jill Ellet.
Matt has one younger brother
James, who is 16.
Throughout his years here at
VHS Matt has been a member of
the basketball team. He has also
been active in Pep Club, FCA,
Drama Club, and FFA.
Matt’s hobbies include hunting,
camping, riding four-wheelers, and
His plans after high school are
to go into the Air Force.
When Matt was asked how he
felt about being chosen for homecoming he stated, “I feel very honored to be chosen to represent my
Matt has chosen Mr. Reichert
to be his sponsor.
The Talon
Page 2
Junior Attendants
January 2006
By Whitney Newton
Lacie Endrizzi
Lacie Marie Endrizzi is the
daughter of Mark and Ginger
Endrizzi of Vienna.
She has two siblings, Chuck and
Sarah File
Charlie Thompson Isaiah Cornelius
Charles Lawrence Thompson is
Isaiah Quentin Cornelius is the
of Angela File and Ronnie the son of Cheryl Thompson of
son of Connie and Jeffrey Cornelius
Sarah Beth File is the daughter
She has one sibling, Ashley,
who is 15.
He has two siblings, Trey, who
is 19, and Brett, who is 15.
ketball and softball teams. She is
also a member of the Pep Club.
Her hobbies include playing
sports and hanging out with her
“My most memorable moment
here at VHS is the day that I met
Derek Trovillion,” Lacie said.
When Lacie was asked how she
felt about being chosen to represent
the junior class she stated, “I feel
happy and honored to be voted for
by my junior class.”
team. She is also a member of the
Pep Club and the Beta Club.
Charlie is a member of Madrigal, Pep Band, Jazz Band, Brass
Her hobbies include dancing, Septet, Pep Club, Drama Club,
Beta Club, and Show Choir.
shopping, and horse back riding.
“My most memorable moment
He has six siblings, Tenton, who
is 27, Rebecca, who is 25, Elijah,
who is 23, Uriah, who is 21,
Sarah is a member of the dance
Lacie is a member of the bas-
of Simpson.
“My most memorable moment
Zebulon, who is 18, and Kayla, who
is 14.
Isaiah is a member of the
baskeball team. He is also a member of Pep Club.
at VHS is when my friends and I at VHS is when Brandon Studer hid
“My most memorable moment
crowd-surfed that little dude, Bobby underneath Mr. Hight’s desk in biHoffman, at a home game,” Sarah ology, and made Mr. Hight jump at
here at VHS is when Mr. Palmer
my freshman year.” Isaiah said.
“I think it is a great privilege to
be chosen and I really think everyone should get a chance to be in
homecoming and experience it all,”
least 10 feet in the air. Then, Brandon could not stop his unforgettable
laugh,” Charlie said.
When Charlie was asked how
Sarah stated when she was asked he felt about being chosen to reprehow she felt being chosen to repre- sent his class he stated, “I feel very
sent her class.
taught me how to tie a tie in P.E. class
When Isaiah was asked how he
felt about being chosen to represent
his class he stated, “Well, it feels
dang good. I keep on top of my
job by taking frequent cat naps but
I’m on the job 24-7. Thank you!”
honored to be chosen to represent
the class of 2007. Thanks to all who
voted for me.”
Junior Homecoming Attendants (L to R): Charlie Thompson, Lacie Endrizzi, Sarah File, and Isaiah Cornelius.
January 2006
homore Attendants
The Talon
Page 3
By Whitney Newton
Alysha Daly
Alysha Marie Daly is the daughter of John and Cindy Daly of New
She has one sibling, Amanda,
who is 20.
Alysha is a member of the dance
team. She is also a member of the
Pep Club and Drama Club.
Her hobbies include dancing,
hanging out with her friends, and
riding four-wheelers.
Her most memorable moment at
VHS was last year when she had a
whole semester of Geography with
Charlie Thompson.
Alysha said, “I am very grateful
to be chosen to represent the
Sophomore class. It’s a wonderful
experience and thank you to all that
voted for me!”
ey White
Casey Marie White is the
daughter of Noble and Mary Jane
White of New Burnside.
She has three siblings, Clayton,
who is 20, Kayla, who is 18, and
Katie, who is 8.
Casey is a member of the softball team, and is also involved in
cheerleading, and band. She is also
a member of the Globetrotters, Pep
Club, and Student Council.
Her hobbies include playing
softball, cheerleading, playing in pep
band and marching band, fishing,
and hanging out with her friends.
Her most memorable moment
at VHS was when Brett was talking about online classes and Casey
said, “They have Ocean “O”
Graphy.” Then it got put on the
marching band shirt.
“I am very excited to be chosen as a Sophomore attendant.
Thanks for everyone who thought
enough of me, to vote for me,”
Casey said.
Derek T
Derek Larry Trovillion is the son
Bruce West
Bruce Jacob West is the son of
of Ned Trovillion of Vienna and Roy and Christie West of Cypress.
He has three siblings, Bryan,
Vanessa Hopkins of Buncombe.
who is 11, Bradley, who is 6, and
Derek is a member of the basJosh Mixen, who is 22.
ketball team and the baseball team.
He is a member of the basketHe is also a member of the Pep ball team and baseball team. He is
His hobbies include playing
also a member of Pep Club.
Bruce’s hobbies include hunting
sports and hanging out with his and fishing.
His most memorable moment at
Derek’s most memorable moment at VHS was winning the
VHS was when he fell in the locker
room and knocked himself out. The
only thing he remembered is Derek
regionals in baseball and basketball Trovillion and Sean Lasley laughing
his Freshman year.
at him.
Derek commented, “It’s an
“I feel very privileged by know-
honor representing my class. ing that my classmates like me.
Thanks to all of my classmates who Thank you to all who voted for me.”
voted for me. It’s awesome!”
Bruce said.
Sophomore Homecoming Attendants pictured above are Derek Trovillion, Alysha Daly, Casey White, and Bruce West.
Page 4
Freshman Attendants
The Talon
January 2006
By Whitney Newton
Caroline Bremer
Allison Bean
Clayton Stevens
Dustin Goddard
Caroline Leigh Bremer is the
Allison Carole Bean is the
Clayton Tanner Stevens is the
Dustin Owen Goddard is the
daughter of Jeff and Lisa Bremer
daughter of Mark and Kelly Bean
son of Charley and Jay Tanner of
son of Jerry and Debra Goddard of
of Metropolis.
of Vienna.
She has two siblings, Laura, 12
and John, 6.
Caroline is a member of the golf
team and Student Council. She is
also active in Madrigal, FFA, and
Her hobbies include playing
basketball, golfing, singing and
horseback riding.
So far, her impression of VHS
is, “Toto, I don’t believe we’re in
Kansas anymore!”
When she was asked how she
felt about being chosen to represent her class she stated, “I am at a
total loss for words. Thank you fellow classmates and Chase Deaton.”
She has two siblings, Shannon,
He has one sister, Sklynn, 11.
21 and Stacy, 18.
Allison is an active member of
Clayton is a member of the
the basketball and golf team. She
basketball team. He also enjoys
is also a member of Student Coun-
playing basketball in his free time.
cil and FCA.
Her hobbies include playing
basketball, golf, reading, and hanging out with her friends.
So far, her impression of VHS
“I’m looking forward to it,”
Allison stated when she was asked
how she felt about her class choos-
20 and Becky, 25.
Dustin is a member of the basketball team.
His hobbies include hanging out
So far, his impression of VHS
is that it is the best high school he
has ever been to.
When Clayton was asked how
with Teena and being crazy.
So far, his impression of VHS
is that it is the best high school he
has ever been to.
he felt about being chosen by his
When Dustin was asked how he
class to represent them on the
felt about his class choosing him to
homecoming court he stated, “It’s
represent them, he stated, “It’s just
crazy. I think people did it to mess
is that it is fun and it is a new experience.
He has two siblings, Rachelle,
with my head. It’s all craziness.”
ing her to be on the homecoming
Freshman Homecoming Attendants (L to R): Clayton Stevens, Caroline Bremer, Allison Bean, and Dustin Goddard.
The Talon
January 2006
Page 5
2005-2006 Master and Mistress of Ceremonies
David Yandell and Julie Farmer
were chosen to be this year’s Master and Mistress of ceremonies for
the 2006 homecoming coronation.
The Master and Mistress of ceremonies announce the candidates as
they enter the gym. The Master and
Mistress are responsible for giving
information about the candidates including sports and activities they
have been involved in throughout
their years at Vienna High School.
To be chosen for Mistress or
Master of Ceremonies, a student is
required to tryout. Tryouts were held
in the new gym by Mrs. Kreuter
with the help of other teachers at the
school. The students trying-out are
given a few minutes to read over a
script from a previous homecoming,
and must then read the script over
the microphone.
David Yandell commented, “I
am really excited to be the Master
of Ceremonies. It should be a lot of
fun, and I’m glad Julie was selected
to be Mistress.”
David Yandell & Julie Farmer will be Homecoming Master and Mistress of Ceremonies
Eagles takes first at Cobden Christmas Tournament
By Whitney Newton
The Lady Eagles returned home
victorious from the Cobden Christmas Tournament with a 4-1 record
on December 14, 15, and 17.
The girls defeated Cobden in
the Championship game. The final
score of the Championship game
was Lady Eagles - 76 and
Appleknockers - 64.
The Lady Eagles also defeated
Galatia (48-41) and Pope County
(52-46) in the tournament.
Although they suffered a loss to
the Anna Jonesboro Lady Wildcats,
their Eagle spirit wasn’t broken. The
very next game began their fourgame winning streak, which conquered the first place trophy.
Lacie Endrizzi and Tori Webb were
chosen for the All Tourney Team.
Lacie Endrizzi is a Junior at
VHS. “I was really excited when
we won. I knew we had a lot of
talent this year. I hope we can keep
up our winning streak throughout the
season. I was also really happy to
make the All-Tournament Team with
Tori,” Lacie commented.
Kendy Dunning, a senior Lady
Eagle said, “I think it’s awesome that
we won. We had some tough competition, along with the usual ups and
downs, but we came together and
Coach Ross Hill commented, “I
was very pleased. We haven’t won
the Christmas tournament in four
years. I was very proud of my
The Lady Eagles after their win in the Cobden Christmas Tournament from left to right - (back row) Ross Hill, Allison Bean, Kaylie McGinnis, Reagan Summers, Beth
Widowski, Shoshannah Richerson, Tori Webb and Cydney Wiggs (front row) Aften Brown, Kendy Dunning, Aeriel Woolverton, and Lacie Endrizzi.
VHS 2005-2006 Talon Staff
Whitney Newton ........... Editor-in-Chief
Julie Farmer ................ Managing Editor
Kristin Hunter .............. Managing Editor
Payton Rigsby ...........................Staff
Lacey Penrod ...........................Staff
Brandy Morgan .........................Staff
Teena Harms ...........................Staff
Payton Rigsby .......................... Staff
Mrs. Joan Clayton ................... Advisor
The Vienna High School Talon is a publication of the VHS Desktop Publishing Class.
Unless otherwise stated, all articles and writings featured are the work of the students
in the class. If you would like your ad to
appear in The Talon, contact Joan Clayton
at 658-3011.
The Talon is on the web at
Vienna High School
601 N. 1st Street
Vienna, IL 62995
Phone (618)658-3011
Lacie and T
Lacie Endrizzi and Tori W
were selected for the All Tourney Team
at the Cobden Christmas Tournament.
The Talon
Page 6
January 2006
VHS Eagles win the Vienna Classic Tournament
By Kristin Hunter
The Eagles were undefeated in
the Vienna Classic Tournament,
which was held November 21st
through the 26th. It was a roundrobin, which means all the teams
play each other, no matter how
many games the teams have won or
Vienna placed first, with a
championship victory over Meridian. Third place was by Pope
County (2-2), Gallatin County (13), and Ft. Bowman (0-4).
Vienna far out-played all the
teams, but the Championship game
turned out to be the closest. The
Eagles were down seven points by
the end of the third quarter. Then
the Eagles took charge and scored
15 points in the final 11 minutes,
achieving a 66-58 win.
Four Eagle players were selected for the Classic All-Tournament team, a testament to the strong
force the Eagles played in the Tournament.
The Eagles took Second Place
in the Sesser-Valier Christmas Tournament on December 27-30.
Vienna defeated Elverado (7023), New Athens (61-40),and
Sparta (60-48), then went on to play
Waltonville for the championship.
Waltonville defeated our Eagles 6153.
Garrett Davis and Brett Thompson were chosen for the all tourney
The Eagles were undefeated in the Vienna Classic, which was held from November 21st to November
26th. The other teams involved were: Meridian, Pope County, Gallatin Country, and Fort Bowman.
Classic Tourney Champions pictured above are: back row (L to R): Brock Ackmann, Kyle Willis, Brett
Thompson, Justin Flora, Matt Ellet, Derek Trovillion. Front row (L to R): Isaiah Cornelius, Steven Lauderdale, Garrett Davis, Chris Nichols, Dennis Watts.
Classic All Tournament Team
Four out of the six members of the all tournament team at the Vienna
Classic were from Vienna. Back row (left to right) Derek Trovillion,
Garrett Davis, and Kyle Willis. Front row is Brett Thompson.
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The Talon
January 2006
Page 7
VHS Cheerleaders Take First in Vienna Classic
Page by Kristin Hunter
The Vienna High School cheerleaders took first in the Vienna Classic cheerleading competition which was held November 21st through
the 26th. Kneeling front row (from left to right) Lauren Smith, Casey White, Jillian Powell, Lauren Windings, Taylor Ames, Stephanie
Yates, Kristen Wetherell, and Ashton Rambo-Sharp. Kneeling back row (from left to right) Sierra Saunders, Haley Huff, Lori Hannan,
Whitney Mitchell, and Ashley McClure.
Mr. and Mrs
Mrs.. Corby and Kara Hight,
who were wed on
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The Talon
January 2006
Page 8
VHS shows their school spirit on Orange and Blue Day
By Whitney Newton
Brett Thompson
Danielle Tanner,
Brittany Perry
Niki Marsh and Brock Ackmann
Kristen Wetherell, Lacie Endrizzi, Jillian Powell, Kaylyn
Meyers, Casey White, and Isaiah Cornelius
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The Talon
January 2006
Page 9
ws mor
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hool spir
By Whitney Newton
Steven Lauderdale, Kayla Butler, Amanda Pirtle, and
Jennifer Hale
Mrs. Clayton and Whitney Newton
Cydney Wiggs, Shoshannah
Richerson, and Tori Webb
Vanessa Botarf and Allen
Mrs. Holhubner
Erica Farnsworth
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The Talon
Page 10
January 2006
Madrigal celebrations entertain the masses
By Brandy Morgan
Good morrow, lords and ladies!
Madrigal season has come to pass.
It was an exciting celebration with
trumpets and singing resonating
throughout the school. The theme
for this year’s Madrigal was “Noah
and Joan of Ark.”
Practices were held every
Monday and Wednesday starting in
September and ending in December, led by coordinator Jarod
Matt Bellamy, part of the royal
court, seemed happy with the way
things were going. “Madrigal’s go-
ing great. It’s going to be awesome.”
A lot of people participated this
year to make this medieval celebration memorable. Listed here are the
members according to role in the
The Lords: Aaron Chamness Noah/Arnold the Falconer; Credence Mott - Ham; Charlie Thompson - The King of Deep Manor;
Philip Hosfeldt - Shem; Ben
Chamness Eggs; John Pirtle - The
Small Boy; James Ellet - Jesse; Clint
Collins- “The Friar.”
The Ladies: Julie Farmer - The
Clint Rigsby, Wes Flannel, and James Werner were
the Royal Musicians at this year’s madrigal.
Jestress; Lori Hannon - The Queen;
Rebecca Johnson - Temperance;
Jennifer Hale - Joan of Ark; Laura
Treat - Town Crier; Sarah
Kelly Bryant - Prudence.
The Royal Court: Matt Bellamy,
Casey Bloodworth, Elizabeth
Stambulski, Lisa Riley, Lori Riley,
Amanda Pirtle, Breanna Morris,
Kassie Jones, Erica Farnsworth,
Tara Garret, Shanelle Beasley.
The Royal Musicians: James
Werner, Wes Flannel, Clinton
John Pirtle and Matt Bellamy were the royal
court members in the madgrial.
The Servants: Tessa Faulkner,
Kenzie Bradshaw, Erika
Stambulski, Steven Blackman,
Brandy Morgan, Alyssa Conner,
Ashton Rambo-Sharp, Samantha
Grathler, Tara Gianneschi, and
Caroline Bremer.
Jarod Shumaker, madrigal director, was very pleased with this
year’s performance. He said, “It
was great! The audience was great.
I had a good time, and the food was
great, too!”
(L to R): Amanda Pirtle, Charlie Thompson, Kelly Bryant,
and Breanna Morris enjoying their last night of madrigal.
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January 2006
The Talon
Page 11
Madrigal madness captivates the masses
The beautiful Jestress Julie Farmer and her director Jarod Shumaker
(L to R) James Ellet, Sarah Bradshaw, Keesha Mattingly, Elizabeth Stambulski, Tara
Garret, Credence Mott, Phillip Hosfeldt are clad from head-to-toe in Medievil garb
Cast members worked hard to ensure the success of this year’s performance. Pictured (L to R) Lisa Riley, Laura Treat, Aaron Chamness, Rebecca Johnson
The lovely ladies of the court along with Director Jarod Shumaker. Pictured
Back Row (L to R): Kassie Jones, Kelly Bryant, Jarod Shumaker, and Breanna
Morris. Front Row (L to R): Julie Farmer, Amanda Pirtle, and Jennifer Hale.
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The Talon
Page 12
January 2006
State Representative meets with JILG students
Submitted By Rosalie Corse
The Career Association
of the Jobs for Illinois
Graduates at Vienna High
School has had an eventful
For one activity, Fall
JILG students created and
delivered 15 “Good-EBags” to Guardian Family
Services in Metropolis.
Also in November, two
JILG students, along with
career specialist Rosalie
Corse, principal Faye Mize
and superintendent Marleis
Trover attended a meeting
with State Representative
Brandon Phelps, who serves
on the JILG state board.
All 35 JILG students
planned an Initiation and
Installation ceremony, which
occurred on the evening of
November 28.
The Initiation and
Installation Ceremony took
place in the Vienna High
School commons on
November 28. This special
evening was attended by the
participants, and their
families and friends.
The keynote speaker for
the event, Rodney Gholson,
spoke about setting goals
and planning for the future.
JILG Regional Manager
Gayle Page also attended
the ceremony and had
inspirational words for the
As a part of the
ceremony, officers were
sworn in. This year’s
officers are Kristen Rogers,
Kim Helleny, Justin Flora,
Whitney Newton, J.D.
Gonzalez and Cody
JILG students are
required to fulfill ten service
learning hours while enrolled (L to R): Kristen Rogers, Kim Helleny, Justin Flora, Whitney Newton, J.D. Gonzalez, and Cody
in the program. For their Logsdon were sworn in as officers on the night of the I and I Ceremony.
service project, the Fall
class sewed drawstring
bags, filled them with
personal care items, and
delivered them to the
Guardian House. All of the
personal care items such as
shampoo, deodorant,
toothpaste, were donated
by individuals and
The Spring class plans
to duplicate this project,
with the “Good-E-Bags”
they create going to the
Anna Bixby House in
(L to R): Mrs. Corse, Niki Marsh, Faye Mize, Jamie Vinson, Brandon Phelps, and Marleis Trover
met with the State Representative Brandon Phelps at the University of Illinois Extension Office in
J.W. Reynolds Memorials
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The Talon
January 2006
Page 13
Julie Farmer wins DAR Good Citizen Award
Julie Farmer is this
year’s recipient of the
Daughters of the American
Revolution (DAR) Good
Citizenship Award.
The DAR Good Citizen
Award is given to one female
high school senior at each
high school. The senior must
portray characteristics of a
good citizen. The recipient
must show qualities such as
manifests these qualities.
The student chosen is required to explain in a written essay why and how they
have shown these abilities
throughout her life, and is eligible for further rewards, in-
cluding scholarships.
The award recipient is
also honored at an awards
ceremony, where she is recognized, along with the other
winners from the surrounding schools.
Julie was pleased to receive this award. “I feel honored knowing that the faculty at my school chose me
to receive this award.”
Congrats, Julie,
on receiving the
DAR Good
Citizen Award!
- The Talon
Wes Scott joins the U.S. Army
VHS gets F.L.I.P.P.E.D.
F.L.I.P.P.E.D is a new
club Vienna High School
students are joining. Its
purpose is to help Christians
grow stronger in their faith,
and to have fun while doing
it. One focus point in the
club is to get people to “step
out of their comfort zone.”
To some, even coming to this
club may fit that criteria, but
everyone is welcome.
The name F.L.I.P.P.E.D.
stands for Followers Lead
Into Promising Praises
Every Day. Christians are
responsibility, patriotism,
leadership, and loyalty.
The faculty of the school
chooses one senior girl from
the class who they believe
By Whitney Newton
called to make a “difference”
and this club will help people
achieve that goal. Haley
Huff is the founder of
F.L.I.P.P.E.D. Andy Wilkins
is the sponsor and club
leader. Meetings are
generally held every
Monday starting at 5:30
P.M. and the meetings
usually last an hour.
If you have any
questions, or would like to
join F.L.I.P.P.E.D. contact
Haley Huff, LZ Crider, or
Charlie Thompson.
VHS Junior Wes Scott
joined the U.S. Army Reserves on November 10,
His Military Occupational Specialty (M.O.S.) is
a 11B Infantrymen.
Wes will be leaving on
June 7, 2006 to go to Fort
Benning, Georgia, where he
will be doing his Basic Combat Training.
During his Senior year
he will be doing AIT, which
means he will be away one
weekend every month. He
has a eight year contract with
the reserves and a six year
contract for his M.O.S.
However, once he
graduates he will be eligible
for Active Duty, where he
will then be switched to a
new M.O.S., which will be
Airborne/Infantry. He hopes
to eventually sign a 20 year
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The Talon
Page 14
January 2006
Senior Spotlights
By Teena Harms
Ashlee Bailey Sarah Bradshaw Shaun Chaput Robbie Aumiller
What is your New Year’s
Try to have a good year and do
good in all my classes.
What are you looking forward to
in 2006?
Starting off a new year and new
What was your favorite class
last semester?
Nursing. I enjoy the class and I
enjoy going to the nursing home
and getting to know all the
What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas. I get to see my family
and spend time with them. The
presents are really good, too.
If you could pick any famous
person to be your twin who
would it be?
Katie Holmes, because she is
funny, and she is an inspiration
to me.
What are you looking forward to
in 2006?
I can always look forward to...
cookie dough! Mmm... dough!
What would you like to know
about the opposite gender’s
Ha, I have enough trouble figuring out what my gender’s doing!
Girls are so confusing...
What was your favorite class
last semester?
Woo! Choir! “Isn’t it great to be
able to sing?”
What is your favorite holiday?
Any holiday not around Christmas.
It’s supposed to be about giving
and happiness. Instead it is about
themselves and the crazy traffic!
If you could pick any famous
person to be your twin who
would it be?
Why would I put them through the
torture!? I wouldn’t mind being
Angelina Jolie’s twin though!
What is your New Year’s
Grow a mustache.
What are you looking forward
to in 2006?
What was your favorite class
last semester?
Accounting. The duck threw free
money at me all the time in that
class. Quack!
What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas-give me free stuff!
If you could pick any famous
person to be your twin who
would it be?
Pikachu! It’s very hard to be me
and he seems to be really qualified with that!
What is your New Year’s
To grow in faith, find a college to
attend, and get into shape for
What are you looking forward
to in 2006?
I can’t wait for tennis season to
start. I think I’ll represent
Vienna fairly well.
What would you like to know
about the opposite gender’s
Why does it change so much?
If you could pick any famous
person to be your twin who
would it be?
Andre Agassi, because he is a
tennis legend, and is involved in
helping the youth.
What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas, because it represents
the birth of Jesus Christ, and it’s
the only time I get to see my
Harper Ford
“Contact us for all your automotive needs”
Owner: Bob Harper
Mon-Fri: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.
Sat: 8 A.M. to 12 P.M.
The Talon
January 2006
Page 15
Spotl ig hts
By Teena Harms
Laura Treat - Junior
Alysha Daly - Sophomore
Ashley Henshaw - Freshman
What is your New Year’s resolution?
To quit losing stuff and to finish winning
all my old video games.
What are you looking forward to in
I am going to England and Ireland with
the Globetrotters group and I‘m pretty
excited about that. I’m also looking
forward to the end of winter, too, which
should happen in 2006 as well.
What is your favorite holiday?
“Talk like a pirate day.” I missed it this
year, but I’ll be ready next September!
If you could pick any famous person to
be your twin who would it be?
Bill Gates; it would be very convenient!
“Hey Bill, do you think I could borrow
some money?” He wouldn’t mind at all
since we were twins.
What would you like to know about the
opposite gender’s mind?
If I knew everything then that wouldn’t be
very fun, now would it?
What is your New Year’s resolution?
I don’t have a resolution. If I want to
improve something about myself then I
might as well start now!
What are you looking forward to in
Getting a job, because I’m tired of being
broke all the time!
What was your favorite class last semester?
P.E., I might not be good at very many of
the sports we play, but I enjoy trying
What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas, because all of my close family
comes down and I get to catch up with
them. All the great food doesn’t hurt
If you could pick any famous person to
be your twin who would it be?
Niki Marsh; she may not be famous yet,
What is your New Year’s resolution?
To stay healthy and get all B’s!
What was your favorite class last semester?
David Hill’s English I, because he is hilarious.
What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas, especially when it is snowy outside.
If you could pick any famous person to be
your twin who would it be?
Kate Bosworth. She played in the movie,
“Blue Crush” and she has big muscles.
What would you like to know about the
opposite gender’s mind?
What makes them do the things they do?
What are you looking forward to in 2006?
Missouri Valley Conference, because I love
college basketball, especially the Salukis!
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Page 16
January 2006
The Talon
Benjamin Bessette
Cory Bloodworth
Daniel Kineman
What is your New Year’s resolution?
To be nicer to my brother.
What are you looking forward to in 2006?
Turning 16 and being able to drive my
Grandpa’s truck.
What was your favorite class last semester?
Reading skills, because Mr. Palmer and I got
a long real good “yeah!”
What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas, I get to meet my family from up
north and receive a lot of presents.
If you could pick any famous person to be
your twin who would it be?
Chris Rock, one of us needs to be funny!
What would you like to know about the
opposite gender’s mind?
To be able to know what their up to at all
What is your New Year’s resolution?
To get more video games, manga, and
anime. To also read more manga and play
more video games.
What was your favorite class last semester?
I don’t like school, because it tries to force
generic ideas upon you and you are made to
take classes you don’t want or need.
What is your favorite holiday?
Halloween! You dress up, and there is Talon
Falls during that time, also.
If you could pick any famous person to be
your twin who would it be?
Chrono, because then I would have cool
What would you like to know about the
opposite gender’s mind?
I don’t even want to know what goes on in
their minds.
What is your New Year’s resolution?
That I... this is really tough... hmm...
What are you looking forward to in 2006?
I have no clue, not even an idea... Because I
am boring like that!
What was your favorite class last semester?
Geometry... That’s right!
What is your favorite holiday?
All of them, can’t get enough of the them!
If you could pick any famous person to be
your twin who would it be?
Sean Connery... What?
What would you like to know about the
opposite gender’s mind?
Everything!... how do they think... how they
work... well maybe not everything!
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Page 17
January 2006
The Talon
Queen Candidates and their Homecoming Sponsors
By Whitney Newton
Kelly Bryant and Mr. Shumaker
Butler and Mr.
Kendy Dunning and Ms. Widowski
Queen Candidates left to right: Kendy Dunning, Kayla Butler,
Amanda Pirtle and Mrs. Krueter Amanda Pirtle, and Kelly Bryant
Tanner Construction
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Edward Jones
We also do ICF Basements.
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Collins Car Wash
John Kreuter
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615 Highway 146 East
Bobby Collins, Owner
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Page 18
The Talon
January 2006
King Candidates and their Homecoming sponsors
By Whitney Newton
Brock Ackmann and Mr. Harner
LZ Crider and Mrs. Hight
Garrett Davis and Mr. Jones
Matt Ellet and Mr. Reichert
Drive-up Open
Monday - Friday
7:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Sat. 7:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
King Candidates left to right: Garrett Davis, Brock Ackmann,
LZ Crider, and Matt Ellet
(618) 658-8888
Lobby Open
Monday - Friday
8:00 A.M.. - 5:00 P.M.
Sat. 8:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Page 19
January 2006
The Talon
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Vienna, IL
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Page 20
January 2006
The Talon
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