The Talon - Vienna High School


The Talon - Vienna High School
Jarod Shumaker honored
with Heartland’s Best
Teacher award.
on page 4
The Talon
HOSA wins State Competition in Leadership Conference
on page 5
Volume 11, Issue 8
Vienna High School
May 2005
VHS Class of 2005 Graduates
Vienna Idol comes to VHS
on page 6
VHS Globetrotter’s cruise
to the Caribbean
on page 7
VHS Jazz Band plays for
hundreds of people at VHS
on April 30th.
on page 10
Prom Highlights
pages 2 & 3
Senior Wills
pages 13 - 17
On May 20th, the class of 2005 will graduate from Vienna High School. Valedictorians for the Class of 2005 are
Katie Ochs and Kaylyn Adams. Salutatorians are Melissa Ford and Kelly Clayton.
Class Flower: White Rose
Class Song: “I Go Back” by Kenny Chesney
Class Motto: “The future belongs to those
who believe in the beauty of
their dreams.”
Class Colors: Light Blue and Silver
Zeb Miller &
Grayson Summers
crowned 2005 Prom
King and Queen
By Nate Thurston
Zeb Miller and Grayson
Summers were named the
VHS Prom King and
Queen at this year’s ceremony on May 7th, 2005.
Prom was held in the
VHS commons. The theme
of prom was “Midnight
Promenade was held in
the new gym at 7:00 P.M.
and prom immediately followed and lasted until midnight. The music was provided by Chad Colson, and
the decorations were provided by Occasions Unlimited.
2004 Prom Queen
Keri Teal crowned the new
King and Queen. King Zeb
Miller said, “I was so happy
that my classmates chose
me to be the King. I have Senior Class Officers: Sec./Tres. Brooke Richardson, President Nathan Thurston,
always dreamed of being and Vice President Amanda Adamson.
crowned as a King sometime in my life and I’m very
excited that its finally happened.”
Grayson Summers said,
“I was completely shocked
to win Prom Queen. I honestly did not think that I
would get it. However, it
was awesome to be queen
with King Zebulan Miller.”
The after prom activities
included roller skating, playing cards, an obstacle
course, an inflatable boxing
ring and various other activities in the gymnasium.
(For more prom highlights see pages two and
Prom King Zeb Miller and Queen Grayson Summers were crowned at Vienna High School’s Prom which was held at VHS on May 7,
Page 2
The Talon
Midnight Rendezvous
Prom Committee
May 2005
May 2005
The Talon
2004-2005 VHS Talon Staff
Brittni Throgmorton ...........Editor-in-Chief
Kelly Clayton ................. Managing Editor
Nate Thurston .................. Staff Member
Julie Farmer ....................Staff Member
Amanda Grant .................. Staff Member
Kristin Hunter .................. Staff Member
Kaylah Butler ................... Staff Member
Kara Street .................... Staff Member
Joan Clayton ........................... Advisor
Angie May .............................. Advisor
The Vienna High School Talon is a publication of the VHS Desktop Publishing
Class. Unless otherwise stated, all articles
and writings featured are the work of the
students in the class. If you would like
your ad to appear in The Talon, contact
Joan Clayton at 658-3011.
Vienna High School
601 N. 1st Street
Vienna, IL 62995
Phone (618)658-3011
Page 3
The Talon
Page 4
May 2005
Mr. Jarod Shumaker chosen as Heartland’s Best
By Julie Farmer
VHS music teacher, Mr.
has ever marched in durJarod Shumaker, was
ing one marching season.
named Heartland’s Best
The VHS Marching
Teacher by KFVS 12 on
Eagles stand out, thanks
April 20, 2005.
to Mr. Shumaker. He has
The Heartland’s Best
set them apart by having
Teacher award is a prestidance moves, as well as
gious award given to 12
formation changes during
teachers in the tri-state area.
the marching season.
Teachers are nominated by
Things like using dance
his/her students, colleagues,
moves make marching
or community members for
band fun for his musicians.
showing outstanding teachMr. Shumaker’s
ing abilities.
accomplishments also inThis is the first time a
clude creating a jazz band
Vienna High School teacher
called Colonel Bernal and
has received this award.
the Jive Turkeys, a show
Cape Giradeau’s News
choir named Shoeless
Channel 12 reported that
Joe Dancers, and three
they had more nominations
successful Madrigals.
sent in for Mr. Shumaker
The jazz band has
than they had ever received
made quite a splash in the
for any other teacher in the VHS music teacher, Jarod Shumaker, was recently honored with the award of Heartland’s Best
community, and Mr.
Shumaker held a concert
Mr. Shumaker was very
for the band and singers
excited to hear the news. He was teaching at VHS. Mr. Shumaker goals set and staying on task, the on April 30.
surprised by Mrs. Mize and the also teaches at Vienna Grade band has been instilled with the deDespite knowing that he has an
KFVS 12 camera crew during his School. He was formerly the band sire for excellence and this is shown excellent band, Mr. Shumaker modteacher for New Simpson Hill, but in the many parades they have at- estly stated, “I don’t know why I
fourth block humanities class.
Mr. Shumaker said, “I’m very decided to teach full time with tended, almost always taking first was chosen. It might be the simple
place prize.
surprised, and I didn’t expect this Vienna.
fact that the students might have
Mr. Shumaker describes his
This year’s marching band at- thought it would be neat to have their
since I am younger than most teachmethod of teaching as being laid- tended 10 parades. This is the teacher as the Heartland’s Best
ers that are employed anywhere.”
This is Mr. Shumaker’s fifth year back, but direct. By keeping clear greatest number of parades the band Teacher.”
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The Talon
May 2005
Page 5
HOSA competes in Leadership Conference
Article by Mrs. Reichert
Vienna High School Health Occupations Students of America won
several awards when they attended
the Illinois State HOSA Leadership
Conference in Decatur on April 6,
7, and 8th.
Twenty-seven students from
VHS attended the conference and
participated in the various health
occupation skills and knowledge
events. The HOSA scholar bowl
team, consisted of Amanda
Adamson, Trey Thompson, Katie
Ochs, and Melissa Ford. They won
first place in the state, beating the
number one seed, Bartlett Academy,
VHS HOSA goes to Illinois State HOSA Leadership Conference in Decatur, IL. The
students pictured are: Back row left to right: Brittany Perry, Megan Gerdes,
Taylor Ames, Sarah File, Shawna Conley, and Matt Jordan. Second Row: Amber
Pruit (Goreville), Jessica Penrod, and Ashley Bowling. Third Row: Kristen
Wetherell, Trey Thompson, Heather King (Goreville), and Amanda Adamson. Fourth
Row: Katie Ochs, and Melissa Ford. Fifth Row: Kayla White, Ashley Goddard,
Katie Ross, and Brooke Sadler. Front Row: Kara King and Nicole Ming.
they also beat the number one Missouri team.
Vienna also captured the first,
second and fourth place in CPR and
first aid skills. There were 68 CPR
and first aid teams competing. Matt
Jordan and Taylor Ames received
first. Nicole Ming and Amber Funk
received second, and Kayla White
and Kara King received fourth.
Shawna Conley received second in Nurse Assisting and Amanda
Adamson and Brandi Craig were in
the top 10 for Nurse Assisting. There
were 175 students competing in the
nurse assisting competition.
Trey Thompson was a top ten
winner in Pathophysiology and Melissa Ford was in the top ten winner
for medical terminology.
The top three winners in each
competition will advance to the National HOSA Leadership Conference in Nashville, Tennessee June
22-26. They will be competing
against the nations top winners in
each state.
Over 800 students from all
across the state attended the conference.
HOSA Scholar Bowl team, (from left) Trey Thompson, Katie Ochs, Melissa Ford,
Amanda Adamson, and Mrs. Reichert.
VHS Students attend Top Flight
By Julie Farmer
Over 80 VHS students were
recently honored at the Top Flight
program at Goreville High School
gym on May 10th.
Top Flight is a program that rewards students for having a high
grade point average.
Students enter their names into
a drawing, and the principal from the
schools involved in the program
draw names. The students receive
prizes if their name is called. Prizes
for the students are donated from
local businesses. Some of the prizes
included monetary rewards, savings
bonds, and fast food coupons.
Though students can only win
one prize each during the first drawing, all students have a chance to win
the grand prizes.
In order to be eligible to attend
Top Flight, students must receive a
4.75 or above grade point average
for the current school year.
Top Flight is held at Vienna High
School and Goreville High School.
These schools alternate holding the
event each year.
The schools that attended the
Top Flight program are Vienna High
School, Vienna Grade School,
Goreville High School, Goreville
Grade School, New Simpson Hill
Grade School, Buncombe Grade
School, and Cypress Grade School.
The VHS students that were
honored at Top Flight were:
Ariel Adams
Kaylyn Adams
Amanda Adamson
Stacy Bean
Kelly Clayton
Shawna Conley
Leslie Conroy
Melissa Ford
Jamie Kerley
Kara King
David Lindle
Chelsy Lovelace
Katie Ochs
Jerrah Stafford
Grayson Summers
Justin Verkamman
Kayla White
Casey Wilkins
Joshua Wood
Taylor Ames
Matthew Bius
Kelly Bryant
Wesley Craig
Edward Dover
Julie Farmer
Erica Farnsworth
Lindsey Ford
Jennifer Hale
Kristin Hunter
Steve Lauderdale
Zachary McGinnis
Terrah Mullins
Amanda Parenti
Amanda Pirtle
Payton Rigsby
Amber Russell
Amanda Spurlock
Brittni Throgmorton
Brittany Turpen
Aaron Chamness
Alyssa Conner
Lori Hannan
Haley Huff
Rebecca Johnson
Emily Ketelson
Laura Martin
Credence Mott
Travis Odum
Kassandra Ross
Laura Treat
Robbie Trigg
Kristen Wetherell
Cydney Wiggs
Kyle Willis
Kelsey Adams
Katie Ames
Vanessa Botarf
Daniel Butts
Benjamin Chamness
James Ellet
Zachary Elliott
Rachel Ferrell
Chelsey Ford
Jackie Goodman
Philip Hosfeldt
Kassie Jones
Sean Lasley
Ashley McClure
Kalie McGinnis
Kaylyn Meyers
Jessica Neal
Chris Nichols
John Obourn
Lisa Riley
Nicholas Robinson
Brittany Ross
Chelsey Rouse
Sarah Shipley
Randall Sims
Lauren Smith
Anne Waculis
Casey White
The Talon
Page 6
May 2005
Simon says...VHS Idol is a hit
By Nate Thurston
Since the week of April 18th,
several very talented students at
Vienna High School have been
showing off their talent in our
version of American Idol.
VHS Idol is a new type of
fundraiser that was chosen for the
Relay for Life by the FCCLA.
The students that felt their talent
was good enough to go in front of
the whole school and perform had
their chance to show who they were,
and what they were all about. Each
different performance was unique.
Competing students perform
during lunch and the student body
casts their votes for their favorites
by putting money in their jars. The
group with the most money at the
end of the contest will be named
“VHS Idol.”
The fund-raiser raised over
$300 for the Relay for Life, and it
was just one of several activities that
took place on May 5th, which was
the final performance date for the remaining contestants.
Entries ranged from solo acts to
group perfromances. Good Question, which is a rock band made up
of Nate Thurston, Charlie Thompson, Creedence Mott, Laura Treat,
and Brett Thompson performed their
newly written single called “Satisfied.”
Tara Garrett, performed “No
One Else on Earth,” by Wynonna
Aaron Chamness and Keesha
Matingly, performed “Fields of
Gold,” by Sting.
Holly Gearing performed
“Strawberry Wine,” by Deana
Sara Bradshaw and Elizabeth
Stambulski performed a dance to
“Breakdown,” by Breaking Benjamin.
The winner of the competition
was Good Question, who received
The band “Good Question” played their new single, “Satisfied.” The band
includes (from left to right) Top row: Brett Thompson, Charlie Thompson, and
Laura Treat. Bottom row: Credence Mott and Nathan Thurston.
Sara Bradshaw, Steven Blackman, and
Elizabeth Stambulski performed a dance
Tara Garrett performed “No One Else
on on Earth on Earth” by Wynonna
Aaron Chamness and Keesha Mattingly performed “Fields of Gold” by Sting.
Holly Gearing performed “Strawberry
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The Talon
May 2005
Page 7
Bob Love visits Vienna High School
By Kristin Hunter
Bob “Butterbean” Love visited
Vienna High School on Tuesday,
April 26th. He talked to the students about his life, and how important dreams are and where they can
take you in life.
Mr. Love has played for the
Milwaukee Bucks, Cincinnati Royals, and the Chicago Bulls. He was
the Bulls’ top leading scorer for
seven years straight, and remains the
second highest scorer in the team’s
history--right behind Michael Jordan.
He has suffered from a severe
stuttering problem for most of his life.
This has caused many embarrassing
moments in his life for him, and he
overcame this at the age of 47, finally finding a speech therapist that
could help him.
Bob Love has had to overcome
many obstacles in his life, and he
never let anyone stop him. He never
let anyone get him down, and make
him believe that he couldn’t do what
he set his mind too.
In the presentation he gave to
the students, he told them to have a
dream and go for it no matter what
others think. Mr. Love said, “If it’s
gonna be, it’s up to me.”
Brett Thompson, Trey Thompson, and Charlie Thompson met Mr. Bob Love on
April 26th. Mr. Love gave a motivational speech to the students of Vienna High
Kaylie McGinnis, a Freshman,
introduced Bob Love at the
assembly on the 26th. She
commented, “It was fun, but I
was nervous. Definitely nervous!”
Lauren Smith, Whitney Mitchell, Lindsey Ford, and Lori Riley attended the
motivational talk Mr. Bob “Butterbean” Love gave about young people never
giving up their dreams on April 26th.
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The Talon
May 2005
Page 8
VHS students sing at conference in Springfield
By Julie Farmer
VHS Sophomores Lori Hannan
and Laura Treat teamed up with
Junior Jennifer Hale to perform in
Springfield, Illinois, on April 27,
2005. These students were picked
by VHS Superintendent and President of the Illinois School Administration, Dr. Trover, to sing at the conference.
Jennifer and Lori sang “Forever
Young” by Rod Stewart, while Laura
Treat played accompaniment on
piano. Mrs. Mize and VHS Board
Member Norma Martin also attended with the students.
They arrived Wednesday
evening, and spent the night in the Shown below are the words to the lyrics “Forever Young” that was
Hilton hotel. The conference was performed by Lori Hannan, Laura Treat, and Jennifer Hale at the
held at 7:00 A.M. the next day. The conference held on April 27th in Springfield.
conference was centered around the
theme “Stand for Public EducationForever Young
- The Heart of Democracy.” All exBy: Rod Stewart
penses were paid by IASA.
Lori Hannan, a sophomore and
May the good Lord be with you
soprano singer, stated, “We
Down every road you roam
practiced a lot so we could sound
And may sunshine and happiness
as best as we could for the meeting.
Surround you when you’re far from home
I was so glad Jennifer and Laura
And may you grow to be proud
were there with me.”
Dignified and true
Jennifer, Lori, and Laura
And do unto others
participate in band and choir here at
As you’d have done to you
Be courageous and be brave
And in my heart you’ll always stay
Forever Young, Forever Young
May good fortune be with you
May your guiding light be strong
Build a stairway to heaven
With a prince or a vagabond
And may you never love in vain
And in my heart you will remain
Forever Young, Forever Young
And when you finally fly away
I’ll be hoping you finally fly away
For all the wisdom of a lifetime
No one can ever tell
But whatever road you choose
I’m right behind you, win or lose
Forever Young, Forever Young
Laura Treat, Lori Hannan, and Jennifer Hale singing “Forever Young” by Rod Stewart at
the Illinois Association of School Administration conference in Springfield, Illinois.
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The Talon
May 2005
Page 9
And all that jazz... Talon Wins ASPA award
By Nate Thurston
By Kelly Clayton
If you didn’t already
know, VHS has had a Jazz
band for the past few
months that consists of some
of the best musicians in the
The VHS Jazz band, directed by the award winning
Jarod Shumaker, put on an
excellent display of music
ability on April 30, 2005.
Over 160 people came to
support the students who
were “showing their stuff.”
Aside from the Jazz
band being there, the concert also featured several
performances from the
VHS Show choir, another
group that is directed by Mr.
The theme of the show
was “Mardi Gras.” It included a barbecue buffet,
drinks, and Mardi Gras
beads for everyone.
“The show was a hit,”
said Mr. Shumaker. “They
did better than I ever expected them too. I am glad
that so many showed up to
support us and what we enjoy doing.”
“This is the first concert
of several that are to come,”
said Mr. Shumaker. “Since
this one went so well, there
will definitely be one next
If you didn’t get the
chance to see the performance this year, then you
should reserve next year’s
tickets while you still can.
Mrs. Mize and Mr. Shumaker getting ready for the for the Jazz
band concert at VHS on April 30, 2005.
The Vienna High School
Talon was recently recognized by the American
Scholastic Press Association
for the 2005 Annual Review
and Contest Awards for
scholastic newspapers and
other publications. The
Talon submitted Issue 1 and
Issue 2 of the 2004-2005
school year, and won sec-
ond place in the competition.
Each year, schools from
across the country submit
local publications for the
contest. Publications are
judged on page design, story
layout, graphics, headlining,
cover design, advertising
placement, and photography.
Talon staff member, Julie
Farmer, said, “It feels so
great to have ASPA recognize our publication among
other newspapers across the
country. I hope we can continue to improve and give
VHS high-quality papers.”
The Talon staff plans to
enter the contest again next
The 2004-2005 Talon Staff won 2nd place in the American Scholastic Press Association Competition. Talon Staff members (left to right) front row: Kara Street, Laura Treat, Jill Karraker,
Amber Funk, and Kelly Clayton. Second Row: Keesha Mattingly, Mary Winters, Kaylah Butler,
Brittni Throgmorton, Julie Farmer, Kaylyn Adams and Brock Watson. Back Row: Mandi Grant,
Tori Webb, Kristin Hunter, Shoshannah Richerson, Nathan Thurston, and Ariel Adams.
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The Talon
Page 10
May 2005
VHS students will att
rally in Springfield
Vienna High School students
attend awards banquet
By Brittni Throgmorton
On May 3, the top six students
of the Class of 2005 attended an
awards banquet at the SIU Student
Center in Carbondale.
The ceremony involved several
high school seniors from Southern
Illinois. SISHA has recognized the
outstanding students in Southern Illinois High Schools for the past 33
Students were recognized for
community service, academic excellence, leadership, and extra curricular activities.
Dinner entertainment for the
night was a live band. Mark
VHS students will be attending an educational field trip to
the Springfield Capital on May
18th. While in Springfield, the
students will learn about the process of legislation and will tour
the Lincoln Library and Museum.
The students will attend a
rally for fair school funding to
listen to legislators and others
discuss an increase to the foundation level for schools.
One Bill, House Bill 750,
would increase the per pupil
state aid amount by $1000. The
bill would decrease personal and
business property tax by 25%.
The increase in funding would
come from an income tax increase from 3% to 5%. People
on fixed income would not have
an increase.
Many groups will also be attending the rally to support fair
funding for schools.
By Kara Street and Josh Wood
Construction, Inc.
Ambrose, Executive Director of
“Project Dreamboost,” spoke to the
students about achieving your
dreams. This was followed by the
awards ceremony.
The top students for the Class
of 2005 attending the banquet were:
Joshua Wood, Kaylyn Adams,
Stacy Bean, Kelly Clayton, Katie
Ochs, and Melissa Ford. Each were
awarded a certificate of Achievement in Excellence.
Upon receiving his award,
Joshua Wood replied, “The award
was exceptionally fulfilling for the
effort shown in high school.”
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The Talon
May 2005
Page 11
Students attend Business Skills Competition at
Shawnee College
By Julie Farmer
Seven Vienna High School business students placed in the
Business Skills competition on
Thursday, April 21, 2005. The
event was held at Shawnee Community College.
Each student competed in two
categories. The students who
placed in competitions were: Zach
McGinnis - 1st Accounting II, Melissa Ford - 3rd Accounting II, Phillip
Hosfeldt - 3rd General Business,
Julie Farmer - 3rd Technical English,
Kelly Clayton - 1st Business Pro-
fessional, Kaylyn Adams - 3rd Web
Page Design and 2nd Desktop Publishing, and David Yandell - 2nd Public Speaking.
Zach McGinnis, a first place
winner in Accounting II, said, “It was
a wonderful experience. I was really pumped up.” It was later noted
that Zach could hear the “Rocky”
theme song in his head as he accepted the award.
Students competed in various
areas ranging from computer concepts, to job interview, to public
speaking. Each student competed
in two areas. Business teacher Mrs.
Angie May said, “I really enjoyed
taking the students. This is a great
opportunity for the students to demonstrate what they have learned. I
am always very pleased how well
VHS students are able to compete
against the larger schools in our area.
It was great to have so many place
in the competition..”
Kelly Clayton, who won first in
Business Professional said, “It felt
really great taking home a first place
trophy, especially since it’s my senior year.”
Each student’s name was entered into a drawing for door prizes.
The Vienna High School winners of
door prizes were: Julio Blanco who
won a feet-shaped notepad called
“Foot Notes,” Lindsey Ford who
won a small mirror called a Hot
Spot, Nicholas Robinson who won
another Hot Spot, and Brock
Watson who won an SCC coozie.
The students who attended the Business Skills competition were: Front row from left to right - Kelly Clayton, Melissa Ford, Kaylyn Adams, Zach McGinnis, Phillip
Hosfeldt. Second row - David Yandell, Kassie Jones, Kristen Wetherell, Julie Farmer, Kelsey Adams, Rachel Ferrel, Brittni Throgmorton, Brock Watson. Third row Zachary Elliott, Casey Wilkins, Josh Wood, Lindsey Ford, Chris Carl, Brandy Craig, Kayla Workman, Elizabeth Canup, Leslie Conroy, Stacy Bean, Kristin Hunter.
Back row - Jamie Kerley, Julio Blanco, Teena Harms, Amanda Spurlock, Nicholas Robinson, Laura Treat, Matt Bius, and Payton Rigsby.
Lindsey Ford will always look
sharp with her new reflecting
device she won as a door prize at
the Business Skills Competition!
Kaylyn Adams will never have to
worry about where to keep her
trophies, now that she has her new
“Incredibles Trophy/Popcorn” holder!
Kelly Clayton - raising trophy in
triumph, or raising trophy in
violence...You decide...
Brock Watson will always have a cold
drink and a reminder that “You don’t
have to go far, to go far,” thanks to his
Shawnee Community College coozie.
The Talon
Page 12
May 2005
VHS Globetrotters take a Caribbean cruise
By Kristin Hunter, Brittni Throgmorton, and Kaylah Butler
VHS Globetrotter members
Mrs. Faye Mize (sponsor), Jennifer Mize, Kaylah Butler, Jan Harned,
Kimberly Helleny, Annie Hubbard,
Brittni Throgmorton, Kristin Hunter,
Brittany Turpen, and Casey White
all set sail together to Jamaica,
Mexico, and the Cayman Islands on
April 10th. The cruise provided a
new experience to all who were
lucky enough to experience the
seven day vacation away from the
“real world.”
The students and sponsors were
at sea for three of the seven days.
The Carnival cruise ship itself had
four swimming pools, seven hot
tubs, dance clubs, arcades, Internet
access, telephones, a full casino, and
lots more. The days at sea were
just as much fun as the days when
the cruise ship was docked.
While docked in Montego Bay,
Jamaica, everyone enjoyed a
thrilling three hour tour of the Rose Globetrotter’s trip was amazing. very, very fancy. The whole trip itHall Great House, shopping The food on the cruise ship was self is something that will never
downtown and bartering with the nothing short of spectacular and be forgotten for the ten girls.
locals, and riding horses on a trail
and then right into the ocean.
The next day, while docked in
the Grand Caymans, unfortunately
bad weather cancelled both of the
tours that the group had scheduled.
Mrs. Mize didn’t let this ruin the day
in the Caymans, though. Instead,
she put together a tour herself which
allowed the group to still visit the famous turtle farms, and the Tortuga
Rum Factory.
At the final stop in Cozumel, the
group got to spend the first part of
the day shopping and sight-seeing,
and then the final excursion was spent
on a catamaran that docked at a
beach party filled with horseback
riding, canoe trips, volleyball games,
and hammocks to just lay around in.
Everything about the 2006 Kristin Hunter, Kaylah Butler, and Brittni Throgmorton stand in front of the
incredible scenery in Montego Bay, Jamaica.
Globetrotters Brittni Throgmorton, Kristin Hunter, Kaylah Butler, Kim Helleny, Jennifer Mize, Brittany Turpen, Casey White, Jane Harned, and Anne Hubbarb
have all just finished dinner at the formal Monet dining room on their seven day cruise to the Caribbeans.
Jon A. Simmons
Vienna, IL
Call: 995-1533
The Talon
May 2005
Page 13
Senior Wills
I, Kaylyn Adams, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: To Kelsey Adams, I will you
my ability to always speak my opinions and have as much fun in high
school as I did. To Chris Hedrich,
the nickname Flipper that I gave you
in P.E. To Morgan Baker, a Dilly
Bar and all my maracas. To Payton
Rigsby, a Memorex travel drive to
wear as an earring. To Shelly
Blanco, enough courage to propose
to Palmer. To Clinton Rigsby, a hug
and the ability to share your birthday with Hitler and me. To Trivi, I
leave the name All Star because you
are the true All Star! Maybe next
year you can get “your boy” in line
in P.E. class. To Brad Painter, I
leave the name Wannabe because
Palmer’s 1st block P.E. knows who
you wannabe. To Kristin, Brittni,
and Julie, I hope the ICA continues
just for you guys, but in case it
doesn’t have as much fun as the
Barbie girls your senior year. To Tim
Oslay, the ability to be confident in
your own decisions, but always remember that advice Ariel and I gave
you. To Cody Goins the ability to
turn your bass down and jump
through sun roofs. And finally to the
Class of 2006, have no regrets and
have a blast your senior year!
I, Brandon Allen, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: To my good friend and fishing/frog gigging partner Heath
Lovelace, I want you to know that
you will one day hit puberty and
grow facial hair. I also want Travis
Stroud to know that it’s better to
pop your knee out by being kicked
by a cow than to do it trying to
jump over a parked 4-wheeler. To
Steven James, I leave the right to
make a goat noise when you go
by Hannah’s whenever you feel
like. To all the cool people who
know my songs - keep singing
them after I’m gone. To my pals
in Hardin County, I’m not a revenuer so quit shooting at me. To
the women in my small engines and
welding class, possum really is the
other white meat. To everyone
else I want you to know that MULLETS ROCK!
I, Hope Altenberger, being of
sound mind and body, bequeath
the following: Keesha Mattingly
will get my sense of style. You
need to try to out-dress me for
craziness. Cory Evetts gets my secret love of SpongeBob
Squarepants. “Who lives in the a
pineapple under the sea?” Daniel
Butts, you will get my attitude. I
still need to break you from your
shell. Kendra Trammel, are you
J.W. Reynolds Memorials
“ The Company You’ve
About All
Your Life”
sure you want to be my mini me? Mr.
Harner you can have my hair style!
Don’t worry, I change it every few
months. Ms. Taylor, your English
class was the best. Not bad for the
first year, even though Jeff chopped
my head off! Mr. Stockdale, I’m
sorry I won’t be there next year to
pick on you! Mr. Palmer, I will never
forget about you! I couldn’t stay mad
at you long. To the Class of 2005,
thanks for all of the great memories
you have given to me, so you get to
have my crazy memories of the last
four years. And to all of the students,
I, Miranda Bozarth, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: I leave my sister Samantha all of
my attitude and great personality. I
leave my bestfriend Shenea (Jello) my
ability to flirt all of the time. It has
been a great year here at VHS. I had
lots of fun here with all of my friends.
Most of all I will miss all of my friends
and teachers.
I, Elizabeth Canup, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: My “skirt” pride to Jessica Loyd.
To Chris Carl, my love for everyone!
To Teena Harms, the Table and The
Constitution. To Anyone who wants
my hair, I’m sorry, you can’t have it.
Last, my accounting skills to my accounting class.
I, Kelly Clayton, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: All of the great times in ICA and
Carl Heine to Brittni Throgmorton,
Kristin Hunter, and Julie Farmer.
My ablility to almost always speak
correctly to Mr. Harner. My ability
to OPENLY love Bill & Hillary
Clinton to Mr. David Hill. My ability to date the hottest guy at Vienna
High School to Jennifer Hale. To
Cody Gee, I will my ability to befriend a little blonde boy. To Brittni
Throgmorton, I will my ability to be
involved in everything at VHS except what gets you recognized on
Senior Night. The ability to put up
with jealous girls and not be one of
them to Haley Huff. My acting ability to Matt Ellet. To Kelsey Adams,
I will the ability to listen to a playby-play of 18 holes and actually be
interested. To Julie Farmer, Brittni
Throgmorton, and Angie May, I will
my ability to do everything for everyone and do it well. I also will to
Julie Farmer my fashion sense and
the ability to know everything there
is to know about the Talon (although
you probably already do). To my
mom, Mrs. Clayton, I will the ability
to take each day as it comes and
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Page 14
The Talon
May 2005
Senior Wills
Kelly Clayton (continued) not take clothes. To Heath Lovelace, I leave
all the stuff people dish out too seri- you with the memory of me and
Chelsy always picking on you. To
Chelsy, I will you my friendship beI, Katrina Craig, being of sound cause no matter how far you move
mind and body, bequeath the follow- away, I will always be with you. To
ing: First, to Mr. Hight I leave you Mr. Harner, I will you my last name
my nickname “Peanut.” I give my so you can be a true Fox. Finally,
ability to be a Pulliam sister to Lacey Adam Kerley, I will you my love and
Penrod. I give my ability to always friendship because you’re going to
have a smile on my face to Erin need it when I’m gone.
Hileman. I give my ability to be
friends with everyone to Niki Marsh. I, Angela Funk, being of sound
I give my ability to always have mind and body, bequeath the folsomething nice to say to Ashton lowing: To Laura Matheny, ability
Harner. I give my ability to not get in to fight for herself, to wear my
trouble to Sierra Chapman. I give shoes, for McDonald’s and Walmy ability to be tall to Kelsey Mart to start with the same letter,
Cameron. I give my ability to be and one of my nephews because she
sweet to everyone to Amber doesn’t have one. I will Jessica
Flannigan. I give my ability to have Penrod my ability for her to date
a boyfriend for a long time to An- whoever she wants. To Amanda
drea Helton. To everyone I forgot I Randolph, I will some of my fat, so
wish you the best school year. I give she isn’t so skinny. To Mr. Hight, I
my ability to pass out elevator passes will one of my pink shirts, so then
to incoming freshmen to everyone. he doesn’t have to wear coral. To
Brian Dalton, I give my lovely attiI, Melissa Ford, being of sound tude. To Michael Story, I will my
mind and body, bequeath the follow- car, so he doesn’t have to walk. To
ing: to Jillian Powell, the sacred mir- Breanna Dalton, I will the legal age
ror. To Garrett Davis, the BIG 20! of 18. To Tomi Gowin, I give my
Kassie Jones and Lori Hannan, ev- great hair techniques. Last to Tim
erything I know about that stupid Oslay, I will the ability to stay in class.
subject we all have trouble with!
I, Holly Gearing, being of sound
I, Nikki Fox, being of sound mind mind and body, bequeath the foland body, bequeath the following: To lowing: I will Lindsey Ford the abilSarah Bradshaw, I leave you my ity to be natural. I will Andrea Helton
the ability to try to play nice with
others for at least one more year. I
will the outgoing to be shy and for
the shy to be outgoing. I will Terrah
Mullins the ability to not be afraid
to speak out and be outgoing. I
will Lacey Penrod the ability to find
somebody who loves her and who
she loves. I will Steve Blackman
the memory of me singing Strawberry Wine to him. I will Roger
Barnes my awesome car. I will Justin Ballard my friendship and love
for Snoopy. I will Teena Harms my
awesome singing talent. I will
Natasha Ross the ability to come
to school everyday. Just kidding
Natasha, don’t be mad. I will
Samantha Grathler my black purse
from Hot Topic and the ability to
keep a boy she likes for longer than
five months. I give Danielle the ability to ignore stupid people. I will
Tessa Faulkner the best of days.
Good luck to all! I’ll miss you!
ries as I do. I have decided that there
are too many people that I would
love to mention so I have simply decided to will everyone the ability to
be happy, to smile, and to enjoy high
school. I want to will everyone the
ability to say “hi” to your peers in the
halls, you never know whose day
you will brighten. Remember little
extra efforts can bring big rewards.
Everyone have a great rest of high
school! I’m sure I’ll see you all
around sometime, but I can’t say I’m
not happy to be out of here. One
more thing, I want to thank everyone for this great year I’ve had. I
couldn’t ask for a better senior year.
I wish you all the best!
I, Mandi Grant, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: The ability to stay positive and
laugh at everything to Bree Smith.
Good style sense to Steven
Blackman. The ability to keep an
open mind and have a carefree spirit
I, Megan Gerdes, being of sound to Justin Ballard. The ability to play
mind and body, bequeath the fol- at Chuck E. Cheese’s at any age to
lowing: First of all, I must give away Charlie Thompson. To Alyssa
the driver’s side seat with the hump Connor, I will my ability to listen, alon the basketball bus to Ariel ways be there for those in need, and
Woolverton. I also wish the Lady my ability to keep cool during any
Eagles the best of luck next year. I situation. And to all those who read
want you ladies to know most of this, I will the strength to keep a smile
my fondest memories of high school on your face and to treat others with
involve being part of the team and I respect. Also, the knowledge that
hope that when you become seniors nothing’s perfect, never will be, but
you will have just as many memo- be happy with what you get, yet
FAX: 618-658-5007
Title and Abstract
500 E. Vine Street,
Vienna, IL
(618) 658-9230
Sherri Ross
Vienna, IL
The Talon
May 2005
Page 15
Senior Wills
Mandi Grant (continued) always eryone!! I leave you my boring
strive for more. Aim low and you’ll locker and my collection of notebooks that are never used. I also
always get it.
leave you some sunblock, maybe
I, Haven Hostmeyer, being of you’ll learn its use now. I also give
sound mind and body, bequeath the you a comprehensive, detailed exfollowing: To all of the Freshmen I planation of why Josh walks like Sid
give you the knowledge of being a the Sloth. I bestow the title “Aunt
senior. Study hard and don’t give Amb” to you, so use it well. To Kim
up. To all of the sophomores the Helleny, I bestow on you the ability
fun times, this is probably the only to keep that crazy hicker billy
year you can. And driving skills be- redneck boyfriend of yours on the
cause you all will be getting your li- straight and narrow! I love you,
cense soon. To all of the juniors the girlie! To Chrissy Lausier, I really
strength to keep going. You have do not have anything, but I can give
one more year until you are out and you my old Putt-Putt if you can find
it, that way when Amber needs a ride
in the real world.
you can give her one! I also leave
I, Clarissa Kahoun, being of sound you with a great friendship and an
mind and body, bequeath the follow- ear that’ll listen anytime you need
ing: To every student here at VHS one. To Keesha Mattingly, I will give
enjoy your time here. Have fun. you the ability to quit getting sick and
Make the most of it. Time will fly to quit hurting yourself! I also will
by very fast. Make a whole lot of you a few colorful pens and some
memories while you are here. Join good books to read when you get
as many clubs as possible. Be ac- bored. To anyone I left out, I’m
tive. To Cody Short my love for the VERY sorry. I guess I could will
you guys an apology! I love you all
big man upstairs.
very much!
I, Jill Karraker, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the follow- I, Jamie Kerley, being of sound
ing: To Nicole Lence, my ability to mind and body, bequeath the followcause mischief and mayhem, the title ing: I will - Chris Nichols the ability
of “Aunti Nikki”, and the ability to to get hit in the head with a fly ball
keep Mr. Taylor in line. You are also and be okay. Kyle Willis the ability
bequeathed with my ability to stay to hit the ball. Derek Trovillion the
calm when things get stressful. To ability to play defense on the basAmber Nicholson, I will you a car ketball court. Brett Snider my foot
so you can quit bumming off of ev- speed. To all the under classmen
who are continuously late, the no and all those times I made you laugh
parking zone in the upper parking at my stupidity. To Mr. Harner, I
leave my hugs! And last, but cerlot.
tainly not least, I will everyone the
I, Chelsy Lovelace, being of sound warmth of my presence, so you can
mind and body, bequeath the follow- stand to live after I’m gone.
ing: To my BESTEST friend Nikki
Fox, I give you my undying friend- I, Katie Ochs, being of sound mind
ship no matter how far apart we are! and body, bequeath the following:
To my favorite little brother, Heath, First of all, I will all the fun I’ve had
I leave you the fond memories on playing softball the last four years to
the bus, remember “youth-large!” the whole team! Good luck next
Oh, and a better hiding place for your year! I will my ability to beat everystuff. To my little sister, Kalli, I leave one to the ballpark to my navigator,
you my mad hockey skills. You’ll Kristen Wetherell. Please don’t kill
get to play floor hockey in the off yourself. I also will Kristen my
season. To Adam Kerley, I give you ballbag because everyone knows
my entire collection of Yu-Gi-Oh she needs one! I will first base to
cards, or is it Dragon Ballz? Either Jack-O! Take good care of it! To
way, they’re yours, man! To Zach Jillian Powell I will my backseat
Garrett and Sarah Bradshaw I leave where you sat everyday! Kaylyn
you guys the great memories from Meyers gets my non-rap music
the mosh pits, all two of them, may taste! I know you probably hated
there be plenty more!! To Jessica it, but you never said anything! To
Morrisette and Amy Parenti, our Casey White, I will some common
drama skit “Panty’s Twist.” That sense! You crack me up girl! To
was definitely one of my most trea- Taylor Veach, I will my long legs!
sured memories. To Danielle Tan- Hopefully they’ll help you get
ner, I leave the ability to be the se- around a little better. Brittany Perry
nior who knows the most about gets my hitting! I may not be the
Napoleon Dynamite! To Credence best, but when I hit, it’s pretty aweMott, I will all the watermelon in the some! To Vito, I will my ability to
world. To Tara Garrett, I hope you stretch! You may need it behind the
have a great birthday everytime you plate someday! To Lacie Endrizzi,
go out with your youth group. To I will my “inside voice!” I wish I
Mr. David Hill, I leave you all the had some of those lungs! To the last
memories that we have, and Survi- of the softball girls, I will Kayla Butvor. May Stephanie win it ALL! To ler number 8! I know you’ve wanted
Mr. Palmer, I leave Survivor as well it since the beginning and now you
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Shelia Harper
The Talon
May 2005
Kara Street (continued) gave an
excellent opportunity in school and I
enjoyed your company. To Sarah
Bradshaw, sorry that you’re last. But
to you I will my undying devotion to
any cause and my humility. Even
though you don’t really need this, but
this is all that I can really will to you.
It’s been great knowing everyone. I
wish you all to have a great life.
I, Tara Street, being of sound mind
and body, bequeath the following: To
Laura Matheny, I will to you my boy
hunger, for which I’m known for. To
Kavern Kerley, I will to you the ability to keep myself out of trouble.
<Wink, wink> To Bree, you know
who you are, to you I will my friendship. May you pass it on forever.
To my girl Lacey, I will to you Aaron.
You know what I mean.
I, Brandon Studer, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: I will give my personality to everyone in high school now and in
years to come.
I, Grayson Summers, being of
sound mind and body, bequeath the
following: Everything I own and all
of my talents to Amanda Pirtle. She
will be the next me. To Kelly Bryant,
my patience with boys. To Jennifer
Hale, my music talent (even though
you don’t need it!). To Lori Hannan,
my flute, and meeting boys at concerts. To Steven Blackman, I will
you some of my dance moves. To
the junior class, good luck next year!
You guys are awesome! To Jacob
Horn and Matt Ellet, I will you Mr.
Reichert. He is an awesome person, take good care of him for me.
To the ‘05 - ‘06 Dance Team, you
guys will rock! We finally broke
some barriers! My car to Matt, you
take awesome care of it. To Haley
Huff, I will you the opportunity to
have a great mom, you have one, so
keep it that way! To all junior band
members, the opportunity to step up
and be leaders. To all my friends,
take care of my sister next year! To
my Dad (Mr. Palmer) I also will you
another daughter, but I’m still number one! I love you SO much! Jarod,
I will you Heartland’s Best Teacher,
oh wait, you already got it! Mr.
Palmer, Jarod, Mrs. Kreuter, Ms.
Taylor, Mr. Harner, and Mr.
Reichert, Mr. D. Hill, and Mr. Hight
you guys were the best! I love you
and we will keep in touch! To Morgan Baker, I will you my cell phone
because I will still be here. Last but
not least, to Kassie Jones, I will my
patience with people to you. Let
the real you shine through; once
people know that, they will know
you’re awesome!
I, Nathan Thurston, being of
sound mind and body, bequeath the
following: To my mom, I leave her
all of my old English papers so she
can finally grade them and correct
them. To LZ, I leave my mad basketball skills that I showed off to
him at intramurals. I want to leave
all my grapes to Jacob. Dude, it’s
time to go pick grapes. I want to
will my extra trumpet to Charlie
Thompson because he’s already got
the skills. I will Randy Sims our
band’s first song and the rest of
them as well because for some reason he can’t play them. I will Julie
Farmer another band trip because
we always enjoy those. I also
would like to will my car to Charlie,
so he can start giving me rides everywhere. To Mrs. H, my filing
skills. I will my height to Brett because he said he needs a few more
inches. I will my conservativeness
to Mr. Harner. I will my shoes to
Goodwill, as well as my pants, shirt,
and everything under that, too. I
will my ability to make it through high
school just fine, to have lots of
friends, to have all the confidence
in the world, all of my band songs,
and myself to Kelly Bryant.
I, Kayla White, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: I leave my mad tumbling
skill to my sister Casey White. I
also leave my left-handed bat and
glove to Casey. To Kristen
Wetherell, I leave my flying ability
since I am the best flyer VHS has
ever had, and will ever have. To
Cydney Wiggs, I leave my height.
To Kristen, I will my softball bag.
To Brittany Perry, I leave my good
leg. To Taylor Veach, I will my driving skills. To the Jackster, I will
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Page 17
“THE TRUCK!” To Jessica “Vito”
Penrod, I will my bad leg because
even without my legs I will still be
faster than you. To Jill Powell, I will
my knee and my straight hair. To
Haley Huff, the ability to base by
herself. To Whitney Mitchell, I will
my mad rapping skills. I will my allstar video to Lauren Smith. To Taylor Ames my CPR skills for the years
to come. To Mr. Ross Hill, I leave
a Dodo Bird. To Mrs. Cochran, I
leave detention slips. To Lacie
Endrizzi, I leave my fake tooth. To
Kaylyn Meyers, I leave my Pet Bee.
To Morgan Baker and Isaiah
Cornielius, I leave my handstands
and the ability to walk across the
floor on my hands. To all the other
classes, I will to you great high school
years and many memories.
leave Angel Avery my attitude,
“Keep on keepin’ on, Babe!” I give
David Rogers my heart for the rest
of my life. And to everyone else, I
will my ability to succeed.
I, Joshua Wood, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: My Bible, CD’s, and “Car, Car,
Car,” ecstatic statement to my friend
Teena Harms. To Daniel Butts, I
leave my ability to look adversity in
the eye and overcome obstacles. I
also leave him my unusual sense of
humor. To Laura Treat, I leave my
love of Scholar Bowl. To Credence
Mott, I leave my Spanish speaking/
interpreting abilities. To Mrs. May,
I leave my Direct TV service and
DVR to tape Alias on. To Mr. Giffin,
I leave my love for chemistry. Mr.
Harner, I leave my love for Bush and
I, Casey Wilkins, being of sound the Republican party. To Justin
mind and body, bequeath the follow- Keith, my outrageous love for the
ing: The ability to slack off a lot and “Powder Keg!” To Shay Taylor, I
still work harder than others to Ed- leave my ability to get up in front of
ward Dover. The ability to use the people. To David Watts, I leave my
Lord and my brain in my decisions ability to sing loudly, although I can’t
to Haley Huff. The ability to actu- sing. To Brian Kramp, I leave my
ally let my hair grow to Steven Lau- ability to get along with my brothers
derdale. My complexion to Cody and sisters, none of which are
Goins. The ability to get an A+++ younger than me. To Tara Garrett,
at bus conduct school to all golfers. I leave my seat at our table at lunch.
The ability to speak up when needed To Robert Dale, I leave my ability
to Shane Neal. The ability to do to not make people feel stupid, you
stuff to your vehicle for yourself to know what I mean. To Ms. Taylor,
Jacob Horn. The ability and luck to I leave my love for Blizzards and
have 3/2 of what everyone else does milkshakes. You know why. To
to Robert Dale. The ability to use Ms. Taylor, I also leave my ability
your head when you need it to Matt to take things that are not funny and
Ellet. The ability to put up with the make them hilarious.
Shelton blood to Richard Morgan.
My sweet clothing style to both I, Kayla Workman, being of sound
Gonzes. The ability to con people mind and body, bequeath the followout of money to Heath Lovelace. ing: My skirts to Jessica Loyd. My
The ability to look good, and let hugs to Brian Kramp. My smile to
people get mad about it to Brenden Amy Parenti. My craziness to
Talmage. To Joaneth, I will all of Rachel Stewart. My laugh to
“Danny” (you know who you are).
my love.
My Gift to Gab to Teena Harms.
I, Mary Winters, being of sound My patience to Chris Carl. My love
mind and body, bequeath the follow- for accounting to the second best
ing: I will my personality to my sis- teacher, Mrs. May. And my heart
ter April Tribout, and for her the abil- to Mr. Palmer who is the best. All
ity to be patient with guys. I will of our fun times in Accounting II to
Erika Stambulski, my beauty (not Mrs. Cochran. OOM! My sunthat she needs any more). I give shine to Mr. Harner. My anger to
Elizabeth Byrn my athletic ability so Amber Dry, and my girliness to Sara
she can stop falling in P.E. class. I Trover.
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The Talon
May 2005
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The Talon
Page 20
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