Issue 6 - Vienna High School
Issue 6 - Vienna High School
Volume 7, Issue 6 Vienna High School May 2001 Vienna, Illinois VHS Bids Farewell to Class of 2001 Some say that this is the irst class of the newmillennium;agroupofstudentspreparing toleavehighschoolandbegintheirlives.At ViennaHighSchooltherewillbe60young adults preparing to journey into their futures. Class sponsors Bruce Trammel and Bob Trover have worked with thisgroupofyoungpeopleforfour years,andwatchedthemgrowinto a fine group of individuals and achievers. “Fund-raisingasusualwasa major concern through the four yearsofthisclass,”statesSponsorBobTrover.“Themostunique thingwasthefacttheyeventhough theyalwayswaiteduntilthelastpossiblesecondtogetthingsdone,they ended up producing the best prom, I feel,Viennahaseverhad.” SeniorandlipsyncparticipantChristy Housewright commented, “One of my most memorablemomentsatVHShasbeentobethe onlyclasstoeverwinirstplaceinthelipsync contestatHomecomingallfouryears.” Class Officers Page by Naarah Lindsay Valedictorians: Leslie Scarborough and Rachel Lindsay Salutatorian: Wesley Hettinger Secretary/Treasurer, David Fairless; Vice-President, Nick Richardson; President, Wesley Hettinger What’s Inside Page 1,2- Graduation Page 3-Globetrotters Page 4- Cheerleader and Dance Tryouts Page 5- Softball Page 6- Baseball Page 7- Track Page 8- Envirothon and WYSE Page 9- Media Day Page 10,11,12,13- Senior Wills Page 14- Prom Page 15- Prom Pics Page 16- Beta Club Page 17- Senior Spotlights Page 18- Picture Page Page 19- Senior Pictures Page 20- Regional Choir Page21- Business Skills and Technology Grant Page 22- Envirothon and Lockers Page 23- HOSA TheClassof2001wasawardedaplaque onSeniorNighttocommemoratetheirirst placevictories. TheGraduationceremonywillbeheldin theViennaHighSchoolgymonMay25, 2001,at7:30PM.FollowinggraduationwillbeProjectGraduation,which willlastfrom10PMuntil5AM. At Project Graduation, the sponsorsareplanningonusinga newtechnologypresentationsystemtoentertainthegraduates.It isgoingtobetheirsttimethat studentsareexposedtoit,andit isexpectedtobealotoffun! Whenaskedtorelectonher four years at VHS, Senior Jill Clayton explained, “I am sad to leave VHS. It has been a big part ofmylifeforthepastfouryears,butI willcarrythevaluesandskillsthatIhave beentaughtherewithmefortherestofmy life.” Thegraduatingclassof2001hasalotto beproudofastheyleaveVHS.Theywill neverbeforgotten,andwewishthemgood luckintheirfutures! Student Council Student Council: Alex Hernandez, Mareshah Belcher, Stephani Penrod, and Leslie Scarborough News TheTalon Volume7,Issue6 Page2 May2001 Seniors’ Most Memorable Moments When I went on a trip to WashWhen Stephani Penrod ran ington D.C. over my leg in the parking lot. I had a tire track up to my knee and AdrianS.Wallscetti she just kept driving. WesleyHettinger My most memorable moment at VHS is winning the lip sync this year for the fourth year in a row during Homecoming. The next one would be winning the Conference Tournament beating Goreville 47-46! Ashley Broom My most memorable moment is when the baseball team went undefeated (14-0) in the fall season my freshman year. AlexHernandez Page by Amy Clayton and Shannon Bean When Mr. Harner and Nick Richardson came in and fought with the lightsabers and Mr. Harner yelled out, “I need help from Princess Leia!” Also being in the school play. BrandiPenThe State HOSA trip to Ef- rod ingham and winning irst place. Another is, putting make-up on Kacie Oliver at Bath and Body The trip to Dauphin Island. works. Another would be the antics that CindyMaJake Smith and I played in Mrs. son Bedwell’s room, that earned us the privilege of hand raking the entire baseball diamond. Finally, Matt Hupe climbing the lag pole Disecting “Little Bunny Fooand my vast collection of doorFoo with Mrs. Reichert’s anatomy stops. class. Also, winning irst in the ChadColstate for nursing assistant and son creating Mrs. Reichert’s easter basket. StephaniPenrod When Tim, Courtney and I did community service for English and we got lost twice and someEaster basket on the trip. When I made Mrs.HOSA Reichert’s one on a motorcycle ran into us, Also being on the Tech Team. and what was supposed to be a The day they called a code red Amother is being on Homecoming three hour trip turned into a six and had to lock us in our rooms, court. hour trip. Also, all the precious ChristyHousedue to a murder on the loose. moments with Tim. I love him. TerraLee wright JackieWarWest ren Senior year was an amazing year getting to go to State in WYSE and the Envirothon. These were great because it was with friends and just an accomplishment to be able to go. Matt Hupe When I went to Dolphin Island. Another is kicking Goreville’s butt twice this basketball season. Also when I was sitting on top of a desk and Chad tipped it over and I fell right on my Sophomores Enjoy Two-Day Field Trip While the Junior class was busytakingthePrairieStatetest onApril 25 and 26, the Sophomore class enjoyed a two-day ieldtrip.Theirstdayinvolved picking up trash on the Rails to Trails section from Stonefort to CarrierMills.TheSophomores weredividedintofourgroupsand theyweregivenhugetrashbags toill. After they left the trail they wenttoViennaCityParkandalso theViennaBallParktopickup trash. During the afternoon they went to Shawnee Community Collegeforanorientationtothe BugExpotheywouldattendthe nextday. The next day they traveled toShawneeCollegefortheBug Expo.TheBugExpoisdesigned to teach grade school students more about bugs. Each of the studentswereassignedtostations ingroups.Eachstationhadaninteractiveactivityforthestudents toparticipatein. There were games for the studentstoplayandalsoanarts andcraftstableforthemtomake variouscrafts. This was a fun and educationaltripfortheSophomoresof VHS and also the students they In four years I have had many great times at VHS. I’ll have to say one of my best times was getting yelled at for my irst time by Mr. Reichert. LeslieScarbor- We went to the Deer Festival Parade and before we started Andy Farmer and I decided to have a race. There is a really big hill and we were in out band tuxes and we rolled down the hill. Mr Shumaker was mad -- the end. ClintonMarshall butt. Mareshah Belcher During our trip at Dolphin Island we would throw rocks at those stupid birds and I almost fell off the dock into the water. Junior Spring Break, when I All of the bashes I through at the farm. Also, the three and a went to the Dauphin Island. KacieOlihalf months I spent with Jackie. TimCole- ver man V I E N N A TheTalon Volume7,Issue6 Globetrotters Page3 May2001 Globetrotters Enjoy European Escapade Page by Shannon Bean TheGlobetrottersClubtreked offtoEuropeoverSpringBreak thisyear.Visitingvariouscountries,theygawkedintruetourist fashion. They began their trip inHieldelberg,Germany.From there they continued on to the Luceme region of Switezerland wheretheystayedfortwonights. Their next stop was sunny Italy andtheoldcityofVenice. After touring the Dodges’ Palace,theytookagondolaride onthecity’swateredstreets.Next they dropped into Innsbruck, Austria, traveling onto Munich, Germany. There they shopped in the city and visited Dachu, a Nazi concentration camp. Last but not least, they dropped by Rothenburg, Germany’s famous First Row: Bridgett Jackson, Christina Bailey, and Chelsi Ringstaff. Second Row: Rachel Lindsay, Robert Havens, Jenna walledcity. Talmage, Andy Farmer, Amanda Logsdon, Ashley Trigg, Amanda McCoy, and Leslie Scarborough. Third Row: (Sponsor) Mrs. Mize, Bryan Throgmorton, Sarah Stanill, Jenna Havens, Elizabeth Voelz, and Becky Fairless Talon Staff Joan Clayton-Instructor Naarah Lindsay, Amy Clayton, Kacie Oliver and Shannon Bean Jenna Havens and Jenna Talmage pose for the camera Amanda Logsdon, Andy Farmer, Jenna Talmage, and Leslie Scarborough as they walk off the plane from their long journey Veach Short Stop 658-9635 Intersection of rt. 45 & rt. 146 Amanda McCoy waits at the airport Jennifer poeses by a wood carving piccadilly pizza & Subs Vienna, IL TheTalon Volume7,Issue6 CheerandDance Page4 May2001 PagebyNaarahLinsday 2001-2002 Cheerleading Tryouts Cheerleading tryouts for the 2001-2002 season were held on March23rd.Asinyearspast,16 girls,FreshmanthroughSeniors wereselectedtotheteam. Alreadythecheerleadersare busy selling cookie dough to raisemoneyforcampandnew uniforms.Thecheerleaderswill attend a stunt camp at the high school sometime in June, and begin weekly practices at the beginningofsummer. CoachTinaPenrodsaid,“It willbethebestsquadever!The girlsseemtoimprovewitheach group.Wewillgetabidtogoto state.Ititgoingtobeawesome!” Wearealllookingforwardtoseeinghowgoodnextyear’ssquad willbe! The 2001-2002 cheerleaders are: Seniors, Megan Powell, Kalika Miller, andAly Steele; Juniors, Amy Clayton, Keely Cochran, and Jessica Marshall; Sophomores,TaraPowell,Felicia Butler,BrittanySadler;Freshmen, First Row: Tara Powell and Felicia Butler. Second Row: Kalika Miller, Aly Steele, Kayla White, Larissa Berning, and Megan Powell. Third Row: Jessica Marshall, Amy Clayton, Keely Cochran, KellyClayton,KaraKing,Brooke and Brittany Sadler. Not pictured: Kelly Clayton, Kayla White, Larissa Berning, 2001-2002 VHS Dance Tryouts Thisisonlythesecondyear thatAmyKellyhasbeencoachingDance,butfromthelooksof lastyear’steam,shehasdonea greatjob.Shewillbejoinedthis yearwithhelpfromco-sponsor, Brenda Kreuter. The girls will behavingweeklysummerpracticesandattendingcampinJune. Theyarealreadyinthemiddleof a fund-raiser to go toward purchasing new uniforms, and also to help cover some of the other Kara King, and Melissa Ford. expenses. Dance tryouts were held on April 20, 2001. The returning Seniors,andalsoco-captainsare BethAnn Kreuter andAmanda McCoy;JuniorsareSheenaMcCormick,MirandaMcMahon,and ChristinaBailey;Sophomoresare Morgan Jeffress, Leslie McGinnis, Leslie Turley, Keri Teal, and Jenny Stachowiak; the only First Row: Kim Welch and Leslie McGinnis. Second Row: Christina Bailey, Morgan Jeffress, and Sheena McCormick. Third Row: Leslie Turley, Beth Ann Kreuter, Jenny Stachowiak, and Miranda McMahon. Not Pictured: Amanda McCoy, Keri Teal, and Grayson Summers. P.O.Box1342 105N.5thStreet OntheSquare Vienna,IL62995 618-658-3202 American Fitness & Tan • • • • 24 Hour Key Club Tanning Fitness Supplements Packages to Meet Your Budget Doug & Teresa Cash Owners “ForaBetterImageandaHealthierLife-style!” Softball TheTalon Volume7,Issue6 Page5 May2001 Lady Eagles Finish Strong in Regular Season TheLadyEaglesoftballteam startedoutwithhighhopesforthe 2001springseason.Manyonthe teamhavethegoalofadvancing totheClassAStateTournament inPekininJune.Theirstgame oftheseasonprovedtobeatough oneastheLadyEaglestooka35losstoaCartervilleteamthey shouldhavedefeated.Theythen bounced back the next game to beatatoughJohnstonCityteam 2-0. The Lady Eagles went into the Pickneyville Invitational Tournament the next weekend with a good chance of winning it.Somewereevensayingthey werethebestteaminthetournament.TheybeatFairieldinthe irstgame10-0,sendingthemto the semifinals to face the host Pickneyville.Pickneyville’sace VictoriaRamseythrewano-hitter and the Lady Panther’s pushed across 3 runs to take the win. TheEaglesthenfacedBelleville Altoffinthethirdplacegame.It lookedasiftheEaglesmightget blownoutastheLadyCrusaders took a 5-0 lead, but the Eagles came tearing back to make the score5-4stillinfavoroftheCrusaders.Unfortunately,theLady Eaglesranoutoftime,comingup shortwithascoreof4-6,taking fourthplaceinthetournament. TheLadyEaglestraveledto the Massac County onApril 21 to compete in the Lady Patriot Invitational. The Eagles faced Herrinintheirstroundandtook aheartbreakingloss1-2,sending themtotheconsolationbracketto face Massac County in the next round. They beat Massac 6-2 knockingthemoutoftheirown tournament and then defeated Murphysborofortheconsolation crown. TheEaglesendedtheConferencespringseasonwithaperfect record,theironlyConferenceloss comingtoEgyptianlastfall.With theirrecordtheytooktheregular season Conference Championship. 2001SpringSoftball Leaders* BattingAverage.343Ashley Broom Page by Shannon Bean First Row: Megan Mizell, Jackie Warren, and Ashley Broom. Second Row: Shannon Bean, Amanda Threlkeld, Chelsea Blankenship, Kisten Martin, and Audrey Hinton. Third Row: Andria Davis, Ashley Trover, Caryn Hill, Coach Ross Hill, Sara Workman, and Brittany Sadler Hits24CarynHill Runs18Ashley Broom Doubles7Ashley Broom Triples4KistenMartin HomeRuns4KistenMartin RBI21KistenMartin StolenBases12Ashley *asof5/7/01 First Team All-Conference Selections for the Lady Eagles were: Megan Mizell, Kisten Martin, Ashley Trover, and Ashley Broom Baseball TheTalon Volume7,Issue6 Page6 May2001 VHS Baseball 2001 Thebaseballteamgotofftorocky startinthe2001Springseason,losing three of their irst four games. However,thelossesweren’tasbadasthey seemed,astheykeptthescoreclosein eachgame. TheEaglescompetedintheHarrisburgInvitationalApril14.Theytooka losstoOlneyintheirstgame,sending them to the third place game against McLeansboro. They took the game fromMcLeansboroandtookthirdplace inthetournament. OnMay5th,theEaglescompetedin theMassacInvitational.Theyfaced Page by Shannon Bean PaducahTilghmanintheirstgame. The Eagles had a chance to tie and winintheseventhinningwhenthey had the bases loaded and only one out,buttheycouldn’tpushtheruns acrossandtheylostthegame5-6. The Eagles played Pickneyville inthesecondgameandjumpedout toabigleadintheirstastheybatted throughthelineup.Theyheldonto winthegame14-5,takingthirdplace inthetournament. At press time the Eagles record Jared Gurley and Drew Wilkins were selected to First Team All-Conference for the 2000-2001 season 2001SpringBaseball Leaders Batting.388DrewWilkins Average Runs 22DrewWilkins Hits31DrewWilkins Doubles8DrewWilkins HomeRuns5DrewWilkins RBI24DrewWilkins StolenBases4JakeSmith Slugging.675Drew Wilkins First Row: Malcolm Obourn, Tim Coleman, Jake Smith, Chad Colson, Kenneth Kerley, Tommy Waters, and Andy Baumman. Second Row: Vince Steele, Pedro De La Cruz, Josh Akins, Bryan Waters, Jared Thompson, Clayton White, Nathan Rhymer, and Ryan Davis. Third Row: Head Coach Max Hook, Drew Wilkins, Blake Curry, Jared Gurley, Clayton Penrod, Joe Anderson, Luis De La Cruz, Adam Waddell, Robbie Reeder, Chase Wiggs, Scorekeepr Amanda Mccoy, and Assistant Coach David Hill. Rhymer’s Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Carrier Equipment Bath & Kitchen Fixtures Repairs and New Installations FREE ESTIMATES Johnny Huckelberry Bookkeeping and Tax Service “CustomMadeIndoor Weather” Corner 6th & Vine P.O. Box 1327 Vienna, IL 62995 Kenny Rhymer OWNER Ph. 658-3151 1-618-658-9252 315 N. 3rd P.O. Box 248 Vienna, IL 62995 Accounting Tax Preparation Track TrackTeamFinishesGreatSeason TheTalon Volume7,Issue6 Therehasbeenanewspinon Vienna’s Track team this year. Theydecidedtoopentheofferup toboysaswellasgirls.Inpreviousyearsitwasonlygirlsdueto theindependancyoftheunofical sport. Bob Belcher, the team’s coach,feltthataddingguystothe teamwouldincreaseschoolparticipationandencouragealarger grouptorun. This year’s track team consistsofSeniorMareshahBelcher; Sophomores Melody James, BethanyBelcher,andJennaTalmage; and Freshman Josh StaffordandPaulColson.Theyhave hadsixteentrackmeets,anddone well at all of them. The whole teamseemstobehavingfun,even ifitdoesn’tmeanwinningallof them. “Thishasbeenmyirsttrack season,andithasbeenveryenjoyable.Weareallverydedicated butwealsohavealotoffun.Iam looking forward to Sectionals, becuaseIknowthatwewillalldo verywell,”saysSophomoreand irsttimerunnerMelodyJames. MareshahBelcherhasthetop time in Southern Illinois in the 100 meter hurdles, and also the Page7 May2001 Page by Naarah Lindsay 300meterhurdles.MelodyJames isfourthinthe400meterraceand tenthinthe100meterdash.The VHS4x400meterrelayis12thin SouthernIllinois.Sectionalsare scheduledforFriday,May,11at Harrisburg,Illinois. The top two times in each event,whichincludesallqualifyingtimes,willgettoadvanceto theStateinals.Stateisheldin CharlestononMay18thand19th. Theteamisveryexcitedandenthusedaboutgoing,andtheyhave veryhighhopesofadvancing. “Thetrackseasonhasbeena very memorable one. We have a team that is dedicated and supportive. The relay team is anticipatingsectionalswherewe hopetoqualifyintworelays.We would like to attract a crowd to cheeronMareshahinthehurdles andalsoourrelayteam.Ourteam hashadagoodseason,weonly VHS 2001 Spring Track Team: Bethany Belcher, Jenna Talmage, Mareshah Belcher, wish we could get more people Paul Colson, and Josh Stafford atthemeets!”commentedSophomorerunner,JennaTalmage. “I have enjoyed track the past four years, and all the fun we’vehadhasreallyhighlighted mySenioryear,”saysMareshah Belcher.“Iwillalwaysremember Lawrence & Bean Insurance Agency 8634CollegeRd.Ullin,IL62992 1-800-481-2242(618)634-2242 Join SCC’s “Contact us for all your insurance needs” “On the square” Box 126, Vienna, Illinois 62995 (618) 658-9121 A Tradition In Service Since 1981 Satisied Graduates • • • • • After-school Programs Vocational Programs Summer School Program Extracurricular Activities Transfer Opportunities VISIT US ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB AT WWW.SHAWNEE.CC.IL.US TheTalon Volume7,Issue6 Page8 May2001 Envirothon Team Advances to State Colson Takes First at State Earlierthisyear,ViennaHigh School’sEnvirothonTeamheaded totheJohnsonCountydemofarm to compete in the preliminary stages of the Envirothon. They were tested in different areas of agriculture; including soils, aquatics,wildlife,andforestry. Vienna’s team consisted of Kacie Oliver, Matthew Hupe, LeslieScarborough,ChadColson, andDavidFairless.Thestudents competedagainstGorevilleHigh School,andendedinatie.Both teamstookanewtest,however, and this time Vienna took irst place. TheVHSstudentsadvanced tothedistrictcompetitionwhich On May 1st and 2nd, Chad Colson,MatthewHupe,andVHS WYSE sponsor Rick Reichert traveledtoChampaign,Illinoisto competeinthestate-wideWYSE competition.Chadisareturning veteran of three years and is no stranger to the hundreds of studentsfromacrossthestatecompeting in head-to-head academic competitions. Throughaseriesoflocaland was held at Dixon Springs on April3,2001.TheretheycompetedagainstMassacCountyand White County.They were again testedoversimilartopicsonlythis timetheyhadtogiveapresentation.A presentation is a certain area of the competition where youhavetopresentaiveminute speechonthetopicgiven. VHS won the competition, andadvancedtotheStatecompetition at Monticello, Illinois. Thiscompetitionwillrivalthem with teams from districts across thestate. This is the third year that Vienna has attended the state competition. EnvirothonMembers: David Fairless, Leslie Scarbourough Matthew Hupe, Kacie Oliver, Chad Colson Page by Kacie Oliver and Naarah Linday sectional testing the two boys weretheonlyofVienna’soriginal14memberteamtocontinue on at such a high level. Both entered in the area of graphic Engineering. Chad took irst place, and Matt came within one point of placing7thandreceivingamedal.Thisisthesecondyearthat Chadhasplacedirstingraphics atstate. SponsorMr.Reichert ChadColsonandMattHupe T.A.’s Tanning 658-4611 1060 Old 146 Loop Vienna, IL *Come to where the sun always shines* Ben Adams, LUTCF Agent 809N.1stStreet,P.O.Box335 Vienna,IL62995 OficePhone:(618)658-2881 Res.Phone:(618)658-3202 Life-Health-Auto-Home-Farm-Crop Hail-Commercial Annuities-EstatePlanning-VehicleLeasing Johnson County Farm Bureau 709EastVineStreet Vienna,Illinois62995 Phone:(618)658-6300 Fax:(618)658-6402 “A Special Brand of Car ForReservationsCall 1-800-2-RAMADA OperatedunderfranchiseagreementwithRamadaLimited,Inc. 809N.1stStreet*P.O.Box335 Vienna,IL62995 (618)658-2871 CarolHall Manager CALL US FOR ALL YOUR ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCT NEEDS MediaDay HighSchoolMediaDayattheCapitol TheTalon Volume7,Issue6 OnApril 17th and 18th the fourmembersoftheVHSSpring Talon Staff traveled to Springfield, Illinois for High School Media Day at the Illinois State Capitol.VHSwasoneofonly14 schoolsinvitedintheentirestate toattend,whichwasaprestigious honorforourschool. TheteamconsistedofKacie Oliver, Naarah Lindsay, Amy Clayton,andShannonBean,and wasledbyTalonInstructor,Joan Clayton. High School Media Day featured a compelling learning experience for young writers acrossIllinois.Studentsandtheir directorsmetintheCapitolBuilding in downtown Springfield, where they were faced with the challenge of becoming political reportersfortheday. In the morning, a panel of professionalwritersandreporters greetedthestudentsandinstructed themhowthedaywouldunfold. Theyalsogavethemprofessional hintsandsuggestionsforachievingsuccessinjournalism. During lunch the students weresurprisedanddelightedby a visit from Secretary of State JessieWhite,whoentertainedthe group and answered questions. Healsospokeaboutissuescon- Kacie, Amy, Shannon, and Naarah outside the Capitol building Shannon, Naarah, Jim Fowler, Kacie, and Amy on the House Floor REALTY CHESTER LAWRENCE, BROKER 412-414 Court (Public Square) Vienna, IL 62995-0126 Phone: 658-9204 Fax: 658-3802 658-8425 Toll Free Number: 1-800-642-3260 Ken Bain Emma Hook Jeannie Housewright Michele McGill Tina Penrod 949-3715658-3261 658-8403 695-3384658-8919 cerningIllinoisdrivinglawsand safety,andkeycomponentsinhis plansforIllinois. TheideaofHighSchoolMediaDaywastoincreasevisiting students’knowledgeandskillsof reportinginjournalism.Director, Amy Brennan, organized elite meetings with state representatives,andanactualpressconferencewithIllinoisSpeakerofthe House,MichaelMadigan. ThegroupstouredtheHouse FloorandgainedirsthandknowledgeofwhatIllinois’lawmakers dowhileinsession. Students were encouraged to meet with the representatives Page9 May2001 Page by Naarah Lindsay and Shannon Bean from their districts. The VHS students met with representative, Jim Fowler. He was very excited about students from his districtbeingapartofthisevent. He talked to the students, and showedthemaroundaboutissues importanttoourarea. TalonadvisorJoanClayton was pleased with the events of the day. “These students got real-worldexperienceintheield ofpoliticaljournalism.Ihopewe areinvitedbacknextyeartoagain talkpartinthisevent.” Shannon, Kacie, Michael Madigan, Naarah, and Amy Amy, Jesse White, and Naarah during his surprise visit at lunch Vision Planning Group RodneyR.Gholson SellingAllLinesofInsurance 618-658-7008TollFree888-658-1880Fax618-658-8207 SeniorWills TheTalon Volume7,Issue6 I, Jackie Warren, being of soundmindandbody,herebybequeaththefollowing:ToNathan and Sonny Warren, the ability toalwaysavoidalltroublewith Mrs.Mize.ToKimmyWelchto be the biggest lirt in her class. To Megan Mizell,Ashley Trover, andAmanda Threlkeld, all thememoriesinthedugout.To Chelsea Blankenship the ability toalwayshaveanexcusetowhy you were late (like ishing with yourboyfriend).NaarahLindsay theabilitytomediateclassmates and act extremely important at FreshmanOrientation.ToKisten Martin,theabilitytoalwayssay something stupid at the wrong time.ToShannonBean,theability to make Mr. Hill throw his hatinthedirt.ToalltheFuture Swings group, I leave my crab rangou and tons of sweet and soursauce.AmandaMcCoy,the abilitytopeeanywhereyoufeel theneed,likethesideoftheroad atthepark.ToalltheVHSdancers,theabilitytomakeupthebest dances in the world. To Caryn HillIleavemypiece-of-crapcar. ToSaraWorkman,theabilityto block balls (make me proud). ToalltheincomingSeniors,the ability to slack off, carry a 3.9 GPA,andstillmanagetogetan academicscholarship.Andtoall ofthecrew,Ileaveallthegreat memories we have shared, the good and the bad,eventhough everytimeweplannedsomething itneverwentthewayitwassupposedto.GoodluckandIlove I,Courtney Welch,beingof soundmindandbody,herebybequeaththefollowing:Tomylittle sisKimWelchmyabilitytoget alonggreatwithDavidHill!And also to Kim I leave my attitude andmyabilitytoarguemyway intomostanythingtogetmyway. ToAmandaThrelkeldIleavemy “Special Friendship.” Also to AmandaThrelkeldmyabilityto makeupcoolstoriesjusttostay outallnightandallofthosegreat memoriesthatwehavethatIjust can’t say but you know exactly what they are! And always rememberourMarinesAmandaT. ToLeslieTurley,myabilitytoget alonggreatwiththoseVHSboys andtobeaheartbreaker.Tothe VHSdancersIleaveSuperBowl XXXVI.You’realleligibletogo, youguysareawesomeandIlove you! To Cody Taylor, Nathan Rhymer,andDeanBetts,Iinvite you guys over to my house any time to dress up in my sister’s clothes whenever you are cold! ToZebHicksIleavemyability todoeverythingI’mnotsupposed to in school and get away with it!ToAshleyTrover,Ileaveall ofourboringtimesthatwemade fun in Foods and Child Care class!ToDavidHill,Mr.Hight, Mr. Harner, Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Kelley, and Mrs. Clayton...You guysaregreatandyoumademe smarterandwiser.Iwillmissyou allandIloveya!Toallmygirls and guys that I am graduating with,youallaresospecialtome, withoutyouguysIwouldbenothing.Iloveyouallverymuchand Ihopethatwearealwaysclose! TofuturegraduatesofVHS,have asmuchfunasyoupossiblycan inhighschoolandmakeasmany memories as possible because memories last forever, but high school doesn’t, so don’t take it forgrantedbecauseitgoesbyso quickly!! I, Ashley Broom, being of sound mind and body, hereby bequeath the following: Fierce GrapeGatoradetoKistenMartin. Mybasketballjerseyandthenumber 44 to Chelsea Blankenship. Also to Chelsea (my heart) and allofthoselittlesips.ToTrashley andMegantheabilitytohavefun atthe“Lane.”ToShannonBean, myrunningabilityandtheability All Pro Auto Parts Highway 45 Vienna, IL 62995 (618)658-9030 Robert Billingsley Manager Page10 May2001 tomeethotbaseballplayers!!To CarynHill,ChelseaBlankenship, andKistenMartin,myabilityto eatNongChenChinesebiscuits! ToalloftheTuesdaynightFuture Swingscrew,ourtimesatFuture Swings...AaronSloan!!Alsoto CarynHillmyspotatshortstop... make me proud!! To Shannon Bean,myabilitytopickgrass.To BrandonBundren,allofmybasketballexpertise(haha)andthe ability to “ind batting gloves.” I’llmissyanextyear!ToKimberly Welch, the ability to have a great time anywhere, and the abilitytocleanloors.ToAnnie Brumley,theabilitytosomehow avoidtheroadblocksatthemall, theabilitytobeblunt,(1-800-95JENNY)andtheabilitytogoto “P-town” and have fun without gettinginabadmood.ToCaryn Hill,mywondrousdrivingability (haha).ToBrentMcHugh,my ability to stop arguments before they start. To Michael Rinella, the ability to one day drive a Firebird.ToNathanRhymer,my good luck. To the Lady Eagles Softball inielders, the ability to notfalloverthebaseballmound inpracticetwiceinoneweek.To SheenaMcCormick,theabilityto gotoLoganbasketballcampand meethotguysthataren’tpsycho (Dustin) careful...“lookscanbedeceiving whenridingaround.”ToCourtney Tanner, to always inding a waytohavefuninP.E.ToZeb Hicks,theabilitytokeeptrunks from rattling by all means necessary. To Naarah Lindsay, the ability to comfort anyone. To JoshHorn,theabilitytohavefun inHomeEc.ToShannonBean, I leave the ability to dive back intosecondbaseonawetield! (HAHA)ToKistenMartin,Megan Mizell, and Shannon Bean, the fun times during Southern Express.ToDeanBetts,theabilitytoridearoundinaJeepwhen thetemperatureisthirtydegrees!! ToAnnieBrumley,theabilityto bewarminthebackseatofaconvertiblewiththetopdownatthe mall!Toallthecrew,remember thetimesweshared.Goodluck in everything and I’ll miss you guys next year. To Mr. David Hill,theabilitytoindothergreat assistantslikeBrandeeandme!! TotherestofthepeopleatVHS,I leavemyabilitytoliveitupwhile you’reinhighschool,itdoesn’t lastlong. I,Alex Hernandez,beingof soundmindandbody,herebybequeaththefollowing:ToNathan Rhymer,mybaseballjersey.MalcolmObournIleavemyabilityto catchthethirdSTRIKE!Bobby Fairless,Ionceagain,leavemy abilitydance.AndtotheupcomingSeniorclassIleavetheability toenjoythelastyearoffreedom, thelastyearyoucouldeverhave noresponsibility,andthelastyear youcouldbeabletoenjoybeing with the very people you have grownupwithandhavegrownto love.HavefunClassof2002. I,Ray Taylor,beingofsound mindandbody,herebybequeath thefollowing:Towhoeverwants it,theabilitytobelate.Myability to sleep constantly goes to Tommy Kimmel. My ability to make people believe anything goes to Matt Felcyn. And my generalknowledgeandabilityto almostalwayshavefun,I’mgoingtokeepthat. I, Darren Obourn, being of sound mind and body, hereby bequeaththefollowing:ToJacob Stevens, the ability to get along withthecooksandgetseconds, and to Bobby Fairless, “MAY THEFORCEBEWITHYOU.” High Meadows Stables Quality Hunter-Jumper & Event Horses Boarding , Training , Instruction , & Vanning Irish Imports Jon Tatham Rt. 2 Vienna, IL (618)658-7681 TheTalon Volume7,Issue5 Page11 March2001 I, Jessica Whiteside, being ofsoundmindandbody,hereby bequeaththefollowing:ToBeth AnnKreuter,mydancingabilities. ToLeslieMcGinnis,myabilityto alwayshaveasmileonmyface. ToAmandaThrelkeld,myability totalkbadaboutpeoplewithout feelingbadaboutit.IleaveBlake Currymyabilitytohavefunno matterwhat.Ileavemyability togetwhatIwanttoKimWelch. IleavemyloudmouthtoAshley (Trash)Trover.ToAmandaMcCoy,Ileavemyrighttotheback roomatthetrailer.Ileavetothe whole2002classtherighttohave asmuchfunastheypossiblycan in their last few months in this place. And to the crew I leave everythingwehavesharedandI hopethatnoneofusforgetanyof thegoodtimesthatwehavespent together.Graduationwillbethe onlythingthatwehaveplanned anddone.IloveyouallandIwill missyou. I,Kacie Oliver,beingofsound mindandbody,herebybequeath thefollowing:ToShannonBean, shortsocksandallthegreattimes ontripsandtofraythebottomof herpantlegs.MeganPowell,all myathleticability.Theabilityto controlmytemperwhileplaying golftoShaneTaylor.Theability nottocheatandlieingolftoZeb Hicks. To Malcolm Obourn, I will my Broadway solo plus all theothersolosIget,andyounow haveFirstChair.ToKellieHoward,Ileavemyabilitytoplaythe trumpet.ToNaarahLindsayall thefoodyoucaneat.AndtoMrs. Smith’s upcoming Envirothon team, all my irst place knowledge. I, Brandee Lasley, being of sound mind and body, hereby bequeaththefollowing:ToAnnie Brumley, the ability to come to school,todriveonthesidewalks at the mall, and not get killed at Cardinal Lanes! And also to Annie, watch out for big white busses that say “Golcond!” To Jessica Whiteside the ability to notgetyourcarstuck,andwatch out for all those trees. Also to Jessica,theabilitytowanttogo home!ToKimberlyWelch,the abilitytoavoidgoats.ToAshley Broom,theabilitytopunchwalls andtobenicetoTJ.AlsotoAshley, psst...WE LOVE BOYS!!! ToDesireeDuty,AshleyBroom, andAnnie Brumley, the ability to “pimp” P-town! And to Mr. David Hill, I hope you can ind anassistantasgoodasme!!To everyone else, good luck in the futureandhavefun!! I, Shelley Krawczyk, being of sound mind and body, hereby bequeath the following: ToRachelleGoddard,allofmy longandhorriblebusridesonthe goodol’Buncombebus.Iwillthe abilitytoalwayshave“hope”to Bobby Fairless. You can thank melater.Ileavemyheightandall HeatherRussell.Iwillmysense of fashion to Jennifer Lockhart. Why did you want it? To my favorite teacher, Harner, I retire mynickname,“Shells‘n’Cheez” andIleaveittohim.Iwillallof mypickleballabilitiestoRebecca Yandell.Ileaveallofmycrazy chemistrylabmemoriestoDanica Bacon. (Beware of Chemistry II.) To Chase Hartline, I leave the biggest oak tree in Johnson County.Useitwisely.Iwillmy fascination with “The Rock” to CassieMadlockandBrandiTash. Last,butnotleast,IwillBecky Fairlesstheabilitytoeatcheese onanything. I,Yuri Rentfro,beingofsound mindandbody,herebybequeath thefollowing:Myknowledgeof Star wars and my collection to TreyKerleyandBobbyFairless. State Licensed Real Estate Appraiser Serving Southern Illinois Phone 618-658-8151 117 N 5th Vienna, Illinois 62995 Fax 618-658-8188 MyMcDonald’sjobtoKyleMcCann.MyhatredofJeffGordon to Tyler McCuan. My driving skillstoChaseGilbertandTrey Kerley. My ability to make peoplemadandnotknowwhyto Elaina Rentfro. My intramural basketballteamtoFrankTowns. My knowledge of knowing that Dale Earndhardt is the greatest andalwayswillbetoeveryone. I, Wesley Hettinger, being ofsoundmindandbody,hereby bequeath the following: The responsibility to make sure Mr. Harner receives a hug everyday toTravisVerkamman.Tomake sureheisthesingleloudestperson at the basketball games to NathanRhymer.Myspecialspot bytheViennaCemetarytoTravis I,Mary Jane Hacker,being ofsoundmindandbody,hereby bequeaththefollowing:Another greatyearandthebestofluckto thedanceteam. I, Brandi Penrod, being of sound mind and body, hereby bequeaththefollowing:ToBryan Throgmorton my seat at the table. To everybody the ability to discover and not be afraid to be yourself. To my sister JO-Z, myuniqueabilitytostandoutin SeniorWills TheTalon Volume7,Issue6 myfriends,youcoulduseit!Ileave myabilitytosaythestrangestthings outofthebluetoLanesha,you’realreadygoodatit.Ileavemysuperior drivingabilitytoAshley,youneed it.Ileavemyabilitytohaveagreat comeback and a sarcastic remark ive minutes too late to Trey and Chase,useitwisely.Last,butnot least,Ileavemywisdomintheways of life and absolute trust in God toallmyfriends.ThosewhoI’ve forgotten,I’msorry.Iloveyouall, goodday, goodnight, and goodbye. I, Adrian Wallscetti, being Don’tcrytoohard,I’llbeback. ofsoundmindandbody,hereby bequeath the following: To I, Nick Richardson, being of Travis Verkamman my ability sound mind and body, hereby beto shoot snakes with my eyes queath the following: My ability closed.ClaytonPenrodmyabil- tostayoutoftroubletomysister. itytobencheveryweightknown My ability to get out of trouble to to man. Jared Gurley my abil- StephanK.Myincrediblestrength itytospeakgibberish“Bysquito toStewtheCheesecake.Mydriving Mites.” Amanda Threlkeld my skillstoMaribethDippie.MyNickabilitytoitinaseat.Blakeand leButttoMr.Harner(heneedsit). Jake my ability to control the MychickmagnettoDustinKingand women.KyleStevensmyability also the phrase “Man I’m pretty!” tospeakproperdialect.ToBrian The title Mr. Drama VHS goes to andBrentMcHugh,AshleyTro- AndyFarmer,keepitalive.Ileave ver,andMr.Reichert,alifelong mymindtoMrs.Smithforscientiic friendship.I’msorryifImisseda stuff.Mysympathyfortheteachers fewpeoplebutyouguyscanhave thathavetoputupwithmysister. MysmiletoMrs.Watson.Mybastherest. ketballskillstoChrisMcBride.My I,Brandi Johnson,beingof SpiritbombattacktoChrisCombs. soundmindandbody,herebybe- Myabilityrorambleonfortwenty queaththefollowing:Myability minutesaboutnothingandstillget tospeakmymindtootherstomy an answer right to James Carlson. sisterBrittanyJohnson,myabil- I also leave my will to never give itytomindmyownbusinessto upinlifetoallstudents.Havefun MelissaBates,myabilitytostay guysandstandtallenoughtoshake outofdetentiontoAnnieBrum- theheavens. ley,myabilitytokeepeverything organizedtoMr.Staples,myabil- I,Matt Endrizzi,beingofsound itytosewtoRobertHavens,my mindandbody,herebybequeaththe heighttoHeatherTrammel,and following:ToMalcolmObournmy myabilitytogettoclassontime bottle of Flexall 454. To Travis, Jared, andTommy, I will the after toJessicaPaige. practicetrioshowerledbyJoe,Tim, I, Jesseca Spears, being of and I. To Dean, I will the Isuzu sound mind and body, hereby Trooper(Weallknowheneedsit.) bequeaththefollowing:Myex- I,Mareshah Belcher,beingof tremebeautyandbrilliancetoall I,Cody Waters,beingofsound mindandbody,herebybequeath thefollowing:myloggerswood toUriahCornelius,myhoneysto MattandMichaelCraig,andmy whitetrucktoAlySteele.Being thecaptaintoZebHicksandthe abilitytochilltoChubs.Ileave the yard toAaron Ingram, my personalitytoAmberEllison,my gray hair to Kalika Miller, my facialhairtoBlakeCurry,andthe kneetoMr.Harner. Page12 May2001 soundmindandbody,hereby bequeath the following: To Bethany Belcher, the abilitytoliveallbyyourselfwith mom and dad without going bananas.Mrs.Clayton,Igive youAshleyHill.ToTheresa, allthechocolatechippancakes youcaneat.ToAshleyHill,I leaveyoumy“Hillary”cheer and my ability to do Mrs. Clayton’sdirtywork.ToMr. Hill the ability to drive a bus up an exit ramp backwards. Ohwaityoualreadyknowhow todothat!ToJennaTalmage allofthebutterlytattoosyou couldeverwishfor.ToMelody Jamesmycleatsandtheability toputthings(likehomework) offuntilthelastminuteinstead ofdoingthemattrackmeets. I,Stephani Penrod,being ofsoundmindandbody,hereby bequeaththefollowingtoAly Steelemynursingabilitiesand all of the long practices with Mrs.Reichert.ToAmandaT, AshleyHill,andAly,allofour goodtimesinroom145andour littledancepartyinEfingham. To Kalika Miller I willAKA “Jamoca” and my ability to changediapers(IntenyearsI knowyou’llneedit).ToKeely CochranIwillmyponpoms. To Megan, Kalika, andAly I will you allthe responsibility of keeping my mom in line throughoutcheerleadingpracticesandballgames.ToDean Betts and Cody Taylor I will myabilitytoputupwithMatt. ToJessicaIwillouroh-so-perfectheelstretch.Andlastbut notleastIwilltoMrs.Reichert all of our HOSA memories. Without you my Senior year wouldn’tbecomplete.You’re thegreatestteacherever.Keep Shoemaker Construction, Inc. up the good work, and always rememberthatweallloveya! I,Matt Hupe,beingofsound mindandbody,herebybequeath the following: To Elizabeth Voelz,myirstchairinband.Mrs. Smith’s upcoming Envirothon teamallofmyirstplaceknowledge.JoshStafford,mycomputer fundamentalknowledgeandsecondplaceability.KyleBohannon andJakeSmiththetrailof“Eagle Scout”howeverlongitmaybe. TravisAmes, my ability to get introubleinwhateverIdowhen building, and my steady hand at drilling. Shannon Bean my computer seat in the Penthouse, takeitback!MeganPowell,my abilitytomarchinband,andMr. Shumaker my sauce swiping at ItalianVillage. I,Christy Housewright,being ofsoundmindandbody,hereby bequeaththefollowing:Ourone and only turning heel stretch to Megan,Jessica,andAmy.Iwill theplasticCPRbabytoAmandaT andAshleyHill.IwillSquirtleto AmandaT.IwillShannonBean theworstnightofmylifeandthe ability to walk on water. I will AndyFarmerallmymemoriesof theplay,andIwillJoshAronson akiss. I, Laura Hudson, being of sound mind and body, hereby bequeath the following: My ability to stay out of trouble to AshleyJohnson.Iwillmyability tospeakmymindtoTreyKerley. Iwillmyartisticabilitytodraw toChaseGilbert.IwillmyabilitytodancetoLaneshaDixon.I willmyabilitytolirttoSabrina Browning,andIwillmyhairto DevinGearing. Fruit Belt Service Feed-Petroleum-Seed Chemicals-Fertilizer “Build with Us” 695-3372 General Contractors Vienna, IL Vienna Gol- 658-3511 683-2511 Big Bay Ullin Cobden 949-3857 833-6916 845-3333 893-4852 SeniorWills TheTalon Volume7,Issue6 I,Jill Clayton,beingofsound mindandbody,herebybequeath thefollowing:Myponpomsand cheerleading memories toAmy Clayton, the “G” spot to Kalika Miller,youknowwhattodowith it.Ileavetheunconscious“milano”babytoAmandaThrelkeld andAshleyBrookeHill.Ileave thenexttwofakepromstoKelly Clayton.TheTechTeamandthe memoryofMichaelPerrytomy mom,youknowtherewillnever beanotheronelikeus.Ileavethe abilitytocreateawesomeHOSA teamstoMrs.Reichert-Justwait untilNationals! I,Luke Oliver,beingofsound mindandbody,herebybequeath thefollowingtoanyonewhois willing to take the time to slow down and look around them. I willnothingbutasmallamountof knowledge.Nevergetstuckwithin yourself. Expand your mind to a new level of consciousness and then stop and look around theroom,examinewhatyousee, andnevertakeitforgranted;for life is within your body, mind, andsoul.Youholdthequestions thatcreatetheanswers,andyou areonlywhatyoubelievetobe true. I, Chad Colson, being of sound mind and body, hereby bequeath the following: To Malcolm Obourn trumpet skills andirstchair,andalsohelpMr. Shumakeroutwhenheneedsit. ToBlakeCurry,alittlecommon sense,tobothBlakeandJake,the ly balls they didn’t steal from me,toJakemyabilitytonotget caught,toNathanRhymer...nothing,you’rejustcool.Totherest of the ball team good luck next yearandkeepplayinghard.To Ja-Rod,anythingheneeds,(alsoI wouldliketotakethisopportunity tothankyouforeverything).To Mr.Reichert,picksomeoneelse togiveyouahardtime.ToJes- Page13 May2001 sica,Iwillalltheloveyoucould want.ToPaul,havefun,toallmy friends,goodluckandalotoffun inschool,toanyoneIleftout,just askme. I,Leslie Scarborough,being ofsoundmindandbody,hereby bequeaththefollowing:ToAshleyHillalloutcrazytimes,good or bad, especially watch out for dead dogs. Sarah Stanfill my great opinions and views of a Catholic.KistenMartinmydance abilityandgreatthree-pointshot. AmandaMcCoy,ourtripmemoriesandmybookbagjustincase youneedit.SaraWorkmanthe abilitytogettoschoolfasterthan you should. Shane Taylor my shortgameandtemperits.MichaelRinellamypracticeability. Nathan Rhymer my love if you wereolder.DeanBettsmycar(in yourdreams).Pudgegoodtalks andgoodluckatT.T!Theresea Stachowiakmyabilitytoworry. I, Tim Coleman, being of soundmindandbody,herebybequeaththefollowing:ToNathan Rhymer and Drew Wilkins the ability to say “C’MON”!! All my people the trailer. Brandon Bundrentheabilitytoshootthe three.ToAmyClaytonIleavea smilefromeverythree-pointerI madethisseason.ThewholebasketballteammyESPNhighlights. ClaytonPenrod,mybaseballabilityorwhat’sleftofit.Malcolm Obourn,mytemper.JaredGurley,mysenseofhumor.Robbie Reeder, my car. Blake and Jake the ability to get off probation, courtsupervision,andcommunity service. Compliments of Robin A. Wetherell Trovillion Brothers Do-It-Best D.M.D. Vienna, IL 505E.VineStreet ViennaIL62995 658-3761 Prom TheTalon Volume7,Issue6 Page14 March2001 Stephani,Mareshah,andAdrianCrownedPromCourt TheVHSPromtookplaceon March 30th, at the SIU Student CenterBallroom.Promcommitteedidatremendousjobdecoratingthefacility;itwasgorgeous! Silverstarsdancedfromtheceilinginthecolorfullightsputoutby theDJ,andamoonshapedlight hung above the beautiful castle propinthecenteroftheroom. This year’s prom committee decided on having a traditional promenadeasthecouplesarrived. David Hill was designated to announcethecouplesastheywalked inundergiantballoonarches,forming a walkway into the center of the ballroom. The balloons were white, lavender, and baby blue, which added to the magic of the evening. As each couple entered, their nameswereannounced,theirpicturestaken,andthentheystrolled the rest of the way through the beautiful tunnel of lights. Once Prom Court: Mareshah Belcher, Adrian Walscetti, and Stephani Penrod Whitnel Funeral Home Vienna 658-2511 Goreville 995-2152 through,theytooktheirseatsat anytabletheychose. The most striking of the decorationswasthegiantcastle wheretheKingandQueenwere seated. It was set at the front and center of the ballroom, decorated with plants, glitter, andwhitetwinklinglights.The chair seemed luminous in the lighting--evenmoresooncethe KingandQueenswereseated. Leadingtothestageofthecastle were steps adorned with more balloons and once you arrived onstage,whitelightsandlowers gleamedouttowardthecrowd. Surroundingthedanceloor weretablessetwithglasses,napkins,andsilversparklingcastles forcenterpieces. Thehighlightoftheevening was the crowning of the King andQueen.AdrianWalscettiwas chosenasking,andhewasjoined The King and Queens at their castle This-N-That Vienna, IL Stuffed Animals Balloons Gary L. Hicks Randy Huckelberry Prom Flowers Tuxedo Rentals “Dedicated to Caring Committed to Service” Intersection of Rt. 45 & 146 PromPics TheTalon Volume7,Issue6 ! ag e P ure Pict Pict u Prom 2001 Page15 May2001 re P ag e ! “IntheMidst ofaDream” CHIP WYNN ENDRIZZI Oldsmobile P.O. Box 726 10th & Vine VIENNA, IL 62995 LAWN SERVICE Vienna, IL 62995 MattEndrizzi 618-658-5481 Wayne&BetteMott 628-658-9073 CHEVY TRUCKS JoshBerkland 618-658-4001 Pickups Blazers Suburbans AstroVans Chevy Vans Sportvans Step-Vans BARRY DOHERTY General Manager Showroom (618) 658-2031 Toll Free (877) WYNNCHEVY FAX (618) 658-6072 Parts & Service (618) 658-6411 TheTalon Volume7,Issue6 BetaClubNews Page16 May2001 NewAdditionstotheBetaClub OnApril 19, new inductees ofthefreshman,sophomore,and juniorclasseswereinductedinto theVHSBetaClub. “Being the Beta Club Presidenthasbeenanhonorthisyear. Iamsurethatthenewmembers will hold up the same tradition of service the rest of their high school years,” said Mareshah Belcher. The ceremony started with each of the officers lighting a candleandtellingnewmembers whatitmeanstobeapartofthe National Beta Club. Inductee Rebecca Yandell, spoke for the group as a whole by saying that she would uphold all of the rules and standards of the Vienna High School Beta Club. “Ithasn’tbeentheeasiesttime gettingmemberstopaytheirdues, but I have really enjoyed being treasurerthisyear.Theceremony wasthebiggestwehaveeverhad, andIlookforwardtoseeingwhat comesfromourclubnextyear,” commentedNaarahLindsay. Parents,aswellasotherBeta members,wereallowedtocome to the ceremony. Refreshments were provided afterwards, and the whole thing was a big success.Eachofthenewmembers willmakeanexcellentadditionto ViennaHigh’sBetaClub. “Mrs.Claytonisanexcellent sponsor, and I am sure the new inducteeswillenjoyworkingwith herasmuchasIhave.Theclub isn’tjustatitle,it’sanhonor,and oneIwillalwaysbeproudtolook back on,” explains Senior Chad Colson,whenaskedabouthisfour yearsinBetaClub. The new officers for Beta ClubwereelectedonMay9.The Presidentfornextyearisthemoving up Vice President from this pastyear,AshleyHill.Shewill take Mareshah’s place, Naarah LindsayremainsasTreasurer,and RebeccaYandellwillbestepping inforChadasSecretary.Malcolm Obourn was elected as the new VicePresident. “IamveryhonoredtobetakingMareshah’splaceasPresident nextyear.Iknowthatwiththecooperationfrommyfellowoficers andMrs.Clayton’sguidance,we willaccomplishservingourcommunityforthe2001-2002school Page by Naarah Lindsay Beta Club Oficers: Vice President, Ashley Hill; President, Mareshah Belcher; Secratary, Chad Colson; and Treasurer, Naarah Lindsay year,”statedAshleyHill. ThenewBetaClubmembers include: Juniors, TravisAmes, Ashley Trover, Sara Workman, AshleyTrover,RebeccaYandell, and Shane Taylor; Sophomores, JennaTalmage,TamiHorn,Sarah Stanill,ShannonBean,Maribeth Dippie, Heather Russell, Kisten Martin,andDanicaBacon;Freshman,PaulColson,JaredThompson,JenniferMize,TerryLindle, JaredMathis,CarynHill,Adam Waller,andBrittanySadler. Duringthe2000-2001school yeartheBetaClubparticpatedin theHeatherTreatMemorialand Backwoods Paintball 10% Off Rental or 5% Off Sales Expires May 2001 Contact: Cody Taylor Vienna, IL 618-658-8169 Limit one per customer TheTalon Volume7,Issue6 SeniorSpot- Page17 May2001 Page by Naarah Lindsay and Kacie Oliver VHS Senior SpotligHtS s on d r a h Ric Nick upe H t t Ma ic Jess eside t i h aW Ash oom r B le y If you could choose any college to go to, which one would it be and why? My irst choice would have to be U of I because of its great architecture program. If you could choose any college to go to, which one would it be and why? Murray State because it’s not home, but it is close enough to here that I could come home when I want to. If you could choose any college to go to, which one would it be and why? Harvard for the bragging rights (and, good teaching, I guess). If you could choose any college to go to, which one would it be and why? Duke University to go to medical school and because it is on the East Coast. If you could do anything or go anywhere with your friends for one day before graduation, what would you do? I would charter a 747 jumbo jet and ly all my friends down to Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas and just let it all soak in. If you could do anything If you could do anything or go anywhere with your or go anywhere with your friends for one day before friends for one day before graduation, what would you graduation, what would do? I would travel all around you do? We would take the the world in a last minute Skinny mobile across country search for knowledge (and to the Price Is Right show love with my best friend and win the Show Case Show Millo). Down!! What is your most memoWhat is your most memo- rable experience at VHS? rable experience at VHS? My second most memorable Living with my cousin Eliza- one would be the time I used beth, and also being in and my disappearing act to get winning the lip sync four away from my girlfriend! years in a row. If you could have one date If you could have one date with any of your Senior with any of your Senior classmates, who would it be classmates, who would it be and where would you take and where would you take them? All of them would them? Josh Berkland! We sail with me to Australia to would go somewhere very participate in the largest public! Ha ha, just kidding! ever game of survivor. If you could do anything or go anywhere with your friends for one day before graduation, what would you do? Go to an exotic resort and spa and get a massage. What is your most memorable experience at VHS? I have two favorite memories from my time in high school. My favorite would be meeting Jacinta, my girlfriend. My other would be participating in the class lip syncs. If you could have one date with any of your Senior classmates, who would it be and where would you take them? I would have to take Mareshah on a date dressed up like Sonny and Cher to go What kind of person do you bowling and out to the mall. want people to remember you as when you leave VHS? What kind of person do you Fun to be around! want people to remember you as when you leave VHS? I hope people knew me as a fairly nice person who was a little outspoken, but tried How do things look from there? Do I look like a mummie yet? What is your most memorable experience at VHS? Winning the SEC Conference Basketball Tournament, beating Goreville by one point with six seconds to go in the game. If you could have one date with any of your Senior classmates, who would it be and where would you take them? Alex Hernandez, bowling at Sports Center and out to eat at Tom’s outside of DeSoto. What kind of person do you want people to remember What kind of person do you as when you leave VHS? you want people to re- Someone who was fun to be member you as when you around and made everyone leave VHS? The tall, dark, fun-loving, All American stud But I’m soo hungry! Is that a tight Squeeze? TheTalon Volume7,Issue6 PicturePage PagebyNaarahLindsay Page18 May2001 TheTalon Volume7,Issue6 SeniorPicturePage Page19 May2001 PagebyNaarahLindsay TheTalon Volume7,Issue6 News Page20 May RegionalChoirPreformsatShawneeCollege Page by Naarah Lindsay and Kacie Oliver Whatstartedasagroupofthreegirlsandiveboys,expandedintoamusicalchoirof13.Eachyearareaschoolsfromthesouthern regionareinvitedtoShawneeCollegetoparticipateintheirannualRegionalChoir.JarodShoemaker,banddirectoratViennaHigh,was askedtoformagroupofstudentswhowouldbewillingtotraveltothecollegeinordertoparticipate. Thestudentswhoparticipatedare:LeslieMcGinnis,KacieOliver,NaarahLindsay,RachelLindsay,AdamStockdale,ChadColson, BobbyFairless,MattHupe,JoshBain,NickRichardson,PaulColson,TreyKerley,EricFox. OnMarch30,theymetwithJohnWindings,thedirectorofmusicatShawneeCollegealongwithareaschools.Thegroupmisseda dayofclasstogodowntoSCCtopracticethemusictheyhadbeenpreviouslygoingoverafterschool.Theylearnedsixsongsallinone day,beforereturningthatnighttopreformatthe springchoirconcert.Windingstaughtthestudents propervoicetechniquesandposture,andwouldn’t take“Ican’t”forananswer.Hisskillspayedoff thateveningasthewholegrouppreformedamelodiousmasterpieceandstoletheshow! “Itwasanawesomeexperiencetoseeagroup ofthatsizelearnsomanydifferentsongsinone afternoon,andthendosowellpreformingthem thatnight!Iwaspleasedandhadagreattime.” saidSeniorparticipantRachelLindsay. TheSCCChoirdeservesalotofcreditaswell. Theydidanawesomejobpreforming,aswellas singingwiththehighschoolstudents.Members aidedthepianistwithdrums,guitars,lutes,and chimes. FreshmanparticipantLeslieMcGinniscommented,“IhadalotoffunpreforminginRegional Choir,andIlookforwardtoparticipatinginthe choiragainnextyear.It’sagreatlearningexperience,andthanksforMr.Shumaker,theperforRegional Choir Members: Front Row- Leslie McGinnis, Trey Kerley, Kacie Oliver, and Eric Fox; mancesarereallyfun!”. Back Row- Nick Richardson, Naarah Lindsay, Matthew Hupe, and Ben Houge; Not picturedPaul Colson, Chad Colson, Rachel Lindsay, and Adam Stockdale Mitch Garrett IPLS 3085 Kenneth McDaniel IPE 052463 Shawnee Survey & Consulting Inc. DAY PH.: 618-658-3191 FAX PH.: 618-658-5007 Goddard’s Auto Body and Auto Sales COMPLETE AUTO BODY REPAIRS P.O. Box 125 104 South Fourth Street Vienna, IL 62995 Ph: 618-658-6065 Fax: 618-658-9190 E-mail: Bailey Funeral Home 705 N. First Street Brian & Julie Bailey Vienna, IL Brent Williams (618)658-2311 POST OFFICE BOX 927 VIENNA, ILLINOIS 62995 JAMES E. GODDARD OWNER LATE MODEL USED CARS CHIEF FRAME EQUIP. HUNTER WHEEL ALIGNMENT WRECKER SERVICE AUTO SALVAGE MULTI MILE TIRE DEALER Village Flower Vine Street Vienna, IL 62995 Flowers for every occasion Plants , Crafts & More 1-888-283--0131 or 658-9245 News TheTalon Volume7,Issue6 Page21 May2001 VHSWins11TrophiesatBusinessSkillsCompetition by Shannon Bean Shawnee College held their annual Business Skills competition on May 1st. Attending the eventfromViennawereover40 businessstudents,withover200 studentsinallinattendancefrom MassacCounty,Anna-Jonesboro, Century, Cobden, Goreville, Joppa,Egyptian,andMeridian. VHSbroughthometwoirst placetrophies:JenniferVerkeyin AccountingII,andJoshStafford in Web Page Design. Second place trophies were awarded to MaryJaneHackerinAccounting I, Sara Richardson in General Business, and RebeccaYandell inElectronicPresentation.Third place went to Aaron Odum in GeneralBusiness,JillClaytonin Business Professional, Christy Housewright in Desktop Publishing,MareshahBelcherinJob Interview,andAshleyBroomin ElectronicPresentation. Mareshah Belcher was also awardedtheprestigioushonorof OutstandingBusinessStudentof Ifyou’vepassedthroughthe VHS commons area in the past twoweeks,youmayhavenoticed thatitisunderconstruction.They havetakentheraftersandturned themintoacomplexrelaysystem connectedtothecommunications outputcentersofthehighschool. Workers have installed state-ofthe-art equipment programed to transmitelectronicpresentations, videorecordings,television,and Internetbroadcastsontoaprojectorscreen. Expensive?Yes,butthedevelopmentofsuchaprogramwas made possible through a State Technology Loan given to our any technology enhancing students’learningenvironments,and also benefiting the community andstaff,isavaluedassettoour school.Itisopenforusebyany student attending Vienna High, all staff and administrators, and anyone within the community. Wealsowereabletoupgradethe computersinthelab. “Webelievethatthestudents willbeneitthemostfrominstallingthissystem.Wealsothinkthat thecommunitywillputittogood use,”saidSuperintendentMarleis Trover. Mrs. Mizell, Malcolm Obourn, and Josh Stafford check out the new system in the Thesystemwasoficiallyup commons Business Skills Competition Winners First Row: Mrs. Clayton, Christy Housewright, Jill Clayton, and Rebecca Yandell. Second Row: Mareshah Belcher, Sara Richardson, Mary Jane Hacker, Ashley by Naarah Lindsay Broom, Josh Stafford, Jennifer Verkey (Not pictured Buisiness Teacher Angela school.Theschoolboardfeltthat May) TechnologyGrantatVHS SAM’S The Friendly Store that Saves You More Highway 45 North Vienna, IL Full Line of Feed and Farm Supplies -Lawn and Garden -Bulk Vegetables Seeds -Grass Seed -Straw -Bedding Plants -Fertilizer -Horse/Livestock and Specialty Feeds -Iams-Eukanuba- Nutro MaxCollars-Flea & Tick ProductsWormers- Pet Food Headquarters & Farm Supplies Monday thru Saturday: 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 P.M. Sunday: 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 P.M. Pet Foods: Dog, Cat, Wild Bird Seed, and Bird Feeders Anna- 833-4414 Vienna- 658-3021 News TheTalon Volume7,Issue6 Page22 May2001 EnvirothonTeamTakesFirstInTwoEventsAtStateCompetition On May 8th and 9th, Leslie Scarborough, Kacie Oliver, ChadColson,andMatthewHupe traveledtotheStateEnvirothon competition at Montecelo, Illinois. Sponsor Cindy Smith accompaniedthem,andwatched herteampreformwell. The VHS envirothon team competedagainsttheotherenvirothonteamsinthestate. “We were going to leave earlybeforetheawardsceremony becuasewethoughtthatwedidn’t place at all, but we decided to stay.Itturnsoutthatweplaced irstintwoevents!Iwassosurprized,andhadagreattime,”said KacieOliver. The team fromVienna High Schoolendeduptakingairstin twoofthecategories.Theywon in T-Shirt design and Wildlife. The shirts were designed by in cooperationofthewholeteamon acomputer,thenprintedoffonto an iron-on surface. The group didalltheworkthemselves,and itreallypaidoff! Althoughitwasn’tenoughto David Fairless, Leslie Scarborough,, Matt Hupe, Kacie Oliver, and Chad Colson GeneralStoreBuiltbyMr.Reichert’sAfterSchoolConstructionClass This “General Store” will be raffeled off at the Relay for Life in June Fortheirsttimeever,ShawneeCollege,incooperationwith VHS,establishedafreenightconstruction class worth four credit hoursforanypersonwishingto takeit.Theonlyrequirementsfor theclasswasthesacriiceofthree hours a night on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and a pair of safety glasses. The students were taught, throughRickReichert,thebasic skillsofbeginningconstruction. Theywereabletoputtheseskills tousebybuildingaplayhouse, the“GeneralStore,”whichwillbe rafledoffattheRelayForLifein June.Theplayhousetookaround nine weeks to complete, and is nowreadyfortherafle! MattHupeparticipatedinthe class.Whenaskedhowtheclass has beneited him, Senior Matt Hupeexplained,“Theclasswas anexcellentlearningexperience that aided to hone and develop skillsthatIamsuretouselater whenIbuildmyownhome.The “General Store” was a unique andbeneicialexperienceoftechniquesusedonmanyaspectsof buildingahousefromstarttoinish,althoughonasmallscale.” The Relay for Life is June Septic Work * Waterlines Plumbing * Hauling P.O. Box 35 Mike Donelson 996-3123 J.W.Reynolds Monument Company TOGETHER WORKS...FOR YOU. Phone: 618-658-2961 P.O. Box 665 Vienna, IL 658-2811 or 1-800-526-8180 HOSANews TheTalon Volume7,Issue6 Page23 May2001 Page by Naarah Lindsay and Shannon Bean *Special thanks to Jo Ellen Riechert for article information HOSA State Competition TheHealthOccupationsStudents ofAmerica recently held its23rdStateLeadershipConferenceinEfinghamApril4th-6th. Twenty-onestudentsfromVienna HighSchoolattendedtheconferenceandbroughthome12topten awards, including four 1st place winners.Over600studentsfrom over 30 school throughout the stateattendedtheconference,the largest number ever. Students competeinvarioushealthrelated categorieswhichincludeknowledgeandskillevents. TheHOSAScholarBowl event involved a first round writtenexamtestingknowledge in medical technology, parliamentary procedure, and facts regarding the HOSA organization.Fifty-fourteamstookthe irstroundtestandonlythetop eightteamsadvanced.Vienna’s twoteamswereamongthetop8 toadvancetothesecondround seeded4thand5ththushaving toplayeachother.Theteamof Cindy Mason, David Fairless, Deidra Baker, and Jill Clayton wentontotheinalroundwhere they defeated the number one seed,Mt.Vernon15to5capturingirstplace.Vienna’ssecond teamconsistedofStephaniPenrod,DesireeDuty,CrystalEaves, andChristyHousewrightplacing inthetopeight. Students in the CPR and FirstAidbegantheirirstround withawrittentestwherethetop twenty teams advanced to the scenariobasedonskillevent.The teamofAshleyHillandAmanda Threlkeldwon1stplaceandthe teamofJillClaytonandChristy Housewrightwereinthetopten. TheNursingAssistanteventbeganwithawrittentestwherethe toptwentystudentsadvancedto skills testing. Stephani Penrod placed1st andAly Steel placed inthetopteninNurseAssisting. Viennahashadthenumberone NurseAssistant in the state every year they have participated. RachelleGoddardwon1stplace in the Prepared Speaking, and BrandiPenrodwasatoptenwinner in that event. The students HOSA Medal Winners: Deidra Baker, Christy Housewright, Ashley Hill, Jill Clayton, Brandi Penrod, Aly Steele, Cindy Mason, Stephani Penrod, Rachelle Goddard, Amanday Threlkeld, David Fairless, Mrs. Reichert, and Shane Taylor HOSA Members: Christy Housewright, Jill Clayton, Ashley Hill, and Amanda Threlkeld HOSA Medalists: Deidra Baker, Jill Clayton, Cindy Mason, and David Fairless; Sponsor Mrs. Reichert HOSA Members: Jessica Marshall and Meagan Powell HOSA Members and Sponsor Jo Ellen Reichert HOSA Members: Christy Housewright, Jill Clayton, Amanda Threlkeld, and Ashley Hill; Sponsor Jo Ellen Reichert Harper Dahncke Pharmacy “Supporting the Future for Tomorrow” Your nearest FORD, LINCOLN, MERCURY dealer located on Rt. 146 in Vienna, IL Call us for all your automotive needs 658-7003 Mark J. Dahncke, RPH. 803 1/2 North First Street Vienna, IL 62995 618-658-3784 Hours: Mon.-Fri.: 8:30-5:30, Sat.: 9:00-1:00 Banterra 402-04 Court Street Phone: (618) 658-2011 P.O. Box 185 Fax: (618) 658-9038 Vienna, Illinois 62995