The Tower News -


The Tower News -
The Tower News
First United Methodist Church
111 East Michigan Avenue
Battle Creek, MI 49014
First United Methodist Church
The City Center Church
111 East Michigan Avenue,
Battle Creek, MI 49014
Address Service Requested
Volume 4 Issue 3 – June 2014
The vision of First United Methodist Church is to be a Vibrant,
Diverse, Christ-Centered People.
United Methodist Conversations & Connections
Your Church Staff
Ministers .................................................. All Members
Interim Lead Pastor ............................... David Morton
Interim Assistant Pastor .................... Marshall Murphy
Administrative Assistant ................ Jean Harvey-Clark
Music Director .................................... Wendy Wheeler
Custodian ...................................................Jeff Stevens
Organist .................................................... Kay Ensfield
Keyboards ............................................. Naghielly Agy
Child Care ................................. Hannah Houghtaling
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9 am to 5 pm
Closed for Lunch between 12-1 pm
Office is Closed on Fridays
Phone: 269.963.5567/ Fax: 269.963.6899
The TOWER News is published monthly.
Copy deadline is the 20th of the month. Please
electronically submit your information to:
Editor & Publisher: Jean Harvey-Clark
9:00 am Worship with Praise
11:00 am Traditional Worship
with Choir
ou are invited and strongly
encouraged to attend one of two
presentations about the United
Methodist Connections on Wednesday,
June 18, 2 pm at Christ United
Methodist in Urbandale or 7 pm at First
United Methodist. The sessions will be
same, so attend whichever is more
convenient for you.
At the May 2014 meeting, support was
given to a mission statement and talking
points called "The Case for a New
Beginning for United Methodists in
Greater Battle Creek." The delegates are
ready to share this statement and get input
from members of all the churches
regarding the direction the group is
Early meetings talked about where we are,
and the document talks about where we
want to go. The discussions of how to get
there will occur after there is general
agreement on the direction for the United
Methodist Connections.
This group of the seven United Methodist
churches within the Battle Creek city limits
has been meeting monthly since fall.
Outside the city, Sonoma UMC dropped
out when they decided to close and Convis
Union joined. Each church is represented
by two delegates elected by the Church
Council and their pastor, which for First
UMC is: Jim Davis, Carolyn Harvey and
Pastor David Morton.
Sojourners, Sunday, June 8, 6:00 pm,
Maple UMC, asking the questions-sharing
the journey. A group offering support for
patients and caregivers traveling the
uncharted highway through cancer.
Vacation Bible School - Weird Animals
Where Jesus Love Is One-of-a Kind
June 23-27: 9 am-noon at First UMC
July 7-11: 9 am-noon at Chapel Hill
See posters for details on both programs.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Birthday to You!
Beverly Sink
Bob Harvey
Linsey Wade
Mike Dawson
Jerry Mackey
Carolyn Harvey
John Briggs
Clair Peters
Denny Hunt
Alan Tolliver
Neil Tolliver
Margaret Brayne
06/11 Doris Phares
06/12 Kay Ensfield
06/14 Barbara Larsen
06/15 Allison Clark
06/15 Earl Wade II
06/21 Lilianna Robinson
06/22 Spencer Hunt
06/24 Julye Paulk
06/26 June Dufour
06/29 Brenda Howard
06/29 Melanie Davis
06/29 Dylan Moore
Everyone is invited to attend the 100th
Birthday Party for Margaret Brayne on
Tuesday, June 10th at 2:00 pm. It will be
held on the Sun Porch at the Oaks at
NorthPointe Woods,
706 North Avenue. She
would appreciate seeing
her long time FUMC
friends. She has been a
member here since
November 14, 1926. If
you would like to send a
card please send it to:
Margaret Brayne
The Oaks at NorthPointe Woods
706 North Avenue, #210
Battle Creek, Michigan 49017-3231
Jack & Jo Schils
David & Leona Leach
Jim & Bettye Mobley
Larry& Kathy Rizor
Our Albion District
Tamara Williams will be on
Renewal Leave from
June 15 - September 2, 2014.
The TOWER News is published monthly.
Copy deadline is the 20th of the month.
Please electronically submit your
information to:
Editor & Publisher: Jean Harvey-Clark,
Steve and Beth Raymond and their family will be flying into Fort Wayne on June
14. They will be driving a rental car to Battle Creek. They are hoping to borrow a
car until July 5 to save money. If you have a vehicle that they can borrow for
their Battle Creek visit please contact them on Facebook, 269.579.0754 or
269.579.0777, or
LRP Car Wash
The LRP Car Wash at The Haven is open for the
Summer on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from
8:00 am - 5:00 pm. The cost remains a very
affordable $5.00.
FUMC Arts In the City
Summer Lovin’
“Around and About
Fort Custer”
A new exhibit of paintings by
artist Jeanne Kruizenga
Fitzgerald will be on display in the
parlor through the months of May
and June. Jeanne explains that,
"The paintings in this exhibit have
been painted outdoors on
location around Battle Creek. I
hope that viewing these works
will cause the public to become
more aware of the beautiful
treasure we have in the Fort
Custer State Park area. Entering
the park is the beginning of a
magical experience."
Fundraising Cabaret
Benefitting Youth Music Ministries
Saturday, July 26, 2014
7:00 pm
First United Methodist Church
FUMC Arts In the City
Summer Youth Workshop
June Happenings at First Church
Church and Society information can be found at the bulletin board and the top of the steps.
Godspell Junior
August 22, 7pm at FUMC BC
August 23, 7pm TBD
August 24, 3pm at Christ UMC, Urbandale
Who: Youth ages 8 – 18 years
When: August 11- 22, 2014
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Where: First UMC BC
111 E. Michigan Ave., Battle Creek
For more info contact:
Wendy Wheeler, Director of Music or
269.963.5567, x102
An opportunity for our own Wendy Wheeler - From June 9-23, Wendy will be in India
working with Artists Striving To End Poverty (ASTEP). She will be working with Nick
Dalton in a program that uses the arts as a tool to empower young people with
creativity, knowledge, and a strong sense of self esteem. While there she will be
teaching music for an uplifting new musical written for the children of India to perform
nation-wide in November. If you would like to help Wendy with the traveling and
personal expenses involved to participate, you may put a check made out to FUMC in
the offering plate with Wendy in the memo line or donate to
Thank you for your consideration of this opportunity, Pastor Dave
9:00 am
11:00 am
9:00 am
Contemporary Worship
Cornerstone Worship
June 4 at the Peters’, 6:30 pm
Staff Meeting
7:00 pm
Prayer Time, Chapel
Book Group:
GIFT Group: Monday,
June 2: 6:00 pm, FUMC
June 16: 6:00 pm, FUMC
Martha Circle:
Off until Tuesday, September 9
Men’s Group:
Mondays, 6:00 pm
Finance Comm.
Service Team
Staff Parish
NO Church Council
Adventures Group:
06/04 6:30 pm
06/10 7:00 pm
06/11 4:00 pm
06/17 7:00 pm
Retreat will be
held in July
A special thank you to all who helped
make our recent "Tea At First United
Methodist Church" such a resounding
success. We made $425 which is going
toward the boiler/heating system and had
a wonderful time with friends from across
this community. Thanks for baking
goodies and for coming to the event and
bringing your friends.
Carol Barr, Kathy Thornton and
Diane Buckley
Partners in Prayer:
Monday, June 2: 7:00 pm
Cindy Leach’s
Monday, June 16: 7:00 pm
Carolyn Harvey’s
Thank you to my church family for
all your concern, your prayers, visits,
flowers, cards and words of
encouragement, during my recovery.
It all means more to me than my
words can express.
Betty Islam
Service Team Updates
The Service Team would like to thank everyone who was able to attend the Wesley
Woods Cabin Clean-up. We had a great day for the work. With the people from First
who attended, we were able to complete the clean-up by noon. Once again we were able
to finish in time for the lunch that the camp provided. It was very good as usual,
especially the home-made cookies.
First Church provided funding for a new door for the Walnut Cabin, a new blind for a
window, and a new window pane. When we left Walnut and Nurse’s Cabin both looked
like they were in tip top shape and ready to receive this year’s campers.
Thanks again to everyone who came. You are sooo appreciated!!
Board of Trustees Report
The Board of Trustees met On Wednesday, 7 May 2014.
Parsonage Prospects - Our new pastors in July will not need to live in the parsonage.
We might sell the parsonage and keep the proceeds in escrow. We might rent the
parsonage for taxable income.
The Trustees heard and received appraisal and rental information about the Parsonage.
Much discussion took place. Many questions were asked.
A decision will be made at the next meeting.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be Wednesday, 4 June 2014 at 6:30 P.M.
Wednesday Willing Workers
St. Thomas Breakfast Program
Everyone check your calendar. First Church has signed on to help with the
St. Thomas Breakfast Program for two weeks in July. We have the weeks of July 7th
and July 14th. The sign-up sheets will be at the Service Team table very soon and we are
counting on all of you to help out. It really is a lot of fun and you will meet some very
nice people who do so appreciated what you are doing.
This year will be doing it a little bit different. Each day we will need a minimum of
eight people. We will need two of those eight to report at 7:00 am and then the rest at
8:00 am. The two early birds will be getting started on the cooking and the rest will be
arriving to do the serving and cleaning up.
If you have any questions, stop by the Service Team table or talk to a Service Team
member. Just stop by and sign up!!!
The prayer bear program is going well however we are in
much need of more bears and would welcome any help, be it
donate a bear or cash to purchase more bears. If you have any
donations please stop by the service team tables. It is great to
see a bear leave our church in some ones loving arms knowing it
will be comforting a friend or family member. The bears can be a
word of encouragement, uplifting and healing. The service
team members add the cross and verse to each bear before the
bear takes a seat in the sanctuary to be hugged, loved and squeezed during our
Thanks for any help in the past, present and future of the prayer bear program.
Many have helped with projects that otherwise would not have been accomplished
including mowing the grass, cleaning the grounds, correcting electrical problems, and
fixing plumbing problems. Thank you to Jack Brown, Ed Henegar, Mary Jackson, Terry
Smith, and Ken Wade.
Summer Music Opportunities!
We are looking for talented musicians - singers and instrumentalists - to share their
gifts for God’s glory at Sunday morning worship. Dates are available in July and
August for our contemporary or traditional worship services.
Please see Wendy Wheeler, Director of Music for more information and sign-up.
Looking to try out the choir? Join us for Impromptu Choir this summer. We will
meet 45 minutes before traditional service to learn an easy anthem and introit.
NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! Come with an open heart and mouth to share
praise with our church family. Mark these dates in your calendar:
 July 13
 August 3
 August 24.
For more info, contact Wendy Wheeler at or
269.963.5567 x102.
Vacation Bible School 2014
June 23 - 27
9:00 am - 12:00 pm noon
A big Weird Animals greeting
from your friends at First United
Methodist Church! This year at
Vacation Bible School, kids will discover that Weird Animals is a habitat
fill with incredible Bible-learning experiences that kids see, hear, touch,
and even taste! Team-building games, Bible adventures, crazy crafts, and
tasty treats are just a few of the standout activities that help faith flow
into real life.
Take a walk with us on the wild side June 23-27 from 9:00am until
12:00pm. We offer a preschool for children who are potty trained
through prekindergarten. Children who have completed kindergarten
through fifth grade will be in a multi-age crew. Older children and adults
are welcome to volunteer to lead a crew or help with the many fun
activities offered during VBS.
For more information, call the church office at 963-5567 or Anne
Stagner at 963-5711. There will also be registration forms available in the
See you June 23 for a daily celebration of Jesus’ love that you won’t
want to miss!
In Christ’s love,
Your VBS team at First United Methodist Church
First United Methodist Church Budget Report
Summarized for Jan 1 through Mar 30, 2014 - 1st Quarter
25% of Year ● Deficit Budget of $1,176.00 for 2014
Account Category
Amount Budgeted YTD
Ahead or
Total Annual
% of Annual
Loose Plate Offerings
$1,701.00 -$1,110.00
Other Budgeted
2013 Carryover (Estimated)
Total Income
Account Category
Expenses Total Salaries
Actual Expenses
Amount Budget
Ahead or
Total Annual
% of Annual
Total Church Bldg
Total Parsonage
Total Ministry Shares
Total Office
Total - All Other Budgeted
Actual Income
Total Expenses
Pastor Marshall Murphy Jr.
Harmony with God!
Since the summer season is making its way into our midst, what things activate your
senses? Is it the smell of fresh cut flowers, cut grass, or the aromas of someone grilling
food outside? Have you heard children playing outside or maybe a rain shower? Maybe
seeing a smile on the face of someone brings a warm glow in your heart. In life we
experience a variety of emotional seasons. Sometimes it’s hard to capture a moment of
feeling happiness when we are surrounded by a plethora of concerns. The way some
people are living every second of each day in this world makes our souls cry out for
those enduring so much pain. What does harmony in life mean to you?
Sometimes, it’s hard to embrace the words of Scripture to find comfort, peace and
sanctuary. The book of Proverbs is acknowledged as wisdom literature. Although, the
words in Proverbs are insightful and reflective, where are the guidelines for one’s
personal life’s application? Harmony has the characteristics of unity, peace, balance and
agreement. Sometimes in life these characteristics are distant from any way shape or
form of harmony in certain situations. Proverbs 3 verses 5-6 5 Trust in the Lord with
all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. 6In all your ways acknowledge
him, and he will make straight your paths.
These two verses require actions and a deep willingness to perform several things.
Trusting in the Lord, giving 100% of your heart, and shielding yourself from yourself.
In other words not letting your personal thoughts alter or filter your lens in seeing what
the Lord is doing in various situations. This is a conundrum because people see things
based upon many factors. Many people’s thoughts are shaped and formulated from their
construction of personal experiences and context. However, these verses are
alluding to a pathway for living in harmony with God which is truly a remarkable
destination. Trusting in God, living as the children of God, and walking in the Light of
Christ is a dynamic reflection of our true identity. It is not an easy task sometimes to
“let go and let God” guide us in specific situations. But, faith is a catalyst to help lead us
when the vision is not clear. I pray for the people to continue running with a thirst and
enthusiasm for engaging a harmonious life in love with God.
Life Notes - from Pastor Dave
Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of
God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself,
taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human
form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death – even death on a
cross. Philippians 2:5-8
Compassionate Emptiness
Most days, my life is very full as are many of yours. With such full lives, how can we make
room for anything beyond the urgent, pressing demands of the moment? Unfortunately, many
things of critical importance will not demand our attention, such as spending quality time, in
sufficient quantities, with our children and our spouses. Spirit-building activities like spending
time with God in prayer, contemplating scripture, and immersing ourselves in silence, are
among the common casualties to a busy life. That which seems urgent will crowd out that
which is truly important, unless we are intentional about our priorities. We may not realize
what is of greatest value in our lives until we find ourselves in crisis.
Even when we make time for others, we are often so distracted that we are never
actually present with them. When our minds are occupied by reports to write, phone calls to
return, and the image we present to others, we are unable to fully attend to the emotional
needs of those most important to us. We may hear the words they say, yet never catch the
feelings behind the words. If my cup is already full, how do I make time for others? How do I
put myself in a position for God to speak to, or to influence me? To truly listen to another
means I am willing to be influenced, willing to allow my mind to be changed. If we cannot
sufficiently empty our minds to allow new ideas and insights to enter, we close ourselves off
from being influenced, improved, or blessed by others. At the same time, we deprive others of
the opportunity to be blessed by us.
I first experience the term Compassionate Emptiness while doing some reading on Servant
Leadership. The basic premise is that we must empty ourselves of all distractions, worries, and
thoughts in order to be fully attentive to, and to understand what is on the mind or heart of
another. That type of emptiness is compassionate because others desire and deserve our full
attention. In the context of our relationship to God, we must empty ourselves for God’s love
and compassion to enter us. Either way, emptiness is a prerequisite for compassion.
Come home to church this Sunday. Empty yourself and be filled!
Pastor Marshall Murphy Jr.
P.S. An opportunity for our own Wendy Wheeler - From June 9-23, Wendy will be in India
working with Artists Striving To End Poverty (ASTEP). She will be working with Nick Dalton in a
program that uses the arts as a tool to empower young people with creativity, knowledge, and
a strong sense of self esteem. While there she will be teaching music for an uplifting new
musical written for the children of India to perform nation-wide in November.