August 28, 2016 - St. Pius X of Fairfield
August 28, 2016 - St. Pius X of Fairfield
Page Two August 28, 2016 Requested by: Saturday, August 27 8:30 A.M. +Michael Anthony DeBartolomeo M. & M. Rosito 5:15 P.M. +Nancy Kleinknecht J. Kleinknecht Sunday, August 28 7:30 A.M. +Mary Leonard Piliero Family 9:00 A.M. +Robert Northcott N. Berarducci 10:30 A.M. +Sam Russo M. A. Russo 12:00 P.M. +Artie Massett J. & V. Giuffre Monday, August 29 8:30 A.M. +Ed O’Connor M. Stablein Tuesday, August 30 8:30 A.M. +Jim O’Brien D. & A. Curtin Wednesday, August 31 8:30 A.M. +Mary Teresa Gioiosa J. Rooney Thursday, September 1 8:30 A.M. +Margaret Haggar L. Riccio Friday, September 2 8:30 A.M. +All Souls Saturday, September 3 8:30 A.M. +Eileen Cahill B. & R. Sacco 5:15 P.M. +Donald Firmender Dr. & Mrs. Bird Sunday, September 4 7:30 A.M. +Carmen Oliveri Zwahlen Family 9:00 A.M. +Helen Gomula S. & B. Wright 10:30 A.M. Intentions of all Parishioners 12:00 P.M. +Gaetano Avitabile J. & R. Avitabile ST. PIUS X PRAYER LINE We must never underestimate the power of prayer! Petitions and thanksgivings may be emailed at any time to, or called in to Ann Cole, 203-362-5178, Mon. through Fri. (anytime). Feel free to leave a message. FOR YOUR MARRIAGE IS A WEBSITE… ( through the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops that offers information, help, inspiration and encouragement to couples who want to learn about marriage and deepen their commitment. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Earlier this year, St. Pius parishioners were invited to participate in a data collection effort utilizing the Disciple Maker Index (DMI). In addition to demographic characteristics, the DMI included items to measure various aspects of spiritual life and religious devotions. St. Pius parish had 175 responses (compared with an average weekly mass attendance of 1000). The purpose of this survey was to capture a snapshot of parish life. This data, in combination with parish sacramental trends and finances will allow us to identify areas of strength and areas for growth. This spring, members of the Pastoral Planning Team attended a diocesan workshop facilitated by staff from the Catholic Leadership Institute, which sponsors the DMI. After learning more about the index, the team was provided with the parish data as well as national and diocesan benchmarks for comparison. We have begun to examine the data and use it to inform our emerging parish goals. As these goals take shape, we plan to share the relevant findings from the DMI. Preliminary analysis identified current strengths in liturgy, our parish clergy, and preaching, such that 96% of parishioners surveyed indicated that they would recommend St. Pius X parish to a friend! The parish team will continue to analyze these outcomes based on different sub-groups of parishioners to ensure that we continue building a welcoming, vibrant, and nurturing community of discipleship for all. Our pastoral planning team consists of Brianna and Nick Conetta, Frank and Barbara Duffin, Paola Peña, Steve and Darcy Ronan, Ed Ross, and John and Susan Walker. Yours in Christ, Fr. Sam, and the St. Pius X Pastoral Planning Team St. Pius X Staff Terri Dawes – Parish Office Administrative Assistant, 203-255-6134 ext. 10; Kara Clegg – Director of Religious Education, Grades 1 - 5, 203-259-4800, ext. 200; John Donnelly – Business Manager, 203-255-6134, ext. 12, Kathleen Donnelly – Pastoral Assistant, 203-255-6134, ext. 13, Shari Garcia – Edge Middle School Youth Minister, 203-259-4800, ext. 201; Denise Heady – Coordinator Confirmation Preparation, 203-259-4800, ext. 202; Michael Lantowski – Music Director, 203-278-1389, Amy O’Donnell – Parish Office Assistant, 203-255-6134, Paola Peña – Life Teen Coordinator, 203-255-6134 ext 15; JP von Uffle – Life Teen Staff Assistant, Page Three The Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time The Chapel Altar Flowers this week are In Thanksgiving for Baby, Fiona Grace. - A Gift from Kathleen Malane. THE SANCTUARY LIGHTS IN THE MAIN CHURCH WILL BURN THIS WEEK In Loving Memory of all Deceased Parishioners of St. Pius X Parish. THE SANCTUARY LIGHTS IN THE MARY, MOTHER OF GOD CHAPEL WILL BURN THIS WEEK In Loving Memory of Patricia Calise Giannini. CONFESSION: ST. PIUS X IS A CENTER OF MERCY: Thursdays, in the Faith Center Chapel, until Nov.17, 2016, 7:00pm – 8:30pm; Confessions are also heard on Saturdays in the Church from 4:00pm – 4:45pm. WEEKLY PARISH COFFEE HOUR: OPEN INVITATION TO HOST A MASS! Weekly Parish Coffee Hour will begin on September 18 following the 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Masses. Please contact Tom Dolan to sign up to host a Mass (or two!) from September – June. Tom Dolan, 203-8959513 or CHAPEL ALTAR FLOWERS If you would like to make a memorial offering in the name of a loved one, or a special intention, please contact Terri Dawes at the Parish Office, 203-255-6134. MOMS OF SCHOOL AGED CHILDREN Topic: After Summer, let’s “Fall” back into healthy & mindful eating and make good fitness habits as well as our health a priority. Date: Wed., September 7, 9:30 am – 11:30am Faith Center Community Room. Organizer: Dawn Carpanzano RSVP: Guest Speakers: Heather Carey, M.S., Culinary Nutritionist and Jenn O’Hara, Fitness Expert CONGRATULATIONS! We welcome these newly baptized children into our Family of Faith: Lawson Fitzgerald Flynn, Owen Bruce Flynn, and Reid Adam Price. BANNS OF MARRIAGE II Isabel Argüelles-Recondo / Brian Goss II Elizabeth Lehmann / Franklin Hill LITTLE BY LITTLE – POPE FRANCIS In Intimacy with God and in listening to his Word, little by little we put aside our own way of thinking, which is most often dictated by our closures, by our prejudice, and by our ambitions, and we learn instead to ask the Lord: What is your desire? What is your will? What pleases you? (General Audience, May 7, 2014) ROSARY FOR PEACE AND AN END TO TERRORISM – 15TH ANNIVERSARY 9/11 All are invited to the chapel, on Friday, September 9 immediately following the 8:30 a.m. Mass. We will be praying a Rosary for the dual intention of Peace and an End to Terrorism. We will also remember in our prayers, those who died or were injured and their families, including all first responders. ANNUAL WOMEN’S RETREAT: HOLY FAMILY PASSIONIST RETREAT CENTER September 30-October 2! Our parish women are invited to absorb and reflect “The Light of Simplicity” – the annual themed weekend retreat at Holy Family Passionist Retreat House in West Hartford. For more information, contact the retreat center: 860521-0440 / or HEARTS RENEWED: A PROGRAM OF SUPPORT FOR SEPARATED & DIVORCED: SEPTEMBER 2 Our group is made up of men and women who are in different stages of separation and divorce. Your participation in HEARTS RENEWED will offer you emotional and practical support. At this time in your life, it is important to know that you are not alone! Bimonthly Meeting: First & Third Friday…7:30pm9:30pm: St. Pius X Religious Education Center – Portable Classroom - Facilitator: Bette Huckabee, 203-338-0503. For more information, contact Bette. All are welcome! Page Four August 28, 2016 Calendar of Events August 21st (Sunday) Life Teen 7-9pm (Meet in the Portable for BBQ Dinner – Hot Dogs and Burgers!) Fall Kick-Off: Life Teen Palooza Sunday, August 28th from 4-6:30pm St. Pius X Field Dinner, Extremely Messy Games, Prizes, Fellowship, and MORE!! We are in need of more adults and parents to help with our big Kick-Off next Sunday! If you are available and would like to help, please consider volunteering in the following areas: 3 more people to help with registration/sign-in 1-2 more people to help sell t-shirts 1 more person to help set up for games during the event Thank you for considering being part of ministry in this way! St. Pius X College Ministry This Tuesday, August 23rd, will be our last week! Join us for Dinner at Plan B in Fairfield at 6:30pm. Please email Paola to rsvp at TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Conduct your affairs with humility and God will favor you (Sirach 3:17-18, 20, 28-29). Psalm — God, in your goodness, you have made a home for the poor (Psalm 68). Second Reading — You have approached Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant (Hebrews 12:18-19, 22-24a). Gospel — When invited to dine, take the lowest place. Those who humble themselves will be exalted (Luke 14:1, 7-14). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Mon: 1 Cor 2:1-5; Ps 119:97-102; Mk 6:17-29 Tue: 1 Cor 2:10b-16; Ps 145:8-14; Lk 4:31-37 Wed: 1 Cor 3:1-9; Ps 33:12-15, 20-21; Lk 4:38-44 Thu: 1 Cor 3:18-23; Ps 24:1bc-4ab, 5-6; Lk 5:1-11 Fri: 1 Cor 4:1-5; Ps 37:3-6, 27-28, 39-40; Lk 5:33-39 Sat: 1 Cor 4:6b-15; Ps 145:17-21; Lk 6:1-5 Sun: Wis 9:13-18b; Ps 90:3-6, 12-17; Phlm 9-10, 12-17; Lk 14:25-33 ANNUAL PARISH RAFFLE Please consider picking up raffle tickets (packets are in the pews) at any Mass this weekend. We need to record who has taken tickets; therefore, we ask that you write your name and address (pencils are in the pews) on the yellow slip stapled to the envelope and return it before leaving church. Fill in the tear-off and place it in one of the raffle boxes located at each door. ST. PIUS X PARISH PICNIC SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER11, 2016 NEW THIS YEAR: TAKE-a-CHANCE RAFFLE Might you be able to provide a prize for our Take-aChance raffle? Gift cards, professional services, sports or entertainment memorabilia, gift baskets, tickets to events, round of golf, are always popular but any suitable gift will be much appreciated. Items may be dropped at the parish office, 203-255-6134. PLEASE SEE THE INSERT THIS WEEK FOR VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES. TAG SALE DONATIONS: IMPORTANT REMINDERS Once again the St. Pius Picnic will feature a giant Tag Sale. Thank you to the St. Pius community for your generous donations in the past that makes this event a success! Important reminders: - Donations will only be accepted on Fri., Sept. 9 from 9:30am until 2:30pm. Drop-off point - school APR (ramp – side door). We have limited storage so we cannot accept donations prior to, or after, Friday. - We appreciate your generous support but we ask that you only donate gently used goods so we don’t have to incur man hours and costs to dump items we cannot sell. We cannot accept the following: stuffed animals, bed linens and pillows, furniture, old computers and printers, space heaters, toasters, broken toys, clothing, cassette tapes and VHS tapes, and any items that are broken or have seen better days! Thank you for your cooperation. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION *****IMPORTANT REMINDER**** The registration period ended on June 30! We are currently accepting late registrations on a first come, first served basis until Aug. 31. If you forgot to bring in your registration, do so ASAP…we have very limited availability in all programs! Our office hours until the beginning of the Religious Ed year are Monday-Thursday from 10AM-3PM. ***Catechists/Core Team*** Have you ever felt called to share the Gospel with our youth? We are in need of catechists & Core Team members at every age level. All training, materials, and formation will be provided! Classes meet at a variety of times throughout the week, so there is likely a perfect time for you to join us! Please prayerfully consider becoming a part of this beautiful and important ministry. If you have any questions, please contact us by phone at 203-259-4800, or via email at Page Five August 28, 2016 STEWARDSHIP IS A WAY OF LIFE In the Gospel today, Jesus warns us not to give in hopes of repayment, but to give open-handedly to the poor and needy. That sort of giving mirrors the bountiful giving of God, and Jesus assures us it is blessed indeed! of Treasure Last Weekend’s Offering $13,025.00 Last Year’s 2015 Offering $11,999.00 Monthly Offering for Parish Support (Additional) $ 222.00 Parish Mission for Outreach (Additional) $ 202.00 Feast of the Assumption (Additional) $ 325.00 Thank you for your generosity! ST. PIUS X PARISH PICNIC: The Children's Prize Booth is in need of new items for our Parish Family Picnic. Below are just suggestions of prizes that could be donated: ● baby dolls ● barbies ● beach balls ● legos ● puzzles ● outdoor sidewalk chalk ● bubbles ● dinosaurs ● art kits ● board games ● beanie babies ● action heroes ● stuffed animals ● toy cars ● jewelry making kits ● play dough ● toy trucks ● paint sets ● learning toys ● wiffle ball/bat sets ● playground balls ● dress up costumes (princess, fireman, policeman) ● building blocks ● outdoor games Any and all donations would be greatly appreciated, and may be dropped off at the parish office. Thank you very much, Donna DeBartolomeo, Prize Booth Chair, 203-292-6698 SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 15-16, 2016 St. Pius X Church will be hosting a parish Retreat Workshop for Married Couples called “Living in Love” on October 1516, 2016. All married couples, whether you have been married 6 months or 60 years are invited to attend this remarkably insightful and energizing experience which will take place right in our own parish Faith Center. The time commitment is 8:00 am to 9:00 pm on Saturday and 8:00 am to 4:00 pm on Sunday. Mark your calendars now and plan to participate! For more information about time schedule, topics, and cost please visit:<>.You may register online or pick up a registration form in the parish office. For local information, please call Bob & Peg Ellwanger, (203) 331-5485, or email<>. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 All are welcome to enjoy companionship with each other and with crochet hooks and knitting needles. Come join this wonderful ministry on Saturday, September 10, for the purpose of creating prayer shawls for those who are ill, elderly, or in need in any way. We gather in the portable classroom on the 2nd Saturday of each month (September–June) in the Religious Education Center (Portable Classroom) from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Please call Ann Devine at 203366-4369 or email to if you or anyone you know of is in need of a beautiful and blessed prayer shawl that brings joy and comfort to each receiver. We also make scarves for the local poor. If you would like to donate knit or crochet scarves, we would gratefully accept them and can be dropped off at the Parish Office. MARK YOUR CALENDAR: SPONSORED BY ST PIUS X COUNCIL 16347 September 11, 2016 – Annual Parish Picnic 11am5pm – Yankee Candle Fundraiser Drive September 25, 2016 – Send off the motorcycles Riders for Veterans – from GE Commuter Parking Lot October 22, 2016 – First annual K of C Parish Family Pasta Supper – Community Room December, 2016 – Keep Christ in Christmas – Children’s Poster Contest January 21, 2017 – Youth Basketball Foul Shooting Contest – St Thomas’s Gym 9:00am March 18, 2017 – Annual Parish St. Patrick & St. Joseph Dinner Dance – Community Room Saint Pius X Knights of Columbus Council 16347 Yankee Candle Fundraiser This fall, your Saint Pius X Knights of Columbus Council is sponsoring a Yankee Candle Fundraiser to raise money to support their service projects at the church. Order forms will be available at the Church Picnic on September 11th, and at various church activities. You can also place orders online. Your purchases will be delivered directly to you by clicking on the link on our parish website, or by going to and entering Group Number 990100205 (If you use the link on the parish website, or the link in an email you may receive from the church or from a member of the Knights of Columbus, you do not have to input the Group Number required for the Council to get the credit). Please help us raise money to support our service projects at St. Pius X by purchasing your holiday candles and gifts from our Yankee Candle Fundraising Drive.
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prizes that could be donated:
● baby dolls ● barbies ● beach balls ● legos ● puzzles
● outdoor sidewalk chalk ● bubbles ● dinosaurs ● art kits
● board games ● beanie babies ● action heroes
● stuffe...