Selby Library Friends Newsletter - Friends of the Selby Public Library


Selby Library Friends Newsletter - Friends of the Selby Public Library
Selby Library
Friends Newsletter
You are cordially invited to The Friends special annual event
Book and Author Luncheon
Tuesday, March 21 at noon • Michael’s On East
Dr. Emanuel Tanay
Internationally known forensic psychiatrist and author
Dr. Tanay’s adventurous personal memoir, Passport to Life, tells of
life as a teenage boy in Poland and Hungary who survived the Holocaust. It is a gripping story, often described as “part Indiana Jones
and part Sigmund Freud.” Dr. Tanay is a superb speaker who will
keep you spellbound.
Dr. Tanay is clinical professor of psychiatry at the Medical School
at Wayne State University, Detroit. He is a well known forensic
psychiatrist who has testified in court cases involving Jack Ruby,
Ted Bundy, Sam Sheppard, and many others. He is a Distinguished
Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and the
American Psychiatric Association.
Michael’s On East at noon • Cash bar opens at 11:30 a.m.
Reservations available at the Friends Bookstore or Friends office.
For information or to reserve call 365-5228 or reply to the RSVP
form you received by mail.
$40 members ($20 tax deductible)
$50 non-members ($30 tax deductible)
Door Prizes: Proceeds benefit special library projects of The Friends
Chairperson: Charleen Sessions
Committee: Gerri Aaron, Pam Formato, Barbara Geldbart
Many are the ways…YOU can help.
Give a gift of membership in The Friends • Volunteer in our Bookstore
• Donate and buy good books in our Bookstore • Commemorate a
special occasion with a purchase of a new library book • Come and
enjoy the many special events at our library • And meet new friends!
2005-06 BOARD
The mission of Friends of
the Selby Public Library
is to support and coordinate with the library – and
the community – in the
development of services by
raising funds, providing
a volunteer base to assist
library staff and advocating the use and growth of
library resources.
Message From Our President
Dear Friends,
Hultquist created and mailed
a very clever invitation where
the cover child coincidentally
is named “Selby” and the material contains a colored picture
postcard of the library - our free
“gift” to the recipients. Did we
miss someone you know who
might be interested? Let us
know and we’ll send them a
We hope to see you at our
annual Book & Author luncheon on March 21 at Michael’s
On East. Please call or come by
The Friends office to make a reservation or return your acceptance of our mailed invitation,
if you have not already done
so. Charleen Sessions and
her committee have planned
Beth Bloechl
We are also so pleased that Alice
a delicious meal and an exciting
Baudner has become Administrative Coordiprogram featuring Emanuel Tanay, M.D.
nator of The Friends. There’s a story about
Read about Dr. Tanay in this Newsletter.
her in this Newsletter, and I can tell you that
Friends bookstore volunteers have been
she has made a very smooth transition and
busy with a weekend sidewalk book sale
a very good beginning. Stop by our office in
and keeping the store stocked with an interthe bookstore and meet her. Let’s also extend
esting array of inexpensive reading materials.
a warm welcome to Susan J. Keeton – our
Be sure to visit and find those special books
new treasurer. Our sincere appreciation to
you want to read. We welcome your donaGordon Balme for his many years of service
tions of “gently used” books to the store for
to the Board.
resale and appreciate your patronage and
The Annual Meeting will be at 4:00 p.m. on
Wednesday, April 26 in the Jack J. Geldbart
Our annual membership drive is underway.
Auditorium at the Selby Library. Please save
Please be sure to tell your friends and relatives
the date and plan to attend.
that we would welcome them as members.
Best wishes,
Additional invitations have been sent to
local residents who might be interested in
becoming Friends. Pam Formato and Kathy
Our Board of Directors is expanding…
Want to be a very special friend? Enjoy planning and policy making?
Like responsibility? Love the library? Have time and talents to share?
If the answer is YES…
Send your resume to:
Nominating Committee, Board of Directors
Friends of the Selby Public Library
P.O. Box 2255, Sarasota, FL 34230-2255
LIBRARY HOURS: MONDAY – THURSDAY – 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
FRIDAY–SATURDAY: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.• SUNDAY: 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
The Selby Library Aquarium
From The Desk Of
Our Head Librarian
Greetings One
and All!
I hope you’re having a
fabulous “season”.
The staff at Mote Marine Laboratory is
responsible for the maintenance of the
custom built tank in Selby Library.
Aquarium Facts
Volume: 3,200 Gallons of salt water.
Weight: 10,000 pounds (empty)
Dimensions: Arch-shaped structure,
four feet wide, 12 feet tall, 16 feet long.
Material: Four-inch thick acrylic walls.
Maintenance: Closets on either side of
the tank provide access to a stationary
platform, suspended above the aquarium. Three removable panels allow the
fish to be fed and the tank cleaned.
Mote Marine Aquarists perform the
maintenance five days per week.
Feeding: The fish are fed a variety of
shrimp, squid, silversides, vegetables,
seaweed and vitamins.
Fish: Mote Marine aquarists selected
over 20 types of tropical fish for their
beauty, unique appearance, and nature; descriptions may be found in a
notebook located at the youth desk.
Aquarium History
The Dee and Charles Stottlemyer Children’s Aquarium was installed at the
entrance to the Youth Library on July
8, 1999. The aquarium was designed
by architects Gary Hoyt and Jeff Hole,
with technical assistance from Kevin
Curlee, Mote Aquarium Curator. Approval for the project was granted by
the Sarasota County Commission,
dependent upon private funding. This
funding was subsequently provided by
Dee and Charles Stottlemyer, as a gift
to the children of Sarasota County.
Welcome Alice Baudner,
We are pleased to
with The Friends,
introduce Alice BaudAlice worked at
ner, our new adminSarasota Memoistrative coordinator,
rial Hospital,
who arrived at the
where she was a
start of the new year. In
twelve-time award
a short period of time
winner of the
Alice has mastered the
hospital’s creative
intricacies of our orgaideas program.
nization – maintaining
In 2003, she
our membership data
was also winner
base, assisting with
of a $3500 essay
the newsletter, preparaward contest
ing mailings, helping
from a local busiBookstore volunteers,
ness. When she
Alice Baudner
and much more. Her
has time, Alice enjoys
skills and background are impresmusic and is an accomplished
sive. Alice is originally from Conviolinist and pianist. She has been
necticut, and a graduate of the
a resident of Longboat Key since
University of Bridgeport.
1989. Let’s all welcome Alice to
Prior to accepting this position
our library community.
The Friends’ Annual Meeting is just
around the corner,
so I’d like to take a
Liz Nolan
moment to thank you
again for your ongoing support of the Selby
Library and tell you about some of the things
that you have so graciously supported.
The support that you provide to our children’s library is really tremendous. The positive impact that our children’s programs have
had within the community is evidence of
your dynamic leadership. From “Lap Sit” for
the littlest ones, to Pre-School Storytime, teen
programs, multi-cultural family programs,
and the inimitable Pig Summer program of
2005, you have made good on your commitment to our community’s children.
As always, The Friends provided generous
support for a number of new and longstanding adult services programs. We have
enjoyed enthusiastic crowds for Masters
and Masterpieces of Music, a weekly music
lecture forum by Dr. John Goodman, funded
in tandem with the Sarasota Music Archive;
a golf program with Jim Linkins; a day long
jazz program with Kenny Soderblom that
included sessions for adults and children;
Cine Selby, which is screened on the last
Tuesday of each month and features a classic
American or International film from Selby’s
extensive collection; author visits with
crowd favorites such as Tim Dorsey and Leslie Glass, etc. – that’s just a sampling.
Our fabulous urban neighborhood is blossoming, so we will continue to give special
attention to our collections and at the same
focus on offering sophisticated programs
which will bring folks in the door to enjoy
all of the resources and services offered by
the library and The Friends.
On behalf of the staff and patrons of the
Selby Public Library, please accept our
many thanks!
Our Appreciation for Special Gifts to The Friends
We received another $500 installment from Exxon Mobil
Foundation on behalf of Jane B. Baisley’s volunteer
efforts. Our sincere appreciation, Jane.
• Buy more books, computers and library materials
• Add new and innovative services to reach out to the
people with special needs
Two computers were recently donated to our Bookstore
by donors who wish to remain anonymous. Our sincere
thanks for their generous gifts that help us research
unusual books.
What You Will Get in Return
The Friends donated one thousand dollars to “Born to
Read” programs for Sarasota County Libraries early literacy programs.
We Need Your Support More Than Ever!
Although tax dollars assist the library system, we need
the help from other sources in order to continue our
work of helping people to read, learn and improve the
quality of their lives.
Libraries Change Lives in Many Positive Ways:
• Help adults learn to read.
• Introduce children to the joys of reading and lifelong
• Help students of all ages pursue their education
• Provide vital information for people looking for a job,
raising a family, investing for retirement or coping
with a serious illness.
Your Donation Will Allow Us To:
• Keep pace with changing technology
• Close the gap between computer “haves” and “have nots”
• Ensure a lasting legacy for yourself or a loved one
• The satisfaction of knowing you help promote literacy
BOOKS - A Lasting Tribute
Books honor the memory of loved ones and serve as
living tributes that continue their influence in the community. This is your opportunity to enrich the lives of
others while honoring a special person. Select a subject
area that best expresses the interests of the person you
wish to honor. The Sarasota County Librarians will be
glad to assist you.
Your gift items will include a commemorative bookplate
with the name of person honored and the individual or
family will be notified of your thoughtful gesture with a
letter from the library. In addition to books, other items
are available for tributes such as videos, cassettes, compact discs and magazine subscriptions.
This is a wonderful way to honor your club chairperson, to celebrate a birthday, or to congratulate a dear
friend on a special accomplishment. The average cost of
library materials is $25. This is suggested as a minimum
This donation is tax deductible.
Everyone Needs A Friend...
Won’t you be ours? Friends of the Selby Public Library invites you to join us. Contributions to The
Friends organization support the Selby Public Library by supplementing county and state resources.
Thanks to the infusion of Friends’ dollars, the Library is able to purchase additional books, provide exciting youth and adult programs and host volunteer appreciation events. The Friends Bookstore offers an
ever-changing variety of books which are donated for resale at reasonable prices. Members enjoy a 10%
discount on all Bookstore purchases.
The Friends is co-producer of the highly acclaimed Sarasota Reading Festival each fall. The Friends sponsors
the Book & Coffee series, a Book & Author Luncheon and other compelling events throughout the year.
The organization publishes this informative newsletter that members receive and a website is available for
access at
A free public library is the backbone of our community.
Your tax deductible membership is greatly appreciated.
News & Notes
Outdoor book sale: More than 1000 (almost new) books
were sold at discounted prices at our sidewalk book market
on Saturday, January 21. Our expanded Bookstore offers
great buys every day.
Woman’s Exchange Consignment Store: When you
donate items for sale at the Woman’s Exchange, 539 South
Orange Avenue – The Friends can benefit, too. Just mention our name and organization number #49004. We will
receive a portion of the sale proceeds. Call the Exchange
at 955-7859 for information.
The 2005 Reading Festival realized the record-breaking
sum of $55,000 shared between Selby Public Library and
the Cook Library at New College. Be sure to save the date
for our next festival – Saturday, November 4, 2006.
Requested: Does anyone own The Hunt for Red October? (first printing with a dust jacket). This would be quite
a find for our Bookstore.
Requested: Two volume set of The Oxford Encyclopedic
Dictionary in slip case with magnifying glass.
Requested: Antique books in good condition. Please
call Maxine Lambert, Volunteer Bookstore Manager, at 8611142 if you have information about these special items.
One lucky customer recently contacted us via email and
purchased a genealogy book that happened to be inscribed
on the title page by the author -- the customer’s ancestor.
Children’s news for March: More than 20 programs,
hundreds of books, and many hours of fun are free
during Mysterious March in our library’s children and
youth department. The mysteries will appeal to the reader,
the detective, the writer, the curious and the scientist in
children. Refreshments and supplies are provided by the
Friends. For more information: program schedules available at the library’s youth desk or phone 861-1130.
Our annual volunteer recognition award and appreciation luncheon takes place this year at Bird Key Yacht Club
on Thursday, April 6.
Storytelling & Crafts – Popular With Kids Of Every Age
Children’s librarian, Joanne Schultz (left) had an
appreciative group during the the library’s recent
storytelling festival reading, Mother Goose – a
program for all ages.
Sample schedule of other kid’s storytelling programs:
• Pre-school and toddlers (two groups) meet
Thursdays at 10:30.
• Elementary school children meet Wednesdays
at 7:00 p.m.
• Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. a bilingual group meets.
Please telephone children’s library at 861-1130
for further information.
Our Library Volunteers
Meet super Bookstore volunteer, Jim Kitchell...
...who unpacks and shelves our wonderful donations of books in the
“back room.” Thanks, Jim. Our appreciation, too, to volunteers Marla
Kip, Ellen O’Brien, Sally St. Clair and Noel Steinberg who also help sort
and shelve recent donations.
Meet Blanche Brown - volunteer coordinator
Blanche Brown joined our library community this year - you will
find her near the library’s circulation desk where she meets and greets
prospective volunteers Mondays through Thursday between 10:00
and 3:00. She moved here from New York and for the past five years
has called Sarasota her home. Blanche would be pleased to hear from
more Friends.
Blanche often interviews twenty prospective volunteers a week and
arranges monthly orientation meetings to meet library staff, learn about
procedures and the many volunteer opportunities available. She also
interviews prospective volunteers for our Bookstore. We are delighted
to be able to sponsor this position. Welcome to the library, Blanche.
Call Blanche at 861-1113 for an appointment and discover ways you
can help.
Meet Phyllis Stevens – five year library volunteer
Phyllis Stevens loves books – her five years as volunteer with the circulation department, attest to that. In addition to her weekly library service
at Selby Public Library, Phyllis is a board member of Sarasota Senior
Theater, Janet Guild of the Asolo Theater, where she also assists with
students attending performances. Her many activities include church
activities, too. The library is indeed fortunate to have a dedicated volunteer like Phyllis.
How To Donate Books
We want your used books!
Are gently read books piling up in your home or office? Instead of tossing them
away, please consider giving them to The Friends for resale in our bookstore. All
proceeds benefit Selby Public Library and its programs. If you can’t bring them in
yourself, The Friends can arrange to have a courier service pick up your cartons of
books. For more information, please call The Friends at 365-5228.
Newsletter published by
Friends of the Selby Public Library
Editor - Roselyn Sedlezky
Graphic Design - Irena Yardley
Administrative Coordinator
Alice Baudner
Welcome New and Renewal Members
Thanks to all new and renewing members (June 2005 - January 2006)
Mr. W. Robert Blust
Mrs. Anthony J. Dimino
Ms. Esther M. Mertz
Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Dee Stottlemyer
Best Friend
The Jelks Family Foundation
Mrs. Elaine Keating
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel & Phyllis Rubinovitz
Ms. Jean Shoemaker
Close Friend
Mr. John W. Bean
Ms. K. Nina Belott
Mr. Elmore H. Broadhurst
Mr. & Mrs. Marlow & Nancy Cook
Dr. & Mrs. Albert & Barbara Eisenstein
Mrs. Ruth T. Entrekin
Ms. Martha S. George
Mr. Jack L. Goldsmith
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred & Ann Goldstein
Mrs. Grace M. Goldstein
Mr. & Mrs. Julian & Arline Good
Mr. & Mrs. W. George & Virginia Gress
Mr. & Mrs. Watts & Barbara Humphrey
Mr. & Mrs. Sylvan & Doris Kaplan
Ms. Gertrude Kasle
Mrs. Lyn Kayser
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Vytas & Gerda Maceikonis
Mr. James & Phyllis McClellan
Mrs. Nathalie W. McCulloch
Dr. Helen T. Meyer
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin & Mary Ortiz
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore & Harriet Oxman
Mr. & Mrs. Earl & Betty Pollock
Ms. Rhoda Pritzker
Mr. Ernest F. Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Harris & Joyce Rubin
Ms. Dorothy M. Russell
Mrs. Roselyn Sedlezky
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Charleen Sessions
Mr. & Mrs. Murray & Rita Sidman
Ms. Jan Silberstein
Ms. Jane Towler Smiley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Elaine Stein
Mr. & Mrs. Anne & Adrian Swain
Mr. & Mrs. William &
Elizabeth Wildhack
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Joan Wilson
Good Friend
Mr. & Mrs. Martin & Catha Abrahams
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Rosalie Antrim
Mr. & Mrs. James & Susan Buck
Ms. Gloria A. Cohn
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold & Jean Dana
Mr. & Mrs. George & Patricia Edmonds
Mr. & Ms. Bernard Ehrlich &
Carol Kopelman
Mr. & Mrs. Mickey & Carole Fox
Ms. Barbara D. Frey
Ms. Patricia A. Haas
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Noelle Haft
Mr. & Mrs. James & Carol Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Michael &
Kathleen Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Elizabeth Holman
Ms. Catherine C. Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Hans & Mick Johnsson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Alison Jones, Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Marcia Judson
Dr. & Mrs. Irving Kammen
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur & Doris Kaplan
Mr. & Mrs. Wendel & Evelyn Kent
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth & Alice Klemmer
Mr. & Mrs. Trevor & Jennifer Lambert
Mr. & Mrs. Felix & Gloria Landrau
Ms. Eva B. Levi
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene & Gloria Levine
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel &
Elaine Lieberman
Ms. Virginia F. Linscott
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald & Joan Litzky
Mr. & Mrs. John J. & Jane Lyons
Ms. Jean K. Maguire
Mr. & Mrs. Philip & Doris McGuire
Mr. & Mrs. Larry & Lydia McIntire
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew & Margaret Mueller
Ms. Cela G. Newman
Mr. Franklin H. Pfeiffenberger
Mr. & Mrs. Akiva & Elaine Pipe
Mr. & Mrs. Alan &
Susan Brainerd Quinby
Mr. & Mrs. Coleman & Sylvia Raphael
Ms. Hannelore P. Rimlinger
Ms. Shirley A. Ritchey
Mr. & Mrs. Albert & Ida Rosenblum
Mr. & Mrs. Stanford & Rona Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Norma Schatz
Mr. & Mrs. Ursula & Herbert Schiff Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen &
Nancy Schlossberg
Mr. Jerry T. Schneider
Mrs. Rita Schwartz
Dr. & Mrs. Laurie Smith &
Gerald Shaikun
Mrs. Nancy K. Shepard
Ms. Muriel Shindler
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel & Jane Skogstad
Mr. & Mrs. Norman & Judith Sommers
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Emily Spurgeon
Mr. Noel Steinberg
Mr. Morton Stovroff
Mr. Martin Tucker
Mrs. Margaret L. Ward
Ms. Margot Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. John & Trudy Whitney
Mr. & Mrs. John & Barbara Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Norman & Darlene Yost
Zoller Associates Architects &
Interior Designers
Ms. Edith G. Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Olav & Carol Andersen
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard & Ann Bases
Mr. Alexander Bass
Mrs. Rhoda Beningson
Mr. & Mrs. Eben & Marjorie Blackett
Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Audrey Bolton
Dr. Mary Ann Bowman
Mr. & Mrs. Chester & Ruth Brinn
Ms. Jeanne H. Brown
Ms. Sylvia Burdine
Ms. Judi Carmody
Mr. & Mrs. Arlene & John Caruso
Ms. Mall Chaney
Ms. Diane Craig Chechik
Ms. Pauline K. Christian
Ms. Janet R. Clark
Ms. Trudy M. Clemence
Ms. Laurel R. Cohen
Mr. Bruce Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Kingman &
Charlotte Crosby
Mr. & Mrs. Donald & Lynne Crowley
Ms. Margaret Cummer
Mr. & Mrs. Philip & Myra Dasher
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight & Esther Davis
Ms. Beverley I. Dennis
Ms. Gene Dennison
Mr. & Mrs. Neil & Jeanette Devore
Mrs. Miriam S. Edlin
Ms. Ruth K. Engman
Ms. Dallas Ernst
Mr. & Mrs. Alex & Toby Etkin
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert & Lillian Falk
Mr. & Mrs. Donald & Glenna Friday
Mr. & Mrs. Millard & Barbara Grauer
Mr. & Mrs. Eric & Miriam Greenberg
Mr. & Mrs. James & Sue Greer
Ms. Lorraine Greyson
Mrs. Mabel L. Guylee
Ms. Laura D. Hansen
Mrs. Ruth E. Herrman
Mrs. Winifred H. Hodgson
Ms. Jane W. Hopkins
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert & Doris Kanter
Mr. & Mrs. Donald & Nancy Kopf
Mr. & Mrs. Christian &
Jacqueline Lafaurie
Mr. & Mrs. Irwin & Mina Leibowitz
Ms. Shirley G. Levine
Dr. Elias Levinson
Dr. & Mrs. Hyman & Claire Love
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur & Judith Marks
Ms. Virginia McAlinden
Mr. & Mrs. George & Rae McBride
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Connie McDevitt
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard & Pauline Michaels
Ms. Lois R. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Eric & Ilse Moon
Mrs. Laura Munitz
Ms. Therese Anne Murphy
Mr. Leonard V. Petersen
Ms. Liane R. Piehl
Mr. & Mrs. Dean & Dorothy Pratt
Ms. Bettina M. Randall
Mrs. Elaine Y. Rieser
Mr. & Mrs. Carl & Janet Romano
Dr. & Mrs. Alfred & Mary Rosi
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald & Vivian Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg & Ethel Royer
Ms. Anne M. Ruth
Ms. Elsie W. Salmi
Ms. Beverly Schmahl
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene & Bernice Schwartz
Mrs. Ulla R. Searing
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Susan Sheehan
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon & Nancy Shonka
Ms. Shannon H. Staub
Ms. Phyllis J. Stevens
Ms. Elisabeth Stevens
Mrs. Laura L. Stuart
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis & Melliss Swenson
Dr. & Mrs. Kutay & Rebecca Taysi
Ms. Mary Elaine Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Allen & Joan Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander &
Lois Thompson, III
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Frances Tilley
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas &
Kathleen Tucker
Mr. William Voigtlander
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis &
Elizabeth Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Frederic & Lucille Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Lamar & Joanne Watson
Ms. Joyce B. Welch
Ms. Helene Yamanis
Mr. & Mrs. Frank &
Anita Zimmerman
Become a Friend of the
Selby Public Library
TO $7.00
Our very own
a d ve n t u r e ,
U p t o w n
created by
volunteers has been reduced
to $7.00 for quick sale. A
generous grant from Whole
Foods helped make it possible
for us to produce this colorful hardcover book. Try our
recipes and enjoy new taste
treats. Uptown Appetite is now
available in our bookstore or
by mail. It’s a terrific gift, too.
Call 365-5228 to order copies
or come into the bookstore
(always great book bargains
there too).
(A non-profit tax-exempt organization)
■ FRIEND.................................................................................... $20-49
■ GOOD FRIEND......................................................................... $50-99
■ CLOSE FRIEND......................................................................... $100-249
■ BEST FRIEND.........................................................................$250-499
■ PATRON.................................................................................. $500-999
■ BENEFACTOR ......................................................................................... $1000+
CREDIT CARD NO. _________________________________________________________
EXPIRATION DATE ________________________________________________________
PRINT NAME ______________________________________________________________
SIGNATURE _______________________________________________________________
DATE ______________________________________________________________________
CITY ______________________________________________________________________
STATE ____________________________ ZIP____________________________________
PHONE ____________________________________________________________________
Make check payable to: FSPL (Friends of the Selby Public Library)
P.O. Box 2255, Sarasota, FL 34230-2255
2006 Spring “Books & Coffee”
Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. • Selby Public Library • Jack J. Geldbart Auditorium
Cine Selby 2006
March 14
The Good Soldier, by Ford Madox Ford
“Appearances and Truth Juxtaposed in Dark Comedy”
Reviewed by Dr. Martin Tucker, editor, Professor
emeritus, Long Island University.
Winter/Spring Foreign Film Series
Join us at the movies in the Geldbart Auditorium,
last Tuesday of the month. Shows start at 6:00 p.m.
April 4 (Please note change in program)
The World is Flat, by Thomas Friedman.
“electronic technology promotes globalization.”
Reviewed by Robert Sessions, former manufacturing
executive General Electric Corporation.
2006 Book & Author Luncheon
March 21
Featured speaker: Dr. Emanuel Tanay, author of Passport to Life, Autobiographical Reflections on the Holocaust.
For more information, see front cover.
Committee Chair: Charleen Sessions
Contact: Alice Baudner • Phone: 365-5228
For tickets e-mail:
March 28
Belle Epoque (Spain, 1992)
Directed by Fernando Trueba (R)
An army deserter and a farmer’s four beautiful daughters
make for a romantic comedy set in Spain in 1931.
April 25
The Cuckoo (Russia/Finland, 2002)
Directed by Alexander Rogozhkin (PG13)
A Finnish sniper, a Lapp reindeer farmer’s widow and a
Russian soldier form a comic/tragic relationship as the war
ends in September 1944.
May 30
Monsieur Ibrahim (France, 2003)
Directed by Francois Dupeyeron (R)
An elderly Turkish Muslim grocer befriends a lonely teenage
Jewish boy in a working class section of Paris in the 1960s.
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