The Perth Voice West
The Perth Voice West
The Perth TV ANTENNAS ELECTRICIAN Voice TV MOUNTING Perth & City Suburbs y QUOTE No 802 Saturday October 26, 2013 • Phone 9430 7727 • • Kids in the pink BUDDING ateliers at Mt Hawthorn primary school have been making their own jewellery to raise money for breast cancer awareness month. So far they’ve been selling their bracelets, hair braids and clips at pop up stands before and after y EC 009715 9273 4014 school. Mia Cahill says at their first pop up they raised $35 for the cause and that encouraged them to keep going. They’re now working hard to have lots of pieces ready to sell at the breast cancer network stall at the Mt Hawthorn community fair November 9, 1–7pm. John Carey: Mr 87% • See story page 2 • Mia Cahill, Chloe and Mia Dennis and Erin Pond are looking forward to raising money for breast cancer awareness month at the Mt Hawthorn community fair next month. Photo by Jeremy Dixon Vincent votes to stay alive by DAVID BELL VINCENT voters are overwhelmingly opposed to the abolition of their city. In a plebiscite run alongside last weekend’s council elections, a whopping 77 per cent (4564) answered “no” to the question “do you agree the City of Vincent should be abolished”. The landslide vote is a slap in the face to premier Colin Barnett’s plan to make Vincent disappear. If the city is to be abolished, 90 per cent prefer amalgamation with Perth, with just 10 per cent voting for a division of the city between Perth and Stirling, the option first mooted by WA local government minister Tony Simpson. There are 21,102 eligible electors in Vincent but just 30 per cent bothered to vote. New mayor John Carey says ballots were issued late, which may have affected the response. WHAT’S ON IN VINCENT SAFETY MONTH We’re targeting graffiti Throughout October, free anti-graffiti packs are available to residents and ratepayers - to encourage community support and participation in graffiti removal and prevention. Pop in, say hello and get yours – while stocks last! Remember, you can report graffiti to us anytime; call us or search ‘graffiti’ on our website for more. To keep track of our rich ‘street art’ spaces, a registry of legal murals within the City of Vincent now exists. If you’d like to register a mural, create a mural, or have a blank wall that you would like to see an artwork on, please contact Arts team – or feel free to search ‘mural gallery’ on our website to view work by Vincent’s talented artists! Remember, for all things ‘art’ in Vincent, subscribe to the Vincent Arts e-news via our website. WE’RE ON FACEBOOK “I will be asking the council that we write to the WA electoral commission because I was strongly disappointed with how late the ballots got out,” he told the Voice. “From my reading of it we were one of the last councils [to get ballots out].” » He says the ballots were also complex and some of Vincent’s older residents who speak English as a second language had trouble with the forms. Others have said the fact there was both a state and federal election in 2013 had contributed to voter fatigue. E-NEWSLETTERS » visit our website to sign-up RESEARCHING THE HISTORY OF YOUR HOUSE » Saturday 2 November Wow… get in early for this– there’s a limit of 30 properties, as plans will be accessed (for free) at the workshop! Presented by Kris Bizzaca (Historian) with the City’s Local History and Heritage gurus, we’ll introduce you to the various resources available followed by hands-on assistance in using some of them. To book call 9273 6534 or 9273 6069 – or visit the Library website for more. OVER 55’S ARTHRITIS STEP OUT PROGRAMME Take a Step Out in Vincent with INFO SESSION a range of free walks, talks and All seniors are welcome to attend – Wednesday 30 October, 10am, here at the City’s Admin Centre. Arthritis is a leading chronic illness; this free presentation provides practical advice for both people caring for and those living with arthritis. Please contact Community Development on 9273 6564 for details. activities encouraging you to enjoy the heritage, history and natural beauty that Vincent has to offer. There are 9 different walks and 2 cycling tours until December – search ‘Step Out’ on our website or call 9273 6557 for details. CITY OF VINCENT ADMINISTRATION & CIVIC CENTRE 244 Vincent Street, Leederville T: 9273 6000 F: 9273 6099 E: New Stirling mayor by DAVID BELL GIOVANNI ITALIANO is the new mayor of Stirling after being elected unopposed by his fellow councillors on Tuesday night. JOIN THE TRAIL IN VINCENT! You can hold (and register) your own garage sale, or explore the range of sales on offer in Vincent. Australia’s largest community event promoting sustainability, creativity and fun. Just some of the sales registered in Vincent: s¬¬3CARBOROUGH¬"EACH¬2OAD¬-T¬(AWTHORN¬AMPM s¬¬#OOGEE¬3TREET¬-T¬(AWTHORN¬AMPM s¬¬$UNEDIN¬3TREET¬-T¬(AWTHORN¬AMPM s¬¬#OOGEE¬3TREET¬-T¬(AWTHORN¬AMPM s¬¬!UCKLAND¬3TREET¬.ORTH¬0ERTH¬AMPM s¬¬%TON¬3TREET¬.ORTH¬0ERTH¬AMPM s¬¬,OFTUS¬3TREET¬.ORTH¬0ERTH¬AMPM s¬¬"OURKE¬3TREET¬.ORTH¬0ERTH¬AMPM s¬¬4HOMPSON¬3TREET¬.ORTH¬0ERTH¬AMPM s¬¬$EAGUE¬#OURT¬.ORTH¬0ERTH¬AMPM s¬¬2ICHMOND¬3TREET¬.ORTH¬0ERTH¬AMPM s¬¬"OUVERIE¬0LACE¬,EEDERVILLE¬AMPM » See our website for more sales! &OR¬FULL¬DETAILS w¬3EARCH¬@GARAGE¬SALE¬ON¬OUR¬WEBSITE w¬@,IKE¬THE¬#ITYS¬&ACEBOOK¬PAGE w¬#ALL¬OUR¬7ASTE¬-ANAGEMENT¬TEAM¬ON¬¬ The former deputy mayor says he’ll continue the “Stay in Stirling” campaign led by predecessor David Boothman, who was re-elected unopposed to Balga ward but decided not to recontest the top job. Cr Italiano says his first order of business will be to seek an urgent meeting with WA local government minister Tony Simpson “to ensure he understands the council’s resolve in this regard”. “We cannot sit by and see parts of our council carved up to the detriment of all our ratepayers.” In other ward news, Cr Terry Tyzack—another former mayor—was re-elected unopposed to Inglewood while veteran Lawley ward Cr Rod Willox brushed off a challenge from fellow Liberal party • New Stirling mayor Giovanni (Joe) Italiano • Former mayor David Boothman—re-elected to his ward unopposed member Ray Wills and Zlatko Petrovski, re-elected with 51.34 per cent of the vote (2302 votes to 1267 and 915, respectively). Cr David Michael—tipped as a future state Labor MP— stormed back into Osborne ward with 81 per cent (3634 votes), slaughtering JP Shah (858 votes) while Cr Elizabeth Re shrugged off her job woes, taking back Doubleview ward with 63.48 per cent (3376 votes) to Wayne Monks’ 1942. In hotly contested Hamersley ward, Andrew Guilfoyle beat off six rivals—including two former councillors—to win with 34 per cent (1310 votes) while in Coastal ward Karen Caddy belted four challengers to storm in with 41.73 per cent (1967 WWW.VINCENT.WA.GOV.AU HYDROBATH & BLOWDRY SERVICE AVAILABLE • Emma Cole by DAVID BELL IT was a nail-biter for the Vincent mayoralty last weekend, with John Carey scraping in with just 87.12 per cent of the vote (2765 votes). Cough, cough. 3kg bag Assorted As A ssso ort rted d Dogue g Collars 20% off g eddpeicianls AllxcB luding S Buy 3 or More and get 20% off! Feline Greenies 85g E Dog Greenies Defeated Angelo Merlacco (381 votes) was magnaminous and gutsy, saying Mr Carey had done a good job as a councillor and would make a great mayor. A protege of former mayor now federal Labor MP Alannah MacTiernan, the new mayor credited his stunning result to old-fashioned doorknocking and on-the-ground campaigning: “I really wanted to put myself A SCHOOL BY CHOICE - NOT BY CHANCE! An independent school for Age 3 to Year 12 NEW! Nutro Sensitive skin & Weight Management 13kg +15kg bags Buy an assortment of 12 All items available while stocks hil ille es st toc ocks ck ks s llast a WA Family Owned Business Since 1965 WHOLESALE RETAIL OF QUALITY PET FOODS AND ACCESSORIES • FRIENDLY SERVICE AND GREAT ADVICE Ample parking & entry through back 9242 3066 - Fax Orders CLOSED SUNDAY 414 Oxford Street, Mt Hawthorn OPEN MON-THURS 8.30AM-6PM • FRI 8.30AM-5.30PM • SAT 8AM-5PM Page 2 - The Perth Voice, Saturday October 26, 2013 I’ve won heaps! “What do Google, Amazon, The Sims and Wikipedia have in common? Their founders had Montessori Educations! $20 off NEW! Eukanuba k b Cans 9444 1220 • Matt Buckels elected with a whopping 254vote margin. Cr Matt Buckels, seeking reelection, looked nervous early on but he went on to comfortably win the second ward seat on offer (1036 votes). In south ward Cr Josh Topelberg (1391 votes) was re-elected to the top spot while Mr Carey’s running mate Laine McDonald (1226 votes) took the second south ward seat. Cr Topelberg says Mr Carey’s vote and the return of himself and Cr Buckels shows people are generally satisfied with the council’s direction. Australian Communist Party president Vinnie Molina garnered 246 votes in south before the voters so they could examine what I stood for,. “We’re at a pivotal time for Vincent with the threat of amalgamation,” Mr Carey says. “I want a strong council that’s responsive to the needs of the community. “I’m really looking forward to the next two years despite what looms, and it’s onwards and upwards.” In north ward newcomer Emma Cole pulled in 1290 votes, outpolling every other candidate: She’d run on a platform of improving community consultation and had the backing of Ms MacTiernan and the Mt Hawthorn primary school community. She was 340g 20% off • Laine McDonald Cole tops poll $5 off IAMS Cat Food 20% off • Josh Topelberg Montessori is scientifically proven and has produced some of this century’s big thinkers! No wonder Perth parents are catching on… choosing Perth Montessori for their children. Perth Montessori it’s “Learning for Life”! OPEN MORNING - Term 4 BLACKJACK Saturday 16 November 2013 - 9am start Bookings Essential (childcare available) 150 Burswood Road, Burswood Email: or Phone: (08) 9362 3186 BL CK ACKJA ALSO AVAILABLE ON THE iPAD SIGN UP DEPOSIT WITHDRAW L BET NOW GET YOUR KIDS EARNING TODAY! Albert reigns in Baysy by DAVID BELL SYLVAN ALBERT is Bayswater’s new mayor, sweeping aside Terry Kenyon seven votes to four. Cr Albert—the Liberals’ candidate for Maylands at the state election—was elevated to the position by the new council following last weekend’s ward elections that saw two incumbent councillors defeated. To rub salt into Cr Kenyon’s wounds, his long-time nemesis Cr Mike Sabatino was elected deputy mayor. Earlier, Cr Kenyon had clung onto his west ward seat with just 0.5 per cent the difference between taking one of two seats on offer. He scored 27.64 per cent (1505 votes) to cling to the IN OUT • Sylvan Albert • Terry Kenyon ward’s top spot with newcomer Stephanie Coates coming in nine votes and a fraction of a per cent behind to claim the second seat. Cr Marlene Robinson could only watch in dismay with her 1478 votes—just 27 votes behind Cr Kenyon—not enough for reelection. In north ward, Michelle Sutherland—married to Mt Lawley Liberal MP Michael— topped the poll with 1268 votes. With 1007 votes Cr Alan Radford bumped out Mark Whitehouse by four votes to claim the ward’s second seat, ending Graham Pittaway’s career (949 votes). In south ward local cafe owner John Rifici scored 52.02 per cent (1044 votes) to claim the one spot on offer. Bayswater residents’ association Tony Green says “it’s really a new era” for the council, with what he believes is a breakdown of deep-seated factional divides. “We’ve had some of the long-term servers like Marlene Robinson and Graham Pittaway gone and replaced with young professional people,” he told the Voice. “We’re hoping for a more dynamic council. I’m quite pleased with the mix. You’ve got the old bulls and the young bulls. There’ll be times when they go My best wishes to all the Year 12 students for their final exams and future endeavours. Thank you to teachers and families for their support. Michael Sutherland Your State Member for Mount Lawley Phone. 9473 0800 Click go the stiles boys click, click, click by BRENDAN FOSTER DURING the heady days of WA cricket in the 1970s the melodic click of the wroughtiron turnstiles would echo throughout the WACA as fans streamed into the ground. With the advent of automative ticketing in the ‘80s, the century-old turnstiles were silenced as the gates were ripped up and shoved into storage. Now cricket nuts can have that magical feeling of cranking through the Victorian-style gates again, with eight of the turnstiles built between 1890 and 1920 returning to the members’ entrance. Heritage ironwork specialist Brad Jackson was given the task of reviving the rusted-out ba e gates which will be up and running for the WA vs England game on October 31. “I was a bit shocked by the condition they were in,” he told the Voice. “Anything steel had just corroded. It was a bit intimidating at first, especially when you looked at the lock boxes because they were just full of dirt. They were covered in about three inches of filth because they hadn’t been touched in 30 years.” “Four were cast by the Ledger Family Foundry, which was run by Heath Ledger’s grandfather,” the Fremantle blacksmith, one • Blacksmith Brad Jackson gives a once-over to restored turnstiles that are returning to their pride of place at the WACA. Photo MLA WESTERN AUSTRALIA Authentic Italian Food Warm Service Call 9335 3664 TO BOOK Dine where the locals eat by Jeremy Dixon Lunch: Wed - Fri 11.30am to 2.30pm Dinner: Tues - Sun 5pm to late Villa Roma Restaurant | 9 High Street, Fremantle Taste of Spring The of just two left in WA, says. “And another two were cast in England and are from the same series that appear in the Dublin Botanical Gardens.” He describes the craftsmanship as outstanding: “Aesthetically it’s a beautiful thing,” he says, running his hand over a recently-painted gate. “It’s a utilitarian piece that served a function, but it is beautifully designed and really well-made. Anything cast iron you would have to have a pattern-maker carve out first in wood perfectly. “With the Ledger one, someone was there with a chisel carving all that out to make a pattern that went to the foundry. “There would have been a month’s work just in that pattern for that one casting. “There is an awful a lot of work in that one design.” WACA Museum curator Stephen Hall says the turnstiles are an important part of the history of the ground. “The idea was to let people today reengage with them,” Enjoy our new 5 course French Provençal menu for just $59.50 excludes dinner Friday and Saturday or choose from our á la carte menu at any time BYO wines Tues to Thurs Lunch – Wed to Fri | Dinner – Tue to Sat Book now on 9386 5886 · 131 Stirling Highway, Nedlands · QUOTE FREE EVENT City of Vincent presents Great Gardens Workshop LOCATION DATE & TIME Leederville Thursday 244 Vincent Street Leederville 6:00pm–9:00pm Function Room, City of Vincent Administration and Civic Centre 7th November Book early & don’t miss out! For more information or to register online visit SCAN Perth & City Suburbs TV ANTENNAS ELECTRICIAN Digital TV Points LAN & Networking Satellite TV Points Telephone & Data MATV & Digital TV TV Tuning & Fix Smoke Alarms & Rcds - LED Lights Theatre & Audio Fans - Exhausts - Security - Faults Projectors & Hdmi TV MOUNTING or phone our hotline on 1300 884 764 Proudly oudly supported by: 9273 4014 SAME DAY SERVICE - SMS QUOTE FAST ONLINE QUOTE 0415 966 469 10yr Warranty - Sen Discounts EC 009715 The Perth Voice, Saturday October 26, 2013 - Page 3 voice Ageing great FREE PARLIAMENT HOUSE TOURS The Parliament of Western Australia conducts free-of-charge tours for the public every Monday and Thursday at 10.30am (except Public Holidays). One hour tour. Main entrance. No booking required Public also welcome to view the Assembly and Council when sitting. Access via South and North entrances. For all group bookings call 9222 7259 Public Notice of Special Council Meeting I have pleasure in advising that a Special Meeting of the City of Bayswater Council will take place for: • Appointment of Councillors to various Committees. Date: Tuesday, 29 October 2013 7:00pm - Special Meeting of Council. Place: Council Chambers, City of Bayswater Civic Centre, 61 Broun Avenue, Morley. The Agenda for this meeting will be available for viewing at the City's libraries, and on the City's website at Francesca Lefante Chief Executive Officer City of Bayswater The Garden City - Quality Lifestyle You’re reading your free, independent Perth Voice. 2013 AUSTRALIA DAY AWARDS Tell us who makes Vincent a better place nominate an active citizen! The City of Vincent invites you to nominate an outstanding individual or group for one of this year's Premier's Australia Day Active Citizenship Awards which foster, recognise and celebrate significant contributions to community life and active citizenship. The three award categories include: • Premier's Australia Day Active Citizenship Award • Premier's Australia Day Active Citizenship Award - for a person under 25 years • Premier's Australia Day Active Citizenship Award - for a community group or event. Vincent Active Citizen Awards In conjunction with the Premier's Australia Day Active Citizenship Awards above, the City of Vincent is opening nominations for its own Active Citizen Awards. These awards aim to publicly recognise and award Vincent residents who go above and beyond their civic duties to contribute to the community in a constructive and positive way. All of the awards above will be presented as part of the City of Vincent's annual Australia Day celebrations on 26 January 2013. For more information and nomination forms, just search 'active citizenship' on our website, or contact Erika Everitt here at the City, on 9273 6030. JOHN GIORGI, JP CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER WWW.VINCENT.WA.GOV.AU Page 4 - The Perth Voice, Saturday October 26, 2013 SIGNS of our attaining great age: Our children forget us. Our friends all die. Our sex drive vanishes Lack of space prevents listing more benefits. Ron Willis First Ave, Mt Lawley Leave us alone! I AGREE entirely with Marie Slyth (Voice Mail, October 19, 2013). Vincent council operates e cently and offers great service to its residents. It has some fantastic cash cows coming up for maturity such as Tamala Park and these would be used to further enhance the overall ambience of inner-urban living. A conspiracy theorist might say it is exactly because of these cash cows the big merger is promoted. Over the past 17 years we have seen what was then a junior council evolve into something that is the envy of other lesser known entities. Now to backpedal has an enormous cost to everyone at a time we are trying to eliminate debt and costs. It seems criminal to even to try to force this marriage-cum-merger. These ridiculous notions come around every now and then and they detract from what we are supposed to be doing— getting on with living in an environment where most people are very happy. I say leave us alone—we’ve done very well thank you. I love where I live—don’t interfere. Colin Scott Deague Ct, North Perth Not all change for the better RECENTLY I was approached by the City of Bayswater to undertake a small job on a book titled Changes They’ve Seen, which sets out the history and development of the city and its significant role in the wider context of settlement in metropolitan Perth. As I thumbed through the pages I wondered what the people in the illustrations would think about their city now: Many would marvel at the progress but would be horrified to turn to the back of the book to find it was printed in China. I’m sure if they were to ask why, it would be explained the city needed to be responsible in its spending which, of course these days, is a euphemism for getting the lowest price wherever you can get it. So rather than the money being spent in the local community where it would continue to circulate and add to the sustainability of local ratepaying businesses it now circulates in China. I have made some initial enquiries as to how this situation came about. Fremantle Press published the book and relies primarily on funding from the WA state government ( au/sponsors) and it advised Bayswater it was not possible to have the book printed in WA. This is completely false and the book could have easily been printed and bound within the boundaries of the City of mail • Due to an email glitch there’s no Chatfi eld this week. Sob. Bayswater. Let’s hope as a final insult to local business there was not the usual flight to China to do a “press check” junket, as is so often the case when printing work is sent offshore. That would be the final insult. I would encourage all those that used public monies to get this book printed offshore to look around the City of Bayswater at the unemployed, at the closed businesses and at the youth trying to make a few cents cleaning windows at tra c lights and feel some sense of accomplishment that they have contributed in a meaningful way to what they see. Michael Severn Success Print Goongarrie St, Bayswater Invisible election candidates I THANK Reece Harley for phoning me to apologise for misattributing, in his letter published in Voice Mail (October 19, 2013) the remark about City of Perth councillors being afraid of having to doorknock if they were to have 22,000 extra voters. He makes a very valid point that it is di cult to doorknock people who live in secure apartment complexes. But the comment from John Carey was, I believe, aimed at current City of Perth councillors—they are the ones who have decided they only want the asset-rich, not the people-rich, parts of Vincent. Reece is a fresh voice and might well have a different view. Although secure complexes are on the increase in Vincent, they are not yet an excuse for the lack of candidate visibility that has characterised this election in Vincent. I live in the south ward, where there were eight candidates standing for election to two vacancies, but I have only received any election material from one and only seen anything other than a “vote for me” ad in the Voice about a few others. So, despite my high hopes for a high voter turnout for the plebiscite, the low turnout (30 per cent at October 15) is perhaps not surprising, as candidates don’t seem to be very interested in getting elected. Ian Ker Vincent St, Mt Lawley Woolly eyepopper THERE is a UK evening paper that can almost match the Voice (“Democra-sigh”, October 19, 2013) for an eyecatching headline. Villagers at Wilberforce near Harrogate awoke recently to find that sheep had invaded their gardens. The consequent Evening Press (York) headline: Wool bah fuss. For this snippet we are indebted to that dear old thing, my mentor William Dixon Smith. His exquisite phrasing of the Queen’s English helps reduce my own erring. The above prompts me to seek an Icelandic writer’s recommended novel that concerns, I gather, sheep turds. Perhaps these can be read like tea leaves. Bill Proude First Ave, Mt Lawley A passion for the planet DOES the prime minister and members of the Liberal Party really think the people of Australia are not concerned with the pressure on our environment which will ensue with the repealing of the carbon tax? Because we are passionate and care about the future of our country, we need to retain the carbon tax, spend on renewable energy sources, educate the population on the urgency of our situation, and encourage us to live simply. Direct Action already happens with many people involved in regeneration and caring for local areas throughout this country, without intervention from federal government. A five per cent reduction in emissions is ludicrous given the environmental damage already inflicted on our country. Twenty-five per cent is doable. A&M Droste Edinboro St, Mt Hawthorn Newspaper House, 37-45 Cliff Street Fremantle WA 6160 PO Box 85 North Fremantle WA 6159 Publisher: The Herald Publishing Co. Pty Ltd Editor-in-chief: Andrew Smith Directors: Andrew Smith & Pip Thomson ACN: 009 416 620 EDITORIAL Editor: Andrew Smith Chief of Sta & Production Editor: Steve Grant Journalists: David Bell, Stephen Pollock Photographer: Jeremy Dixon Cartoonist: Chatfield Story Deadline: Tues. noon ADMINISTRATION Business Development Director: Bryan Zemunik Receptionist: Julie Rainbow ADVERTISING Director: Natalie Hug Assistant to Director: Melanie Buljan Display Advertising: Simon Fasolo, Pamela Palmqvist Real Estate: Natalie Hug Ad Copy Control: Susanne Ottosson Production: Matthew Eeles, Nibha Mehra, Fernanda Herrmann, Helena Tay Trades & Services: Bryan Zemunik Classifi eds: Julie Rainbow Ads Deadline: Tues. noon ACCOUNTS Director: Christine Smith Assistants: Janelle Tester, Molly Brown DISTRIBUTION Manager: Marie King Assistants: Stephanie Campbell, Dave D’Anger, & many locals! WEBSITE Matthew Eeles, Stephen Pollock Where do we go? We’re delivered to letterboxes on Fridays and Saturdays throughout: Coolbinia Dianella* East Perth Glendalough Highgate Inglewood Leederville Maylands* Menora Mt Hawthorn Mt Lawley Northbridge North Perth Perth West Perth Yokine* *Fortnightly Distribution PLUS: We deliver to key drop-points in Bayswater and Perth CBD Total Voice circulation: WE’RE NOW ON FACEBOOK Join the Voice on Facebook & be the ÄYZ[[VYLHKL_JS\ZP]LLKP[VYPHSJVU[LU[ LU[LY^LLRS`JVTWL[P[PVUZHUKKPZJV]LY WYVTV[PVUHSVMMLYZMVY`V\YI\ZPULZZ @V\JHUHSZVOH]L`V\YZH`VUSVJHS PZZ\LZHUKHY[PJSLZW\ISPZOLKPU`V\Y WYPU[LKVYVUSPULLKP[PVUVM[OL=VPJL /perthvoice 37,698 March 2013* *CAB Audited The Voice is part of the independent and WA-owned Herald Newspaper Group, which also publishes the: 19,635 papers (March 2013)* 22,422 papers (March 2013)* Applecross to Bicton Leeming to Kardinya 39,019 papers (March 2013)* Total Herald circulation: 81,076 March 2013* *CAB Audited VIWIRXW RIPT 8LIXMQIXYR 2 ; 3 8 13 X L K M 2 ] F ] P * 2SZIQFIV *VMHE]WX MKLX TQXMPPQMHR • Reece Harley and girlfriend Rebeka Major shortly after seeing he’d won top spot in the fi rst count. • Lyndon Rodgers watches the votes roll in. He would go on to lose his seat. • Former WA Liberal leader Matt Birney makes an appearance, scrutineering for Cr James Limnios. Tickets: $13.50 (book online) $15 at the door Fly by Night, Parry St Fremantle ◆ 9430 5976 ◆ • Keith Yong has every reason to smile, winning the fourth and fi nal spot for Perth city council. • Photos by David Bell Harley rides into top slot by DAVID BELL NEWCOMER Reece Harley has topped the field at the Perth city council elections, beating even seasoned veterans to nab the most votes and the first of four council seats up for grabs. Mr Harley, 26, scored 17.68 per cent (1782 votes), followed by Cr Judy McEvoy, re-elected with 16.19 per cent (1632 votes), Cr James Limnios (14.42 per cent and 1453 votes) and another newcomer, Keith Yong (12.68 per cent, 1278 votes). In the eight-horse race incumbent councillor Lyndon Rodgers—often a lone voice on the PCC—came seventh, well out of contention with 9.64 per cent (972 votes). Cr Harley, a heritage buff who started the Crawley Rotary branch, is the second-youngest councillor to win o ce at the PCC (the first was Chas Hopkins who also started at 26 but was a few months younger. He went on to become lord mayor). Cr Harley credited his strong result to grassroots campaigning: Letterboxing flyers and personally doorknocking just about every house he could get to, including public housing tenants. He says he’d grown up in a Homeswest property and was able to share his story with constituents, some of whom said they’d never had a political candidate knock on their door before (although one remembered Julie Bishop dropping by at a previous federal election). Cr Harley believes the changing demographics of the capital also helped his vote. “We’re seeing more and more residents moving into the city and increasingly they’re my age demographic.” He says campaigning is an expensive process: “I”m not a rich man, I’m probably your average joe when it comes to statistics. I’m a young guy and I’m not earning a lot of money... the costs are quite high, but obviously it’s worth it because now I’ve got this great opportunity to be able to contribute to the city and get involved in decision-making.” Cr Harley’s mum Ros is a councillor across the border at Proudly Supporting the Arts Filing from the hot zone The Perth Voice by JENNY DʼANGER SALACIOUS gossip and human tragedy are surefire attention grabbers. So tickets to a “conversation” with Gold Walkey-award winning journalist Steve Pennells and 7.30 host Andrew O’Connor on what it’s like to report from hot spots like Sudan and Iraq—and the Gina Rinehart vs the kids court battle—is bound to sell like hotcakes. Ron Mizzen, a flak-catcher for Labor frontbencher Melissa Parke, and journalist Amy WilsonChapman are raising funds for a Himalayan trek for Save the Children. The pair hopes to raise $20 a metre during their climb, which would bring in $107,000, enough to build four schools in Nepal, and staff them for five years. The “conversation” is on Monday October 28, 6.30pm at the state library. Ticks $40 ($20 students) DO YOU KNOW AN INDIVIDUAL OR AN ORGANISATION THAT HAS MADE A SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION TO THE COMMUNITY DURING 2013? The City of Perth is inviting you to nominate an outstanding individual or group for one of this year's Premier's Australia Day Active Citizenship Awards for 2014. The awards will be presented at the City of Perth's Australia Day ceremony on Sunday 26 January 2014. The awards foster, recognise and celebrate significant contributions to community life and active citizenship in all local government areas of Western Australia. The three awards are: • Premier's Australia Day Active Citizenship Award; • Premier's Australia Day Active Citizenship Award for a person under 25 years; • Premier's Australia Day Active Citizenship Award for a community group or event. The nomination process, selection criteria and the judging process are all detailed on the nomination form which is available by phoning the Civic Services Officer at the City of Perth on 9461 3345 or online at the City of Perth website and the Australia Day Council website Please submit all nominations to the Civic Services Officer, City of Perth, Council House, GPO Box C120 Perth WA 6839 by Friday 22 November 2013. GARY STEVENSON PSM CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Are you nurturing a New Business? Let the Perth Voice advertise your business to thousands of potential clients in 46,200 local homes & businesses. We have three fabulous startup packages: 1. Got a Story to Tell? Our “What’s New” offer gives you a free* half or quarter page to tell it. 2. On a tight budget? Ask about our 6 plus 2 free offer for new businesses. 3. Love competition(s)? Book three ads, then offer Perth Voice readers a prize. We’ll write the story and get your name out there. * Conditions apply WE ALSO PRINT & DELIVER LEAFLETS! PERSONAL SERVICE! RELIABLE DELIVERY YOU CAN TRUST! The Perth Voice Phone 9430 7727 The Perth Voice, Saturday October 26, 2013 - Page 5 8,000 Full Colour DL Flyers $999 Incl. Print & Delivery Give Your Message a Helping Hand To discover the great benefits of delivering your flyers with the Perth Voice phone Natalie Hug 9430 7727 MRA grounds helipad plan by CARMELO AMALFI CATALINA AIRLINES has flown from one tangle of red tape into another. Fresh from completing noise tests for the Swan River Trust for its plans to launch and land seaplanes on the river— it reckons it passed with flying colours— it is now arguing with another WA government agency over separate plans to use a helipad in East Perth. Catalina boss Mack McCormack has been trying for two years to reach agreement over the use of a disused helipad at Trinity College. Up till this week he’s been embroiled in negotiations with the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority, a powerful but unelected body that is essentially a planning czar for everything within its boundaries. He says an 18-month draft licence Catalina he’s been working through with the MRA is unreasonable and designed to deter him accessing the helipad. One of the conditions is he may not use public roads nor footpaths to get people to and from the helipad. “They’re trying to make it very hard for us,” he says. “Trinity support us so long as we don’t fly during year 12 exams. We also have assured them we will not operate before peak times before and after school to avoid congestion on Trinity Avenue.” This week, the MRA pulled the plug entirely, with CEO Kieran Kinsella saying the MRA has, “notified Catalina Airlines that it is unable to continue lease negotiations”. In a letter to Catalina Mr Kinsella states development work on the Riverside project adjacent to the helipad is due to start in June so it will be unavailable. Mr McCormack says there is “no operational helipad in Perth” and he believes he has the support of deputy premier Kim Hames for the project. DO YOU KNOW AN INDIVIDUAL OR AN ORGANISATION THAT HAS MADE A SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION TO THE COMMUNITY DURING 2013? The City of Perth is inviting you to nominate an outstanding individual or group for one of this year's Premier's Australia Day Active Citizenship Awards for 2014. The awards will be presented at the City of Perth's Australia Day ceremony on Sunday 26 January 2014. The awards foster, recognise and celebrate significant contributions to community life and active citizenship in all local government areas of Western Australia. The three awards are: • Premier's Australia Day Active Citizenship Award; • Premier's Australia Day Active Citizenship Award for a person under 25 years; • Premier's Australia Day Active Citizenship Award for a community group or event. The nomination process, selection criteria and the judging process are all detailed on the nomination form which is available by phoning the Civic Services Officer at the City of Perth on 9461 3345 or online at the City of Perth website and the Australia Day Council website Please submit all nominations to the Civic Services Officer, City of Perth, Council House, GPO Box C120 Perth WA 6839 by Friday 22 November 2013. GARY STEVENSON PSM CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER BY OPENING THE DOOR TO US, YOU’RE HELPING US OPEN THE DOOR TO OTHERS. Page 6 - The Perth Voice, Saturday October 26, 2013 To donate by credit card, call 13 SALVOS (13 72 58) or visit RED SHIELD APPEAL Seaplane noise test a ‘success’ by CARMELO AMALFI A FLAT glassy Swan, few boats, birds and not a dolphin in sight. Within a rod’s throw from shore, trust o cers and marine and aviation authorities meet on the water to witness the temporary disturbance of Perth’s iconic river. On cue, the single-engine Cessna prepares to land flying up the river from Crawley where seaplanes berthed during World War Two. The roar of the engines as the plane touches down on the surface of the water is picked up by nearby monitors in South Perth. Catalina Airlines, which conducted the noise tests, says the levels recorded were about 12 decibels below those recommended by the department of environment and conservation. It wants to operate two seaplanes—the Cessna for 10 passengers and a twinengine Grumman Albatross G111 for up to 24 passengers. They will fly to Rottnest, the Abrolhos islands off Geraldton, Mandurah, Margaret River and other sightseeing, diving and snorkelling destinations in WA. The noise tests are a hurdle to cross before the company is issued with a licence to operate on the Swan. The Swan River Trust board meets next month to consider the proposal to launch WA’s latest tourism venture. The Kelly brother who went to Hollywoodland SPECIALISING IN GOURMET HOMEMADE D O OD OO O FO by BROOKE KOVANDA A SINGLE photograph from 1906 of a policeman on a horse is about to change Maylands author Norman Jorgensen’s life. Mr Jorgensen was recently awarded a $30,000 grant from the WA arts department to write a book about the life of Jack Kelly, a WA policeman, international circus star and younger brother to the infamous Ned. “I had been researching another book I had been working on about the he Goldfields, and I came across this picture cture of a policeman on a horse,” Mr Jorgensen nsen n tells the Voice. “It said ‘Jack Kelly, policeman, brother otheer of Ned.’ And the more research I did,, th thee more interesting he became.” Jack was five when his brother took ok the long drop, growing up to tour thee world as a stunt rider but returning when when his children took sick. Despite Ned’s less than cordial relations with Victoria’s riaa’s “traps” Jack happily donned the Royal yall blue. Mr Jorgensen says Jack often played yeed up his familial connections and portrayed raye yed Ned in re-enactments. “To the working class Ned was a hero,” he says. “I think Jack played on it a fair bit. He was obviously quite proud oud of him.” When his wife died Jack’s wanderlust rlust took hold again and he became a stuntman for Barnum and Bailey in the US. His horseman prowess reportedly led to him becoming a famous stuntman in nascient Hollywoodland, where he also taught stars of the day how to ride. He eventually ended up in Buenos Aires to teach horse-riding, where he died in 1956. ood Solid W Furniture No Assemb!ly Required • Above: The only known photo of Jack Kelly— policeman, circus performer, Hollywoodland stuntsman and Argentinian horse trainer. • Left: Jack’s infamous brother, the bushranger Ned Kelly who was hanged for crimes including murder. He eventually went to Buenos Aires to teach horse riding, and died there in 1956. Mr Jorgensen’s grant will allow him to follow Jack’s globe-trotting footsteps, including to areas that back then would have been rough to say the least. “He travelled the world in a time when many people didn’t,” Mr Jorgensen says. “I see him as a fascinating character, • Norman Jorgensen—setting out to explore the life of Jack Kelly. Shop 5, 391 Fitzgerald St, North Perth Phone 9328 2784 Classique Super Store Locally owned and operated Large round Waterhycinth daybed with foot stool $989 Large Bamboo daybed H108 x W224 x D130c $699 Mustang Bar stool H102 W43 D35 $99 Rimano Round Swivel Bar stool Solid 2 door Wardrobe H192 X W110 X D63 $599 H66 W44 $99 Extra Large Carved Teak Day Bed Madison Day Bed H79 x W227 x D116cm H130 x W265 x D100cm available in white wash $989 $1299 9248 4030 MALAGA Unit 7/27 Exhibition Drive Industrial 9 pce Dining setting $1499 Open Sundays 11am - 4pm *Pictures are for illustration purpose only WHILE STOCKS LAST The Perth Voice, Saturday October 26, 2013 - Page 7 voice Astrology ology sttrro A Voice Win tickets to the Friday 27th December, 1pm performance With h Sudhir October 26 - November 2, 2013 ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20) Tidy your desk. Do your laundry. Be specific about meeting up with your friends. Know who you want to see, and when and how. Take care of all the tiny little details that you would normally accelerate over. You now have the energy for this style of play. Try it out - with totality. 2 x Major Prizes of a Family Pass (4 tickets) plus a Meet and Greet 4 x Runner Up Prizes of a Family Pass (4 tickets) TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 20) All the circle-dancing of avoidance is over. Truth is quite a simple thing when we get down to it. With defensiveness and anxiety out of the way, truth has a completely different ring than when such things are clouding the issue. It’s time for contact. It’s time for a breakthrough. ©Disney GEMINI (May 21 – June 21) Mercury, the planet of communication, is retrograde - and in Scorpio. Scorpions tends towards laying low at the best of times, so with Mercury in here, it’s hardly likely that people are going to be forthright. This is not an easy time for you who would like to share. Take it slowly. Disney magic takes the stage in live touring production Abracadabra! Join in the magic with Mickey Mouse and some of your favourite Disney friends for a mystifying, energetic and hilarious magic show filled with spectacular illusions when Disney Live! presents Mickey’s Magic Show tours Australia these coming summer school holidays. Opening in Perth on December 27, the magic will continue when the tour visits the Gold Coast, Melbourne, Wollongong and Adelaide through to January 19. Children of all ages will be mesmerised when Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse and a host of Disney friends come together with international illusionist Zak Williams to perform the most exciting magic from legendary Disney films right before your eyes. Famed Illusion Designer Jim Steinmeyer, who has worked with leading magicians David Copperfield, Lance Burton and Siegfried & Roy, brings his more than CANCER (June 22 – Jul 22) The Moon begins its week in Cancer, charging you up with emotion. Generally your inclination is to go out and take care of other people’s feelings, rather than feel your own. This moment is too much of a hot potato to get away with that manoeuvre. Be at home in your own heart. LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 22) Slowly, after a succession of bright successes and problematic misses, you are rising into a new sense of personal authority. This one is less frantic and ego driven. The genuine you is starting to shine. There are less spotlights, but infinitely more respect. Be natural and unassuming. VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sept 22) Mars is in your garden. Mars is adventurous, wilful, strong and a little bit wild. He is a force to be reckoned with. He may be a part of yourself that you are beginning to find, or he may come in the form of a tall dark stranger. Accept him as he is - and he gives. Don’t, and he gets cross. LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 23) As the Sun moves into Scorpio, so it is cooling off time for Librans. After excitement it is healthy to withdraw and digest. If you think that you must stay excited all the time, you’ll wear out your nervous system in no time fl at. Relaxation is what is called for. Gently put it into place. Win one of five double passes to Rooftop Movies. CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19) In astrology, the goat has a fishes tail. This has always been a great mystery. What does a mountain climbing beast need with a fishes tail? It suggests that we must deal with the depths as well as height. Depth provides the contrast that makes the heights shine. Slow it all down. REWARDING OUR READERS FACEBOOK: Leave a message at including the codeword VOICETOP your address and phone number. ONLINE: Visit and follow the prompts. POST: Include your name, suburb, phone and email and post your entries to Voice Disney Live! Competition PO Box 85, North Fremantle WA 6159 Competition closes 29.10.13 with winner notified prior to the 2.11.13 edition of your Perth Voice. with the introduction of two new series. Tickets are $13 website pre-sale, $15 door-sale and for $8.50 you can park your car in the Roe Street car park all night from 6pm (prices include booking fees). Popcorn and drinks are available at the rooftop and you can pre-order a pizza when you purchase online. For more information on the program and to pre-purchase tickets head to www. HOW TO ENTER FACEBOOK: Leave a message at including the codeword VOICETOP your address and phone number. ONLINE: Visit and follow the prompts. POST: Include your name, suburb, phone and email and post your entries to Voice Rooftop Competition PO Box 85, North Fremantle WA 6159 Voiceclassifieds AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18) To lock horns with all the conservative forces around you is an interesting pastime but it’s not always a particularly nourishing one. To fight against limits is practically an instinctive habit for Aquarians. At some point you might consider accepting them. This may just free things up. we just love HOW TO ENTER After a winter hiatus, the pop-up venue is set to reopen on Halloween, Thursday 31 October, with a screening of 2008’s cult Sweedish romantic horror film Let The Right One In. The ensuing program promises to deliver something for everyone. Expect old-school gems, cinephile classics and cult and art house movies thrown in alongside blockbuster new releases. Rooftop Movies Programmer, Jessica Darlow, says that this season Rooftop Movies continues to offer a unique and nostalgic experience for Perth Audiences, and this year they’ve taken it a step further SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21) Venus continues to warm you up and inspire you to seek even deeper and more exotic delights. The choice is whether to take one particular delight and go deep into all the possibilities inherent in it, or to take a bite out of every item on the shelf. Let radiant awareness be your guide. Copyright 2013 Sudhir (M.J.Dean) 20 years of world-class experience to the illusions in the show. The magic is complimented by appearances from Disney Princesses Belle and Snow White and Mickey’s pals from Toontown - Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy. For tickets and touring information, go to You can also follow Disney Live! Australia Facebook page. Somewhere over the city SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 21) The Sun is shining brightly in your direction. This means vitality, clarity and considerable strength are yours for the taking. Be yourself and you will break those curses of conditioning that keep you from fully bursting with creativity. This is your time to fl ower. Be colourful. PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20) Life is challenging you to take a position. To stay in the role of perpetual student while others bask in the light of their selfproclaimed authority, isn’t really delivering meaningful experience. You don’t have to be like anybody else. Claim your strength in your own creative way. competitions EXPERT SERVICES EXPRESS Ironing. 25 Years experience. We come to you or you come to our shop. $35 per hour. Pick-up and delivery service available. EFTPOS accepted. Same day services. 7 days. 9444 5577. 261 Walcott St, North Perth GUTTERS Free roof inspection with every gutter clean 9433 1077 HANDYMAN Andrew. 0412 231 801. Your local, prompt and professional handyman. 20+ years experience, police clearance, fully insured. IRONING SERVICE. Established 15 years. Shop in North Perth, 450A Fitzgerald St. Pressed for time. Pick up and delivery service. Phone Chirs 0419 173 045 ROOFING All roof repairs 9433 1077 Page 8 - The Perth Voice, Saturday October 26, 2013 SITUATIONS VACANT WALKERS Wanted distribution areas in Yokine. Give Stephanie a call 9430 7727 TUITION MATHEMATICS Teacher, qualified, experienced, University Lecturer. For all years and levels. 0431 424 868 To advertise email the Voice Competition closes 29.10.13 with winner notified prior to the 2.11.13 edition of your Perth Voice. INDEMNITY & WARRANTY THE HERALD & PERTH VOICE NEWSPAPERS CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE The advertiser (or agent) indemnifies the Company (and its employees and agents) against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses arising out of or in connection with the publication of the advertisement (including any relating to defamation, malicious falsehood, infringement of copyright, trademark or design, or breach of the Trade Practices Act 1974, the Consumer Credit Code, or the Fair Trading Act 1987) and warrants that publication of the advertisement will not give rise to any legal, equitable or statutory rights against the Company ad will no breach any laws or regulations including the prohibitions relating to advertising in the Trade Practices Act 1974, the Consumer Credit Code, and the Fair Trading Act 1987. All advertisements are accepted on the following terms and conditions: RIGHT TO REFUSE - The Company has the right to refuse to publish or republish any advertisement without giving any reason. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY - No liability will be incurred by the Company by reason of any amendment to or error or inaccuracy in, or the partial or total omission of, an advertisement (single or multiple insertion) or by reason of any delay or default or from any other cause whatsoever. If an error occurs which in the opinion of the Company clearly lessens the value of the advertisement and which is in no way the fault of the advertiser and the advertiser notifies the Company of the error prior to the advertisement deadline on the first day the error was published, then a refund will be provided on the cost of the advertisement proportionate to the company’s opinion of its reduced value. ADJUSTMENT AND CLAIMS - The advertiser must notify the Company of any error in the invoice for an advertisement within 30 days from the end of the month in which the advertisement was published. The company will not consider claims for an invoice error lodged outside this period. Win a copy of Tim Winton’s Eyrie Tom Keely’s reputation is in ruins. And that’s the upside. Divorced and unemployed, he’s lost faith in everything precious to him. Holed up in a grim highrise, cultivating his newfound isolation, Keely looks down at a society from which he’s retired hurt and angry. He’s done fighting the good fight, and well past caring. But even in his seedy fl at, ducking the neighbours, he’s not safe from entanglement. All it takes is an awkward encounter in the lobby. A woman from his past, a boy the likes of which he’s never met before. Two strangers leading a life beyond his experience and into whose orbit he falls despite himself. What follows is a heart-stopping, groundbreaking novel for our times – funny, confronting, exhilarating and haunting. Inhabited by unforgettable characters, Eyrie asks how, in an impossibly compromised world, we can ever hope to do the right thing. FACEBOOK: Leave a message at including the codeword VOICEEYRIE your address and phone number. ONLINE: Visit and follow the prompts. POST: Include your name, suburb, phone and email and post your entries to Voice Eyrie Competition PO Box 85, North Fremantle WA 6159 Competition closes 5.11.13 with winner notified prior to the 9.11.13 edition of your Perth Voice. CD Pack Winner Congratulations Bec Nguyen of Maylands. You’re the lucky winner of the Perth Voice CD pack including Jae Laffer and The Lucky Numbers latest releases. Your CDs are in the mail. Adbuster Winner Congratulations L. Branch of Waterman’s Bay. You have won a feast for 2 at Stones Pizza after spotting last week’s fake ad printed below. If you spot this week’s fake ad send your entries to Voice Adbuster, PO Box 85, North Fremantle WA 6159 by Tuesday. NOTICEBOARD WHAT’S ON • CLASSES • ACTIVITIES SPIRITUAL SERVICES • SUPPORT GROUPS ANZAC COTTAGE: Remembrance Day To commemorate Remembrance Day on Sunday, November 10, ANZAC Cottage will be open from 10am to 12 noon. Along with the displays that tell the story of the Cottage and the importance of Remembrance Day, there will be a poppy making activity for children beginning at 10am. Visitors are invited to participate in a short commemorative ceremony at 10:45 which will include a minute’s silence at 11 am. ANZAC Cottage is situated at 38 Kalgoorlie St Mount Hawthorn and entry is free. Enjoy morning tea for a gold coin donation. For more information, please contact Anne on 0411 44 55 82 or email PERTH ORIGAMI GROUP Meets on Sunday 3 November at 3pm, Forrest Park Croquet Clubrooms, cnr Harold and Lord Streets, Mount Lawley. All ages and abilities welcome. www. for details. THE CANCER COUNCIL WA Runs one monthly cancer support Group from Shenton Park (the Head, Neck and Throat Cancer Support Group) which is suitable for people affected by head, neck and throat cancer their family, friends and carers. For further information and referral, individuals are advised to contact the Cancer Helpline for registration 13 11 20 GRIEF AND LOSS OPEN SUPPORT GROUP The last Thursday of each month 1.00pm to 3.00pm at The Cancer Support WA, 80 Railway St, Cottesloe. For more info ring 9384 3544 voice life This Melbourne Cup Day The Oxford o ers a fabulous 2 course menu Just damned good A incredibly clean-tasting, fresh, sweet flesh and the tempura batter was light and fluffy without a hint of over-oiliness. For mains I went for the grilled beef tenderloin ($36), ordering it medium rare but getting it closer to medium. No matter, the meat was still pretty tender and moist with a nicely crusted exterior. It was served alongside mushrooms and sweet potato cooked in tempura batter to be dipped in the deeply rich teriyaki sauce. A solid meal but I was on the verge of raising unkempt eyebrows at the price. The duck and scallop ($38) was an interesting combo of two meats of very different consistencies, but the scallops were perfectly seared, the duck chewy and rich, and the leafy salad crisp and fresh. Chilli Orange is a little pricier than I’d normally aim for on a weeknight out but, given it wasn’t that long ago your only option was a $3 hot dog at the pool hall, I’m pretty thankful for the choice on Angove Street today. Chilli Orange 21 Angove St, North Perth FOOD DAVID BELL NGOVE STREET is killing it just now. Once little more than a side street near the pool hall, these days it’s full of top-notch cafes and quirky shopfronts and on any given weekday morning there’s a healthy population down on the strip. Chilli Orange is up there with the best. It’s hard to pigeonhole: Variously described as “Asian”, “tapas” and “modern Australian”. None nail it. I don’t know how to describe the joint but I know we had a French waiter and I ate a pretty damned good steak that sure wasn’t tapas-sized. For entrees we started out with some pork belly ($16.90). Sourced from Linley Valley, it’s admirably free-range, and served in squares with kim chi, spring onion and cucumber. The outer carapace is supremely crunchy, and the inner flesh soft as butter. It’s an incredible contrast of textures and the flavours of the hoi sin sauce meld beautifully with the sesame oil and chilli. A+, would eat again. We also picked up the tempura king prawns ($15.90) and were rewarded with HOTEL for $49.50 Tables available in our stylish Restaurant or relaxing Garden Bar. Cup sweeps, free trifectas, fashion awards, lucky door prizes and great live music are all inclusive. For tickets phone 9444 2193 or purchase at The Bar Doors open at 10.30am The Oxford Hotel 368 Oxford St, Leederville Tel: 9444 2193 Fax: 9443 4496 It’s a stage Dior scandal by JENNY DʼANGER GEORGINA GAYLER well recalls her first performance with comedy outfit The Big Hoo Haa: And she’d appear on stage near-naked any day rather than go through that again. “Underwear pales into insignificance to standing back stage at Lazy Susan’s,” the exuberant 32-year-old tells the Voice. Which is just as well as the Fremantle local is centre-stage in some very sexy Dior scanties in her role as highpowered divorce lawyer Helena, a woman with a taste for other women’s husbands. It’s one of a number of characters Gaylor portrays in Black Swan’s two-actor “play with songs”, Midsummer (a four-piece provides live music from a bar setting on stage). Set in Edinburgh, Gayler had to master a brogue: “My granny is from Aberdeen and I’m not game to try it out on her,” she laughs. Brendan Hanson is the other half, playing amongst others the lead character of Bob, a petty criminal whom fate throws together with Helena, on a wet midsummer’s weekend in a bar. She’s a lawyer, he’s a crim and they $ 5 E N T RY * o 4 y rs t p u d e g a s id k r Fo lid to 8 Nov 13 - 1pm . Va Mon - Fr id ay 10am ia l of fe r ith any ot he r sp ec * No t va lid w • Georgina Gayler and Brendan Hanson in Midsummer. Photo supplied. should not sleep together, Gayler says: “But they do.” It’s the beginning of a legendary lost weekend of debauchery, hangovers, ruined weddings, a bag of stolen money, Goth kids and Japanese rope bondage. A smash hit at the 2009 Edinburgh Fringe, Midsummer is directed by WA’s Damon Lockwood layg ro u n d S u p e r Fu n In do o r P ld s Fo r 0 to 12 ye a r o Fre e at to dd le r a re a te ra a p e S g in k r a P Ardroesns t (u n de r 2 ye a r o ld s) C re s c Fre e Vide o G ame s oms ! Birt h d ay Pa rt y R o H AY E S AU C T I O N E E R S P T Y LT D C om i ng o l? o h c s r e t af m 3 - 5.30p Auctioneers & Valuers - Fine Art - Antiques - General Household Antique Auction MOSTLY UNRESERVED Selection 18th, 19th and early 20thc English and Continental furniture, antique and modern jewellery including large diamonds, great selection of 18th & 19thc silver including George III salver by Wm Bateman, ceramics and glass including 19thc Dresden figures, Moorcroft incl rare Limited Edition 37cm Santorini pattern vase, Waterford Crystal, cranberry and Murano glass, clocks, collection of interesting and decorative Oriental items including display cabinets, buddhas, selection netsukes and cloisonne, paintings, lithographs and etchings, fabulous selection Persian including rugs huge 5.2 x 2.2m 19thc Bakshaish, Afghan and Chinese rugs Sunday 3rd November - 10am View Friday 1st Saturday 2nd Sunday 3rd 12pm-6pm 10am-6pm 9am-10am See website for catalogue & preview Thursday prior Next Antique Auction Sunday 17th November Fortnightly Antique Auctions. Free Valuations 16.5% BUYERS PREMIUM APPLIES 122 Burswood Road, Burswood • Ph: 9355 2111 • Mob: 0408 190 948 Ca l l to c o *conditions apply nfir m H igh e s t s lide s in WA! OPEN 7 DAYS 340 Walcott St, Mount Lawley / Coolbina 94444 544 | 0418 904 598 e: The Perth Voice, Saturday October 26, 2013 - Page 9 MOUNT LAWLEY 26 MARRADONG STREET, COOLBINIA AUCTION 4/16-18 QUEENS CRESCENT, MOUNT LAWLEY $450PW N T C AU IO THE MEMORY MAKER PRIVACY AND LOCATION Built in 1952 this property has been lovingly cared for and extended to create a substantial family home offering single level living with generous rooms, lots of storage and a sparkling pool for summer fun on a 1014m2 block. These baby birds have left the nest and now it’s time for another family to make their own memories on Marradong. Are offered by the beautifully presented two bedroom townhouse. Private front and rear courtyards with a balcony off the generous master bedroom with a walk in robe. The second bedroom offers plenty of space with built in robe. The wooden floors downstairs add a special warmth to the living and kitchen areas, with a separate laundry, reverse cycle air conditioning and under cover parking. This won’t last. Be quick!! AUCTION 11AM ON SATURDAY 26 OCTOBER 2013 ONSITE (UNLESS SOLD PRIOR) 4 3 4 2 HOME OPEN: SATURDAY 26TH OCTOBER 10.15 PRIOR TO AUCTION 1 1 HOME OPEN: SATURDAY 26TH OCTOBER 9.00 - 9.15 INTERNET ID# 2486574 INTERNET ID# 2223766 JODY MISSELL 0401 770 782 JADE SMITH 0468 305 025 26 LACEY STREET, PERTH FROM $1.25M 19 BRADFORD STREET, MENORA FROM $789,000 EXPANSIVE LUXURY MENORA BLOCK One of the best examples of a Character renovation can be found here at 26 Lacey Street, Perth. A two level home just minutes from Perth CBD and the heart of Beaufort Street, 26 Lacey Street has been lovingly restored and extended to create a luxury residence that is the envy of even the grandest of Mount Lawley homes. • 300m2 Block • Almost 300sqm living area • 5 large Bedrooms • Over 50m2 of storage • 2 well appointed Bathrooms • Secure double Garage • 3 Living Areas • City views from Courtyard • Renovated with Character features 5 2 2 throughout This heritage listed home is situated in the perfect location to suit almost anyone. Walking distance to numerous closely located amenities, including parks and reserves, Edith Cowan University, Mount Lawley Senior High School, 2 Tennis Clubs. Very short drive to the city, shopping centres, as well as both Mount Lawley and Leederville’s popular cafe/shopping strips. Situated on a 767sqm block. HOME OPEN: BY APPOINTMENT INTERNET ID# 2467956 WAYNE HELDT 0433 118 353 VIEW BY APPOINTMENT ONLY INTERNET ID# 2439799 MERVYN MISSELL TEAM 0404 889 325 ACTON MOUNT LAWLEY 678 BEAUFORT STREET, MOUNT LAWLEY PH: (08) 9272 2488 WWW.ACTON.COM.AU Page 10 - The Perth Voice, Saturday October 26, 2013 voice estate Advertise in your Voice for as little as MOUNT LAWLEY $104 Your patch of Perth history Advertising that packs a punch! Call Today 9430 7727 Conditions Apply T 678 BEAUFORT ST, MOUNT LAWLEY PH: 9272 2488 WWW.ACTON.COM.AU TRADIES EESTATE JENNY D’ANGER JE OCT SPECIAL HIS quintessential Australian turn-of-thecentury home could have been conjured from the pages of Tim Winton’s Cloudstreet. Although a single storey home, its age-mellowed brick and iron lace work of the front verandah and the glorious tree-lined street are reminiscent of the homes of the Lambs and Pickles. No doubt when built this two-bedroom abode would have been home to a mum,a dad and a brood of kids. But times and expectations change and this cute-as-a-button dwelling is now perfect for a couple looking for inner-city living that’s not an apartment. Or, it could well suit a family with a young one that doesn’t mind living closer to each other than is today’s norm. Gorgeous jarrah floors flow throughout, except for one of the street-facing bedrooms, which is aged pine. Many original features are retained and restored, including the front door and its impressively large lock. The central lounge is a cosy space to unwind after a grueling day pushing pens. Next door is the kitchen, with its fantastic old Metters wood stove: I remember one just like it when I was at primary school and the great meals mum would whip up. Her apple pies were awesome FOR A FRESH, INSPIRING APPROACH TO PROPERTY MANAGEMENT THINK ACTON MOUNT LAWLEY Treating your investment property like it’s our own From just $75 per week Book now and get 2 ads free! and there was a magic I’ve never forgotten about sitting in front of the fire tucking into a bowl of soup on a cold winter’s day. This kitchen is commodious enough for new owners to keep the Metters as a talking point, while installing a modern stove/ oven. For bonus space there’s a walk-in pantry. The old back verandah has been enclosed and there’s scope to extend (with council approval) to create a sun-filled family room. And there’d still be room for a courtyard garden on this tidy 214sqm property. The rear is admittedly spartan with all that brick paving for the cars, but a few well-placed big pots filled with lush plants will fix that quick smart (if you don’t want to go to the expense of digging it all up). There’s rear access to park two cars in tandem, while visitors get their own bay out the front. Standing on the verge you feel you could reach out and touch the city skyscrapers. Beautiful Queens Gardens, with its ornamental lakes, is at the bottom of the street in the other direction. This delightful home is minutes from the city’s east end and the upcoming Riverside Marina redevelopment. 50 Goderich Street, East Perth Our readers are looking for • asbestos removalists • bathroom services • cabinet makers • carpet cleaners • gardeners • tilers Phone today on 9430 7727 Become a valued Voice Distributor today! get fit • save for a holiday • get to know your neighbours Phone Stephanie on 9430 7727 Ready to make your move? ANZ Mount Lawley can help. Whether you’re looking for an investment property or your children are looking for their first home, ANZ Buy Ready™ makes it quick and easy to be prepared when ‘the one’ comes along. Come in and talk to your local ANZ home loan specialist today. Gerald Moldrich ANZ Mount Lawley 0423 825 109 To be fully “Buy Ready” you must apply for an ANZ home loan and complete an application form and you must receive an Approval in Principle. An Approval in Principle is an approval for a loan subject to the security being adequate. Terms and conditions, fees and charges apply. All applications for credit are subject to ANZ’s normal credit approval criteria. Over the past 15 years, ANZ has been awarded ‘Home Lender of the Year’ by Money magazine in 2012, 2010 and 2008-2005, and Personal Investor magazine in 2005, 2004 and 2002-1999. ™ANZ Buy Ready is a trade mark of Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) ABN 11 005 357 522. Australian Credit Licence Number 234527. ANZ’s colour blue is a trade mark of ANZ. 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Call the Perth Voice today to find out how you can get huge discounts on 52 week bookings 9430 7727 QHM Quality Home Maintenance RESIDENTIAL MAINTENANCE All aspects of Carpentry, Renovations & Maintenance Doors • Floors • Skirtings Flat Pack Kitchens • Pergolas & Gazebos 30 Years Experience 0418 903 355 Phone 9430 7727 Fax 9430 7726 Page 12 - The Perth Voice, Saturday October 26, 2013 Design • Concept Drawings • Working Drawings • Shire Approvals for Residential & Commercial Projects Call Andy 0402 316 929 or 9473 1610 For all your home maintenance needs including hanging pictures and doors, tiling, carpentry, wood pergolas, gates and floors, gyprock, retic, assemble flat pack furniture, water features and more. 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T Leaky Taps Toilet/Cisterns Leak Detection All Renovation Work Gas Installations SS • • • • • RLE Maintenance Plumbing Blocked Drains Burst Pipes • Gas Leaks Hot Water Systems Roof & Gutter Repairs CHA • • • • • North Perth 5 North Perth 9 FITZGERALD DOMESTIC, COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE YOUR PERTH VOICE NOW ON FACEBOOK KNUTSFORD ST NO CALL OUT FEE Do you live in or around any of these areas? NORHAM ST 24 / 7 EMERGENCY SERVICE Yokine 4 Yokine 11 Dianella 3 Yokine 7 Mount Lawley 7 Maylands 15 You can also have your say on local issues and articles published in your printed or online edition of the Voice. /perthvoice PL 8061 GF 013140 RETICULATION To advertise phone today on 9430 7727 Phone 9430 7727 Fax 9430 7726 If so and you’d like to join the Perth Voice distribution team call Stephanie on 9430 7727 The Perth Voice, Saturday October 26, 2013 - Page 13 BRENDON HABAK MOBILE: 0423 200 400 EMAIL: BACK 2 BACK WINNER! Please join us in wishing Brendon the best of luck for the REIA National Awards in Hobart later this year! Proudly awarded REIWA’s Awards For Excellence Talk to Realestate 88 for all 2012 your property requirements. The office“Small with theResidential most inner Agency city Grand Sales People ofMaster the Year” PETER WRIGHT MOBILE: 0438 727 476 EMAIL: Peter Wright is proud to offer for sale by private appointment Terrace Road’s Newest & Most Prestigious Penthouse! Adagio Penthouse 90 Terrace Road, East Perth $5,500,000 4 4.5 3 23rd & 24th floor South facing opulent Adagio Penthouse Spectacular 360° Swan River & city views from 5 balconies x 2.7m Ceilings, supreme design, quality & craftsmanship x Master suite features spa, dual shower & huge dressing room x 3 Car garage, ample storage & home automation system x Chefs kitchen boasts the highest quality Meile appliances x 5 Star entertaining facilities: pool, gym, spa, sauna & more x Luxury living: 342sqm; Deck: 583sqm; Total: 1035sqm x x Realestate 88 Selling Property, Not Promises Page 14 - The Perth Voice, Saturday October 26, 2013 Phone: (08) 9200 6168 2 / 98 Terrace Road, East Perth WA 6004 PrideFest 2013 is shaping up to be the best Pride Festival to date. The City of Perth encourages all Western Australians to embrace the Rainbow Nation and show their support by attending this year’s fantastic scheduled events. proudly rainbow lesbian & gay pride merchandise products designed & made in wa email: proudlyrainbow Are you struggling with ACNE? We can help you beat breakouts for good! Our Clinic’s unique ACNE PROTOCOL combines natural internal medicine, dietary plans, the latest topical treatments and prescription only skincare to create a personalised treatment plan that will help you achieve clear skin and a healthy balanced body. Call us today to book an Initial Skin Consultation. mi:skn : 307 Lord Street Highgate WA 6003 : Phone 0414 277 761 : Pride in the Sun Pride floats its boat of equal marriage • Pride’s artistic director Paula Hart works on the floats. Photo by Jeremy Dixon A CENTREPIECE of this year’s parade will be a giant float of male and female wedding couples symbolising the ongoing push for marriage equality. “In terms of gay and lesbian rights, WA is one of the best places in the world to live,” Pride co-president Daniel Smith says. “But there is one thing outstanding at the national level, and that is gay marriage.” Pride’s artistic director Paula Hart is working on the floats this year, and the theme will be “rainbow nation”. Mr Smith says the rainbow both represents the diversity of the community coming from all walks of life, and the solidarity of all those diverse people working together. Plenty to see and do M OVIES, plays and music are on Meanwhile there’s a free selection of all through the month at this films from the Melbourne Queer Festival, year’s Pridefest. Modern classics like Hedwig and the Angry Inch screen at Rooftop movies November 14 at 8pm, telling the tale of a sex-change operation gone frustratingly wrong. November 21 sees Milk grace the screen, telling the story of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay politician in California. The Sean Penn film is so powerful it inspired legendary octogenarian magician James Randi to come out as gay after spending most of a century hiding his sexuality. Other films and tickets are at www. Alannah MacTiernan MHR Committed to the struggle for Marriage Equality Your voice in Federal Parliament Email: Page ii - Special Wraparound Edition - The Perth Voice, Saturday October 26, 2013 November 2 at the cultural centre screen on William Street. On the stage there’s Midsummer at the state theatre featuring ruined weddings, Japanese rope bondage and a bag of stolen money. Musically the Gay and Lesbian Singers WA are catching up at the Fly by Night in Fremantle on November 9 for a best-of concert, details at For something different the WA Wanderers Mens Bushwalking Inc are gathering on November 10. A walking group for gay guys and their friends who like to get outside, the details are at Those wanting to throw political correctness out the window can head along to free event The Gayest Night Ever at the Court Hotel on November 15 for rainbows, fairies, gay anthems, drag queens, sequins and feather boas. The full list is at The NE CU ELBOUR P LUNC H 0P9P3 5 . 9 4 $ 1 9444 2 JUST M W SALE NO events@th TIX ON Perth Voice No 802 Saturday October 26, 2013 • Phone 9430 7727 • • Pride in the sun T HIS year’s Pride parade will be held during the day. “We believe rainbows belong in the daylight,” Pride co-president Daniel Smith says. “We think it sends a really positive message. Our community is much more diverse: We don’t just live our lives in the city in the night-time. It provides a great opportunity for people to participate. We’ve looked around the world and the best events occur during the daytime.” Along with drawing more families to the November 2 parade, organisers are hoping it will help benefit more local businesses. Pride’s been running for 24 years and Mr Smith says it’s evolved over the years: From its early days as an in-your-face struggle against oppression—and overtly sexualised—it morphed into a Sydney-style mardis gras party, famous for fishnets and bare-bummed chaps. As rights progressed, and the involvement of gay and lesbian people in varied roles became more widespread and socially accepted, the parades struggled for numbers and relevance. “What we’ve seen over the past decade is, as law reform is achieved in WA in the past decade, the parade has struggled a little bit for identity and purpose,” Mr Smith says. He says younger gay and lesbian people may not feel discrimination as acutely as their forebears but it’s important they not take their rights for granted, as there are many who occupy influential positions who still believe gays and lesbians should be discriminated against. “If you get born into a world with colour TV, you think that’s how it’s always been,” he says. “They’re very lucky to be born into a world where a lot of battles ‘We believe rainbows belong in the daylight’ Daniel Smith • Pride co-president Daniel Smith, Paula Hart and Jack’d Off say this year’s Pride parade will be about family fun and inclusiveness. have been fought and won, but... the message we’d like to get across to young people is: You can’t take your rights for granted. There are plenty of examples around the world (Russia, Uganda) and Australia where gay and lesbian rights are going backwards.” While the parade during the day is aiming for a more familyfriendly feel, there’ll also be a chance for people to let their hair down at the 18+ Celebration event Photo by Jeremy Dixon at Russell Square after the parade, headlined by Didier Cohen and Sneaky Sound System (who say they love playing to Pride audiences). The festival day—now moved to February—will also move back to its old home at Hyde Park. All dates and info about film, theatre, music and events is at • More Pride stories, wrap 2 Find the Fake Ad & win a chance for a feast for two See competitions for details Do you need extra cash? Could you do with a little easy exercise? Deliver the Voice to local letterboxes and you and your hip-pocket will feel better in no time. We have limited vacancies in Mt Lawley, North Perth, Dianella, Maylands and Yokine. Give Stephanie a call today on 9430 7727. 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