Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae: Calamoideae), an Amazonian palm


Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae: Calamoideae), an Amazonian palm
Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae: Calamoideae),
an Amazonian palm with cultivation purposes in Peru
Instituto de Investigaciones
de la Amazonía Peruana, Pbio,
Avenida Abelardo Quiñones,
km 2,5, Apartado 784,
Iquitos, Perou,
Museum national d’Histoire
naturelle, Département
systématique et évolution,
case 50, Antenne IRD,
Entomologie, 57, rue Cuvier,
75231 Paris Cedex 05
Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae: Calamoideae), an Amazonian palm with
cultivation purposes in Peru.
Abstract – The plant. The aguaje (Mauritia flexuosa L. f.) is an Amazonian palm which
grows naturally on flooded soils, forming dense gatherings called aguajales in Peru. It can
reach a height of 35–40 m. Each tree has an average of 8 inflorescences per year and each
inflorescence produces about 900 fruits. This palm is in the domestication process. A dwarf
form, recently discovered, could permit the improvement of the methods of production. The
fruit. The fruit is an ellipsoid oval-shaped drupe, covered by red or dark red-coloured cornea
scales. It measures (5 to 7) cm long and (4 to 5) cm in diameter. The pulp has a high content
of β-carotene (260 mg·100 g–1 of pulp). Marketing. Marketing is carried out for fruits coming
from the natural environment. There is a local consumption of approximately 150 t·month–1
and it can be of raw or processed fruit. For this fruit’s demand, it is necessary to cut down
approximately 24 000 palms a year. Discussion. The aguaje has big social and economical
importance to these regions' inhabitants. It represents great potential for the national as well
as the international market. The Research Institute of the Peruvian Amazon (IIAP) is developing technologies for agronomical management of the species, and for production and processing of the fruit. Studies on aguaje growth and genetic diversity in the natural conditions
also have to be carried out.
Amazonia / Peru / Mauritia flexuosa / botany / cultivation / pests of plants / uses /
domestication / proximate composition / marketing / storage / carotenoids
Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae : Calamoideae), un palmier amazonien à
cultiver au Pérou.
Résumé – La plante. L’aguaje (Mauritia flexuosa L. f.) est un palmier amazonien qui croît
naturellement dans les zones inondables formant de denses étendues appelées aguajales au
Pérou. L’arbre peut atteindre (35 à 40) m et porter une moyenne de 8 inflorescences par an,
chaque inflorescence portant environ 900 fruits. Ce palmier est en cours d’adaptation à la culture. Une forme naine, récemment découverte, permet d’espérer une amélioration des méthodes de production. Le fruit. Le fruit est une drupe de forme ovoïde recouverte d’écailles
lisses de couleur brun-rouge de (5 à 7) cm de long et (4 à 5) cm de diamètre. La pulpe est
riche en β-carotène (260 mg·100 g–1 de pulpe). Le marché. Le marché est alimenté par des
* Correspondence and reprints fruits provenant du milieu naturel. La consommation locale est d’environ 150 t·mois et la
pulpe est consommée directement ou transformée localement. Pour satisfaire à la demande,
environ 24 000 palmiers sont coupés chaque année. Discussion. L’aguaje présente une
Received 21 September 2005
grande importance socio-économique pour les habitants de l’Amazonie péruvienne et repréAccepted 12 January 2007
sente un potentiel élevé pour le marché national et international. L’Institut de recherche de
l’Amazonie péruvienne (IIAP) met au point des pratiques agronomiques pour la mise en culture de M. flexuosa, ainsi que pour la production et l’industrialisation des fruits. La croissance
Fruits, 2007, vol. 62, p. 157–169 ainsi que la diversité génétique de ce palmier dans les conditions naturelles doivent égale© 2007 Cirad/EDP Sciences
ment être étudiées.
All rights reserved
DOI: 10.1051/fruits:2007011
Amazonie / Pérou / Mauritia flexuosa / botanique / pratique culturale / ravageur
des plantes / utilisation / domestication / composition globale / commercialisation / stockage / caroténoïde
Fruits, vol. 62 (3)
Article published by EDP Sciences and available at or
C. Delgado et al.
1. Introduction
The Amazonia lodges approximately 50% of
all palm genera and 30% of the New World
palm species [1], which hold ecological,
ornamental, nourishing and medicinal
importance for the people in the region.
One of these species is the aguaje (Mauritia flexuosa L. f.), which represents the
greatest economical and cultural value
resource in the Peruvian Amazon, especially
for women, who consume it raw [2, 3]. The
main importance for the cultivation of this
palm is the high content of β-carotene in the
fruits (up to 260 mg β-carotene·100 g–1 pulp)
[4]. This potential exceeds that of any other
known fruit of fruit trees up to now. In the
Amazonia, the aguaje can be exploited for
bioindustry development.
The M. flexuosa tree grows naturally on
flooded soils, forming dense gatherings
known as aguajales. In the Peruvian Amazon, there are (6 to 8) Mha of aguajales.
Dense and monospecific populations of
aguaje species cover 2.5 Mha and the other
M. flexuosa trees grow among mixed species [2, 5]. The density of the aguajales varies
according to the zones; it can be between
(170 and 368) palms·ha–1 [6–8]. These gatherings have been reduced at an accelerated
rate because of the increasing market
Figure 1.
Adult specimens of aguaje
(Mauritia flexuosa) in Jenaro
Herrera, department of Loreto
demand. It lacks: (1) the use of good harvesting methods to preserve the female
palms; (2) farming techniques to cultivate
this palm, and (3) promotion to grow it on
farms or agroforestry systems.
2. Botany
Mauritia flexuosa L. filius (synonym: Mauritia vinifera Mart., M. sphaerocarpa Burret,
M. minor Burret or M. flexuosa var. venezuelana Steyerm. [9]), is commonly known
as aguaje in Peru (figures 1, 2), buriti, buriti-do-brejo, caranda-guassu and moriti in
Brazil, caranday-guassu, palma real and
ideui in Bolivia, canangucha, oriche and
miriti in Colombia, morichi in Venezuela,
morete in Ecuador, aete palm in Guyana and
palmier-bâche in French Guyana. It is a dioecious palm, male and female inflorescences (figure 3) are on separate plants (figure 2), and it is impossible to distinguish the
sexes before the first flowering. The tree is
monocaulous and can reach (35 to 40) m
high and 50 cm in diameter. The stem is
straight, smooth and cylindrical with interfoliar space always superior to 10 cm. The
8 to 25 leaves per plant are of costapalmate
type. They measure up to 5.83 m long, and
each leaf has 120 to 236 segments; the petiole measures from (1.6 to 4) m long. There
is an average of eight inflorescences per
adult plant, each one from (2 to 3) m long.
In Peru, the fruit is an ellipsoid oval-shaped
drupe covered by red or dark red-coloured
cornea scales; it measures between (5 and
7) cm long and (4 to 5) cm in diameter.
Aguaje flowering, for male and female, and
fructification, start at the age of (7 or 8) years
when the plant reaches a height from (6 to
7) m [9–13]. The aguaje reaches its commercial fructification between (12 and 20)
years [8].
3. Variability in Peru
In Peru, there are several varieties of aguaje,
depending on the fruit shape and size, but
the most important characteristic for the
consumers is the pulp colour, associated
Fruits, vol. 62 (3)
Mauritia flexuosa in Peru
Figure 2.
Plants and inflorescences of aguaje (Mauritia flexuosa).
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C. Delgado et al.
Figure 3.
Detail of flowers and fruit
structure of aguaje (Mauritia
flexuosa) [10].
with its flavour. In this context, they can be
classified as the following types:
– Yellow aguaje: this type can be divided
into yellow-yellow, pale yellow and dark
yellow groups. The yellow-yellow group
does not change the pulp colour some minutes after taking the scales out. It is the
approximate variety for processed aguaje
sale such as mashed aguaje (masa de
aguaje) to prepare soft drinks, ice creams
and popsicles. The pale yellow or posheco
group loses its colour some minutes after
taking the scales out and the dark yellow
one then acquires a blackish colour.
– Reddish aguaje: this type can be divided
into the coloured form, when only the
superficial part is reddish and the shambo
form, when the whole pulp is reddish. It is
the preferred variety for direct consumption
and the one that has the highest price in the
local market. The shambo variety is the one
that rusts faster, making processed products
lose their quality (the pulp becomes blackish).
– On the other hand, there exists a dwarfish
form: this aguaje (aguaje enano) has been
found in some specimens in the surroundings of Iquitos (3° 45’ S, 73° 11’ W) and some
other localities in the department of Loreto
(Nauta: 4° 34’ S, 73° 46’ W; Bagazán: 4° 46’ S,
73° 36’ W). It has not been found in natural
conditions but only in anthropised situa-
Fruits, vol. 62 (3)
tions (figure 2). This palm has a thick stem;
the internodes are less than 6 cm long; fructification happens at the age of 5 years,
before the stem is less than 1 m high. This
form seems to have ecological significance.
There are solitary individuals on upland soil
(tierra firme), open areas free of shrubs and
trees, and periodical seasonal floods [15].
Due to the precocity of its fructification and
its short stem that permits easy collection of
the fruit, this “variety” would be recommended for monospecific cultivations or
forest-agricultural systems. In Iquitos, we
have to improve the research on the agricultural management of this particular
aguaje enano.
We must also report the distichous
aguaje, an uncommon form of which the
leaves are in two orders in opposite directions, which makes it look like a fan. This
palm cannot produce inflorescences, due to
the compression of the bunches between
successive leaf petioles of the same order.
There are some specimens in the surroundings of Iquitos but this kind of aguaje does not
seem to have ecological significance [14].
4. Distribution and habitat
M. flexuosa is an Amazonian native species,
that is distributed all over the American tropics,
the West Andes, mainly in the Amazonian
Mauritia flexuosa in Peru
basin, in areas such as Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil, the Guyanas, north of Trinidad and Panama [1]. In
Peru, it grows in the departments of San
Martin, Huanuco, Madre de Dios, Cuzco,
Loreto, Ucayali, Pasco [16, 17] and Amazonas (Ruiz, pers. commun.). The major concentration of the population is located along
the Marañon River [18]. This palm grows naturally on flooded soils, on rivers and stream
borders forming dense monospecific gatherings known in Peru as aguajales. When
they are associated with other palm species
such as Oenocarpus bataua, they are called
sacha-aguajales. The stem remains immersed
in the water for long periods, without causing damage to the plant; the presence of
pneumatophores permits growth in anaerobic conditions.
the young palms are moved to a field, when
they reach more than 30 cm high.
Currently, the Research Institute of the
Peruvian Amazon manages two experimental parcels of dwarfish aguaje. One of them
is located in Pucallpa (8° 23’ S, 74° 31’ W)
in high soils with a good drain, and the other
one is located in Iquitos near a stream which
floods temporarily with strong rains. Seeds
were obtained from selected specimens of
dwarf aguaje and in both places; all the
plants obtained have kept the dwarfish character. They started fructification at the age
of 5 years, and we have observed a good
adaptation when the palm is growing out of
the aguajal. Some private farmers have
recently received selected seeds to test this
new product.
6. Flowering and fructification
5. Cultivation and spreading
The environmental conditions in which
aguajales can be developed are a maximum
annual average temperature of 25.1 °C and
minimum annual average of 17.2 °C; maximum annual precipitation per year of
3 419 mm and minimum annual average of
936 mm; the altitude varies from (50 to
850) m above sea level (meteorological references, IIAP, Iquitos). The tree grows on
provisional or permanently flooded soils in
swampy or badly drained areas. In cultivation, it adapts to soils with good or deficient
drains. In Peru, there are two private plantations, one in Pucallpa city, Ucayali Region,
another in Iquitos city, Loreto Region; many
isolated palms, or 2 to 5 trees, are found in
gardens and pastures. In plantation, the
sowing distance can be from 6.7 m × 6.7 m
to 8 m × 8 m. The production varies
between (15 and 25) t·ha–1 [8, 13, 19].
The multiplication is sexual. The germination period is variable; it often depends
on the seed condition and its physiological
development, the substratum, the nursery
humidity and the temperature. In a nursery
constituting vegetal organic substratum, a
maximum germination of 88% in 60 days,
and a minimum germination of 9% in
61 days were registered. Certain authors
reported that 40% of germination could happen in 82 days [13, 19]. It is advisable that
Flowering can occur during the whole year.
The anthesis of female and male flowers
usually begins at 16 h and lasts an average
of 24 h. When the flowers open, they emit
a strong and nice fragrance that probably
works as a mechanism for attracting insects.
Fructification can happen during the whole
year, with major abundance between the
months of August and October. A plant can
have up to eight inflorescences a year in different developmental conditions. Each
inflorescence can produce up to 900 fruits.
In an aguajal, there can be 70% of the adult
palms in fructification [8]. In the case of the
dwarfish aguaje, we counted the production on two plants and six infrutescences in
Iquitos and Nauta: we found a production
of 442 (sd = 14) fruits per bunch.
Because it is a dioecious palm, the fertilisation is compulsory xenogamic, and pollination by insects can apparently be crucial.
However, this problem is exceeded by entomophily in the tropics. A great amount of
insects associated with this palm has been
registered in male and female inflorescences
during anthesis [9, 11, 20]. Some of them are
pollinators [11].
7. Pests and diseases
Evaluations of dwarfish aguaje, which were
made mainly in Iquitos in the years 2004 and
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C. Delgado et al.
Table I.
Main pest insects registered on the dwarfish aguaje (Mauritia flexuosa) by the authors in Iquitos (Peru) during the
years 2004 and 2005.
Taxonomic group
Brief description
Eupalamides cyparissias
Lepidoptera: Castniidae
Big size, dark beige colour with white
spots on the posterior wing. Creamcoloured larva.
It produces deep galleries in the
peduncle, rachis, rachillae, petiole
and stem.
Cerataphis brasiliensis
Homoptera: Aphididae
Small insects, from brownish to yellow
It’s found in the whole bunch. It eats
the plant sap, gets the plant weak
and excrete honeydew that produce
sooty mould.
Antiteuches sp.1
Medium sized bug, dark colour with
small cream spots on the wings.
It eats the leaf sap.
Leptoglossus hesperus
Hemiptera: Coreidae
Medium sized bug, brown colour with an
orange transversal band on the wings.
It eats the fruit sap and produces the
fall or deformation of the fruit.
Strategus surinamensis
Coleoptera: Dynastidae
Medium size, from black to brownish
The adult eats the root, attacks the
radicle plate and the plant dies.
Trigona sp.
Hymenoptera: Apidae
Black-coloured bee.
The adult eats the aguaje pulp either
ripe or in ripening process.
It is a new species being studied by D. Rider (USA).
2005, allowed us to register 13 phytophagous insects associated with this palm. Some
of them have already been identified
(table I). Others are in the process of identification and will be presented in another
publication. The main pest is Eupalamides
cyparissias Fab. (Lepidoptera: Castniidae).
The adult is a moth with a robust body
which measures from (140 to 180) mm of
wing expansion. The milky white-coloured
larva damages the peduncle, rachis, rachillae, petiole and, rarely, the stem. It builds
tunnels of 3.5 cm in diameter × 2.5 m long
which interrupt the flow of water and nutrients and cause debility of the inflorescence;
then the flowers and fruits fall. When the
infestation occurs in the early stages, all the
flowers and fruits fall but, when it appears
at a more advanced age, the fruit loss is
partial [15].
No serious problems were registered for
diseases, but the presence of sooty mould
produced by a fungus is frequent; it covers
leaves, fruits and raceme. It is a consequence of the Cerataphis brasiliensis presence (Homoptera: Aphidae). On the leaves,
we could also observe sclerotic spots provoked by the fungus Colletotrichum sp.
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8. Fruit harvesting
The fruit harvesting is usually done in the
natural environment and in an insignificant
amount of yards and backyards of houses.
The major amount of fruits commercialised
in Iquitos city comes from the basins of the
rivers Tigre, Chambira, Ucayali, Napo,
Pastaza, Huallaga and Marañon [2, 18]. To
harvest the fruits the local people cut down
the palm, and then they collect the fruits and
place them into sacks (40 kg per sack,
figure 4). During the following season,
when the water covers the forest, people get
to the plants by small crafts which allow
them to harvest and transport the major
amount of fruits. However, during the dry
season, the harvesting becomes difficult; the
sacks are carried on the people’s shoulders,
who have to walk from (2 to 4) h.
In Iquitos, the aguaje consumption is
approximately 124 sacks per day or 3720 sacks
per month, which represents 148.8 t·month–1
[22]. If we consider the total of racemes that
a palm has, only 50% of them have mature
fruits in a condition to be sold when cutting
down the tree. It is assumed that a similar
amount is lost because of the lack of an
appropriate harvesting technique.
Mauritia flexuosa in Peru
Table II.
Some elements of the chemical composition of the pulp of aguaje (Mauritia flexuosa) (in base to 100 g of fresh
Energetic Humidity Proteins Fats Extract
free of N
Chávez & Pechnik 120.0
(1946, 1949)1
FAO (1986)1
Fibre Ash
Calcium Phosphorous Iron
Vitamin A
Thiamine Vitamin C
Quoted by Villachica [13].
Other amounts are lost in smaller proportion due to the lack of opportune and appropriate transportation towards Iquitos. Some
fruits are also dispersed or buried when the
tree is cut down for harvesting.
9. Chemical composition
of the fruit
Among other nutritional qualities that
aguaje has (table II), it presents, in Peru, a
high content of provitamin A as β-carotene.
The fruit has the major potential of this component known up to now [23]. The amounts
of β-carotene vary from 77.7 mg·100 g–1 pulp
[24] and 110.46 mg·100 g–1 pulp [25], up to
260 mg·100 g–1 pulp [4]. The variation in this
provitamin is related to the fruit variety
(shambo, yellow, etc.). Another important
aspect is that the β-carotene of aguaje has
a high biodisponibility in rats [24], which
should be tested in human beings. The content of oil and fat is another potentiality of
the fruit, as well as the presence of lauric and
myristic acids that can be used in the pharmaceutical industry [2].
10. Use
The fruit pulp is eaten directly, dried, fermented or as flour. It constitutes an important part of many Amazonian Indians’ diet.
Fruits are sold and consumed directly, or as
pulp, to prepare an aguaje soft drink called
aguajina, ice creams, popsicles (chupete),
frozen in plastic bags (curichis), etc.
(figure 4). Petioles are used in handicrafts,
timbers (esteras) to build typical houses or
to decorate bars or restaurants. Leaves are
used to cover the house roofs or as fibres,
fuel and medicine. The larva of the weevil
Rhynchophorus palmarum (Insecta: Dryophthoridae) develops in the fallen stem.
Commonly known as suri, it is consumed by
local people [8, 19, 26]. In Brazil, oil is
extracted from the aguaje fruit for domestic
use, and fibres are extracted from the leaves
to make clothes, hammocks, baskets and
toys. The spongy part of the petiole can be
used for the production of paper; wine and
starch are obtained from the stem pith [1].
11. Commercialisation
and market
The major amount of aguaje harvested in
Peru is commercialised in Iquitos city, and
a few of them are sent to Pucallpa, Tarapoto
and Lima cities. In Lima, it is possible to find
aguaje in big supermarkets such as “Metro”.
In Iquitos, the fruit is bought by the
wholesale merchants, locally known as
rematistas. These people distribute the fruit
to the main markets, small markets and factories which sell it as mashed aguaje, unripe
fruit, and processed products such as popsicles (chupete, ice creams and curichis (frozen in a little plastic bag), figure 4). The
commercialisation flux is not tacit: in some
cases, the rematistas travel to the communities to store the product, or the people
who sell mashed aguaje or unripe fruit buy
directly in the port or in the ferries (lanchas). All this flux is altered with the objective of making better profits.
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C. Delgado et al.
The price for each aguaje sack varies
according to seasons and fruit varieties.
When the offer is significant, the aguaje
sack to produce mashed aguaje (masa)
costs approximately S/. 91. The mashed
aguaje vendors commercialise 3 sacks a day
(63 sacks among all of them), which represents a net profit of S/. 1020 per month. The
sack for direct consumption (unripe fruit)
costs S/. 10 and the vendors commercialise
about 2 sacks a day (61 sacks among all of
them), which represents S/. 210 per month.
When the offer is reduced, the sack for
mashed aguaje costs S/. 37 and can rise up
to S/. 60: the profit for the vendor is S/. 460
per month. The sack for direct consumption
costs S/. 40 and can rise up to S/. 70: the
profit for the vendor is S/. 2250 per month.
The last group of the chain is represented
by the people who commercialise the fruits
in small trays, in squares, parks, or street corners and some specialised stores (figure 4).
The unripe fruits are submerged in water
and exposed to the sun’s heat for a few
hours until the scales have softened. This
process is known as ripe aguaje for direct
consumption. The sale generates an average
of S/. 11.5 daily for each vendor [19]. The
sale of ripe fruits is done mainly by women.
It involves all the productive forces of this
gender (single, widowed, divorced, etc.)
from (15 to 82) years old.
With regard to the processing industry,
the products, which are commercialised, are
popsicles and ice creams. The aguaje consumption for these two industries is (73 to
93) sacks a day, or from (2 190 to 2 910)
sacks a month, which means (87.6 to 116.4)
t·month–1 [21]. Monthly, each popsicle
factory sells for an amount between
S/. 3 000 and S/. 45 000 [26].
Even though the product sale is local,
there is a great chance that it would open
up to other geographical regions, and other
processing systems. The Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana (IIAP) is
producing at experimental levels marmalades, nectars and yogurt, with a good
acceptance. In Brazil, the oil extracted from
the pulp is sold as sun protector and soap.
One Peruvian sol (S/. 1) = 0.3 $US and 0.24 € in July
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12. Conditions for conservation
of the aguaje
The indiscriminate cutting down of M. flexuosa with the objective of making profits
from the fruit is threatening: (1) the ecological and evolutionary processes that happen
in this peculiar type of ecosystem, (2) the
species (it is running out) and the genetic
resource, and (3) the animal feed. It also
causes social and economic problems for
families who depend on this resource.
To satisfy the fruit consumption demand
in Iquitos city, approximately 1000 palms·
month–1 have to be cut down, which would
be equivalent to 12 000 palms·year–1 [22], if
we consider all the bunches of a palm as
being suitable for harvesting. However,
according to our observations, only 50% of
them are in good condition. If we take into
account the fruit lost at the moment of harvest and transport, the figure would easily
exceed 24 000 palms·year–1. Another aspect
that must be considered is that only female
palms are cut. After such harvests, reduced
gatherings constitute male palms and the
few productive females that have the least
commercial and ecological value. These
aspects reduce the probabilities of survival
and limit the genetic variability of the species.
The aguaje fruit plays an important role
in some mammal animals’ diet such as the
huangana (Tajassu pecari), sajino (T.
tajacu), majas (Agouti paca), añuje (Dasyprocta variegate), sacha vaca (Tapirus terrestris), huapo colorado (Cacajau calvus)
and choro (Lagothrix lagothrichia). It is also
the case for birds such as the macaw Ara
ararauna, A. macao, toucans Ramphastus
tucanus, and turtles and fish; some of them
carry the seeds everywhere [1].
It is possible to harvest the fruits using
climbing methods that are used in other
regions for other palms [27]. The first needs
the use of a rope system (figure 5). Another
method consists of assembling six pieces of
wood as a seat for the harvester who can
climb safely up the palm to cut the bunch
(figure 6). Those methods do not seem to
be successful for the native people. As an
alternative to protect the species and
enhance its rational management, the IIAP
is carrying out series of germplasm banks,
Mauritia flexuosa in Peru
Figure 4.
Different forms of aguaje (Mauritia flexuosa) commercialisation.
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C. Delgado et al.
studies on the agronomy of the species, pollination experiments and, lastly, distributing
aguaje seeds of the dwarfish variety to the
13. Discussion
In Peru, the fruit of the Amazonian palm
Mauritia flexuosa, known as aguaje, is
much appraised in different forms of consumption. It has a great social and economical importance for the local population.
With the increase in the population in the
city of Iquitos, the demand for fruit of aguaje
also increases.
Moreover, the fruit presents great potential for the national and international market,
for its highly nutritional qualities (β-carotene). For example, one of the authors has
been contacted recently by a French firm to
purchase fruits.
At present, most of the production available on the market comes from the swamp
forest by cutting the palms to harvest the
fruit. This habit reduces the biodiversity of
the Peruvian Amazonian forest considerably, year after year, and could have consequences, in the medium term, on the associated fauna that depends on the fruit for its
Fruit harvest carried out using simple
equipment that permits one to climb easily
on the palm could save a great number
of palms each year. It is not sufficiently
used. Therefore, cultivation is an interesting
alternative and, in the long term, indispensable. It is necessary to develop techniques
of cultivation to improve production and
quality through new agricultural management. Studies of the natural environment are
necessary to avoid running out and genetic
erosion of the species, and to guarantee the
maintenance of the animal and human populations who depend on this resource.
For some years, the IIAP has initiated
research on the domestication and selection
of the aguaje in the regions of Iquitos and
Pucallpa, particularly on the dwarf aguaje.
This last variety seems to be of interest for
private farmers.
Figure 5.
Harvesting a bunch of aguaje (Mauritia flexuosa) [27].
Fruits, vol. 62 (3)
The cultivation of the aguaje and particularly of the dwarfish aguaje is a good
Mauritia flexuosa in Peru
Figure 6.
Wooden machine to climb up
the palm [27].
opportunity to permit a controlled production, to offer to the consumer a selected fruit,
and to reduce the felling of female palms in
the forest. In this context, the exploitation
of the aguaje fruits could be developed
more in the Iquitos area, and exportation
could be possible.
This work was made possible by the economic support of the Sustainable Utilisation
Programme of the Biodiversity – IIAP. It also
received the collaboration of the INCAGRO
project. Thanks to Natalie Uhl and John
Dransfield, who permitted us to reproduce
some figures from his book Genera palmarum. We would like to thank the Fruits
reviewers as well as our colleagues Jean
Louis Guillaumet, Mario Pinedo, Agustin
Gonzales, José Alvarez and Geronimo Vega
for their valuable comments.
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Fruits, vol. 62 (3)
Mauritia flexuosa in Peru
Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae: Calamoideae), una palmera amazónica por
cultivar en el Perú.
Resumen – La planta. El aguaje (Mauritia flexuosa L. f.) es una palmera amazónica que
crece naturalmente en las zonas alagadas formando densas áreas llamadas aguajales en el
Perú. La palmera puede alcanzar (35 a 40) m y tiene un promedio de 8 inflorescencias por
año, cada inflorescencia produciendo alrededor de 900 frutos. Esta palmera esta en proceso
de adaptación al cultivo. Una forma enana, recientemente descubierta, permite esperar un
mejoramiento de los métodos de producción. El fruto. El fruto es una drupa de forma ovoidea cubierta de escamas lisas de color marrón-rojizo de (5 a 7) cm de largo y (4 a 5) cm de
diámetro. La pulpa esta rica en β-caroteno (260 mg·100 g–1 de pulpa). El mercado. El mercado esta alimentado por frutos procedentes del medio natural. El consumo local es aproximadamente de 150 t por mes y la pulpa esta consumida directamente o procesada
localmente. Para satisfacer a la demanda, aproximadamente de 24 000 palmeras están cortadas cada año. Discusión. El aguaje presenta una gran importancia socio-económica para los
habitantes de la Amazonía peruana y representa un potencial elevado para el mercado nacional y internacional. El Instituto de investigaciones de la Amazonía peruana (IIAP) estudia
técnicas para el manejo agronómico: cultivo, producción así como procesamiento de los
frutos. El crecimiento, así como la diversidad genética de esta palmera en condiciones naturales, deben también estar estudiados.
Amazonia / Perú / Mauritia flexuosa / botánica / cultivo / plagas de plantas /
usos / domesticación / composición aproximada / mercadeo / almacenamiento /
Fruits, vol. 62 (3)