Jonas Geronimo
Telephone: 714 956 3110
Anaheim, California, September 16, 2009 – Saint Boniface Catholic Church will commemorate its
sesquicentennial or 150th anniversary by having a year-long Jubilee celebration in 2010. The Jubilee year
will open with a special mass on November 28, 2009 - the eve of the First Sunday of Advent – the start of
the Catholic Church’s liturgical year. The mass will be celebrated by the Most Reverend Jaime Soto,
Bishop of the Diocese of Sacramento, who had served at St. Boniface for many years prior to being
assigned to Sacramento by Pope Benedict XVI.
Founded in 1860 by German immigrants who settled in Anaheim, Saint Boniface grew form a community
of less than 20 members, to a parish of over 20,000 Catholics consisting of more than 5,000 families.
Since its beginning, St. Boniface has continued to uphold the Catholic Church’s tradition of serving
God’s people through liturgy, sacraments and help to those who are in need.
“I am looking forward to the great jubilee year as it affords us a chance to look back at so many people
who helped start and grow this community.” Said Reverend Timothy Freyer; the Pastor at St. Boniface
Church. “God has blessed our community in so many ways and this is an opportunity to recognize as a
community His goodness to us.”
In addition to special liturgies throughout the year, St. Boniface will also mark its 150th anniversary with
special activities. Ground has already broken for the establishment of a Memorial Plaza featuring a
“Walk of Memories” paved with commemorative bricks containing messages form the community. The
plaza also features a replica of the Camino Real bell to commemorate the Catholic Church’s rich history
in California. Additionally, an exhibit is planned to showcase images and artifacts accumulated by the St.
Boniface community over the last 150 years.
About Saint Boniface Catholic Church
St. Boniface Catholic Church is a community of Roman Catholic believers in the Diocese of Orange.
Serving more than 20,000 individuals, St. Boniface is one of the largest and most active Parishes in the
Diocese. Founded only a few years after the City of Anaheim’s incorporation, St. Boniface has been and
still continues to be a part of Anaheim’s rich history and heritage. Located on the north-west corner of
Lincoln Avenue and Harbor Boulevard, St. Boniface also hosts many Catholics form around the nation
and the world, who come to visit the Disneyland Resort Area.
For more information about St. Boniface Church, please visit
Saint Boniface Catholic Church
120 North Janss Street
Anaheim, California
714 956 3110
Reverend Timothy Freyer
Parochial Vicars
Reverend Augustine Long Vu
Reverend Gregory Márquez
Deacon José Luis Rodriguez
Deacon Jay L. Milam
Mass Schedules
Monday – Friday
6:30 AM (English)
6:45 AM (English)
8:00 AM (English)
8:00 AM (English)
8:00 AM (Español)
11:00 AM (English)
5:00 PM (English)
12:30 PM (Español)
7:00 PM (Vietnamese - Tues)
7:00 PM (Español - except Tues)
9:30 AM (English)
6:30 PM (Vietnamese)
5:00 PM (English)
8:00 PM (Español)
7:00 PM (Español)
Saint Boniface Catholic Church
Sesquicentennial Celebration
Tentative Calendar of Events
November 28, 2009
Special Mass to mark the beginning of the Jubilee year.
Mass will be celebrated by the Most reverend Jaime
Soto, Bishop of the Diocese of Sacramento.
November 28, 2009
Opening of the St. Boniface Exhibit: 150 Years of
November 2009 November 2010
Traveling exhibit: 150 Years of Community
February 2010
Release of Limited Edition Bookmarks
April 2010
Dedication of the El Camino Real Bell Plaza
November 2010
Special Mass to mark the close of the Jubilee Year. Mass
celebrant to be determined
November 2010
150th Anniversary Banquet
Apostolic Blessing
Lord, Jesus We your Church look forward with joy and anticipation to the celebration of the Great Jubilee
that marks St. Boniface’s 150 years.
Hear our prayer and send forth your Spirit on us during this time of preparation so that we might become
a Church that is reconciling and forgiving, faithful to your teachings, full of faith, hope and love, is just
and seeks justice, is alive to the needs of others is living out it's call to proclaim the Good News so that all
peoples may come to know you as their Lord and Saviour.
May we your Church, with the help of Mary our Mother become a true sacrament to the world. Jesus, we
ask this in your name, Our Lord, yesterday, today and forever.
El Camino Real Bell Plaza
Celebrating the Catholic Church’s rich heritage in California
Bricks with inscriptions will be used to pave the plaza. A replica of the Camino Real Bell will
stand tall at the center, symbolizing the Catholic Church’s role in early California settlement.
The project broke ground in August and is now under development. Bricks are sold at $75 each
for the walk-way locations and $100 for placement in the center of the plaza under the bell.
Limited Release Bookmarks
The Seven Sacraments
A limited release two sets of bookmarks will be offered. Both sets depict renderings of the
stained glass windows found inside the church. The first set show The Seven Sacraments of the
Church. The second set show The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Limited Release Bookmarks
The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit
A limited release two sets of bookmarks will be offered. Both sets depict renderings of the
stained glass windows found inside the church. The first set show The Seven Sacraments of the
Church. The second set show The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Commemorative Book
Illustrious History – Rich Heritage – Diverse Community – One Body in One God
A commemorative book is under development to illustrate a robust history of community, service and
faith; all centered around the Liturgy – the substance that catalyzes different people into a parish of