9367 Wattsburg Road • Erie, PA 16509


9367 Wattsburg Road • Erie, PA 16509
Saint Boniface
Monday, October 24, Weekday
No Mass Today
Tuesday, October 25, Weekday
9:00 a.m.
Douglas Habink (Steve & Jean Urash)
Wednesday, October 26, Weekday
8:00 a.m.
Joan Pisano (Vic Pisano)
Thursday, October 27, Weekday
8:00 a.m.
Living and Deceased Members of
St. Boniface Parish
Friday, October 28, Saints Simon and Jude
8:00 a.m.
Norman & Agnes Allgeier
(St. Boniface Parish)
Saturday, October 29, Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary
5:00 p.m.
Pat Stuczynski (John & Evelyn Lorei)
Sunday, October 30, Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary
7:30 a.m.
John & Florence Allgeier
(Larry & Jan Kosin)
10:30 a.m.
Dave Keverline (Larry Berdis & Family)
Saturday.. ...................................... ….4:15−4:45 p.m.
(and anytime by appointment)
OCTOBER 23, 2016
Rev. Marc Stockton, JCL ................................. Pastor
Rev. Mister Timothy G. Good ....... Permanent Deacon
Lisa Panighetti .................................. School Principal
Sr. Rose Kuzma, O.S.F. ....... Director of Religious Ed.
Sandee Krivonak........................... Business Manager
Melanie Kennerknecht ..................... Parish Secretary
Monday–Friday ........................... 9:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
Parish Office ............................................... 825-4439
School ......................................................... 825-4238
Center ......................................................... 825-8101
Hall Rental .................................................. 825-4439
Parish Website ............. www.stbonifaceparisherie.org
General Office .................. boniface@roadrunner.com
Business Office .. bonifacebusiness@roadrunner.com
Religious Ed. .............. stbonifacere@roadrunner.com
St. Boniface School.......... www.stbonifaceschool.com
With faith in Jesus Christ, St. Boniface Parish, guided by
its commitment to the educational, moral, and spiritual
values inherent in its Roman Catholic heritage, seeks to
provide its parishioners and community opportunities to
enrich their spiritual well being. Through traditional
pastoral, liturgical, and sacramental ministries as well as
varied educational, social, and religious programming,
we address the immediate and ongoing needs of
parishioners and the extended community.
9367 Wattsburg Road • Erie, PA 16509-6031
I usually write this column personally, but the title is
“From the Pastor’s Desk,” not necessarily from the
pastor’s pen. I received the following email at my
desk regarding our recent college care package
initiative, and Michelle’s words speak more
eloquently about what we are called to be and do as a
parish than I ever could. Thank you to the folks who
helped make the college care packages possible, and
keep up the good work, St. Boniface!
Fr. Marc and all Parishioners of Saint Boniface,
We have yet to meet personally, but I am a
parishioner at St. Boniface. I am currently in my
second year as an Engineering student, down here at
the University of Pittsburgh. As many may know
college is one of the most stressful times I, personally,
have ever been through. There’s days filled with
doubt, anger, sadness, and all other sorts of emotions.
I find myself wanting to give up more often than not.
Every day is a constant struggle of getting beat down
by such a rigorous university and the pressure to
succeed and make others proud.
This week with all these midterms coming up, and
like every year, it’s just coincidental that they all end
up either on the same day, or within a 24-48hr period
of each other. So I think you can imagine the stress.
Often in times like this I get very angry, I start being
agitated with everyone around me, being snarky with
my parents, blowing off friends, and most definitely
pushing God away. The only thing that ever seems to
keep me going in life is John13:7, Jesus replied, “You
do not realize what I am doing, but later you will
But yesterday was different, I was done with
everything, I was angry at God for nothing seeming to
go right in my life for the past few months. But, also,
yesterday I received an email, an email telling me that
I received a package. I was very confused about this, I
usually don’t receive mail here of any kind unless I
order something myself. So I went on with my day,
being stressed and angry about how hard everything is
and how I never get a chance to even breathe. But I
carried on like I always do, finished my classes,
walked back to my dorm, and then I thought to
myself, I don’t need to go pick up that package, I have
too much to do right now, but I gave in to curiosity
and walked into the mailroom. I filled out the forms to
receive my package and the mail room attendant
handed me a white box. I looked at it very confused,
wondering “Why would St Boniface send me
anything?” The first thought that came to my mind
was “If my mom signed me up for something I
swear…(I think you know the rest.)” But then I got
back to my room and set it on the table, I had to meet
a study group and it wasn’t on my top priority list so I
didn’t bother to open it. Later on I stumbled back to
my room around 1am, exhausted, fed up, and not able
to sleep with all the stress sitting on my shoulders,
then I looked over at the white box sitting on my table.
I had completely forgotten about it, I grabbed a knife,
slit it open and was amazed/confused at the contents
inside, thinking “Why would anyone do this for me?”
I shifted around in the box and found a letter, I read it
slowly trying to understand what was going on, the
further I got through the letter the more emotional I
became, tears started rolling down my face, “How
could anyone do such a nice thing for me and barely
even know me?” It baffled me, I couldn’t stop the
tears, I read the prayer on the back and held the rosary
in my hand, being hysterical at this unbelievably kind
gesture. I immediately got duct tape (a college dorm
room necessity) and hung it up right next to bed. I got
down on my knees, and prayed for the first in such a
long period that I can’t even remember the last time
and I thanked God, I thanked God for putting people
like you and all the parishioners of Saint Boniface in
my life. I didn’t even know how much I needed those
words said to me in that letter and prayer, I didn’t
know how much they would affect me, or how great it
feels to be a part of something as kind and loving as
Saint Boniface Parish and to be brothers and sisters of
God with all of you there.
So thank you, thank you all for showing me that I can
make it through this tough time and there are people to
fall back on, that I am not alone. Thank you all for
showing up in my weakest moment and creating an
undeniable strength in me again.
I hope you share this email with all, it meant the world
to receive this gift.
God Bless you all,
Michelle Fugagli
your support of last week's World Mission Sunday
collection. Your gift will help the Society for the
Propagation of the Faith to bring the message of God's
love and healing to our brothers and sisters in more
than 1,111 mission dioceses throughout the world.
May God reward your generosity!
PRAY FOR~ Please pray for the soul of
parishioner Frank Patalon and Benjamin Cermak who
passed away recently. Our sympathy is extended to
their families.
October 23, 2016
HALLOWEEN PARTY~ All local children and
infants through grade 6 as well as their families are
invited to the annual Halloween party sponsored by
the Greene Township Lions Club and
financially supported by local businesses and residents. It will
be held on Monday, October 31, 2014 at St. Boniface
Coleman Center from 6-8p.m. There will be costume
prizes, games, treat bags, donuts and cider for all.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION~ Classes today for
grades K-8. All will meet in the Center at 8:45. There
are still some families who have not registered and we
invite you to come and do so. We will help you to
catch up on what you missed.
Next week, October 30th there is no formal class but
all will attend the FAMILY MASS where the children
will come dressed as Saints at the 10:30 mass. Remember this is considered a CLASS FOR EVERYONE and the childr en must attend. Then after the
mass they will join the parish in the Center to honor
and thank Fr Gallina and Fr Malthaner with a potluck
Talladega 500 Party. Today, October 23, 2016 in
Coleman Hall. Race shown on 17 x 11 video screen.
Small games of chance. 2:30 - 6:00 pm. $5 donation
includes refreshments and food. Must be 18 to attend.
Call 739-9514 for information and tickets.
SCHEDULED OCT. 23~ Cathedral
Preparatory School will hold an open house Oct. 23
from noon to 3 p.m.at the school, located at 225 W.
9th St., Erie. Guided tours will include classroom
demonstrations and a look at science labs, as well as a
review of iPad, robotics, 3-D printing and technology
programs. Applications will be available during the
open house; there is no fee to apply. Students in
attendance will be entered in a drawing for discounts
on tuition. For more information, call 814-453-7737,
ext. 3.
AT ST. STANISLAUS~ A pro-life holy hour
celebrating the Year of Mercy will be held at
St. Stanislaus Church, E. 13th and Wallace streets,
Erie, on Oct. 30 beginning at 2 p.m. All are welcome
to attend and pray before the Blessed Sacrament for a
greater respect for all human life. Remember, October
is Respect Life Month.
BASKET YET? Baskets containing about $40
value in interesting new items are being accepted for
the Fall Festival. Please bring them to the church or
school office by November 1st. If you can, add a tag
listing the contents to help our shoppers. Direct
questions to Rosanne Jaworski. Thank you!!
THANK YOU~ Just over a year ago, St. Boniface
was in need of a good shepherd to lead the parish
through a rough time. We got two. Fr. Gallina and
Fr. Malthaner stepped up and helped the parish
transition to a new pastor. For that, we owe them a
debt of gratitude. Following on the recommendation of
parish pastoral council, we will honor these generous
priests with an appreciation luncheon on Sunday,
October 30, at 12:00, in the Coleman Center. It will be
pot luck, so please bring a dish to share. Drinks and
the entree will be provided by the Sympathy/
Hospitality Committee. If you plan to attend, please
call and let Gerry (825-0020), Carol (825-2553), or
Jean (825-0095) know so that we can get a rough
number of those attending.
TECHNO BINGO~ The House of Mercy is
hosting a TECHNO BINGO on Fri, Nov 4 at 7:00pm
at the Perry Hose Social Hall, 8281 Oliver Rd. Tickets
are $25. Must be 21 to attend. Tickets on line at the
House of Mercy Erie Facebook page through
events/331120663902082/. For more info contact
michele.schroeck@gmail.com. Sixteen games of
bingo with 9 cards per game Prizes include: laptop,
tablet, wireless headphone, wireless speaker, xbox
one, 32in smart TV, go pro, drone, activity tracker,
ipad mini, ipod and more . . . All prizes include a gift
receipt! Light snacks and drinks provided. BYOB!
RESEARCH~ Linda's Good Eggs Ovarian Cancer
research fundraiser will be at St. John's Parish Center,
1001 Main St., Girard, PA, Saturday, October 29 from
3 to 9 p.m. There will be a Silent auction, 50-50 raffle,
Chinese auction, refreshments, bake sale, Art sale by
artists: Kevin John Jobczynski, Brian Payne and Jack
Paluh, Entertainment by DJ Dan, Jess Royer Acoustic
guitar, Gem City Revival, Poetry reading, games of
chance. Admission is free. Accepting cash and checks
only for purchases. A portion of the money will be
going to the Cleveland Clinic for ovarian cancer
Sunday— October 23
After all Masses
Knights of Columbus Membership
Info (Gathering Space)
Religious Education (Classrooms)
Kuhl Hose Talladega 500 Party
Monday— October 24
Diabetes Meeting (Zapolski Room)
Choir Rehearsal (Church)
Boy Scouts (Cafeteria)
Varsity Girls Basketball Practice
Tuesday— October 25
Wednesday— October 26
Varsity Boys Basketball Practice
Thursday— October 27
Varsity Girls Basketball Practice
Prayer Group (Allgeier Room)
Friday— October 28
Family Fun Night (Center)
Varsity Girls Basketball Practice
Saturday— October 29
This school year, the PTS has revived a
popular activity from the past: the School
Store. Students are awarded “Brave Bucks”
by their teachers in recognition of their good
behavior---following the rules, showing
kindness to one another, paying attention, etc.
Those “bucks” accumulate over a two-week
period and can then be spent at the School
Store, exchanged for pencils, key chains,
animal erasers etc. As you can see from this
photo of the kindergarten students leaving the
store with their rewards, it can be a thrilling
experience! Jen Wagner, mother of two school
students, operates the store on behalf of the
Sunday— October 30
Religious Education Family Mass
Appreciation Luncheon for
Fr. Gallina and Fr. Malthaner
who has ideas about celebrating our 160th anniversary
is encouraged to contact one of the committee
members. They are: Mike and Nancy Allgeier,
Molly Johnson, Tony Wilczynski, Joni Gross, Jeannie
McGinley, Cindy Srnka, Dan Zimmer, Jean Conn, Jay
Puskar, Holly Puskar Welch, Fr. Marc Stockton,
Cathy Mester, Ruth Stiles, and Pat Devine. Everyone
is welcome!
PRE BAPTISM CLASS~ Are you planning on
having a child Baptized in the near future? There is a
class being held at Our Lady of Mount Carmel on
Monday, November 7th at 7:00p.m. in the School.
Call the Parish Office at 825-7313 to register.
Baptism~ We welcome into the Christian
Community and our Parish Family through the water
of baptism Nicholas Rekitt, Jr., infant son of Nicholas
& Amanda (Totleben) Rekitt, Sr. and Drayer
Pacinelli, infant son of Anthony & Emily
(Kosobucki) Pacinelli. Congr atulations to the
~Sunday, October 16,
Capital Improvement…………………...$18.00
Catholic Service Appeal………………$235.00
Upon This Rock……………………….$927.50
World Mission………………………$1,099.89
~Thank you to those who use their envelopes regularly
and to all who have increased their offerings.~
SATURDAY– October 29
5:00 p.m.
D. Lunger
SUNDAY— October 30
7:30 a.m.
B. Drabina
10:30 a.m.
L. Hogan
CHURCH CLEANING~ Heavenly dusters this
week are: Beth Allgeier, Nancy Dinges, Cathy
Dombrowski, Molly Johnson, Helga Russell and Kris
Waskiewicz. May God bless them in their faithful
RCIA~ Do you know of someone who is not a
catholic or is a catholic but has not received the
sacraments? You could be the one who could invite
them to “Come and see.” Please call Sr Rose for more
SATURDAY— October 29
5:00 p.m.
J. Lorei, M. Lorei, D. Nellis
SUNDAY— October 30
7:30 a.m.
M. Drabina, J. Mowery, P. Mowery
10:30 a.m.
J. Griebel, J. Griebel, N. Quigley
"Be who God meant you to be and you will set the
world ablaze!" St. Catherine of Siena. The Family Fest
is a day for celebrating the Catholic family and open
to all youth and their parents. There will be something
for all ages! (Note: babysitting is not available).
Registration includes:
+ Powerful messages for both youth and parents by
national Catholic speaker, Chris Padgett,
+ A Vendor and Vocations area
+ Retail Catholic shops
+ Family Challenge Area with your Passport to
+ Socks of Love Service Project
+ Mercy Chapel with Eucharistic Adoration and
Confession throughout the day
+ Fun Festival Food Carts for lunch
+ Each family who registers receives a Family Faith
Bag with a family candle, prayer book, and DVD on
the family.
Registration is $10.00 per person or $40.00 for your
www.CatholicFamilyFest.com This event is being
organized and facilitated by the Diocesan Youth Board
and the Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry.
kpeterson@eriercd.org, 814-824-1218.
SATURDAY— October 29
5:00 p.m.
A. Rzepka, S. Matson
SUNDAY— October 30
7:30 a.m.
S. Allgeier
10:30 a.m.
J. Hogan, K. Hogan
SATURDAY— October 29
5:00 p.m.
K. & K. Becht
SUNDAY— October 30
7:30 a.m.
D. & L. Brumagin
10:30 a.m.
L. Hogan
MEMORY~ The Sanctuary Candle is lit
this week in memory of Joan Pisano from
Vic Pisano.