A St. Boniface Weekly Publication
A St. Boniface Weekly Publication
! August 2, 2015 ~ Quilt Raffle ~ 100th Anniversary Mass at St. Boniface Cemetery ~ Visitation Ministry Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time BEFORE AFTER A St. Boniface Weekly Publication ! E V E R G R E E N ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2 ! Issue 350 ~ August 2, 2015 ! On the Evergreen cover this week: Before and after pictures of the beautification of the Reservation Chapel. Upcoming Baptism Class Monday, August 3 Weekly Liturgy Schedule Saturday Vigil—4:15 p.m. Sunday—8:15, 10:15 a.m. & 5:15 p.m. Sunday—Spanish Mass—12:15 p.m. Monday—5:45 p.m. Tuesday—8:00 a.m. Wednesday—6:45 p.m. Thursday—8:00 a.m. and 6:45 p.m. (bi-lingual Mass) Friday— 8:00 a.m. (Recitation of the Rosary—weekdays 20 minutes before Mass) Sacrament of Penance Wednesday—6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Thursday—6:00 - 6:30 p.m. (bi-lingual) Saturday—3:30 - 4:00 p.m. or by appointment In the Church 7:00 p.m. Contact the Parish Office at 656-6450 to register or for more information. Congratulations Newly Baptized We welcome to our parish community... July 20—$40 Chris Haarman—Hamel, IL July 21—$40 Laurie Bonk*—Edwardsville, IL July 22—$40 Rev. Jeffrey Goeckner— Edwardsville, IL July 23—$40 Nathan & Sarah Kreke— Edwardsville, IL July 24—$40 Gary Newton—Edwardsville, IL Mrs. Robin Black-Rubenstein Pastoral Associate child of Jeremy Wildhaber and Sara Meyer Wildhaber Mrs. Linda Daniels, Mrs. Benna Denue, Mr. Jack Hake, Mr. Kurt Hylla, Mr. Martin Morrissey, Mrs. Sue Papajcik Pastor’s Cabinet May he continue to grow in God’s loving care. Sister Anna Flanigan, OSF Principal, St. Boniface School Mr. Mike Scholz Principal, Father McGivney Catholic High School The Quilters are having another quilt raffle. They will be selling raffle tickets the weekends of August 1/2 and August 8/9 at all Masses. Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. This is a queen sized quilt with cross stitching and appliqué. A very springy/ summery quilt. Drawing will be held on August 12. Rest in Peace Your prayers are requested for the repose of the soul of July 25—$40 Scott Paul—Worden, IL Terry Bridges July 26—$40 Roger & Kay Gallaher—Edwardsville, IL May God grant him eternal rest. * Denotes Bonus Entry winner ! The Parish Office will close at Noon on Fridays during the summer. Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Phone (618) 656-6450 www.st-boniface.com Diocesan website — www.dio.org ! Most Reverend Thomas John Paprocki Bishop, Diocese of Springfield, IL Very Reverend Jeffrey Goeckner VF Pastor, Dean of the Alton Deanery Fr. Paul Habing Spanish Ministry Deacon Daniel Corbett Permanent Deacon/Tribunal Advocate Emmett Ryan Wildhaber Quilt Raffle RAFFLE CALENDAR WINNERS St. Boniface Catholic Church 110 North Buchanan Street Edwardsville, Illinois 62025 Phone 618.656.6450 FAX 618.656.7669 PARISH STAFF Mrs. Benna Denue Parish Office Manager and Administrative Assistant Mrs. Robin Hake Business Manager Mrs. Monica Zumwalt Assistant Business Manager Mr. Michael Joslyn Parish Campus Maintenance Manager Mr. Ryan Hentz Parish Campus Maintenance Assistant Mr. Bill Doerr Parish Campus Maintenance Assistant Sister Kathleen Ann Mourisse, OSF Director of RCIA/RCIC Mr. Tom Ohren Visitation Minister Coordinator Miss Jill Griffin Director of Worship & Music Dr. Marc Schapman Assistant Choir Director Mrs. Barb Stamer Parish School of Religion Coordinator Mr. John Lednicky Tech Specialist Mrs. Judy Frank Mrs. Cindy Zurliene Receptionists Mrs. Linda Daniels Tribunal Advocate Mrs. Sue Papajcik Safe Environment & Volunteer Coordinator Mr. Marcelo Nieto Spanish Community Coordinator S H E P H E R D ’ S N O T E S 3 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time + Reflection From last Sunday’s Gospel, we heard how Jesus fed a crowd of more than five thousand through the multiplication of the loaves and the fishes. But that miracle was not enough of a sign for the crowd to believe in Jesus. They want something more. It might be tempting for us to judge them harshly. But are not we the same in how we live our lives? Our market teaches us never to be satisfied, to always want something more. From the food we eat, to the clothes we wear, to the gadgets of technology that keep us company, we want more. Jesus tells us to come to him, and we will never want more, we will be completely satisfied. Up and Coming Events MEGA BONA THANKS STB First Day of School—August 19 FMCHS First Day of School—August 20 STB Annual Golf Tournament—August 23 Outdoor 100th Anniversary STB Cemetery Mass— August 29 @ 4:15 PM (weather permitting) Red Mass—August 30 @ 10:15 AM Mass Dedication of the New FMCHS Building— August 30 @ 2:30 PM Another successful STB Rummage banked an amazing $9,170.78. An amazing amount of items were collected, donated, dropped off and SOLD! Mega bona thanks to Shelia and Keith Legate and the many, many volunteers who spent countless hours preparing and executing one of the largest indoor rummage sales in Edwardsville! May God bless you! RCIA/RCIC ~ The Inquiry Sessions for those interested in learning more about the Catholic faith begin on Monday, August 31 @ 6:30 PM in the Acorn Room of the Lower Level. RCIA witness presentations from last year’s amazing RCIA group will share their powerful experience at all Masses on August 22 and 23. STB Youth Ministry TEAM ~ Following an organizational meeting with the STB Youth Ministry Team, I am pleased to announce that Tower Teens and Steeple People will begin their sessions in September. Leadership for Tower Teens (Middle school-aged): Jill Griffin, Maddie Litterst, Katlyn Frick and Lauren Serfas. Leadership for Steeple People (High school-aged students): Sarah Deeter, Ben Motil and Mike Gray. Non-intrusive adults (cooks and adult support) include: Joan Green and Georgann Lautner. The TEAM seeks more non-intrusive adults. If interested, please contact me @ jgoeckner@hotmail.com. STB Young Adults Meeting~ The call out for input and brainstorming was answered by 50+ young adults (19-35ish) last week. The group surfaced many ideas and imagined how the spiritual and social needs of the largest percentage of parishioners in our parish can be met. The “October and November Teams” will meet on Monday, August 24 @ 6:30 PM in the Bona Lounge of the Parish Office building. The first event will be held on Thursday, October 22. Details coming soon! Did you know? Saint Boniface Parish School (K –8) will enroll 230 students and 42 in the Pre-K program in the 2015-2016 school year. Father McGivney High School will enroll 130 students (Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors) A total of 23 students are from Saint Boniface Parish—9 of the 23 are Freshmen. There is still time to register your student (s) at both schools. For more information contact the schools’ offices. STB @ 656-6450—FMCHS @ 855-9010. STB Finance Council Meeting ~ The Finance Council will meet on Monday, August 3 @ 6:30 PM in the Parish Office Conference Room. STB Pastoral Council Meeting ~ The Pastoral Council will meet on Tuesday, August 4 @ 6:30 PM in the Parish Office Conference Room. Stewardship Council Meeting~ The Stewardship Council will meet on Wednesday, August 5 @ 7:15 PM in the Parish Office Conference Room. Annual Golf Tournament ~ The 6th annual STB Golf Tourney will be held on Sunday, August 23 @ Oak Brook Golf Club with 7 AM Sunday Mass on the green. See the STB website for registration information and sponsorship information. All entry fees are due now. Hurry, this event fills up quick! All are welcome to the Celebration of the Holy Mass on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the founding of Saint Boniface Parish Cemetery on Saturday, August 29 @ 4:15 p.m. with the blessing of the New Section and the New Statue of the Pieta. Please Note —No Mass will be celebrated at the Church on the 29th. This Mass will replace the usual 4:15 PM Saturday Vigil. In case of rain or severe heat, the Mass will be celebrated at the Church. Please bring lawn chairs, blankets, strollers and umbrellas. The celebration is hosted by the STB Cemetery Association. P A R I S H C A L E N D A R 4 August 2015 Sun Mon Tue 2 3 4 5 Steeple People 6:30 p.m. (AR) Finance Council Mtg. 6:30 p.m. (PO); Baptism Class 7:00 p.m. (CH) Martha & Mary Group 8:30 a.m. (AR); Grief Support Nia 7:15 a.m. Faith Coalition (OR); Mtg. 6:30 p.m. Quilters (AR) 8:30 a.m. (EV); Protecting God’s Children Wkshp 6:30 p.m. (AR); Stewardship Mtg. 7:15 p.m. (PO) 5:15 p.m. (AR); Pastoral Council Mtg. 6:30 p.m. (PO) 9 10 Thu 6 12 13 Protecting God’s Martha & Mary Children Wkshp Group 8:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. (AR) (AR); Handbell Practice 6:30 p.m. (CH) Nia 7:15 a.m. (OR); Quilters 8:30 a.m. (EV); St. Vincent DePaul Mtg. 7:00 p.m. (PO) Communion Service at Edwardsville Nursing and Rehab 10:00 a.m. 17 19 20 Prayer Service at Martha & Mary Cedarhurst Group 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. (AR); Handbell Practice 6:30 p.m. (CH) Nia 7:15 a.m. (OR); Quilters 8:30 a.m. (EV); School parent Meeting 6:00 p.m. (S) Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:00 p.m. (CH) 23 24 25 26 27 Golf Tournament 7:00 a.m. Mass on the Green Young Adult Ministry Mtg. 6:30 p.m. (AR) Martha & Mary Group 8:30 a.m. (AR); Handbell Practice 6:30 p.m. (CH) Nia 7:15 a.m. (OR); Quilters 8:30 a.m. (EV); Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:00 p.m. (CH) 16 11 Wed 18 Fri 7 Sat 8 Kossakowski/ Clark wedding Liturgy This Week August 3-9 Monday @ 5:45 p.m. ~ Chapel Weekday in Ordinary Time Ethel Gerstenecker Tuesday @ 8:00 a.m. ~ Chapel St. John Vianney Paul Schlueter 14 15 Wednesday @ 6:45 p.m. ~ Chapel Weekday in Ordinary Time Harry & Frances Luchtefeld Judy Luchtefeld Hiza Thursday ~ Chapel The Transfiguration of the Lord 8:00 a.m. ~ Ethel Gerstenecker 6:45 p.m. ~ Janet McCarthy 21 22 Frank/ Herzberg Wedding 28 29 Spanish Community Fiesta 5:30 p.m. Outdoor Plaza AR—Acorn Room / BL—Bona Lounge / BR—Bride’s Room / CA—Chapel / CH—Church / EV—Evergreen Room / OR—Oak Room / PC—Parish Center / PO—Parish Office / S—School AfterCare Grief Support The grief support group at St. Boniface "AfterCare" will meet from 5:15 - 6:15 p.m. on Tuesday, August 4, in the lower level of the church. This will be the only meeting time in August. Anyone is welcome to attend. Contact Robin Black-Rubenstein at the parish office if you would like to know more about "AfterCare". Volunteers Needed for the Visitation Ministry The Visitation Ministry provides Pastoral care for the sick, elderly and homebound when parishioners are unable to participate in weekly services. Volunteers visit and share their faith and the Eucharist with parishioners in nursing homes, hospitals, care centers and private homes. Some visits are monthly and others more frequent. Each visit is 30-90 minutes. If interested, or if any questions, please contact Tom Ohren, Visitation Minister Coordinator, 288-0775, or the Parish Office, 656-6450. Thank You. Friday 8:00 a.m. ~ Chapel Weekday in Ordinary Time Richard Grezlak Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday Vigil ~ Church 4:15 p.m. Joe Meyer Sunday ~ Church 8:15 a.m. St. Boniface Parishioners 10:15 a.m. John Beausang 12:15 p.m. Spanish Mass ~ Chapel Wilfred Schwartzkopf 5:15 p.m. Jerry Knetzer Sacred Scripture This Week Readings for the Week of August 2, 2015 Sunday: Ex 16:2-4, 12-15/Eph 4:17, 20-24/Jn 6:24-35 Monday: Nm 11:4b-15/Mt 14:13 -21 Tuesday: Nm 12:1-13/Mt 14:2236 or 15:1-2, 10-14 Wednesday: Nm 13:1-2, 25-14:1, 26-29a, 34-35/Mt 15:21-28 Thursday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14/2 Pt 1:16-19/Mk 9:2-10 Friday: Dt 4:32-40/Mt 16:24-28 Saturday: Dt 6:4-13/Mt 17:14-20 Next Sunday: 1 Kgs 19:4-8/Eph 4:30--5:2/Jn 6:41-51 !"#$%&'#()*+,%-*#()$#./0+1/(+ !!! !P A R I S H S C H O O L ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 !!!! Dear Parishioners, The St. Boniface School Board will host a Welcome Gathering for new families to St. Boniface School. Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy a 128 North Buchanan Edwardsville, IL 62025 fun afternoon at Edwardsville Phone-618.656.6917 Township Park on Sunday, August FAX-618.692.8385 stbschool@st-boniface.com 16, 1 – 3 p.m. See your parent letter for more information—coming soon! Please turn in completed registration forms for the 2015-2016 PSR school year to the Parish Office. Forms are available on our website at www.st-boniface.com under the Quick Links tab; along with a calendar for the 2015-2016 school year. Wednesday, August 19, is the first day of student attendance at St. Boniface School, Kindergarten – grade 8. School will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m. The extended day services (morning and evening) and bus service will begin on Thursday, August 20. Bona thanks to all volunteers and participants for another successful Vacation Bible School. Saint Boniface Parish School (Pre-K—8) We will hold our usual parent meeting on Wednesday evening, August 19. We will begin in the GYM at 6:00 p.m. for a brief time, and then move to your child’s classroom to meet with that teacher. Everyone should be home by 8 p.m. Preschool classes will begin on August 31 and September 1. The Preschool Meet & Greet will be held on Sunday, August 30, 9:00 a.m. –noon. Bring your child to acquaint them with their classroom and classmates. God Bless, Sr. Anna Protecting God’s Children Upcoming workshops will be held in the Acorn Room on: Wednesday, August 5—6:30 p.m. Monday, August 10—6:30 p.m. Classes start Wednesday, August 26, 2015 Father McGivney Catholic High School 142 Wilma Drive ~ Maryville, IL 62062 phone: 618-855-9010 ~ fax: 618-855-9011 email: info@mcgivneygriffins.com FMCHS has an opening for a full-time science teacher for the 2015-2016 school year. A Bachelors degree from an accredited college or university in an education discipline is required. Certification/License and state certification as a high school teacher with a science endorsement are necessary. All interested parties may apply by emailing Mike Scholz, Father McGivney Catholic High School Principal, at mscholz@mcgivneygriffins.com and include resume, credentials, licensure and letter of inquiry. Or apply by mail to Father McGivney Catholic High School, 142 Wilma Dr., Maryville, IL 62062. Attn: Mike Scholz, Principal. Register by email to spapajcik@att.net or call the Parish Office 656-6450. Classes start Thursday, August 20, 2015 If you wish to volunteer in any capacity, you will need to attend a Protecting God’s Children Workshop. PARISHIONER INFORMATION FORM Sharing the Gospel Jesus said, "God wants you to have faith in the one he sent." The one he sent was Jesus. If you believe in Jesus Christ you will love God above all else and love your neighbor as yourself. Full of love, you can do the works of God. You feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit those in prison, visit the sick and bury the dead. Prayer Holy Spirit, give me food to share with the hungry. Mission for the Week I will make a get well card for a sick person in my family. ! Parish School of Religion Please complete and place in the collection basket or mail to: 110 N. Buchanan St., Edwardsville, IL 62025 NAME_________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________ _______________________________________________ TELEPHONE___________________________________ E-MAIL ________________________________________ Please check the appropriate item(s): ____ Change of address ____ New baby ____ New phone/e-mail ____ Leaving parish ____ Send electronic giving information ____ Send new parishioner form !F A I T H F O R M A T I O N 6 MINISTRY MINUTES Can You Remember the Spiritual Works of Mercy? Reflection ~ Robin Black-Rubenstein In April of this year our Holy Father announced that he would open an Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy starting on the feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8, 2015. In anticipation of that event, I am writing some of my columns on the topic of mercy in our Church. This is what you are to do. Lift your heart up to the Lord with a gentle stirring of love, desiring him for his own sake and not for his gifts. --The Cloud of Unknowing, Chapter 3. The text is a spiritual guide on contemplative prayer in the late Middle Ages written anonymously. The second reading today from Saint Paul to the Ephesians gives directions to them regarding keeping their hearts and minds towards God. He speaks of learning from Christ not in the “futility of their minds” but to “be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and put on a new self.” In the midst of everyday life it can seem difficult and sometimes futile for us to set aside our concerns about accomplishing our duties, whatever those are in our life, for added time in prayer. It can also be difficult if we are unable to shut off those worries as we attempt to pray and connect with God. There are many methods of doing this. In this week and next week’s column, I will give you examples of different methods and their origins: The Spiritual Works of Mercy are: instruct the ignorant, counsel the doubtful, comfort the sorrowing, admonish the sinner, gladly forgive injuries, bear wrongs patiently and pray for the living and the dead. We do not often speak of these works or examine ourselves about how well we carry out these works. We most often compare our behavior with the Ten Commandments to see how well we are doing. It is important to note that in his description of the Great Judgment (Mt 25:31-46), Matthew does not describe Jesus as comparing our behavior against the Ten Commandments but rather against failing to do what is good: food for the hungry, drink for the thirsty, welcoming the stranger, clothing the naked, caring for the sick and visiting the prisoner. All of us judge ourselves in terms of obeying the law instead of failing to do what is good. Cardinal Walter Kasper writes in his recent book on mercy that “mercy is concerned with more than justice; it is a matter of attentiveness and sensitivity to the concrete needs we encounter.” Cardinal Kasper sees poverty as having four aspects or manifestations. There is of course economic poverty, there is cultural poverty arising from having inadequate or very little education, there is social poverty arising from a lack of relationships and loneliness, and there is mental or spiritual poverty arising from despair and the lack of a spiritual orientation. It is cultural, social and spiritual poverty that our Spiritual Works of Mercy address. In our culture it is very possible for someone who is economically well off to be suffering one of the other aspects of poverty. We can all think through our list of family, friends and acquaintances to see if this might be the case and then to apply the appropriate Spiritual Work of Mercy to helping that person. Please take a few minutes to think about the others in your life and you may well find an opportunity to practice mercy. ~Deacon Dan St. Boniface Koinonia Retreat STBK2 is Friday, September 11—Sunday, September 13. Attendance is open to everyone 18 and older but will be limited to the first 30 applications received. The cost is $60 (which includes all meals), but you only need $10 to reserve a spot. Registration forms are located in the back of the church or by contacting the parish office. ! ! In the 1970s, drawing from The Cloud of Unknowing and other Christian mystical writings, three Trappist monks--William Meninger, Basil Pennington, and Thomas Keating--developed a simple method of silent prayer. This method came to be known as Centering Prayer, referencing Thomas Merton's definition of contemplation as prayer "centered entirely on the presence of God." Centering Prayer is simply sitting in silence, open to God's love and your love for God. This prayer is beyond thoughts, emotions or sensations. Like being with a very close friend or companion where words are not required, Centering Prayer brings your relationship with God to a level deeper than conversation, connection within the heart. Because our minds are so attached to thinking, it is suggested that you choose a sacred word, with one or two syllables, as the symbol of your intention Then, sit comfortably and with eyes closed, settle briefly, and silently introduce your sacred word. When you become aware of thoughts, return ever-sogently to your sacred word. At the end of the prayer period, remain in silence with eyes closed for a couple of minutes. Enjoy in God’s embrace! St. Boniface RCIA-RCIC If you or someone you know is interested in knowing more about the Catholic faith or becoming a member of the Catholic faith, we invite you to RCIA (the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). RCIA is a 7-month process of getting to know about/becoming a member of the Catholic faith. We meet most Monday evenings 6:30-8:00 p.m. from September until the Easter Vigil. Older children, ages 6-13, who wish to be baptized into the Catholic faith, have their own sessions on Monday evenings at the same time as RCIA. This is called RCIC (the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children). For more information, contact the Parish Office at 656-6450 or Sister Kathleen Ann at mourissestb@yahoo.com. Class begins Monday, August 31 in the Acorn Room M U S I C 7 !"#$%&'(")&*+,,& TRIVIA NIGHT FUNDRAISER to Support World Youth Day 2016 Pilgrimage WHEN: Saturday, September 12, 2015 WHERE: Edwardsville KC Hall TIME: Doors open at 6:20 p.m. Event begins promptly at 7:00 p.m. COST: $100/table (10 person max per table) This event is for individuals in high school and older. Please contact Jill @ the Parish Office (656-6450 x108) for more information or to reserve your table. YOUTH GROUP SIGN UP & PIZZA NIGHT TOWER TEENS & STEEPLE PEOPLE Sign up for Tower Teens (Grades 6-8) and Steeple People (Grades 9 - 12) the weekend of September 12 & 13 after all Masses in the main lobby. Both groups will kick off the new school year with a Pizza Night on Sunday, September 13, from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. in the lower level of the church. Bring a friend & ideas of activities for the year. For more information, contact Jill Griffin @ (618) 656-6450 or jgriffin@st-boniface.com or Sarah Deeter @ hockey.soccer12@gmail.com. TEEN CHOIR The Teen Choir will play/sing at the 5:15 p.m. Mass on Sunday, August 16. All in Grades 6 & up are welcome. Rehearsal @ 4:00 p.m. on August 16. All proceeds benefit St. Boniface World Youth Day 2016 Pilgrimage Liturgical Music for Next Weekend All drinks must be purchased at the KC Hall. You are welcome to bring snacks. Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 8 - 9, 2015 Gathering Song: All Creatures of Our God & King - #546 Glory to God: from “Heritage Mass” - #886 E-WASTE RECYCLING Clean out and recycle your old electronics at the same time! All electronics are accepted EXCEPT CRT TVs (old, large-style TVs). Only flat screen TVs are accepted. Contact the Parish Office for questions or for drop off information. Items may be dropped off at the shed during business hours (Monday Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) All proceeds benefit the St. Boniface World Youth Day 2016 Pilgrimage. Psalm: Respond & Acclaim - p. 118 Gospel Acclamation: Respond & Acclaim - p. 119 Preparation of the Gifts: Give Me Ears to Listen - #663 Eucharistic Acclamations: Heritage Mass #887 - #892 Communion Song: Take & Eat - #366 Closing Song: Alleluia! Sing to Jesus - #742 Please Pray for our Military Men & Women Dan Boone, Parishioner Major Eldridge Browne, son of Dallas & Imelda Browne Kraig Kline, Lars Engeberg, brother of Kasey Johnes son-in-law of Jerry & Sharon Hengehold Brandon Effler, son of Lewis & Mary Effler Mark Federspiel, Patrick Kohler, nephew of Shari & Bryce Renken Andrew Kolakowski, son of Cindy Kolakowski James Lavelle, nephew of Floyd and Darrell Frey son of Theresa Lavelle Gregg Flores, Erin Long, son of John & Lisa Becher granddaughter of Ann Hans Nathan Henning, Nick McKenney, grandson of Theresa Lavelle, son of Kate & Jeff Geisen Aaron Hines, son of Joseph & Connie Hines ! Steve Jones, grandson of Bunny Beausang and the late John Beausang Michael Porter, son of Mary Porter Ricky Ricciardi, Nickolas Varady, son of Richard Ricciardi and son-in-law of David & Kathy Viox son of Steve & Julia Varady grandson of Martha Hilt Brian, Stephen, and Peter Sambor, son of Thomas & Kimberly Velez Thomas Velez, sons of Frank & Gayle Sambor Adam Wendel, Kyle & Jake Schaake, son of Donna & Kevin Wendel, brother of Amanda Wendel sons of Mark & Patti Schaake Beth McBride Shockey, daughter of Pat McBride and the late Ron McBride Abe Stroot, grandson of Jerry & Judy Davis, brother of Emma & Logan nephew of Tim & Cheryl Green Adam Mitchell, son of Dennis & Catherine Sullivan nephew of Josh & Tracy McDonald Sam Terry, son of Betsy Meyer and the late Joe Meyer Sgt. Kevin Sullivan, Jake Svoboda, son of Paul & Denise Svoboda Evan Zeller, son of Laren & Elsa Zeller and grandson of Ed McCarthy and the late Janet McCarthy 8 ! S T E W A R D S H I P Weekly Financial Report –July 20-26, 2015 Operating Income and Expenses Stewardship Council Financial Trends and Offertory Giving Church & School Income 11,987.00 ! Envelopes 610.28 ! Loose 3,252.00 ! Electronic Stock Dividend/Matching 0.00 Misc Income (Baptisms, weddings, etc.) 0.00 Pre-School Tuition 0.00 Tuition 0.00 Regular Registration 0.00 Hot Lunch 0.00 Extended Care 0.00 Gift Shop 488.76 Total Operating Income 16,338.04 Church & School Expenses Did you Know….. ! That although the number of families/individuals that were on record for making offertory contributions decreased by 3.4% between 2011 and 2013, the average annual contributions for those giving units actually increased by 4.9%. That is filling the gap!!!! Utilities 219.05 Repairs & Maintenance 648.28 Hot Lunch Program costs 0.00 Ext Daycare program costs 0.00 Misc Operating costs 7,273.40 Insurance-Property & Liability, WC, Auto 15,278.79 Athletic Expense 0.00 Gift Shop 0.00 Payroll & Fringes 0.00 School Supplies 8,455.06 Total Operating Expenses The above graphs are excerpts from the Feasibility Study that was conducted by Cargill Associates in 2014. You can find this informative study on our website, st-boniface.com, under quick links. Simply click on “Feasibility Study” and you will be able to download the study as a PDF. Stewardship Council Member, Nathan Vuagniaux Outward Signs of Faith St. Boniface offers many different opportunities for you to become involved in your parish. Starting on page 8 of the recently distributed 2015 Parish & Stewardship Directory is a listing of the many ministries we offer here at St. Boniface. Funeral Lunch Volunteers August 2015 ~ Committee #1 31,874.58 Net Surplus/(Shortfall) (15,536.54) Other Collections (Restricted Funds) ACSA 39.00 Angel Fund St. Vincent de Paul FMCHS Tuition Fund CCIF (building improvements) Building (debt reduction) 170.00 1,062.00 10.00 112.00 430.00 Diocesan Collections - Sent to Diocese 35.00 July 20-26, 2015 Weekly Sales YTD Profit July 2015-Present $2,775.00 $680.20 SCRIP COLLECTION COUNTERS Team Leader Betty Franke with Julie Davis, Carole Grapperhaus, Ned & Denise Guetterman, Kay Fisher, Cindy Kolakowski, Theresa Lavelle and Judy Vieth ! Monday, August 3, 2015 – Rich Hartnagel, Celeste Korte and Tom Jacober E V E R G R E E N A N N O U N C E M E N T S 9 ! Edwardsville Knights of Columbus The Knights are having a Bar-B-Que from 11:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. this Sunday, August 2. We will serve baby back ribs, pork steaks, chicken quarters, pulled port and apple brats; both plates and sandwiches. Kid’s sandwich comes with chips. Plates come with two sides and sandwich comes with one side. Sides are potato salad, coleslaw, macaroni salad, baked beans and applesauce. All Catholic families are welcome to join us on Sunday, August 16, from 1:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. to celebrate the Knights of Columbus 3rd Annual Family Day. We will have old fashioned field day type games for the kids (3-legged race, potato sack races, marshmallow longest drive, Frisbee throwing contest, tug of war, egg race, etc., $1 burgers and hot dogs, and lots of fun for the whole family. We will have the event outside at the Edwardsville Knights of Columbus Hall on Marine Road. Please contact Scott Bayless (sjbayles@aol.com) for more information or to RSVP. Did you know this about St. Boniface Cemetery. . . In May of 1994 the Edwardsville Knights of Columbus Council 1143 donated a stone marker to honor the innocent victims of abortion to the St. Boniface Catholic Cemetery. This stone marker was placed, and still remains today, next to the altar at the cemetery. It quietly reminds us that every human life, as a gift from God, is sacred from conception to natural death. On your next visit to the St. Boniface Catholic Cemetery, please stop by the altar area where the stone marker rests and say a prayer for the unborn. LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR NEXT WEEKEND —AUGUST 8-9, 2015 ! Ministries Vigil—4:15 p.m. Sunday—8:15 a.m. Sunday—10:15 a.m. Sunday—5:15 p.m. ! Ministers of Holy Communion John and Jenny Sanford 692-9815 Melanie Cruse Linda Daniels Roger Frank Toby Heddinghaus Melissa Litterst (sub req.) Jeff Litterst (sub req.) Ben Motil Kathlene Ratkewicz Allan Ratkewicz Jodi Roberts Volunteer Needed Robin Black-Rubenstein Crystal Bradley Joe Hines Shirley Lanham Sheila LeGate Kara McGarrahan Andrew McGarrahan Angela Paul Jan Reilly Alan Rubenstein Tim Tosovsky Phil Becerra Connie Becerra Susan Boduch Scott Hajny Bonnie Hajny Adam Milburn Jenny Milburn Judy Savant Keith Sweet Colleen Sweet Stacey Tyrrell Mark Bradley Becky Bradley Thomas Jacober Sadie Lautner Peggy Pace Scott Pace Jessica Westerhold Readers Barb Leardi 656-3917 Phillip Daniels Sydney Joslyn Liz Link Tim Harr Lisa Gray Barb Harr Michael Suhre Stephen Miller Shari Renken Nicole Winters (sub req.) Tyler Winters (sub req.) Kaitlyn Frick Ushers David & Susie Knetzer 960-5677 Linda Daniels Roger Frank Brian Jones Kevin Kretzer Greg Stovall Keith Sutorius James Trebing Volunteer Needed Gary Denue Steve Haarmann Michael Hines Ray Kerkemeyer William Lanham Andrew McGarrahan Bill Schwarz David Viox Dan Boner Jane Case Don Lange Jerry McNichols Bryce Renken Mike & Lisa Rolves Jeff Wiedman Daniel Willis (sub req.) Diane Jacober Hunter Klette Dave Knetzer Joe Lautner Sadie Lautner Randy Otrembiak Craig Riley Albert Schug Altar Servers Fr. Jeff 656-6450 Zachary Hoffmann (sub req.) Eli Joslyn Anne Schilly Hersch Greene Brady Hollis Zachary Paul Katie McDonald Ryder Savant Reece Savant Jack Sweet Connor Sweet Sean Sweet Sacristan Mary Westerhold 656-6536 Jeff Litterst (sub req.) Benna Denue Mary Westerhold Stacy Klette Greeters Nora Meyer 656-5248 Janice Boyer Pat Niehaus Mary Jo Schmidt Sheila Voss Carol Lange Chris Miller Craig Riley Judy Veith Scrip Sales Krista Charnisky (sub req.) Shawna Heddinghaus Susan Greer Barbara Martin Claudia Gramaglia Michelle Peck Janice Gallaher Holly Jones Cantors Jill Griffin 610-6972 Deron Griffin Vince Schlueter Catherine Nosacka Sue Papajcik 10 !!! D I R E C T O R Y—I N F O R M A T I O N STB FINANCE COUNCIL SACRAMENTS Cindy Clark, Louis Carnoali, Pete Deakos, Chris Gelsinger, Robin Hake, Brian Jones, Celeste Korte, Mark Luchtefeld, Randy Uebinger & Kay Wasmuth Baptisms ~ Please contact the Parish Office for registration information. Prior to baptism, parents are required to attend a one-hour seminar. Parents may attend the seminar before their child is born. Penance ~ Saturday 3:30 - 4:00 p.m. Wednesday 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Thursday (Bi-lingual) 6:00—6:30 PM Or by appointment. Communal services are celebrated during Advent and Lent. Marriage ~ If you are considering marriage, a minimum of six months is required for preparation. A wedding date cannot be set until after the first meeting with the pastor. At that time, the diocesan and parish guidelines will be explained. Anointing of the Sick ~ Parishioners who are seriously or critically ill, or having surgery, should contact the pastor for the celebration of the sacrament. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults ~ The R.C.I.A. is an ongoing formation process for adults who are interested in becoming a Catholic and would like to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist. Call the Parish Office for additional information. STB PASTORAL COUNCIL Robin Black-Rubenstein, Maria Carrion, Cindy Clark, Deacon Dan Corbett, Linda Daniels, Lacey Gelsinger, Rich Hahn, Jim Jatcko, Arthur Langston, Georgann Lautner, Jeff Litterst, Marisa Nieto, Lauren Serfas & Mary Westerhold STB SCHOOL BOARD Chris Amick, Pat Couzins, David Dempsey, Bob Greer, Kip Heinle, Sarah Kreke, Celeste Korte, Sean Nesbit & Briana Oller FMCHS SCHOOL BOARD REPRESENTATIVES Jane Boone and Jack Hake! MEETINGS Pastoral Council .....................................1st Tuesday STB School Board .......................................Monthly FMCHS School Board…………….4th Thursday Finance Council ......................................... Quarterly St. Vincent de Paul .............2nd & 4th Wednesday OTHER EVENTS Quilters ................. Wednesday 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. P.S.R. ................ Wed. 6:30-7:45 p.m. (school year) R.C.I.A. ............................... Monday 6:30-8:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal .....................Wednesday 7:00 p.m. PARISH REGISTRATION New parishioners are always welcome! You may register in person or by calling the Parish Office. Forms are on the counter in the gathering area. ST. BONIFACE CEMETERY ASSOCIATION CHURCH is open for prayer and visits: Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Saturday: 10:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 a.m.—6:30 p.m. Our Parish cemetery is located one mile north of the church on Frederick Street. Contact the Parish Office or Jerry Hengehold at 656-2550 for additional information. ***** BULLETIN SUBMISSION DEADLINE IS MONDAY AT 4 p.m. ***** Diocesan Child Abuse Reporting and Investigation number (217) 321-1155. Contact Cindy Zurliene at czurliene@st-boniface.com Life • Disability • Long Term Care • Annuities Michael M. Sullivan, FICF, LUTCF TCF michael.sullivan@kofc.org 618-692-0538 or 618-363-9395 cell (618) 656-4949 3 Sunset Hills Professional Center Edwardsville, IL 62025 There is no more highly rated insurer in North America www.westcpa.com Steven J. Hyten, D.M.D., M.S. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon X 618-656-3100 1005 Plummer Drive • Edwardsville, IL 62025 www.edwardsvilleoralsurgery.com Steve Woll Owner Xcursions Salon, Inc. Tim Mahnesmith Financial Advisor Hair Care For The Whole Family Edwardsville Glass 440 E. Vandalia St. (618) 656-9500 Edwardsville, Il 62025 1 Schwarz Street Plaza (618) 656-9505 Edwardsville, IL 62025 Fax (618) 656-1522 Six 157 Center Ste B Edwardsville, IL 62025 618-656-3601 618-656-7202 www.edwardjones.com TOTAL EYEWEAR OUTLET, Inc. AUTO ELECTRIC PLUS LINED BIFOCALS PROGRESSIVE NO-LINE 903 Hillsboro Ave • Edwardsville, IL VISION package package package SINGLE $3995 $7995 $11995 618-288-2288 over 1,700 frames • Designer Frames also available Mon-Fri 9:00 to 5:30 and Saturdays 9:00 to 4:30 SECOND LOCATION IN FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS! 618-628-8868 F OR A D INFO CALL MIKE ANDERSON A T 1-800-950-9952 • ! MAC’S 4260 S. State Route 159, Glen Carbon, IL 62034 WWW .4LP I . COM 618-655-0766 “STICK WITH THE BEST” Calcott Roofing Residential & Commercial Serving Madison County Since 1974 FREE ESTIMATES 781-4444 • 655-9648 License #104-002391 ST . B ONIFACE, EDWARDSVILLE, IL C 4C 01-0503 06-26-2015 15:28:21 Edward T. McCarthy ATTORNEY AT LAW Parishioner 3 Ginger Creek Parkway Glen Carbon, IL www.swillaw.com 692-1600 Helping seniors and the disabled live independently in their homes. STEVEN C. STOLTE WOODWORKING Custom Made Mantels • Bookcases • Cabinets Entertainment Centers Computer Work Stations Phone & Fax: (618) 656-6351 www.visitingangels.com 618-307-9610 We offer special veterans’ pricing EDWARDSVILLE COUNCIL 1143 www.kofc1143.com HALL RENTALS AVAILABLE LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED 618-656-4985 Currently Hiring Angels ~ FLEXIBLE HOURS/ COMPETITIVE PAY/REWARDING EXPERIENCE FISH FRYS - 1ST & 3RD FRIDAYS BOB’S OUTDOOR SERVICES • Quality Work • Insured • Power Washing • Landscape Work • Shrub Trimming • Drainage Work • Handyman Jobs, etc. Call Bob (618) 345-9131 BROWN REALTORS® DODIE LADD LEVI BROKER ASSOCIATE 618-960-9166 CELL dodieladdlevi@gmail.com 2205 S. State Route 157, Edwardsville 656-9600 Each Office is Independently Owned And Operated. Custom Sheet Metal & Copper FREE Estimates • Veteran Owned & Operated ,QF Heating & Cooling 3885 Schipkowski Rd., Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 656-8953 • cummings.ruudreliable.net 1071 S. Highway 157, Edwardsville, IL (618) 655-9920 Mon-Thur: 11am-12am • Fri-Sat: 11am-1am • Sun: 11am-11pm D.B. PLUMBING New Installation-Water Heaters-Remodeling Water Lines-Repairs-Gas Lines 618-656-6183 A funeral home “Honoring Life” DANIEL L. BONER, Lifetime Parishioner 1-270 & IL 159 • 288-9500 !"#$%&'"('')"*+,-.&/0*1'/213"$4 Outdoor Services !"#$%&'"('')"*+,-3'%* • Spring Clean-up • Mowing • Shrub/Hedge Care • Mulch Licensed-Bonded-Insured IL. LIC. NO. 058-134883 5637680379'3:;,<=,,>?;@ Guy Brown • (618) 520-0077 www.garwoodsheating.com Carpet | Area Rugs | Tile & Stone | Hardwood | Laminate | Resilient | BOB’S HANDYMAN SERVICE shawfloors.com • Remodeling • Drywall • Finished Carpentry • Painting • Ceramic Tile • Decks • Exterior House and Deck Washing • Landscaping • Blinds & Draperies • Light Fixture and Ceiling Fans Insured Call Bob Rose 618-978-8697 Dr. David Hyten General Dentistry 618-656-1914 2110-A Troy Road, Edwardsville Cindy’s Critter Camp ROOFING, INC. Specialists In Quality Reroofing & Repairs www.sahc.org Member RCGA and NRCA Fully Insured For Your Protection Financing Available Pet Boarding • Grooming Training • Adoption Daycare & Playtime Pet Behaviorist On Staff www.cindyscrittercamp.com Maryville, IL • 344-4096 Join us for Trivia Night every Wednesday starting at 8pm Since 1970 FREE ESTIMATES www.dawsonroofing.com 656-9055 132 N. Main St. Edwardsville, IL We accept: M/C VISA DISCOVER AMEX 314-837-4671 • 636-949-6821 IL: 618-207-4175 www.kettleriverfurn.com 618-656-9706 Discounted Party Packages for all your Party needs PRESENT THIS AD FOR 15% OFF YOUR MEAL (alcohol not included) $5 off your next $25 purchase with this ad Sunset Hills Country Club Receptions • Rehearsals Dinners Corporate Events www.sunsethillscountryclub.com 618-656-9380 F OR A D INFO CALL MIKE ANDERSON A T 1-800-950-9952 • WWW .4LP I . COM ST . B ONIFACE, EDWARDSVILLE, IL B 4C 01-0503 06-26-2015 15:28:21 C Cathleen Keasey HOLIDAY CLEANERS Realtor Elite Properties 618-660-2615 61 ckeas@att.net ck HAGEN OUTDOOR SERVICES Cindy Pizzini Realto Realtor altor Tree Trimming & Removal Bush Trimming & Removal Free Estimates • F lly Insured D.J. Neese-Parishioner 618-659-9306 618-339-0762 112 Hillsboro • 656-0202 3 1500 Troy Road • 656-4393 CindyPizzini@charter.net (618) 830-9497 Edwardsville Frozen Foods Retail Meat Market Homemade Sausages Deer Processing 246 N. Main St. Edwardsville www.kofc.org Collinsville, Il. 346-8806 (618) 656-1477 IL Lic 058-134230 All your protection under one roof. PREFERRED PARTNERS RTNERS Kathleen M Goclan Agency 5201 Godfrey Road Godfrey, IL 62035 An Outstanding Customer Experience J.D. Power and Associates certified Distinguished Insurance Agency (618) 659-2483 American Family Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries. American Family Insurance Company. Home Office-Madison, WI 53783 amfam.com ©2009 07497 - Rev. 2/09 618-466-5703 Jim Reppell 618-791-7663 www.HomesByReppell.com Weber & Rodney FUNERAL HOME 304 N. Main Street Edwardsville 618-656-4655 weberfuneralhome.com DIRECTORS: MICHAEL D. WEBER • W. EDWARD RODNEY • BRANDON M. RODNEY Family Owned and Operated THOMAS SAKSA FAMILY FUNERAL HOME Always Evergreen Gift Shop Always Hours: Monday-Friday: 7:30 AM - 4 PM Closed Saturday & Sunday Inspiration for any occasion Experience and Quality Service is why families choose us Located in the St. Boniface Parish Office 110 N. Buchanan Street • Edwardsville, IL • 618-656-6450 10% OFF OF $25.00 210 N. Kansas St. Edwardsville 618-656-7577 WALDBART NURSERY AND A Home Landscaping SONS Landscaping • Construction Lawn Mowing • Maintenance • Green Services ESTABLISHED 1872 618-585-3414 9110 N. 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