March 6 - St. Boniface
March 6 - St. Boniface
March 6, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Lent ~ Lenten Penance Service at St. Boniface Sunday, March 13, 2:00 PM ~ Stations of the Cross Fridays at 2 PM and 6 PM ~ Knights of Columbus Fish Fry—Fridays 4:30-7:30 p.m. A St. Boniface Weekly Publication E V E R G R E E N 2 Issue 381 ~ March 6, 2016 On the Evergreen cover this week: The Prodigal Son. Weekly Liturgy Schedule Saturday Vigil—4:15 p.m. Sunday—8:15, 10:15 a.m. & 5:15 p.m. Sunday—Misa en Español —12:15 p.m. Monday—5:45 p.m. Tuesday—8:00 a.m. Wednesday—6:45 p.m. Thursday—8:00 a.m. and 6:45 p.m. (bi-lingual Mass) Friday— 8:00 a.m. (Recitation of the Rosary—weekdays 20 minutes before Mass) Knights of Columbus Hall 4132 Marine Rd. 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. (more details on page 9) Upcoming Baptism Class Monday, March 7 In the Church 7:00 p.m. Contact the Parish Office at 656-6450 to register or for more information. (There are no baptisms during Lent) Sacrament of Penance Wednesday—6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Thursday—6:00 - 6:30 p.m. (bi-lingual) Saturday—3:30 - 4:00 p.m. or by appointment Go to to print out a Baptism Information Sheet. Click Sacraments and then Baptisms. RAFFLE CALENDAR WINNERS St. Boniface Annual Cemetery Meeting February 22—$40 Peggy McNelly—Glen Carbon, IL February 23—$40 Laura Jones*—Edwardsville, IL February 24—$40 Carol Glinn—St. Clair Shores, MI February 25—$40 Molly Heepke—Edwardsville, IL February 26—$40 Daniel Glinn*—Glen Carbon, IL February 27—$40 Mary Wood—Edwardsville, IL February 28—$40 Tamara Dittamore—Granite City, IL * Denotes Bonus Entry winner Office Hours Monday—Friday 7:30 am-4:00 pm The St. Boniface Annual Cemetery Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 9, at 1:30 p.m. in the Acorn Room of St. Boniface Church. All lot owners are welcome to attend. The Cemetery Board requests that all lot owners or family members of loved ones buried at St. Boniface Cemetery please remove Christmas and all old decorations in preparation for Easter. Reminder that the Cemetery Rules do not permit grave blankets, ground coverings or shepherd hooks. Thank you for your help. Father Son Mission Trip to Guatemala (see story on page 7.) St. Boniface Catholic Church 110 North Buchanan Street Edwardsville, Illinois 62025 Phone 618.656.6450 FAX 618.656.7669 Most Reverend Thomas John Paprocki Bishop, Diocese of Springfield, IL Very Reverend Jeffrey Goeckner, VF Pastor, Dean of the Alton Deanery Reverend Paul Habing Ministerio Español Deacon Daniel Corbett Permanent Deacon/Tribunal Advocate Mrs. Robin Black-Rubenstein Pastoral Associate Mrs. Linda Daniels, Mrs. Benna Denue, Mr. Jack Hake, Mr. Kurt Hylla, Mr. Martin Morrissey, Mrs. Sue Papajcik Pastor’s Cabinet Sister Anna Flanigan, OSF Principal, St. Boniface School Mr. Mike Scholz Principal, Father McGivney Catholic High School PARISH STAFF Mrs. Benna Denue Parish Office Manager and Administrative Assistant Mrs. Robin Hake Business Manager Mrs. Cindy Zurliene Assistant Business Manager Mr. Michael Joslyn Parish Campus Maintenance Manager Mr. Ryan Hentz Parish Campus Maintenance Assistant Mr. Bill Doerr Parish Campus Maintenance Assistant Mr. Eddie Sjursen Parish Campus Night Security Sister Kathleen Ann Mourisse, OSF Director of RCIA/RCIC Mr. Tom Ohren Visitation Minister Coordinator Miss Jill Griffin Director of Worship & Music Dr. Marc Schapman Assistant Choir Director Mrs. Barb Stamer Parish School of Religion Coordinator Mr. John Lednicky Tech Specialist Mrs. Judy Frank Receptionist Mrs. Linda Daniels Tribunal Advocate Mrs. Sue Papajcik Safe Environment & Volunteer Coordinator Mr. Marcelo Nieto Coordinador de la comunidad Español S H E P H E R D ’ S N O T E S Fourth Sunday of Lent Jesus, through his suffering and death upon the cross, won forgiveness for our sins and reconciled us to God the Father. He calls us to go forth to share God’s love and forgiveness with others by seeking to foster unity, peace and healing in our workplaces, local community, among our friends and family and in our homes. Pray for our RICA Candidates and Catechumens Carmen Connors, James DeMoulin, Heather Mainer, Christina Meyer, Phil Pederson, Juan Perez, Jeff Stark, Ellie Viox and Karla Winslow Did you sign up for Liguorian yet? Last week you heard a special presentation about Liguorian magazine. Did you return your envelope? If not, please take a minute to fill it out and drop it in the collection basket. Take advantage of our multi-year discount. Remember, your print subscription supports the Redemptorists and includes FREE access to Liguorian Online Digital Edition with registration at STB Parish School Penance ~ 6 Priests will be available for the Sacrament of Penance for STB Parish School children on Tuesday, March 8 @ 10:15 AM. Adults who would like to receive the Sacrament at this service are welcome. However, I would ask that adults receive the Sacrament after the parish school students have received the Sacrament. Auction Bus Trip ~ This is a reminder for those who signed up for the infamous coach bus trip to my home town— Teutopolis which is scheduled for Friday, March 18. The FJ Reality Tour will depart St. Boniface @ 4:30 PM sharp. We will arrive in Teutopolis @ 6 PM for the festivities. The bus will return to St. Boniface @ 11:30 PM. Be assured a “good time will be had by all!” Finance Council ~ The STB Finance Council will meet on Wednesday, March 9 @ 7:15 PM in the Parish Office Conference Room. STB Lenten Penance Service ~ The Communal Lenten Penance Service will be held on Sunday, March 13 @ 2:00 PM. 24 hours with the Lord ~ Bona thanks to everyone who spent time in prayer last weekend. Bona thanks to the Pastoral Council for planning the annual event. Bona thanks to the night security officers. Rest in Peace Your prayers are requested for the repose of the soul of Wilbur Johnson May God grant him eternal rest. March Work of Mercy Shelter the homeless and clothe the less fortunate. Donate gently used clothing to the GlenEd Pantry. 3 Saint Boniface Parish School ~ STB parish grade school and pre-school will be accepting applications for the 201617 school year soon. Now is the time to consider sending your child/children to our parish school and/or pre-school. Questions about our excellent schools? Contact any STB Board Member (listed on page 10), Sister Anna Flanigan OSF –Principal @ the School Office or myself @ Saint B is the place to B for an A+ Catholic Education! FMCHS ~ Father McGivney Catholic High School is accepting registration for incoming Freshman and transfer students for the 2016-17 school year. Those considering attending FMCHS should contact the FMCHS office @ 855.9010 to schedule a shadow day or talk with David Michael, Vice President of Advancement; Mike Scholz, Principal, or myself about our excellent school. It’s great to be a Griffin! Area Penance Services March 7, Monday, 7pm ~ St. Paul – Highland March 9, Wednesday, 6:30pm ~ St. Paul – Highland March 9, Wednesday, 7:00pm ~ St. Jerome – Troy March 10, Thursday, 9:30am ~ St. Paul – Highland March 13, Sunday, 2:00pm ~ St. Boniface – Edwardville March 16, Wednesday, 7:00pm ~ St. Mary – Edwardsville March 16, Wednesday, 7:00pm ~ Holy Family – Granite City (for Holy Family, St. Elizabeth, St. Mary & St. Mark) March 20, Palm Sunday, 4:00pm ~ St. Ambrose—Godfrey Palm Sunday is March 19/20 The Palm Sunday Liturgies will begin in the Chapel with Proclamation of Gospel and Blessing of Palms. All should gather in Chapel. Everyone wear RED! Holy Week and Easter Schedule Chrism Mass at the Cathedral—Tuesday, @ 6:30 PM Holy Thursday Soup and Bread Supper @ 5 PM— 6:30 PM in the Oak Room. Sign up in the Main Lobby or contact the Parish Office. Holy Thursday Mass @ 7 PM Adoration in the Chapel until 10 PM Good Friday Service @ 3 PM Good Friday Stations of the Cross @ 6 PM Easter Vigil @ 7 PM Reception follows in the Oak Room Easter Sunday Masses @ 8:15 and 10:15 AM No 5:15 PM Mass C A L E N D A R 4 March 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 6 7 8 9 10 11 Tower Teens 6:30 p.m. (AR) Nia 8:00 a.m. (OR); RCIA/RCIC 6:30 p.m. (AR); Baptism Class 7:00 p.m. (CH) Martha & Mary Group 8:30 a.m. (AR); Handbell Practice 6:30 p.m. (CH); Spanish Leadership Mtg. 7:00 p.m. (PO) Nia 8:30 a.m.(OR); Quilters 8:30 a.m. (EV); Cemetery Board Mtg. 1:30 p.m. (AR); PSR 6:30 p.m.; St. Vincent de Paul Mtg. 7:00 p.m. (PO); Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:00 p.m. (CH); Living Eucharist 7:15 p.m. (Bride’s Room); Finance Council 7:15 p.m. (BL) Living the Eucharist 8:45 a.m. (OR); Pastoral Council Mtg. 6:30 p.m. (PO) Nia 8:00 a.m. (OR); Stations of the Cross 2:00 p.m. (CH) & 6:00 p.m. (CA) 17 Koinonia 13 14 15 16 Confirmation Retreat 11:30 a.m.; Penance Service 2:00 p.m. (CH); Steeple People 6:30 p.m. (AR) Nia 8:00 a.m. (OR); RCIA/RCIC 6:30 p.m. (AR); Planning Commission Mtg. 6:30 p.m. (BL) Martha & Mary Group 8:30 a.m. (AR); Handbell Practice 6:30 p.m. (CH); Creighton Model Interest Session 6:30 p.m. (PO) 20 21 Secular Franciscans 3:00 p.m. (AR); Tower Teens 6:30 p.m. (AR) Nia 8:00 a.m. (OR); RCIA/RCIC 6:30 p.m. (AR) 27 Easter Sat 12 Liturgy This Week March 7-13 Monday @ 5:45 p.m. ~ Chapel Lenten Weekday Carmelita Johnson Tuesday @ 8:00 a.m. ~ Chapel Lenten Weekday Henry Haarmann Wednesday @ 6:45 p.m. ~ Chapel Lenten Weekday Raymond Dittman 10:00 a.m. ~ @ FMCHS Chapel Rita Degenhardt 18 19 Nia 8:30 a.m.(OR); Living the Eucharist Quilters 8:30 a.m. (EV); 8:45 a.m. (OR) Lectio Divina 10:00 a.m. (AR); PSR 6:30 p.m.; Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:00 p.m. (CH); Living the Eucharist 7:15 p.m. (BL) Nia 8:00 a.m. (OR); Stations of the Cross 2:00 p.m. (CH) & 6:00 p.m. (CA) Women’s Prayer Breakfast 8:00 a.m. (OR); Via Crucis 6:00 p.m. (CA) 22 23 25 Martha & Mary Group 8:30 a.m. (AR); Handbell Practice 6:30 p.m. (CH) Nia 8:30 a.m.(OR); Quilters 8:30 a.m. (EV); St. Vincent de Paul Mtg. 7:00 p.m. (PO); Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:00 p.m. (CH) Holy Thursday Nia 8:00 a.m. (OR); Stations of the Cross 6:00 p.m. (CA) 1 2 Nia 8:00 a.m. (OR) Secular Franciscans Fraternity 5:30 p.m. (AR) 28 29 30 Nia 8:00 a.m. (OR); Stewardship Mtg. 7:00 p.m. (PO) Martha & Mary Group 8:30 a.m. (AR); Handbell Practice 6:30 p.m. (CH) Nia 8:30 a.m.(OR); Quilters 8:30 a.m. (EV); PSR 6:30 p.m.; Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:00 p.m. (CH) 24 31 26 Good Friday (Office Closed) Holy Saturday Easter Monday (Office Closed) AR—Acorn Room / BL—Bona Lounge / CA—Chapel / CH—Church / OR—Oak Room / PO—Parish Office / S—School Circle of Moms Please join us for our March Circle of Moms Event: Mom’s Evening Circle ~ Thursday, March 10, 7:00 p.m. at the home of Kelli Bishop. “Like” us on Facebook: St. Boniface Circle of Moms, or if you would like to be added to our email list please contact us at Thursday ~ Church Lenten Weekday 8:00 a.m. ~ Charles Hoffmann 6:45 p.m. ~ Karen Mateyka Friday 8:00 a.m. ~ Chapel Lenten Weekday Communion Service Fifth Sunday of Lent Time ~ Church 4:15 p.m. John Johnson Sunday ~ Church 8:15 a.m. Ed & Mary Carter 10:15 a.m. John Beausang 12:15 p.m. Misa en Español ~ la Capilla Rita Degenhardt 5:15 p.m. St. Boniface Parishioners Need Assistance? Dial 2-1-1 United Way 2-1-1 is your 24/7 connection for resources and agencies near you. Finding help used to be a frustrating ordeal-flipping through phone books and calling multiple numbers; wrong turns; dead ends; wasted time. Now one phone number, 2-1-1, can reduce those headaches and get you connected to the resources you need. Can’t connect? Dial 800-427-4626 C A T H O L I C E D U C A T I O N Dear Parishioners, Saint Boniface Parish School (Pre-K—8) 128 North Buchanan Edwardsville, IL 62025 Phone-618.656.6917 FAX-618.692.8385 Track coaches, particularly those with field experience or interest, are needed for the season. Please contact Mr. Jeff Oller, our athletic director @ 656-6917, if you or a friend is interested. Perspective coaches must have attended Protecting God’s Children. March 15, the early registration deadline, is also just around the corner. Contact the school office now if you are considering enrolling your child in St. Boniface School. Registration will open to the Edwardsville community soon. Kindergarten screening is Wednesday, April 6. Parents with incoming kindergarteners NOT in our preschool should call the school office to schedule an appointment for this screening. Kindergarten visitation (incoming students) will be Tuesday, May 3, 9:00–11:00 a.m. The kindergarten child and a parent are asked to attend. Mark your calendars and save the date. Thank you for your support of the pizza sales. Pizzas that were ordered will be available for pick-up on Saturday, March 5, 11:00 a.m.–12 noon, and Monday, March 7, 2:30–3:30 p.m. Parishioners are invited to the Edwardsville Catholic Schools Band Concert (here at St. Boniface) on Thursday, March 10. There are two performances: 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Parents are reminded that the eighth grade Confirmation retreat is Sunday, March 13. Eighth grade students must attend. Peace & All Good, Sr. Anna Youth Tech Trends Presented by Christine Feller Monday, April 4, 2016 ~ 6:30-7:30 p.m. ~ STB Parish Center There is NO cost, but RSVP is required 656-6917. Topics: Current/trending apps, basic app set up/privacy concerns, establishing house rules, having conversations with youth about technology. Job Opportunity—St. Boniface School St. Boniface School is seeking a Food Service Manager. This individual is responsible for the planning, preparation, ordering of foods for lunches and record-keeping for the Federal Hot Lunch School Program. An Illinois Food Service Sanitation License is required. Flexible start date. Resumes and applications should be sent to Sr. Anna Flanigan at An application can be found on the website. 5 Parish School of Religion PSR Schedule March 9 March 16 March 23 Class 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. Class 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. Spring Break—No Class Important Dates Confirmation Retreat—Sunday, March 13—11:30 a.m. Confirmation—Friday, April 22—6:30 p.m. (Dinner 4:30 p.m.) First Communion Practice—Saturday, April 30—10:00 a.m. First Communion—Sunday, May 1—2:30 p.m. Father McGivney Catholic High School 7190 Bouse Rd. ~ Glen Carbon, IL 62034 phone: 618-855-9010 ~ fax: 618-855-9011 email: ATTENTION 8TH GRADERS: Join us for the last Griffin Night of 2016! Tuesday, March 8, from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. in the Griffin's Nest. Meet other 8th graders interested in McGivney as well as our students, faculty and staff! The theme is a surprise, but is guaranteed to be fun! We'll have pizza and soda also. If you have any questions, please call the Development Office at 618-855-9010 or email Bring another at friend! Catholic Women’s Prayer Breakfast The annual Catholic Women's Prayer Breakfast will be held on March 19 at St. Boniface Church in Edwardsville. All women of our parish are invited to attend. The day will begin with Mass at 8 a.m. followed by breakfast and guest speaker Patty Schneier who will speak on evangelization and how to incorporate it in families and daily lives. Tickets are $15 and reservations are required. Please contact Emily Gates at 618656-3566 for more information or to make a reservation. Catholic Pilgrimage to Ireland Visit the land of Saints and Scholars July 11 - 20, 2016, with Fr. Matthew Flatley and join this tour of a lifetime. We will visit the Cliffs of Moher, Galway, Clonmacnoise, Dublin, Glendalough, Kilkenny, Waterford, Killarney and Dingle Bay; exploring the ancient Cathedrals and Celtic Ruins and soaking in the spectacular beauty of the Emerald Isle. We will celebrate daily Mass and have ample opportunities for prayerful contemplation of the extraordinary experiences we will share. Please join us as we journey into a deeper experience of our Catholic/Christian faith and heritage. Visit to learn more. F A I T H F O R M A T I O N 6 MINISTRY MINUTES Praying the Stations with Saint John Paul II Reflection ~ Robin Black-Rubenstein On Good Friday (3/26/16) the major service which commemorates the Passion of our Lord is held at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Additionally Stations of the Cross are held at 6 o’clock that same evening. Our chapel is not available at that time and so the Stations of the Cross are held in our main Church. Happy fourth week of Lent! As we progress through these weeks of Lent, our weekly readings progress with us. Like all worthwhile endeavors that we work towards, we look back to the beginning to see how far we have come and we look forward to the goal; see where we will finish. In the first reading the famine was over for the Israelites, they were entering their newly promised homeland. They no longer needed the manna to survive and so the manna stopped. The Israelites are completing their long journey and are looking forward in hope to the days to come. What are you looking forward to when you accomplish your Lenten promises? For this service we use the Stations of the Cross that were written by Saint John Paul II when he celebrated the Way of the Cross at the coliseum in Rome in 1991. At that celebration Saint John Paul II omitted some of the traditional stations and added others so each station was based in Scripture. This is a wonderful version of the Stations of the Cross to use on Good Friday because our personal meditations on the Lord’s Passion are based on the Sacred Word. In celebrating the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday we come to know of God’s love and mercy for us and we understand better the terrible suffering of Jesus. We enter into Christ’s passion in an effort to make ourselves more conscience of our failure to be both fully and divinely human. Please consider observing Good Friday by walking with our Lord on his Way of the Cross. Observing His Passion on Good Friday will help to make His Resurrection on Easter Sunday even more of a celebration. Lent is hard work – Happy Lent! ~Deacon Dan Thank you Bona thanks to all who made the St. Boniface Koinonia retreat possible. May the gifts of the Holy Spirit continue the work that has begun. Way of the Cross On Saturday, March 19, at 6:00 p.m. a group of young Hispanic people from different parishes, including our own, will present in theater form the Way of the Cross. We invite all to this prayerful reflection on the vigil of Palm Sunday. St. Boniface RCIA-RCIC Monday, March 7 @ 6:30 p.m., Acorn Room Topic: New Testament Commandments Presenter: Justin Goebel In 1 Corinthians Paul tells the Corinthians that new things are replacing old ones. Paul encourages his readers to be reconciled with God. Paul is looking forward as the Israelites did and as we do. We then hear the familiar story of the Prodigal Son. In the final paragraph we hear the father say to the jealous son “My son, you are here with me always; everything I have is yours, But now we must celebrate and rejoice, because your brother was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found.” The father sees the need for celebration and is joyful that the lost son is recommitting himself to the family. In these stories of hope and reconciliation we see the two purposes of Lent; some will come to know Christ for the first time, and others will recommit themselves to Him. Keep in your prayers those on the Koinonia retreat this weekend, our RCIA catechumens and candidates, and all who are striving forward these last weeks of Lent to achieve their goal. MONTH OF GUIDED PRAYER – A Retreat in Everyday Life Begins April 3, 2016 Do you wish to… Explore different ways of praying? Speak privately with an experienced prayer guide? Become more aware of God’s presence in your life? Throughout the month each participant will be invited to pray on their own each day and then meet confidentially with an experienced prayer guide for one hour each week for four weeks. You can choose from Thursday mornings, afternoons. or evenings at your convenience. Couples can have an option to meet together with the prayer guide. Brochures and registration forms are now available in the lobby of the church or visit Contact Robin B-R at the Parish Office by March 24. M U S I C / Y O U T H M I N I S T R Y 7 Please Pray for our Military Men & Women UPCOMING EVENTS STEEPLE PEOPLE MEETING Sunday, March 13 @ 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Everyone in Grades 9 - 12 are welcome! We will meet in the Acorn Room. CHILDREN’S CHOIR Saturday, March 19 @ 4:15 p.m. Mass The Children’s Choir will lead the music at the 4:15 p.m. Mass. Warm-up @ 3:30 p.m. TOWER TEENS MEETING Sunday, March 20 @ 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Everyone in Grades 6 - 8 are welcome! Meet in the Acorn Room. Dan Boone Major Eldridge Browne Lars Engeberg Brandon Effler Mark Federspiel Ha Hatley Nathan Henning Aaron Hines Steve Jones Kraig Kline Patrick Kohler Andrew Kolakowski James Lavelle Erin Long Nick McKenney Adam Mitchell Michael Porter Ricky Ricciardi Brian, Stephen and Peter Sambor Kyle & Jake Schaake Beth McBride Shockey Abe Stroot Sgt. Kevin Sullivan Sam Terry Nickolas Varady Thomas Velez Adam Wendel Andrew Wright Evan Zeller CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare System Now available at St. Boniface Parish! WHAT: A contemporary approach to women’s health care! Learn more about the cycles of fertility and infertility and how this information can be used for family planning and the maintenance of women’s health. WHO: All women can benefit, and couples dealing with infertility or recurrent miscarriage can find new hope. WHERE: St. Boniface Parish Office Conference Room WHEN: Upcoming Introductory Sessions @6:30pm HOW: To pre-register for an intro session, contact Sue Deakos, Tuesday, March 15 FertililtyCare Practitioner Intern Monday, April 18 618-973-7842 *Group Introductory Session Fee of $25 waived for each session! *Pre-registration required to guarantee learning materials. Father and son volunteer in Guatemala In early February, parishioner Scott Paul and his son, Zachary Paul, an eighth grader at St. Boniface School, traveled to Adonai International Ministry (AIM) in Canilla, Guatemala. AIM was established by the Ficker family from the Marine, Illinois area. The mission sits in the highlands of rural Guatemala, in the midst of the Mayan Quiche Indians. The pair went to help aid in the construction of a hospital that began in 2015. It’s the hope of the mission to have the first phase of the hospital open to receive patients in early 2016. This phase will expand the service clinics to include: an emergency room, three clinical suites, a dental suite, general laboratory, pharmacy, an x-ray room and a prayer room. AIM currently has three weekly clinics in the villages of and surrounding Canilla and San Andres. These outpatient clinics focus on four main areas: general consults, chronic condition maintenance, prenatal care and a nutrition program for both children and families in need. The primary patient population is comprised of women and children. One of Scott and Zachary’s jobs included setting up all the equipment needed to complete the 20 hour straight concrete pour for the ceiling of the surgical operatories. Zachary spent many hours busting up rock using a 14 pound sledgehammer. This rock will be used in the concrete mixture. Construction in the mountains of a third world country is much more labor intensive than here in the United States as most jobs are done by man power instead of machine power. The entire experience was very rewarding and educational for Scott and Zachary. They are already discussing their next trip to Guatemala where the heart of AIM finds its foundation in Matthew 25:40 "...whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did unto Me." T I M E / T A L E N T / T R E A S U R E Stewardship In our Second Reading from St. Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians, Paul says, “So we are ambassadors for Christ, as if God were appealing through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.” There are two important points intended for us in those two sentences, especially during our Lenten journeys. First, we are to be “ambassadors on behalf of Christ.” Then, as now, an ambassador was one who represented a ruler, at that time most likely a king, in dealing with others. Paul’s meaning is that we are called to represent our King, the Lord, here and now in our dealings with others. We do things representing our Lord and Savior, and we need to recognize both that fact and the responsibility which goes with it. It is what being a steward means — someone who is placed in charge of gifts which come to us from God and which are to be used in God’s behalf. That should be part of our Lenten efforts. The second sentence reminds us that we need to be reconciled with God. Note that it does not say that God is to be reconciled with us. The duty lies with us and needs to be precipitated by us. At this time as Easter approaches, reconciliation-confession is important and necessary. At a recent general audience Pope Francis declared, “I can’t be baptized two or three or four times, but I can go to confession often and regularly, and when I go to confession, I renew the grace of Baptism.” Robin Hake, Business Manager Lenten Regulations Abstinence -- Catholics over 14 years of age are bound to the obligation of abstinence. Abstinence is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and on all Fridays of Lent. On days of abstinence, meat may not be used at all. Fast -- Catholics over 18 and up to the beginning of their 60th year are bound to the obligation of fasting. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are the days of fasting. On these days, only one full meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids, including milk and fruit juices are allowed. Regarding other weekdays of Lent, participation in daily Mass and the voluntary observance of fasting is recommended. Heavenly Dusters - Committee #7 8 Weekly Financial Report Collection 2/28/2016 Envelope collection $16,317.00 EFT Contributions $3,157.00 Mail/Loose Contributions $1,022.19 Angel Fund (STB/FMCHS) $430.00 Fundraisers $1,202.00 Grants $4,500.00 Sacramental Fees $965.00 ACSA $311.00 Building Fund $255.00 Catholic Times $45.00 Gift Shop $27.26 TOTAL INCOME $28,231.45 Budgeted Income $21,273.00 Overage/Shortage $6,958.45 Diocesan Collections $40.00 St. Boniface appreciates your gifts to the church. We would like to suggest some ways to make your gift giving easier: • Easy and convenient! EFT is an automatic withdrawal from your checking account on a monthly basis. There are no service fee charges! All we need is a copy of your cancelled check and your authorization form for an amount to be given automatically. Once a month giving is as easy as paying your light bill! • Traditional weekly contribution envelopes provided by the church. This allows us to give you credit for the gifts you give to the church. We have no way to credit anonymous gifts of cash. • Are you visiting or have not yet registered? We will send you a thank you letter for your contribution (if you give by check) that can be used for tax purposes. Cash donations are more difficult unless a name and address are included with the gift. Mimi & Bill Hunter, Sandy Ohren, Lisa Rolves and Teresa Townsend Funeral Lunch Volunteers March 2016 ~ Committee #4 Team Leader Jan Reilly with Barb Gieseking, Kaye Grezlak, Mary Kafka, Pat McBride, Claribel Ramsey, May Peradotti, Lillian Rimkus, Carol Schlueter, Connie Schwab, Mary Jo Schmidt and Linda Ziolkowski All gifts to St. Boniface are tax deductible! COLLECTION COUNTERS for Monday, March 7, 2016 Celeste Korte, Janice Boyer and Rich Hartnagel E V E R G R E E N A N N O U N C E M E N T S 9 Knights of Columbus, Edwardsville Council 1143 FISH FRY: We hold a fish fry every Friday during lent as well as on Good Friday. Hours are from 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. Our plates range in price from $6.40 to $8.55 and each plate includes a choice of cod or catfish and two sides. Our fish fry has a sit down environment in which our customers take a seat and we have volunteer members who take their order and deliver the food. We also have a take out counter for those who do not wish to sit down. IRISH DINNER & MUSIC KNIGHT: Saturday, March 12, 6:00-9:30 p.m. Come to the hall and listen to two Irish gentlemen from Peoria Irish Festival fame, play all the beloved Irish folk songs, along with the story telling about what the songs mean. Traditional Irish dinner will be served under the direction of Brother Knights and Irishmen Shawn Flannery and Joe Byrne and families. Tickets will be $30 per couple. Save the babysitter and bring the kids for an extra $5 each. Non Corned Beef dishes will be available. Traditional Irish beverages will also be available. Please reserve tickets with Scott Bayless, EASTER EGG HUNT: Sunday, March 20, 1:00-3:00 p.m. Bring your 0-10 years olds to this annual Easter event at the Hall. Plenty of eggs to find, treats to enjoy, prizes to win, visits from the Easter Bunny and kid music sing-a-longs. This event is open to the public so bring your friends. Contact Scott Bayless,, with any questions. LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR NEXT WEEKEND —MARCH 12-13, 2016 Ministries Vigil—4:15 p.m. Sunday—8:15 a.m. Sunday—10:15 a.m. Sunday—5:15 p.m. Ministers of Holy Communion John and Jenny Sanford 692-9815 Linda Daniels Lesia Frey Terry Frey Toby Heddinghaus Sam Knebel Ed McCarthy Jeff Papajcik Jodi Roberts Lesley Roderick Robin B. Rubenstein Alan Rubenstein Crystal Bradley Linda Gamboa Dan Gamboa Mary Haarmann Katie Hastings Doug Hastings Eric Hess Celeste Korte Jan Reilly Ron Schmidt Justin Zimmerman Phil Becerra Connie Becerra Pete Fitzgerald Sister Anna Flanigan Michael Gray Steve Hyten Aaron Jatcko Lisa Rolves Mike Rolves Keith Sweet Colleen Sweet Becky Bradley Mark Bradley Heather Lautner Colleen Lyerla Eleanor Stamer Maria Wilson Volunteer Needed Nick Papajcik Phillip Daniels Linda Daniels Roger Frank Brian Jones Kevin Kretzer Georgann Lautner Alan Rubenstein Greg Stovall Keith Sutorius James Trebing Debbie Caulk David Caulk John Zieser Jim Caulk Steve Haarmann Doug Hastings Ray Kerkemeyer Gregg Korte William Lanham Cliff Sachs Bill Schwarz Michelle Fitzgerald Maria Fitzgerald Jenny Milburn Jane Case Floyd Frey Jerry McNichols Bryce Renken Mike Rolves Jeff Wiedman Daniel Willis Volunteer Needed Ingrid Lozowski Kinga Lozowski Tyler Winters Diane Jacober Hunter Klette Dave Knetzer Randy Otrembiak Craig Riley Albert Schug Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Bryer Arview Justin Jones Jonah McDonald Andrew Dupy John Hilker Nina Johnson Sean Sweet Connor Sweet Jack Sweet Kayeleigh Lautner George Lautner Volunteer Needed Georgann Lautner Sharon Hengehold Adam Milburn Barb Stamer Betty Franke Judy Veith Tim Harr Mary Jo Schmidt Barb Gieseking Mike Rolves Megan Anderson Craig Riley Jennifer Dorsey Rachelle Peeler Tiffany Brase Regina Svoboda Lisa Wierciak Lori Williams Amy Hamann Carie Terry Cheryl Green Nicole Arview No Children’s Liturgy Sarah Garman Lisa Worman Barb Stamer Reese Pifer Katie Deakos Marcus Agustin Lou Carnoali Shari Renken Vince Schlueter Maddie Litterst Readers Barb Leardi 656-3917 Ushers David & Susie Knetzer 960-5677 Altar Servers Fr. Jeff 656-6450 Sacristan Mary Westerhold 656-6536 Greeters Nora Meyer 656-5248 Scrip Sales Children’s Liturgy of the Word Barb Stamer Cantors Jill Griffin 610-6972 D I R E C T O R Y—I N F O R M A T I O N 10 STB FINANCE COUNCIL SACRAMENTS Chris Amick, Pete Deakos, Chris Gelsinger, Robin Hake, Brian Jones, Celeste Baptisms ~ Please contact the Parish Office for registration information. Prior to baptism, parents are required to attend a one-hour seminar. Parents may attend the seminar before their child is born. Penance ~ Saturday 3:30 - 4:00 p.m. Wednesday 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Thursday (Bi-lingual) 6:00—6:30 PM Or by appointment. Communal services are celebrated during Advent and Lent. Marriage ~ If you are considering marriage, a minimum of six months is required for preparation. A wedding date cannot be set until after the first meeting with the pastor. At that time, the diocesan and parish guidelines will be explained. Anointing of the Sick ~ Parishioners who are seriously or critically ill, or having surgery, should contact the pastor for the celebration of the sacrament. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults ~ The R.C.I.A. is an ongoing formation process for adults who are interested in becoming a Catholic and would like to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist. Call the Parish Office for additional information. Korte, Mark Luchtefeld, Randy Uebinger & Kay Wasmuth STB PASTORAL COUNCIL Robin Black-Rubenstein, Maria Carrion, Deacon Dan Corbett, Linda Daniels, Lacey Gelsinger, Rich Hahn, Jim Jatcko, Arthur Langston, Georgann Lautner, Jeff Litterst, Marisa Nieto, Clyde Nosser, Lauren Serfas, Nathan Vuagniaux & Mary Westerhold STB STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL Cindy Clark, Jennifer Milburn, Brad Serfas, Nathan Vuagniaux, Krisit Hyten & Stephen Miller STB SCHOOL BOARD Chris Amick, Pat Couzins, David Dempsey, Bob Greer, Sarah Kreke, Kit Morrissey, Sean Nesbit & Briana Oller FMCHS SCHOOL BOARD REPRESENTATIVES Jane Boone and Jack Hake MEETINGS Pastoral Council .....................................1st Tuesday STB School Board .......................................Monthly FMCHS School Board…………….4th Thursday Finance Council ......................................... Quarterly St. Vincent de Paul .............2nd & 4th Wednesday PARISH REGISTRATION New parishioners are always welcome! You may register in person or by calling the Parish Office. Forms are on the counter in the gathering area. ST. BONIFACE CEMETERY ASSOCIATION CHURCH is open for prayer and visits: Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Saturday: 10:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 a.m.—6:30 p.m. Our Parish cemetery is located one mile north of the church on Frederick Street. Contact the Parish Office or Jerry Hengehold at 656-2550 for additional information. ***** BULLETIN SUBMISSION DEADLINE IS MONDAY AT 4:00 p.m. ***** Diocesan Child Abuse Reporting and Investigation number (217) 321-1155. Contact Cindy Zurliene at Happily Ever After Life • Disability • Long Term Care • Annuities Never Looked Michael M. Sullivan, FICF, LUTCF TCF So Good 440 E. Vandalia St. Edwardsville, Il 62025 618-656-7202 618-692-0538 or 618-363-9395 cel celll There is no more highly rated insurer in North America Steven J. Hyten, D.M.D., M.S. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon X 618-656-3100 1005 Plummer Drive • Edwardsville, IL 62025 Steve Woll Tom Ladd Owner Ph. 618-656-4581 Cell: 618-977-9640 Edwardsville Glass (618) 656-9500 1 Schwarz Street Plaza (618) 656-9505 Edwardsville, IL 62025 Fax (618) 656-1522 Tim Mahnesmith Financial Advisor Six 157 Center Ste B Edwardsville, IL 62025 TOM LADD PLASTERING 618-656-3601 504 N. Kansas St. • Edwardsville, IL 62025 Plaster • Stucco • Patching • Painting Dryvit - Exterior Insulating Finish Systems TOTAL EYEWEAR OUTLET, Inc. MAC’S 4260 S. State Route 159, Glen Carbon, IL 62034 AUTO ELECTRIC PLUS LINED BIFOCALS PROGRESSIVE NO-LINE 903 Hillsboro Ave • Edwardsville, IL VISION package package package SINGLE 618-655-0766 $3995 $7995 $11995 “STICK WITH THE BEST” Calcott Roofing 618-288-2288 over 1,700 frames • Designer Frames also available Residential & Commercial Serving Madison County Since 1974 Mon-Fri 9:00 to 5:30 and Saturdays 9:00 to 4:30 SECOND LOCATION IN FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS! 618-628-8868 For ad info. call Mike Anderson at 1-800-950-9952 • FREE ESTIMATES 781-4444 • 655-9648 St. Boniface, Edwardsville, IL License #104-002391 C 4C 01-0503 Edward T. McCarthy ATTORNEY AT LAW Parishioner 3 Ginger Creek Parkway Glen Carbon, IL 692-1600 Custom Made Mantels • Bookcases • Cabinets Entertainment Centers Computer Work Stations New Installation-Water Heaters-Remodeling Water Lines-Repairs-Gas Lines Phone & Fax: DANIEL L. BONER, Lifetime Parishioner (618) 656-6351 EDWARDSVILLE COUNCIL 1143 D.B. PLUMBING STEVEN C. STOLTE WOODWORKING HALL RENTALS AVAILABLE 618-656-6183 Licensed-Bonded-Insured IL. LIC. NO. 058-134883 618-656-4985 FISH FRYS - 1ST & 3RD FRIDAYS 656-9600 LET ME FIX IT! HANDYMAN SERVICE • Remodeling, Painting, Carpentry • Drywall, Lighting, and Ceiling Fans • Electrical Service Upgrade Custom Sheet Metal & Copper FREE Estimates • Veteran Owned & Operated ,QF Heating & Cooling INSURED • 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE 3885 Schipkowski Rd., Edwardsville, IL 62025 Call Lee at (618) 581-5154 (618) 656-8953 • 1071 S. Highway 157, Edwardsville, IL (618) 655-9920 Mon-Thur: 11am-12am • Fri-Sat: 11am-1am • Sun: 11am-11pm Dr. Chelsea Durbin A funeral home “Honoring Life” Chiropractic Physician 3407 S. State Rte. 157 Glen Carbon, IL 62034 1-270 & IL 159 • 288-9500 618-288-3610 NEAL’S PLUMBING SERVICE Contact Mike Anderson to place an ad today! or (800) 950-9952 x2612 Over 25 Years Experience Dr. David Hyten General Dentistry 618-656-1914 2110-A Troy Road, Edwardsville Tom Barnett 618-444-2336 DISCOUNT: Sr. Citizens • Military (Act. & Retired) 1607 Glen Rae Dr., Troy, IL IL Lic. 058-172891 Carpet | Area Rugs | Tile & Stone | Hardwood | Laminate | Resilient | BOB’S OUTDOOR SERVICES • Quality Work • Insured • Power Washing • Landscape Work • Shrub Trimming • Drainage Work • Handyman Jobs, etc. Call Bob (618) 345-9131 Cindy’s Critter Camp MARINE COIN COMPANY ROOFING, INC. Specialists In Quality Reroofing & Repairs Member RCGA and NRCA Fully Insured For Your Protection Financing Available Pet Boarding • Grooming Training • Adoption Daycare & Playtime Dealers in Precious Metals Buyers of Jewelry, Gold, Silver, Coins Pet Behaviorist On Staff (618) 887-2008 Maryville, IL • 344-4096 656-9055 Since 1970 FREE ESTIMATES We accept: M/C VISA DISCOVER AMEX 314-837-4671 • 636-949-6821 IL: 618-207-4175 $5 off your next $35 purchase with this ad Sunset Hills Country Club Receptions • Rehearsals Dinners Corporate Events 618-656-9380 For ad info. call Mike Anderson at 1-800-950-9952 • St. Boniface, Edwardsville, IL B 4C 01-0503 HAGEN OUTDOOR SERVICES Cindy Pizzini Realto Realtor altor Tree Trimming & Removal Bush Trimming & Removal Free Estimates • F lly Insured D.J. Neese-Parishioner 618-659-9306 618-339-0762 (618) 830-9497 Collinsville, Il. 346-8806 IL Lic 058-134230 All your protection under one roof. Kathleen M Goclan Agency 5201 Godfrey Road Godfrey, IL 62035 618-466-5703 An Outstanding Customer Experience J.D. Power and Associates certified Distinguished Insurance Agency (618) 659-2483 Buy & Sell with Jim Reppell 618-791-7663 American Family Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries. American Family Insurance Company. Home Office-Madison, WI 53783 ©2009 07497 - Rev. 2/09 Weber & Rodney FUNERAL HOME 304 N. Main Street Edwardsville 618-656-4655 DIRECTORS: MICHAEL D. WEBER • W. EDWARD RODNEY • BRANDON M. RODNEY PATRICK G. JOHNSTON Family Owned and Operated THOMAS SAKSA FAMILY FUNERAL HOME Always Evergreen Gift Shop Always Hours: Monday-Friday: 7:30 AM - 4 PM Closed Saturday & Sunday Inspiration for any occasion Attorney At Law (618) 655-1234 Experience and Quality Service is why families choose us 420 South Buchanan Edwardsville, Illinois 62025 Located in the St. Boniface Parish Office 110 N. Buchanan Street • Edwardsville, IL • 618-656-6450 10% OFF OF $25.00 210 N. Kansas St. Edwardsville 618-656-7577 618-288-5014 Contact Mike Anderson to place an ad today! or (800) 950-9952 x2612 WALDBART NURSERY AND SONS ESTABLISHED 1872 618-585-3414 9110 N. State Route 159, Dorsey, IL 62021 BUHRMESTERS PAINT & WALLPAPER 201-203 North Second St. 656-0490 • State-of-the-art Hearing Instrument • Hearing Screenings/Exams *Most insurance accepted • Repair Service on most models • FREE battery programs with the purchase of qualified hearing aids Garden Homes Senior Apartments Assisted Living Apts. Skilled Care Center Respite Care & Therapy Center 200 South Station Rd Glen Carbon HOLIDAY CLEANERS • FREE Hearing Screening if you mention this ad 112 Hillsboro • 656-0202 Hear The Difference 1500 Troy Road • 656-4393 3 Edwardsville Frozen Foods Come see why our patients love us! Retail Meat Market Homemade Sausages Deer Processing Glen Carbon: #9 Professional Park in Ginger Creek 1-888-531-6036 246 N. Main St. Edwardsville (618) 656-1477 Where Vibrant Living Has a Place! Now Open Call Us For A Tour & Lunch is On Us!… 618-692-2273 Jeremy Hilling • (618) 667-2005 For ad info. call Mike Anderson at 1-800-950-9952 • St. Boniface, Edwardsville, IL A 4C 01-0503
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110 North Buchanan Street
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Phone 618.656.6450 FAX 618.656.7669
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