
The Linked Parishes of St. Boniface and St. Lawrence strive to merge our strengths and our
individual gifts with each other fostering a stronger vision of the Catholic Christian faith in
our area. We welcome people and families and incorporate them into our faith community.
We teach the Word and celebrate the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, with joy. We
share the Good News of Jesus Christ, supporting each other in our common needs and
reaching out to the community in love and service.
October 27 – November 2
Offering – Weekend of October 18/19
Gene Dincher
by the Card Club
Rosary and Mass
St. Lawrence
Sunday Envelopes
All Other Envelopes
J. Carl Keller
by Charles and Shirley Bower
Special Intention
by Paul Beiter
Pat Troisi
by Matt and Susan Bower
Jamie Grieco
by Shirley Wert
John Pellegrino
by Don and Diane Nardone
Jim Keller
by Bill and Bernadette Servey
All Saints Intentions
Duruflé Requiem
All Saints Intentions
St. Boniface
Sunday Envelopes
All Other Envelopes
No Mass
All Souls Intentions
All Souls Intentions
Sophia Philbin Baptism
Assignments For November 1/2
Altar Servers
SB 4:00pm – M. Trump, V. Edkin
SL 5:30pm – J. Anthony, B. Persun
SB 9:00am – A. Balestino, N. Kolczynski
SL 10:30am – A. & G. Persun
Eucharistic Ministers
4:00pm – H. Waltman, A. Beiter, L. Edkin,
S. Grieco
5:30pm – E. Baldys, J. Fetzer, J. Shade
9:00am – S. VanFleet, C. Furey, J. Dincher,
T. Hrzic, J. Neylon, S. Falck,
K. Woltz
10:30am – J. Benedict, J. Griggs, D. Mason
Commentators / Lectors
4:00pm – V. Dandini / J. VanDine
5:30pm – L. Baldys
9:00am – J. Felix / N. Altebrando
10:30am – B. Loner
RIOT Youth Group News
Hey everyone! Time to meet the new leaders
of RIOT. Our first meeting will be Sunday,
November 2nd from 5 – 7pm. Pizza will be
provided so come hungry. We will begin
brainstorming ideas for the group so bring a
friend as well. We are excited to meet
everyone…see you Sunday!
Dani & Nick Fiorini
SAVE THE DATE…Please join us for a Thanksgiving
concert celebrating gratitude on Sunday,
November 23rd at 3:00pm at St. Boniface Church.
The concert will feature Chris Dincher, Tim Breon,
Jonathan Dexter, and Don and Kristin Fisher and
family. Special guests will be the St. Boniface
Contemporary Ensemble. A reception will follow
in the RAC. See future bulletins for more details.
Family Promise
Family Promise of Lycoming County has scheduled
their Second Annual Cardboard City… A Homeless
Experience for November 7-8, 2014. Join Family
Promise, Shepherd of the Streets, SJW Kid’s Clothing
Closet, United Churches Food Pantry, and Sojourner
Truth as we take to our parking lot at 635 Hepburn as
we sweep out to raise awareness of homeless and
poverty in Lycoming County. Join us for a night of fun
activities and fellowship. The cost is $10 per person
which includes soup, bread, beverages, s'mores, and
warming stations. Please bring a non-perishable food
item, a personal care item, or clothing
that will be shared with the ministries
listed. Register online before the event,
get sponsors, and come join the fun!
Worldwide Marriage Encounters
To Love My Spouse as Christ Calls – The Lord
challenges us to love completely and unconditionally.
Let the Lord strengthen, renew, and rekindle your
marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage
Encounter. Go to or call
814-823-4600 or 412 635-7775 WWME-Western PA.
WWME Myth-Buster "We have to talk about ourselves
in front of everyone" is FALSE Worldwide Marriage
Encounter is a private weekend for a husband and wife
to focus on their own relationship. There are group
presentations, then each couple has the privacy of their
own room for dialogue and discussion.
St. Boniface and St. Lawrence Parish
PREP and Sacrament Program
Join in the fun of your Parish Religious
Formation Program – St. Lawrence, 9:15
to 10:15am SL Parish Center. St.
Boniface, 10:15 to 11:15am SJNRA on
Franklin St.
First Penance / First Communion Parent Guardian
Meeting – Today, Sunday, October 26th at 11:45am
at St. Lawrence Church Hall. Come listen, share and
be prepared, know what’s taking place regarding
these sacraments.
Confirmation Candidate / Sponsor Social This was
a great evening, so glad to see so many young
people participate and share some space with their
Confirmation Retreat – watch for information for this
event, date is Sunday, November 9th. The 8th grade
Confirmation class will attend the 9AM Mass at St.
Boniface and leave from there for Crystal Lake.
CLASS PRAYER – The St. Boniface 6th/7th Grade
PREP Class, Amy Neylon Instructor, will include in
their morning prayer each week those youth by name
from the 2nd Grade SB PREP class preparing to
celebrate First Penance and First Communion this
year. Thank you for making this a part of your PREP
class experience.
St. Lawrence PREP Program Service Project The
families of St. Lawrence are asked to bring to PREP
class from now until November 9th gently used
children’s clothing. The clothing will be included in the
Relay for Life yard sale held at Little League Baseball
Rec. Hall on Saturday, November 15th. Proceeds
benefit the American Cancer Society. There is a box
in the front hallway for your donations. Thank you!
St. Lawrence Families Your Help Is Needed!
I am in need of a few parents and older teens that are
able and willing to meet with me on Saturday,
November 30th to set up PREP class rooms and get
ready for the Christmas season – this will be the last
week Family Promise will be using the facility this
year, and I am minus one very strong family member
that used to assist with this each year. My husband
and I don’t have full days anymore we can give to
keeping the facility clean, and there is no hired
maintenance from the parish to do this work. So I am
reaching out to the St. Lawrence families and asking
for help. Please e-mail me at
if you are willing to give several hours that day.
PREP Book Fee is $15 per child, $25 two children no
more than $35 per family. Please make a check
payable to either St. Lawrence or St. Boniface and
have book fee paid by October 30th. You can mail it to
the Parish Office, or give to me any Sunday of PREP.
There is also a $30 fee for the 8th grade Confirmation
Program for instructional material and the retreat.
October 26, 2014
Back in July I noticed some pain in my leg
which I identified as sciatica. It was off
and on. It left for a while and I thought
that was it, it had healed itself. Then a few
weeks later it came back with a
vengeance. It increased with no let up. An
MRI revealed a herniated disc. Then a
piece of that was on top of the sciatic
nerve. Surgery was the only relief. That
was on October 10th.
St. Boniface Goal: $69,000
Pledges to Date: $14,310
St. Lawrence Goal: $32,000
Pledges to Date: $8,035
The Feast Of All Souls
This year we will celebrate the Feast of All Souls
with the St. Boniface Choir, the Lycoming College
Chamber Choir, and members of the Williamsport
Symphony Orchestra--over eighty musicians in all
singing the Duruflé Requiem during the 4 PM
Mass on Saturday, November 1. We will
remember those parishioners who died during this
past year. If you would like to remember someone
in this Mass, please call the Parish Office. The
Duruflé Requiem is one of the greatest artistic
treasures of the Catholic Church, a beautiful and
consoling hymn of eternal rest.
Immaculate Conception Pancake Breakfast
The Holy Name Society of Immaculate Conception
Church will sponsor a Pancake Breakfast on
Sunday, November 9, from 8am until noon in the IC
Parish Hall. The cost is $8/adult (children 10yrs and
under $4). Menu: Pancakes, sausage patties,
sausage gravy, biscuits, liver pudding, OJ, coffee,
tea & coffeecake.
Recovery has been steady but some pain
still in the leg. I will be back at work as
soon as I am able. I thank all of you at St.
Boniface and St. Lawrence for your
prayers and thoughts. I thank you for your
cards. I thank Fr. Bechtel and our staff for
their help. I thank those who brought
meals and helped me in any way. I will be
back ASAP.
Please continue your prayers for a
speedy recovery.
Msgr. McGough
Lupe Acosta, Clyde Ault, Arnie Betts, Donna Brennan,
Malena Brown, Kirsten Felix Burkhart, Isabel Buttorff,
Samuel Caicco, Yvonne Carlin, Ron Churba, Joann Confer,
Joshua Culbertson, Alan DeBrody, Bob and Linda Derr,
Tom Eck, Claris Engel, Sister Rita Ann Engel, Danny
Fagnano, Jim Fetzer, Shirley Frelin, Erin Gillis, Libby
Girio, John Hamm, Lia Hart, Dolores Haefner, Chuck Helt,
Edna Hoffman, Nicholas Jacopetti, Joanne King, Edythe
Maggs, Msgr. McGough, Colt Meyer, Angelina Miele, Joe
Miele, Judy Montgomery, C., M., & Kathy Richardson,
Celestine Ripka, Frances Schemery, Gary Smith, Maria
Smith, Mary Lou Smith, Trevor Smith, Emily Snyder,
Sister E. J. Stetts, Charles Stewart, Carl Stopper, Bill &
Viola Thomke, Ann Williams, Jennifer Wilson
Retreat Sponsored by Diocesan Council of Catholic Women: Living with an Attitude of Gratitude
Sister Mary Beth Makuch, SS.C.M., will present a session entitled, “Living with an Attitude of Gratitude” learning the art of
living gratefully; realizing everything is a gift from our Generous God as we in turn become a gift to others at a retreat for
women to be held at the Oblates of St. Joseph’s Seminary, 1880 Highway 315, Pittston, on Saturday, Nov. 15, 2014. The retreat
is sponsored by the Scranton Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. All Catholic women are invited. Appointed Delegate for
Consecrated Life by Bishop Bambera in 2011, Sister Mary Beth Makuch, SS.C.M. is a member of the Congregation of the
Sisters of Saints Cyril and Methodius and has ministered in the Diocese of Scranton since 1992. She is the Coordinator of the
Ministry with the Deaf and Persons with Disabilities. The day’s events will begin with attending the regularly scheduled 8 AM
Mass. Coffee and snacks will be available during registration. President Mary Lloyd will preside at the opening of the retreat
and introduce the Commission Chairs who will present information on the various activities underway. Election of SDCCW
Officers will take place. A light lunch will be provided, and the retreat concludes at 1:00pm. Pre-registration is preferred. Please
call Mary Lloyd 570-636-2656, Helen Oravec 570-489-5231, or Joanne Austin 570-288-6785.