April 2014 newsletter - The Lutheran Church of Our Savior


April 2014 newsletter - The Lutheran Church of Our Savior
Being rooted and established in the Word of God, we seek to
love the Lord and make disciples, so that all people may be
filled to the measure of the fullness of God.
The Lutheran Church of Our Savior
For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.
[Psalm 86:5]
Greetings in the name of the Risen Lord! This month is the month that we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus; and as such I thought it fitting to write concerning the
greatest gift God gives us through Christ – forgiveness of sins and right standing with the Father.
In order to do this I want to highlight the process of the flowers in our front garden at church.
I walked out of the church the other day and I noticed an amazing sight – flowers growing
through the soil and beginning to bloom. No one in 2014 had done anything to tend to these
flowers [at least I do not think ] I certainly had done nothing to make them grow. They are
perennial flowers. They simply come back year after year. It was a beautiful sight to see.
This of course reminded me that spring is here [thank you Lord] yet it also reminds me of the
power of Easter and one of the Lord’s most endearing qualities - He is always ready to forgive.
Now, you might be asking, “how does seeing perennials sprout remind you of the forgiveness
of God?” I am glad you asked.
I do not know the biology behind it all, but I do know this – perennial flowers die off after
their bloom and then they lay dormant – ready to grow in spring. They remind me of a warrior
who is standing ready for an attack, a mother standing ready to help, a father standing ready to
give, or a child standing ready when their daddy comes home to hug them. When the time is
right – when the time fully comes – they grow. They bloom. They beautify.
In the same way the Lord stands ready to forgive. He yearns to forgive. He waits until the
time is perfectly right and then He pours out His blessings upon those who seek Him.
I have asked the congregation many times this simple question: “Does God forgive everyone
for everything they have ever done?” Some people say, “yes.” Others say, “no.” But the Scripture declares authoritatively that the Lord forgives only those who believe in Him. The most
beloved Bible verse of the whole of the Scriptures makes this clear. John 3:16 reads, “16 For
God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish, but have everlasting life.” The text makes it clear that whosoever believes in
Him receives the blessings of God. There must be faith present in the heart of a person for
God’s forgiveness to flow into that person.
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So as I looked at the miracle of these flowers coming in at just the right time, I thought about
the process of God’s forgiveness. I thought about how God treats the unbelieving world; and
how God treats me. When I was acting in ignorance and unbelief God did not forgive; but His
withholding of forgiveness was not out of cruelty – He could not forgive until I believed. That
is His rule.
So He pressed on me with His Law – He pressed on me with hardship. Not so I would get
angry; no, so I would turn to Him. And as soon as I turned to Him He poured out His forgiveness. The flower that was planted in me when I was baptized bloomed. At just the right
The same holds true for this world today. God does not forgive every act. But as the Psalm
above says clearly – He stands ready to forgive. He stands at the ready – He wants to forgive.
He is simply pressing down until all realize that they are in need of Him and turn to Him.
The resurrection of Christ proves God’s yearning to forgive an unbelieving world. Look at
the lengths our Lord travelled to forgive. He descended to earth, took on flesh, lived a sinless
life, died a sinners’ death, and rose again in victory. All so that all who trust in Him would be
forgiven – would be saved.
So what is my prayer? My prayer is simple – if you have not yet, do so now. Stop resisting the
Lord. Allow the flower of forgiveness to bloom. Admit your shortcomings. Admit your faults.
Throw them at the throne of grace – and receive His forgiveness. He is ready to forgive.
I pray that you receive peace and joy as we come closer to the glorious celebration of the
resurrection of Christ.
Your pastor and friend,
Pastor Christopher Ogne
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Notes from Editor:
Betty Ellis
Christian symbols
Palms—When Jesus entered Jerusalem days before his death, crowds welcomed him by
waving palm branches, which were common symbols of victory and rejoicing. Thus
churches continue to use them in remembrance of that occasion, knowing that Jesus’ crucifixion was ultimately his triumph over sin and death. As early as Leviticus 23:40, God
commanded Israel to use palms in a festival of rejoicing. In Revelation 7:9-10, Christian
martyrs carry palm branches as they praise the Lamb before the throne of God.
The peacock’s symbolism—The beautiful peacock is likely one of the lesser-known
Christian symbols. Based on an ancient myth that its flesh doesn’t decay after death, early
Christians appropriated the bird as a symbol of immortality. The molting of its tail feathers each year to be replaced with supposedly more beautiful ones led to use of the peacock
as a sign of resurrection and glorification.
Additionally, the eye-like pattern in the peacock’s tail feathers made it a symbol
of conscience and of God, who sees all. However, the peacock also represents
arrogance as it struts to show off its plumage. During the Baroque period, the
peacock was often part of artwork at the tenth Station of the Cross, depicting
Jesus stripped of his clothing — atoning, according to some teachings, specifically
for our sin of vanity.
Early Christians believed peacocks shriek when they catch sight of their feet,
which they consider ugly. Christians took this as a reminder that we, too, should
lament our spiritual imperfections that detract from the beauty of life lived in Christ.
Seasoned Citizens
Ten Seasoned Citizens met for a very enjoyable dinner at Carrabas Italian Restaurant on
March 13th. After dinner, they discussed their next outing which will be visiting George
Washington & Robert E. Lee’s birthplaces in VA on March 29th. Six folks plan to attend.
The group decided not to meet in April as most will be very busy with Easter preparations. Some up-coming events are:
 Dinner at La Tolteca Mexican Restaurant in La Plata on April 10th at 6pm.
 Dinner at Genghis Grill - Mongolian BBQ Grill | Stir Fry Mongolian BBQ in
Waldorf on May 8th at 6pm. (New experience for many of us.)
 Dinner at Red Lobster on June 12th at 6pm.
 Visit to Ingleside Winery
 Visit the three remaining covered bridges in Maryland
 Visits to the National Zoo, Monticello, Wolf Trap, Smithsonian, Spy Museum
 Boat trip
 Moses at the Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster, PA.—March 8 through
February 7, 2015.
 July 11-August 2--Music Man by the Port Tobacco Players in La Plata
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Congregational Meeting Minutes
Lutheran Church of Our Savior
Bryans Road, MD
March 18, 2014
Council Attendees: President:
V. Pres:
Head Elder
Member at Large
Andrei Sapsai
Keith Tregoning
Paula Tregoning
Lynn Wells
Pastor Ogne
Michael Ellis
Sean Donaldson
Shea Gronau
Steve Holton
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm and opened with prayer by Andrei Sapsai.
Devotions were led by Pastor Ogne on Psalms chapter 46.
Secretary: Paula Tregoning:
The minutes were approved electronically by the council on March 26th.
Treasurer's Report: Lynn Wells (As of February 28, 2014)
Cash Accounts
• Operating Fund 1: $46,483.40 *
• Operating Fund 2: $119,605.68
• Savings: $59,545.21
• Memorial Fund: $1,818.92
Budget and Revenue Estimates for 2013
• 2014 Yearly Operating Budget: $383,191.00
• 2014 Yearly Revenue Estimate: $383,988.00 ( 5% increase over actual 2013 income)
• Operating Revenue thru week 9: $53,572.51
• Operating Expenditures thru week 9: $56,898.80
• Net Operating Income (Loss) thru 2/28/14: ($ 3,326.29)
Operating – Averages
• Average giving per wk thru week 9: $5,952.50
• Average Expenditures per wk thru week 9: $6,322.09
• Average Budget per wk: $7,245.06
Fund Raisers
• Aluminum Cans thru week 9: $63.00
• Thrivent $ thru week 9: $0.00
LWML - Balance $349.88
• Carried over from 2013: 81.95
• Mites thru week 9: $127.48
• Other income thru week 9: $140.45
• No expenses as of week 9:
Memorial Fund
 Income
 Memorial Fund Donations thru week 9:
 Undesignated $100.00
 Expense
 Memorial Fund designated Banner thru week 9: $1,008.50
*The excess from 2013 will be deposited into savings. Pending finalized 2013 books.
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Worship: Pastor Ogne
 We would like to welcome into membership Harrison and Margaret Jiedueh, Sharon McPherson, Traci Brull, and Claudia and Kimberly Monge. Welcome new members! God bless!!!!
 A.D. and Jen Vermaak are continuing in their new member classes.
 We are going to begin a prayer ministry at Our Savior. People will write names of their loved
ones/family members for them to be prayed for during service. We are developing a ministry
whereby in addition to that request, a card could be filled out with that person’s name/phone
number and contact information. They would slip that card in the prayer box and every week a
prayer ministry team would take the cards, and either call or write that this person has been
prayed over. It is simply one more step in the development of care ministry.
 The Praise Team continues to pray/seek out fill-ins for their ministry.
 The Choir meets every Tuesday at 7pm. They are working on their Easter and Good Friday
music. You are more than encouraged to attend!
 The Brandywine Mission church effort continues on its progress. Lynn Wells [Treasurer] and
Andrei Sapsai [President] just opened a separate bank account for the Brandywine Mission. I
have informed the circuit pastors that their congregations can now donate towards the effort.
All monies will be passed into this special bank account. In addition, Andrei has made contact
with Pastor Brent Smith who is the Districts new mission facilitator. The Brandywine Task
Force will meet soon to discuss the next steps in the mission endeavor.
Sunday Adult Bible Study is going through the book of Revelation verse by verse beginning at 10am.
Discipleship: Sean Donaldson
 Sunday Bible Studies led by Sunday Superintendent Dianne Bicknell - Avg. weekly attendance is 8 to 14 kids from grades PreK – 12
 Adult Bible Study led by Pastor Ogne - Avg. weekly attendance is about 25
 Defending Your Faith led by Sean Donaldson—meets on the 1 & 3 Sunday of every
month. Class is starting a new book series titled “How To Respond". The class will
discuss how to effectively share their faith with people from different religions/beliefs.
 Constitution Course led by Jake MacAulay will start back up at some point around the
month of June as a future segment for the Defending Your Faith class.
 Wednesday Bible Studies
 Ladies Afternoon Bible Study led by Bev Linde. Currently studying the book of Isaiah with the aid of a book titled "Be Comforted" by Warren W Wiersbe. Avg. weekly
attendance is 4-6.
 Children’s Bible Study led by Donna Simonton – Avg. weekly attendance is 6-8.
 Confirmation led by Pastor – Avg. weekly attendance is 6.
 Youth Group led by Bryan Mays – Avg. weekly attendance 8-12 - Studying Romans 810 in the coming month.
 Young Adult Bible Study led by Sean Donaldson – Avg. weekly attendance 3-5 Studying Romans 8-10 in the coming month.
Adult Women's Bible Study led by Doris Simmons – Avg. weekly attendance 2-3
Adult Bible Study led by Graham Bartholomew – Avg. weekly attendance 5-7. In the
coming month bible studies will be focused on the Gospel of Luke.
 Friday Bible Study
 Stay At Home Moms Bible Study, 9 am, led by Jordan Wells - Avg. weekly attendance 18
 Women's Bible Study, 7-10 pm, led by Heather Rinn. Currently doing a Bible Study
called "Restless" by Jennie Allen. Avg. weekly attendance 6-10
REQUESTS / NEEDS—There is a need for a children's ministry leader for the pre-k and under age group
during Wednesday evening Bible studies from 6 pm - 7 pm.
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Outreach: Shea Gronau
 E-72 occurred on the 8th and the 22nd of the month. Evangelizing in Simmons Acres on both
days resulted in speaking with 10 different households. Praise God!
 Upcoming Events:
 Meeting on March 22 at 1pm to discuss plans on making our own games for the Harvest Party this year.
 Easter Eggtravaganza is April 19th at 11am. Heading it up is Donna Simonton.
Property: Steve Holton
 A friendly reminder - Collecting aluminum & steel, etc. brings in extra revenue for LCOOS.
In addition, anyone who has any old items made of metal (washing machines, dryers, lawn
mowers, etc.) LCOOS will come to your residence and pick it up. Let Steve Holton or Michael Ellis know so a pickup date can be arranged.
The 1st quarter's money was well below what we took in the previous years. Currently we
have taken in only $472.00 this year—well below our first two years. So please bring in those
aluminum cans etc. Ask family and neighbors to get involved too!
2014 Aluminum Can Recycle Log 1st quarter report:
 1/1/14
washing machine (Bullock)
190 lbs. steel cans & steel,33 lbs. alum cans
175lbs steel/brake rotors(1.17)/electric motor(2.85)
88lbs alum
$ 118.00
The following items where discussed and voted on by the Congregation
FY 13 Financial Report – Close out report was presented by Lynn Wells.
Mission Church - Please pray for the permanent establishment of a mission church in Brandywine
MD where God’s Word will change lives.
 April goal is to finalize covenant and our mission team to meet with Pastor Brent Smith for
guidance and direction for planting a mission church
Cleanliness of the building Educational Wing - There are numerous items that have piled up in many of the rooms that
are not being used. A list of such items will be posted on the bulletin board in a few weeks. If
you have donated any of these items and wish to reclaim them please do so. Other such items
will be offered to anyone that wants them. Unclaimed items will be donated or disposed of.
Planned changes – Keith Tregoning team leader. Please let Keith know if you are willing to help in
the renovation of the educational wing.
Repair of the Sanctuary roof. Due to snow and ice damage, Andrei made a motion to repair the roof
damage for $1,272.00 and have shelters built over the condensing units for $3,840.00. Pastor seconded the motion and congregation unanimously voted to proceed with these two items.
 Further research and quotes will be obtained to possibly add Lineal Pipe Ice Guards or some
other means of protecting the roof.
Pre-School Discussion for LCOOS
 Heather Nault and Kristen Tregoning have looked into establishing a Pre-school. The startup
cost of approximately $50K was openly discussed and determined we are not financially set to
do this. Pastor asked that we think of other activities to implement in order to use as an outreach to young families without the formal establishment of a Pre-School
The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer led by Pastor Ogne.
Respectfully submitted,
Paula Tregoning,
Council Secretary
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The Mission of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is to assist each woman of the LCMS in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world.
Minutes of The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
of the Lutheran Church of Our Savior
March 10, 2014
Attendees: Jenifer Young, Beth Ogne, Shea Gronau, Lorraine Bartholomew
The meeting was called to order at 7:15pm by Jennifer Young
Opening Prayer: Given by Jennifer Young
Devotion: Given by Jennifer Young and Beth Ogne
Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read. Motion to approve minutes by Jennifer. Second by Beth.
Motion carried.
 LWML - Zone Rep Doris Simmons – no report
 Altar Guild – Wanda Welch – no report
 Angel’s Watch Women’s Shelter – Rhonda Piegols – no report
 Homebound Ministry - Jenn Vermaak
 No new shut-ins to report
 Phil’s Friends Ministry (ministry to cancer patients) - Lindsay Watkins
 Lutheran Mission Society Compassion Center of So. MD - Donna Ellis
 No report
 Post Card Ministry - Shea Gronau
 The next mailing scheduled for the Easter Eggtravaganza is in April. The Easter Eggtravaganza is scheduled for April 19th at 11:00a.m. The rain date is April 20th after the second service.
 Cradle Role Bev Linde - no report
 Bethesda Lutheran Home (Campbell’s Labels for equipment) – Dorothy Piegols – no report
 St. Jude’s Hospital/Ranch - Dorothy Piegols—no report
 Events Coordinator - Lorraine Bartholomew
 The Ladies breakfast, in celebration of Mother’s Day, is scheduled tentatively for May 3, 2014 at 1:00p.m.
More information to come.
 April prayer breakfast scheduled tentatively for April 26th at 9:00a.m.
 Possible weekend retreat tentatively at the end of May, or early June in Chincoteague, VA. (Shea Gronau’s
mom’s house).
 Mite Boxes are due May 18th.
 Newsletter items need to be submitted by March 25th to Betty Ellis.
 Safe Nights – Betty Ellis
 Safe nights participants were here from March 2nd-8th, 2014. We had an average of 40 people per night and as
many as 49 per night.
 Thank you to all volunteers who helped make this a success and a blessing!
New business
No new business to report
The next meeting is scheduled for April 14th, 2014 at 7pm.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer at 8:17pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Beth Ogne
Recorder for Janet Morris
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“You’re Invited”
to the
46707 Shangri La Drive
Lexington Park, MD, 20653-4135
Registration Donation: $5.00 to cover lunch
District Speaker: Susan Sohn, V. P. Christian Life
Is a short term Mission Trip on your "To Do" list?
In-gathering items:
 non-perishable food items for Trinity’s food pantry such as:
 Cereal
 protein sources (peanut butter, can fish and meat)
 spaghetti sauce with meat
 can chili etc.
Bring your Bibles and In-gathering items and………...
Come prepared to have a day of inspiration & sisterly fellowship.
Email madelaine_jean@msn.com with your count of attendees by Thursday, April 4, 2014
Issue 2014-4
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Bible Quiz
Who told the women at the tomb that Jesus had risen?
A. Two men in shining garments
B. A young man in a white robe
C. An angel
D. All of the above, depending on which gospel you read.
Answer: D (See Matthew 28:5-6; Mark 16:5-6; Luke 24:4-6.)
Issue No. 2014-4
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Leadership Directory
Phone Number
Christopher Ogne
(H) (301) 375-7182
(O) (301) 375-7507
Pastoral Assistants
Jim Ammons
Michael Ellis
Gary Pomrenke
(301) 743-5838
(301) 743-3688
(240) 424-2451
Head Elder/
Michael Ellis
(301) 743-3688
Andrei Sapsai
(301) 645-3237
Vice President
Keith Tregoning
(301) 932-5123
Lynn Wells
(301) 645-1605
Financial Secretary
Carol Nelson
(301) 743-5651
Paula Tregoning
(301) 932-5123
Member at Large/Prop. Steve Holton
(301) 375-6036
Sean Donaldson
(301) 283-2008
Shea Gronau
Diane Bicknell
(301) 653-9154
Jennifer Young
Altar Guild
Wanda Welch
(301 375-7457
Youth Group Leader
Bryan Mays
Sean Donaldson
(301) 848-5659
Seasoned Citizens Fellow. Bev Linde
(301) 283-3248
Praise & Worship Leader
Scott Wells
(301) 645-1605
Van Manager
Graham Bartholomew
(Call to arrange a ride.)
(301) 717-2048
Patty Stine
Bulletin Publication
Joan Lane
(301) 743-3115
Office Manager/
Organist /Choir Director
Betty Ellis
(H) (301) 743-3688
(O) (301) 375-7507
1 Ray Arcement
Reyna Gardner
2 Ruth Grinder
Nathaniel Quick
4 Jaime Downing
5 Rodrick Poindexter
Micah MacAulay
6 Patti Donaldson
7 King Poindexter
8 Jennes Nelson
Jeremiah Orndorff
Lori Malady
10 Melissa Moy
Alexis Gross
Jennifer Lester
13 Brian Wisotzkey
17 Bruce Graham
19 Megan Brown
20 Chrissy Killillay
Jason Downing, Jr.
21 Asia Satterfield
Kenneth Lentz
22 Tracie Pomrenke
24 Ashley N. Donaldson
27 Laura Colabucci
28 Matina Renner
Barbara Strickland
30 Gracie Donaldson
Josie Bullock
Daffodil hope
In Lisa Genova’s novel Love Anthony, Olivia lives on Nantucket Island,
where winter is long but daffodils bloom even while it’s still cold. In one
scene, she watches the flowers “shivering in the wind, impossibly bright
and fragile and brave against the cold grayness.”
Struggling with deep grief, Olivia finds hope in the bright yellow blooms
after a long, bleak winter. She embraces the daffodil as a sign that summer
will come again — and that “life will return to her as well.”
In Christ, God gives us hope that sometimes appears vibrant against the
grayness of earthly life. We cling to it because we’ve seen the promise made good before — winter
yielding to summer, a new beginning granted — and we trust that new life will return to us, as well.
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12:30pm Reflec.Sr.
Ctr. Indian Head
10am to 2pm Com
10am to 2pm Compassion Trailer passion Trailer
10am Mom’s
7pm Youth Night
Bible Study
7pm Women’s
Bible S.—Waldorf
7pm Choir
8:30am Traditional
9:45am Sunday Sch.
11:00am Praise Serv.
12:30pm Defending
Your Faith
6-8pm Fellowship Rm
in use by Rev Goodall
8am Men’s
Prayer Breakfast
10am to 2pm Compassion Trailer
7pm Girl Scouts
7pm Victory in the
Word Bible S. w/Rev
Goodall (comm. class- 8pm Sat. Night
Luther Rm)
Alive (AA)
7pm Choir
5:45pm Meal
6:15pm Bible S.
7:15pm Praise Srv.
9am Prayer
10:15am E72
12pm Fellowship Rm
6pm Seasoned Cit.
7pm Victory in the
meet at La
Word Bible S. w/Rev in use for afternoon
Toltecca, La Plata Goodall (comm. class- 8pm Sat. Night
7pm Girl Scouts
Luther Rm)
7pm Women’s
Bible S.—Waldorf
10:00am Mom’s
Bible Study
8:30am Traditional
9:45am Sunday Sch.
11:00 am Praise Srv.
2:00pm Srv.Charlotte
Hall Vets Hm 5:30pm Spanish
6-8pm Fellowship Rm
7pm LWML
in use by Rev Goodall
6pm Elders
7pm Council
7pm Choir
8pm Sat. Night
Alive (AA)
8:30am Traditional
9:45am Sunday Sch.
11:00am Praise Srv.
5:30pm Spanish
12:30pm Defending
Your Faith
6-8pm Fellowship Rm
7pm Choir
Team Prac.
in use by Rev Goodall
5:45pm Meal
6:15pm Bible S.
7:15pm Praise Srv. 7pm Girl Scouts
7pm Choir
5:45pm Meal
6:15pm Bible S.
7:15pm Praise Srv.
5:30pm Spanish
9am Prayer
9am Ladies Prayer
11am Easter
10am Mom’s
Bible Study
6-8pm Fellowship Rm
in use by Rev Goodall
10am Mom’s
Bible Study
5:30pm Spanish
6:30pm Praise
Team Prac.
8:30am Traditional
9:45am Sunday Sch.
11:00am Praise Srv.
7:00pm Women’s
Bible S.—Waldorf
9am Prayer
9am Ladies Prayer
10:15am E72
12 to 6pm Fellow
ship Rm/ Kitchen
in use
7:00pm Victory in the
Word Bible S. w/Rev
Goodall (comm. class- 8pm Sat. Night
Alive (AA)
Luther Rm)
Ladies Tea
May 3rd, 1pm
Issue No. 2014-4
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April 13
Palm Sunday
8:30am Traditional Service
9:45am Sunday School for “all”
11:00am Praise & Worship Service
April 17— Maundy Thursday
6:00pm Seder meal & pot luck
Traditional Service
April 18
Good Friday
7:00pm Good Friday Service
April 20
Easter Sunday
6:30 Easter Sunrise Community Service at
Mt. Aventine
8:30am Traditional Service
9:45am Sunday School for “all”
11:00am Praise & Worship Service
Sun 12:30 Defending Your Faith
(1st, 3rd Sun)
2:00 Charlotte Hall Veterans
Home (2nd & 5th Sun)
Wed 1:00 Women’s Bible Study
(resumes May 7)
6:15 Bible Study for all
Mom’s Bible Study with
(Call Jordan Wells for info.)
Fri 7:00 Women’s Bible Study - (Call
Heather Rinn for info.)
7:00 Victory in the Word Bible
Study w/Rev Stanley Goodall
in the Luther Rm (community)
The Lutheran Church of Our Savior
7365 Indian Head Highway
Bryans Road, Maryland 20616
Website: www.lcoos.org
Jesus died to save:
W.E. Sangster (1900-1960), a well-known pastor in England, contracted a progressive, incurable muscle disease.
He lost the ability to move his legs, and eventually his
voice faded away. Because Sangster wanted to continue
serving God even though he could no longer preach, he became a prolific writer and organized prayer cells throughout
On Easter morning, shortly before his death, Sangster
wrote a note to his daughter in an unsteady hand. “It is terrible to wake up on Easter morning and have no voice to
shout, ‘He is risen!’” he wrote. “But it would be still more
terrible to have a voice and not want to shout.”