March - Coral Gables Community Foundation


March - Coral Gables Community Foundation
In this issue . . .
BOARD NEWS Board members making moves in the community
FOCUS ON FUNDS Evensky & Katz/Foldes Financial Wealth Management's 30th anniversary
RECENT EVENTS 2016 Tour of Kitchens is a great success
MERRICK SOCIETY Become a member, make a difference in your community
Sa s h a Dol gi ce r to Ch a i r Fou r-Ye a r
Sch ol a rs h i p Commi tte e
Board member Sasha Dolgicer has been named Chair of the Foundation's
Four-Year Scholarship Committee.
The Coral Gables Community Foundation established the Four-Year
Scholarship in 2015. This scholarship awards four deserving, in-need Coral
Gables Senior High School seniors $10,000 in scholarship funding for four
years of college study.
Sasha, Senior Director of Corporate Relations at the University of Miami, will
chair the committee and, along with committee members, review
applications from students.
We are excited to work with Sasha and the Four-Year Scholarship Committee on this endeavor!
J oh n O' Rou rke ' s Mon ti ca J e we l ry move s to
n e w l oca ti on
Foundation Board Chairman John O'Rourke III's Montica Jewelry has moved to a new location.
Formerly on Miracle Mile, Montica Jewelry's beautiful new boutique is now located at 50 0 South
Dixie Highway, Suite 2 0 3 in Coral Gables.
John welcomes you to visit his new boutique and experience an amazing array of diamond jewelry
and top designers.
Wa yn e El dre d a ppoi n te d Ch a i r of Cou n ci l for
Doctors Hos pi ta l a n d Mi a mi Orth ope di cs a n d
Sports Me di ci n e In s ti tu te
Board member Wayne Eldred has been appointed Chair of the Baptist
Health Foundation Council for Doctors Hospital and Miami Orthopedics and
Sports Medicine Institute.
"It is a privilege to be part of the Baptist Health Foundation's Team allowing
me to contribute to their great work, for its causes and facilities," said
Wayne. "Doctors Hospital has saved two dear friends of mine and
rehabilitated many more. I look forward to contributing to the future
development of Doctors Hospital, and being part of the Baptist Health South
Florida Foundation and their organizations."
Wayne is the owner of Tarpon Bend Raw Bar & Grill in the heart of Coral
Gables. In addition to his role on the Foundation's Board and Community Giving Committee,
Wayne is the current Chairman of the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce and serves on the
Camillus House Board of Directors. He was also recently named by the Miami Herald as one of
South Florida's Food 50 .
Ma tth e w Me e h a n ope n s bu s i n e s s i n
North Ca rol i n a
Foundation Board Secretary Matthew Meehan has entered into a new business venture as
Owner/Investor of MATI Energy.
MATI Energy is a new all natural energy drink brewed from guayusa leaves and is currently
available on Amazon and in Whole Foods stores across the Southeast United States.
Recently acquiring a distribution deal with Anheuser-Busch, Costco, Vistar, and Kroger, MATI Energy
opened a new 30,000 square foot production facility in Clayton, North Carolina where MATI
employees will bottle, brew and distribute the beverage across the country.
2016 ma rks 25th a n n i ve rs a ry of th e
Cora l Ga bl e s Commu n i ty Fou n da ti on
This year, the Foundation is celebrating its 25th anniversary. We wish to thank our current and past
Board members, donors, esteemed fund holders, Merrick Society members and supporters for 25
years of community philanthropy in Coral Gables.
To commemorate the occasion, kabookaboo Marketing has designed a special 25th Anniversary
logo. Thank you to Ari Rollnick and the kabookaboo team for the new logo design!
Eve n s ky & Ka tz/Fol de s Fi n a n ci a l We a l th
Ma n a ge me n t ce l e bra te s 30th a n n i ve rs a ry
Top: David Garcia, Lane Jones, David Evensky, Matt McGrath and Brett Horowitz of Evensky & Katz/Foldes Financial Wealth
Management, Coral Gables Mayor Jim Cason, Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Mark Trowbridge and Foundation
Board member/Chamber of Commerce Chairman Wayne Eldred. Bottom left: Merrick Society members Evelyn Budde and Audrey Ross;
Bottom right: Merrick Society member Alex Montague, Coral Gables Community Foundation Board Secretary Matthew Meehan and
Chairman John O'Rourke III. Photos by Ada L. Stevens, SnapHappy Photos, LLC.
On February 10, Evensky & Katz/Foldes Financial Wealth Managem ent celebrated the
firm's 30th anniversary with a luncheon at the Coral Gables Museum .
At the luncheon, Evensky & Katz/Foldes celebrated 30 years of success as one of the largest
investment firms in South Florida. Not only is the company at the top of its industry, but the firm is
also a leader in local philanthropy. Through their Donor-Advised Fund at the Coral Gables Community
Foundation, which serves as the central source of the company's philanthropic giving in the
community, the firm donated more than $100,000 to local non-profit organizations in 2015 alone.
Also during the celebration, Coral Gables Cham ber of Com m erce CEO Mark Trowbridge
launched the Chamber's new Non-Profit Task Force initiative. The Non-Profit Task Force will work to
further position Coral Gables as a leader in corporate philanthropy, while serving as a driving force in
hyper-local social responsibility.
Sch ol a rs h i p opportu n i ti e s a va i l a bl e for Cora l
Ga bl e s s tu de n ts
The Coral Gables Community Foundation is currently accepting college scholarship applications.
The Foundation and its funds award six scholarships annually: the Grant
& Bridget Daugherty Nursing Scholarship , the Lady Suzanna P.
Tweed Scholarship , the Ralph V. Moore Scholarship for Cavalier
Excellence, Coral Gables Com m unity Foundation Four- Year
Scholarship and the Culinary Arts Program Scholarship are open to
Coral Gables Senior High School seniors only. The Kerdyk Fam ily Trust
Music Scholarship is open to high school seniors who live in the City of Coral Gables or who attend
high school in the City of Coral Gables.
The deadline for all scholarship applications is March 15.
Ne w de n ta l ch a i r u n ve i l e d a t Ma y Va n Si ckl e
Ch i l dre n ' s De n ta l Cl i n i c
Last year, the May Van Sickle Children's Dental Clinic at the Coral Gables Woman's Club received a
grant from the Foundation's Community Giving Committee for a brand new dental chair to better
serve the many children from low-income households who receive free dental treatment at the
Clinic. On February 16, the chair was proudly unveiled in the company of Foundation Chairman John
O'Rourke III, past Community Giving Committee Chair John Allen, Executive Director Mary Snow,
Former Mayor Dorothy Thomson, Dr. Iris Torres-Rivera, Gloria Burns and Barbara Lapsley.
Congratulations to the May Van Sickle Children's Dental Clinic and thank you for the wonderful work
you do for children in our community.
Sh e l l y Robe rts Ci rcl e of Love Fu n d h os ts
Ru n For Th e Ki ds
The 2016 Run For The Kids (FKA 5K For The Kids) took place on Sunday, February 7. Started
by the Shelly Roberts Circle of Love, a fund at the Coral Gables Community Foundation, Run For
The Kids is a family friendly run/walk benefiting various non-profit organizations that support kids
and families facing childhood cancer. 100% of the funds raised by Run For The Kids goes directly
towards supporting these brave children through these difficult circumstances, helping to make their
dark times a little brighter. The money raised from the 5th Annual Run For The Kids will benefit
Children's Cancer Fund , StudentsCare, Sm ashing Walnuts, Gift of Life, and Cam p Boggy
Creek . More information about the event and its beneficiaries can be found
at www.runforthekidsm iam .
Fou n da ti on h os ts s e ve n th a n n u a l Tou r of
Ki tch e n s
On Saturday, February 6, a mix of foodies and home-design enthusiasts gathered together for the
Coral Gables Community Foundation's Seventh Annual Tour of Kitchens.
The 2016 Tour of Kitchens was chaired by Venny Torre, CEO of Torre Construction &
Developm ent . During the tour, nine of Coral Gables' finest private home kitchens opened their
doors to the public and offered mouthwatering food tastings, exclusive home and kitchen items for
sale and table setting displays for dining room inspiration. In addition to the homes, the Merrick
Manor Sales Gallery and Scavolini Store Miam i were also featured stops on the Tour. Proceeds
from the 7th Annual Tour of Kitchens benefited the Coral Gables Community Foundation and its
Culinary Arts Fund, which provides support and scholarships for the Culinary Arts Program at Coral
Gables Senior High School .
The Tour kicked off with the Opening Event at the Snaidero Kitchens + Design showroom,
where a lavish breakfast, coffee and mimosas were served. From there, guests began their selfguided Tour.
Each home on the Tour featured tasty bites from a popular eatery, including Whisk Gourm et ,
MesaMar Seafood & Table, Tarpon Bend Raw Bar & Grill , Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza,
Bricktop's and La Taberna Giralda. The beneficiaries of the Tour itself, the Culinary Arts Program
students from Coral Gables Senior High School, also showed off their culinary skills at one of the
The Tour finished with a Closing Event at Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery featuring
Martini Prosecco provided by Bacardi .
The success of this year's event is due in large part to the Foundation's wonderful Tour of Kitchens
Committee, whose dedication and efforts made the 2016 edition the most successful Tour of
Kitchens in organization history.
The 2016 Tour of Kitchens was also made possible by the support of the following generous
sponsors: Top Chef Sponsors Astor Com panies/Merrick Manor , Ferguson Bath, Kitchen &
Lighting Gallery and Scavolini Miam i ; Gourmand Sponsor Snaidero Kitchens + Design ;
Gourmet Sponsors Raym ond Jam es and EWM International Realty ; Foodie Sponsor Valerie
Quem ada, Realtor ; and In-Kind Sponsors: Doctors Hospital, Bacardi/Martini Prosecco, GEM
Spring Water , Waste Managem ent and The Palace. South Florida Luxury Guide served as
the Media Partner for the event.
To view more photos from the 2016 Tour of Kitchens, please visit our Facebook page.
T ha nk yo u to o ur 2 0 1 6 T o ur o f K itc he ns s p o ns o r s
To p C he f S p o nso rs
Go urmand S p o nso r
Go urme t S p o nso rs
F o o d ie S p o nso r
I n- K ind S p o nso rs
M e d ia P artne r
Pon ce Soci e ty of You n g Profe s s i on a l s bri n g
ch e e r to th e e l de rl y for Va l e n ti n e ' s Da y
The Ponce Society of Young Professionals (PSYP) continued their tradition of delivering gift
baskets to the elderly for Valentine's Day. On February 12, members of the PSYP visited residents of
the Riviera Health Resort in Coral Gables. Residents were treated to games of bingo and
dominoes, cookies, juice and beautiful gift baskets made by the PSYP members
Li l l y Pu l i tze r Sh op & Sh a re be n e fi ts th e
Fou n da ti on
On February 25, the Lilly Pulitzer store at the Village of Merrick Park hosted a Shop & Share event
for the Coral Gables Community Foundation. Ten percent of all in-store purchases went to support
the Foundation and its projects. Thank you Lilly Pulitzer Merrick Park for supporting your local
community foundation!
Th e Cora l Ga bl e s Commu n i ty Fou n da ti on
Se e ks Offi ce Admi n i s tra tor/Ma rke ti n g
Coordi n a tor to s ta rt i mme di a te l y
The Coral Gables Community Foundation seeks a full-time Office Administrator/Marketing
Coordinator to provide advanced administrative and marketing support in a small, communityoriented environment. Under the direction of the Foundation's Executive Director, this individual will
perform a broad variety of administrative and marketing tasks including, but not limited to,
preparing all electronic and printed marketing materials, managing all social media communications,
and handling all incoming office phone calls. Salary commensurate with experience and ability. Please
email Mary Snow at m for a full job description and to apply.
Cre a te you r l e ga cy toda y!
The Coral Gables Community Foundation's new home in the Mercantil Commercebank building at the corner of Alhambra Circle
and Ponce de Leon Boulevard
Merrick's vision for better living continues today as involved Coral Gables stakeholders strive to
maintain the look and feel of the City Beautiful. Do you have a vision for Coral Gables? The Coral
Gables Community Foundation established the Merrick Society so that visionary people like you can
continue George Merrick's dream. The Merrick Society promotes and preserves key philanthropic
activities in Coral Gables and raises unrestricted funds for the Foundation. Merrick Society donors
commit to a three-year annual contribution of $1,0 0 0 , $2 ,50 0 , $5,0 0 0 , $10 ,0 0 0 , or more.
Merrick Society donors are invited to the annual benefactor reception and other special events, and
receive a lapel pin in recognition of their participation. To find out more, please contact our Executive
Director, Mary Snow, at 305.446.9670, or via email at m .
305.446.9670 | m ar y@ gabl esf ou n dati on .or g
gablesfoundation.or g
30 5.4 4 6 .9 6 7 0
Led by community leaders, the Coral Gables Community Foundation provides the philanthropic conduit to connect
individuals and corporations looking to positively impact the success of the community. Celebrating 25 years,
the Foundation has been at the forefront of the evolving needs of Coral Gables, while effectively bringing together
beneficiaries and benefactors to fund programs with the greatest impact and benefit to "The City Beautiful."