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NOVEMBER 2013 T H E V O L U M E 3 1, N U M B E R 10 O F F I C I A L P U B L I C A T I O N O F T H E D I O C E S E O F A U S T I N Vocations outlook is good, more work to be done BY MARY P. WALKER SENIOR CORRESPONDENT Father Brian McMaster, Vocation Director for the Diocese of Austin, knows that he is blessed to serve in Central Texas, where the Catholic faith is growing and vibrant. However, with this blessing comes the responsibility shared by all Catholics –– helping men and women hear and respond to God’s call to the priesthood and religious life. The diocese has 50 men and women in formation for religious orders, and 40 men who are preparing to become diocesan priests. The formation of these diocesan seminarians usually takes seven to nine years. The good news, explained Father McMaster, is that ordinations to the priesthood are just about keeping pace with the number of priests who retire. However, the Catholic population is growing, which means that the same number of priests serve more of the faithful. Most of the seminarians are attending one of Àve seminaries, while several are as- Austin Diocese 6225 Hwy. 290 East Austin, Texas 78723 Periodical Postage Paid at Austin, Texas THERE ARE CURRENTLY 40 SEMINARIANS studying to be priests of the Diocese of Austin. Posters featuring the seminarians have been distributed to the parishes. (Poster by Cathy King) BRYAN PASTOR signed to parishes for a pastoral year of service. “We’ve noticed that each guy has a different set of gifts and a different set of needs. We believe we can maximize their gifts by sending them to different seminaries,” Father McMaster said. He also said that the men are of a high “quality.” They are mature, know their faith, and have an active prayer life. In addition, they also have a keen sense of discernment, that is, the ability to hear the voice of God through prayer and within the circumstances of their lives. For the future, Father McMaster Ànds it encouraging that more young men are beginning to consider and discern a religious vocation during their high school years. Likewise, many in their college years, post-college and even in their 30s and 40s are open to God’s calling. The universal church also beneÀts from the religious vocations that come from within our diocese. Most of the men and women from our parishes who are in formation for religious orders to become priests, brothers and sisters will serve God and his people in other parts of the state, country, and even the world. In addition, with so many colleges and universities with- in the boundaries of the diocese, the campus ministry programs are having a positive effect on promoting vocations. These programs serve the spiritual needs of college students from all over the country at a time when they make decisions that affect the rest of their lives. For example, St. Mary Catholic Center at Texas A&M University has a national reputation for providing an environment where students can hear God’s call and respond with an enthusiastic “yes.” This fall, 14 former students entered seminaries or began formation in religious orders, most outside of the diocese. The diocese is also seeing an increase of interest in vocations from students at the University of Texas, Texas State University, Baylor and St. Edward’s University. While the Austin Diocese is not currently suffering from an acute shortage of priests, as other parts of the country are, the culture of vocations must continue to be fostered. As the Catholic population grows, even more priests are needed. In addition, the number of women entering religious life is far less than the total number of men in See VOCATION on Page 3 CANONIZATION SCHEDULED Msgr. John McCaffrey has served Brazos Valley parishioners for many years. Page 5 John Paul II will be canonized on Divine Mercy Sunday. Page 11 BISHOP’S INTERVIEW Thanking God for our many blessings, the good and the bad. Page 16 ESPAÑOL Ministerio ayuda a personas a superar su pasado. Página 25 2 THE MISSION OF THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT As the of¿cial newspaper for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Austin, the CATHOLIC SPIRIT is dedicated to providing information, education and formation for the Catholic community of Central Texas. This mission calls for the newspaper: • to provide readers with an understanding of our Catholic faith and traditions; • to be a primary source of information on Catholic issues relevant to the community; • to be a unifying element for faith communities, both rural and urban, throughout Central Texas; • to show respect for and appreciation of all cultural groups and traditions; • to emphasize topics af¿rming the Catholic community and life, while acknowledging the humanity of the community and examining, with courage, topics that challenge and encourage growth in the faith; • to carry a commitment to social justice that will support the renewal of the church in Central Texas. HOW TO SUBMIT INFORMATION Deadline for submission of articles or information for the CATHOLIC SPIRIT is the 10th of the month for publication in the following month’s edition. Deadline for the December issue is Nov. 10. You can submit material in any of the following ways: • E-mail to • Mail to CATHOLIC SPIRIT, 6225 Hwy. 290 E., Austin, TX 78723. For additional information, call (512) 949-2443 or e-mail us at CATHOLIC SPIRIT has unrestricted editing rights. HOW TO SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOR Readers are encouraged to express their opinions on articles published in CATHOLIC SPIRIT. Letters to the editor provide a forum of discussion for the local Catholic community. The views expressed in the letters do not necessarily represent those of the editor or the publisher of CATHOLIC SPIRIT. Letters to the editor should be limited to 250 words. Name and full address of the writer must be provided, though name will be withheld from publication on request. We reserve the right to edit or withhold all letters. Please e-mail to or mail to Editor, Catholic Spirit, 6225 Hwy. 290 E., Austin, TX 78723. VOICES C ATHOLIC S PIRIT Pope Francis on prayer, surprises BY SHELLEY METCALF CATHOLIC SPIRIT STAFF Pope Francis continues to give us great pieces of wisdom. Two of my favorite quotes from October had to do with prayer and being surprised by God. On Oct. 20 he discussed prayer in terms of the parable of the widow who did not cease bothering the dishonest judge. “The protagonist is a widow who, by pleading with a dishonest judge, manages to obtain justice from him. And Jesus concludes: if the widow manages to convince that judge, do you think that God does not listen to us, if we pray to him insistently? The expression Jesus uses is very powerful: ‘And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night?’” “And so we learn from the widow of the Gospel to pray always and tirelessly. The widow was good! … Always pray! But not to convince the Lord with words! He knows what we need better than us! Rather, perseverance in prayer is an expression of faith in a God who calls us to Àght with him, every day, every moment, to overcome evil with good.” I think this goes back to prayer as the foundation of our relationship with God. It is very difÀcult HOW TO SUBSCRIBE Subscription rates are $12 for one year. To subscribe, send check payable to Catholic Spirit to CATHOLIC SPIRIT, 6225 Hwy. 290 E., Austin, TX 78723. Members of a parish in the Austin Diocese may receive the newspaper for a reduced rate. Contact your parish staff for more information. ADDRESS CHANGES OR DUPLICATE MAILINGS to have a relationship with someone who we don’t speak to or listen to on a regular basis. I really need to remember this especially as the busy-ness of the holidays sets in. It’s no coincidence that when I take the time to pray and be with God for even just a few minutes, the days go better and my attitude is more joyful. On Oct. 13, the pope discussed Mary and our hesitance to be surprised by God. “At the message of the angel, (Mary) does not hide her surprise. It is the astonishment of realizing that God, to become man, had chosen her, a simple maid of Nazareth: not someone who lived in a palace amid power and riches, or who had done extraordinary things, but simply someone who was open to God and put her trust in him, even without understanding everything: … God always surprises us, he overturns our categories, he wreaks havoc with our plans. And he tells us: Trust me, do not be afraid, let yourself be surprised, leave yourself behind and follow me!” Honestly, I am not a fan of surprises. I am a planner and a control freak at times. But what is that old saying, “If you want to make God laugh, then tell him your plans?” I have learned more and more lately that sometimes it’s perfectly Àne to go with the Áow. Planning is great, but it can also be stressful. I deÀnitely need to let God surprise me more often and leave my plans behind, so I can follow his lead. From his simple car to his simple pieces of wisdom, Pope Francis continues to amaze me. During this month of Thanksgiving, I am particularly thankful for his leadership and faithfulness! SHELLEY METCALF and her family are parishioners of St. Margaret Mary Parish in Cedar Park. She has been editor of the Catholic Spirit since 2007. Send all address changes to CATHOLIC SPIRIT, 6225 Hwy. 290 E., Austin, TX 78723. Please include your parish’s name and city. If receiving duplicate copies of the CATHOLIC SPIRIT, call (512) 949-2443 or e-mail STAFF Publisher: Most Rev. Joe S. Vásquez, Bishop of Austin Editor: Shelley Metcalf; (512) 949-2400, Assistant Editor: Christian R. González; (512) 949-2400, Advertising: Shelley Metcalf; (512) 949-2400, Spanish translation: Gina Dominguez Columnists: Barbara Budde, Mary Lou Gibson and Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D. Correspondents: Burnie Cook, Peggy Moraczewski, Enedelia Obregón, Michele Chan Santos and Mary P. Walker Holy Cross priest served at the Cathedral and in Copperas Cove Holy Cross Father William H. Donahue died Sept. 30 at the age of 91 at Holy Cross House in Notre Dame, Ind. He was raised in Philadelphia and was the oldest of seven children. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 1945 and was ordained a priest on June 7, 1949. He earned a master’s degree and a doctorate in biology from Catholic University of America, Catholic Spirit subscribes to Catholic News Service and then he spent 20 years in the Biology De(CNS) and is a member of the Catholic Press Association. partment at King’s College in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Copyright 2013 by the Austin Diocese. All rights reFrom 1974 to 1989, Father Donahue served served. Reproduction of any editorial content, photograph, art or design is prohibited without written permission of the as rector of St. Mary Cathedral in Austin. He publisher CATHOLIC SPIRIT (ISSN 0896-2715) is published 11 also served on the Marriage Tribunal for the Diocese of Austin and was also a diocesan contimes annually (monthly except one issue in July/August) sultor. He served on the Board of Trustees for by the Austin Diocese. Bishop Joe S. Vásquez, publisher, 6225 Hwy. 290 E., Austin, TX 78723. Periodicals Postage St. Edward’s University in Austin from 1977 to Paid at Austin, Texas. 1982. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Catholic Spirit, In 1989, Father Donahue was named pastor 6225 Hwy. 290 E., Austin, Texas 78723. of Holy Family Parish in Copperas Cove, where he celebrated his 80th birthday before leaving in 2002. He then moved to Florida and assisted at HOLY CROSS FATHER William H. Donahue two local parishes before Ànally retiring to Holy Cross House in 2007. Memorial contributions in support of the mission and ministries of the Congregation of Holy Cross can be made to United States Province of Priests and Brothers, OfÀce of Development, P.O. Box 765, Notre Dame, IN 465560765 or online at November 2013 3 CENTRAL TEXAS Catholic Services Appeal kicks off in parishes BY CATHOLIC SPIRIT STAFF The Catholic Services Appeal for the Austin Diocese kicked off in parishes Nov. 2-3. This year’s theme is “Let Your Light Shine.” Danielle Madrid, Associate Director of Stewardship and Annual Appeal, said the Catholic Services Appeal supports the diocese in its mission of spreading the light of Christ, and assisting the clergy, religious and lay people who carry out this mission across Central Texas. Through donations to the CSA, parishioners support men in their education and formation for the priesthood or the diaconate and care for retired priests; they provide leadership and liturgical train- ing for youth ministers and those serving our multicultural communities; through Catholic Charities, they extend a helping hand to the poor and to families in need; they help support thousands of students and teachers in Catholic schools and catechists who teach religious education to thousands of children and adults; and they enhance the spirituality and worship of our parishioners. Through gifts to the Catholic Services Appeal, donors enable parishes to carry out programs and ministries that they otherwise would not There are currently 40 be able to fund themselves, said Scott Whitaker, diocesan seminarians in the diocese. director of Stewardship and One third of the money raised through CSA goes to supDevelopment. port the seminarians as they prepare for their day of ordination. Whitaker said donors who give to the CSA help to eliminate that financial burden on our future priests, thus freeing the seminarians “so they really can focus on their work, their studies, and their forma- tion to become better priests.” Madrid also stressed that every gift to the Catholic Services Appeal is important and appreciated because every dollar goes toward helping the local church. Even if a family is unable to financially support the appeal this year, a gift of prayers is even more important. “Every gift in support of the CSA counts. Through your gifts, you are spreading the light of Christ throughout our diocese. Everything helps,” Madrid said. Pledge cards for the Catholic Services Appeal have been mailed and were distributed at all the Masses during the Àrst week of November. To donate, Àll out the pledge card and mail it in or donate online at Prayer is the foundation for vocations, Vocation Director says VOCATION Continued from Page 1 formation for the diocesan priesthood or entering religious orders. Regarding female religious vocations, Father McMaster sees some bright spots. The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist is a growing order that includes many young sisters. They just completed building a convent in Georgetown. He hopes that their visible witness to the joys of religious life will encourage THERE ARE approximately 50 men and women in formation for religious orders from the Austin Diocese. Posters of those in religious formation have been distributed to parishes. (Poster by Cathy King) other young women to consider whether God is calling them. Also, at St. Mary Catholic Center, the Apostles of the Interior Life Sisters provide spiritual direction to the students. Through their ministry, young women are actively discerning whether God is calling them to religious life. Many other religious communities in the Austin Diocese are also sharing their faith witness with our daughters and sons, Father McMaster said. During the upcoming liturgical year, there will be a diocesan-wide focus on inviting men and women to con- sider the priesthood or religious life. Father McMaster explained that relationships are the key to fostering vocations. Pastors, youth ministers, teachers, parish leaders, parents and fellow parishioners amplify God’s voice to young men and women louder than any vocations poster. Priests, of course, have a vital role. Father McMaster said each pastor is the “vocations director” for his parish. As a resource for priests, the diocese has published a booklet to give them practical tips and reminders about the ways that they can promote vocations. For example, priests can pray, share their own vocation story, and promote diocesan discernment dinners and retreats. Along with the laity, they can also personally invite young men and women to consider the priesthood or religious life. “Don’t be afraid to join your voice with Christ. The majority of young people will be hesitant at Àrst –– so were the people in the Bible and many saints. Through their relationship with the Lord, the seeds that were planted grew,” Father McMaster said. Other resources for parishes include a “how-to” guide for lay Catholics on forming a parish vocation committee. The guide also has lists of vocations activities and projects and offers practical guidance for parents. The foundation for all vocations is prayer, Father McMaster said. We can all pray for our priests and religious, and ask God to keep calling workers for the harvest. St. Therese of Lisieux is the patron saint of vocations and missionaries because she fervently prayed for them. Through the St. Therese Vocation Society, the faithful are invited to join her prayers. The society was piloted in the Diocese of Arlington, Va., and is now established in our diocese. The membership commitments are simple, and center on prayer and offering sufferings for vocations, priests and religious. For elementary school children, there is the Junior Society, which is a great resource for preparing children for their Àrst Holy Communion. Many priests and religious have reported that they Àrst heard God’s call during that time in their lives. After receiving communion, the children commit to praying for priests and religious, and ask Jesus to help them and their classmates discover God’s will for their lives. Information about the society and parish vocation resources are available through parish ofÀces and the diocesan Vocation OfÀce. For more information, visit or call (512) 949-2430. CENTRAL TEXAS 4 C ATHOLIC S PIRIT Building faith in a multicultural diocese BY PEGGY MORACZEWSKI CORRESPONDENT “We need to be aware of our differences, embrace them and celebrate our faith together!” said Geri Telepak, director of Religious Education and Formation for the Diocese of Austin. In the Austin Diocese, the Religious Education and Formation staff seeks to help all Catholics grow in faith. Their goal is to educate the educators: parish and school directors of religious education (DREs) for adults and children, catechists, Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) directors and lay Catholics thirsting for knowledge of church teachings. Telepak said Bishop Joe Vásquez sees religious education at the heart of supporting the role of family in catechesis, so with that in mind, the OfÀce of Religious Education and Formation focuses on adult education, as well as the education of children. Phi Le, associate director for Multicultural Catechesis, compared a catechist to a person building a house, saying, “They must have the right tools to do a good job and we need to give catechists the appropriate tools to build their house.” To ac- diverse population spread across and catechists are seeking the doctrine and teachings,” he said. complish this goal, three levels Central Texas in more than 125 necessary tools to build “God’s In addition to courses, the of certiÀcation course work are parishes, textbook selection is house” with a newfound conÀ- office provides a variety of available to parish and school vital, Telepak said. dence and knowledge acquired resources for dedicated parish DREs and catechists. “It is not just translating in courses offered through the leaders, such as grade-approAlongside Telepak and Le church works, but capturing the Austin Diocese. Course topics priate curriculum, goals, textare Gustavo Rodriguez, associ- spirit of our Catholic faith that is include the Liturgy and Sacra- book selections, catechetical ate director for Hispanic Cat- important,” she said. ments, Multiculturalism and bulletins, sacramental guideechesis, and Carolyn Martinez, While this may strike some Catechesis, Prayer and Spiritu- lines, and much more. They administrative assistant. In a as a daunting task, the ofÀce of ality. hope to expand the departdiocese serving more than half Religious Education and FormaRodriguez said people are mental resources, and Le and a million Catholics who speak tion has embraced their mission, hungry to learn more about the Rodriguez will attend a special English, Spanish, Vietnam- speaking excitedly about Ànding Catholic faith and the courses needs conference in Housese, Korean, Chinese, French theologically sound materials offered have attracted crowds ton and a ministry conference and other languages, the ofÀce to fit each unique situation. much larger than anticipated. in Los Angeles where they works to help meet the religious Telepak enjoys teaching and “Catechesis is a lifelong hope to Ànd religious educaeducation needs of all. said, “I am not doing my job if I journey. We need to experi- tion materials in Vietnamese, Adding to their responsibility sit in my ofÀce every day.” ence our faith and increase our Korean and Braille. is the issue of providing educaWith their pastors’ encour- spirituality, but these need to be See RE on Page 5 tional materials for households agement and blessings, DREs accompanied by sound church where the children may be speaking English, while parents and grandparents are conversing in the language of their native country. T o THE CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUPS gathered Oct. 19 for Catholic Adult Formation classes at Our Lady p r o - p e r l y of Guadalupe Parish in Austin. The diocesan Religious Education Of¿ce teaches these classes at parishes serve this throughout the diocese. 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John McCaffrey has been the pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Bryan for 28 years, and it is hard to imagine him as anything other than a priest. However, it took the love and advocacy of his mother to get him to the seminary. Growing up in a military family as the third of four children, Msgr. McCaffrey learned the value of sacrificial service. He credits his father, Robert, with leading a strong, religious family, and his older brother who was a seminarian in Rome. With his father’s career came the opportunity to live in Europe and Asia, and he attended 13 schools before high school graduation. He too wanted to become a priest, but with one son already on that path, his father would not give him permission to enter the seminary. Msgr. McCaffrey explained that he had such great love and respect for his parents that he could not go against his father’s wishes. With his natural desire to help people, he attended Florida State University and earned a degree in social work. He wanted to join the Peace Corps, but again, his father did not support this. Instead, Msgr. McCaffrey became a social worker for the American Red Cross and went to Vietnam for 13 months, Ànding fulÀllment in helping the soldiers and their families. While he was in Vietnam, Msgr. McCaffrey’s brother in the seminary died suddenly. When he returned home for the funeral, his mother, Yvette, having just buried one son, was fearful of another returning to Vietnam. Msgr. McCaffrey did not want to cause her distress, and through the Red Cross, transferred to Fort Hood. However, he did not find the work there as fulÀlling. He decided to go to graduate school –– and the school he wanted to go to was the seminary. During that time, if a young man wanted to enter the seminary, his father was asked to write a letter of support. Msgr. McCaffrey explained that just as Catholics ask Mary, our spiritual mother, to ask Jesus for what we want, he asked his mother to ask his father to write the letter. His mother, knowing that becoming a priest was her son’s deepest desire, prevailed upon her husband. Msgr. McCaffrey attended St. Meinrad Seminary in Indiana and St. Mary’s Seminary in Houston. On June 5, 1976, he was ordained a priest for the Austin Diocese, and his father was extremely proud. His Àrst assignments were at St. Julia and Cristo Rey parishes in Austin. He then served at St. Anthony Parish in Bryan for Àve years and became pastor of St. Joseph Parish 28 years ago. Along with his responsibilities as a priest and pastor, he also served as Vocations Director for the diocese for 11 years, and was instrumental in founding St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Franklin, serving as the Àrst canonical pastor. Msgr. McCaffrey’s pastoral care and tireless work ethic are almost legendary in the large and busy parish. His love and concern for others have touched countless lives. To keep himself Àt, he strives to live a healthy lifestyle and gets up early Àve days a week to run 8 to 10 miles. “Being able to help people and bring them to Our Lord,” is what Msgr. McCaffrey Ànds most rewarding about being a priest. His greatest challenge is Ànding the time the do what needs to be done. “You just do what you have to do. God gives you the strength and blessings to accomplish it,” Msgr. McCaffrey said. For much of his time at St. Joseph, he was the only priest. Now he enjoys serving with and mentoring associate pastor, Father Ryan Higdon, who was ordained in 2012. “Msgr. John has taught me that translating a love for the people of God into concrete actions isn’t impossible, nor does it mean being lost in a mountain of paperwork. Basically, he’s taught me to always place the people Àrst,” Father Higdon said. During his time at St. Joseph, Msgr. McCaffrey presided over a large expansion of the parish school. The school now includes three campuses with extended nursery care, and pre-Kindergarten through 12th grades. He praised his parishioners, families of students and the area parishes for supporting the school. He is also proud that his parish is the only one in the diocese to sponsor a high school. With the school administration, he works to keep the tuition affordable for many, and the demographics of the students reÁect the community. His love for children compels him to get them involved in the faith. When the school children can read, they learn to be lectors at Mass. After the children make their first Holy Communion, they are encouraged to become altar servers. Young adults participate in music ministry and are extraordinary ministers of holy Communion. Another love of Msgr. McCaffrey’s is scouting. The parish sponsors Boy and Girl Scout troops, and last year, the community celebrated his 50th anniversary as an Eagle Scout. Msgr. McCaffrey’s stamina and work ethic have also helped him Àght inÀrmity. In 2004, he had a herniated disk, numbing his leg and making it almost impossible to walk. Re-learning how to walk led to running. Less than a year later, he completed his Àrst marathon at age 58. He has also suffered three bouts of skin cancer, requiring facial reconstruction and forcing him to take off two months last summer. His face lit up with joy when he celebrated his Àrst Mass back, and the parish responded in kind. Father Higdon reÁects the esteem that Catholics and the community have for Msgr. McCaffrey, stating, “Msgr. John is a man who cares deeply for his people, and we all have beneÀted from his pastoral care. He’s a great blessing to the Brazos Valley, the church, but most of all to the people of God he’s been called to shepherd.” Today, Msgr. McCaffrey hopes to serve God and his people for many more years. “I used to hope God was on my side. Now I hope that I’m on God’s side,” he said. community and knowledge, Le will offer the “Basic Teachings of the Catholic Faith,” which covers the Creed, Scripture, sacraments, morality, prayer and spirituality, at Holy Vietnamese Martyrs beginning in January. He will teach courses in both Vietnamese and English. Any Catholic adult may attend these classes. Le hopes to one day host a multicultural diocesan-wide event that includes the sharing of traditional fashions, foods and faith traditions. Telepak shared a recent personal experience that occurred while she was praying the rosary at an event. “I was sitting next to someone praying the rosary in a language I did not understand, yet knowing what they were saying and that we were all praying together was beautiful to me. We need to embrace ethnicity and how we celebrate our faith,” she said. Telepak also said that St. Albert the Great Parish in Austin has many nationalities represented and “where you will see many in the congregation attired in their native garb.” As the Religious Education and Formation staff strives to provide quality tools, they are grateful to the countless parish volunteers who tirelessly ensure the Catholic faith is shared and brought to life. For the Àrst time, the National Catholic Educational Associa- tion (NCEA) will celebrate Parish Religious Education Week Nov. 3-9. In a letter to pastors, Bishop Vásquez thanked them and all those who serve in religious education throughout the diocese. “Thank you for all your efforts in providing sound catechesis to your parishioners … From year to year, the number of parishioners involved in religious education in the Diocese of Austin continues to grow in a variety of programs ranging from infant baptism preparation to adult religious education. This is a blessing to our diocese and to the church,” the bishop wrote in his letter. Telepak also encouraged Catholics to thank the priests, deacons, DREs, catechists, religious sisters and brothers and all those in the parishes who help Catholics learn more about their faith. “Dialogue is important in our faith journey. We need to talk about our faith with each other,” she said. Resources regarding the Parish Religious Education Week can be found in English and Spanish at the NCEA web site at For more information about religious education in the Austin Diocese, call (512) 949-2461 or e-mail carolyn-martinez@ To read this story in Vietnamese, e-mail MSGR. JOHN MCCAFFREY blesses the new playground equipment at St. Joseph Catholic School in Bryan. He has been the pastor of St. Joseph Parish for 28 years. (Photo courtesy Patty Blaszak) RE Continued from Page 4 New to the city of Austin and to the diocese, Le arrived a few months ago from Baton Rouge, La. Fluent in English and Vietnamese, he is also working on his Spanish and has been absorbing all he can about the diocese, its parishes and the people. One of his Àrst stops was to visit Holy Vietnamese Martyrs Parish in Austin where he observed in parishioners a longing for community, and with a note of respect in his voice, shared one way parishioners have fulÀlled this longing. The parish built a new church in 2006 and has already paid off its mortgage. “The parishioners feel this is a part of being community,” Le said. To help quench this thirst for C ATHOLIC S PIRIT CENTRAL TEXAS 6 Agencies help people navigate Affordable Care Act BY ENEDELIA J. OBREGÓN SENIOR CORRESPONDENT Before open enrollment began for the Affordable Care Act, Andrea García of Buda went online to check her options. Based on a preliminary estimate she made in the health insurance marketplace, getting health insurance will be a lot more affordable under the ACA. “I have my hopes up that Obamacare will be better for low-income people,” García said. “Even if we pay $300 or $400 a month, we would still qualify because of our income. If we can get a subsidy or refund, that would be really good.” Because of problems with the federal exchange –– the only option for Texans –– people have not yet been signed up for insurance coverage. The open enrollment period, which opened Oct. 1, continues through March 31, 2014. Those who enroll by Dec. 15 can begin coverage Jan. 1, the day the ACA goes into effect. Americans who do not have insurance and do not sign up by Jan. 1 face a federal Àne. Undocumented immigrants are not eligible for the ACA. García is the type of person that nonproÀt groups such as Enroll America are trying to reach and help. Enroll America asked the Diocese of Austin to help spread the word on the enrollment period, said Barbara Budde, the diocesan director of Social Concerns. “While the bishops vigorously oppose the mandate that forces all insurance companies to offer birth control, they do want people to have health insurance,” she said. “There is an option at every level of coverage that does not offer abortion, so Catholics can make choices in good conscience.” The ACA offers three levels of coverage. “It’s important for people to get covered for health insurance,” she said. “We don’t want people to be left out of this opportunity. We certainly want low-income Catholics to know they are eligible for tax credits. We don’t want them to ignore this law or the opportunities that the law affords them to get insurance for their families.” García is 61 and too young for Medicare. Her husband is turning 65 in April and will be eligible for Medicare. He now has insurance through work. She has high cholesterol and high blood pressure and has been in the Texas Health Insurance Pool for two years. The Pool is for people with preexisting medical conditions who could not get health insurance anywhere else. The Pool will end with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act on Jan. 1. Prior to that, García was on COBRA for 18 months after she stopped working. The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 requires group health plans to offer added health care continuation. Those premiums are paid out of pocket by the insured. “I was paying $698 a month on COBRA,” García said. “When that was over, no one else would take me. My only option was the Texas Pool.” Under the Texas Pool, she is paying $538 a month, but her deductible is $7,200. When she went online for ACA, one insurance company gave her an estimate of $400 in monthly premiums with a deductible of $2,000. “It doesn’t cover heart disease or cancer, so I’ll need a supplement of about $110 extra,” she said. “It’s still $200 a month cheaper than now.” In northwest Austin, the Lone Star Circle of Care is one of the nonproÀts spreading the word and helping people to see if they qualify. They also help people sign up for Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program, said Monica Crowley, senior director of Strategic Communication and Policy for the Lone Star Circle of Care, which has clinics in Austin, Cedar Park, Harker Heights, Georgetown, Hutto, Killeen, Round Rock and Taylor. Raquel Luna, a certiÀed application counselor with the Lone Star Circle of Care Central Texas, said a big part of their job is to explain the process and the terms. She and other LCCTX employees got federal and state training in preparation. “We don’t direct them to any plan,” she said. “We just give them information tools and help them sign up.” According to statistics, about 23 percent of Texans –– 4.88 million –– are uninsured and are eligible. Of those uninsured, 50 percent are Hispanic/Latino and 13 percent are AfricanAmerican. Those ages 19-34 make up 39 percent of the uninsured and 53 percent are male. Mimi García, state director for Texas Enroll America, said they have 28 staff members in Texas training groups and organizations on how to navigate the website so they can enroll clients. “We’re working with a variety of groups across the area –– local churches, food banks, ... Central Health and other groups to get information out,” she said. Because everyone has different needs –– the elderly don’t need maternity care but care about prescription coverage, for example –– volunteers need to be trained on navigating the system. “There are different plans that can Àt their budget,” she said. “If they are sick now they cannot be charged more. We need to train volunteers to be able to talk about all those things, so they can answer any questions that come up.” To get help signing up from Lone Star Circle of Care Central Texas call 1-877-800-5722 or visit Help is also available through the national hotline at 1-800-318-2596 or at In Austin, residents can call 211, where callers will be directed to the nearest clinic for sign-up. For more information about the Catholic approach to the Affordable Care Act, see Barbara Budde’s column on Page 18. Tutoring Bunny Joubert, MSW Familiar with curriculum at St. Michael’s Catholic Academy Experienced with learning disabilities 512.448.1235 Your ad could be here! To advertise, call (512) 949-2443. Abortion in your past? 1-877-WeCare2 1 - 8 7 7 - 9 3 2-2 7 3 2 Create Your Legacy With Us For more information about how to include the Catholic church in your will or estate plan, contact Scott Whitaker at (512) 949-2441 or COURAGE OF AUSTIN Homosexuality and Hope Call Fr. Becker: (512) 863-3041 (must dial area code from Austin) November 2013 7 CENTRAL TEXAS A humble servant set on building a dream BY MICHELE CHAN SANTOS CORRESPONDENT When Joe Noonan walks visitors around the Eagle’s Wings Retreat Center near Burnet, pride and enthusiasm show in every step. He shares stories about the generosity of others: the architects and engineers who donated their time, the neighbor that gave them a refrigerator, the commercial kitchen equipment handed down by a restaurant owner. What Noonan is reluctant to say without prodding is that the retreat center, which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, exists because of his dedication, passion and commitment. And after many years as the construction superintendent, Noonan is retiring. “Joe is a very, very humble individual,” said Deacon Curt Haffner, the executive director of the retreat center. “He does give all the credit to God, which speaks a lot to his character. He is a man of deep integrity. The retreat center, as it exists today, came from Joe’s passion to help create a place where young people could come to experience God.” Eagle’s Wings Retreat Center is located on 120 acres of Texas Hill Country, with scenic hills, pastures, groves of trees and relaxing views. The nine buildings include four modern dormitories, with limestone walls, spacious bathrooms and many bunk beds; a new chapel and day chapel; a sports facility with a covered court and game rooms; and a large main building with a commercial kitchen and a dining room for as many as 200. An outdoor Stations of the Cross, Marian Grotto, ropes courses and stage are among the other amenities. Noonan, and Curt and Katie Haffner, are the founders of Eagle’s Wings. After retiring, Noonan will still be a familiar face at the center, where he plans to take a more active role in leading youth retreats. He’s looking forward to spending more time in a ministry role and less time focused on construction and operations. “Working with youth is giving me a new focus,” said Noonan, 63. “I’m extremely proud of this place,” but at the same time, he acknowledges that his work there took 60 hours a week for several years. Now that he is retired, he and his wife, Melinda, can travel more, and they will also have more time to spend with their grown daughters –– Jennifer Arcaya, Kelly Pallarino and Sarah Hutchings –– as well as with their six grandchildren. They are also active in their parish, Our Mother of Sorrows in Burnet. It’s worth noting that Noonan’s work at Eagle’s Wings took place after his original retirement from IBM, where he spent 33 years as a manufacturing engineer and then a systems analyst. He took the position at Eagle’s Wings at a pay far below what someone in that position would normally make. Nearly every weekend of the year the center hosts a retreat. Youth groups from all over Texas book the facilities. Most of the groups are Catholic (although groups of any denomination are welcome). ConÀrmation groups, ACTS groups, high school youth groups and college students have all utilized the center at a minimal cost. Some adult retreats are held there as well. (For more information, visit ). Eagle’s Wings Retreat Center began as a prayer. It sprang from an inspiration of Noonan’s, a calling he heard from God in the early 1990s to build a Catholic youth retreat center. “On a religious education teacher’s retreat, we were doing reÁection time,” he recalled. “Well, being quiet and reÁective doesn’t really Àt my personality. But this time I actually was quiet and reÁective and was listening AFTER RETIRING from the corporate world, Joe Noonan has embraced the task of building a retreat center for youth from the ground up. (Photo courtesy Deacon Dave Cardon) to God instead of doing all the talking. God asked me to build a youth retreat center. The idea actually appealed to me, so I really felt at peace with what he was asking me to do. The signiÀcance of this undertaking didn’t sink in until later.” For the next 10 years, Noonan periodically would draw up plans and show them to people, but nothing concrete really happened. “After writing proposals and experiencing many rejections I was feeling pretty low,” he said. “I put the idea on the back burner. But Christ didn’t give up on me and kept prodding me to do something, but I got real good at ignoring the calling. Finally, after a Christ Renews His Parish retreat at St. Thomas More, I felt the calling again very strong and clear. Right then and there I made the commitment in front of Christ and my CHRP brothers to get this youth retreat center Married couples invited to retreat Married couples who are looking for a getaway and time to reconnect with one another are invited to a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Nov. 15-17 at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Belton. The weekend begins Friday at 7:30 p.m. and ends Sunday around 4 p.m. This is an opportunity for husbands and wives to escape the daily distractions of life and focus on each other. For more information or to apply to attend, contact Anh and Greg Thomas at (512) 677-WWME (9963) or Dinner beneÀts JP II Life Center in Austin Voices of truth, joy, faith and reason will be presented at The John Paul II Life Center’s Third Annual BeneÀt Dinner on Dec. 5 at the AT&T Conference Center in Austin. The evening will feature: Patrick Madrid, EWTN radio host and proliÀc Catholic author; Catholic convert Collin Raye, a multi-platinum Country music recording artist; and Sheila Liaugminas, host of Relevant Radio’s “A Closer Look.” Sponsorships and tickets are on sale now at or call the ofÀce at (512) 407-2900. started.” Shortly after, Noonan met the Haffners. In 2003, the Haffners purchased a 157-acre ranch and donated 120 acres for Eagle’s Wings Retreat Center. The first building, now called the Eagle’s Nest, was built by volunteers from plans Noonan found online. The plans were for a barn –– “it looked easy to build” –– and Noonan adapted the design to create a retreat building that would sleep 40 people. The Mabee Foundation gave $250,000 in challenge grant funds in 2008. Other grants and donations followed. Through the many roadblocks that came their way, Noonan and the Haffners persevered. “Joe has been very giving of his gifts, talent and treasure,” said Katie Haffner, coordinator of operations at the center. “He’s truly been a servant.” Msgr. Elmer Holtman, the chaplain-in-residence at Eagle’s Wings, said “Joe is the person who put the physical plan of Eagle’s Wings into action, because of the way in which he came forth to be the construction superintendent. The attitude that Joe has is that he can keep moving forward without having to have all the answers. He Àgures it out and he’s not afraid to take a risk and move on with it. Joe is someone who has passion for what he is doing.” Noonan feels God has had a hand in every step of the retreat center’s development. “How God makes these things happen is a mystery, but he did it,” Noonan said. “Since that fateful day many years ago, look at the progress we have made. The instrumental force in this whole thing is God.” Cedarbrake prepares for Advent “The Devil You Don’t Know,” a day of reÁection, will be held Nov. 14 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Belton. Father Angelo Bertini will lead participants in reÁecting on how, whether consciously or not, we face the devil on a daily basis. The cost is $35, which includes lunch. A Silent Weekend Retreat will be held Dec. 6-8 at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Belton. Participants are invited to step away from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season enter in to silence to prepare for the birth of Christ. The cost is $150 per person (all rooms are private). The annual Advent Dinner will be held Dec. 9 from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Belton. This year’s guest is Missionary of the Sacred Heart of Christ Father Richard O’Rourke, pastor of St. Paul Chong Hasang Parish in Harker Heights. The cost is $25 for the dinner and reÁection. For more information or to register, contact Cedarbrake at (254) 780-2436 or 8 CENTRAL TEXAS C ATHOLIC S PIRIT Ministry helps people overcome ‘inky’ pasts BY ENEDELIA J. OBREGÓN SENIOR CORRESPONDENT It was painful to watch Amber get a tattoo removed from her neck. First, Nurse Jennie Kunkel sprayed a topical anesthetic, which made it easier for what came next: Kunkel injected another anesthetic just below the skin all along the remaining lines of the fading tattoo. Amber winced in pain and dug her nails into the palm of her left hand. With her right, she clutched her husband’s left hand as he pushed their young daughter in her stroller with his right hand. The injection would make the next step bearable –– Certified Nursing Assistant Jan Arensman used a handheld infrared machine to zap the ink in the tattoo and causes the tattoo to fade in a few weeks. A popping noise startled her. “It’s only a hair,” Arensman reassured Amber as she continued the process. Amber hopes this will be the last treatment she needs. Tattoo removal takes several treatments because only an area the size of a deck of cards is done at a time. The treatments have been worth it to help Amber separate herself from her previous life and the “stupid choices” she once made, she said. After getting a pressure dressing and after-care instructions, Amber is out the door –– hoping it’s her last visit. Kunkel and Jan Arensman, along with Julie Arensman and founder Jeanne Arensman, are part the St. Dismas Tattoo Removal Ministry in Mart. Kunkel is a parishioner at St. Louis Parish in Waco, Julie Arensman is a parishioner at St. Joseph Parish in Elk, and Jan Arensman and Jeanne Arensman –– mother to Jan and Julie –– are parishioners at St. Mary Parish in Waco. The ministry, named after the thief cruciÀed alongside Jesus who asked for forgiveness, offers the service for free. Dermatologists charge as much as $100 per square inch per session to remove a tattoo. The ministry members have received training and pay only for the medical supplies and medicines used. They take their ministry into the nearby Texas Juvenile Justice Department in Gatesville on the second Saturday of the month to give youth an option of getting rid of their gang tattoos before being released. If they keep their tattoos, they are at risk of being “reclaimed” by gangs in their neighborhoods. On the first Saturday of each month, they offer tattoo removal service at St. Peter Catholic Center at Baylor University, for adults who have acquired tattoos in prison and want a fresh start. Each tattoo requires several treatments and leaves a discolored area that is sun-sensitive. It takes longer to get rid of inks such as red and yellow. Rob, 39, is one of those adults who decided to get rid of some ink after he got out of federal prison. The Waco native has been out of prison for five years after serving more than six years of an eight-year sentence. It was a tattoo on his chest with two side-by-side hearts with his name and that of his Àrst wife that brought him to St. Peter Catholic Center at the urging of his current wife, whom he married after leaving prison. It took Àve treatments to get rid of the names on the hearts, which remained. “I got the tattoo because it was a way of keeping her with me and keeping my marriage going,” he said. “I’m not glorify- CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT Jan Arensman uses a handheld infrared machine to zap the ink in a tattoo on the neck of a young woman. Arensman is one of the members of the St. Dismas Tattoo Removal Ministry, which removes tattoos for free for those who have been in prison. (Photo by Enedelia J. Obregón) “I’m going in the right direction from what I did before,” he said. “I started as a waiter and now I’m manager.” The youngest son of the restaurant owner was his best tragedy of a young man they knew as volunteers with the Prison Ministry at the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. There, they saw him regularly at Mass and praying the rosary. On the ¿rst Saturday of each month, they offer tattoo removal service at St. Peter Catholic Center at Baylor University, for adults who have acquired tattoos in prison and want a fresh start. Each tattoo requires several treatments and leaves a discolored area that is sun-sensitive. It takes longer to get rid of inks such as red and yellow. ing what I did or recommending what I did.” He easily could have contracted hepatitis or AIDS, a reality from getting prison tattoos, which are against prison rules but get done between guard rounds. The tattoo artists use crude tools such as staples or safety pins and ink from pens or ink cartridges from printers that they steal. The tattoo artists get paid with items from the commissary. Rob has a second tattoo on his left bicep that chronicles prison life. There’s a tower and a guard signifying the constant vigilance; a clock with a chain, a symbol of the time they are incarcerated; a calendar, a symbol of time spent behind bars; a sad mask and a happy mask; and barbed wire, which surrounds all prisons. This tattoo will stay. It would take a long time to remove and can be covered with his shirt sleeve so it’s not visible at work, which puts him ahead of where most former inmates are. friend and they gave him a second chance. So did his mother and his current wife, whom he married a year ago. He is trying to do right by his son, 15. “He was in pre-K when I went in,” Rob said. “He was in sixth grade when I got out. I missed all those years.” Neither his family nor his friends knew what he was doing, and were shocked when he was arrested at age 24. “They supported me with letters and phone calls,” he said. His friend’s parents told him he’d have a job when he got out. “I don’t know what I’d do without a job,” said Rob, who learned landscaping and how to lay concrete in prison. “If I had to, I’d work two or three jobs.” He attends church and has stayed clean and is no longer on parole. It is success stories such as Rob’s that encourage the St. Dismas ministry members. The ministry, founded six years ago this month, was initiated by the “He was from the Valley and that’s where he returned,” Jeanne Arensman said. “He was doing everything right: He had a part-time job, was going to church and taking classes at night.” His mother told them that members of the gang her son had belonged to came looking for him, asking him to do something he didn’t want to do and he was told “you belong to us.” When he still refused, he was run over by a car and killed as he walked home from his job. “Young people don’t realize that gang tattoos mean you belong to them,” Jeanne Arensman said. “There is only one way to get out of a gang.” Jeanne Arensman learned about the free tattoo removal program started by Dr. Tobert S. Wilkinson, a dermatologist in Bandera credited with inventing the tattoo removal process. They were trained by him on how to use the RedÀeld Infrared Coagulator. “When we remove the gang tattoos, we offer them a chance to start over,” Kunkel said. The women remove tattoos from visible areas so the tattoos won’t prevent them from getting jobs or entering the military. There are some exceptions to that rule, such as abused women who are often branded as if they were cattle. “Abusers often force them to get tattoos with their name or other tattoos,” she said. “That’s to show those women belong to them. We often have social workers calling us about that. Getting rid of that tattoo frees her from her abuser.” Getting Ànancing for the ministry has also been a struggle, but Jeanne Arensman is persistent. When she had trouble raising the last $1,500 for the infrared system, which cost $8,200 six years ago, she wrote a letter to Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond, then bishop of the Diocese of Austin. He sent her a personal check for the amount. Those wanting a tattoo removed may write to the ministry and request an application or call (254) 876-2277. Paperwork will be mailed and must be completed in order to be considered. Appointments are required and will be scheduled after approval. To make a donation to the St. Dismas Tattoo Removal Ministry, send checks to P.O. Box 68, Mart, TX 76664. Help is also available from the Central Texas Tattoo Removal Project. Appointments are required. Call (512) 4120788 or visit for information. November 2013 9 IN OUR WORLD ‘Top 10’ ways to understand Pope Francis BY CAROL GLATZ CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE No matter how some media may want to spin it, Pope Francis won’t Àt into the political categories of left or right, and he will challenge everyone with the truth of the Gospel, said the Vatican’s media adviser. “Pope Francis is not a politically correct pope,” rather, he is “a loyal son of the church” who presents the hard truths with a heavy dose of mercy, said Greg Burke, senior communications adviser to the Vatican Secretariat of State. The former U.S. journalist, who has been based in Rome the past 25 years, gave a behindthe-scenes talk at the apostolic palace Oct. 18 to hundreds of benefactors celebrating the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums. In trying to describe his papally appointed role as the Vatican media strategist, Burke, who is an avid soccer fan, said, “We kick the ball to Francis and Francis scores the goals.” “We let the pope do his thing,” he said. Pope Francis clearly knows how to communicate, Burke said, and his effectiveness comes from his authenticity. “It’s not charm. It’s Christian charity, which is a whole lot more attractive than charm.” Burke said he believes “the pope wants to get beyond left and right” by getting people to focus on the Gospels, on God and his truth and mercy. “He’s a loyal son of the church,” who sees its task as being like “a Àeld hospital” that runs to and helps people who are hurting, he said. The pope is not advocating a “feel-good” religion of “I’m OK-you’re OK-Catholicism,” Burke said, but talks about the truth of the Gospel that includes mercy and forgiveness. “The Gospel is not there to make us feel good. The Gospel is there and makes very practical demands on us,” and one of those demands is to “tell people the truth and walk with them to the Lord,” Burke said. “The pope’s picture should have one of those warning labels” much like a pack of cigarettes, he said, but with the words, “Danger: This man could change your life.” In his talk, Burke offered his take on decoding the pontiff with his own rundown of “Pope Francis in 10 Words:” 1. Mercy –– The story of the Prodigal Son is a recurring theme, and the pope repeatedly says that God never tires of forgiving and welcoming his lost children back home. “The church is waiting here for you with open arms,” is the message, Burke said. 2. Moxie or courage –– “We’re all going to get challenged by Pope Francis. Get ready!” People who live comfortably or live in developed nations will be especially challenged, Burke said, adding “This is good. This is the Gospel.” 3. Margins and missions –– Francis is continuing with his predecessors’ criticism of a world divided into the haves and have-nots. The pope “is not a fan of cheap grace and feel-good religion. He wants to see Christians who are not afraid to get their hands dirty,” Burke said. 4. Prayer –– Non-believers often don’t notice how important prayer is for religious life. For example, Blessed Mother Teresa was often looked upon by the secular press as “a social worker wearing a habit.” But, he said, the pope has constantly been stressing the importance of prayer and urging people to pray. 5. Encounter –– The pope is asking people to embrace a “culture of encounter” where they experience God and meet with others, including non-believers. This attitude of encounter and communion also starts at home, with your family, Burke said. 6. Joy –– The pope “gets a thumb’s up on that,” he said, because he’s able to show his joy so plainly. According to Pope Francis, he said, the biggest dangers and temptations in life are “discouragement, discord, the doldrums and the devil.” 7. Service –– By paying his hotel bill in person (even though he had just been elected pope), phoning people who write to him and doing other tasks that POPE FRANCIS leaves his general audience in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican Oct. 23. (CNS photo by Paul Haring) aides could do, the pope is leading by example, Burke said. The message is: “It’s not about power or privilege; if we’re here, we’re here to serve.” 8. Simplicity and humility –– Living in a Vatican guest house instead of the apostolic palace, carrying his own briefcase on a trip are just part of how the pope is and people will have to “get used to it because we’ll see more of it,” Burke said. 9. Compassion –– “Compassion and suffering with others is something Pope Francis has a knack for,” Burke said, and it’s especially evident when he embraces people and is totally present one-on-one with an individual, even in large crowds. 10. Energy –– Burke said for a 76-year-old, the pope “has a lot of energy and we’re going to be in for an interesting ride!” Burke, who’s a numerary member of Opus Dei and went to Jesuit-run St. Louis University High School in St. Louis, said he used to joke with people “that everyone should have a Jesuit education. Now with Pope Francis, everyone is getting the beneÀts of a Jesuit education.” Pope Francis preÀgured: Discovering John Paul I BY ROBERT DUNCAN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE “May God forgive you for what you have done,” the newly elected pope told the cardinals who elevated him to the highest ofÀce in the Catholic Church. Later, he recounted the critical moments of voting in the Sistine Chapel: “As soon as the danger for me had begun, the two colleagues who were beside me whispered words of encouragement.” With such expressions and other disarming shows of informality, the new pope almost instantly earned a global reputation for humility. Although Pope Francis made very similar remarks after his election in March, it was actually his predecessor, Pope John Paul I, who spoke these phrases in September 1978, thus introducing a new, down-toearth style into the papacy. Interest in Pope John Paul I, remembered for his winsome grin and death after only 33 days in ofÀce, has been rising since Pope Francis’ election. That makes “A Passionate Adventure” (Tau Cross), a newly published compilation of essays and speeches by the “smiling pope,” of both contemporary and historical relevance. Since most of John Paul I’s writings have still not been translated into English, misconceptions are widespread about the man Time magazine called the “September Pope.” According to Lori Pieper, the new book’s editor and translator, John Paul I “adhered to the teachings of Vatican II,” and was neither a conservative nor a progressive. Some have argued that thenCardinal Albino Luciani implicitly criticized Pope Paul VI’s encyclical “Humanae Vitae,” which condemned artiÀcial birth control, by failing to speak in support of it. Pieper says this is not true. “He adhered to the moral teaching of the church and he would not have changed the church’s teaching on birth control,” she said. “He recognized how contentious it was,” yet “always defended the pope on this.” Pieper said that John Paul I also “got a lot of Áak” for saying that God was more like a mother than a father. “During one of his Àrst audiences, he said that ‘before God we should feel like a child before his mother,’” and on another occasion, he said that God “was like a father but even more like a mother,” Pieper said. “He went on to say that if we are sick with wickedness, if we become sick, our mother will love us all the more, and God is like that.” “Everybody was talking about it as if he were like a feminist, like we are getting rid of a male God, but that was not his point,” Pieper said. “He did say that just as a way of saying this is the way God is more like a mother, in tenderness and mercy.” Among the pope’s most significant actions during his short reign was his rejection of some of the “royal trappings” of ofÀce, Pieper said. “He was the first pope in something like 1,000 years who was not crowned and never wore the tiara.” “He did his best to get away from the sedia gestatoria,” a ceremonial throne used to carry the pope in processions, she said, “and just about demolished the papal ‘We,’” a royal self-referent used in papal writings. “His secretary in Venice had said that he thought about those things a lot and he didn’t do it on the spur of the moment,” Pieper said. “He said many, many times to his priests that people don’t want to see a priest who is rich, they don’t want to see a priest who Áaunts his lifestyle.” Pieper argues that, in these matters, the short-lived pope paved the way for his successors. Had the Àrst non-Italian pope in 500 years, Blessed John Paul II from Poland, been the Àrst to depart from such traditions, “it wouldn’t have gone over so well,” she said. Pope Francis clearly shares much with John Paul I, including a strong devotion to Mary, especially Our Lady of Fatima; an emphasis on the mercy and tenderness of God; and a marked concern for the poor and marginalized. Not least among their similarities, Pieper argues, is their common method of evangelization. “I think he would agree with Pope Francis” that the world should not just hear the church saying a “no,” Pieper said. “He had a sense that what the church really needs to present of herself is the very best.” 10 IN OUR WORLD C ATHOLIC S PIRIT Pope receives Hackett, new U.S. envoy to Vatican BY FRANCIS X. ROCCA CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE Presenting his credentials to Pope Francis, Kenneth F. Hackett ofÀcially took over as U.S. ambassador to the Holy See Oct. 21, Àlling a role that had been vacant for nearly a year. “The United States and the Holy See have converging interests that span a broad range of issues” including “human rights and social justice,” Hackett wrote the same day, in the Àrst post on his ofÀcial ambassador’s blog. “We both work to make a difference on a range of important global issues such as trafÀcking in persons, interreligious dialogue, conÁict resolution, food access and security, HIV/AIDS and care for the environment,” wrote Hackett, a former president of Catholic Relief Services, the U.S. bishops’ overseas relief and development agency. The U.S. has not had an ambassador at the Vatican since November 2012, when Miguel H. Diaz resigned and left Rome to become a professor of faith and culture at the University of Dayton in Ohio. During Diaz’s tenure, relations between Washington and the Vatican were marked by tension, particularly over the Obama administration’s plan to require that all heath insurance plans, including those offered by most Catholic institutions, cover sterilizations and contraceptives, which are forbidden by Catholic moral teaching. The plan prompted Pope Benedict XVI and the papal nuncio to the U.S. to issue public warnings of a threat to Americans’ religious freedom. “There will be times where the position of the (Obama) administration differs, obviously, from the Holy See,” Hackett told the Catholic Review, Baltimore’s archdiocesan newspaper, last August. “But I am going to look for –– as many of my predecessors did –– those opportunities where we can come together and find strength in collaboration, coincidence of interests.” Hackett is a former president of CRS, the U.S. bishops’ overseas relief and development agency, which he Àrst joined in 1972 after a post-college stint with the Peace Corps in Ghana. He retired as president of CRS in December 2011. The new ambassador is also a former North American president of Caritas Internationalis, the confederation of humanitarian agencies of the Catholic Church, and a former member of the board of the PontiÀcal Council Cor Unum. He told the Catholic Review in August that he was looking forward to reconnecting in Rome with the sort of people he had befriended during his years in relief work: “holy people who are trying their best.” “I missed that in the last year I’ve been retired. You don’t see those kind of people anymore, that bishop from Congo who has so many stories to tell at supper, of so much hardship,” he said. “I want to re-establish those relationships and use them to, basically, improve U.S. policies.” KENNETH F. HACKETT, new U.S. ambassador to the Holy See, presents his letters of credential to Pope Francis during a meeting at the Vatican Oct. 21. Hackett, the retired president of Catholic Relief Services, began his role Oct. 21, ¿lling a position that had been vacant for nearly a year. (CNS photo by L’Osservatore Romano) Trips to Scotland, France, Ireland, Shrines of Europe and much more... ranging from $3,599—$4,699 for 2014. 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Manago - Executive Director November 2013 11 IN OUR WORLD John XXIII, John Paul II will be canonized April 27 BY CINDY WOODEN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICSE Recognizing that Blessed John XXIII and John Paul II have widespread reputations for holiness and that years of studying their lives and actions have proven their exceptional virtue, Pope Francis announced he would declare his two predecessors saints at a single ceremony April 27. The pope made the announcement Sept. 30 at the end of an “ordinary public consistory,” a gathering of cardinals and promoters of the sainthood causes of the two late popes. The consistory took place in the context of a prayer service in Latin and included the reading of brief biographies of the two sainthood candidates. Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for Saints’ Causes, read the biographies and highlighted the “service to peace” and the impact both popes had “inside and outside the Christian community” at times of great cultural, political and religious transformation. The testimonies of their lives, “completely dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel, shine in the church and reverberate in the history of the world as examples of hope and light,” the cardinal said. Blessed John Paul, known as a globetrotter who made 104 trips outside Italy, served as pope from 1978 to 2005 and was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI on Divine Mercy Sunday, May 1, 2011. Blessed John XXIII, known particularly for convoking the Second Vatican Council, was pope from 1958 to 1963; Blessed John Paul beatified him in 2000. Asked by reporters if retired Pope Benedict would participate in the canonization ceremony, Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman, told reporters it was possible, but given the retired pope’s preference for staying out of the public eye, he could not say for sure. The choice of April 27, which will be Divine Mercy Sunday in 2014, was not a complete surprise. Speaking to reporters traveling with him from Brazil to Rome July 28, Pope Francis said he had been considering Dec. 8, but the possibility of icy roads could make it difficult for Polish pilgrims who would travel by bus to Rome for the ceremony. The other option, he said, was Divine Mercy Sunday, a celebration instituted worldwide by Pope John Paul. Since the beginning of his pontiÀcate in March, Pope Francis has emphasized God’s mercy and readiness to forgive those who recognize their need for pardon. He told reporters on the Áight from Brazil that Pope John Paul’s promotion of Divine Mercy Sunday showed his intuition that a new “age of mercy” was needed in the church and the world. Asked on the plane to describe the two late popes, Pope Francis said Blessed John was “a bit of the ‘country priest,’ a priest who loves each of the faithful and knows how to care for them; he did this as a bishop and as a nuncio.” He was holy, patient, had a good sense of humor and, especially by calling the Second Vatican Council, was a man of courage, Pope Francis said. “He was a man who POPE FRANCIS has set April 27 as the date for the canonization of Blessed John XXIII and Blessed John Paul II. John XXIII is depicted in a painting from a museum in his Italian birthplace. John Paul II is shown in a composite featuring a image of him by Polish photographer Grzegorz Galazka. (CNS) let himself be guided by the Lord.” As for Blessed John Paul, Pope Francis told the reporters on the plane, “I think of him as ‘the great missionary of the church,” because he was “a man who proclaimed the Gospel everywhere.” Pope Francis signed a decree recognizing the miracle needed for Blessed John Paul’s canonization July 5; the same day, the Vatican announced that the pope had agreed with members of the Congregation for Saints’ Causes that the canonization of Blessed John should go forward even without a second miracle attributed to his intercession. Except in the case of martyrdom, Vatican rules require one miracle for a candidate’s beatification and a second for his or her canonization as conÀrmations that the candidate really is in heaven with God. However, the pope may set aside the rule. Upcoming Events Jan. 27: Fr. Angelo NOV. 14, THE DEVIL YOU DON’T KNOW! On a daily basis, whether we are conscious of it or not, we face a formidable adversary who rarely claims a dramatic role in our lives but who; nevertheless, intrudes regularly in ways that are harmful or even destructive. It is helpful to know how to avoid becoming a friend of the devil. Fr. Angelo Bertini, will present this day. Cost: $35 (incl. lunch) DEC. 6-8, SILENT RETREAT Cedarbrake is offering a silent retreat during Advent in hopes that you might “step” out of the hustle and bustle of your Christmas preparations and enter into silence to prepare for the birth of Our Lord. Mass, spiritual direction, and group centering prayer will be available on this weekend. Cost: $150/person (all rooms are private) DEC. 9, ADVENT DINNER Join us for dinner and the opportunity to reflect on Advent. Our guest speaker will be Fr. Richard O’Rourke, Missionary of the Sacred Heart of Christ priest and pastor of St. Paul Chong Hasang in Harker Heights. The social begins at 6:30pm, dinner at 7pm, followed by the Advent presentation. Cost: $25 JAN. 11, CRAVINGS: A CATHOLIC WRESTLES WITH FOOD, SELF IMAGE & GOD “Seek first his kingship g p over yyou.” Matthew M atthew 66:33 :33 5602 N. HWY. 317, BELTON, TX 76513 P.O. BOX 58, BELTON, TX 76513 (mailing address) This day will set you on the path to wholeness and healing centered on the ONE relationship that promises to free you. This day will open the doorway for anyone who struggles with food. Beverly Collin will be the presenter. Cost: $25 TO REGISTER FOR AN EVENT: (254) 780-2436, or, click on “upcoming retreats” Visit us online! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: 12 IN OUR WORLD C ATHOLIC S PIRIT Biotechnology must consider ethics, compassion BY KELLY MESCHER COLLINS CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE He came to engage in conversations about hunger. Ghanaian Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, came to Des Moines for the World Food Prize. He talked with scientists, researchers, policymakers and students. He also made time to talk with those who have concerns about genetically modiÀed food and family farms. To both groups, he brought the same message: They must engage in conversation and dialogue. Cardinal Turkson delivered the keynote address at the World Food Prize’s Borlaug Dialogue luncheon Oct. 16, which drew more than 900 people from more than 60 countries to Des Moines. Research must be done with ethics and a clear long-term vision that respects human dignity and strives for the common good, he said. Praising Norman Borlaug, who founded the World Food Prize, Cardinal Turkson said the scientist left a rich legacy. The dialogue launched a yearlong centennial observance of Borlaug’s birth. An American agronomist, humanitarian and Nobel laureate, he has been called “agriculture’s greatest spokesperson.” Recently, there have been vocal concerns about a number of issues related to agriculture research and production to feed the world’s hungry. Cardinal Turkson visited a group with such concerns, Occupy World Food Prize, and encouraged them to have conversation and dialogue with the people with whom they have differences. He was warmly received at both presentations, receiving standing ovations from both groups. “The church promotes listening, dialogue, patience, respect for the other, sincerity and even willingness to review one’s own opinion,” Cardinal Turkson said at the Borlaug Dialogue. “The church encourages, orients and enriches discussion and debate.” This is particularly important when there are differing opinions, he said. During his keynote address, Cardinal Turkson said he had SAVE THE DATE! JANUARY 25 2014 never before received so much mail regarding one event as he had for the World Food Prize’s Borlaug Dialogue, which inÁuenced his decision to attend. Cardinal Turkson expressed support for biotechnology when it is married to ethics, compassion, morality and prudence. “In Catholic thought, ‘nature’ is neither sacred nor divine, neither to be feared or to be revered and left untouched,” he said. “Rather, it is a gift offered by the Creator to the human community to be entrusted to the intelligence and moral responsibility of men and women. Therefore it is legitimate for humans with the correct attitude to intervene in nature and make modiÀcations.” Agricultural practices that respect human dignity and the common good would include environmental monitoring, regulations, universal access and transparency to consumers, he said, citing the Second Vatican Council document “Gaudium et Spes,” the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World. “It is hazardous –– and ultimately absurd, indeed sinful –– to celebrating catholic Schools Dinner & Awards Ceremony HONORING 22 DIOCESAN SCHOOL HEROES Hyatt Regency Austin 208 Barton Springs, Austin, Texas 78704 6 p.m. Khaki and Plaid Reception 7 p.m. Dinner and Awards Presentation 9 p.m. After School Party KEYNOTE SPEAKER Sr. Carol Cimino, SSJ, EdD Superintendent, Diocese of Buffalo & Former Jeopardy Champion To purchase tickets, become a sponsor or donate online visit: employ biotechnology without the guidance of deeply responsible ethics,” he said. He also warned of the consequences of denying the most impoverished segments of the population access to the technology. “Fair ways must be found to share the fruits of research and ensure that developing countries have access to both natural resources and to innovations,” Cardinal Turkson said. “Otherwise, whole populations can be discriminated against, exploited and deprived of what they rightly should have a share in.” He concluded the Borlaug Dialogue with a call for conversation. Cardinal Turkson said: “All sides of the controversy are using many of the same key phrases such as ‘overcoming hunger’ and ‘sustainable agriculture,’ thus it will only be by mutual and respectful listening, by a genuine desire to learn from the other, indeed from all the stakeholders, that the better and truly enduring sustainable solutions will be found.” The purpose of the Borlaug Dialogue is to have open dis- cussions about feeding hungry people now and feeding the 9 billion people expected to populate this world by 2050. The soaring growth in population presents challenges –– a need to double the world’s current food supply with little increase in farmable land. Increasingly volatile weather patterns further add to the uncertainties. “We are facing the single greatest challenge in all human history,” said Ambassador Ken Quinn, executive director of the World Food Prize Foundation. While in Des Moines, Cardinal Turkson also attended the World Food Prize Laureate Award Ceremony and dinner Oct. 17 at the Iowa State Capitol. This year’s laureates are three distinguished scientists –– Marc Van Montagu of Belgium and Mary-Dell Chilton and Robert T. Fraley of the United States –– recognized for their contributions to agricultural biotechnology. Their research has made it possible for farmers to grow crops with improved yields, resistance to insects and disease, and the ability to tolerate extreme variations in climate. November 2013 13 IN OUR WORLD Outgoing Bertone stresses continuity between popes BY FRANCIS X. ROCCA CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who as Vatican secretary of state drew rising criticism for failures of the Vatican bureaucracy he oversaw, stepped down Oct. 15 with a speech praising the pontiÀcate of retired Pope Benedict XVI and stressing its continuity with that of Pope Francis. The cardinal made his remarks at a ceremony in the Apostolic Palace marking the end of his seven years as the chief aide to two popes. Before his speech, Pope Francis thanked the cardinal for the “courage and patience with which you have lived the adversities you have had to face. They are so many.” The ceremony had also been planned as a welcome to the incoming secretary of state, Archbishop Pietro Parolin, but to the surprise of most in the room, Pope Francis announced the archbishop had been unable to attend on account of a “small surgical intervention” that would keep him away from work for a “few weeks.” The Vatican spokesman, Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, said the archbishop had traveled to his native Veneto region of northeastern Italy for the surgery, whose nature the spokesman declined to specify. The new secretary of state, who until the end of September served as papal nuncio to Venezuela, could be in Rome by the end of October, Father Lombardi said. In his remarks, Cardinal Bertone paid tribute to Pope Benedict, whom he served for more than six years as secretary of state, and for more than seven years at the Vatican’s doctrinal ofÀce under then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. “What stirred our passion with Pope Benedict XVI was to see the church understand itself deeply as a communion, and at the same time speak to the world, to the heart and to the intelligence of all with clarity of doctrine and a high level of thought,” the cardinal said. The retired pope “suffered greatly on account of the ills that plagued the church, and for this reason he gave her new legislation in order to strike out decisively the shameful phenomenon of pedophilia among the clergy, without forgetting the initiation of new rules in economic and administrative matters,” he said. “I see today in Pope Francis not so much a revolution but a continuity with Pope Benedict XVI even with their differences in style and personal life,” the cardinal said, noting in particular the strong devotion to Mary –– and particularly Our Lady of Fatima –– that he said united the two pontiffs. Cardinal Bertone, who once wrote a book on the so-called Third Secret of Fatima, also emphasized his own devotion to the manifestation of Mary, who appeared to three Portuguese shepherd children in 1917. Pope Francis’ speech recalled a dream of St. John Bosco, founder of the Salesian order to which the cardinal belongs, in which the saint walked through rose bushes full of thorns with the guidance of Mary. “Dear Cardinal Bertone,” the pope said, “in this moment I like to think that even if there have been thorns, Our Lady Help of Christians has not withheld her aid, and will not withhold it in the future.” In September, the cardinal defended his controversial record as secretary of state, telling journalists that he saw “these seven years as positive on bal- Cook-Walden Funeral Home & Cemeteries ance,” but also acknowledging “many problems, especially in the last two years.” In an apparent reference to the 2012 “VatiLeaks” of conÀdential documents that pointed to corruption and mismanagement inside the Holy See, Cardinal Bertone blamed a “tangle of crows and vipers” for “throwing accusations at me.” Under the current constitution of the Roman Curia, the church’s central administration at the Vatican, the Secretariat of State oversees both the Holy See’s international relations and internal affairs and coordinates the work of other curial ofÀces. Following Pope Francis’ Oct. 1-3 meeting with the new Council of Cardinals advising him on church governance, the Vatican announced that plans are underway for an overhaul of the curia, possibly including the creation of a “moderator” who could assume some of the responsibilities currently exercised by the secretary of state. POPE FRANCIS talks with the outgoing Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone. (CNS photo by L’Osservatore Romano via Reuters) The John Paul II Life Center’s Benefit Dinner We proudly announce the addition of Mr. Bob Vallilee as one of our Associates. Bob began his ministry at the Diocese of B A Austin in June, 2004. At that time, Bob was aasked to assist in launching the Diocesan C Capital Campaign. This entailed identifying t case support, hiring a consultant company the a educating and training the 125 parishes and and pastors as well as the 23 Catholic Schools in the diocese. Bob was recently named the recipient of the Lumen Gentium Award by Bishop Joe S. Vásquez. This annual award honors and recognizes individuals throughout the Diocese of Austin for giving unselfishly and tirelessly to the church. Bob and his wife Marianne have two grown children. Bob brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to our organization and we encourage you to contact him concerning your questions about Catholic funeral services. Cook-Walden Funeral Home & Cemeteries 6100 North Lamar | Austin, TX 78752 | 512-454-5611 Proud Dignity Memorial® Provider Embrace a Better Choice! Patr Patrick t ickk Madrid, Mad drid id EW EWTN TN radio host, author of more than 20 Catholic books Coll Collin lliin R ll Raye, aye C Catholic athholilic convert and Country Music recording artist Sh Sheila heil ila LLiaugminas, iaugminas i News Director of Relevant Radio Thursday, Dec. 5 2013 - 7:00pm at the AT&T Conference Center - Austin Tickets, sponsorships or to donate go to Our three fold mission: sOPERATEA#ATHOLIC/"'9.OFlCEThe Vitae Clinic sPROVIDEsonograms TOMOTHERSFACINGUNEXPECTEDPREGNANCIES sOFFEReducationABOUTCHASTELIVINGFERTILITYCAREANDMORE 7TH3TREET3UITE!USTIN48ssINFO JPIILIFECENTERORG 14 C ATHOLIC S PIRIT IN OUR WORLD Young, old join pope to celebrate joy of family life BY CINDY WOODEN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE A Catholic wedding is not simply a beautiful ceremony; through the sacrament of marriage a couple receives from God the grace they will need to fulÀll their mission in the world, Pope Francis said. Addressing an estimated 100,000 people who came St. Peter’s Square Oct. 26 for a Year of Faith celebration of family life, Pope Francis said Catholic spouses are not naive; they know difficult moments will come. But vowing to love one another in sickness and health, joy and sorrow all the days of their lives, Catholic couples put their lives in the hands of God and rely on him for strength. “They do not run away; they do not hide; they do not shirk the mission of forming a family and bringing children into the world,” the pope said. For hours before the pope arrived, singers and storytellers took the stage in St. Peter’s Square, recounting the greatness of love and family life and the importance of forgiveness. Volunteers went through the crowd handing out red, green, orange, yellow, blue and violet balloons. Despite the master of ceremonies’ plea to hang on to the helium-Àlled balloons until everyone was told to release them, throughout the evening balloons dotted the skies over St. Peter’s Square. Pope Francis, who was given a balloon in the atrium of St. Peter’s Basilica, entertained the little ones who were to escort him to the stage by letting his go, too. The evening’s formal program began with a little girl identiÀed only as Federica showing the pope a drawing she made of her mother teaching her to cook cutlets. She said it is her favorite food and “I could eat them for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack time.” Federica said her mom also taught her to make the sign of the cross, and Pope Francis asked all the children, if they knew how, to join him in beginning their encounter “in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” Dozens of people –– from children to grandparents –– were invited to speak to the pope and the crowd, sharing the story of their family lives. Wassim and Karol Maqdissi, a couple from Syria, talked about Áeeing their home and Ànding refuge in Jordan. The people gathered in the square offered special prayers for peace in Syria and offered money to help Caritas care for the victims of the war. Other stories came from residents of Lampedusa, the island off Italy’s southern coast, and from two African migrants who made dangerous sea crossings to get to the island. In his talk at the gathering, POPE FRANCIS reacts to children as he addresses pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican Oct. 26. He addressed an estimated 100,000 people taking part in a Year of Faith celebration of family life. (CNS photo/ Alessandro Bianchi, Reuters) they can without a home and good job. “The Lord knows our struggles and the burdens we have in our lives,” he said. “But he also knows our great desire to Ànd joy and rest.” Family life is filled with beautiful moments like shared meals, walks in the park and visits to the grandparents, Pope Francis said. “But if love is missing, joy is missing; nothing is fun.” “Praying the Our Father together around the table is not something extraordinary; it’s easy...” –– Pope Francis Pope Francis said that at the heart of everyone’s vocation is the call to love and be loved. “Life is often wearisome. Work is tiring. Looking for work is exhausting,” he said. “But what is most burdensome in life is a lack of love.” Pope Francis said he knows many families are struggling Ànancially and emotionally, others are threatened by war or split apart by migration, and many young people would like to marry but they don’t see how Through the sacrament of marriage, a couple receives the grace they need, he said: “The sacraments are not decorations in life; the sacrament of marriage is not just a pretty ceremony. Christians celebrate the sacrament of marriage because they know they need it.” Pope Francis urged Catholic couples to go against the cultural trend of seeing everything, including relationships, as Áeeting. Marriage is a life-long journey, he said, “a long journey, not little pieces.” For families, as for all Christians, he said, Jesus is the source of endless love. Couples, he said, must pray together “because they need to for the long journey they are making together.” Pope Francis also told the crowd that three phrases are essential for a peaceful family life: “’May I?’ to make sure you aren’t being intrusive, ‘Thank you’ and ‘I’m sorry.’” The next morning, Pope Francis was back in St. Peter’s Square celebrating Mass with the families. And, again, he spoke of the importance of praying as a family. He said he knew many of them were thinking that it sounds like a nice thing to do, but they can’t imagine Ànding the time. “We need simplicity to pray as a family,” he said. “Praying the Our Father together around the table is not something extraordinary; it’s easy. Praying the rosary together, as a family, is very beautiful and a source of great strength.” Through family prayer, going to church together and even the simple task of teaching children to make the sign of the cross, he said, the family is the place where the Christian faith is kept alive and passed on. The faith, he said, is not “a personal treasure like a bank account” or something to be kept “in a strong box,” he said. A faith that is not shared with others might as well be “embalmed,” he added. Marriage isn’t easy, but it’s beautiful, pope says BY CINDY WOODEN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE The Catholic Church must help young people understand that marriage isn’t always easy, “but it is so beautiful,” Pope Francis said. “There are problems in marriage: different points of view, jealousies, arguments, but tell young couples to never let the day end without making peace. The sacrament of matrimony is renewed in this act of peace,” the pope said Oct. 25 during a meeting with members of the PontiÀcal Council for the Family. “This path is not easy, but it is so beautiful,” the pope said. “It’s beautiful. Tell them that.” For the Catholic Church, he said, a family isn’t simply a group of individuals, but it is a community where people learn to love one another, share with and make sacriÀces for each other and “defend life, especially of those who are more fragile and weak.” The family as a special community must “be recognized as such, especially today when so much emphasis is placed on the safeguarding of individual rights,” he said. “We must defend the rights of this community that is the family.” Defending the family also means defending the basic fact that it is a community founded on the marriage of a man and a woman, he said. “Spousal and familial love clearly reveal that the vocation of the human person is to love one other person forever and that the trials, sacriÀces and crises in the life of the couple or the family are stages for growth in goodness, truth and beauty,” he said. As he has done on several occasions, Pope Francis also spoke about the special place in the family reserved for children and for the elderly, family members who are “the most vulnerable and often the most forgotten.” “Any time a child is abandoned or an older person marginalized, it is not only an act of injustice, but marks the failure of that society,” he said. “Taking care of little ones and of the elderly is a mark of civility.” Pope Francis, departing from his prepared text, told members of the council, “When I hear the confession of a young married man or woman, and they refer to their son or daughter, I ask, ‘How many children do you have?’ and they tell me. Maybe they’re expecting another question after that, but I always ask, ‘And tell me, do you play with your children? Do you waste time with your children?’” “The free gift of a parent’s time is so important,” he said. November 2013 15 IN OUR WORLD Vet says time as POW deepened his Catholic faith BY GEORGE P. MATYSEK JR. CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE U.S. Army Air Corps Cpl. Leo Wojciechowski had just unloaded bombs targeting the Blechhammer synthetic oil refinery on the Nazi-occupied Czech-Polish border when he felt his B-24 shudder. Anti-aircraft Àre had struck the nose gunner’s plane during the Aug. 7, 1944, mission, causing it to lose speed and altitude as gasoline Áooded the rear of the compromised aircraft. Wojciechowski and the nine other crew members had only one option: jump. It was a fateful step that would ultimately lead to more than a year of harrowing experiences inside prisoner of war camps for Wojciechowski –– and, ultimately, a deepening of his Catholic faith. In an interview with The Catholic Review, Baltimore’s archdiocesan newspaper at his home in Dundalk, he reÁected on his memories of war and redemption. When he launched himself out of his plane so many decades ago, Wojciechowski hit his head –– briefly get- ting knocked out. The thenparishioner of Holy Rosary in Fells Point awakened to discover himself Áoating beneath a parachute toward a large clover patch in Czechoslovakia, 400 miles inside enemy lines. “I was terrified,” said Wojciechowski, now a whitehaired parishioner of Sacred Heart of Mary in Graceland Park. “I had a 45 (.45-caliber revolver) with me, and I thought that if anyone saw me with a gun, they’re going to shoot me. You are at their mercy.” The airman tossed his weapon in a ditch before an angry farmer approached him with a pitchfork and spoke in German. “He looked at my dog tags and saw that I was Catholic,” Wojciechowski told the Review a few weeks before he was honored with other POWs at the Pentagon in September. “He took my holster off and smacked me across the face with it. He said he couldn’t understand Catholics bombing Catholics.” Wojciechowski’s bombardier landed nearby and was soon standing alongside the nose gunner when two Gestapo agents appeared to interrogate them. Although Wojciechowski spoke Polish, he pretended not to understand when questioned in the language. One of the agents tied the Americans’ hands behind their backs and laid them side-by-side in a Àeld. “He got in the Volkswagen and started driving real fast like they were going to ride over us,” Wojciechowski remembered. “I started screaming and hollering and kicking my feet, and they stopped within a foot of us.” After being jailed and sent to a Frankfurt interrogation center, Wojciechowski was transported to a prisoner of war camp in Luxembourg called Stalag Luft VI. “They were so unorganized that it was pretty rough trying to get food,” he remembered. “It was a horrible experience for about three weeks.” Wojciechowski was transferred to Stalag Luft IV in northern Poland, where he was placed on kitchen duty peeling potatoes. It was there he met a Scottish priest who had been captured after his plane was shot down while he was accompanying British airmen on a mission. The priest celebrated Mass every week for the prisoners of war and offered them support. Wojciechowski promised God he would never miss Sunday Mass if the Lord would deliver him from the enemy. He prayed the rosary and wrote to his Baltimore girlfriend, Thelma (who would later become his wife of 66 years and counting), asking her to pray for him. “I was happy that Boze spared me,” said Wojciechowski, using the Polish word for God. “I guess I must have been blessed because Boze was looking out for me.” Wojciechowski spent time in Stalag Luft I in Germany, ultimately being liberated in the spring of 1945. While his memories of his war-time experiences are clear, he recalls nothing of what may be his most signiÀcant act. According to Morton Gollin, navigator on Wojciechowski’s downed B24, Wojciechowski pulled him back into the plane after Gollin’s parachute got snagged on a lip of the nosewheel door when he tried to jump. “There’s no question in my mind that he saved my life,” said Gollin, 91, in a telephone interview from his home in California. That fateful mission, which took off from an air base in Italy, was the Àrst Gollin had served with Wojciechowski’s crew. As an officer, protocol demanded that he should have let Wojciechowski jump Àrst. “Happily, I wasn’t very cognizant of protocol,” Gollin said with a laugh. “Had I allowed Leo to go Àrst, I would have gone down with the plane.” Gollin said he is eternally grateful to Wojciechowski and has written him notes of appreciation. Wojciechowski acknowledged it’s possible he forgot about the incident when he was knocked unconscious. Or, he said, there may be a divine explanation. “Maybe Boze is telling me to forget about it,” he said, noting that the kind act was not meant to be remembered. Gently cradling a Purple Heart and other medals he earned in the war, Wojciechowski, who left the Army with the rank of sergeant, balked at the suggestion that he is a hero. “We tried to do as much as we could to stop the Nazis,” he said in a soft voice. “We felt duty-bound to do the best we could for our country.” OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY CEMETERY & PRAYER GARDENS Our Lady of the Rosary Cemetery serves Catholics from around our Diocese. Read what Fr. Brian McMaster, Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Austin, has to say about his experience. “ I was blessed in my first years as a priest to be assigned to St. Helen parish in Georgetown at the time that Our Lady of the Rosary Cemetery opened. I had the privilege of presiding at some of the first burials there. As my own heart grew and my understanding of priestly identity and compassion grew, I was blessed to reflect upon this holy “space” that brought comfort to others and strength to me. Our Lady of the Rosary is genuinely such a holy space that allows for families grieving to receive the comfort of faith and to know the truth of the beatitude, “Blessed are you that mourn. ” Our sincere gratitude goes out to Fr. Brian McMaster for his service to our Diocese and Our Lady of the Rosary Cemetery, as Celebrant for our recent All Souls’ Mass. Thank you for the loving comfort you provide to our families in their time of need. To advertise, call (512) 949-2443. 330 Berry Lane, Georgetown, Texas 78626 XXXPMPUSDPNt GOOD NEWS 16 C ATHOLIC S PIRIT Thanksgiving is a way of life, not just a holiday BISHOP JOE S. VÁSQUEZ is the ¿fth bishop of the Austin Diocese. He shepherds more than 530,000 Catholics in 25 Central Texas counties. Editor: Bishop, we celebrate Thanksgiving in a few weeks. How can we make it more of a holy day rather than just a holiday? Bishop Vásquez: Thanksgiving is a wonderful national holiday. And of course, on this day, we remember that Àrst Thanksgiving of the pilgrims who came to this country seeking a new beginning and a new life because they wanted freedom to worship God their way. That Àrst Thanksgiving was an expression of gratitude to God for the blessings of the fruits of the land, which the pilgrims harvested with the help of the Native Americans. Families traditionally come together, and, as the old saying goes, many travel back to grandma’s house. We see family and relatives that we haven’t seen in a while. On Thanksgiving we come together to remember our history and our roots and we give thanks to God. Gathering as families and friends is a good thing for us to do! These gatherings also become sacred moments when we include God, prayer and worship. I hope that many people will take the opportunity to give thanks to God for their blessings. We can make this holiday more of a holy day by realizing that we are blessed and responding with gratefulness. Editor: We are called to pray in thanksgiving, but many times life gets in the way. Jobs get cut, cars break down, children get sick. How do we give thanks even when life is difÀcult? Bishop Vásquez: We must Àrst realize that life itself is a gift. We did not create ourselves, rather God created us through the love of our parents. We are created in the image and likeness of God, but we are created so that we might continue to obtain perfection through the person of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we realize in life there is good and bad and that all of us sometimes struggle. As St. Paul says in his letters to the Thessalonians, “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” St. Paul reminds us that the Christian’s attitude should be one of thanksgiving throughout our entire life –– not just in the good times but in all circumstances. The Christian is one who is able to be grateful in all moments of life. The pain and the suffering, the joys and happiness that we experience can all be brought to God. We offer our lives to God so he can transform them. This is what we call “grace.” Grace is the ability to let God touch our lives and transform them far more than we ever anticipated or expected. We all know people who have struggled with painful situations, such as illness or the loss of a loved one, and yet they are able to continue to see the hand of God in their lives. We are called to allow the hand of God to praying with all of us around him –– brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces and friends, and to know that we are all part of this one family and that we have this tradition of our faith, which is so central and essential to us. Editor: Explain how the Eucharist is thanksgiving at its best. Bishop Vásquez: The word “thanksgiving” comes from this word “Thanksgiving is a way of life not just one day in the year or a certain event, but rather a continuous act of giving thanks.” –– Bishop Joe Vásquez touch all of the areas of our lives, the good and the bad, so that his grace can transform us and make us more like his son, Jesus Christ. Editor: Tell us how you personally pray in thanksgiving. Bishop Vásquez: For me, the Eucharist is the primary way I give thanks. For the last several years, I have traveled home to be with my family –– my father brothers and sisters. We all get together and share a meal. We, of course, eat a lot and we laugh, talk, and sit around watching football games and enjoying the leftovers. But the Àrst thing I do before I get on the road to go see my family is celebrate the Eucharist in my chapel and take the opportunity to pray so that the day begins with thanksgiving to God. I thank God for the day, especially for the greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ. By the time I travel to be with my family, they have already gone to Mass and they are busy preparing the meal. In my family, we pray together for the blessing of the food. My father offers the prayer because he is the one who has been there to guide us in life and to teach us right from wrong. Therefore, he is the one who lifts all of our prayers to God as one. This is a wonderful moment to see my father “eucharistia,” which is a Greek word for giving thanks. Thanksgiving is a way of life not just one day in the year or a certain event, but rather a continuous act of giving thanks. If there is any group of people who understand what it is to give thanks, it is Catholics. The very center of who we are as Catholics is the celebration of the Eucharist. Blessed John Paul II said very clearly the church draws her life from the Eucharist and the Eucharist gives life to the church. In his encyclical “Ecclesia de Eucharistia,” Blessed John Paul II wrote, “The Mass makes present the sacriÀce of the cross; it does not add to that sacriÀce nor does it multiply it. What is repeated is its memorial celebration, its “commemorative representation,” which makes Christ’s one, deÀnitive redemptive sacriÀce always present in time.” In the celebration of the Eucharist, we give thanks for the great salviÀc act of Jesus Christ. Before his own death, Christ took bread, blessed it and broke it and said, “This is my body.” And he took a cup of wine and said, “This is my blood.” Jesus poured himself out for all of humanity to save us from our sins. Mass is the celebration of the perpetual love of God in the gift of his son to us. Editor: Also, at the end of November we will wrap up the Year of Faith. How has this year been for us as Catholics? Bishop Vásquez: The Year of Faith has been a blessing to the whole church. Our Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI began the Year of Faith by asking us to reinvigorate our Catholic faith. He invited us to immerse ourselves in the faith and to come to a greater appreciation of who we are as Catholics and of our love for Christ and for his church. This revitalization helps us become faithful witnesses and helps us speak of Christ to others and share the acts of love and mercy that we have received from our Savior. This deeper appreciation of our faith reÁects itself in how we live, how we treat our family and our coworkers, how we treat the poor and how we love one another. We can’t keep our faith contained or locked up or separated from the other parts of our lives. Throughout the diocese, I have seen people living out their faith in vibrant ways. I have been impressed, especially with our young people where there is a hunger for the faith and a desire to make a difference. Pope Francis has also enlivened people to start examining their faith. He has called us back to the basics of Christianity. He is calling us to live a simpler life, to be aware of the poor and to see Christ in them. As the Year of Faith draws to a close on the feast of Christ the King, I believe the fruits of this year will continue to be experienced. Editor: What is your prayer of thanksgiving for this month and the rest of the year? Bishop Vásquez: I pray we may see ourselves as truly blessed by God. May we express with grateful hearts the blessings that God has given us. Mindful of all of our many blessings, may we share with those around us our food, clothing, time, treasure, presence and love. CHILDREN HELP make pies just before Thanksgiving last year. The pies were donated to a local shelter and soup kitchen. (CNS photo by Mike Crupi, Catholic Courier) GOOD NEWS November 2013 17 The darkened eye of pornography BY REV. TADEUSZ PACHOLCZYK COLUMNIST The world was shocked when the tragic and twisted case of Ariel Castro burst recently into the limelight. Before he took his own life in prison earlier this month, he had kidnapped and repeatedly raped, humiliated, and beaten three young women held captive inside his Cleveland house for more than 10 years. At his sentencing in August, he blamed his longstanding habit of watching two to three hours a day of pornography for his crimes: “I believe I am addicted to pornography to a point that it really makes me impulsive and I don’t realize what I’m doing is wrong.” To what extent pornography is directly related to violence remains up for debate (explaining any complex human behavior in simple cause and effect terms can be exceedingly difÀcult). What is beyond dispute is that pornography sets the stage for viewing women in an exploitative way, as sexual fodder for the gratiÀcation of men. In fact, the widespread availability and consumption of pornography has arguably become the most pervasive objectifying force in society today. In a recent newspaper discussion about pornography, one male participant remarked that most men do not end up marrying supermodels, so he thought pornography wasn’t a bad thing, since it enabled “the goods” that a few women possessed to be spread around and shared. He seemed to have no compunction about using women as pawns in the endgame of satisfying male lust. The gaze we direct towards each other can easily go astray, demeaning not only ourselves, but others around us as well. When one’s gaze is directed askance, as Bishop Paul Loverde of Arlington, Va., noted in a 2006 letter on pornography, “one becomes the kind of person who is willing to use others as mere objects of pleasure.” The impure gaze of pornography, focused on “body parts,” or “performances,” takes on its own momentum and quickly draws us away from the relational commitments and responsibilities implied in our human sexual nature. One of the key objections to pornography is that it sets up a fantasy world without the risks and challenges that exist in real relationships. It warps and distorts the beautiful gift of human sexuality, so it no longer serves as an interpersonal force for bonding and building families, but instead devolves into an exploitative and isolating force in the lives of those who fall prey to it, changing its clients, in the words of one commentator, into “basement dwellers” and “bottom feeders.” On the other hand, the glance of authentic sexual love, Áowing from a pure gaze, avoids denigrating others as a means for self-gratiÀcation, and draws man and woman into an abid- ing, life-giving union. The need for that pure inner gaze has never been more succinctly expressed than in that timeless pronouncement uttered two millennia ago: “Your eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is sound, your whole body is full of light; but when it is not sound, your body is full of darkness. Therefore be careful lest the light in you be darkness” (Luke 11:34). We see just how dark the darkness was in the life of Ariel Castro. Through pornography addiction, a skyrocketing phenomenon today, our eye easily becomes darkened and shuttered. This darkness affects not just the men who view it, but also women who may not themselves be regular consumers of pornography. Women may be drawn into the subtle and demeaning trap of objectiÀcation when they are pressured to serve as compliant proxies for the acting out of their spouse’s hard core pornographic fantasies. Instead of relating to the actual person they are with, they may instead feel obligated to play a role in satisfying various desires and fetishes. In this way, pornography may impact the way consensual relationships develop between men and women, weaving a warped and exploitative element into the early stages of the relationship. The average woman may also struggle with a sense of inadequacy when it comes to competing with or measuring up to the naked women of the Internet, particularly in the face of pervasive airbrushing, silicone implants and photoshopping of porn models. These concerns about undue pressure on women apply not just to the pornography industry but even to the modern fashion industry with its frequently provocative designs, and to the numerous soft porn initiatives such as the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. It should come as no surprise when ordinary women and girls manifest loathing and abusive tendencies toward their own bodies, when they feel threatened by impossible comparisons and expectations. The enduring glance, sparked by the sexual attractiveness of the other, is never meant to be directed askance by the vicious snare of pornography, but instead to point toward a personal and committed marital love, puriÀed of exploitative and objectifying tendencies. FATHER TADEUSZ PACHOLCZYK, PH.D. earned his doctorate in neuroscience from Yale and did post-doctoral work at Harvard. He is a priest of the Diocese of Fall River, Mass., and serves as the Director of Education at The National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia. For more information, visit www. Ashes to Easter collection totals The Ashes to Easter collection was taken up during Lent. This year more than 51,000 little boxes were distributed to parishes throughout the Austin Diocese so that families could take part in the Ashes to Easter campaign, which beneÀts missionary activities. For more information about this collection, call (512) 949-2407. Parish Totals Austin Central Deanery Austin, Cristo Rey $2,327.10 Austin, Holy Cross $330.82 Austin, Our Lady of Guadalupe $1,806.85 Austin, St. Austin $2,244.52 Austin, St. Ignatius $3,311.61 Austin, St. Julia $693.91 Austin, St. Mary Cathedral $1,035.19 Austin, San Jose $6,497.11 Austin, University Catholic Center $347.85 Austin Central Deanery Totals $18,594.96 Austin North Deanery Austin, Holy Vietnamese Martyrs $1,500.00 Austin, Sacred Heart $925.79 Austin, St. Albert the Great $968.30 Austin, St. Louis $1,200.91 Austin, St. Theresa $953.36 Austin, St. Thomas More $3,490.97 Austin, St. Vincent de Paul $2,426.92 Cedar Park, St. Margaret Mary $3,136.53 Lago Vista, Our Lady of the Lake $1,216.99 Austin North Deanery Totals $15,819.77 Austin South Deanery Austin, St. Catherine of Siena $652.06 Austin, St. John Neumann $171.74 Austin, St. Paul $1,502.50 Austin, St. Peter the Apostle $714.35 Lakeway, Emmaus $2,026.77 Austin South Deanery Totals $5,067.42 Bastrop/Lockhart Deanery Bastrop, Ascension $838.68 Elgin, Sacred Heart $338.67 Lockhart, St. Mary of the Visitation $1,485.53 Parish Totals Luling, St. John $612.70 Rockne, Sacred Heart $778.49 Smithville, St. Paul $886.03 Uhland, St.Michael $215.46 Bastrop/Lockhart Deanery Totals $5,155.56 Brenham/La Grange Deanery Brenham, St. Mary $1,253.29 Chappell Hill, St. Stanislaus $325.56 Dime Box, St. Joseph $320.73 Ellinger/Hostyn Hill, St. Mary $309.68 Fayetteville, St. John $1,631.25 Lexington, Holy Family $263.58 Old Washington on the Brazos, St. Mary $140.22 Rockdale, St. Joseph $603.30 Somerville, St. Ann $549.17 Brenham/La Grange Deanery Totals $5,396.78 Bryan/College Station Deanery Bremond, St. Mary $620.00 Bryan, St. Anthony $1,030.28 Bryan, Santa Teresa $265.00 Caldwell, St. Mary $308.99 College Station, St. Mary $1,225.05 College Station, St. Thomas Aquinas $2,580.78 Frenstat, Holy Rosary $110.20 Hearne, St. Mary $490.04 Bryan/College Station Deanery Totals $6,630.34 Georgetown/Round Rock Deanery Andice, Santa Rosa $925.26 Corn Hill, Holy Trinity $375.55 Georgetown, St. Helen $3,047.88 Granger, Sts. Cyril and Methodius $483.23 Hutto, St. Patrick $553.26 Manor, St. Joseph $700.35 Parish Totals PÀugerville, St. Elizabeth $3,486.85 Round Rock, St. John Vianney $2,561.16 Round Rock, St. William $8,173.12 Taylor, Our Lady of Guadalupe $500.00 Taylor, St. Mary of the Assumption $336.91 Georgetown/Round Rock Totals $21,143.57 Killeen/Temple Deanery Belton, Christ the King $1,148.25 Burlington, St. Michael $91.63 Copperas Cove, Holy Family $2,253.52 Cyclone, St. Joseph $342.56 Harker Heights, St. Paul Ch. Hasang $2,004.25 Killeen, St. Joseph $2,391.28 Marak, Sts. Cyril and Methodius $571.15 Rogers, St. Matthew $281.16 Rosebud, St. Ann $227.50 Salado, St. Stephen $1,041.97 Temple, Our Lady of Guadalupe $857.62 Temple, St. Luke $1,303.62 Temple, St. Mary $718.87 Westphalia, Visitation $583.00 Killeen/Temple Deanery Totals $13,816.38 Lampasas/Marble Falls Deanery Bertram, Holy Cross $83.24 Burnet, Our Mother of Sorrows $564.71 Goldthwaite, St. Peter $150.00 Horseshoe Bay, St. Paul the Apostle $840.68 Kingsland, St. Charles Borromeo $828.67 Lampasas, St. Mary $328.00 Llano, Holy Trinity $840.76 Marble Falls, St. John $499.50 Mason, St. Joseph $246.31 San Saba, St. Mary $712.24 Parish Totals Sunrise Beach, Our Lady of the Lake $258.48 Lampasas/Marble Falls Deanery Totals $5,352.59 San Marcos Deanery Blanco, St. Ferdinand $425.56 Buda, Santa Cruz $2,478.94 Dripping Springs, St. Martin de Porres $538.91 Johnson City, Good Shepherd $229.60 Kyle, St. Anthony Marie de Claret $1,197.29 San Marcos, Our Lady of Wisdom $413.93 San Marcos, St. John $1,293.85 Wimberley, St. Mary $1,531.45 San Marcos Deanery Totals $8,109.53 Waco Deanery Elk, St. Joseph $111.39 Gatesville, Our Lady of Lourdes $124.52 Hamilton, St. Thomas $170.88 Lott, Sacred Heart $8.82 McGregor, St. Eugene $855.58 Marlin, St. Joseph $557.22 Mexia, St. Mary $1,333.67 Tours, St. Martin $162.50 Waco, Sacred Heart $350.00 Waco, St. Francis on the Brazos $105.50 Waco (Hewitt), St. Jerome $321.24 Waco, St. John the Baptist $108.50 Waco (Bellmead), St. Joseph $39.57 Waco, St. Louis $862.09 Waco, St. Mary of the Assumption $416.53 Waco, St. Peter Catholic Center $169.87 Waco Deanery Totals $5,697.88 Miscellaneous Grand Totals $1,268.77 $112,053.55 GOOD NEWS 18 C ATHOLIC S PIRIT Health care is important, so are life and religious liberty BY BARBARA BUDDE COLUMNIST The bishops of the U.S. have serious moral concerns about provisions of the Affordable Care Act. After being among the most vocal proponents of health care reform for decades, the bishops were forced to oppose the law passed in 2010 because pro-abortion advocates were able to insert provisions in the bill that made it impossible for the bishops to support. Following that, the Health and Human Services Department mandate is a serious infringement on our religious liberty. So what are we to do? First, if any individual or family is in need of insurance, it is absolutely acceptable to sign up to receive it. At every level of coverage, there is at least one plan that does not include abortion and Catholics are encouraged to ask for that plan. Opposition to provisions of the Affordable Care Act should not prevent anyone from signing up for the insurance they need. In fact, as Father Tad Pacholczyk’s column in last month’s Catholic Spirit indicated, we have a moral responsibility to take care of our health and even with our objections to the law, signing up to be covered is acceptable as long as we work to undo this mandate. Let me repeat, if you need insurance, use the exchanges and get covered! Another thing we can do is to let people know about the insurance exchanges. Our ministries to the poor can make information available to others about the insurance exchanges. We can point people to get information and assistance on ways they can receive health care coverage for themselves and their families. However, there are limitations to the ways we can help. While it is possible for Catholics in need of insurance to sign up for coverage and to pass out information about the Affordable Care Act; it is problematic for Catholics to act as navigators or ofÀcial assistants. While we normally want to help people to get the help they need, these positions would require Catholics to help others sign up for insurance products that include abortion services. It is true that we can ask for the plan that does not include abortions, however, serving as assistants to others would not allow us to make that choice for them. It is also inappropriate for Catholic parishes or properties to be used as venues to enroll people to receive coverage. Our Catholic leaders have worked for decades on health care reform MEDICAL SERVICES DIRECTORY because we know that health care is a right that belongs to every person, not every person who can afford it. While it pains us that the present legislation has so many Áaws, we do want people to get health insurance and to have greater access to health care. So I ask that we continue to encourage people to sign up, pass out information on where people can get information and continue advocating for just laws that provide for others while respecting human life and religious liberty. BARBARA BUDDE is the diocesan director of social concerns. She can be reached at (512) 949-2471 or barbara-budde@ WEIGHT LOSS Ideal Weight Loss Medical Clinics This will be your LAST Diet No drugs 100% natural Medically monitored Lose ONLY fat Preserve lean muscle Anthony Hicks, MD, MPH 4100 Duval Rd., Bldg IV, Ste 202, Austin (512) 577-6181 12912 Hill Country Blvd, Bldg F, Ste 238, Austin (512) 470-9470 To advertise in the Catholic Spirit Medical Services Directory, call (512) 949-2443, or e-mail OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY OPTOMETRY ORTHODONTICS The Vitae Clinic Oak Hill Eye Care Braces for Children and Adults Jeremy Kalamarides, D.O. The Jefferson Building 1600 W. 38th St, Ste 115 Austin, TX 78731 512-458-6060 The Vitae Clinic, Inc., provides wellness, prenatal, delivery and postnatal care for women, expectant mothers and babies in accord with the teachings of the Catholic Church in conformity with the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Healthcare services. Examination & Treatment of Eye Disease Lasik Surgery Contact Lenses & Optical David W. Tybor, O.D. Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (512) 288-0444 6000 W. William Cannon Bldg A, Suite 100, Austin Michael Dillingham, D.D.S. 2 convenient locations in Austin Call (512) 836-7924 or (512) 447-5194 to schedule a complimentary consultation FAMILY PRACTICE EAR, NOSE AND THROAT FAMILY & INTERNAL MEDICINE Joseph M. C. Leary, M.D. William Stavinoha, M.D. Diplomate, American Board of Otolaryngology Pediatric and Adult Including Ear Diseases Sinus Surgery Thyroid and Neck Surgery 6811 Austin Center Blvd., Ste. 300 Austin, Texas 78731 (512) 346-8888 Dominion Family Healthcare Family Practice –– Board CertiÀed 11671 Jollyville Road #102 Austin, TX (512) 338-5088 Board certiÀed in Family Medicine & Internal Medicine (512) 834-9999 6301 Parmer Ln. W. Suite 102 Austin,TX 78729-6802 THYROID & ENDOCRINOLOGY GOOD NEWS November 2013 19 Fourth century saint was model of virtue BY MARY LOU GIBSON COLUMNIST The “Catherine Wheel” was a hideous instrument of torture designed to tear a person’s body to pieces. Unfortunately, it is the art emblem most associated with St. Catherine of Alexandria. This fourth century maiden was one of the most popular saints in Europe during the Middle Ages even though her life was more legend than fact. The story of St. Catherine of Alexandria is a romantic tale of heroism and faith. She was a beautiful and intelligent girl who lived in Alexandria, Egypt. Biographer Rodney Castleden writes in “The Book of Saints” that ST. CATHERINE of Alexandria by Francesco da Cotignola. she attracted the attention of Emperor Maxentius when she protested his order demanding sacriÀce and worship of idols. He brought in 50 of his most learned philosophers to refute her arguments and convince her of the errors of Christianity. Not only did she defeat their arguments, but she won them over so that all 50 embraced Christianity. The enraged emperor ordered all 50 to be burned alive. Catherine was thrown into a dungeon without food or water, but not to worry, legend says that doves came to feed her. The emperor’s wife, Faustina, and her attendant visited Catherine in prison. According to Sarah Gallick in “The Big Book of Women Saints,” Catherine converted them both and another 200 soldiers as well. Maxentius ordered all of them killed and then offered to make Catherine the new empress. She spurned his offer and that’s when he ordered her to be broken on a wheel with spikes. Catherine was bound to the wheel and as it was about to be rotated, the wheel split and fell apart and a Àre fell from Heaven and destroyed it. This Àrework has come to be known as the Catherine wheel. Maxentius then ordered her beheaded. Tessa Paul reports in the “Completed Illustrated Encyclopedia of Saints” that angels or perhaps monks are said to have lifted her body and carried it to Mount Sinai. There it remains in a monastery built in 527 by the Emperor Justinian. It is one of the most important monasteries in Christendom and for many years became a place of refuge for monks. The Holy Monastery of St. Catherine is the oldest inhabited monastery in the world. Author Christine Walsh writes that Catherine’s cult probably originated in oral traditions from the fourth century persecutions of Christians in Alexandria. She may have been a composite drawn from the many stories of women persecuted for their faith. Her cult gained momentum in the ninth century at Mount Sinai as her story and reputation were carried from the eastern Mediterranean to England by returning crusaders. More than 80 churches in England were dedicated to her and 170 medieval bells still bear her name. Castledon writes that she was the symbol of intelligent and resolute chastity. In the Middle Ages, she was held up to daughters and wives as a model of sexual virtue. Malcolm Day writes in “A Treasury of Saints” that devotion to St. Catherine reached its highest level in France during the 15th century. It was said that she appeared to Joan of Arc and together with St. Michael had been divinely appointed as Joan’s advisers. David Farmer reports in the “Oxford Dictionary of Saints” that Catherine’s cult strongly appealed to artists. People prayed to her because her intercession was valued as she was considered to be a bride of Christ, a successful advocate who triumphed over philosophers and a protector of the dying. She is depicted in murals, panel paintings, manuscripts and embroidery designs usually with the spiked wheel. Farmer lists her earliest mural in a Winchester cathedral in 1225. She is regarded as one of the “Fourteen Holy Helpers,” that group of saints notable for answering prayers especially for cures from disease and at the hour of death. Her feast on Nov. 25 falls immediately before the beginning of Advent during which no weddings could take place during the Middle Ages and for years afterward. So it was a custom for unmarried women of that time to pray to St. Catherine saying, “A husband, Saint Catherine, A good one, Saint Catherine, A handsome one, Saint Catherine, A rich one, Saint Catherine – And soon, Saint Catherine!” In spite of all this attention and devotion, St. Catherine was among the demoted saints in 1969 when Pope Paul VI reorganized the liturgical year and revised the calendar of saints. Fortunately, her feast day was restored for local use in 2001. She is the patron of craftsmen whose work was based on the wheel. She is also the patron of preachers, philosophers and librarians. MARY LOU GIBSON is a member of St. Austin Parish in Austin. She is a retired state employee. Collection for Peter’s Pence The special collection Peter’s Pence was taken up June 29-30. If your parish Ànds an error, call the diocesan Finance OfÀce at (512) 949-2400. For more information about this collection, visit Parish Totals Austin Central Deanery Austin, Holy Cross $1,001.00 Austin, Our Lady of Guadalupe $758.98 Austin, St. Austin $2,876.45 Austin, St. Ignatius $2,382.56 Austin, St. Julia $537.50 Austin, St. Mary Cathedral $3,293.86 Austin, San Jose $1,443.50 Austin, University Catholic Center $43.98 Austin Central Deanery Totals $12,337.83 Austin North Deanery Austin, Holy Vietnamese Martyrs $3,425.00 Austin, Sacred Heart $2,613.00 Austin, St. Albert the Great $3,666.00 Austin, St. Louis $4,226.50 Austin, St. Theresa $4,835.00 Austin, St. Thomas More $5,975.45 Austin, St. Vincent de Paul $3,336.42 Cedar Park, St. Margaret Mary $3,965.00 Lago Vista, Our Lady of the Lake $1,414.50 Austin North Deanery Totals $33,456.87 Austin South Deanery Austin, Our Lady of Sorrows (Dolores) Austin, St. Andrew Kim $232.00 Austin, St. Catherine of Siena $6,017.02 Austin, St. John Neumann $6,318.44 Austin, St. Paul $3,485.68 Austin, St. Peter the Apostle $1,875.00 Lakeway, Emmaus $2,376.00 Austin South Deanery Totals $20,304.14 Bastrop/Lockhart Deanery Bastrop, Ascension $1,902.91 Elgin, Sacred Heart $1,273.35 Luling, St. John $439.13 Martindale, Immaculate Heart $443.00 Parish Totals Rockne, Sacred Heart $1,001.76 Smithville, St. Paul $1,001.00 String Prairie, Assumption $483.00 Uhland, St. Michael $352.06 Bastrop/Lockhart Deanery Totals $6,896.21 Brenham/La Grange Deanery Brenham, St. Mary $1,664.26 Chappell Hill, St. Stanislaus $518.50 Dime Box, St. Joseph $318.00 Ellinger/Hostyn Hill, St. Mary $531.00 Fayetteville, St. John $1,536.00 Giddings, St. Margaret $1,319.76 La Grange, Sacred Heart $1,706.00 Lexington, Holy Family $184.00 Old Washington on the Brazos, St. Mary $55.00 Pin Oak, St. Mary $132.00 Rockdale, St. Joseph $542.97 Somerville, St. Ann $587.60 Brenham/La Grange Deanery Totals $9,095.09 Bryan/College Station Deanery Bremond, St. Mary $660.00 Bryan, St. Anthony $984.77 Bryan, St. Joseph $898.00 Bryan, Santa Teresa $262.00 Caldwell, St. Mary $1,474.73 College Station, St. Mary $3,777.95 College Station, St. Thomas Aquinas $145.00 Frenstat, Holy Rosary $409.00 Bryan/College Station Deanery Totals $8,611.45 Georgetown/Round Rock Deanery Andice, Santa Rosa $1,770.39 Corn Hill, Holy Trinity $861.14 Georgetown, St. Helen $5,413.49 Granger, Sts. Cyril and Methodius $985.00 Hutto, St. Patrick $874.00 Parish Totals Manor, St. Joseph $249.68 PÀugerville, St. Elizabeth $3,169.38 Round Rock, St. John Vianney $2,152.76 Round Rock, St. William $10,362.00 Taylor, Our Lady of Guadalupe $598.08 Taylor, St. Mary of the Assumption $1,622.26 Georgetown/Round Rock Deanery $28,058.18 Killeen/Temple Deanery Belton, Christ the King $2,385.50 Burlington, St. Michael $161.00 Cameron, St. Monica $325.00 Copperas Cove, Holy Family $3,269.00 Cyclone, St. Joseph $331.00 Harker Heights, St. Paul Ch. Hasang $4,875.00 Killeen, St. Joseph $2,922.73 Marak, Sts. Cyril and Methodius $210.00 Rogers, St. Matthew $233.00 Rosebud, St. Ann $189.00 Salado, St. Stephen $991.00 Temple, Our Lady of Guadalupe $781.00 Temple, St. Luke $1,695.00 Temple, St. Mary $2,168.00 Westphalia, Visitation $742.00 Killeen/Temple Deanery Totals $21,278.23 Lampasas/Marble Falls Deanery Bertram, Holy Cross $187.00 Burnet, Our Mother of Sorrows $544.99 Goldthwaite, St. Peter $72.00 Horseshoe Bay, St. Paul the Apostle $1,679.00 Kingsland, St. Charles Borromeo $701.00 Lampasas, St. Mary $657.90 Llano, Holy Trinity $456.86 Lometa, Good Shepherd $140.00 Mason, St. Joseph $332.34 San Saba, St. Mary $180.12 Parish Totals Sunrise Beach, Our Lady of the Lake $190.00 Lampasas/Marble Falls Deanery Totals $5,141.21 San Marcos Deanery Blanco, St. Ferdinand $655.24 Buda, Santa Cruz $3,056.47 Dripping Springs, St. Martin de Porres $2,217.11 Johnson City, Good Shepherd $324.00 Kyle, St. Anthony Marie de Claret $2,102.93 San Marcos, Our Lady of Wisdom $960.00 San Marcos, St. John $2,676.00 Wimberley, St. Mary $1,764.11 San Marcos Deanery Totals $13,755.86 Waco Deanery China Spring, St. Phillip $232.00 Elk, St. Joseph $177.00 Gatesville, Our Lady of Lourdes Hamilton, St. Thomas $171.00 Lott, Sacred Heart $151.00 McGregor, St. Eugene $432.64 Marlin, St. Joseph $100.00 Mexia, St. Mary $298.27 Tours, St. Martin $449.00 Waco, Sacred Heart $500.00 Waco, St. Francis on the Brazos $620.98 Waco (Hewitt), St. Jerome $2,934.62 Waco, St. John the Baptist $133.68 Waco (Bellmead), St. Joseph $886.87 Waco, St. Louis $4,039.70 Waco, St. Mary of the Assumption $1,221.15 Waco Deanery Totals $12,347.91 Miscellaneous Grand Totals $25.00 $171,307.98 BULLETIN BOARD ReÁection & retreat........ 20 C ATHOLIC S PIRIT For Your Information The Catholic Business Network will hold its next meeting Nov. 6 at St. William Parish in Round Rock. All Catholic business professionals are invited to attend and network in an effort to form trusted relationships based on Catholic values. The meeting begins at 7:30 a.m. and will end by 9. To register, go to Catholic Scripture Study of Austin meets on Wednesdays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at St. Louis Parish in Austin. The weekly two-hour Bible study consists of prayer, small group discussion and guest lecturers. This year the course is studying Joshua and James. The class follows the Austin Independent School District calendar for holidays, including Christmas break. Register online at For more information, contact Rosemary Howard at (512) 345-3687. Catholic Scripture Study of Cedar Park meets on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. and Thursdays from 9:30 to 11 a.m. at St. Margaret Mary Parish in Cedar Park. The weekly Bible study consists for prayer, small group discussion and guest lecturers. This year the course is studying Joshua and James. The schedule follows the Leander Independent School District calendar for holidays. For more information, contact Bob Gorski at (512) 636-2927 or An introductory session on the Creighton Model of natural family planning will be held Nov. 7 at 7 p.m. at St. John Neumann Parish PC Room 105 in Austin. For more information, contact Yvonne Saldana at (512) 949-2489 or A men’s discernment dinner for single, Catholic men ages 18 and older will be held Nov. 13 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Borromeo House in Austin. Men with an openness to a priestly vocation and discernment are invited to dinner, evening prayer, and a presentation on Pro-Active Discernment, Part I: Principles of Discernment. For more information, contact Father Brian McMaster, diocesan Vocation Director, at (512) 949-2430 or (512) 450-4073. An introductory session on the models of natural family planning will be held Nov. 14 at 7 p.m. at Austin Fertility Care Center at St. Austin Parish. This seminar is structured to satisfy the Austin Diocese requirement for marriage preparation for all parishes. The cost is $20 per couple. To register contact the Austin Fertility Care Center at (512) 474-2757 or The Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Austin (CCRA) will host its monthly Mass Nov. 15 at 7 p.m. at San José Parish in Austin. Father Robert Becker will celebrate the Mass. For more information, contact Sabrina Perez at (512) 466-7669 or visit www.ccraustin. org. Gabriel Project Angels are trained volunteers who work with those in need of emotional and spiritual support due to a crisis pregnancy. The support of an angel can make a wonderful difference by providing a spirit of hope as an expectant mom works through each day. Support for someone as they await the birth of their child is a ministry from the heart. There is a need for angels across the diocese. The next scheduled training is Nov. 16 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St. William Parish in Round Rock. To register or for more information, call (512) 949-2488 or e-mail briana-feiler@ Pax Christi Austin meets the third Sunday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Father John Payne House at St. Ignatius Martyr Parish in Austin. Everyone is welcome. Pax Christi Austin is a member of Pax Christi International and Pax Christi USA, the Catholic peace and justice movement that works and prays to create a world that reÁects the peace of Christ. For more information, contact Bob Rankin at Diocesan offices will be closed Nov. 28-29 in observance of Thanksgiving. Priests will gather for an Advent Day of Prayer Dec. 3 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Belton. For more information, call (512) 949-2430. A Discernment Dinner for high school age Catholic men will be held Dec. 4 at 7 p.m. at St. William Parish Rectory in Round Rock. Young men with an openness to encountering Christ, discovering their identity, and their mission are invited to join others for dinner, evening prayer, a presentation and discussion. For more information, contact Father Alex Caudillo at (512) 600-8154 or Burse The Diocesan Council of Catholic Women has completed a burse for the Clerical Endowment Fund (CEF) in honor of Father George C. George. The totals for the burse as of Sept. 30, 2013, are listed below by council. Austin Council $494.00 Brazos Valley Council $5,050.50 Central Council $257.00 Eastern Council $435.00 Northern Council $2,979.00 Southern Council $378.00 Temple Council $449.00 Previous Balance $3,306.38 Total $13,348.88 The Clerical Endowment Fund provides low-cost loans to parishes. Interest from the loans is used to educate diocesan seminarians. For information, contact either Father Ed Karasek at (254) 826-3705 or Mary Ann Till at (512) 353-4943. An English Cursillo for women will be held Nov. 7-10. For more information, contact Robin Spencer at (254) 220-3883 or “Come and See,” a discernment weekend for single Catholic women ages 18 to 50, will be held Nov. 9-10 at Incarnate Word Convent in Victoria. For more information, contact the Incarnate Word Sisters at (361) 575-7111 or iwbsvoc@ Visit www.iwbsvictoria. org for more information. The Austin Chapter of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians presents the annual St. Cecilia Sing “Singing God’s Song Book: Praying the Psalms Can Transform Us” on Nov. 9 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Austin. Registration is $10, which includes lunch and a complimentary music packet. To register contact the Austin NPM Chapter at NPMAustin@ For more information visit the NPM Austin Website at www. “The Devil You Don’t Know,” a day of reÁection, will be held Nov. 14 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Belton. Father Angelo Bertini will lead participants in reÁecting on how, whether consciously or not, we face the devil on a daily basis. The cost is $35, which includes lunch. For more information or to register, contact Cedarbrake at (254) 780-2436 or Married couples who are looking to get away and time to reconnect with one another are invited to a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Nov. 15-17 at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Belton. The weekend begins Friday at 7:30 p.m. and ends Sunday around 4 p.m. This is an opportunity for husbands and wives to escape the daily distractions of life and focus on each other. For more information or to apply to attend, contact Anh and Greg Thomas at (512) 677-WWME (9963) or St. Albert the Great Parish in Austin will host “A Day Of ReÁection: Looking forward to Advent and Christmas” with Father Roger Keeler Nov. 16 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the parish hall. Father Keeler is a lecturer in the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio. He is also the Chief Judge of the Appellate Court for the Catholic Dioceses of Texas. Tickets are $15 each, and a light lunch is included. For more information, contact Carolyn Hunt at (512) 834-0528 or Pat Guthneck at pguthneck@gmail. com. Franciscan Father Albert Haase will lead a Saturday Spirituality workshop Nov. 23 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and preaching on Nov. 24 at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church (3525 Bee Cave Road, Austin, Texas 78746). Father Albert is the author of numerous books and DVD’s, a regular on Relevant Radio, a workshop leader all around the world, and a passionate spokesperson for the living God. The cost is $20 per person, $30 per couple. For more information, contact Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church at (512) 327-3370 for more information or to sign up. The deadline to register is Nov. 20. Sts. Cyril and Methodius Parish in Granger will present an Advent Mission entitled “Advent Blessing: The Crib, Cross and Gift” Dec. 2-4 at 7 p.m. Third Order Franciscan Father Dave Pivonka will lead the mission. Monday’s presentation will begin with a light supper and end with the sacrament of confession. Tuesday’s presentation begins with a light supper and ends with adoration. Wednesday’s presentation will include Mass and refreshments afterwards. For more information, call the parish ofÀce at (512) 859-2223. A Silent Weekend Retreat will be held Dec. 6-8 at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Belton. Participants are invited to step away from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season enter in to silence to prepare for the birth of Christ. The cost is $150 per person (all rooms are private). For more information and to register, contact Cedarbrake at (254) 780-2436 or cedarbrake@austindiocese. org. The annual Advent Dinner will be held Dec. 9 from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Belton. This year’s guest is Missionary of the Sacred Heart of Christ Father Richard O’Rourke, pastor of St. Paul Chong Hasang Parish in Harker Heights. The cost is $25 for the dinner and reÁection. For more information or to register, contact Cedarbrake at (254) 780-2436 or The diocesan Vocation OfÀce will host Heart of Jesus, a discernment retreat for men, Dec. 13-15 at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Belton. For more information, contact the Vocation OfÀce at (512) 949-2430 or vocations@ Send in your items! CATHOLIC SPIRIT offers this page, “For Your Information,” as a “community bulletin board.” Items of general interest of upcoming parish and diocesan events, including parish social events, will be printed at no charge at the discretion of the editor. The deadline for material is the 10th of the month, with publication occurring the łrst week of the following month. Material may be e-mailed to catholic-spirit@austindiocese. org or faxed to (512) 949-2523. BULLETIN BOARD Parish and community events................................ November 2013 Msgr. Michael J. Sis will discuss “Catholic Curiosities” at the next Theology on Tap Nov. 6 at Casa Chapala in Austin. Have you ever wondered about stigmata? What about Eucharistic miracles or indulgences? Music begins at 6 p.m. and the presentation begins at 7 p.m. For more information, contact Jennifer Kodysz at jennifer-kodysz@ or (512) 949-2467. St. Martin de Porres Parish in Dripping Springs will have its annual Fun Run Nov. 9 from 8 to 10 a.m. Leo Manzano, silver medalist at the 2012 Olympics, will be the guest of honor. Following the fun run, he will share how important his faith is in his life. The registration cost is $25 per person, which includes a T-shirt, water and granola bar. For more information, call (512) 858-5667 or visit St. Ignatius Martyr Parish in Austin will host their Àfth annual Dinner, Dance and Auction Nov. 9 from 6 to midnight at the Austin Marriott South. The theme is “Vintage Hollywood.” There will be a silent and live auction with entertainment from Nash Hernandez Orchestra, Austin’s longest running big band. Tickets are $50, which includes a cocktail hour, three-course meal, and free parking at the hotel. For more information, call (512) 442-3602 or e-mail St. Martin de Porres Parish in Dripping Springs will host its Fall Festival Nov. 10 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the parish grounds. Activities include games for all ages, a silent auction, bingo, music food and beverages. St. Theresa Catholic School in Austin will host its annual Golf Tournament Nov. 15 beginning at 8:30 a.m. at Avery Ranch Country Club in northwest Austin. Funds raised support the school with tuition assistance, technology advances, and more. Contact Wendy Daniel at (404) 805-0187 or at to learn more about signing up to play, or about sponsorships and support. Open Hearts special needs ministry meets every third Sunday of the 21 month at 1:15 p.m. in the St. Catherine of Siena parish hall in Austin. Open Hearts is a community made up of persons with intellectual disabilities and their families and friends. We meet together in a Christian spirit, to share friendship, pray together and celebrate life. For more information, contact Misty Carreiro at misty.carreiro@ The Cathedral School of St. Mary will host its Fall Open House Nov. 17 from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Bishop’s Hall at St. Mary Cathedral. For more information, contact Esmeralda Lozano Hoang at (512) 476-1480 or ehoang@cssmaustin. org. St. John the Evangelist Parish in San Marcos will host their Àrst Christmas Bazaar Nov. 23 at Claretian Hall from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. There will be arts and crafts, a silent auction, music, home-baked goods and more. Bring the whole family for a day of fun, and enjoy shopping for unique gifts in a friendly atmosphere. Vendors can get an application at the website:, by e-mail at or at the parish ofÀce. For more information, call Juanita Rodriguez at (512) 353-8969 or Miguel Rodriguez at (512) 213-7114. World AIDS Day is Dec. 1. The diocesan OfÀce of Black Catholics will pray the rosary and hold a meditation dance prior to the 10 a.m. Mass and a speaker will discuss HIV/AIDS after the Mass on Dec. 1 at Holy Cross Parish in Austin. Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Austin will host its Àrst Mother and Daughter Tea Nov. 30 from 3 to 6 p.m. in the parish hall. Mothers and daughters (5 years old and up) are invited for food, fellowship, music, entertainment, a fashion show and more. The cost is $15 for one; $25 per mother and daughter, $10 for each additional person. For more information about the event or about sponsorship opportunities, contact Micaela Perez-Piedtra at (512) 221-3516 or e-mail Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Austin will host Christmas GuadalupeFest Dec. 1 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the parish grounds. The Men’s Ministry Group is sponsoring an Arts and Crafts fest that will feature a variety of items, many hand-made. Breakfast tacos and menudo will be served from 9 to 11 a.m. Barbecue chicken and sausage plates will be served from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for $6 each. For more information, contact Leo DelaGarza at (512) 924-0195. Father Nathan Cromley and Father Michael Therese Scheerger from the Brothers of Saint John will present a series of monthly lectures entitled “Evangelization in the Modern World.” The workshops will be held Dec. 1, Dec. 15, Jan. 12, Feb. 9, March 23, April 27 and May 11 at St. Mary Cathedral in Austin. Mass will be at 5:30 p.m. and the lecture will follow in the Bishop’s Hall. Participants are encouraged to bring their Bibles. For more information, contact Celia Martinez at (512) 441-9914 or Voices of truth, joy, faith and reason will be presented at The John Paul II Life Center’s Third Annual BeneÀt Dinner on Dec. 5 at the AT&T Conference Center in Austin. The evening will feature: Patrick Madrid, EWTN radio host and proliÀc Catholic author; Catholic convert Collin Raye, a multi-platinum Country music recording artist; and Sheila Liaugminas, host of Relevant Radio’s “A Closer Look.” Sponsorships and tickets are on sale now at or call the ofÀce at (512) 407-2900. The diocesan Office of Black Catholics will host the Stations of the Cross from an HIV/AIDS perspective Dec. 6 at 6 p.m. at Holy Cross Parish in Austin. The fourth annual Christmas Market Days will be held Dec. 6 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Dec. 7 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St. John Neumann Parish in Austin. This event is hosted by the St. John Neumann Preschool. The market will include more than 50 vendors and on-site childcare will be available from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more info, visit St. Mary Catholic Center in College Station will host its 16th annual Work of Human Hands Sale Dec. 7-8 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. each day. Highquality, fairly traded crafts and food produced by small-scale artisans and growers from around the world will be featured. Purchasing items at the Work of Human Hands Sale adds meaning to Christmas shopping providing for a better future to the producers and their families. “The Gift of Light 2013” Christmas show will be presented Dec. 7 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Theresa Parish in Austin. The story of the birth of Jesus will come alive with an engaging compilation of traditional and contemporary choral works from Europe and Africa, narratives from the Gospel of Luke and interpretive dances. For more information, visit St. Elizabeth Parish in PÁugerville will host its annual “Breakfast with Santa” Dec. 14 in the parish hall. Breakfast prepared by the Ladies Club will be served from 8:30 a.m. to noon. There will also be a craft and gift corner for last minute shopping, games for the kids and pictures with Santa. Pictures will be made available online for downloading. A Living Well Aware Conference will be held Dec. 14 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at St. William Parish in Round Rock. Dr. Patricia Sulak, a parishioner of St. Luke Parish in Temple, will present information on lifestyle habits that increase physical, emotional and spiritual health. For information, visit www. All proceeds from the conference will go to Annunciation Maternity Home in Georgetown. To register visit or call (512) 864-7755 by Dec 2. The Assembly of Catholic Professionals provides a unique formational opportunity for Catholic lay professionals to grow in faith. The next quarterly luncheon is Dec. 18 at 11:30 a.m. at the Hyatt Regency in Austin. Marcel LeJeune from St. Mary Catholic Center in College Station will be the guest speaker. The cost is $40 per person. For more information or to register, contact Margaret Kappel at (512) 949-2444 or Pastoral support for victims of sexual abuse The Diocese of Austin is committed to providing con¿dential and compassionate care to victims of sexual abuse, particularly if the abuse was committed by clergy or a church representative. If you have experienced abuse by someone representing the Catholic Church, please contact the diocesan coordinator of pastoral care at (512) 949-2400. Apoyo pastoral a las víctimas de abuso sexual La Diócesis de Austin se compromete a proporcionar ayuda con¿dencial y compasiva a las víctimas de abuso sexual, especialmente si el abuso fue cometido por el clero o un representante de la iglesia. Si usted ha sufrido abusos por parte de alguien que representa la Iglesia Católica, por favor comuníquese con el coordinador diocesano del cuidado pastoral al (512) 949-2400. How to report an incident of concern The Diocese of Austin is committed to preventing harm from happening to any of our children or vulnerable adults. If you are aware of sexual or physical abuse and/or neglect of a child or vulnerable adult, state law requires you to report that information to local law enforcement or the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services at (800) 252-5400 or Additionally, if the suspected abuse is by clergy or an employee or volunteer of any diocesan parish, school or agency, a Notice of Concern should be submitted to the diocesan Ethics and Integrity in Ministry Of¿ce at (512) 949-2400. The Notice of Concern can be found at (click on the link HOW TO REPORT ABUSE). Reports may be made anonymously. Cómo reportar un caso de abuso La Diócesis de Austin está comprometida a la prevención del daño que se cause a cualquier niño o adulto vulnerable. Si usted está enterado del abuso sexual o físico y/o abandono de un niño o adulto vulnerable, la ley estatal requiere que se reporte esa información a la policía local o el Departamento de Servicios Familiares y de Protección del Estado de Texas al (800) 252-5400 o al sitio: y además, si la sospecha de abuso es por parte del clero, empleado o voluntario de cualquier parroquia, escuela u organización de la diócesis, se debe enviar un Reporte de Abuso y debe ser presentado a la O¿cina de Ética e Integridad en el Ministerio de la diócesis al (512) 949-2400. El Reporte de Abuso se encuentra en nuestra página de Internet diocesana: ( Haga click en la liga COMO REPORTAR UN CASO DE ABUSO). Estos reportes pueden ser hechos de manera anónima. ESPAÑOL 22 C ATHOLIC S PIRIT El Día de Acción de Gracias es una forma de vida, no solo un día de Àesta San Pablo nos recuerda que la actitud de los Cristianos debe ser de acción de gracias durante toda nuestra vida obispo de la Diócesis entera –no solo en los buenos momende Austin. Es pastor tos, sino en todas las circunstancias. para casi 500,000 El Cristiano es quien es capaz de ser católicos en 25 agradecido en todos los momentos de condados en el la vida. El dolor y el sufrimiento, los Centro de Texas. gozos y la felicidad que experimentaEditora: Señor Obispo, celebramos, todo puede ser llevado a Dios. mos el Día de Acción de Gracias Ofrecemos nuestras vidas a Dios para en unas cuantas semanas. ¿Cómo que Él pueda transformarlas. Esto es podemos convertirlo más en un día lo que llamamos “gracia”. Gracia es la santo que en un día de Àesta? habilidad de dejar a Dios tocar nuestras Obispo Vásquez: El Día de vidas y transformarlas mucho más de lo Acción de Gracias es un día de Àesta que hemos anticipado o esperado. nacional maravilloso. Y claro, en este Todos hemos conocido gente que día, recordamos aquel primer Día de sufre con situaciones dolorosas, tales Acción de Gracias de los peregrinos como enfermedades o la pérdida de que vinieron a este país buscando un un ser amado, y aún así son capaces de nuevo comienzo y una nueva vida por continuar viendo la mano de Dios en que querían la libertad de dar culto a sus vidas. Estamos llamados a permitir Dios a su manera. Ese primer Día de que la mano de Dios toque todas las Acción de Gracias fue una expresión áreas de nuestras vidas, las buenas y las de gratitud a Dios por las bendiciones malas, de manera que su gracia nos de los frutos de la tierra, los cuales los pueda transformar y hacernos más peregrinos cosecharon con la ayuda como su hijo, Jesucristo. de los nativos americanos. Las familias Editora: Díganos cómo usted, en tradicionalmente se reúnen, y como lo personal, ora en el Día de Acción dice el viejo dicho, muchas viajan de de Gracias. regreso a la casa de la abuela. Vemos Obispo Vásquez: Para mí, la a familiares que no hemos visto en Eucaristía es la principal manera de dar mucho tiempo. El Día de Acción de gracias. Por los últimos años, he viajado Gracias nos juntamos para recordar a casa para estar con mi familia –mi nuestras historia y nuestras raíces y dapadre, hermanos y hermanas. Todos nos mos gracias a Dios. ¡Juntarnos como fa- juntamos y compartimos un alimento. milia y con amigos es algo bueno! Estos Nosotros, claro, comemos mucho y nos encuentros también se convierten en reímos, hablamos y nos sentamos a ver momentos sagrados cuando incluimos los partidos de futbol – americano - y a a Dios, la oración y el culto. Espero que disfrutar del recalentado. Pero lo primuchas personas tomen la oportunidad mero que hago antes de tomar camino e de dar gracias a Dios por sus bendicio- ir a ver a mi familia es celebrar la Eucarines. Podemos hacer de este día de Àesta stía en mi capilla y tomo la oportunidad más un día santo al darnos cuenta de de orar de manera de que el día comienque somos bendecidos y responder con za dando gracias a Dios. Doy gracias gratitud. a Dios por el día, especialmente por el Editora: Estamos llamados a mayor regalo de todos, Jesucristo. la oración en el Día de Acción de Para el momento en que viajo para Gracias pero a veces las ocupacioestar con mi familia, ellos ya han ido a nes de la vida se nos atraviesan. Nos Misa y están ocupados preparando la despiden del trabajo, el automóvil comida. En mi familia, rezamos juntos se descompone, los niños se enferpara la bendición de los alimentos. Mi man. ¿Cómo damos gracias incluso padre ofrece la oración por que él es cuando la vida es difícil? Obispo Vásquez: Debemos, primero, darnos cuenta de que la vida en sí misma es un don. No nos creamos a nosotros mismos, Dios nos creó a través del amor de nuestros padres. Somos creados a imagen y semejanza de Dios, pero somos creados de manera que podamos continuar obteniendo la perfección a través de la persona de Jesucristo. Por lo tanto, nos damos cuenta de que en la vida hay bueno y malo y que todos nosotros, alguna vez, pasamos diÀcultades. Como San Pablo dice en su carta a los Tesalonicenses, “Regocíjense siempre. Oren sin cesar. En todas las circunstancias den las gracias, por que es ésta la voluntad de Dios para ustedes en Cristo Jesús”. E L O BISPO J OE S. VÁSQUEZ es el quinto quien ha estado ahí para guiarnos en la vida y enseñarnos la diferencia entre lo bueno y lo malo. Por lo tanto, él es quien eleva nuestra oraciones a Dios como una. Este es un momento maravilloso; ver a mi padre orando con todos nosotros a su alrededor –hermanos, hermanas, sobrinos, sobrinas y amigos, y saber que todos somos parte de una familia y que tenemos esta tradición de nuestra fe, la cual es tan central y esencial para nosotros. Editora: Explíquenos cómo la Eucaristía es la mejor acción de gracias. Obispo Vásquez: La palabra “Thanksgiving” (acción de gracias, en inglés) viene de esta palabra “eucaristía”, la cual es una palabra griega para dar gracias. La acción de gracias es una manera de vivir, no solo un día del año o un cierto evento, sino un continuo acto de dar las gracias. Si hay algún grupo de gente que entiende lo que es dar las gracias, son los Católicos. El centro de quienes somos como Católicos es la celebración de la Eucaristía. El Beato Juan Pablo II dijo muy claramente que la iglesia vive de la Eucaristía y la Eucaristía da vida a la iglesia. En su encíclica “Ecclesia de Eucharistia”, el Beato Juan Pablo II escribió, “La Misa hace presente el sacriÀcio de la cruz; no agrega al sacriÀcio ni lo multiplica. Lo que se repite es su celebración memorial, su “conmemoración representativa,” la cual hace al sacriÀcio de Cristo uno, el sacriÀcio redentor deÀnitivo, siempre presente en el tiempo”. En la celebración de la Eucaristía, damos gracias por el gran acto salvador de Jesucristo. Antes de su propia muerte, Cristo tomó pan, lo bendijo, lo partió y dijo “Éste es mi cuerpo”. Y tomó una copa de vino y dijo, “ Ésta es mi sangre”. Jesús se vació a sí mismo por toda la humanidad y para salvarnos de nuestros pecados. La Misa es la celebración del perpetuo amor de Dios en el regalo de su hijo a nosotros. Editora: También, al Ànal de Noviembre cerramos el Año de la Fe. ¿Cómo ha sido este año para nosotros como Católicos? Obispo Vásquez: El Año de la Fe ha sido una bendición para toda la iglesia. Nuestro Papa Emérito, Benedicto XVI comenzó el Año de la Fe pidiéndonos que reaviváramos nuestra fe Católica. Él nos invitó a sumergirnos en la fe y a apreciar más quiénes somos como Católicos y a nuestro amor por Cristo y por su iglesia. Esta revitalización nos ayuda a convertirnos en Àeles testigos y nos ayuda a hablar de Cristo a otros y a compartir los actos de amor y misericordia que hemos recibido de nuestro Salvador. Esta apreciación más profunda de nuestra fe se reÁeja en cómo vivimos, cómo tratamos a nuestra familia y a nuestros compañeros de trabajo, cómo tratamos a los pobres y cómo nos amamos unos a otros. No podemos mantener nuestra fe contenida y bajo llave o separada de otras partes de nuestras vidas. A lo largo de la diócesis, he visto gente vivir su fe de maneras vibrantes. He estado impresionado, especialmente con nuestra gente joven en la cual hay un hambre de fe y un deseo de hacer una diferencia. El Papa Francisco ha también animado a la gente a comenzar a examinar su fe. Él nos ha llamado de vuelta a los básicos de la Cristiandad. Él nos llama a una vida más simple, a ser más consciente de los pobres y a ver a Cristo en ellos. Mientras que el Año de la Fe se acerca a su conclusión durante la festividad de Cristo Rey, creo que los frutos de este año continuarán siendo experimentados. Editora: ¿Cuál es su oración de acción de gracias para este mes y el resto del año? Obispo Vásquez: Oro por que podamos vernos a nosotros mismos como verdaderamente bendecidos por Dios. Que expresemos con corazones agradecidos las bendiciones que Dios nos ha dado. Que mantengamos en mente nuestras muchas bendiciones, que compartamos con aquellos a nuestro alrededor nuestra comida, tiempo, valores, presencia y amor. ALGUNOS NIÑOS AYUDAN a hacer pies (pays) justo antes del Día de Acción de Gracias del Año pasado. Los pies fueron donados a un albergue local y a un comedor. (CNS foto por Mike Crupi, Catholic Courier) November 2013 ESPAÑOL 23 La perspectiva de las vocaciones es buena; más trabajo necesita ser realizado POR MARY P. WALKER CORRESPONSAL El Padre Brian McMaster, Director de la OÀcina de Vocaciones de la Diócesis de Austin, sabe que es bendecido de servir en el Centro de Texas, donde la fe Católica es creciente y vibrante. De cualquier manera, con su bendición viene la responsabilidad compartida por todos los Católicos –ayudar a hombres y mujeres a escuchar y responder al llamado de Dios al sacerdocio y la vida religiosa. Actualmente, la diócesis tiene 50 hombres y mujeres en formación para órdenes religiosas, y 40 hombres quienes están preparándose para convertirse en sacerdotes diocesanos. La formación de estos seminaristas diocesanos usualmente toma entre siete y nueve años. Las buenas noticias, explicadas por el Padre McMaster, es que las ordenaciones al sacerdocio están alrededor del mismo número de sacerdotes que se retiran. De cualquier manera, la población Católica crece, lo que signiÀca que el mismo número de sacerdotes sirve a un mayor número de Àeles. La mayoría de los seminaristas se encuentran atendiendo uno de cinco seminarios, mientras que muchos son asignados a parroquias para un año de servicio pastoral. “Hemos notado que cada joven tiene un set de dones distintos y un grupo de necesidades diferentes. Creemos que podemos maximizar sus dones enviándolos a distintos seminarios,” dijo el Padre McMaster. También dijo que los hombres eran de alta “calidad”. Son maduros, conocen su fe y tienen una vida activa de oración. Además, tienen un perspicaz sentido de discernimiento, lo que es, la habilidad de escuchar la voz de Dios a través de la oración y dentro de las circunstancias de sus vidas. Para el futuro, el Padre McMaster encuentra alentador que más hombres jóvenes están comenzando a considerar y a discernir una vocación durante sus años de preparatoria. De la misma manera, muchos en sus años de universidad, después de los mismos e inclusive en sus treintas y cuarentas están abiertos al llamado de Dios. La iglesia universal también se beneÀcia de las vocaciones religiosas que vienen de nuestra diócesis. La mayoría de hombres y mujeres de nuestras parroquias HAY ACTUALMENTE 40 SEMINARISTAS estudiando para ser sacerdotes de la Diócesis de Austin. Pósters con las fotos de los mismos han sido distribuidos a parroquias. (Póster por Cathy King) están en formación para órdenes religiosas para convertirse en sacerdotes, hermanos y hermanas que servirán a Dios y a su pueblo en otras partes del estado, país e inclusive del mundo. Además, con tantos colegios y universidades dentro de los límites de la diócesis, los programas del ministerio universitario están teniendo un efecto positivo al promover las vocaciones. Estos programas sirven las necesidades especiales de estudiantes universitarios de todo el país durante un tiempo en el que toman decisiones que afectan el resto de sus vidas. Por ejemplo, St. Mary Catholic Center en la Universidad de Texas A&M tiene una reputación nacional de proveer un ambiente en el que los estudiantes pueden escuchar el llamado de Dios y responder con un entusiasta “sí”. Este otoño, 14 antiguos estudiantes entraron al seminario o comenzaron su formación en distintas órdenes religiosas, la mayoría fuera de la diócesis. La diócesis también está viendo un incremento del interés en las vocaciones en estudiantes de la Universidad de Texas, Texas State University, Baylor y St. Edward’s University. Mientras que la Diócesis de Austin no sufre en la actualidad de un gran déÀcit de sacerdotes como algunas partes del país, la cultura de las vocaciones debe continuar siendo fomentada. Mientras la población Católica crece, aún más sacerdotes son necesitados. Además, el número de mujeres entrando a la vida religiosa es mucho menor que el total de hombres en formación para el sacerdocio diocesano o entrando a órdenes religiosas. En lo que respecta a vocaciones religiosas femeninas, el Padre McMaster ve algunos puntos de luz. Las Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist es una creciente orden que incluye muchas hermanas jóvenes. Ellas acaban de terminar un convento en Georgetown. Él espera que su visible testimonio en el gozo de la vida religiosa, anime a otras mujeres jóvenes a considerar si Dios las está llamando. También en el St. Mary Catholic Center, las Apostles of the Interior Life Sisters proveen dirección espiritual a estudiantes. A través de su ministerio, mujeres jóvenes se encuentran activamente discerniendo si Dios las está llamando a la vida religiosa. Muchas otras comunidades religiosas en la Diócesis de Austin están también compartiendo su testimonio de fe con nuestras hijas e hijos, dijo el Padre McMaster. Durante el siguiente año litúrgico, a lo largo de la diócesis, el enfoque se concentrará en invitar a hombres y mujeres a considerar el sacerdocio o la vida religiosa. El Padre McMaster explicó que las relaciones son clave para fomentar las vocaciones. Pastores, ministros juveniles, maestros, líderes pa- rroquiales, padres y compañeros parroquianos ampliÀcan la voz de Dios a hombres y mujeres jóvenes más aún que cualquier póster sobre vocaciones. Los sacerdotes, por supuesto, tienen un rol vital. El Padre McMaster dijo que cada pastor es el “director vocacional” de su parroquia. Como recurso para sacerdotes, el diócesis ha publicado un folleto que les da consejos prácticos y recordatorios sobre las maneras en que pueden promover las vocaciones. Por ejemplo, los sacerdotes pueden orar, compartir su propia experiencia vocacional, y promover las cenas de discernimiento diocesanas y los retiros. Junto con los laicos, ellos pueden invitar personalmente a hombres y mujeres jóvenes a considerar el sacerdocio y la vida religiosa. “No tengan miedo de unir su voz a la de Cristo. La mayoría de la gente joven tendrá dudas al principio – así dudaron personajes de la Biblia y muchos santos. A través de su relación con el Señor, las semillas que fueron plantadas, crecieron,“ dijo el Padre McMaster. Otros recursos para parroquias incluyen una guía de “cómo hacerlo” para laicos Católicos sobre cómo formar un comité de vocaciones parroquial. La guía también tiene una lista de actividades para las vocaciones y proyectos y ofrece una guía práctica para padres. La base de todas las vocaciones es la oración, dijo el Pa- dre McMaster. Podemos todos orar por nuestros sacerdotes y religiosas y pedir a Dios que siga llamando trabajadores a la cosecha. Santa Teresa de Lisieux es la santa patrona de las vocaciones y los misioneros por que ella oró por ellos fervientemente. A través de la Sociedad Vocacional Santa Teresa, los Àeles están invitados a unirse a sus plegarias. La sociedad fue probada primeramente en la Diócesis de Arlington, Va., y está ahora establecida en nuestra diócesis. El compromiso de la membresía es simple, y se centra en orar y ofrecer el sufrimiento por las vocaciones, sacerdotes y religiosos. Para niños de primaria, existe la Sociedad Junior, la cual es un gran recurso para preparar a niños para su Primera Sagrada Comunión. Muchos sacerdotes y religiosas han reportado que ellos oyen sobre Dios por primera vez durante ese tiempo en sus vidas. Después de recibir la comunión, los niños se comprometen a rezar por sacerdotes y religiosos y a pedir a Jesús que los ayude a ellos y a sus compañeros a descubrir la voluntad de Dios para sus vidas. Información sobre la sociedad y los recursos parroquiales para las vocaciones están disponibles a través de las oficinas parroquiales y de la Oficina de Vocaciones. Para mayor información, visite o llame al (512) 949-2430. ESPAÑOL 24 C ATHOLIC S PIRIT Agencias ayudan a personas a navegar la Ley de Asistencia Asequible POR ENEDELIA J. OBREGÓN CORRESPONAL Antes de que se abriera el registro el 1 de octubre bajo la Ley de Asistencia Asequible, Andrea García, de Buda, entró en línea para investigar sus opciones. Basado en un estudio preliminar que hizo en el mercado de los seguros de salud, obtener un seguro de salud será mucho más asequible bajo la Ley de Asistencia Asequible (ACA, por sus siglas en inglés). “Tengo esperanza de que Obamacare será mejor para personas de bajos ingresos,” dijo García. “Aún si pagamos $300 o $400 al mes, todavía caliÀcaríamos por nuestro ingreso. Si podemos obtener un subsidio o reembolso, eso sería realmente bueno”. Por problemas con el intercambio federal – la única opción para los texanos- la gente no se ha registrado para recibir cobertura de seguro todavía. El período abierto para el registro continúa hasta Marzo 31 de 2014. Aquellos registrados para el 15 de diciembre pueden comenzar a tener cobertura el 1 de enero, el día que la ACA entra en efecto. Aquellos americanos que en la actualidad no tienen seguro y no se registren con la ACA para el 1 de enero se enfrentarán a una multa federal. Inmigrantes indocumentados no caliÀcan para la ACA. García es del tipo de persona que grupos sin Ànes de lucro tales como Enroll America están tratando de alcanzar y ayudar. Enroll America pidió a la Diócesis de Austin ayudar a difundir el tiempo de registro, dijo Barbara Budde, directora diocesana de Asuntos Sociales. “Aunque que los obispos se oponen vigorosamente al mandato que forza a las compañías de seguros a ofrecer control de la natalidad, ellos quieren que la gente tenga seguro de salud,” dijo. “Hay una opción a cada nivel de cobertura que no ofrece el aborto, así que, los Católicos pueden tomar decisiones en buena consciencia”. La ACA ofrece tres niveles de cobertura. “Es importante que la gente disponga de cobertura de seguros de salud,” dijo. “No queremos que la gente se quede sin esta oportunidad. Ciertamente queremos que Católicos de bajos ingresos sepan que son elegibles para créditos fiscales. No queremos que ignoren esta ley o las oportunidades que la ley les da de obtener un seguro para sus familias”. García tiene 61 años y es muy joven para Medicare. Su esposo cumple 65 en abril y será elegible para Medicare. Él cuenta ahora con cobertura a través de su trabajo. Ella tiene el colesterol alto y la presión arterial alta y ha estado en Texas Health Insurance Pool por dos años. Este consorcio es para gente con condiciones médicas previas que no pueden obtener seguros de salud en ninguna otra parte. El consorcio terminará con la implementación de la Ley de la Asistencia Asequible el día primero de enero. Previamente, García estuvo en COBRA por 18 meses después de que dejó de trabajar. La Ley Ómnibus Consolidada de Reconciliación Presupuestaria de 1985 requiere a planes grupales de la salud a ofrecer continuación agregada del cuidado de la salud. Esas primas son pagadas directamente del bolsillo del asegurado. “Estaba pagando $698 dólares al mes en COBRA,” dijo García. “Cuando eso se acabó, nadie más quería encargarse de mí. Mi única opción fue Texas Pool”. Bajo Texas Pool, ella se encuentra pagando $538 dólares al mes, pero su deducible es $7,200 dólares. Cuando entró en línea para investigar sobre la ACA, una compañía de seguros le dió un estimado de $400 dólares en primas mensuales con un deducible de $2,000. “No cubre enfermedades del corazón o cáncer, así que necesitaré un suplemento de cerca de $110 dólares extra,“ dijo “Aún así es $200 dólares más barato que ahora”. El Lone Star Circle of Care es una de las organizaciones sin Ànes de lucro esparciendo la voz y ayudando a la gente a ver si caliÀca. También ayudan a la gente a apuntarse para Medicaid o el Children’s Health Insurance Program (el Programa de Seguros para la Salud de los Niños), dijo Mónica Crowley, Directora de Política y Comunicación Estratégica para el Lone Star Circle of Care, el cual tiene clínicas en Austin, Cedar Park, Harker Heights, Georgetown, Hutto, Killeen, Round Rock y Taylor. Raquel Luna, una consejera certiÀcada de aplicación con el Lone Star Circle of Care Central Texas, dijo que gran parte de su trabajo es explicar el proceso y los términos. Ella y otros empleados del LCCTX (siglas en inglés de Lone Star Circle of Care Central Texas) tuvieron entrenamiento federal y estatal para prepararse. “No los guiaremos hacia ningún plan,” dijo. “Sólo les damos información y las herramientas y les ayudamos a inscribirse”. De acuerdo a las estadísticas, cerca del 23 por ciento de los texanos - 4.88 millones - no tienen seguro y son elegibles. De esos sin seguro, 50 por ciento son hispanos/ latinos y 13 por ciento son afro-americanos. Edades de entre 19-34 suman el 39 por ciento de los no asegurados y 53 por ciento son hombres. Mimi García, director estatal de Texas Enroll America, dijo que tienen 28 miembros de personal en Texas entrenando a grupos y organizaciones sobre cómo navegar el sitio web para que pueden registrar clientes. “Estamos trabajando con una variedad de grupos a lo largo del área – iglesias locales, bancos de alimentos ... Central Health y otros grupos para dar a conocer la información,“ dijo. Ya que cada quien tiene diversas necesidades – los ancianos no necesitan cuidado de maternidad pero necesitan cobertura de prescripciones, por ejemplo – los voluntarios necesitan estar entrenado sobre cómo navegar el sistema. “Hay diferentes planes que pueden ajustarse a su presupuesto,“ dijo. “Si están enfermos ahora y no pueden pagar más. Necesitamos entrenar a nuestros voluntarios para que sean capaces de hablar sobre éstas cosas, para que puedan contestar preguntas que puedan presentarse”. Para obtener ayuda para registrarse, llame a Lone Star Circle of Care Central Texas al 1-877-800-5722 o visite www. La ayuda está también disponible a través de la línea de ayuda nacional en el 1-800-318-2596 o en www. En Austin, los residentes del área pueden llamar al 211, donde las llamadas serán re-dirigidas a la clínica más cercana para registrarse. Más de 500 mártires de la Guerra Civil en España se acercan más a la santidad POR MIKE BILLINGTON CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE Un funcionario del Vaticano movió más de 500 mártires de la Guerra Civil Española más cerca a la santidad durante una Misa especial de beatificación en Tarragona, la arquidiócesis que más sufrió bajo “el Terror Rojo”. Un estimado de 20,000 personas de toda España, así como pequeños contingentes de Portugal y Francia, asistieron el 13 de octubre a una Misa especial al aire libre celebrando la beatificación de 522 miembros de órdenes religiosas católicas y laicos. El cardenal Ángelo Amato, prefecto de la Congregación Para las Causas de los Santos, celebró la Misa. El arzobispo Jaume Pujol Balcells de Tarragona y el cardenal Antonio Rouco Varela de Madrid concelebraron. La ceremonia se celebró en Tarragona porque casi 150 personas, incluyendo el obispo auxiliar Manuel Borrás Ferré y 66 sacerdotes diocesanos, fueron asesinados allí durante la guerra. Muchos de los que asistieron a la Misa no tienen conexión directa con los que estaban siendo beatiÀcados. “Esta es una ocasión muy especial en la historia de la iglesia de España”, dijo Josep María Ibáñez, de 49 años, residente de Sitges. “Si uno es católico, es importante estar aquí para mostrar su apoyo a la iglesia y a los que murieron por su credo”. El altar fue montado en un masivo escenario en el complejo educativo de Tarragona, no lejos de las instalaciones portuarias de la ciudad. En un mensaje televisado, el papa Francisco instó a los presentes a unirse “de corazón” a la celebración de proclamar a los mártires beatificados. El papa dijo que esos mártires fueron “cristianos ganados por Cristo, discípulos que han comprendido plenamente el camino hacia ese ‘amar hasta el límite extremo’ que llevó a Jesús a la cruz”. Él señaló que los papas siempre le dicen a la gente: “Imiten a los mártires”. “Siempre es necesario morir un poco para poder salir de nosotros mismos, para dejar atrás nuestro egoísmo, nuestra comodidad, nuestra pereza, nuestra tristeza y para abrirnos a Dios y a los demás, especialmente a aquellos que están en mayor necesidad”, él dijo. España se encontraba en un estado de caos durante la mayor parte de la década de 1930, comenzando con el exilio del rey Alfonso XIII en 1931. Los izquierdistas anticatólicos, comunistas y anarquistas eran prominentes en el gobierno y comenzaron una ola de terror quemando iglesias en Madrid y Andalucía. A esto le siguieron los asesinatos de 37 sacerdotes, hermanos y seminaristas en el pequeño pueblo minero en Asturias en 1934. Cuando las fuerzas nacionalistas intentaron tomar control del país, la guerra civil continuó hasta 1939, resultando en las muertes de cientos de miles de personas en ambos bandos, incluyendo miles de miembros del clero adicionales. November 2013 ESPAÑOL 25 Ministerio ayuda a personas a superar su pasado POR ENEDELIA J. OBREGÓN CORRESPONSAL Fue doloroso ver a Amber removerse un tatuaje del cuello. Primero, la enfermera Jennie Kunkel aplicó un anestésico tópico en spray, el cual facilitó lo que vino después: Kunkel inyectó otro anestésico justo abajo de la piel alrededor de las líneas restantes de un tatuaje que se desvanecía. Amber hizo una mueca de dolor y clavó sus uñas en la palma de su mano izquierda. Con su mano derecha se agarró de la mano izquierda de su esposo mientras empujaba a su hijita en su carreola con la mano derecha. La inyección hizo que el siguiente paso fuera soportable – la asistente de enfermería certiÀcada Jan Arensman usó una máquina de mano de rayos infrarrojos para borrar la tinta en los tatuajes y que causa que los tatuajes se desvanezcan en unas cuantas semanas. Un sonido la sorprendió. “Es sólo un cabello,” Arensman aseguró a Amber mientras continuaba el proceso. Amber espera que este sea el ultimo tratamiento que necesita. Remover un tatuaje lleva muchos tratamientos por que sólo un área del tamaño de un juego de cargas puede ser hecho a la vez. Los tratamientos han valido la pena para Amber para separarse de su vida previa y las “estúpidas decisiones” que alguna vez tomó, dijo. Después de que le dieran un vendaje compresivo e instrucciones para su cuidado, Amber sale por la puerta, esperando ésta sea su última visita. Kunke y Jan Arensman, Junto con Julie Arensman y la fundadora Jeanne Arensman, son parte de St. Dismas Tattoo Removal Minsitry en Mart. Kunkel es una parroquiana de la Parroquia de St. Louis en Waco, Julie Arensman es una parroquiana de la Parroquia de St. Joseph en Elk, y Jan Arensman y Jeanne Arensman –madre de Jan y Julie- son parroquianas de la Parroquia de St. Mary en Waco. El ministerio, nombrado así por el ladrón cruciÀcado junto a Jesús que pidió perdón, ofrece el servicio gratuitamente. Dermatólogos cobran hasta $100 dólares por pulgada cuadrada por sesión para remover un tatuaje. Los miembros del ministerio han recibido entrenamiento y pagan solo por los suministros médicos y las medicinas usadas. Ellos llevan su ministerio al cercano Departamento de Justicia Juvenil de Texas en Gatesville el Segundo sábado del mes para dar a jóvenes la opción de deshacerse de tatuajes de banda antes de ser puestos en libertad. Si conservan sus tatuajes, están en riesgo de ser “reclamados” por las bandas en sus vecindarios. El primer sábado de cada mes, ofrecen el servicio de remover tatuajes en St. Peter Catholic Center en la Universidad de Baylor, para adultos que han adquirido tatuajes en prisión y quieren un nuevo comienzo. Cada tatuaje requiere muchos tratamientos y deja un área descolorida que es sensible a la luz del sol. Lleva más tiempo remover de la piel tintas tales como la roja y la amarilla. Rob, 39, es uno de esos adultos que decidieron deshacerse de algo de tinta después de salir de la prisión federal. Originario de Waco, ha estado fuera de prisión por cinco años después de servir más de seis años de una sentencia de ocho años. Fue un tatuaje en su pecho con dos corazones juntos con su nombre y el de su primera esposa lo que lo trajo a St. Peter Catholic Center bajo la insistencia de su actual esposa con quien se casó al dejar la prisión. Le tomó cinco tratamientos deshacerse de los nombres en los corazones, los cuales permanecen. “Me tatué por que era una manera de mantenerla conmigo y mantener mi matrimonio andando,” dijo “no estoy gloriÀcando lo que hice, ni recomendando lo que hice”. Él fácilmente pudo haber contraído hepatitis o SIDA, una realidad de los tatuajes de prisión, los cuales van en contra de las reglas de la prisión pero se hacen entre rondas de guardias. Los artistas tatuadores usan herramientas crudas tales como engrapadoras o seguros y tinta de plumas o cartuchos de impresoras que ellos roban. Los artistas tatuadores son pagados con objetos de la comisaría. Rob tiene un segundo tatuaje en su biceps izquierdo que cuenta la vida en prisión. Hay una torre y una guardia signiÀcando la constante vigilancia; un reloj con una cadena, un símbolo del tiempo que están encarcelados; un calendario, un símbolo del tiempo transcurrido tras las rejas; una mascara triste y una máscara feliz; un alambre de púas, que rodea a todas las prisiones. Este tatuaje se quedará. To- LA ASISTENTE CERTIFICADA DE ENFERMERÍA Jan Arensman, usa una máquina infrarroja de mano para borrar la tinta en un tatuaje en el cuello de una mujer joven. Arensman es uno de los miembros del Ministerio de St. Dismas Tattoo Removal, el cual remueve tatuajes gratuitamente de aquellos que han estado en prisión. (Foto por Enedelia J. Obregón) maría más tiempo y puede ser cubierto con la manga de la camisa, de manera que no sea visible en el trabajo, lo cual lo pone en ventaja con la mayoría de los que una vez estuvieron presos. “Voy en una mejor dirección de en la que iba anteriormente” dijo. “Empecé como mesero y ahora soy gerente”. El hijo menor del dueño del restaurante era su mejor amigo y le dieron una segunda oportunidad. También lo hicieron su madre y su actual esposa, con quien se casó hace un año. Está tratando de hacer las cosas bien por su hijo de 15 años. “Él Estaba en el pre-kinder cuando entré –a la cárcel-,” Rob dijo. “Estaba en sexto grado cuando salí. Me perdí todos esos años”. Ni su familia ni sus amigos sabían lo que estaba haciendo y estaban sorprendidos cuando fue arrestado a los 24 años. “Me apoyaron con cartas y llamadas telefónicas,”dijo. Los amigos de sus padres le dijeron que tendría un trabajo cuando saliera. “No sé lo que haría sin un trabajo,”dijo Rob, quien aprendió jardinería y cómo poner concreto en prisión. “Si tuviera que, trabajaría en dos o tres trabajos”. Él atiende la iglesia y ha permanecido limpio y no está más en libertad condicional. Son las historias de éxito como la de Rob las que animan a los miembros del ministerio de St. Dismas. El ministerio fundado hace seis años este mes, fue iniciado por la tragedia de un hombre joven que conocieron cuando eran voluntarios en el Ministerio de Prisión del Departamento de Justicia Juvenil de Texas. Ahí lo vieron regularmente en Misa y rezando el Rosario. “Era del Valle y ahí regresó,” Jeanne Arensman dijo. “Estaba haciendo todo bien: Tenía un trabajo de tiempo parcial, estaba yendo a la iglesia y tomando clases nocturnas“. Su madre les dijo que miembros de la banda a la que su hijo había pertenecido habían venido a buscarlo, pidiéndole que hiciera algo que él no deseaba hacer y que le dijeron “tu nos perteneces”. Cuando él se negó, fue atropellado por un auto y asesinado mientras caminaba a casa desde su trabajo. “La gente joven no se da cuenta de que los tatuajes de banda significan que les perteneces,” dijo Jeanne Arensman. “Sólo hay una manera de salirse de una banda”. Jeanne Arensman aprendió sobre el programa para remover tatuajes gratuitamente, comenzado por el Dr. Tobert S. Wilkinson, un dermatólogo en Bandera, a quien se da crédito de haber inventado el proceso para remover tatuajes. Ellos fueron entrenados por él sobre cómo usar el Coagulador Infrarrojo RedÀeld. “Cuando removemos tatuajes de banda, les ofrecemos la oportunidad de empezar de nuevo,” Kunkel dijo. La mujeres se remueven tatuajes de áreas visibles de manera que los tatuajes no les impidan conseguir un trabajo o entrar a la milicia. Hay algunas excepciones a la regla, tales como mujeres abusadas que son con frecuencia marcadas como si fueran ganado. “Sus abusadores las obligan con frecuencia a tatuarse sus nombres o hacerse otros tatuajes,” dijo. “Eso es para mostrar que esas mujeres les pertenecen. Con frecuencia tenemos trabajadores sociales llamándonos sobre éstas cosas. Quitarse un tatuaje las libera de su abusador”. Obtener Ànanciamiento para el ministerio también ha sido una lucha, pero Jeanne Arensman es persistente. Cuando tuvo problemas juntando los últimos $1,500 dólares para el sistema infrarrojo, el cual costaba $8,200 dólares hace seis años, escribió una carta al Arzobispo Gregory M. Aymond, entonces obispo de la Diócesis de Austin. Él le envió un cheque personal por la suma. Aquellos que desean remover un tatuaje, pueden escribir al ministerio y pedir una aplicación o llamar al (254) 876-2277. Las formas le serán enviadas por corro y deben ser llenadas para poder ser considerados. Se requiere hacer cita y se agendarán después de haber recibido la aprobación. Para hacer una donación a St. Dismas Tattoo Removal Ministry, envíe cheques al P.O. Box 68, Mart, TX 76664. Ayuda también se encuentra disponible en el Central Texas Tattoo Removal Project. Se requiere hacer cita. Llame al (512) 412-0788 o visite para mayor información. ESPAÑOL 26 C ATHOLIC S PIRIT Construyendo la fe en una diócesis multicultural POR PEGGY MORACZEWSKI CORRESPONSAL “¡Necesitamos estar conscientes de nuestras diferencias, acogerlas y celebrar nuestra fe juntos!” dijo Geri Telepak, directora de la OÀcina de Educación y Formación Religiosa de la Diócesis de Austin. En la Diócesis de Austin, el equipo de Educación y Formación Religiosa busca ayudar a Católicos a crecer en su fe. Su meta es educar a los educadores: directores de educación religiosa de parroquias y escuelas (DREs) para adultos y niños, catequistas, directores de RCIA y Católicos laicos sedientos de conocimiento sobre las enseñanzas de la iglesia. Telepak dijo que el Obispo José Vásquez ve a la educación religiosa en el corazón del apoyo del rol de la familia en la catequesis, así que con ello en mente, la OÀcina de Educación y Formación Religiosa se enfoca en la educación para adultos, tanto como en la educación para niños. Phi Le, director asociado de la Catequesis Multicultural, comparó a un catequista con una persona que construye una casa, diciendo, “Deben tener las herramientas correctas para hacer un buen trabajo y necesitamos dar a los catequistas las herramientas apropiadas para construir su casa”. Para lograr esto, tres niveles de estudio para la certiÀcación están disponibles para DREs parroquiales y escolares y para catequistas. Junto a Telepak y a Le se encuentran Gustavo Rodríguez, director asociado para la Catequesis Hispana, y Carolyn Martínez, asistente administrativa. En una diócesis sirviendo a más de medio millón de Católicos que hablan inglés, español, vietnamita, coreano, chino, francés y otras lenguas, la oÀcina trabaja para ayudar a satisfacer las necesidades de educación religiosa de todos. Se agrega a su responsabilidad la cuestión de proveer materiales educativos para hogares donde los niños puede que hablen inglés, mientras que los padres y abuelos conversan en el lenguaje de su país natal. Para servir correctamente a esta población diversa, esparcida a lo largo del Centro de Texas en más de 125 parroquias, la selección de los LOS GRUPOS CARISMÁTICOS DE ORACIÓN se juntaron el 19 de octubre para recibir clases de Formación Católica para Adultos en la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en Austin. La o¿cina diocesana de Educación Religiosa enseña éstas clases a parroquias a lo largo de la diócesis. (Foto por Gustavo Rodríguez) libros de textos es vital, dijo Telepak. “No se trata sólo de traducir libros de la iglesia, sino de capturar el espíritu de nuestra fe Católica que es lo importante,“ dijo. Mientras que para algunos ésta puede parecer una tarea intimidante, la oÀcina de Educación y Formación Religiosa ha acogido su misión, hablando emocionadamente sobre encontrar materiales teológicos sólidos que sean apropia- y enseñanzas de la iglesia sólidas,” dijo. Además de los cursos, la oÀcina provee de una variedad de recursos para líderes parroquiales dedicados, tales como el apropiado currículum de grado, metas, selección de libros de texto, boletines catequéticos, guías sacramentales, y mucho más. Ellos esperan expandir los recursos departamentales y Le y Rodríguez van a atender una conferencia sobre necesidades especiales sienten que ésta es una parte de ser comunidad,“ dijo Le. Para ayudar a saciar esta sed de comunidad y conocimiento, Le ofrecerá las “Enseñanzas Básicas de la Fe Católica,” las cuales cubren el Credo, la Escritura, los sacramentos, moralidad, oración y espiritualidad, en la Parroquia de Holy Vietnamese Martyrs a partir de enero. Èl enseñará clases en ambas lenguas, vietnamita e inglés. Cualquier adulto Católico puede atender estas clases. “La Catequesis es un viaje de toda la vida. Necesitamos experimentar nuestra fe e incrementar nuestra espiritualidad, pero estas necesitan ser acompañadas por doctrina y enseñanzas de la iglesia sólidas”. –– Gustavo Rodríguez, director asociado para la Catequesis Hispana dos para cada situación única. Telepak disfruta enseñando y dijo, “No estoy haciendo mi trabajo si –solo- me siento en mi oÀcina todos los días”. Con las bendiciones y el estímulo de sus pastores, DREs y catequistas buscan las herramientas necesarias para construir la “casa de Dios” con una confianza renovada y el conocimiento adquirido en cursos ofrecidos a lo largo de la Diócesis de Austin. Los tópicos enseñados incluyen la Liturgia y Sacramentos, Multiculturalismo y Catequesis, Oración y Espiritualidad. Rodríguez dijo que la gente tiene hambre de aprender más sobre la fe Católica y los cursos ofrecidos han atraído grupos de personas más grandes de lo anticipado. “La Catequesis es un viaje de toda la vida. Necesitamos experimentar nuestra fe e incrementar nuestra espiritualidad, pero estas necesitan ser acompañadas por doctrina en Houston y una conferencia ministerial en Los Ángeles donde esperan encontrar materiales de educación religiosa en vietnamita, coreano e inclusive en Braille. Nuevo en la ciudad de Austin y en la diócesis, Le llegó hace algunos meses desde Baton Rouge, La. Él Habla Áuidamente el inglés y el vietnamita; también se encuentra trabajando en mejorar su español y ha estado absorbiendo todo lo que puede sobre la diócesis, sus parroquias y la gente. Una de sus primeras paradas fue visitar la Parroquia de Holy Vietnamese Martyrs en Austin donde observó en los parroquianos un anhelo de comunidad, y con una nota de respeto en su voz, compartió una manera en que los parroquianos han satisfecho este anhelo. La parroquia construyó una nueva iglesia en 2006 y ya ha pagado su hipoteca. “Los parroquianos Le espera un día ofrecer un evento multicultural que abarque a la diócesis completa y que incluya el compartir vestimentas tradicionales, comida y tradiciones de fe. Telepak compartió una experiencia personal reciente que ocurrió mientras se encontraba rezando el rosario en un evento. “Estaba sentada rezando el rosario junto a alguien que lo rezaba en una lengua que yo no entendía, pero aún así, el saber lo que decían y que estábamos rezando juntos fue algo bello para mí. Necesitamos acoger la etnicidad y cómo celebramos nuestra fe,” dijo. Telepak también dijo que la Parroquia de St. Albert the Great en Austin tiene muchas nacionalidades representadas y “ahí es donde se ven muchas personas en su atuendo de congregación y en sus vestidos típicos”. Mientras que el equipo de Educación y Formación Religiosa se esfuerza por proveer herra- mientas de cualidad, ellos están agradecidos con los incontables voluntarios parroquiales quienes incansablemente se aseguran de que la fe Católica sea compartida y vivida. Por primera vez, la Asociación Nacional de Educación Católica (NCEA, por sus siglas en inglés) celebrará la Semana de la Educación Religiosa Parroquial del 3 al 9 de noviembre. En una carta dirigida a pastores, el Obispo José Vásquez les agradeció a ellos y a todos los que sirven en educación religiosa a lo largo de la diócesis. “Gracias por todos sus esfuerzos para proveer una catequesis sólida a sus parroquianos…Año con año, el número de parroquianos involucrados en educación religiosa en la Diócesis de Austin continúa creciendo con una variedad de programas que van desde la preparación para el bautizo de infantes, hasta la educación religiosa de adultos. Esto es una bendición para nuestra diócesis y la iglesia,” escribió el obispo en su carta. Telepak también animó a los Católicos a agradecer a los sacerdotes, diáconos, DREs, catequistas, hermanas religiosas y hermanos y a todos aquellos en las parroquias que ayudan a los Católicos a aprender más sobre su fe. “El diálogo es importante en nuestro viaje de fe. Necesitamos hablar sobre nuestra fe entre nosotros,” dijo. Recursos sobre la Semana de la Educación Religiosa Parroquial pueden encontrarse en inglés y en español en el sitio web de la NCEA, www.ncea. org. Para mayor información sobre educación religiosa en la Diócesis de Austin, llame al (512) 949-2461 o envíe un correo electrónico a SITINGS November 2013 ST. JOSEPH PARISH IN KILLEEN bid farewell to Mary Alaniz, who has served as the parish’s Director of Religious Education for the last 15 years. The parish celebrated her dedication to the youth and thanked her for her hard work and loving attitude. (Photo courtesy Becky Stinehour) THE KJT SOCIETY IN FAYETTEVILLE teamed up with the youth group of St. John Parish in Fayetteville for a Matching Grant fundraiser at the City Wide Garage Sale. The KJT donated $400 to the youth group. (Photo courtesy Mendee Sodolak) BISHOP JOE VÁSQUEZ celebrated the diocesan Scout Mass Sept. 28 at St. John Vianney Parish in Round Rock. Many scouts received their religious emblems and awards. (Photos courtesy Mariella De Bracamonte) THE “RED” SQUAD from St. Theresa’s Catholic School in Austin won the middle school championship at Texas Quiz Bowl Alliance’s (TQBA) ¿rst middle school event in San Antonio. (Photo courtesy Suzanne Leggett) 27 MEMBERS OF ST. JOSEPH PARISH in Bryan recently gathered for a potluck supper and speaker on religious freedom. The event was sponsored by the Women’s Guild, Knights of Columbus and the Ushers Club. (Photo courtesy Larry Ermis) THE SIXTH GRADERS from Sacred Heart School in La Grange visited with Msgr. Harry Mazurkiewicz for his 87th birthday. They sang songs, ate cookies and thanked him for donating a Smartboard to their classroom. (Photo courtesy Wendy Becka) THE KINGSLAND FOURTH DEGREE Knights of Columbus had fall out for the dedication of a monument in memory of Deacon Ron Woods, who died last year. (Photo courtesy Jeanette Brokmeyer) AUGUSTINIAN BROTHER JOE RUIZ of San Francisco Javier Parish in Austin professed his ¿rst vows on Aug. 11. He is studying for his master’s degree in counseling and works in campus ministry at St. Rita of Cascia High School in Chicago. (Photo courtesy Patrick Murphy) THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS from Our Lady of the Lake Parish in Lago Vista donated three wheelchairs to the Lago Vista Volunteers on Oct. 3. (Photo courtesy Ron Smith) Send photos by the 10th of the month to 28 C ATHOLIC S PIRIT SITINGS ST. JOHN NEUMANN PARISH in Austin held a Homecoming Festival and Ministry Fair Sept. 22. The day celebrated the diverse ministries of the parish. (Photo courtesy Paul Juarez) THE EIGHTH GRADE GIRLS from St. Ignatius Martyr School in Austin hung a “Chain Reaction.” Each link represented an act of kindness that a student has performed since Aug. 28. The chain had 2,032 links. (Photo courtesy Jennifer Leasure) THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS from St. Jerome Parish in Waco donated $2,500 to the West EMS. They raised the money with a ¿sh fry. (Photo courtesy Dave Hargrave) MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH from St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Austin visited the Schoensttat Shrine of Mary for a living rosary. (Photos courtesy Sherie Zebrowski) ST. MICHAEL PARISH IN UHLAND celebrated Catechetical Sunday on Sept. 15. Three catechists received their Level II and Level III Diocesan Catechist Certi¿cations and became fully certi¿ed. (Photo courtesy Carolyn Martinez) ST. MICHAEL’S CATHOLIC ACADEMY presented Christopher Dolce with the Alumni of the Year Award at the annual Alumni Mass on Sept. 22. He graduated from St. Michael’s in 1988 and now serves on the Board of Trustees and Facilities Committee. (Photo courtesy Megan Gray) THE KINDERGARTENERS and their eighth grade buddies at St. Louis Catholic School in Austin enjoyed Watermelon Day. (Photo courtesy Rosalie Dowling) BISHOP JOE VÁSQUEZ was one of the religious leaders who gathered Oct. 6 at St. Martin’s Lutheran Church in Austin to discuss Immigration Reform. The bishop said we need to recognize that immigrants are “made in the image of God” and have inherent dignity and rights. (Photo courtesy Enedelia J. Obregón) Send photos by the 10th of the month to ST. MICHAEL’S CATHOLIC ACADEMY and St. Gabriel’s Catholic School celebrated the feast of the Archangels Sept. 27 at St. John Neumann Parish in Austin. (Photo courtesy Corinne Callahan)