Newsletter - Leland CUSD 1
Newsletter - Leland CUSD 1
THE PANTHER TIMES vol. 3 “Excellence has no Finish Line” Tuesday, September 29, 2015 Get Ready for Red Ribbon Week! Red ribbon week is a week in October, this year October 23-31, dedicated to drug prevention. Founded in 1985, the NFP, or National Family Partnership is dedicated to leading and supporting families throughout the nation to prevent teen drug use. Did you know? Children of parents who talk to their teens regularly about drugs are 42% less likely to use drugs than those who don't, yet only a quarter of teens report having these conversations. Enter the Photo Contest! Entries accepted October 1November 3. Win an iPad and $1,000 for you K-12 school! 2015 Red Ribbon Week Theme: Respect Yourself and Be Drug Free! For more information, visit: By: Karli Klemm What's Going On in the Library? rd Saturday, October 3 ! Games will cost $1.00 per card/round with prizes given every round! Snacks and drinks will be provided but feel free to bring your own! Proceeds will be used by the Leland Book Club to supplement budget cuts and purchase new titles for the library. This will be a great opportunity for families to enjoy quality time together while supporting the community. What : Family BINGO Night Who : Leland community members ages 5105 (children 12 & under must be accompanied by an adult) When : Saturday, October 10th 5:007:00 p.m. Where : Leland’s Media Center Why : To help purchase new library books for students K12 *Volunteers needed & prize donations welcome! Please contact Mary Hamer “Library media specialists empower students to be critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information." Sara Kelly Johns, president of the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Music Notes Greetings from the music room! After a wonderful summer vacation, it sure is nice to be back with music students. All groups are off and running with Band, Chorus and General Music classes, and it’s always amazing what can be accomplished in such a short period of time. All of the music classes taught at Leland have a thorough scope and sequence outline that can be found in the digital locker on Teacher Ease so that parents can view the concepts students will be taught each month along with the skills they will learn. Performance dates for first semester include: November 10th: Little 10 Choral Festival hosted by Newark High School for Senior High Choral students only. This event will be held all day with a concert that will begin in the evening at 7:00 p.m. December 5th: REHEARSAL for the winter Band/Choral concert beginning at 3:00 p.m. December 7th: K6 Winter Concert beginning at 6:30 p.m. Students are asked to meet in their homeroom by 6:15 p.m. Dress attire will be sent home as the date approaches. December 8th: Winter BAND and CHORAL concert for grades 412 beginning at 7:00 p.m. Students are asked to meet in the music room at 6:30 p.m. for attendance and warmups. By: Lynsey Nelson COUNSELOR’S CORNER OCTOBER 2015 College Night 2015: Monday, October 5, 6-8 p.m. at Waubonsee Community College - Sugar Grove Campus . Meet more than 100 college and university representatives and hear special presentations on WCC, financial aid, choosing the right college and college major. Questions? Call Admissions at 630-466-7900 x 5756. Website: The monthly Counselor Corner can be found at the High School Counseling portion of our school’s website, along with upcoming events and links to ACT, Career Cruising, FAFSA, Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC), WCC, IVVC, Scholarships & the Leland High School Course Description Guide. PSAT/NMSQT FOR JUNIORS: The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) measures critical reading, math and writing skills development and is the qualifying test for entry to the National Merit Scholarship Program. The PSAT/NMSQT is taken during a student’s junior year and is being offered on Thursday, October 15, 2015. Fee: $15.00. Students who meet published participation requirements, which include taking the PSAT, will compete for various recognitions and awards. Please sign up in the guidance office no later than Thursday, October 8th. ASVAB: All juniors will be taking the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) on Tuesday, November 3. This multi-aptitude battery of tests consists of eight short individual tests, and the results provide a snapshot of a student’s current knowledge and skills. Students will be able to compare their scores with the educational or job requirements for occupations of interest to them. Juniors will receive their ASVAB results at an ASVAB Career Seminar on December 1st. Senior Individual Planning Conferences: Senior IPC’s took place in September. Thank you to the many parents who chose to take part in their son/daughter’s conference where discussion took place regarding plans after high school, careers, colleges, financial aid, and much more. Parents, please feel free to call or email if you have questions or concerns as your son/daughter progresses through the senior year of high school and prepares for the future. College Applications: Many colleges offer an online application and prefer that you use that option. For four-year colleges and universities, applications should be completed as soon as possible. Some schools have priority/preferred application deadlines as early as November 1. Check with your school of interest for exact application deadline information. Please request that an official high school transcript be sent to the school you are applying to. Upcoming College/Military Visits: WCC 10/1 Senior Presentation Period 6 SIU-E 10/22 Lunch Visit Student Council News Leland had an 80% attendance rate at the Homecoming Dance on Saturday - all those that went seemed to have an enjoyable time! The Pancake Breakfast and The Amazing Race had a wonderful turnout with 18 students in all showing up, and an even bigger shout-out to the 16 students that stayed for The Amazing Race! Congratulations to The Freshmen for pulling out a big win and passing up The Juniors and Seniors! Upcoming Student Council Events Fall Sports Senior Night is Tuesday, October 13 in Leland so come cheer on Volleyball and Soccer as they play their rivals Somonauk! Let’s PACK THE PLACE with green, red, white, and black! By: Karli Klemm DON’T FORGET!!!!! Magazine sales are due September 29th to Ms. Smith. The end of sale bonus: For every 3 orders sold during the magazine drive earns a money pen for extra cash. Sell 12 Selfie Stick Sell 20 3lbs. Bag of Gummy Bears Sell 50 $50.00 Cash High school students are selling or renewing magazine subscriptions through the end of September. If you are interested, please contact a high school student or email Miss Smith at . The easiest and fastest way to order is online at and use the Leland School code: 2634582. Students earn 40% of the total sales so your assistance is appreciated. Thank you of your support in advance! IVVC Student of the Month Congrats to Senior, Joey Rozsypal, for being named IVVC Student of the Month for September. Joey is in the Automotive Technology class! Way to represent Leland and make our school proud, Joey!! Fire Prevention week Halloween Fire Safety Tips 1. When choosing a costume, stay away from long fabric. 2. Keep all decorations away from flames or other heat sources 3. Make sure you keep exits clear from decorations so nothing blocks escape routes. 4. Stay away from open flames Including jack-o-lanterns with candles in them. Do you know any firefighters? We have one firefighter who works in the school, his name is Mr. Hecathorn. Make sure you thank him when you see him and ask him questions if you have any. By: Danielle Kalaitzakis Homecoming Recap Congrats to all that participated and had fun during Homecoming Week 2015. Shout out to: Door Decorating: 6th Grade Float Winner: Freshmen Class Crossfire Classic Participants 2015 Homecoming Court! Freshmen 2015 Home coming Court Sophomores Juniors Seniors Julia Niles & Orlando Guerrero Jadelynn Rozsypal & Marcus Aviles Jordan Sinetos & Joel Brunswick Dylan Perkins & Joey Aviles Abby Baumbach & Riley Kleinprinz Ashlyn Brue & Jake Niles Mackenzie Dehaven & Joey Rozsypal Caitlyn Nelson & Brian Woodford Congratulations to the King and Queen!! Jake Niles & Abby Baumbach Until Next Year, Sandwich Fair! The food, the games, the rides … It was great while it lasted. But not to worry! It’ll be back next year! Pictures were submitted to remind everyone of the fun and excitement! By: Karli Klemm FFA Our Somonauk/Leland/Sandwich chapter along with Newark, HBR, and Earlville were all at the Sandwich Fair having our Petting Zoo, like we do every year. We had piglets, ponies, beef calf, nubian dairy goats, ducklings and chicks, dairy calves, sheep, and bunnies! We hope everyone that came out had a great time and loved seeing all the animals that were there, and we know that we all loved to see everyone come out and see all the animals that were there. Many people asked interesting questions as well! Notice: For FFA and Ag member only. Chapter meeting September 30th at 6pm in the Somonauk Middle School cafeteria. National Convention information will be given out. If interested, please attend. Hope to see you there! By: Kaitlyn Fries High School Sports Highlights Tuesday, September 22nd. The Leland-Earlville Lady Panthers faced off against the Newark Norsemen and suffered a close loss, losing in 2 games (25-20)(26-24). The Lady Panthers got strong efforts from junior McKenna Campbell (11 points, 10 digs) as well as those from senior Olivia Walsh (9 digs), senior Delaney Meloy (four kills), junior Carson Bomstad (nine assists) and sophomore Emily Cook (three kills, six digs). Thursday, September 24th. At Earlville, the Lady Huskers defeated the Lady Panthers in two sets in an LTC match. Emily Cook had two kills and 14 digs for Leland-Earlville. Olivia Walsh had two aces and 14 service points. Carson Bomstad had six assists. Wednesday, September 23rd. At Serena, the Red Raiders defeated the Huskers in an LTC match. Ryan Aldrich and Morgan Lowry scored the goals with Marcus Aviles and Cory Beardsley notching the assists. October HS Soccer Schedule October 3rd 10:00 Home vs. Rochelle October 5th 4:30 Home vs. LTC Tournament October 6th 4:30 Home vs. LTC Tournament October 8th 4:30 Home vs. LTC Tournament Congratulations to Porter Wesson for getting his picture in the Ottawa Times newspaper. By: Ryan Aldrich Jokes!!!! What happens to a frog's car when it breaks down? It gets toad away. Q: Why does Humpty Dumpty love autumn? A: Because Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. Q: How do you know that carrots are good for your eyesight? A: Have you ever seen a rabbit with glasses? Knock, knock Who’s there? Iva. Iva who? I’ve a sore hand from knocking! Nurse: Doctor, Doctor, there's an invisible man in the waiting room! Doctor: Well, go in there and tell him I can't see him!! Q: Why is Peter Pan always flying? A: Because he neverlands. If you ever get cold, just stand in a corner. They’re usually around 90 degrees. By: Jacob Green and Jack Grube Gaming Section Some games that are coming out that you might be excited for are: Rise of the Tomb Raider, Just Cause 3, Fallout 4, Adventure Time: Finn & Jake Investigators, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, Rock Band 4, Fifa 16, nba 2k16, Black Ops 3, and finally Minecraft: Story Mode. if You have any questions about gaming, bring your questions to the Ask Alex box in the lunchroom or take your questions to locker #16 in the Middle School hallway! Gaming Questions Q: I am a pretty good builder in creative in minecraft. My problem is that I sometimes don’t know what kind of base to build in survival. Can you give me some ideas for building my starter base? A: For a starter base, you can start off with a 4 by 4 house and as you get more supplies you can add more stuff to it, make it bigger, larger, and indestructible. Here's a house I built. By: Jacob Green Ask Alex “What is the coolest movie you’ve seen?” There’s a lot of great, exciting movies out there, but one of them is definitely Pulp Fiction. The plot gets confusing numerous times, but John Travolta and Samuel L Jackson costarring is always going to turn out great. “Can you ask Mr. Bickel if we can go outside for lunch on fridays?” That’s a great idea, maybe MR. BICKEL will consider this and let us. “How many years do I have to go to college to be a teacher?” Unless you want to teach at Universities, it takes about 4 years to get a bachelors and your teaching certificate. “What should I get Porter for his birthday?” Give him attention. He gets very lonely and needs to be let know that you care about him. Maybe even take him to Brenda’s and get him some custard, he’d like that. “What tips do you have for taking an online class?” You have to stay on yourself to keep your own notes, and that’s always helpful. You can also email your “instructor” if you’re confused on anything. “I have a crush on a girl in 12th grade, I’m a freshman, is it okay to ask her out?” In some situations you need to just go for it, but this is not one of them. If you have any classes with her, try to small talk often and learn more and more about her. If you’re not sure this is working, trying to get her number in a passive way is a great self check method. How she responds to you asking for her number will tell you a lot about how your progress is going. Sincerely, Alex Our Boys State Experience My time at Boys’ State was by far one of the greatest experiences of my life, because in a week, I met people I never have before, and made friends with them only to never see them again. All of the things we did, even our free time (which was a surprising amount) we did with the same open mindedness that we acquired after day two when we realized that barely knowing each other we still could create a mock government that operated as good as, if not better, than our actual government, and I was a proud member of it. Being an athlete, I did participate in the intramuraltype sports they had, and being able to consistently play sports made the week even better. Jacob Niles This past June, I had the privilege of attending Illinois Premier Boys State. During my weeklong stay at Eastern Illinois University, I had the opportunity to connect with other junior boys from all over the state. We were immersed in a “51st state”, made up of 24 cities and 8 counties. I was a member of Rawers City, within Conatser County. Put to the task of governing ourselves, we held city, county, and state elections as the week progressed. As we elected officials, they had to set the policy of their respective city, county, or the state. I was appointed to the position of City Alderman, due to one alderman moving up to the position of County Commissioner. When we weren’t busy governing ourselves, there were quiz bowl and sports teams, as well as workshops to keep us busy. The sense of patriotism at Boys State was unlike anything I had ever experienced. Every morning we would raise the flag, and every evening we would lower it. We held a memorial service for those who served in the armed forces, and practiced marching on our way to and from sessions. If any junior boys are interested in Boys State, please talk to Mr. Bob Charlier, Jake Niles, or myself. They don’t call it “A week that shapes a lifetime.” for nothing! Ethan Plote By: Karli Klemm Junior High & High School Birthdays 6th Grade 8th Grade Freshman Sophomores Juniors Seniors Jassica Perry Abby Klotz Evan Aviles Jasmin Diaz Jack Thieme Porter Wesson Eric Diaz Brad Fischer Samantha Dierdorff Jacob Faltz Brian Woodford October 27th October 31st October 3rd October 2nd October 24th October 11th October 24th October 10th October 15th October 16th October 1st BE SURE TO WISH THEM A HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (If we forgot you, please let us know so we can get it in the next newsletter!) By: Kaitlyn Fries Junior Panthers All Week by Sydney Saddler 4th grade Watch DVD Go to sleep Wake up Get ready for school at 8:13 a.m. Walk to school Learn in school Get ready to go home Walk home or get a ride home Do homework Do chorus Get ready to go to bed Go to sleep AND DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN. Homework Help Just a reminder, Homework Help will begin soon for middle school and high school. Mrs. Jansen is looking for high school students willing to help most days of the week . If you are interested or have any questions, contact Mrs. Jansen. By: Jack Grube All About Stevens Q: Where did you go to college? A: Valparaiso University in Valparaiso, Indiana Q: How many years have you coached baseball? A: 7 years in general Q: What’s your favorite baseball team? A: Chicago White Sox Q: How many years do you plan on teaching at Leland? A: As long as they let me Q: What do you think of your 2016 baseball team? A: Young team, depends on the leadership in the boys and if they work together. Fun Facts ● Monday´s aren't Stevens’ favorite ● His lucky number is 5 ● His favorite color is Blue ● His favorite food depends on his mood; his go to is Chipotle By: Haley Michael and Lynsey Nelson Middle School Volleyball Cancer Awareness Night What a great event with our volleyball team. Leland JH volleyball hosted a Cancer Awareness Night on Monday, September 28th to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Before the game, girls from Earlville & Leland presented signs for who they play for that was impacted by cancer. Over $1,200 was raised . Thank you to Coach Stevens and everyone involved. Nice job Ladies! Death at 60: Life and Accomplishments of Moses Malone Three time MVP and NBA great Moses Malone died at age 60 from an unconfirmed cause. He was known for a lot but he was mostly known for being a threetime MVP and being one of the best offensive rebounders of all time. Moses Malone was born on March 23, 1955 in Petersburg, Virginia. He went to high school at Petersburg High School and led them to 50 consecutive wins in two seasons and was one of the best high school players ever. He committed to University of Maryland but decided to skip college and go straight into the NBA and was the first to do so. He started off in the ABA instead of the NBA and dominated, averaging 18 points and 14 rebounds at age 19 while proving everybody wrong who doubted him. He was shorter than most centers, standing 6’10” but was much more agile, stronger, and more tenacious which helped him become one of the best rebounders ever. He ended up going into the NBA after the ABA and the NBA merged into one. He played his first six years with the Houston Rockets and won two MVPs, four AllStar appearances, led the league in rebounding three times, made and AllNBA Team four times, and made the AllDefensive Second Team once. In 1983, he was traded to the Philadelphia 76ers and teamed up with Julius Erving to win the championship that year and he ended up getting Finals MVP. With the 76ers he also made seven AllStar appearances, won an MVP, made an AllDefensive First Team, led the league in rebounding four times, and made an AllNBA Team four times. Toward the end of his career he bounced around from team to team because he was getting older and injury prone, so eventually he decided to retire in 1995 at age forty. After he retired he made it into the Hall of Fame. He ended up getting his jersey retired by the Houston Rockets. He had two sons and an exwife. He died on September 15, 2015 in Norfolk, Virginia. By: Xander Lawson Cub’s News --------------------------------- How was GrandParents day? On September 24th all grade school’s Grandparents or a special guest of their choice was able to come out to Leland School to enjoy a great lunch provided by NB&T and spend time with the students. After lunch out to Recess they went, running, jumping, playing and bonding with their guest. But at the end of recess they had to tell their Grandparents or special guest goodbye and thank you for coming and spending lunch and recess together. And at the end of the day it turned out to be a wonderful day that was very well enjoyed. Just a REMINDER Picture retakes are october 7th, if you need retakes make sure to dress nice and be ready to smile that day. CHEESE!!!! NO SCHOOL October, 9th for Teacher Institute Day. This will be a four day weekend because Monday, October 12th is Columbus Day which will be a no school day. Family BINGO NIGHT, everyone and everybody is welcomed! Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult, this event will be held in the media center at Leland high school. It will be held on Saturday, October 10th from 5:00 pm- 7:00pm, the reason for holding this event is to help purchase new books for Leland high school library. Hope to see you there!! By: Faith P K-5th October Birthdays Kindergarten 1st Grade Camden DiFaggio Ava Jacobs Larson Huss Derek Lambert Savannah Sanchez 2nd Grade Izabelle Podnar Lanie Wold 3rd Grade Madie Kuske Van Roth David Head 4th Grade Dalton Hannel Joey Burns 5th Grade Paul Head October 8th October 13th October 14th October 27th October 27th October 6th October 18th October 4th October 7th October 30th October 12th October 22nd October 7th BE SURE TO WISH THEM A HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (If we forgot you, please let us know so we can get it in the next newsletter!) BY: Kaitlyn Fries All School Daily Bulletin Mon., Sept. 21 An AU rep will be visiting during lunch on Monday Tues., Sept. 22 Educators of Beauty HS Lunch Visit Thurs., Sept. 24 Grandparent’s Day Mon., Sept. 28 Monmouth College HS Lunch Visit Upcoming Events Tues., Sept 29 Wed., Oct. 7 Thurs., Oct. 8 Fri., Oct. 9 Mon., Oct 12 Tues., Oct 13 Thur., Oct 15 Fri., Oct 30 Tue., Nov 3 Fri., Nov 6 Tue., Dec 1 Junior ISU Field Trip with Ms. Livingston Picture Retakes 8th Grade Springfield Trip No School No School Senior Night with Dodgeball to follow PSAT/NMSQT for interested Juniors all morning Halloween Walk and Senior Carnival ASVAB for all Juniors during 5th & 6th hours SIP Day, Early Out 1pm ASVAB Career Seminar during 6th hour in LAB Freshman Bake Sales!!! There is a signup sheet in Mrs. Cameron’s music room for scheduling a time to bake and/or work at games for this month. Cupcakes, brownies, cookies, etc. Dates and times are as follows: September 30th -- 4:30 p.m. By: Lynsey Nelson What’s for Lunch October 1 Finger Tacos 2 Grilled Cheese 5 Chicken Pattie 6 Mini Corn Dogs 8 7 Spaghetti Chicken 9 No School 12 No School 13 Pizza 14 Baked Chicken 15 Chili 16 Grilled Cheese 19 20 Finger Tacos Pork Roast 21 Chicken Tenders 22 Ravioli 23 Sloppy Joe 26 Pizza 28 Chili 29 Hotdog 30 Ghost Grub 27 Burrito Noodle Soup Leland Weather Club Teaching The Community, Helping The Community! Club Director Cody Pferschy Hello Leland, let me ask you a question, Do you ever wonder how storms form?, Do you ever wonder what duties meteorologists have each day?, Do you ever think about helping your community from weather fatalities,disasters, and heartache? Then this is the club for you because this is a opportunity that could take weather and weather disaster preparedness to the next level. Put your life into the shoes of the people in Washington Illinois, remembering the heartache that those people had to suffer, As well as put your life into the shoes of the people who suffered from Hurricane Sandy, with widespread disaster and devastation. This is a one and only time to learn,to help,to prepare Leland for weather and what it can throw at us. This Club is also for the people who have a deep interest in weather and like the concept of storms and power. If you have an interest in weather or your thinking about having A interest in weather, than follow your interest, Sign up for the Leland Weather Club. SignUp ends this Thursday, First Day of club will be announced in the morning announcements later in the week!!! Pferschy Weather News! There will be no Pferschy Weather News this week, Due to The Leland Weather Club... By: Cody Pferschy