Country Presentations - Annual Investment Meeting
Country Presentations - Annual Investment Meeting
Country PresentaƟon & Projects Guide uid de Annual Investment MeeƟng 2012 Financing PossibiliƟes in FronƟer & Emerging Markets 01 - 03 May 2012 IntroducƟon The AIM 2012 Country Presenta ons will feature government recognized proposals delivered by stakeholders and provides a ending financiers with a fact & figure checked perspec ve on ongoing and future projects. The expected outcome of the AIM Country Presenta ons is to present audiences with limitless opportuni es and the chance to create solid bonds in a dedicated environment and s mulate investment & project financing in sustainable business ventures and building conclusive partnerships. AIM Country PresentaƟons Key Industry Focus: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Agribusiness, Food & Beverage Carbon Management & Trading Commodity Trading Defense & Aeronau cs Energy Sufficiency & Environment FDI Analysis Financial Services, Banking & Insurance Health Services & Infrastructure Hospitality & Tourism Investment Risk Assessment IT & New Media Manufacturing Microfinance Military Offsets Mining Petrochemicals Real Estate & Property Development Renewable Energy Strategic Master Planning for Urban Development Telecommunica ons Trade & Economic Coopera on Transporta on Infrastructure Waste Management Length: 40 minutes per session Structure: • 5 mn Welcoming Message • 5 mn Country/City Economic Briefiing • 10 mn Investment Prospects, Sectors, Industries • 10 mn Sovereign Risk Assessment & Analysis • 5 mn Success Story or Case Study (Private Sector or Established Foreign Investor) • 5 mn Investor’s Pick Discussion • Followed by a 20 mn networking recess for Q & A and addi onal discussions Presenters Profile: Ministers, IPAs, Embassies, Chamber of Commerce, Private Sector Companies, Ministers Program Day 1 14.50 – 15.20 Country Presenta ons Loca on 15.30 – 16.30 16.30 – 17.30 Moderator: Mr. Robert Bush, Chief Execu ve Officer, Majlis Partners Moderator: Mr. Barbara Njau, Senior Reporter, FDI Intelligence Moderator: Mr. Thompson Barnhardt, Chief Editor, Business Polska Moderator: Ms. Eithne Treanor, Senior Consultant, CNBC ME Moderator: Mr. Oscar Alvarez, CEO, SIEG STREAM SESSION A AMERICAS Dubai Room B STREAM SESSION B MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA Dubai Room A Poland STREAM SESSION C EUROPE & CEE Dubai Room F STREAM SESSION D RUSSIA & CIS Dubai Room D STREAM SESSION F Canada Mayor of Montreal • Ms. Mar ne Primeau, Manager Economic Department, city of Montreal • Mr. Guy Jobin, GM World Trade Center, Chamber of Commerce of Montreal Namibia Ministry of Industry & Trade • HE Hon. Dr. Hage G. Geingob, Minister of Trade, Namibia • Ms. Bernade e Arvor, Undersecretary of Ministry of Trade & Industry • Ms. Martha Namundjebo-Tilahun, President, Namibia Chamber of Commerce Industry, • Mr. Sven Thieme, Vice President, Namibia Chamber of Commerce Industry • Mr. Taarah Shaanika, Chief Execuve Officer, Namibia Chambers of Commerce and Industry Poland PAIIZ • HE Mr. Andrzej Dycha, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of the Economy of the Republic of Poland, • Mr Marek Łyżwa, Deputy President of the Polish Informa on and Foreign Investment Agency (PAIiIZ), • Ms Bożena Czaja, Deputy President of the Polish Informa on and Foreign Investment Agency (Eastern Poland) (PAIiIZ), • Mr Ludwik Sobolewski, President of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Russia Republic of Tatarstan • Mr. Iskander Muflikhanov, Director, Department for Foreign Affairs to the President Indonesia Indonesia Investment Coordina ng Board • Mr. Chris Kanter, Member, Indonesia Economic Council • HE Salman Al Farsi, Designated Ambassador of Indonesia, UAE • Mr. Randi Anwar, Director for Promo on, Indonesia Investment Coordina ng Board Italy Invitalia • HE Mr.Daniele Mancini, Ambassador Diploma c Counselor of Italian Minister of Economic Development • Mr. Riccardo Mon , Board Member of the Italian Trade Commission and Advisor of Italian Minister of Economic Development • Mr. Giuseppe Arcucci, Director, Inward Investments, Invitalia Argen na UK • Mr. Stephen Lea, Partner, Alliance Development, Estate. com UK France • Ms. Karine RoyCamille, President, Mar nique Tourism Authority, France Chelyabinsk Region Government of India • HE Mr. Ponnala Lakshmaih, Minister of IT & C, Government of Andhra Pradesh, India • Ms. Anjana Doshi, Managing Director, Glowinkowski Internaonal • HE Mr. Sergio Dobrusin, Minister of Strategic Planning, Government of Misiones Province, Argen na • Mr. Walid Al Kaddour, Director, Argenne Arab Chamber of Commerce PAIIZ • HE Mr. Mikhail Yurevich, Governor, Chelyabinsk Region, Russian Federa on DUBAI ROOM C (U-SHAPE) Day 2 14.20 -15.00 Lunch Country Presenta ons Moderator: Mr. Robert Bush, Chief Execu ve Officer, Majlis Partners, UAE Moderator: Ms. Barbara Njau, Senior Reporter Markets, FDI Intelligence Moderator: Mr. Oscar Alvarez, Chief Execu ve Officer, SIEG Strategic Intelligence, Spain Moderator: Ms. Eithne Treanor, Senior Consultant, CNBC ME Moderator: Moderator: Loca on STREAM SESSION A Dubai Room B STREAM SESSION B Dubai Room A STREAM SESSION C Dubai Room F STREAM SESSION D Dubai Room D STREAM SESSION E Dubai Room E STREAM SESSION E Dubai Room C (U-shape) 15.00 – 16.00 Ghana •Mr. George Aboagye, Chief Execu ve Officer, Ghana Investment Promo on Centre, Ghana •Mr. Albert Kwodwo Twum Boafo, Execuve Secretary, Ghana Free Zones Board •Mr. Kwoado Owusu Agyema, Chief Execu ve Officer, Ghana Export Promo on Council Cyprus •Mr. Marios Tannousis, Senior Investment Promo on Officer, CIPA Bulgaria •Mr. Borislav Stefanov, Chief Execuve Officer, InvestBulgaria Agency •Mr. Rossen Ivanov, Managing Partner, Entrea Capital •Mr. Ivaylo Spassov, Managing Partner, Entrea Capital •Mr. Dimitar Kostadinov, Managing Partner, Entrea Capital Azerbaijan •Ms. Nargiz Nasurllayeva- Murduroglu, Execu ve Director, American Chamber of Commerce, Azerbaijan •Dr. Firudin Gurbanov, Chief of Staff, Ministry of Culture and Tourism Pakistan •Mr. Tariq Puri, Chief Execu ve, Trade Development Authority, Pakistan •Ms. Naheed S. Durrani, Secretary Commerce, Sind Board of Investments •Ms. Naz Khan, Chief Financial Officer, Engro Ferlizer, Pakistan •Mr. A f Bajwa, Chief Execu ve Officer & President, Bank Alfalah Pakistan Libya (TBD) UAE • HE Mr. Fahad Al Rakabani, Chairman Abu Dhabi Economic Council, UAE • HE Mr. Fahad Al Gergawi, Chief Execu ve Officer, Dubai Economic Department, FDI • HE Mr. Hussein Al Mahmoudi, Director General, Sharjah Chamber of Commerce • Mr. Kha er Massaad, Chief Execuve Officer, Ras Al Khaimah Investment Authority • Mr. Nawal Al Serkal, Chief Execuve Officer, Sharjah • Mr. Marwan Bin Ghalaita, Chief Execu ve Officer, RERA • Mr. Sharief Habib Al Awadhi, Director General Fujairah Free Zone KSA • Hon. Mr. Khaled M. Al-Aboodi, Chief Execu ve Officer & General Manager of Islamic Corpora on for the Development, Islamic Development Bank Iraq – Kurdistan Ministry of Trade & Industry • HE Mr. Sinan Chalabi, Minister of Trade & Industry 16.00 – 17.00 20.00 onwards Polish Cocktail Recep on Loca on: Al Murooj Rotana, Hotel Al Saffa Street, Dubai By invita on only Brazil Country Brazil Organiza on Project Name: Phoenix Industry Pharmaceu c and Cosme c Industry Sector Pharmaceu c tecnology and Cosme c makers / Clinics or Medical Ins tu ons who specialize in skin treatment ( Dermatology, Plas c Surgery and aesthe c - Burns, scars treatments Lasers for skin Treatment Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: Private sector Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: Brazil Project Descrip on: Take advantage of the system for skin rejuvena on treatment developed by Dr. Liane Mazzarone that began with Post burned scars at Ivo Pitanguy’s Plas c Surgery Service - 38ª Infirmery at the General Hospital in Rio de Janeiro as the cornerstone for building a Pharmaceu cal company of perfumery, toiletries, cosme cs and cosmeceu cals, with topical products and oral medicines for well-resolved men and women. Objec ves: To build a Pharmaceu cal company of perfumery, toiletries, cosme cs, cosmeceu cals and medicines. Expected Results: In 4 years take 0,5% Market-share of the US$ 30 Bi PTCC Brazilian market with a ROI of at least 12% a.a. a er 5 years. Total Amount First 6 months – US$ 1000,000 / US$ 200,000,000 in 3 years Type of financing Angel (loan and equity) PPP requirements (réglementa on) Project Financing Op ons Ongoing Ac vi es 19 years developing and tes ng formulas, first in post burned scars treatment, than for healthy skin renew. Investors team assembling : a Dermatologist, a Plas c Surgeon ( President of Ivo Pitanguy’s Ins tute) a pharmaceu cal, and a chemical engineer, all of them post-graduated. Planned Ac vi es Ac on required Implementa on Arrangement Complementary product line development. /Products and process registra on. /Buy and build the industry while making third part produc on. Period of Implementa on 3 years Status - Take advantage of market growth in Brazil, the third largest market (accoun ng for 10% of total), which is significant and ongoing. The Brazilian market is second only to the U.S. (16%) and Japanese (11%). A 30% expansion in 2010, against 6.8% for Japan and 1.7% of the United States. - Brazil is a country that was less affected by the global crisis and has a large domes c market. - Household income grows (49 million Brazilians came to the middle class). - The country is culturally linked to beauty and the cult of the body. Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks I request the possibility of making a demonstra on of laser treatment for skin condions. We work with the Palomar system equipment called StarLux 500 with many different handpieces, like the 1540 nm XD and 10 mm, the DEEP IR, the G ( IPL – Pulsed light therapy) , the Rs ( for depila on purposes), and the 2940 nm ( the abla ve one) that give great results. We want to demonstrate the possibility to treat wrinkles, laxity, promo ng skin rejuvena on, scars of different types, Hypertrophic scars, Post-burn scars, striae distensae (Stretch marks), pigmented lesions of various types, Ac nic keratoses and others. For that we will need the Laser equipment Starlux 500 and it’s handpieces listed above from Palomar medical equipments – Burkina Faso Country BURKINA FASO Organiza on INTER-REALISATIONS Project Name: Mineral water produc on Industry Sector Hydraulics Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: 100 % Public Sector: 0% Semi-Public Sector: 0% Par cipa ng Countries: BURKINA FASO Project Descrip on: Acquisi on a mineral water produc on unit of leading-edge technology. Objec ves: Develop an ac vity of mineral water produc on and distribu on. Expected Results: 200 000 $ US/year profits over ten years from 2013. Total Amount 500 000 $ US Type of financing Fixed-asset loan PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Leasing or Bank loans Ongoing Ac vi es Realiza on of hydraulic works Planned Ac vi es Produc on and distribu on mineral water. Ac on required Search of financial Partners. Implementa on October 2012 Arrangement - Period of Implementa on 2013-2022 Status Limited Liability Company Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Country Ra ng (S&P) : B stable B Risk Assessment Notes Less risky Due Diligence Review Close monitoring of the Sponsor/ Support of a Council Remarks Hydraulics is a booming Sector in Burkina Faso/ Profitable Project Country BURKINA FASO Organiza on INTER-REALISATIONS Project Name: Building of a mul -purpose center Industry Sector Hotel Business Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: 100 % Public Sector: 0% Semi-Public Sector: 0% Par cipa ng Countries: BURKINA FASO Project Descrip on: Building of a hotel, conference room, theater and a recrea on room. Objec ves: Increase the amount of tourist accommoda on for mee ngs and entertainment of the sub-region ; create a hub of excellence Expected Results: 500 000 $ US/year profits over ten years from 2013 Total Amount 1 000 000 $ US Type of financing Fixed-asset loan PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Leasing or Bank loans Ongoing Ac vi es Hotel Business Planned Ac vi es Hotel Business and entertainment. Ac on required Search of financial Partners. Implementa on October 2012 Arrangement - Period of Implementa on 2013-2022 Status Limited Liability Company Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Country Ra ng (S&P) : B stable B Risk Assessment Notes Less risky Due Diligence Review Close monitoring of the Sponsor/ Support of a Council Remarks The hotel business is a booming sector in Burkina Faso/ Profitable project. Country BURKINA FASO Organiza on INTER-REALISATIONS Project Name: Realiza on of a granite quarry Industry Sector Building and Civil Engineering Works Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: 100 % Public Sector: 0% Semi-Public Sector: 0% Par cipa ng Countries: BURKINA FASO Project Descrip on: Acquisi on of a grani c gravel quarrying, crushing, and distribu on unit Objec ves: -Increase by 20% / year the capacity and quality of works achievement. -Develop an ac vity of aggregates distribu on Expected Results: 758 200 $ US/ year profit over ten years from 2013. Total Amount 2 000 000 $ US Type of financing Fixed-asset loan PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Leasing or Bank loans Ongoing Ac vi es Realiza on of Building and Civil Engineering Works Planned Ac vi es Realiza on of Building and Civil Engineering Works and aggregates distribu on acvi es Ac on required Search of financial Partners. Implementa on October 2012 Arrangement - Period of Implementa on 2013-2022 Status Limited Liability Company Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Country Ra ng (S&P) : B stable B Risk Assessment Notes Less risky Due Diligence Review Close monitoring of the Sponsor/ Support of a Council Remarks The Building and Civil Engineering Works is a booming Sector in Burkina Faso/ Profitable Project Country BURKINA FASO Organiza on Emergence Travaux Project Name: Photovoltaic solar plaques Industry Energy Sector Solar Energy Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: x Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: Burkina Faso Project Descrip on: Objec ves: To reduce the energy stress by linking different areas of the country in order to improve the livelihoods of the popula ons while conserving the environment Expected Results: • To increase the rate of electricity coverage of the country which is 26% • To improve the livelihoods of the popula on, mainly in rural areas Total Amount 8,000, 000 US$ Type of financing private PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Personal contribu on: 90, 000 US$ Funding required from investor: 8,000,000 US$ Ongoing Ac vi es Fundraising Planned Ac vi es • Proceed to a customized and free study for each client • To set up professional and experimented staff teams • Set up a communica on plan Ac on required Supply of the required funding Implementa on Emergence Travaux Arrangement All administra ve arrangement will be taken by Emergence Travaux at na onal level Period of Implementa on January 2013 to December 2018 Status NR Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks We thank the organizers who gather financial partners in the Arab Emirates to encourage investors to sustain private entreprises from Africa such as Emergence Travaux . We hope to reach our goals during these mee ngs Country BURKINA FASO Organiza on Emergence Travaux Project Name: Project of cement works and manufacturing of iron wire for concrete in Burkina Faso Industry Cement Industry Sector Cement Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: Project Descrip on: Objec ves: To Improve the quality of social housing by availing to the popula on high quality and cheaper cement without compromising our profit Expected Results: - High quality cement is available in Burkina Faso - The quality of the buildings is improved - “Emergence Travaux” becomes” a leader in cement industry in Burkina Faso and in West Africa sub region Total Amount 8,000, 000 US$ Type of financing private PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Personal contribu on: 90, 000 US$ Funding required from investor: 8,000,000 US$ Ongoing Ac vi es Fundraising Planned Ac vi es - Proceed to a customized and free study for each client - To set up professional and experimented staff teams - Set up a communica on plan Ac on required Supply of the required funding Implementa on “Emergence Travaux” Arrangement All administra ve arrangement will be taken by Emergence Travaux at na onal level Period of Implementa on January 2013 to December 2018 Status NR Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Annual investment Mee ng (United Arab Emirates Ministry of Foreign Trade ) Risk Assessment Notes The only risk is the failing of the applica on for funding Due Diligence Review Remarks We thank the organizers who gather financial partners in the Arab Emirates to encourage investors to sustain private enterprises from Africa such as Emergence Travaux. We hope to reach our goals during these mee ngs France Stock of direct foreign investment - at home: $1.207 trillion (31 December 2010 est.) $1.151 trillion (31 December 2009 est.) Stock of direct foreign investment - abroad: $1.837 trillion (31 December 2010 est.) $1.711 trillion (31 December 2009 est.) Industries: machinery, chemicals, automobiles, metallurgy, aircra , electronics; tex les, food processing; tourism Industrial produc on growth rate: 3.5% (2010 est.) Exports: $508.7 billion (2010 est.) $473.9 billion (2009 est.) Exports - commodi es: machinery and transporta on equipment, aircra , plas cs, chemicals, pharmaceu cal products, iron and steel, beverages Exports - partners: Germany 15.88%, Italy 8.16%, Spain 7.8%, Belgium 7.44%, UK 7.04%, US 5.65%, Netherlands 3.99% (2009) Imports: $577.7 billion (2010 est.) $535.8 billion (2009 est.) Imports - commodi es: machinery and equipment, vehicles, crude oil, aircra , plas cs, chemicals Imports - partners: Germany 19.41%, Belgium 11.61%, Italy 7.97%, Netherlands 7.15%, Spain 6.68%, UK 4.9%, US 4.72%, China 4.44% (2009) Country FRENCH WEST INDIES, CARIBBEAN AREA, WORLWIDE Organiza on CARAIBE SPORT DISTRIBUTION Project Name: BIKE PARK Industry TOURIS, TOUR OPERATOR, SPORT ENTERTAINMENT Sector SPORT TOURISM, SPORT INDUSTRY Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: VARIOUS COMPANIES Public Sector: CONSULAR ORGANISM Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: FRENCH WEST INDIES, CARIBBEAN AREA Project Descrip on: To create an a rac ve ecological sport resort in the caribbean dedicated to the Mountain bikes and regular bikes.To create interna onal sport events and contest through a natural ecological environment.To offer a new character to the entertainment industry Objec ves: To offer to the worldwide tour operator, a new sport des na on opens to the whole year.To develop the franchise of the bike park concept in several areas all around the world.Licensed product development through a new character into the entertainment industry Expected Results: 2013: 250 000€ CA Rental Bike ac vi es for the frst year.2014: 500 000€ CA Bike Park development including beginning of Sales licensing products2015: 1 000 000€ CA Bike Park ac vi es( interna onal sport contest, sales of licensing products) Total Amount 850 000€ Type of financing Private partners and European Union Founds PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Private Ongoing Ac vi es Characters design developmentMarket developmentBike Park Plan studiesA rac on engineering studyland prospec onCranckwork license development Planned Ac vi es Studies and prospec veMarkets prospec ngInvestment supportFinancial engineeringInterna onal sport contestSport and Tourism Broadcast Channel Ac on required NetworkingProgram with Interna onal ResortProgram with Tour Operator and Interna onal sport Exhibi onBike Park engineering DevelopmentCrea on of sport characters for licensing development product. Implementa on Arrangement September 2012 Period of Implementa on September 2012/ April 2013 (8 Months) Status Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks Country GUADELOUPE (French West Indies) Organiza on STCI Development Project Name: INVEST CONSORTIUM Industry FINANCE – SERVICES TO COMPANIES Sector INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS/ RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: VARIOUS ENTERPRISES Public Sector: CONSULAR ORGANISM Semi-Public Sector: ASSOCIATIONS Par cipa ng Countries: GUADELOUPE, MARTINIQUE, GUYANE, CARIBBEAN ZONE Project Descrip on: Crea on of a real services pole dedicated in very small and small and medium size companies’ islanders intended to accompany their strategies of investment and interna onal development. Implementa on connec ons between emergent islands markets and other markets Objec ves: To suggest to very companies and companies islanders a widened exper se for their interna onal development; To detect and accompany the opportuni es of their development in the Caribbean zone and on other markets; To bring them a technical and financial support in deployment of their strategies of innova on and research for compe vely ; To improve their global performance. To accompany growth strategies in Caribbean zone Expected Results: Development of ac vi es of niches for the target companies and growth on this market For INVEST CONSORTIUM : 2013 : 385 000, 00 € de CA 2014 : 758 250, 00 € (Increase of customers) 2015 : 1 086 000,00 € (products and customers various ) Total Amount 1 300 000, 00 € Type of financing Mixed financing PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Private partners and European Union Found : FEDER, INTERREG Ongoing Ac vi es Market studies Interna onal project engineering and financial engineering Project steering of coopera on Markets prospec ng and partnerships in Caribbean and interna onal zone Iden fica on of the coopera on opportuni es Informa on management and ins tu onal communica on Planned Ac vi es Studies and prospec ve Markets prospec ng Projects Engineering Financial lobbying Business intelligence Investment support Financial engineering Economic even-driven Advice, follow-up and evalua on Ac on required Ins tu onal dialogues Crea on of customer por olio Experts and investors networking Partnership agreement Computerized economic data bases Elabora on of adapted procedures Mobiliza on of means (human, organiza onal) Pilo ng tools valida on and evalua on Implementa on October 2012 Arrangement Period of Implementa on 2012-2013 (18 months) Status Structuring tool of the economic fabric and the endogenous development Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks Country France Organiza on BOODOOM Project Name: BOODOOM Industry Sector services (Tourism,IT & New Media, Transport) Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: Boodoom SAS Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: Mar nique (France) Project Descrip on: Dynamic Mul media support integra ng interac ve databases, rich media telephony, georeferencing and GPS. V1 : Mul media tourist guide Objec ves: To invest in order to come in various sectors and develop the concept in an internaonal level Expected Results: To finance the growth of the company Total Amount 1 up to 2 millions euros Type of financing Private and Public PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Private Equity, Business Angels, private investors Ongoing Ac vi es Mul media tourist guide with georeferencing, GPS, telephony Planned Ac vi es Development of the product for local people, apps and development of transport solu ons Ac on required further technical developments Implementa on End of 2011, Beginning of 2012 Arrangement Period of Implementa on Year 2012 Status Launch stage for tourist version, preparing other stages Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) AAA (Fitch and Moody) or AA (S&P) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Annual accounts of 2010, in progress for 2011 Remarks we aim at ge ng through start up level to reach growth level Country FRANCE Organiza on NA Project Name: JOWEL’ Suite Resort Sen’OR Industry Palace/Hotel/Luxury Sector Health Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: Palace for Senior Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: FRANCE Project Descrip on: New and innova ve concept of the “Senior Residence. Design a 5 star (Palace) luxury hotel for senior ci zens (dependent or not), unlike other exis ng residences, which will include efficient and personalized medical services. Located in the heart of the capital, in a privileged district, the Sen’OR Suite Resort luxury residence for dependent and non dependent senior ci zens will be offering support for the senior ci zens and/or for those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Single or accompanied senior ci zens (this is very innova ve for Alzheimer pathology). We would like to offer 80m2 suites (in average), rooms, living rooms, bathrooms, walk-ins... Objec ves: We aim to provide to all our residents, comfort, safety, joy and longevity all over the world. But also to fight Alzheimer’s disease thanks to a close collabora on with the medical and Research professions… We ac vely par cipate to France Alzheimer, and the foreign homonyms, and possess all the specific equipments of the Alzheimer pole (safety of the ameni es and development of concepts that have proven their effec veness, such as the Snoezelen method). A new approach to hyper s mulate Alzheimer pa ents by an opportunity to travel back and force within other Jowel’ Palace. Expected Results: Our dream today: that Sen’OR Suite Resort be a place of excep on where well-being is of the upmost importance. Excep on and referral for Senior Residents around the world Total Amount 150M€ (es mate to be around) Including: 100M€ for building 50M€ for works and design + all extra fees architect, ect…. Type of financing Loan; Loan in fine; Lease back (credit bail) PPP requirements 14M€ (only ren ng) + other revenue sources (s ll under es ma on, Spa/ Restaurant/ shops/…..) Project Financing Op ons Ongoing Ac vi es Research the best place to implement the Palace Planned Ac vi es By end of 2012, find acquisi on/investors/start works Ac on required Implementa on Paris Arrangement On going Period of Implementa on Planned for end 2013 Status SAS/SCI (on going) Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) AA Risk Assessment Notes NA Due Diligence Review NA Remarks Our project is beyond the Palace idea, it is definitely of public care for senior and Medical Research… Country France (MARTINIQUE REGION) Organiza on KAYFLO DEVELOPPEMENT Project Name: KAYFLO Industry Sector Luxury Tourism Par cipa ng organiza ons: KAYFLO Village in Mar nique Private Sector: Public Sector: 50 % Europe and Mar nique local government Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: Mar nique local government Project Descrip on: Ecological Hotel Village – Ecolodge – floa ng on dream sites in Mar nique and throughout the world. Magical and peaceful loca ons : Lagoons, lakes, sheltered bays, marine parks Objec ves: Establish fi een KAYFLO Villages throughout the world : Caribbean, Pacific, Indian Ocean, Asia, Europe Expected Results: Total Amount 4 to 5.2 Million Dollar per Village Type of financing Private PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Ongoing Ac vi es Search for investors, carrying out poli cal and administra ve formali es for the projects in Mar nique and elsewhere in the Caribbean Planned Ac vi es Manufacture of KAYFLO for the Village in Mar nique Ac on required Commitment from investors for one or more Villages Implementa on April 2013 for the Village in Mar nique Arrangement Period of Implementa on 1 year for Mar nique Status In progress Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) AA Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks * The market feasibility study conducted in France, USA, Canada and Mar nique is conclusive. The project is considered innova ve and a rac ve by professionals and poten al clients. *KAYFLO received the Innova on Prize in 2010 awarded by a jury composed of l’Agence Française de Développement (The French Development Agency) - REGION MARTINIQUE (Mar nique Local Government) – TECHNOPOLE (Centre of Innova on Mar nique) - Direc on de l’Industrie et de la Recherche (The Industry and Research Agency) Country FRANCE Organiza on KBEY & PARTNERS Project Name: Industry REAL ESTATE Sector Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: x Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: FRANCE Project Descrip on: Propose property in the Gold Triangle (Paris) and other 1st class loca ons & other innova ng real-estate investment. Objec ves: Expected Results: Total Amount Type of financing Private PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Ongoing Ac vi es Planned Ac vi es Ac on required Implementa on Arrangement Period of Implementa on Status Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks AA Country FRANCE Organiza on City Hall of Marin Project Name: Building a hotel facility Industry Tourism Sector Real estate Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: Public Sector: City Hall of Marin + Mar nique Tourism Commi ee Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: FRANCE Project Descrip on: Finding investors who would set up a partnership with the city hall, in order to realize a tourist project. Objec ves: To Improve the quality of social housing by availing to the popula on high quality and cheaper cement without compromising our profit Expected Results: Building of a hotel facility/complex near the marina/plaisance marina which is the largest of the South Caribbean (800 mooring rings). Total Amount The amount will be fixed at the end of the ground studies. Type of financing Private or PPP PPP requirements Under French legisla on Project Financing Op ons Public financing is possible Ongoing Ac vi es None, as the ground is raw Planned Ac vi es Tourist ac vity, hotel facility Ac on required Finding investors Implementa on Studies can be launched as soon as possible. Arrangement Period of Implementa on At the end of the studies and when the financial aspects will be finalized Status Analysis in progress Country or company’s Ra ng (S&P, Fitch/Moody) S&P : AA+ Fitch : AAA Moody’s : AAA Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks The ground is available immediately as it is the property of the Marin City Hall. Country FRANCE Organiza on City Hall of TROIS ILETS Project Name: Renova on or re-building of an exis ng hotel facility. Industry Tourism Sector Building Trade / Real estate Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: Public Sector: City Hall of TROIS ILETS / MARTINIQUE TOURISM AUTHORITY Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: France / Mar nique Project Descrip on: Renova ng or re-building an exis ng hotel facility: the KALENDA RESORT is an old seven-story conven on hotel on southern coast, set amid lush tropical gardens in Caribbean archipelago of Mar nique. Located at edge of one lagoon of the most beau ful of the island, Kalenda Resort (ex-Meridien Hotel) presented all the charms and ac vi es of the city of Trois Ilets. This was one of the great seaside resort of the bu erfly-island with its interna onal golf-course, marina, casino and restaurants. Kalenda Trois Ilets, situated on the south-west of the island, affords a breathtaking view of the Fort-de-France Bay. Objec ves: Finding investors who would set up a partnership (condi ons to be defined) with the city hall and the Tourism Authority, in order to realize a tourist project. Expected Results: A qualita ve building which would develop the tourist offer and as a consequence, raise the tourist industry ac vity of this heavenly island. The nearness of the marina, and the poten al of this highly a ended tourist site can lead to high expecta ons. Total Amount Type of financing Private or PPP PPP requirements Under French legisla on Project Financing Op ons Public financing is possible Ongoing Ac vi es None, as the hotel ac vity doesn’t con nue. The City Hall of Trois Ilets is at the moment running the procedure to acquire this hotel facility. Planned Ac vi es Tourist ac vity, hotel facility Example of tourist project to plan: travel, leisure or business product, up to 200 rooms. Ac on required Finding investors Implementa on Studies can be launched as soon as possible. Arrangement Period of Implementa on Status Country or company’s Ra ng (S&P, Fitch/Moody) FRANCE S&P : AA+ Fitch : AAA Moody’s : AAA Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks Land surface area: 19 837 square meters Country FRANCE Organiza on SEMAFF: Fort de France’s Development Private and Public Organiza on – Fort de France is the capital and economic center of Mar nique Project Name: Building a hotel facility Industry Tourism Sector Real Estate / Building trade Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: Public Sector: Mar nique Tourism Authority Semi-Public Sector: SEMAFF Par cipa ng Countries: FRANCE / Mar nique Project Descrip on: Finding investors who would set up a partnership with the SEMAFF and the Mar nique Tourism Authority, in order to realize a tourist project: building a hotel facility in the area of Etang Z’abricots, in Fort de France (capital and economic center of Mar nique), which offers a breathtaking view over the Fort de France bay (classified by the UNESCO as one of the most beau ful bays in the world). The Hotel facility would aim business/high level customers up to 200 rooms. Objec ves: A qualita ve high level building which would develop the tourist offer and as a consequence, raise the tourist industry ac vity of this heavenly island. The nearness of the marina, of the economic center, of the cruise harbor, of the historic city, and the view all over one of the most beau ful bay in the world (UNESCO label) can lead to high expecta ons. Expected Results: Building of a hotel facility/complex near the marina/plaisance marina which is the largest of the South Caribbean (800 mooring rings). Total Amount To be defined depending on the standard of the hotel facility. Type of financing Private or PPP PPP requirements Under French legisla on Project Financing Op ons Public financing is possible Ongoing Ac vi es None, as the ground is raw Planned Ac vi es Tourist ac vity, hotel facility Ac on required Finding investors Implementa on Studies can be launched as soon as possible. Arrangement Period of Implementa on At the end of the studies and when the financial aspects will be finalized Status Analysis in progress Country or company’s Ra ng (S&P, Fitch/Moody) France S&P : AA+ Fitch : AAA Moody’s : AAA Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks The ground is available immediately as it is the property of the SEMAFF Country FRANCE Organiza on GENI.D SARL Project Name: PRODUCTION LABORATORY Industry FOOD PROCESSING Sector CONFECTIONERY Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: GENI.D SARL / BNP PARIBAS (FRENCH BANK) Public Sector: EUROPEAN FINANCING Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: MARTINIQUE / FRANCE Project Descrip on: Building a modern laboratory dedicated to produce confec onery (chocolates and sweets) Objec ves: FINDING INVESTORS IN ORDER TO FINANCIALLY TAKE PART TO THIS PROJECT Expected Results: PROMOTING MARTINIQUE’S FRUITS AND COCOA PRODUCTION WITHIN A FULL RANGE OF SOPHISTICATED CONFECTIONERY AND CHOCOLATES Total Amount 600.000€ Type of financing PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Ongoing Ac vi es Finding a field/ground to se le the plant. Planned Ac vi es CHOCOLATE, CANDIED FRUIT, CHOCOLATE PASTRIES SELLING Ac on required FINDING FINANCIAL PARTNERS Implementa on AUGUST 2012 Arrangement Period of Implementa on 15 MONTHS Status Analysis in progress Country or company’s Ra ng (S&P, Fitch/Moody) S&P : AA+ Fitch : AAA Moody’s : AAA Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks Country FRANCE Organiza on VALCACO Project Name: COCOA PROMOTING Industry AGRICULTURAL / FOOD PROCESSING Sector COCOA Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: GENI.D SARL / LAUZ SARL / CREDIT AGRICOLE DE MARTINIQUE (BANK) Public Sector: EUROPEAN FINANCING Semi-Public Sector: MARTINIQUE’S FOOD PROCESSING DEPARTMENT Par cipa ng Countries: MARTINIQUE / FRANCE Project Descrip on: BUYING A 20 HECTARES GROUND IN MARTINIQUE IN ORDER TO PLANT « CREOLE AMELONADO COCOA » FROM MARTINIQUE Objec ves: FINDING INVESTORS IN ORDER TO FINANCIALLY TAKE PART TO THIS PROJECT Expected Results: BOOST THE CULTURE OF COCOA AND DEVELOP A « MARTINIQUE LABEL » WITH THE « CREOLE AMELONADO COCOA » AS A FAMOUS COCOA FROM MARTINIQUE. Total Amount 500.000€ Type of financing PPP requirements Under French legisla on Project Financing Op ons Ongoing Ac vi es SEARCHING FOR FARMING FIELDS/LANDS AND BUYING THE SEEDS TO PLANT Planned Ac vi es FARMING – AGRICOL TOURISM Ac on required FINDING FINANCIAL PARTNERS Implementa on JUNE 2013 Arrangement Period of Implementa on 7 YEARS Status Analysis in progress Country or company’s Ra ng (S&P, Fitch/Moody) S&P : AA+ Fitch : AAA Moody’s : AAA Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks Country FRANCE Organiza on LAUZ SARL Project Name: TEA HOUSE / CHOCOLATE SELLING IN THE CARIBBEAN Industry FOOD PROCESSING Sector CONFECTIONERY Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: LAUZ SARL + CREDIT AGRICOLE DE MARTINIQUE (BANK) Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: MARTINIQUE / FRANCE Project Descrip on: Se ng up a concept of sophis cated shops that will sell chocolates and confec onery. These chocolates obtained an award during the famous “Chocolate Mee ng” in Paris / France. Objec ves: FINDING INVESTORS IN ORDER TO FINANCIALLY TAKE PART TO THIS PROJECT Expected Results: SETTLING OF 10 SHOPS/TEA HOUSES IN THE CARIBBEAN, AMERICA AND DUBAI Total Amount 1.000.000€ Type of financing TO BE DEFINED PPP requirements Under French legisla on Project Financing Op ons Ongoing Ac vi es 2 SHOPS OPEN –SEARCHING FOR NEW STORES Planned Ac vi es CHOCOLATE, CANDIED FRUIT, CHOCOLATE PASTRIES SELLING Ac on required FINDING FINANCIAL PARTNERS Implementa on JANUARY 2013 Arrangement Period of Implementa on 7 YEARS Status Analysis in progress Country or company’s Ra ng (S&P, Fitch/Moody) S&P : AA+ Fitch : AAA Moody’s : AAA Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks Country FRANCE Organiza on SA Poterie des Trois Ilets Project Name: Moderniza on and improvement of the po ery plant, and opening the plant to the public. Industry Manufacturing Industry Sector Clay Materials and Po ery Industry Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: SA POTERIE DES TROIS ILETS Public Sector: European Union / French Government / Mar nique Local Authori es Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: FRANCE / MARTINIQUE Project Descrip on: Trois-Ilets is gorgeous touris c city in the south of Mar nique. The project consists in improving and modernizing the clay materials and po ery plant: switching the “fire cooking” of the po ery to an “electric cooking system”, reducing the produc on… Reasser ng the value of the plant and boos ng its a rac veness to the public: make the tourists visit the produc on chain, the way the po ery is built and the clay is worked and used… Crea ng a new space dedicated to refreshments and drinks that will offer a wonderful view all over the site. Objec ves: Emphasize the industrial ac vity, the patrimony and cultural inheritances, the History of Mar nique: the po ery plant is the oldest plant in Mar nique. Expected Results: Overall enhancement of this a rac ve site, and ge ng back to the authen city combining cultural wealth and touris c interest. Develop an a rac ve point of interest on various aspects : Mar nique’s culture, tourism, industry ac vity, History, cultural inheritance and touris c leisure. Total Amount 5 403 791 Euros (Gross) Type of financing Private or PPP PPP requirements Under French legisla on Project Financing Op ons Public financing is possible Ongoing Ac vi es The Po ery Site already exists in the city of Trois Ilets. It already experiences an industry ac vity, tradi onal ac vity of services and sales Plant: industrial ac vity, bricks and les manufacturing, building products, clay-based products, decora on po ery, terraco a bowls. Planned Ac vi es Tourist, cultural, sales ac vity Ac on required Finding investors Implementa on Arrangement Period of Implementa on 1 year for the Mar nique Village Status Work in progress Country or company’s Ra ng (S&P, Fitch/Moody) FRANCE S&P : AA+ Fitch : AAA Moody’s : AAA Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks Country FRANCE Organiza on SA Poterie des Trois Ilets Project Name: Improvement and restora on of a touris c site called « Rue Case nègre » / “Rue KAY” Industry Manufacturing Industry Sector Clay Materials and Po ery industry Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: SA POTERIE DES TROIS ILETS Public Sector: European Union / French Government / Mar nique Local Authori es Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: FRANCE / MARTINIQUE Project Descrip on: Trois-Ilets is gorgeous touris c city in the south of Mar nique. The project consists in improving and restoring a touris c site called « Rue Case nègre » / “Rue KAY”. This site is located in the Trois Ilets’ Po ery. Precisely, it’s about restoring 20 typical houses that have an historic and cultural value: they were old houses for workers who worked at the po ery plant. The idea is to turn these old houses into ar sts’ and workers’ workshops (manufacturing, exposing, selling…), and museums (exposi ons, showing how they lived before…). Objec ves: Highlight the value of the cultural inheritance, the History and Mar nique’s culture: the po ery plant is the oldest plant in Mar nique. Expected Results: Overall enhancement of this a rac ve site, and ge ng back to the authen city combining cultural wealth and touris c interest. Develop an a rac ve point of interest on various aspects : Mar nique’s culture, tourism, industry ac vity, History, cultural inheritance and touris c leisure. Total Amount 5 002 233, 69 Euros (Gross) Type of financing Private or PPP PPP requirements Under French legisla on Project Financing Op ons Public financing is possible Ongoing Ac vi es The Po ery Site already exists in the city of Trois Ilets. It already experiences an industry ac vity, tradi onal ac vity of services and sales RUE KAY : no activity for the moment Planned Ac vi es Tourist, cultural, sales ac vity Ac on required Finding investors Implementa on April 2013 for the Mar nique Village Arrangement Period of Implementa on Status Country or company’s Ra ng (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks S&P : AA+ Fitch : AAA Moody’s : AAA Germany Country Senegal/Germany Organiza on Ets. Mame Diarra Project Name: 1,5MW on-grid hybrid system (solar:1MW, Wind:500kW) –Mboro –Republic of Senegal Industry Electric power distribu on Sector Private / public Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: Germany Project Descrip on: Delivery of a hybrid system (Solar + Wind), suppor ng the SENELEC electric power Network in Mboro. Electricity supply for around 3500 households. Objec ves: Electric power supply Expected Results: Total Amount 2.767.882 ,60€ - 4.000.000,00$ Type of financing PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Ongoing Ac vi es Ready to be delivered Planned Ac vi es Ac on required Implementa on Arrangement Period of Implementa on As soon as the funding is approved Status Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks B+ Indonesia Stock of direct foreign investment - at home: $81.21 billion (31 December 2010 est.) $72.84 billion (31 December 2009 est.) Stock of direct foreign investment - abroad: $33.71 billion (31 December 2010 est.) $30.18 billion (31 December 2009 est.) Industries: petroleum and natural gas, tex les, apparel, footwear, mining, cement, chemical fer lizers, plywood, rubber, food, tourism Industrial producƟon growth rate: 3.6% (2010 est.) Exports: $146.3 billion (2010 est.) $119.5 billion (2009 est.) Exports - commodiƟes: oil and gas, electrical appliances, plywood, tex les, rubber Exports - partners: Japan 17.28%, Singapore 11.29%, US 10.81%, China 7.62%, South Korea 5.53%, India 4.35%, Taiwan 4.11%, Malaysia 4.07% (2009) Imports: $111.1 billion (2010 est.) $84.35 billion (2009 est.) Imports - commodiƟes: machinery and equipment, chemicals, fuels, foodstuffs Imports - partners: Singapore 24.96%, China 12.52%, Japan 8.92%, Malaysia 5.88%, South Korea 5.64%, US 4.88%, Thailand 4.45% (2009) Country Republic Of Indonesia Flag Time of the Country Presenta on Loca on East Kalimantan Province Presenters Organiza on Ministry Of Agriculture Project Name Palm Oil Processing and Downstream Industry Industry Processing Industry Palm Agriculture Sector Private Sector Par cipa ng organiza ons - Private sector Private Sector - Public sector Provincial Estate Crops East Kalimantan - Semi-public sector Par cipa ng Countries (or Involved) 5 Countries Project Descrip on Development Of Consum on and Non Consum on Oil Objec ves Expected Results Cooking Oil, Margarin, Oleo Chemical Total Amount USD 56 million Type of Financing Partnership / Direct Investment PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Partnership / Direct Investment Ongoing Ac vi es Prepare Infrastructure Interna onal Sea Port Of Malay Planned ac vi es Ac on required Promote To Investor Implementa on Joint some Exthibi on Such as AIM Arrangement Period of Implementa on 13 Years Status Country or company’s Ra ng (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risks Assessment Notes The New Interna onal Sea Port Due Diligence Review Remarks Prospec ve Investment Namibia Country NAMIBIA Organiza on A-Z INVESTMENT HOLDINGS PTY Project Name: Various infrastructural development projects ranging from, hospitals, shopping malls and accommoda on establishments. Namibia’s only airport hotel including other hotel construc on projects in symbio c fashion with a shopping mall in and around the country. Industry Hospitality and infrastructure development Sector Construc on Par cipa ng organiza ons: Regional Government and Regional Councils Private Sector: Private Sector Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: Namibia for now Project Descrip on: Hospitality and infrastructural development Objec ves: Contribute to the government program of bringing much needed infrastructure and upli ment of rural communi es to socially economically through services normally reserved for towns and ci es. Expected Results: Total Amount 10 million US Type of financing To be nego ated by the par es –preferably long-term loans and grants if possible. PPP requirements Secured Project Financing Op ons Equity par cipa on by investors Ongoing Ac vi es Looking for poten al investors Planned Ac vi es Project promo on and presenta on for possible funding Ac on required Secure financing to kick start the project Implementa on To be discussed Arrangement To be discussed Period of Implementa on 10-18 months depending on type of project Status Dormant as no funding has been secured yet Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry Member Risk Assessment Notes Ongoing Due Diligence Review Ongoing and updated regularly. Remarks All projects are sustainable in the long run and shows great poten al for profits in the long-term Country Namibia Organiza on Namibia Oilfield Services ( Pty)Ltd Project Name: Namibia Oilfield Services ( Pty)Ltd Industry Oil and Gas Explora on, Mining ( EPL’s) Sector Oil and Gas Explora on, Mining ( EPL’s) Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: X Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: Namibia Project Descrip on: Oilfield services, logis c, Objec ves: To establish a firm contact with prospec ve companies in the oil and mining industry for a long term rela onship Expected Results: Come in contact with prospec ve investors for Partnership or JV’s in the field of Oilfield services or/and Mining Total Amount Substan al Type of financing To be discussed PPP requirements To be discussed Project Financing Op ons To be discussed Ongoing Ac vi es Logis cs, transport, Customs clearing, explora on Planned Ac vi es Oilfield services, logis cs, explora on Ac on required Explora on and logis c Implementa on Implementa on A.S.A.P Arrangement Period of Implementa on To be discussed Status Ongoing Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks Country Namibia Organiza on Project Name: BFS Nampro Fund Manager (Pty) Ltd Industry Sector Business Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: Pr vate Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: Project Descrip on: Fund raising for equity funds Objec ves: Expected Results: To engage poten al investors that can invest in a mining Fund or directly in projects intending to raise U$ 75 million Total Amount Type of financing Equity Investment PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Direct Equity in fund or specific projects Ongoing Ac vi es Planned Ac vi es Venture Capital Finance Ac on required Implementa on January 2012 Arrangement Period of Implementa on January 2012 Status Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Namibia Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks The company has established due diligence processes currently deployed on other funds under management Country Namibia Organiza on Office of the Governor : Erongo Region Project Name: Date Agribusiness and Olive Oil Agribusiness Industry Agriculture Sector Private and Public Sector Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: Public Sector: Erongo Regional Council Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: Namibia Project Descrip on: Both Projects are at a infant Stage Objec ves: Expert and local consump on Expected Results: Establishment of a full industry Total Amount 4 Million N$ for both projects Type of financing PPP requirements This is typical PPP projects Project Financing Op ons To be nego ated Ongoing Ac vi es Planned Ac vi es Ac on required Nego ate the involvement of an investor Implementa on Arrangement Period of Implementa on 24 months Status Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks none Nigeria Stock of direct foreign investment - at home: $67.23 billion (31 December 2010 est.) $61.23 billion (31 December 2009 est.) Stock of direct foreign investment - abroad: $6.071 billion (31 December 2010 est.) $5.821 billion (31 December 2009 est.) Exports: $76.33 billion (2010 est.) $59.32 billion (2009 est.) Exports - commodi es: petroleum and petroleum products 95%, cocoa, rubber Exports - partners: US 35.08%, India 10.43%, Brazil 9.32%, Spain 7.19%, France 4.65% (2009) Imports: $34.18 billion (2010 est.) $29.05 billion (2009 est.) Imports - commodi es: machinery, chemicals, transport equipment, manufactured goods, food and live animals Imports - partners: China 14.89%, US 8.88%, Netherlands 8.18%, South Korea 5.46%, UK 4.63%, France 4.19% (2009) Country Niger Republic Organiza on SGIN Po Box 13065 Project Name: Luxury housing complex Industry Real Estate Sector Par cipa ng organiza ons: SGIN Private Sector: Pr vate Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: NIGER Project Descrip on: Building an exclusive apartment complex on a land by the river Niger on a 5000 square meter land Objec ves: To realize the first luxurious apartment complex ,in Niger capital city ,Niamey,by the riverside Expected Results: 50 apartment units Total Amount 4 million dollar us Type of financing Partnership or joint venture PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Nego able Ongoing Ac vi es Land development Planned Ac vi es Various housing project Ac on required Financing Implementa on One year Arrangement nego able Period of Implementa on One to two years Status Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Stable and one of the highest growing economy in Africa Due Diligence Review Niger is almost a virgin land where a lot of opportuni es to be exploited;soon to be the second largest producer of uranium ,quality housing is required by a growing expatriate community. Remarks Niger ‘s real estate park is very minimal ,this project can not even fulfill the minimum need of housing ,for Diplomat ,NGO and Niger upper class ci zen.We own a prime land by the River ,next to all the western countries Ambassies.It will be the first gated community with all the conveniences such as pool ,tennis laundry and gymnasium. Poland Stock of direct foreign investmenr - at home: $198.8 billion (31 December 2010 est.) $182.8 billion (31 December 2009 est.) Stock of direct foreign investment - abroad: $30.71 billion (31 December 2010 est.) $26.21 billion (31 December 2009 est.) Industries: machine building, iron and steel, coal mining, chemicals, shipbuilding, food processing, glass, beverages, tex les Industrial producƟon growth rate: 6.5% (2010 est.) Exports: $160.8 billion (2010 est.) $142.1 billion (2009 est.) Exports - commodiƟes: machinery and transport equipment 37.8%, intermediate manufactured goods 23.7%, miscellaneous manufactured goods 17.1%, food and live animals 7.6% Exports - partners: Germany 26.06%, Italy 6.84%, France 6.78%, UK 6.38%, Czech Republic 5.85%, Netherlands 4.14% (2009) Imports: $167.4 billion (2010 est.) $146.4 billion (2009 est.) Imports - commodiƟes: machinery and transport equipment 38%, intermediate manufactured goods 21%, chemicals 15%, minerals, fuels, lubricants, and related materials 9% Imports - partners: Germany 28.08%, Russia 8.65%, Italy 6.5%, Netherlands 5.59%, China 5.27%, France 4.6%, Czech Republic 4.05% (2009) Country Poland Organiza on Municipality of Bytom Project Name: Promo on of investment areas located in the vicinity of A1 Highway and Northern Ringroad of Upper Silesian Agglomera on in Bytom Industry Municipality Sector public Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: Project Descrip on: Objec ves: Find investors which invest in Bytom Expected Results: Find 1 or 2 investors for further coopera on Total Amount Depends of investors project Type of financing Depends of investors PPP requirements NA Project Financing Op ons Depends of investors Ongoing Ac vi es A1 Highway - end August 2012 Northern Ringroad of Upper Silesian Agglomera on in Bytom – end August 2012 Planned Ac vi es We are planning to build new road connec on on terrain that we offer – all informa on about our plans are in materials a ached to e-mail Ac on required NA Implementa on Depends of investors Arrangement Period of Implementa on Depends of investors Status Investment areas are prepare to sell in public tender Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks COMPANY PROFILE : CITY OF BYTOM Bytom lies in the center of the most industrialized and urbanized region in Poland with over 2 million inhabitants, with much market poten al. Its robust road with A1 Highway, rail and tram networks provide excellent communica on with the region. The proximity of an interna onal airport in Katowice, Krakow and Ostrava is also an advantage. The availability of land for investment located in the vicinity of A1 Highway and Northern Ringroad of Upper Silesian Agglomera on in Bytom, and low cost of doing business are addi onal benefits of Bytom. Also important is the presence of academic centers, which s mulate the implementa on of innova on, provide highly trained staff and offer business support. Inves ng in Bytom offers several benefits and advantages like: no real estate tax, support of the Investor Service Center with a support in implementa on of investment process and many others. NAME OF THE PROJECT: Not - built up real property located: Strzelców Bytomskich Street the area of the former coal-mine “Powstańców Śląskich” Na onality Poland Owner State Treasury, perpetual user - Municipality of Bytom Details of the owner (web site, por olio etc…) www.inves Type of project (Touris c development, retail/shopping mall, marinas, golf resorts, ski resorts, residen al, logis cs, social housing, PPP, etc…) Produc on, logis c, services Stakeholders requested (investors, developers, agents, end-users…) Investors, developers, end-users constructors, estate Type of partnership requested Real estate for sell Loca on Poland, City of Bytom, Strzelców Bytomskich Street the area of the former coal-mine “Powstańców Śląskich” Total square meters 297 000 m2 It is possible to divide the land into smaller plots, according to the investor’s needs Cost of the investment 25-50 euro per m2 Beginning and ending of the project Businessman in charge (name of each decision makers and mobile number) Piotr Koj – Mayor of Bytom - phone number: +48 32 281 20 51 Włodzimierz Drogoś - Real Estate Department - phone number: +48 32 283 63 23 Izabela Domogała - City Development Office - phone number: +48 32 283 62 26 Other informa on Land property, undeveloped, located in a post-industrial area, polygon-shaped. The land is located at a distance of approximately 5 km from the centre of Bytom, ca. 1 km from the Bytom interchange of the A1 motorway, ca. 2 km from the Upper Silesia Northern Bypass, and approximately 24 km from Katowice Interna onal Airport in Pyrzowice. There is transport access from the following streets: Strzelców Bytomskich (current exit from former “Powstańców Śląskich” Hard Coal Mine), Dąbrowa Miejska (building permit design: road length ca. 1150 m, parking places for trucks and cars), Narutowicza (planned link). NAME OF THE PROJECT: Not - built up real property located near Magdaleny and Strzelców Bytomskich Street Na onality Poland Owner State Treasury or Municipality of Bytom Details of the owner (web site, por olio etc…) www.inves Type of project (Touris c development, retail/shopping mall, marinas, golf resorts, ski resorts, residen al, logis cs, social housing, PPP, etc…) Retail/shopping mall, services, logis cs Stakeholders requested (investors, developers, agents, end-users…) Investors, developers, end-users constructors, estate Type of partnership requested Real estate for sell Loca on Poland, City of Bytom, near Magdaleny and Strzelców Bytomskich Street Total square meters 247 500 m2 It is possible to divide the land into smaller plots, according to the Investor’s needs Cost of the investment 25-50 euro per m2 Beginning and ending of the project Businessman in charge (name of each decision makers and mobile number) Piotr Koj – Mayor of Bytom - phone number: +48 32 281 20 51 Włodzimierz Drogoś - Real Estate Department - phone number: +48 32 283 63 23 Izabela Domogała - City Development Office - phone number: +48 32 283 62 26 Other informa on Land property, undeveloped, adjacent to the M1 shopping centre in the north and the Bytom interchange of the A1 motorway in the south. The site is located at a distance of ca. 800 m from the Bytom sec on of the Upper Silesia Northern Bypass, at a distance of 3 km from the centre of Bytom and ca. 24 km from Katowice Interna onal Airport in Pyrzowice. There is transport access from Magdaleny Street. NAME OF THE PROJECT: Not - built up real property located Zachodnia Street, on both sides of the 2-nd stage of the Upper Silesia Northern Bypass - Bytom sec on Na onality Poland Owner Municipality of Bytom Details of the owner (web site, por olio etc…) www.inves Type of project (Touris c development, retail/shopping mall, marinas, golf resorts, ski resorts, residen al, logis cs, social housing, PPP, etc…) Produc on, services, sport development Stakeholders requested (investors, developers, agents, end-users…) Investors, developers, end-users constructors, estate Type of partnership requested Real estate for sell Loca on Poland, City of Bytom, Zachodnia Street, on both sides of the 2-nd stage of the Upper Silesia Northern Bypass - Bytom secon Total square meters 57 500 m2 Cost of the investment 25-50 euro per m2 Beginning and ending of the project Businessman in charge (name of each decision makers and mobile number) Piotr Koj – Mayor of Bytom - phone number: +48 32 281 20 51 Włodzimierz Drogoś - Real Estate Department - phone number: +48 32 283 63 23 Izabela Domogała - City Development Office - phone number: +48 32 283 62 26 Other informa on Land property, undeveloped, consis ng of 2 plot complexes situated on both sides of the 2-nd stage of the Upper Silesia Northern Bypass - Bytom sec on. The site has transport access from Zachodnia Street. The land property is perfectly visible from the ring road NAME OF THE PROJECT: Not - built up real property located: At the intersec on of the A1 motorway and the 1st stage of the Upper Silesia Northern Bypass Na onality Poland Owner Municipality of Bytom or State Treasury Details of the owner (web site, por olio etc…) www.inves Type of project (Touris c development, retail/shopping mall, marinas, golf resorts, ski resorts, residen al, logis cs, social housing, PPP, etc…) Produc on, logis c, services Stakeholders requested (investors, developers, agents, end-users…) Investors, developers, end-users constructors, estate Type of partnership requested Real estate for sell Loca on Poland, City of Bytom, At the intersec on of the A1 motorway and the 1st stage of the Upper Silesia Northern Bypass Total square meters 182 700 m2 Cost of the investment 25-50 euro per m2 Beginning and ending of the project Businessman in charge (name of each decision makers and mobile number) Piotr Koj – Mayor of Bytom - phone number: +48 32 281 20 51 Włodzimierz Drogoś - Real Estate Department - phone number: +48 32 283 63 23 Izabela Domogała - City Development Office - phone number: +48 32 283 62 26 Other informa on Land property, undeveloped, consis ng of three plot groups - A, B and C. The site is located at a distance of 2.5 km from the Bytom interchange of the A1 motorway. The routes of the A1 motorway and ring road intersect between sec ons A and B, and sec on C. The site is perfectly visible from both transport routes, and has transport access from Hajdy and Dworska Streets. The land property is situated within mining land boundaries. NAME OF THE PROJECT: Not - built up real property located: : At the convergence point of the 3rd stage of the Upper Silesia Northern Bypass – Bytom sec on and Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Avenue Na onality Poland Owner Municipality of Bytom or State Treasury Details of the owner (web site, por olio etc…) www.inves Type of project (Touris c development, retail/shopping mall, marinas, golf resorts, ski resorts, residen al, logis cs, social housing, PPP, etc…) Produc on, storage, logis c, services Stakeholders requested (investors, developers, agents, end-users…) Investors, developers, end-users constructors, estate Type of partnership requested Property for sell Loca on Poland, City of Bytom, At the convergence point of the 3rd stage of the Upper Silesia Northern Bypass – Bytom sec on and Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Avenue Total square meters 409 900 m2 Cost of the investment 25-50 euro per m2 Beginning and ending of the project Businessman in charge (name of each decision makers and mobile number) Piotr Koj – Mayor of Bytom - phone number: +48 32 281 20 51 Włodzimierz Drogoś - Real Estate Department - phone number: +48 32 283 63 23 Izabela Domogała - City Development Office - phone number: +48 32 283 62 26 Other informa on Land property, undeveloped. It consists of two plot complexes lying on both sides of Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Avenue (DK 88), at a distance of 4 km from the Bytom interchange of the A1 motorway. One of the plot complexes, irregular in shape, is situated northwest of Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Avenue. Transport access is from Elektrownia and Racjonalizatorów Streets. The second complex lies south-east of Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Avenue. The site is irregular and oblong in shape, and forested. The land property is situated within mining land boundaries Country: POLAND Organiza on: AS CMIELOW PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY Project Name: Industry: PRODUCTION OF PORCELAIN Sectors: PRIVATE Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: AUSTRIA, GERMANY, GREAT BRITAIN Project Descrip on: Objec ves: We look for partners/dealers who own exclusive shops with exclusive home décor goods in Hotels, city centers, galleries in big ci es Expected Results: Winning new customers Total Amount Type of financing Cash sale, barter, credit card payment PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Ongoing Ac vi es Planned Ac vi es Ac on required Implementa on Arrangement Period of Implementa on Status Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks expansion to eastern markets Country Poland Organiza on IVG Poland Project Name: Investment in Real Estate, Development, Fund Industry Real Estate Sector Commercial Real Estate (office, retail) Par cipa ng organiza ons: IVG Private Sector: IVG Immobilien AG Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: Poland, Germany Project Descrip on: Investment in Real Estate, Development, exis ng or new Fund Objec ves: Introduc on of commercial real estate ins tu onal products in the core and one of the most promising, liquid and dynamic markets – in Poland/Warsaw, return IRR 6,5%-8,5% Expected Results: Direct or indirect par cipa on, stable on-going cash flow for investors and secure exit due to high liquidity of the market Total Amount 40-300 mio EUR Type of financing Equity, 50-65% debt financing possible PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Full equity or 50-65% leverage Ongoing Ac vi es Asset Management of Office and Retail por olio of 12 projects, development poten al/plot disposal in 1 project, ac ve fund raising, work on poten al acquisions Planned Ac vi es Expansion of Asset Management by new acquisi ons Ac on required New Investment Implementa on 2012-2013 Arrangement TBD Period of Implementa on 1-2 years Status Fund raising -the Warsaw Fund (with Corporate Income Tax exemp on), development plot under sale tender Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) A, A- (stable) Risk Assessment Notes Core or development Due Diligence Review TBD Remarks We are looking for financial investors; investment pension funds; sovereign wealth funds, etc Country: Poland Organiza on: Warsaw Stock Exchange Project Name: organizing markets in equi es, deriva ves, bonds and energy. Industry: financial services Sectors: financial instruments and commodity exchange Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: Project Descrip on: Objec ves: Promo on of Warsaw Stock Exchange equity, deriva ves, bonds and commodity markets among investors (wealth funds, pension funds, mutual funds, wealth management companies), banks (investment banks, brokerage houses) and industry organiza ons. Expected Results: Broadening the base of investors, issuers and brokers ac ve on the Warsaw Stock Exchange Total Amount Type of financing PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Ongoing Ac vi es Planned Ac vi es Ac on required Implementa on Arrangement Period of Implementa on Status Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks Country Poland Organiza on Golf Park Lipowy Most Project Name: - Industry Tourism, catering and hotel industry. Golf entertainment Sector Private Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: Project Descrip on: does not pertain to Objec ves: To promote the Podlaskie Voivodship and Golf Park Lipowy Most as a place worth visi ng. Expected Results: To win new clients, both business and individual. Total Amount - Type of financing Self-financing PPP requirements does not pertain to Project Financing Op ons does not pertain to Ongoing Ac vi es Planned Ac vi es Ac on required Implementa on Arrangement Period of Implementa on Status Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks Country: Poland Organiza on: Glass Studio Habrat Project Name: Glass Studio Habrat Industry: Ar s c Sectors: Art Glass Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: Project Descrip on: Glass Studio Habrat is an art glass studio established in 1997. We design and manufacture unique glass pieces: sculptures, pain ngs and other decora ve items, all made in fusing technique. Since 2009 our offer is also directed to clients in adver sing business, to small and large companies. We design glass statues, trophies and adver sing gadgets, adjusted to individual needs. Combina on of art and adver sing makes them original and unique, full of charm and elegance. Our pieces are designed by Maciej Habrat, co-owner of the studio, graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw, the Faculty of Ceramics and Glass (1997). Objec ves: We would like to present our products to customers from all over the world: to all those who are interested in handmade ar s c products of highest quality to those who wish to strengthen their company’s image by using adver sing element combined with art glass Expected Results: We expect to find new customers and establish new business rela onships. Total Amount Type of financing PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Ongoing Ac vi es Planned Ac vi es Ac on required Implementa on Arrangement Period of Implementa on Status Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks Designing and manufacturing unique glass pieces Country Poland Organiza on Inkubator Technologiczny Sp. z o.o. Project Name: modern investment venture Industry machining Sector aircra , defense, construc on Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: Public Sector: the company is owned by Stalowa Wola city Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: Project Descrip on: • • • Incuba on of new technological companies. Support and promo on of small and medium-sized companies. Transfer of technology to small and medium-sized companies. Offering of manufacturing services with the use of machines and specialized so ware. Our products are manufactured by state of the art technology and equipment using CNC machining centers and EDM machines. Our highly produc ve equipment (Yamazaki MAZAK) assure performance accuracy to ±0,002. We machines carbon and tool steels, stainless steels, non-ferrous alloys and plas c Objec ves: The most important aim of „Technological Incubator" Ltd. is crea on of modern investment venture which is consistent with the European Union, sa sfies investors’ expecta ons and which allows young, technically educated people to an economically effec ve and socially profitable running a business ac vity and taking advantage of enormous intellectual capability, which is embedded in the Carpa an society. Expected Results: new customers in the areas: incuba on, rental of offices and training rooms, manufacturing services with the use of the CNC machines Total Amount Type of financing budget of Staowa Wola, EU fonds PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Ongoing Ac vi es Planned Ac vi es Ac on required Implementa on Arrangement Period of Implementa on Status Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks ISO 9001 Country: Poland Organiza on: Polskie Zaklady Lotnicze Sp. z o.o. (PZL Mielec) Project Name: M28 STOL-class, mul -purpose u lity airplane, S-70i BLACK HAWK helicopter, Coopera on in the avia on industry Industry: Avia on Sectors: Airplane & helicopter - STOL-class, mul -purpose u lity airplanes, mul mission helicopters Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: yes Public Sector: No Semi-Public Sector: No Par cipa ng Countries: Poland Project Descrip on: Expending business rela ons and acquiring poten al customers Objec ves: PZL Mielec product offer presenta on Expected Results: New orders acquisi on, finding new suppliers of aircra parts, new opportuni es for coopera on Total Amount Type of financing PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Ongoing Ac vi es Planned Ac vi es Ac on required Implementa on Arrangement Period of Implementa on Status Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks Country Poland Organiza on ROYAL-STAR Project Name: Annual Investment Mee ng 2012 Industry avia on industry Sector avia on industry Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: Private sector Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: Project Descrip on: Objec ves: Establishing business contacts within the worldwide avia on industry consequently increasing our avia on business network. Expected Results: Establishing business contacts within the worldwide avia on industry consequently increasing our avia on business network. Total Amount Type of financing PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Ongoing Ac vi es Planned Ac vi es Ac on required Implementa on Arrangement Period of Implementa on Status Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks Country: Poland Organiza on: Sedna Yachts Project Name: Industry: Yacht Building Sectors: Sailing yachts & Motorboats Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: Project Descrip on: Objec ves: Finding new dealers and private clients Expected Results: Extension of the dealership network Total Amount Type of financing Money transfer PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Ongoing Ac vi es Building Sailing Yachts & Motorboats Planned Ac vi es Building Motorboats up to 40 Ac on required Implementa on Arrangement Period of Implementa on Status Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks 6-12 months Country Poland Organiza on Dairy Coopera ve in Lapy Project Name: Industry Food Sector Private Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: Dairy Coopera ve in Lapy Public Sector: The Office Of Magistrate in Bialystok, Office of the Municipality in Lapy, Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: UE Land, Europe and North and South America, Australia, Asia and Africa. Project Descrip on: In our commercial offer we have: skimmed milk powder, full cream milk powder, ripening cheese, bu er, curd cheese, milk and fermented drinks, cream. We have distribu on of their own products on the domes c market, UE Land, Europe and also to North and South America, Asia and Africa. Objec ves: Acquisi on of new customers for direct coopera ve. Promote products with natural ingredients. Expected Results: Meet the expecta ons of our customers. Extension of range of the export products. We want to make our brand has become a recognizable. Total Amount Type of financing The payment on the bank account. PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Ongoing Ac vi es Milk collec on, selling and processing of milk. Export our products to UE Land, Europe and also to North and South America, Asia and Africa. Manufacture of dairy products without the use of ar ficial preserva ves. Planned Ac vi es The acquisi on of new customer. Expand our range. Ac on required Implementa on Arrangement Period of Implementa on Status Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks Country: Poland Organiza on: Project Name: Nobleart Industry: Sectors: Jewellery manufacture Par cipa ng organiza ons: Wojciech Kowaliński Private Sector: x Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: Project Descrip on: Designer jewellery Objec ves: Aquire new partners Expected Results: Signer coopera on contract Total Amount Type of financing PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Ongoing Ac vi es Planned Ac vi es Ac on required Implementa on Arrangement Period of Implementa on Status Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks Country Poland Organiza on WALDREX , MIELEC-POLAND Project Name: PARTICIPATING POLISH ENTREPRENEURS IN ANNUAL INVESTEMENT MEETING 2012, THE TRIP ORGANISES BY POLISH INFORMATION AND FOREIGN INVESTMENT AGENCY (PAIiIZ) Industry AIRCRAFT Sector AVIATION, MACHINERY, STEEL Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: PRIVATE SECTOR Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: Project Descrip on: MULTISECTORAL TRADE MISSION Objec ves: searching new business partners coopera on with companies from UAE implementa on of new technologies Expected Results: Total Amount Type of financing PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Ongoing Ac vi es Planned Ac vi es Ac on required Implementa on Arrangement Period of Implementa on Status Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks Country: Poland Organiza on: Project Name: Nobleart Industry: Sectors: Jewellery manufacture Par cipa ng organiza ons: Wojciech Kowaliński Private Sector: x Public Sector: Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: Project Descrip on: Designer jewellery Objec ves: Aquire new partners Expected Results: Signer coopera on contract Total Amount Type of financing PPP requirements Project Financing Op ons Ongoing Ac vi es Planned Ac vi es Ac on required Implementa on Arrangement Period of Implementa on Status Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Risk Assessment Notes Due Diligence Review Remarks Senegal GROUPE CLARTEEN PRODUCTION - TRADE - SERVICES - COMMUNICATION Presenta on Statute: Grouping of Interest Economic (GIE) CreaƟon: October 2011 - RC: n°SN - DKR- 2011-A-10978 - NINEA: 00 44 32 514 LocalisaƟon: RC Building J – Sacré Coeur 1 Dakar / Senegal Annexe: 48 AS - Stadium Demba DIOP - Avenue Bourguiba - Dakar BP: 10532 - Dakar Liberty Tel: 77 563 46 34 / 77 020 36 36 / 77 547 41 18 Email: / AcƟviƟes: Energy - Building - real estate - Farming - Trade -Benefits of service and various Supplies Local Partners: Financial, Engineers in Energy, Hydraulic and Farming EnergeƟc Partners: several french, German, indians, thèques Companies of Energy . Malian Partners for the distribu on Gold in the interna onal market via Dubaï Agriculture Partners, Farmers and Fishermen for the produc on, the transforma on and the distribuon States Partners for the implement projects in the framework of Partnership Public Private (PPP) Spain Country: Spain – Region of Navarra Organiza on: SODENA (Development of Navarra Agency) Project Name: A rac on of Foreign Investment Projects Industry: Investment Promo on, Business development and Venture Capital Sectors: Renewable Energies Clean Technologies Automo ve, specially sustainable mobility Life Sciences and Biotechnlogy Agriculture and food industries Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: Public Sector: Government of Navarra (Spain) Semi-Public Sector: Par cipa ng Countries: Spain – Region of Navarra Project Descrip on: SODENA is the en ty in charge of promo ng foreign direct investment in Navarra Spain ( and for offering high value-added services and financing to companies with investment interest in the region. Regarding investment in business projects, the main financial instrument available to SODENA is venture capital; it has por olio of par ally owned companies for over 300 million euros in the following sectors: Energy and Environment, Agrifood, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Automo ve and other sectors, these companies are open to analyse proposals for investors Objec ves: To introduce Navarra (Spain) value offer as a unique loca on for foreign investors projects. The region offers incen ves, free loans and non-returnable grants, for investment, employment research and development. Besides the preceding informa on, it is important to stress that Navarre has the legal authority to maintain, establish and regulate its own tax system, it offers more a rac ve tax rates and rebates compared to the rest of Spain. Expected Results: To cooperate with foreign companies in exploring investment opportuni es in the region. SODENA aims to build a win-win rela onship with foreign investors potenally interested in inves ng in the region: 1) establishing a project specially in the following sectors: Renewable Energies, Clean Technologies, Agrifood, Automo ve and Life Sciences, and/or 2) inves ng in SODENA’s por olio of par ally owned companies Total Amount NA Type of financing Venture Capital, Financial Aid, grants and incen ves PPP requirements NA Project Financing Op ons NA Ongoing Ac vi es NA Planned Ac vi es NA Ac on required NA Implementa on NA Arrangement NA Period of Implementa on NA Status NA Country or company’s Rating (S&P, Fitch/Moody) Navarra’s S&P ra ng AA+ (2011) Risk Assessment Notes NA Due Diligence Review NA Remarks Navarre, located in the center of the richest region of Spain, has become one of the most prosperous and compe ve regions in Europe and we believe it represents a significant opportunity for foreign investors given that: -Navarre is the second most economically free region in Spain (Economic Freedom Index 2011), outperforming Spain’s indicators of economy, well-being and business environment -It has a strategic geographic loca on and a modern transport infrastructure providing access to the richest markets in Europe -Its costs are compe ve compared to those within Europe and has a unique tax law that encourages produc ve investments -It is Spain’s leading region in innova on and technological transfer -Has a popula on with the highest educa onal and qualified profile in Spain -It is a leader in quality of life and social welfare in Spain There are tangible business opportuni es that have the highest ins tu onal support: -Renewable Energy- miniwind power -Automo ve and Sustainable mobility: ba eries, car and component manufacturing, related industries and services -Energy Efficiency, Energy Storage and Smart Grid -Hydrogen -Biomass -other industrial ac vi es Switzerland AIA Term-Sheet N° F.2 – May 2012 – PROGRAM : PRIVATE INVESTMENT INCENTIVE IN AFRICA Amount From 2 to 4, 000, 000 € depending on the inten ons of the investor Objec ves Promote the development of business in Sub-Saharian Africa and more par cularly in facilita ng its access to debt facili es. Descrip on Financing of businesses in the process of being set up or already created businesses through: - loans at preferen al rates in accompaniment with classic local bank credits - venture capital if necessary Financial remunera on - Es mated at 2% for the part dedicated to loans - In accordance with the agreement concerning the buyback of the carried equity interests. Responsibility The funds are placed in the accounts of an authorized financial ins tu on which is SOFIGIB (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso) Guarantees The credits are guaranteed by SOFIGIB up to 50% Dura on The funds must be commi ed for 3 to 5 years. The contractual return on investments period for each transac on is between 3 to 5 years. Implementa on Valida on of the program and the confiden ality le er by the investor Planning of a mee ng between AIA, the Investor and SOFIGIB If necessary: Visit of the investor at the head office of SOFIGIB Signing of the agreements: Investor / SOFIGIB and Investor / Law firm Receipt of funds Actors Société Financière de Garan e Interbancaire du Burkina (SOFIGIB) : An authorized financial ins tu on trustee of the funds under the control of: - The Central Bank of West African States - The Banking Commission of WAEMU - Its own statutory auditors Independence SOFIGIB is a private en ty A public limited company which is a common subsidiary of the banks of Burkina Faso Links between the actors The investor is bound to SOFIGIB by: - A deposit contract - A management mandate of the deposited funds - The investor has a direct control over the performance of the mandate - By par cipa ng in decision making commi ees - By entrus ng an independent law firm to be in charge of the monitoring of the opera on and the repor ng. Interrela ons between actors - Role and remunera on of the Agency AIA Interna onal The Agency is mandated by SOFIGIB to seek private funding The Agency conceives the engineering of the opera on It assists the investor: For the implementa on of the opera on To choose the law office which will be in charge of the monitoring of the opera on The investor deposits the funds to SOFIGIB The la er will place the funds into the stock market SOFIGIB proposes transac ons to the investor The investor validates the transac on Return on investments as payments proceed The Agency remains to be the consultant of the investor un l the term of the transac on, especially in valida ng and transmi ng of the repor ng. It receives from the investor a compensa on of 10% of the invested funds as of the date of the signing of the above-men oned agreements with SOFIGIB. Term-sheet N° V.1 – May 2012 – Program : CONDITIONING PLANT AND GAS DISTRIBUTION IN MALI Amount 3, 800, 000 € Objec ves Make available Butane domes c gas to as many people as possible by comple ng the exis ng distribu on networks which are too concentrated on large urban centers. Thus: Diminu on of CO2 emissions, improvement of health and living condi ons of women (including cataracts etc.) Descrip on Financing of the construc on and the first start-up of the plant and the se ng up of the distribu on system. Financial remunera on Appor oned according to the condi ons of interven on in the financing which is to be agreed and may include: - A capital increase in the “Operator” company - Senior securi es (preferen al and cumula ve dividend) - A conver ble loan (which permits a take-over according to the results) - A carrying equity interests agreement rela ng to the shares created through a capital increase The range of an overall yield of 10 to 15% per annum is possible according to the results. Responsibility - The proper implementa on of the construc ons and the supplying are cer fied by the auditor. - The operator is subjugated to an auditor (its appointment is to be agreed) Guarantees First mortgage on the land and real estate (The operator owns the land in freehold) Mechanism of condi onal take-over of the public limited company (conversion of the debenture loan ) Dura on The funds are commi ed for 5 years. Implementa on Selec on of the program by the Investor and the confiden ality le er. Planning of a mee ng between AIA, the Investor and the Operator; appointment of an auditor. Valida on of the program by the money lender and execu on of the agreement with AIA. Execu on of agreements: Investor / Operator and Investor / Auditor Payment of the funds in several installments according to validated work situa ons Actors Operator: Company YOUFF ENERGY TRADING S.A. whose head office is located in Bamako, presided by Mister Youssouf DIALLO. Financial advisor of the operator: Accoun ng firm AZIATI (Paris) Technical partner: S.A.S. PARLYM with a share capital of 1, 450, 000 € (Marseille and Paris) Independence The operator is a wholly private en ty. Links between the actors The Investor is bound to the Operator through the agreements menoned in the paragraph en tled “Financial remunera on”. The Investor has a direct control over the performance of the program: By par cipa ng in the senior management of the Operator By entrus ng an independent audit firm to be in charge of the audit and the repor ng on the proposal of the Agency. Interrela ons between actors - Implementa on of the opera ons according to the agreed terms. (cf. § “Financial remunera on”. - During the opera on: Payment of the agreed interests and dividends - Outcome: Reimbursement of the debenture loan ; Buyback of the carried equity investments. Role and remunera on of the Agency AIA Interna onal - The Agency is mandated by the Operator to seek private funding. - The Agency conceives the engineering of the opera on - It assists the investor: - For the se ng-up of the opera on - To choose the accoun ng firm The Agency remains to be the consultant of the investor un l the term of the opera on, especially in valida ng and transmi ng of the repor ng and the no ce for the release of funds. It receives from the investor a compensa on of 10% of the invested funds (that is to say 2% per annum) as of the date of the execu on of the abovemen oned agreements with the Operator. Term-sheet V.3 – May 2012 – Program : LAUNCHING OF GENERATION FEEL MEDIA Amount 3.5 million Euros (On loan and /or equity stake) Objec ves Create a media pole (TV, radio and tabloid) which will broadcast in the CEMAC region regrouping 6 Central African countries. Genera on Feel Media (GFM) wishes to devote itself to deba ng ideas and boost socio-cultural developments in this region. Descrip on Financing of the launching and the first year of exploita on of GFM. The amount of 3.5 million Euros will fund all movable and fixed assets, as well as the ini al working capital requirements. Financial remunera on - The interest rate of the loan is es mated at 9% per annum - The return on investments in the equity par cipa on (subject to agreement) Responsibility Common law of trading companies Dura on The capital will be profitable for the investors in 3 to 5 years me of opera on. The return on investments is es mated at 20% as of the fourth year of opera on. Implementa on - Selec on of the program by the Investor and the confiden ality le er - Planning of a mee ng between AIA, the Investor and the Operator; appointment of an auditor - Valida on of the program by the Investor and execu on of the agreement with AIA. - Execu on of agreements: Investor / Operator and Investor / Auditor - Payment of the funds Actors Operator: Genera on Feel Media whose head office is located in Yaoundé, Cameroon Independence The operator is a wholly private en ty. Links between the actors The Investor is bound to the Operator by a loan agreement and / or through equity par cipa on. The Investor has a direct control over the performance of the opera on: By par cipa ng in the senior management of the Operator. By entrus ng an independent law firm to be in charge of the monitoring and the repor ng on the proposal of the Agency. Interrela ons between actors - The Investor deposits the funds in a dedicated bank account. - The investor (s) proposed by the Agency are subject to GFM’s approval. - The exploita on will enable the payments of the interests and dividends. Role and remunera on of the Agency AIA Interna onal - The Agency is mandated by GFM to seek private funding - It assists the investor: For the se ng-up of the opera on To choose the auditor in charge of the monitoring of the opera on The Agency remains to be the consultant of the investor un l the term of the opera on, especially in valida ng and transmi ng of the repor ng and the no ce for the release of funds. It receives from the investor as of the date of the execu on of their agreement, a compensa on of 8 % of the invested funds. Term-sheet N° ___ – February 2011 – PROGRAM: FLOATING PORT IN DEEP WATER - BANANA, DRC Amount 133, 776, 115 USD (Total cost of ini al investments) On loan and /or equity stake Objec ves Create a floa ng port in deep water on the coast of Bas-Congo in Democra c Republic of the Congo (DRC). This equipment will allow the DRC to accommodate ships with deep dra s, thereby ensuring the autonomy of this country whose supply passes in transit at present by Congo Brazzaville. This port will increase the capacity of the country on import-export, contribute to the development of the province of Bas - Congo and improve the quality of life of the inhabitants. Descrip on Financing of the construc on of the port and the equipments necessary for its exploita on. This port will be built by means of four ballasted cargo barges which will cons tute a set of equipment of 330 m of length and 42 m of width. Furthermore, a concrete pla orm of 45 000 m² will be added for land operaons. Financial remunera on The interest rate of the loan is es mated at 9% per annum. The return on investments in the equity par cipa on of Congo-River Access (C.R.A.) could reach up to 60%. Responsibility This project has been ini ated by the Province of Bas-Congo with the support of the highest State authori es of the DRC. Guarantees C.R.A proposes 5 guarantees to the Investor: - The total loan amount will be placed into a dedicated bank account. The money in the said account may only be withdrawn on the approval of the Investor and in accordance with the financial disbursement plan agreed by the par es. - The fixed assets financed by the borrowed funds will be put in mortgage or in pledge. - All the receipts of the port will be put in pledge and will be consigned into a dedicated bank account. - C.R.A. will subscribe to the company “Nouvelle Société Interafricaine d’Assurance (NSIA) an insurance against all risks of non-payment. - C.R.A. can also furnish a mining guarantee. This bauxite mine can be subject to a common exploita on between the owner of the mine and the Investor. Dura on - The dura on of construc on works is 12 to 18 months - The funds are commi ed for a minimum of 6 years - The return on investments is expected at the end of the second year of opera on. Implementa on - Selec on of the program by the Investor and the confiden ality le er. - Planning of a mee ng between AIA, the Investor and the Operator; appointment of an auditor. - Valida on of the program by the Investor and execu on of the agreement with AIA. - Execu on of agreements: Investor / Operator and Investor / Auditor - Payment of the funds in several installments Actors - Operator: Congor-River Access whose head office is located in Matadi, DRC. C.R.A. may delegate the management of the port to the Investor or a third party operator. - Bank chosen by the Investor Independence C.R.A. is cons tuted in the perspec ve of a public-private partnership; its share capital may be held by private investors up to 60%. Links between the actors The Investor is bound to the Operator by: - An equity par cipa on - A loan agreement - A management mandate agreement if necessary The Investor has a direct control over the performance of the opera on: - By par cipa ng in general mee ngs and in the senior management of the Operator. - By exploi ng the port as an agent if necessary. - By entrus ng an independent law firm to be in charge of the monitoring and the repor ng on the proposal of the Agency. Interrela ons between actors The Investor deposits the funds in a dedicated bank account. The investor (s) proposed by the Agency are subject to CongoRiver Access’ approval. The exploita on of the port will enable the payments of the interests and dividends. If a management mandate is necessary, the Investor will be compensated. Role and remunera on of the Agency AIA Interna onal - The Agency is mandated to seek private funding. - It assists the investor: - For the se ng-up of the opera on - To choose the auditor in charge of the monitoring of the opera on - The Agency remains to be the consultant of the investor un l the term of the opera on, especially in valida ng and transmi ng of the repor ng and the no ce for the release of funds. - It receives from the investor as of the date of the execu on of their agreement, a compensa on of 5 % of the invested funds (that is to say 1% per annum). Term-sheet V.4 – May 2012 – Program : UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (USTH) – HANOI HOA LAC Amount Es mated 20,000,000 $US Objec ves Financing of the construc on of student accommo-da ons, in rela on with the crea on of a world-class public university based on educa on, research and innova on. It will provide science courses in the fields of biotechnology, aeronau cs and space sciences, oceanography, Informa on and Communica- on Sciences and Technol-ogy, etc. The University of Science and Technology Hanoi Hoa Lac (USTH) will be an establishment which will be able to accom-modate in its 160 – acre campus 8,000 students by 2020. Descrip on Students accommoda on will be located on the campus. Financial remunera on The remunera on of the investor will be provided by the rents. Responsibility & Guarantees This project has been ini ated by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam with the support of the highest State authori es of the French Republic, through an interna onal agreement. Dura on This program is a long term investment. Implementa on - Selec on of the program by the Investor and the confiden ality le er. - Planning of a mee ng between AIA, the Investor and the Operator; appointment of an auditor. - Valida on of the program by the Investor and execu on of the agree-ment with AIA. - Execu on of agreements: Investor / Opera-tor and Investor / Auditor - Payment of the funds in several installments Actors - Operator: University of Science and Tech-nology - Interna onal agreement between the French Republic and the Social-ist Republic of Vietnam. Independence The USTH will be a public university autonomous in its development strategy, financial management, organiza on and appointment of its managers etc Links between the actors The Investor is bound to the Operator by: - The lessor of the land will be the University (in sublease of the State). It has a legal autonomy and holds a long lease. - The University grants a lease to the Inves-tor. - There are plans to create a company in charge of the management of student accommoda ons. This company will be the tenant of the in-vestor. Interrela ons between actors - The Investor deposits the funds in a dedicated bank ac-count. - The investor (s) proposed by the Agency are subject to the USTH’s approval. - The exploita on of student accommoda ons will enable the payments of the interests and dividends. Role and remunera on of the Agen- - The Agency is in touch with the French Embassy who is the main operator of cy AIA Interna onal the opera on. - It assists the investor: - For the se ng-up of the opera on - To choose the auditor in charge of the moni-toring of the opera on - The Agency remains to be the consultant of the investor un l the term of the opera on, especially in valida ng and transmi ng of the repor ng and the no ce for the release of funds. - It receives from the investor as of the date of the execu on of their agreement, a compensa on of 5 % of the invested funds (that is to say 1% per annum). Term-sheet N° H 01 – May 2012 – Program : PARIS HISTORICAL PALACE Champs-Elysées – « Golden Triangle » Amount Asking price : 510,000,000 euros Objec ves Ideally located in the most wanted Paris Floor Area developed 16.500 Sq.m Accommoda on - 141 rooms, - 27 suites, - New presiden al suite on the top floor with private li and terrace offering a panoramic view over Paris. Other specifica ons - Nota The hotel is currently under complete renova on. The reopening is scheduled for late 2012 a er two years of work. Implementa on - Le er of interest by the Investor - Confiden ality le er between AIA and the Investor. - Planning of a mee ng between AIA, the Investor and the seller. Garden, Gourmet restaurant, Brasserie, Bar, Fitness & Spa Term-sheet N° H 02 – May 2012 – Program : FRENCH RIVIERA EXCLUSIVE ***** CHÂTEAU Amount Asking price : 230,000,000 euros Loca on The top loca on on the French Riviera Accommoda on 118 apartments : - 73 rooms, - 45 suites, 45 to 80 m² Other specifica ons - Magnificent 25-acre grounds (an official French Bird Protec on League / Birdlife Interna onal ornithological reserve) ; - Gourmet restaurant, - Poolside restaurant, - Bars, - Fitness & Spa - inside and outside pools - Art gallery Implementa on - Le er of interest by the Investor - Confiden ality le er between AIA and the Investor. - Planning of a mee ng between AIA, the Investor and the seller. United States of America Country: United States Organiza on: Capitol Ventures Project Name: 10A Media Holdings Industry: Film and Entertainment Sectors: Film and Music Par cipa ng organiza ons: Private Sector: Deal Under Discussion: Ci group Sony Pictures Entertainment Capitol Ventures/FE (Lender: $600m) (Joint Venture: Produc on Company) (Joint Venture: Owns Content) U.S. Federal/State Tax Credits (100% Return of Equity Investment) Deal Under Discussion: U.S. Federal Loan Guarantee (100% Guarantee of Principal and Interest) Par cipa ng Countries: United States Project Descrip on: Ten A-List Projects – Blockbuster Summer/Holiday Movies/Soundtracks (Ten Ac on Thrillers – 3 Franchises with 1 Grand Finale (10 Scripts complete)) (See Execu ve Summary – 2-pages a ached) Objec ves: $200m equity investment Public Sector: Deal Under Discussion: Semi-Public Sector: Expected Results: $400m equity return (incl. 100% investment return via tax credits)(w/3-5 year exit) Type of Financing: $600m debt and $200m+ tax credits (iden fied); $200m equity PPP requirements: LMI placement Ac on required: Simultaneous Closing (Lender, Guarantor, Studio/JV) Status: Proposed Closing Date – Friday, June 15, 2012 Country Ra ng: AAA/Fitch; AA+/S&P; Aaa/Moody’s Risk Assessment Notes: Risk Mi ga on – U.S. Federal/State Tax Credits (returns 100% equity) U.S. Federal Loan Guarantee (guarantees 100% debt) Due Diligence Review: IP Content and Plans – Owned, Completed and Available for Review (w/ NDA) Remarks: Profit Projec ons – $5 billion+ A top accoun ng firm (e.g. Deloi e & Touche) – will be tasked with alloca ng an amount of capital in tax incen ves equal to the equity investment to the equity investor; thereby making the investment and recoup a wash. Produc on costs – will be slashed by using same cast, crew, sets, loca ons, flashbacks, contracts, legal services, and shorter shoots in simultaneous/back-to-back digital filming of the three ac on thriller franchises and grand finale. (Profit Projec ons, Tax Incen ves, and Loan Guarantee – detailed in Strategic Plan). Pakistan f Abu Dhabi Group is one of the leading business conglomerates in the Middle East and the single largest foreign investor in Pakistan. The Group has extensive management exper se in a diversified set of businesses opera ng in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and the Middle East. The Group’s companies have over USD 10 billion in total assets deployed in Pakistan with investments in Banking and Financial Services through its companies Bank Alfalah, Alfalah Securi es and Alfalah GHP; in Insurance Services through Alfalah Insurance; in Telecommunica ons & Technology through Warid Telecom and Wateen Telecom; in Real Estate Development and Construc on through its company Taavun; in Healthcare Services through Al-Razi Health Care and in Mobile Financial Services through the recently formed company Monet. Abu Dhabi Group has been opera ng in Pakistan since 1997 and has made significant contribu ons toward development of many sectors in the country, directly through its companies as well as indirectly, posi vely affec ng the lives of millions of Pakistanis who experience group’s products & services, everyday, from fast & efficient banking transacons and solu ons, to high speed internet, to tailor made insurance solu ons to reliable mobile communica on to advanced diagnos c & preven ve techniques for healthcare. A A f t t f Investment Opportunities in Sindh, Pakistan Sindh is the second largest province of Pakistan with a population of 42 million having Karachi as financial hub of the country as its capital. There are tremendous opportunities of investment in Sindh in Energy, Urban Development, Livestock & Fisheries, Food & Beverages, Agro Processing & Mining sectors. Sindh Board of Investment provides platform for public private interaction, business partnerships and matchmaking. SBI has identified following key sectors and list of the projects from each sector for Investment promotion in Sindh. Agriculture and Agro Processing Projects: Agricultural economy of Sindh Province contributes 23% to country’s GDP. Keeping in view global food security concerns, its vast agriculture expanse has capacity to become region’s food basket. Introduction to technology, efficient irrigation systems and modern implements can help attain its true potential. Following Agro related investment projects are ready for investment. *XDYDDQG0DQJR3XOSLQJ3ODQW 'DWHV3URFHVVLQJ3DVWH3DVWH3ODQW $JUR([SRUW3URFHVVLQJ=RQH)DFLOLWLHV&$&ROG6WRUDJH(%HDP3ODQW /LYHVWRFN'DLU\)LVKHULHVDQG3RXOWU\ There is a huge potential in the Livestock, Dairy & Fisheries sector in Sindh. Pakistan ranks as 5th largest milk producer, with 38.69 billion litres produced annually out of which only a small fraction is processed. In the context of livestock, 28% buffaloes, 27% cattle, 24% sheep, 28% camels and 40% poultry population in Pakistan is found in Sindh. Being a major resourceful province of Pakistan. The potential of Halal Meat exports and the ever-rising gap between the demand and production of meat and milk makes Sindh’s a very lucrative investment destination. Following are the ready projects for investment in this sector. %KDPERUH'DLU\9LOODJH +DODO0HDW3DUN$EDWWRLU3URFHVVLQJFHUWLILFDWLRQ3DFNDJLQJ6WRUDJH 6KULPS$TXD&XOWXUH)DUP ,QIUDVWUXFWXUH The growing urban population in Sindh creates an ever-increasing demand for urban development and Infrastructure Projects. Infrastructure Development possesses tremendous potential to bridge the gap between rural and urban economy. The large urban centre of Karachi creates continuous opportunities for commercial ventures. The construction industry has shown great progress in recent years by undertaking various challenging projects. However, there still lies a large scope for following projects: %XV5DSLG7UDQVLW%57 .HHQMKDU/DNH5HVRUW .KDMRRU0DQGL.KDLUSXU (QHUJ\ Sindh with its proven reserves of oil & gas, coal, Gharo - Dhabeji wind corridor, and round the year sunshine is tipped as the Regional Power House of the future. Only Thar with 175 Billion tons of coal reserves offers 200,000 MW of electricity for 300 years. Wind corridor of Sindh is 60 km wide from Gharo till Kati Bandar and 180 km long up to Hyderabad with a potential of 50,000 MW. The annual radiation of 3000 hrs in Sindh has an endless potential for Solar energy. High return energy sector projects for foreign investors are: 7KDU&RDO0LQLQJ3RZHU3ODQW3URMHFWV :LQG3RZHU3URMHFW Bus Rapid Transit System For Karachi Thar Coal Mining & Power Generation Project Bhambore Dairy Village Dates Processing Market Analysis & Viability of the Project The major countries importing both fresh and dried dates from Pakistan are India, USA, UK, Canada, Germany, Denmark, Malaysia and Indonesia. Pakistan has the capacity to supply greater volume of high quality dates and by-products such as pitted/un-pitted whole dates, press dates bricks, dates syrup and dates paste. Dates for export are mainly sourced from Khairpur and Rohri, Sindh and from Turbat, Baluchistan. At present, exporters of Pakistan are getting a price of about US$ 660 per ton for fresh dates and US$ 350 per ton for dried dates whereas Israel, France and Tunisia are earning US$ 4480 per ton, US$ 2502 per ton and US$ 2008 per ton of their dates respectively, which depicts a large price differential. Pakistan, despite being a major dates producing country, has not realized its export potential. This highlights the vast potential of value addition in the dates sector by making appropriate technological interventions in pre & post-harvest management and processing. Process for Dates 5XUDO&ROOHFWLRQ&HQWHU &HQWUDO3URFHVVLQJ3ODQW %R['XPSLQJ5HFHLYLQJ$UHD 6KDNHU)HHG ,QVSHFWLRQ :DVKLQJ 'U\LQJ *UDGLQJ )XPLJDWLRQ 3DFNDJLQJ 3URFHVVLQJ/LQH 'DWH3DVWH/LQH 'ULHG'DWHV/LQH Location Major share of the production is claimed by Khairpur & adjoining area. Financial Details & Requirements with ROI Analysis: Project Cost on 25,000 Metric Tons Capacity Annually Total machinery and equipment cost Total cost of buildings Rs. 546,018,000 Rs. 409,500,000 $ 6,198,000 $ 4,500,000 3URGXFW$YHUDJH&RVW)UHVK'DWHV'ULHG'DWHV'DWH3DVWH'DWH6\UXS&KRSSHG Pitted Dates) Raw Material Cost Assumptions (Rs/ton) Rs. 22,750 $ 250 Profitability: Hours per day Fruit processed per day (@ 4 tons per hr) Volume With Yield Loss (20% Yield Loss of 25,000 Dates produced per day Number of production days Total Dates processed yearly Products Average price Assumptions. Revenues Cost Operating Income. 0DUJLQ 20 80 tons 5,000 tons 64 tons 26 25,000 tons Rs. 79,626 per ton $ 875 Rs. 1,592,500,000 $ 17,500,000 Rs. 1,088,087,000 $ 11,957,000 Rs. 504,413,000 $ 5,543,000 The story of Engro is one that has remained intertwined with the growth of the country. Ever since taking those first steps onto the local fer lizer industry, Engro has evolved into an influen al conglomerate known for its commitment to highest standards of quality and consistently delivering excellence in every aspect of our business. Many s ll marvel at what Engro has achieved in the last four decades. The discovery of Mari gas field by Esso/Mobil in 1957; and subsequently the establishment of Esso Pakistan Fer lizer Company in 1965 saw the humble beginning of the Engro story. With Esso being renamed ‘Exxon’ globally; the Company became Exxon Chemical Pakistan Limited. The business, however, con nued its growth trajectory and relentlessly pursued produc vity gains and professional excellence. The year 1991, marked a stepping stone in the history of the Company when Exxon decided to divest its fer lizer business and the employees of Exxon Chemical Pakistan Limited decided to buy out Exxon’s share – laying the founda on stone for Engro – a portmanteau for ‘Energy for Growth’ – and the forma on of Engro Chemical Pakistan Limited. Fuelled by our vision to be the premier Pakistani enterprise with a global reach, passionately pursuing value crea on for all stakeholders our investments in agriculture, foods, energy and chemicals are all designed to take advantage of Pakistan’s economic needs. Over the course of me we have made dedicated investments in our varied por olio of businesses through which we endeavor to enhance and enrich lives for millions of people in a mul tude of ways. Ever since the buyout in 1991, we have remained steadfast in ensuring excellence through innova on. In 1995, Engro collaborated with the Royal Vopak of Netherlands to launch Pakistan’s first cryogenic import facility for ethylene. Today, we provide the most safest and innova ve solu ons for storage and handling of oil products, liquid and gaseous chemicals, petrochemicals, bio-fuels, vegetable oils and liquefied natural gas (LNG) working round the clock to ensure that all chemicals reaching our ports are handled with utmost care and diligence and ith complete compliance with interna onal safety guide ines. Similarly, our petrochemicals business which was setup in 1997 made us the sole manufacturer of PVC resin in Pakistan. As the sole manufacturer of PVC, we con nue to contribute significantly towards the growth of our local industry through the provision of quality products and technical services. As one of the leading fer lizer manufacturer in Pakistan we had realized early on that in order to remain compe ve and fulfill the demand of the modern Pakistani farmer and his agricultural needs, a strong trading arm for import of phosphate-based fer lizers was important. The trading business was hence formed in 2003 with the objec ve to import phosphate based fer lizers and micro-nutrients but has since evolved into a regional player also dealing in rice export and import of palm oil and sugar for our subsidiaries. The story of our energy business is no different and goes hand in hand with our strategic intent to innovate and exceed our own benchmarks for excellence. Fuelled by our vision to make a substan al contribu on towards the energy sector we established a cu ng edge 220 megawa power plant in Qadirpur district. As the first ‘green’ power plant in the country that aims to reduce carbon emissions, the Qadirpur power plant u lizes permeate gas which was earlier being flared from the Qadirpur gas field. In 2005, we launched into the foods business – leveraging our vast experience in agriculture as a stepping stone to process and market dairy products, ice cream and fruit juices. Over a short span of 6 years we have established top quality brands like Olper’s, Omore, Olfrute, Olwell and Tarang which have come to exceed consumer expectaons and registered themselves as household brand names. Our phenomenal success in the local foods sector set the pace for our interna onal growth trajectory and translated into the acquisi on of Al-Safa – a well-established global Halal meat processing company opera ng across North America. In 2009, the Company decided to demerge its fer lizer business into an independent opera on named Engro Fer lizers Limited and consolidate the various business under the umbrella of Engro Corpora on Limited – which now serves as the holding Company for all Engro affiliates. Today, we remain country’s leading urea manufacturer and a sought a er name in the fer lizers manufacturing and marke ng industry with a wide range of brands including Engro Urea, Engro DAP, Engro Zorawar, Engro Zarkhez and Engro Zingro. Our fer lizer business also hosts the hallmark achievement of successfully establishing the world’s largest single-train ammonia urea manufacturing facility in Daharki – worth US$ 1.1 billion – the single largest private sector investment in Pakistan’s in- dustrial sector to date. Moving further in our efforts to boost Pakistan’s economic growth with an increased focus on enhancing the country’s power sector by u lizing the ample coal reserves in the Thar Desert – the world’s 7th largest coal reserves – we have established the Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company (SECMC) in collabora on with the Government of Sindh. According to es mates the Thar Desert has approximate coal reserves of 175 billion tons which translates into more than the aggregate oil reserves of Saudi Arabia & Iran and 68 mes more than Pakistan’s total gas reserves. Experts also maintain that the en re Thar coal reserves can be used to generate 100,000MW of electricity for over 200 years. The SECMC has been awarded the mine lease for Block II of Thar with a total exploitable reserve of 1.57 billion tons – sufficient to support 5,000 MW for 50 years. The quality of lignite available at Thar can be compared to some of the best quali es of lignite in the world which makes the development of the Thar mine more favorable. The large coal reserves in Sindh are a strategic energy resource that will not only guarantee energy security to Pakistan in the decades to come but will also result in significant cost savings through import subs tu on of expensive furnace oil and natural gas. According to es mates, the development of the Thar Block II alone will result in cumula ve savings of over USD 218 billion. Our immediate target is to start the mine construc on for the project by 2013 and achieve lignite produc on by 2016. The development cost of the Thar coal development project is es mated at USD 3 billion – the largest investment in the history of Pakistan to date. The objec ve of SECMC is to develop mining capacity of 6.5MT per annum and a consequent power plant capacity of 1,200MW in phase I with dedicated plans to achieve a lignite produc on of 22.8MT per annum and a total of 4,000MW of power genera on. The immediate benefit of the project will be produc on of electricity at a lower tariff as compared against furnace oil based plants. The development of Thar mining and power projects will not only guarantee energy security to the country but also result in the crea on of social assets; development of physical infrastructure; increase in economic ac vity and enhancement of related and non-related industries e.g. agriculture, livestock and dairy farming, etc. Engro’s commitment to the Thar coal project is one of ope and for tude, which will not only lead to the socio-economic development of the Thar region but also help development of coal mining and ancillary industries. With a planned spending of 2% of Profit before Tax (PBT) on community and social development programs, we aim to improve the socio-economic indicators of the region and reduce the burden on Public Sector Development Programs (PSDP). However, as we tread ahead for the success of the project it is impera ve to ensure comple on of the infrastructure projects along with mely esolu on of the circular debt of approximately Rs. 400 billion as at March 2012. As we forge ahead towards even greater success, we strongly believe that our passion for excellence will yield even greater success tomorrow. With a firm commitment to Pakistan, we stand poised to con nue our legacy of unrivalled rowth and are confident that the future will lead us to bigger and bolder opportuni es in all our core business areas Halal Meat Park KEENJHAR LAKE RESORT Khajoor Mandi Mango Processing Company Profile: The Government of Sindh has established Sindh Enterprise Development Fund to promote export based value addition/processing in the following areas: - Horticulture Fisheries/Aquaculture - Dairy Floriculture - Livestock Storage/Cool Chain - Poultry Our objective is to establish Food Processing Plant(s) for some of its strategic Agro products such as Dates; Guava; Mango; Tomato; Onion; Chillies and other vegetables at strategic locations such as Larkana for Guava & Tomato; Khairpur for Dates and Mirpurkhas region for Mango & Chillies as well as on the location of Agro Export Processing Zone near Karachi. Project Introduction: Pakistan is one of the world’s largest mango producers with an annual crop of around 1.73 million tones out of which Sindh produces 390,486 tones and exports 61,632 tones of mangoes. Mango pulp is a popular product in Pakistan and abroad Therefore, this project is an attractive investment opportunity. Process Flow for Mango Pulping is provided below: 1. 5. 8. Fruit Harvesting Refining Chemical Preservation (Storage at 5C) 2. 6. Sorting 3. Washing Acidification of pulp 7. Pasteurization 9. Freezing (Storage at -18C) 4. De-stoning Market Analysis & Viability of the Project: Mango pulps are important value added products having demand in both local and export markets. The local market of fruit juices, nectars and drinks has been growing at a very high rate during the past five years. Consequently, the demand for fruit pulps has also increased during this period. Location: Location of the facility between Hyderabad and Tando Allahyar will ensure proximity to raw material as well as to sea port of Karachi. Financial Details & Requirements with ROI Analysis: Project Cost: Total cost of land and building Total machinery and equipment cost Rs. 30,100,000 Rs. 235,000,000 $ 334,444 $ 2,611,111 Rs. 58,470 $ 650 Product Cost (mango pulp) Cost (Rs/ton pulp) Profitability Hours per day Fruit processed per day (@ 10 tons per hr) Pulp yield (from Sindhri) Pulp produced per day Number of production days Total pulp produced Mango pulp price Revenues Cost Gross Profit 16 160 tons 62% 99.2 tons 50 4,960 tons Rs. 75,000 per ton $ 833 per ton Rs. 372,000,000 $ 4,133,333 Rs. 290,011,200 $ 3,222,346 Rs.81,988,800 $ 910,986 SHRIMP AQUACULTURE FARM AT THATTA Wind Energy Fax: +971 4 39 23 332 Tel: +971 4 39 23 232