Puget Sound LiDAR Consortium
Puget Sound LiDAR Consortium
Request for Proposal GRCA-01-15 Orono Creek Stream Restoration Issued: September 14, 2015 Closing: September 21, 2015 At noon (12:00 PM) 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Background The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) has secured funding through the Ontario Community Environment Fund to enhance fish habitat in Orono Creek within Orono Park in partnership with the Municipality of Clarington. The grant facilitates the removal of cement pads and gabion baskets previously used to stabilize the stream bank, and restoration of the stream banks using bioengineering. The site, following construction, would have to be further enhanced with the planting of native woody plants with volunteers and the installation of interpretive signs. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK 2.1 Deliverables The overall project is made up of three (3) project sites as shown in Figure 1. Site 1 requires the removal of concrete pads, Site 2 require the removal of gabions, and Site 3 requires the stabilization of Orono Creek against the Sid Rutherford Trail. All sites will require some form of stream stabilization through bioengineering methods. The Contractor must follow detailed instructions, design and permit restrictions associated with the project. Detail of the works is included in Appendix 1. 2.2 Schedule The work as outlined within this Request for Proposal (RFP) must be completed by September 30, 2015. The GRCA shall review and accept/reject proposals within 1 day of the deadline following a thorough review by GRCA staff. 3.0 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Objective of Request for Proposal The RFP is not a contractual offer or commitment to purchase services. The RFP will qualify a Contractor to enter into an agreement to provide the requested services at the price described in the submitted proposal. Contractors must be bona-fide providers of the services requested using materials and equipment open for inspection by representatives of the GRCA. To be responsive to this request, proposals must conform to the procedures, format, and content requirements outlined in this RFP. Deviations from the requirements may be ground for disqualification. Request For Proposal GRCA-01-15 Orono Creek Stream Restoration 1|Page Barrier Removal Repair erosion along walking trail Regional Municipality of Durham Site 3 Not being done Northumberland County Project Site Within Wilmot Creek Site 2 Site 1 Cement Pad Removal Gabion Basket Removal Not being done Gabion Basket Removal Orono Park Creek Rehabilitation Project November 2013 ± 0 Tree and shrub planting to occur along the stream in the project areas (yellow) and where required. Figure 1 75 150 300 Meters 1:7,000 450 600 This map is for information purposes only and the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority takes no responsibility for, nor guarantees, the accuracy of the information contained within the map. Prepared by Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority: October 2013. Produced using information provided by the Ministry of Natural Resources, GRCA and other municipal sources Copyright (c) Queen's Printer, 2013 Project: Produced by: Approved by: 3.2 Proposal Submission Deadline An original and all copies of the RFP response must be received no later than 12:00 PM September 21, 2015 to Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority as noted in section 4.2 of this RFP. 3.3 Addenda to the Request for Proposals If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFP, an addendum will be provided to all who have been mailed or have picked-up this RFP. Respondents should contact the GRCA, following the instructions in Subsection 3.4 below, if they find inconsistencies or ambiguities. Any clarification given may become an addendum. 3.4 Requests for Information Any requests for clarification or additional information regarding this RFP shall be submitted via e-mail to Mark Peacock at the following address by 4:00 PM September 17, 2015. Mark Peacock, P.Eng. mpeacock@grca.on.ca (905) 885-8173 phone (905) 885-9824 fax All requests for information received prior to the deadline will be answered via e-mail and copies of the questions and answers will be forwarded to all prospective consultants who have formally requested a copy of this RFP and have provided their e-mail addresses. 3.5 Duly Authorized Signature The original proposal must contain the signature of a duly authorized officer or an agent of the Contractor. 3.6 Respondent Responsibility for Proposal Costs The Contractor shall be fully responsible for all proposal development and submission costs. The GRCA does not assume any contractual obligations as a result of the issuance of this RFP, the preparation or submission of a proposal by a Contractor, the evaluation of an accepted proposal, or the selection of any finalists. 3.7 Economy of Proposal Proposals should be prepared simply and economically and give a straightforward and concise description of the Contractor’s capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the project. Special bindings, coloured displays, etc. are not necessary. Emphasis should be placed on completeness and clarity of content. 3.8 Content of Proposals The Contractor shall provide the following information in the proposal: Describe previous experience undertaking in-water and stream restoration works or affiliated activities; Provide proof of insurance (two million liability), and WSIB clearance certificate; Request For Proposal GRCA-01-15 Orono Creek Stream Restoration 3|Page Describe the equipment to be deployed to undertake the work; List all staff resources to be used and their experience in undertaking this type of work; List the hourly rate of equipment and all personnel to be employed in the different sites of the project; Describe any subcontracting being proposed, their role and qualifications to undertake that role; Provide a minimum of 2 references. The Contractor’s duly authorized officer or agent shall certify in writing that: The Contractor’s proposal is genuine; not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, firm, or corporation; and is not submitted in conformity with and agreement of rules of any group, association, organization, or corporation; The Contractor has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal; The Contractor has not solicited or induced any other person, firm, or corporation to refrain from proposing; The Contractor has not sought by collusion to obtain for himself/herself any advantage over any other proposer. It is recommended that the Contractor arrange with the GRCA to visit the site prior to submission of this RFP to determine appropriate equipment to be used for the completion of the work. 3.9 Proposal Changes or Withdrawal A Contractor may withdraw or modify its proposal any time before the proposal due date by a written request, signed in the same manner and by the same person who signed the proposal. 3.10 Acceptance of Request for Proposal Content Provision of the RFP and the contents of the successful response are considered available for inclusion in final contractual obligations. The GRCA retains the option of cancelling the award or selecting another offer or if the successful Contractor fails to accept such obligations. 3.11 Contractor Qualifications Contractors must submit evidence that they have relevant past experience and have previously delivered services similar to the ones required (as noted in Section 3.8 above). Each Contractor may also be required to show that it has satisfactorily performed similar work in the past and that no claims of any kind are pending against such work. No proposal will be accepted from a Contractor that is engaged in any work that would impair its ability to perform or finance this work. Request For Proposal GRCA-01-15 Orono Creek Stream Restoration 4|Page 3.12 Hourly Rate Respondents shall provide an hourly rate cost to perform all work requested in this RFP (as noted in Section 3.8 above). In the event an agreement on cost cannot be negotiated, the GRCA reserves the right to negotiate with an alternative Contractor. 3.13 Right to Reject Proposals The GRCA reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any formality in proposals received, to accept or reject any or all the items in the proposal, and award the contract in whole or in part if it is deemed in the GRCA’s best interest. 3.14 Subconsulting and Equipment Purchases Responsibility Proposals must indicate all items of work or service that will be performed by subcontractors and identify the sub-contractors’ qualifications and service they will perform. Proposals shall also describe the subconsulting organization and the contractual arrangements made therewith. All sub-contractors will be subject to approval by the GRCA. The selected Contractor will also furnish the corporate or company name and the names of officers or principals of said companies proposed as sub-contractors. The GRCA will consider the selected Contractor to be soley responsible in all contractual matters, including payment of any and all changes resulting from sub-contractor contracts. The selected Contractor shall cause appropriate provision of its proposal to be inserted in all ensuing subcontracts to ensure fulfillment of all contractual provisions by subcontractors. The GRCA will hold the selected Contractor directly responsible for the quality, integrity, and delivery of all product deliverables specified in this RFP. 3.15 Access Agreements The GRCA shall determine land ownership encompassing contract sites and as required and obtain site access permission. 3.16 Complete Services/Products The selected Contractor shall be required to: Furnish all tools, equipment, supplies, supervision, transportation, and other accessories, services and facilities. Provide and perform all required labour. Work with GRCA staff to complete restoration tasks. Allow the GRCA to inspect the Contractors facilities and equipment. Execute and complete all specified work with due diligence, in accordance with good technical practice and the requirements, stipulations, provisions, and conditions of this RFP and the resultant contract. 3.17 Invoicing and Payment Schedule There will be no payment to Contractors for the work related to and material supplied in the preparation of responses to this RFP. Request For Proposal GRCA-01-15 Orono Creek Stream Restoration 5|Page Services deliverable under the agreement shall be submitted to the GRCA according to a schedule to be agreed upon with the GRCA. Upon acceptance of each submission by the GRCA, the Contractor may submit invoices for payments in accordance with a schedule to be negotiated. Invoices shall be submitted to: Pam Lancaster Stewardship Technician Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority 2216 County Road 28 Port Hope, ON L1A 3V8 3.18 Insurance Requirements The selected Contractor will be required to provide proof of insurance (two million liability, and WSIB clearance certificate, and to have the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority and the Municipality of Clarington named as additional insured on their General Liability Insurance policy. Specific insurance coverage and amounts will be determined during negotiations. 3.19 Ownership of Data All products, data, information, findings and documents prepared or obtained under the terms of this RFP shall become the exclusive property of the GRCA, and the Municipality of Clarington. 4.0 SELECTION / CONTRACTING PROCESS 4.1 Evaluation Criteria All proposals will be evaluated by a Contractor Evaluation Committee (CEC) made up of qualified persons from the GRCA, and others. Additional technical input may be used from an independent Consultant. Selection will be made based on technical qualifications and approach as well as overall project cost. Rating criteria will include: Project Cost Relevant experience of firm in similar projects Relevant experience of assigned staff in similar projects References responses 4.2 Contractor Response Proposals must be submitted directly to the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority and must be received no later than 12:00 PM September 21, 2015. Original to following address: Pam Lancaster Stewardship Technician Request For Proposal GRCA-01-15 Orono Creek Stream Restoration 6|Page Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority 2216 County Road 28 Port Hope, ON L1A 3V8 All proposal materials submitted will automatically become the property of the GRCA, which reserves the right in its sole discretion to use without limitation any and all information, concepts, and data contained therein. Respondents should contact only those persons specifically designated for information about the status of this procurement following proposal submission. Disregarding this directive may disqualify the proposal involved. 4.3 Contractor Evaluation The GRCA will use the Evaluation Criteria listed in section 4.1, to rate and rank the submitted proposals that are found to be responsive to all major requirements of this RFP. Quality of response to each RFP point as set forth herein, will be rated, and a comparative qualitative ranking of all proposals will be developed based on a composite rating of each one. The GRCA shall make the final selection of the Contractor on/or near September 22, 2015. 4.4 Selection / Notification After the GRCA has made the final selection, all Contractors submitting proposals shall be notified of the results of the selection process on/or near September 22, 2015. 4.5 Agreement Preparation After the Contractor has been chosen and notified, the Contractor will prepare three copies of a standard contractor agreement. The GRCA and Contractor will review and sign the originals providing one to the Contractor, and one to the GRCA. Request For Proposal GRCA-01-15 Orono Creek Stream Restoration 7|Page Appendix 1: Details of Work GENERAL NOTES: The following is a list of applicable notes to all Items; any resulting cost is deemed to be included in the proposal budget. a) Excavation for all items shall be completed in accordance with the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and Regulations for Construction Projects. All works required to restore anything damaged by the Contractor’s operations outside the specified limits will be considered part of the site restoration. b) The Contractor shall satisfy himself, by a site examination, with the conditions of the site and the extent of the work that is required. c) The Contractor shall be required to obtain locates for all utilities to be found in the work area. When utilities are encountered within the excavation, the Contractor shall excavate the material around the utility with caution and use manual labour to avoid damage to the underground utility. In cases such as above, after completing the excavation, the utility must be covered as specified by the utility company. d) The Contractor must use the appropriate compaction equipment to obtain the required compaction, but shall use extreme caution so as not to cause damage to the abutting properties. e) All excavated materials shall be loaded onto Municipality of Clarington equipment or stockpiled as specified by the Municipality of Clarington. The cost of disposal is not part of the cost of this proposal. f) WHMIS Training will be a requirement. All employees of Contractors must be properly trained. g) The Contractor is to be known as the “Operator” with respect to Commercial Vehicle Operator Registration (CVOR) legislation, as defined in the Highway Traffic Act. h) The Contractor shall be alert during excavation to the possibility of encountering artifacts or other objects of archaeologic and cultural value. In such event, the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) will direct the Contractor to proceed with work in other areas, to enable the appropriate Ministry to investigate. i) Control of Orono Park activities will be the responsibility of the Municipality of Clarington. Should the contractor be aware of any users of the park accessing the construction area, all construction activities shall cease and the Municipality of Clarington shall be contacted. MOBILIZATION, DEMOBILIZATION AND SITE PREPARATION Work deemed to be included in an hourly price for this work which shall be as follows: a) b) c) Loading, transporting, and unloading all necessary equipment at the site. At each site the Contractor shall establish an equipment storage and staging area. This area shall be approved by the engineer. The area shall be at least 3.0 metres away from Orono Creek. Where required supply, place, and maintain a 1.2 metre high snow fence, supported by steel T rails at 3.0 metre centres, around the equipment staging Appendix 1, Request For Proposal GRCA-01-15 Orono Creek Stream Restoration 1|Page d) e) f) and storage area. The snow fence shall delineate the construction area and shall prevent public access onto the construction site. Establish and maintain any erosion and sediment controls that may be required to prevent sediment from entering Orono Creek due to equipment storage/staging. Provide suitable means of protecting asphalt surfaces and utilities during the work. Loading and transporting from the site all equipment and materials used during the contract that do not form a part of the constructed works. The contractor must submit a sketch to the GRCA detailing the proposed storage/staging area. The contractor must not commence access to the site prior to receiving written authorization from the GRCA. SUPPLY AND INSTALL SILTATION CONTROLS Supply and installation of erosion control will be the responsibility of the GRCA. Site 1: Remove Concrete Pads and Excavate to Allow Placement of Revetments This specification covers the requirements for the removal of concrete pads and excavation to allow placement of revetments. This works shall consist of the following: a) Remove the existing concrete pads and load them into Municipality of Clarington equipment for disposal. b) Excavate, grade, and trim the area as may be required to prepare the area for the construction of the revetment works. Excess fill may be re-used with GRCA approval, or loaded, hauled and disposed of off site. c) Place stones or other material, as required and directed by the GRCA as part of the construction of the revetment works. d) GRCA staff shall be responsible for the placement of woody material within the revetment works. e) Backfill any areas adjacent to the works with suitable excavated materials stockpiled from b) above, if available. f) The control and management of water within the working area as may be required and as approved in writing by the GRCA. Site 2B Remove Existing Gabions and Excavate to Allow Placement of Revetments This specification covers the requirements for the removal of gabions and excavation to allow placement of revetments. This works shall consist of the following: a) Remove the existing gabions and load them into Municipality of Clarington equipment for disposal. The Contractor may be required to separate reusable stones from steel meshing of the gabions. Appendix 1, Request For Proposal GRCA-01-15 Orono Creek Stream Restoration 2|Page b) Excavate, grade, and trim the area as may be required to prepare the area for the construction of the revetment works. Excess fill may be re-used with the GRCA approval, or loaded, hauled and disposed of offsite. c) Place stones or other materials as required and directed by the GRCA as part of the construction of the revetment works. This may include backfilling of bioengineered crib walls. d) GRCA staff shall be responsible for the placement of woody material within the revetment works. e) Backfill any areas adjacent to the works with suitable excavated materials stockpiled from b) above, if available. f) The control and management of water within the working area as may be required and as approved in writing by the GRCA. Site 4 Prepare Erosion Site for Placement of Stream Restoration Works and Install Crib Wall This specification covers the requirements for preparation of Orono Creek bank requiring erosion control adjacent to the Sid Rutherford Trail and construction of a bioengineered crib wall. This works shall consist of the following: a) Excavate, grade, and trim the area as may be required to prepare the area for the construction of erosion works. b) Construct/install bioengineered crib wall under the direction of the GRCA. c) Place stones as directed by the GRCA as part of the construction of the rehabilitation works. This will include backfilling of bioengineered crib wall. d) The Contractor shall be responsible for the placement of woody material within the crib wall. e) Backfill any areas adjacent to the works with suitable excavated materials stockpiled from a) above, if available. f) The control and management of water within the working area as may be required and as approved in writing by the GRCA. SITE RESTORATION This specification covers the requirements for the supply of all labour and equipment for the restoration of the construction area. Work deemed to be included in an hourly price for this work which shall be as follows: a) Loading and transporting from the site all equipment and materials used during the contract that do not form a part of the constructed works. b) All areas disturbed during construction are to be restored as directed by the GRCA. Appendix 1, Request For Proposal GRCA-01-15 Orono Creek Stream Restoration 3|Page